AUSTRALIA’S SPORTING MAGAZINE Next THE LEA BOUND P p HOW N NA #320 AUG 2018 • NZ $10.99 $9.99 08 Jack Newton Ultimate W TALKING GOLF WITH A THE FIGHT IN RO 9 771037 164003 CLASSIC CHARACTER WHITTAKER HOW DISTANCE SHOULD FEEL THIS IS THE FUTURE OF IRON PERFORMANCE. Rogue pushes the limits of distance and feel. Multi-material iron construction allows 360 Face Cups with a thinner face to deliver incredible ball speed with forgiveness. With new Urethane 0LFURVSKHUHV\RXQHYHUVDFUL¿FHIHHOIRUGLVWDQFH CALLAWAYGOLF.COM.AU EDITOR'S LETTER TM AUSTRALIA’S SPORTING MAGAZINE SINCE 11 ITH THE culmination of the World Cup seem trivial, but no less than saying Ronaldo and and our national football codes entering his ilk kick a piece of leather. W the stretch run of their seasons, there’s When does a minor pastime make the transition EDITOR Jeff Centenera been no shortage of big-time sport going around. to “important” sport in the public’s mind? I couldn’t jcentenera@insidesport You’ll see plenty of material from those fronts shake the question when reading about another this month, but it’s one of the World Cup this month – for ART DIRECTOR Allan Bender strengths of Inside Sport that it BEST QUOTE IN THE dodgeball. Yes, the game best
[email protected] can reach beyond the sporting MAG THIS MONTH: known for the eponymous movie, mainstream to its edges. or American TV shows about ASSISTANT EDITOR Indeed, it’s been a core part of school PE traumas. James Smith
[email protected] the magazine’s identity, from its Dodgeball’s familiar outlines earliest days, that we regard sport “Ithinkalotof have been shaped into an honest- CONTRIBUTING WRITERS as a broad church.