Siddharth Kara | 320 pages | 21 Feb 2011 | Press | 9780231139618 | English | New York, United States : Inside the Business of Modern Slavery PDF Book

Kara describers here the reasons in the legal side that create hardship in the attempt to combat that sex trafficking. Purchasing options are not available in this country. The stories in the book will break your heart and will you make say, "enough". I don't really care that you spent an entire night in your car staking out one bridge. Subsequently, in the first journey of its kind, he traveled across four continents to investigate these crimes and take stock of their devastating human toll. There are three steps to the process: acquisition, movement and exploitation 5. Of course, this isn't a scholarly journal article; it is a book meant for much wider consumption beyond the academic community. Appendix B Contemporary Slavery Economics. In addition, to avoid bribery and other forms of undermining law enforcement, he feels it is vital to improve the pay of trafficking authorities including judges and prosecutors. Of these ninety-five total cases, only sixteen involved prison time. Apr 18, Molly rated it it was amazing Shelves: , nonfiction , sex-and-gender. Kara argues the demand for sex slaves is very vulnerable. There is no cited evidence of a spike in kidnapping, rape, or false imprisonment of women. Given the US has no jurisdiction beyond its own borders, it is an extreme non-intuitive leap to claim it is responsible for sex trafficking in other countries. The only thing I did not find compelling is his suggestion that the IMF has impoverished the world. It was a great book! In some areas he admits it was extremely difficult to get anyone to talk on record, let alone find any substantive evidence with which to present in the book. Kara analyzes the industry of sex-trafficking, calculating the growth rate, revenue, drivers of demand and supply. International Development. I liked how it broke it up into section and told how the trade was different in different parts of the country. Dec 14, Alex Timberman rated it it was amazing Shelves: economics , nonfiction , politics-and-government. The second fault is that he places himself too deeply into the story at points. I feel more aware. My mind just couldn't grasp all of it not for the lack of the intelligence, but for the lack of education and understanding of both fields if that makes sense. Noam Perry, Human Rights Review. More filters. Kara holds a law degree from England, an M. Enlarge cover. Kirk Douglas Sex trafficking is a crime that shames us all. In the United States, it is around 1. Kara therefore argues for at least 12 months of paid witness protection for victims and their families to avoid intimidation or outright murder. Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery Writer

Of these ninety-five total cases, only sixteen involved prison time. Availability RSVP. Where it is most prevalent, the societies view women as less than human. After years of witnessing slavery and meeting with slaves, Siddharth Kara illuminates one of our most pressing human rights issues. It's powerful and this are the parts of the story I liked best because I didn't have an informa 3. Can't say it was fun to read, but it made me interested in learning more about other forms of , so that's a good sign! Finally, his proposed solutions are both simplistic and utopian. This was the worst book I have ever read. Thoroughly enjoyed it albeit reading about the torturous stories of the numerous victims involved in the sex trafficking industry. Kara stresses the importance of targeted, proactive raids on centers of such criminal activity. Rating details. Acquisition of slaves takes place in five ways: deceit slaves in refugee camps , sale of family, abduction, seduction or romance false marriages , or recruitment by former slaves. India and Nepal 3. He witnessed firsthand the sale of human beings into slavery, interviewed over four hundred slaves, and confronted some of those who trafficked and exploited them. Simply put, if it wasn't so profitable, it wouldn't be nearly so widespread. To stop trafficking in the wholesale category, border patrol and prosecution is being used; again the impact is small due to the inability to securely watch the borders, as well as corruption with border patrol, as well as limited resources to persecute and weak witness protection. There is no cited evidence of a spike in kidnapping, rape, or false imprisonment of women. In that case, we can't Finally, he identifies the sectors of the sex trafficking industry that would be hardest hit by specifically designed interventions and recommends the specific legal, tactical, and policy measures that would target these vulnerable sectors and help to abolish this form of slavery, once and for all. I was very interested in knowing more about this subject so I decided to read the first book I found about it. The stories presented here do not make happy reading, but this is the reality for over a million girls and women on our planet today. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Not that I didn't find it interesting, but the points Kara makes are the type you would find in a business or econmic paper, not surprising considering his background. If forced liberalization of closed economies exacerbate sexual slavery, why don't poor countries in Latin America and Africa have similar problems? Sort order. Siddharth does a great job exploring the aspects of culture in different regions that contributed to the development and perpetuation of trafficking. He set aside his corporate career to pursue anti-slavery research, advocacy, and writing, and, more recently, a law degree. Here is the quote: "Historic factors in each of these geographic regions helped promote sex slavery, namely: extreme poverty, severe gender bias, and acute minority disenfranchisement. In fact, the desire for younger and younger girls is increasing due to the spread of AIDS. In this book, Kara provides a riveting account of his journey into this unconscionable industry, sharing the moving stories of its victims and revealing the shocking conditions of their exploitation. The stories he shares of former slaves will make you sick with anger and sadness. In this model, adhiya receive half of their revenues and the other half goes to her pimp. I think our main problem is that we get impatient and don't fully think out cultural differences before trying to export our ideas. More Details Best for. Siddharth Kara presents a journalistic perspective of international human trafficking. New arrivals. Jul 03, Robin rated it it was amazing. While this is a difficult book to read because of the brutal subject matter, it gives a clear picture of the workings of human trafficking in various areas of the world. Even Lydia Cacho's Slavery Inc does a better job of focusing on the socio- economic factors of the sex slave trade. Dec 09, Danielle rated it it was amazing. Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery Reviews

Foreign Policy. Kara's prose gets a bit overwrought at times, but given the subject matter he is exploring, I can forgive that. This does not diminish the fact that it is highly informative and I believe important to understanding the complexity of trafficking and the overall full picture. When I read a couple of the notes in the back, I was disappointed to find some of the most dramatic trafficking numbers are rough estimates on his part. View 2 comments. He personally saw this in a particular brothel when prices rose. Works Cited. Until the underlying cultural attitudes change, new laws won't do much. Anyone with even a shred of respect for human dignity should read this book. Some stories broke my heart, I find it so absurd that it still exists in this modern age we live in, but it was very eye opening. He says only 4. Despite his warning in the introduction concerning the first chapter, I found the last chapter to be the most techical and number filled. Subsequently, in the first journey of its kind, he traveled across four continents to investigate these crimes and take stock of their devastating human toll. How should someone start against such a heinous crime when our leaders turn their backs or governments condone the practice? One one hand, it was extremely well researched and written. I initially read this text in the process of developing a training on trafficking for mental health profe Siddharth Kara presents a journalistic perspective of international human trafficking. In this book, Kara provides a riveting account of his journey into this unconscionable industry, sharing the moving stories of its victims and revealing the shocking conditions of their exploitation. I would recommend this book to anyone who wants to expand their world view and doesn't mind getting outside of their comfort zone. However, I doubt his proposed international slavery inspection force will work due to the clash of values that occurs any time many different cultures are brought together in one organization. There are three steps to the process: acquisition, movement and exploitation 5. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Jacqueline Bhabha, Harvard Law School Siddharth Kara has done a great service by laying bare the realities of sexual exploitation of women and girls around the world and the scale of this modern slavery. They have choice over clients but understand that they have to make a certain level of money. He draws on his background in finance, economics, and law to provide the first ever business analysis of contemporary slavery worldwide, focusing on its most profitable and barbaric form: sex trafficking. He draws on his background in finance, economics, and law to provide the first ever business analysis of contemporary slavery worldwide, focusing on its most profitable and barbaric form: sex trafficking. Share this Event. Everyone should read this book: it will change the way we think about our world. It also provided a good look into how different other cultures can be in how they treat women, view slavery, etc. As the costs of being a sex-slave owner retailer are elevated, the slave owner must either forfeit profit or raise price, in either scenario demand drops His next book is more focused on human slavery in terms of slave labor, where this was an explanation of the global sex trade.

Sex Trafficking: Inside the Business of Modern Slavery Read Online

In addition, many of the countries that adopted these awful policies have seen dramatic drops in poverty and are now much more stable then they were after the Soviet Collapse. Padraig Carmody, Irish Times An eloquent, campaigning book that addresses an evil that belittles our humanity. Reviews Review Policy. Availability RSVP. Again, I didn't know this kind of slavery existed until a year or so ago and I can't quite believe it. Kara estimates that the total annual number of individuals trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation is between , and ,, out of the total number of annual human trafficked victims of 1. Kara argues the demand for sex slaves is very vulnerable. Nevertheless, it's still worth reading: if enough people are aware of and disturbed by the problem, maybe somebody somewhere will come up with a workable solution. It also provided a good look into how different other cultures can be in how they treat women, view slavery, etc. Zoe Trodd, An impressive, scholarly book that will prove an asset for the global anti-trafficking movement in the next decade. During the ritual, the woman is made to swear oath to repay her debt, never to report to the police, and never to discuss the nature of her trip with anyone. The first is acquisition which most commonly occurs by deceit, seduction, or sometimes even sale by family. Every year, hundreds of thousands of women and children are abducted, deceived, seduced, or sold into forced prostitution, coerced to service hundreds if not thousands of men before being discarded. So skip this book. More Details Each factor was important to the accretion of the supply of contemporary sex slaves. Subsequently, in the first journey of its kind, he traveled across four continents to investigate these crimes and take stock of their devastating human toll. Every year, hundreds of thousands of women and children are abducted, deceived, seduced, or sold into forced prostitution, coerced to service hundreds if not thousands of men before being discarded. Kirk Douglas Sex trafficking is a crime that shames us all. The author actually travels to the regions and countries in the book so his research is right on. I'd highly recommend this book to anyone desiring a stop to modern slavery, people interested in other cultures, and to all women especially feminists. Police and local officials take bribes, to ignore the forced prostitution, rape and abuse taking place. The author does suggest several practical things an individual can do to help. Health and Medicine. If they misbehaved, arms were broken. Employing his comprehensive research throughout his talk, Siddarth Kara begins by explaining that sex trafficking is the most profitable form of slavery. There are three steps to the process: acquisition, movement and exploitation 5. One of the best parts of this book is its explanation about how trafficking continues; instead of appealing to the heart alo Anyone with even a shred of respect for human dignity should read this book. He really wants to show the world what is happening, how it is for millions of women and girls- mostly young girls, sadly enough. The stories presented here do not make happy reading, but this is the reality for over a million girls and women on our planet today. How should someone start against such a heinous crime when our leaders turn their backs or governments condone the practice? He set aside his corporate career to pursue anti-slavery research, advocacy, and writing, and, more recently, a law degree. Kara's prose gets a bit overwrought at times, but given the subject matter he is exploring, I can forgive that. In this model, adhiya receive half of their revenues and the other half goes to her pimp. Published on. Kara describers here the reasons in the legal side that create hardship in the attempt to combat that sex trafficking. Kara describes the local factors and global economic forces that gave rise to this and other forms of modern slavery over the past two decades and quantifies, for the first time, the size, growth, and profitability of each industry. In addition, to avoid bribery and other forms of undermining law enforcement, he feels it is vital to improve the pay of trafficking authorities including judges and prosecutors. He makes the astonishing claim that Western governments, beholden to multinational corporations, do not act to stop sex trafficking because it might interfere with their economic policies. Slavery, he explains, has two interconnecting components: slavery demand side and trafficking supply side. This is a serious investigation of the horrendous underworld of human trafficking. Some stories broke my heart, I find it so absurd that it still exists in this modern age we live in, but it was very eye opening. Kara explores the industry of sex-trafficking in Amsterdam, in which he observes that the country actually a great place to bring sex trafficking victims due to the legalization of prostitution. Very well written and I have recommended it to my colleagues, but not for a bed time read! One central area that is emphasized is his methods in gathering research and formulating statistics.