Hoonah Schools Newsletter

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Hoonah Schools Newsletter Hoonah Schools Newsletter !"#$"%&"'()*$+&"',-./0, !"#$%&'()*+%,#*-.(%/#(0*1(23-%/4(%*2#(%3(15%/#6(#7#68%/*-14(%*2#(%3(9##$(0:+8&( !;<%&'("/5-5=()*+.(%/#(23-%/(%3(13(%3(%/#(23:-%5*-+(%3(1#%(23:-%5*-(135%&(( ! ! Welcome to a New Year at Hoonah [(($!.#'8'(!%(($!#.((-(=**W!X"%.!%(9&!.*6!2*4&!%&)&WY:! City Schools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B2.!1$)(#$:!(,7!$%&!-($&)'!*+!G()$3&$$!0*9&!$*!%&)(37!#,!$%&! /6,(!A3#,=#$!)&$6),!$*!%*4&3(,78!!! ! O*33*-#,=!(!2&,$6)#&'P*37!$)(7#$#*,:!'$67&,$'!A%&*7*)&! Q33#*$$:!R&(%!H*'':!(,7!I&)).!"%#$&:!BBB!2(33&7!*6$!$*!$%&! (55)*(2%#,=!<*($'!SF(7T*!'U-VW!X"%*!()&!.*6WY:!! **************012*13#%#* Z**7U>!((!.((D-!'U-VW!!X"%&)&!#'!$%#'!2(,*&!+)*4WY:!! B(,!I*%,'*,!N%*$*! !"#$%&'($')$'(*!+,$!!-.$+ /%0,+)%1+#2+/0%)+!3-45+ Greetings from your School Board! ! The board held a retreat during August in order "#$%&''(! to reflect on the past year and prepare for this school year. Jerry Covey served as our !"#$%&"'()$*'+%',$-%%#.' facilitator. We accomplished our annual evaluation of Superintendent PJ Ford Slack, /#")0"'$%&"')12'3%41'50'6%7'87")*6)0+'%1' who received high ratings from the board in all 9%12):'&%7141;0')+'<=>>'?9')12'+-"1'6%##%@'50'+%'+-"'?#5&14' areas. We feel extremely fortunate to have Dr. A:&')0'@"'041;')12'2)1$"'%57'@):'41+%'")$-'@""*B'CD"7:%1"'40' PJ’s expertise and leadership. We also completed a board self-evaluation that pointed @"#$%&"B' out some areas for improvement. And we also set a major board goal for this year. E%%1)-'F4+:',$-%%#0'40'-)D41;')1')&)G41;'0+)7+'+%'+-40':")7H0' 0$-%%#'+"7&B'I+'-)0'8""1'J4*%%2G4K'L7%&'+-"'8")5+465#'M51))',-5*)H' Our board goal is to enlist the help of the E44H+'2"24$)+4%1'+%'NE":'E":'E":O''4+'40'1%'P)72:'P5"02):.'+-41;0' community in prioritizing school programs. We have heard that our state legislature will be )7"'-)QQ"141;')+'E%%1)-'F4+:',$-%%#0B'F%&"')12'&""+'97B' considering a major cut in education funding for !)+*410')12'3%41'+-"'651B' next school year. We as a board must plan for the worst-case funding scenario while hoping !"#$%&&''&")10'+%'Q7"Q)7"':%570"#6')12'+-)+'40'@-)+'E%%1)-'F4+:' that it will not become a reality. The board feels ,$-%%#0'242'67%&'?5;50+'RST'?5;50+'UVB'?##'0+)66.'41$#5241;'+-"' that it is essential to engage the students, the parents, and the community in the discussion of 05Q"741+"12"1+.')12')##'0+52"1+0'@"7"'+)5;-+.'J41;4+'0%1;0'8:'970B' priorities so that we can provide the best !74;-+')12'JH;"4*4'/%@"##B'!-)+'651'+%'0+)7+')12'"12'")$-'2):'@4+-' possible education for our students if faced with 041;41;')12'2)1$41;B',%'8:'+-"'+4&"'?5;50+'UV+-')774D"2'@"'@"7"' inadequate funding. Q7"Q)7"2B'W%':%5'*1%@'-%@')&)G41;':%57'$-4#27"1')7"X'P-":'@"7"' During our September meeting the board $-""765#.'674"12#:.'7"0Q"$+65#.'3%:%50'6%7'%D"7'R<'-%570'%1'+-)+'2):B' approved the final reading of the last remaining A4D"'+-"&'84;'-5;0B'!"'@%5#2')#0%'#4*"'+%')$*1%@#"2;"'+-"'@%7*' section of our policy manual. This brings to a %6'9)7:'("+-'9%00B',-"'40')'Q)7"1+')12')2D%$)+"'6%7'%5+0+)1241;' close a yearlong process of updating all sections of the manual, guaranteeing that outdated "25$)+4%1B'P%'Y5#4"'Y)$*0%1.'(%8',+)78)72.')12'W)7#"1"',"".'@"' sections are now both current and relevant. +-)1*':%5'6%7')##'%6':%57'@%7*'+%@)720'+-40'@%12"765#'"D"1+B' By the time you read this column, elections will W42':%5'*1%@'+-)+'970B'!74;-+')12'90B'/%@"##'@"7"'41D4+"2'+%')' have taken place and we will be welcoming new #)1;5);"'41+"104D"')+'Z?L'$)&Q50'+-40'05&&"7X'P-":')7"')$+5)##:' members to the board. We will be honoring outgoing members of the board during our D"7:'6)&%50')12'7"Q7"0"1+'E%%1)-'0%'@"##B'90B'/%@"##'-)0'8""1' regular meeting on October 27th. $-%0"1')0')'J)1;5);"')12'F5#+57"'L"##%@'8:'L470+'?#)0*)10'+%' )++"12')'+@%T@""*'41+"104D"'Q7%;7)&')+',+)16%72'Z14D"704+:B',-"' As always, I encourage anyone with concerns about the school to email me at @4##'@%7*'@4+-'%+-"7'?#)0*)10.')0'@"##')0'9)%74')12'E)@)44)1' [email protected] or call or text me #)1;5);"'#")2"70B'' on my cell phone (907-209-0996). Gunalcheesh! CD"1'@4+-'+-"'#";40#)+57"0'Q7%Q%0"2'$5+0'+%'"25$)+4%1'%57'J")7141;' $%&&514+:.'@4+-':%57'-"#Q.'@4##'$%1+415"'+%'%66"7'"[$"##"1$"'41' Bob Hutton "25$)+4%1'41')'0&)##'0)6".'$5#+57"' HCS Board President $"1+"7"2'0$-%%#B' Note: newly-elected School Board members are !"))*+,--.!/01!213456)).017!!!!! Heidi Jewell and Jamie Erickson. Appointed by the Board at the October 25th meeting was Dillon Styers. !"#$%"#&'()&#*'#+'%,# ! *'&"*-"%.# ' ()*+,-+ !" Principal’s Welcome 15%48@%:#?"%J@")(-8')%8$%68'6"$')%(:#(%#$-)"%#(%#'4%(-,"*% 7."#)"%/8%'8(%:")-(#("%(8%3-?"%48@$%6:-./G)%("#6:"$%8$%,"%#% from Ralph Watkins 6#..A%%1%.88>%58$C#$/%(8%:#?-'3%#%.8'3%#'/%$"C#$/-'3% $".#(-8'):-7%C-(:%48@%#'/%48@$%5#,-.4A%1%#,%.88>-'3%58$C#$/% !"#$%&#$"'()*%+#,-.-")%#'/% (8%C8$>-'3%C-(:%48@%#'/%48@$%)(@/"'(%#)%C"%C8$>%(8C#$/%#'% +$-"'/)*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% #6#/",-6#..4%)@66"))5@.%)6:88.%4"#$A% N")7"6([email protected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email protected]%2".-"?"%(:#(%68,,@'-6#(-8'%-)%(:"%>"4%(8%#%)@66"))5@.% Getting to Know Our Principal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