VOL. I. No. 20. - HEDLEY, B.C.? THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1905. $2.00, IN ADVANCE.

Methodist Church. MIDWAY & VERNON. jri'.m.EY. Jl.(.'. DEFINITELY SETTLED HOIST BY THEIR .Sunday School :il .*i ii'cloeU. McLean Bros, on Ground to Begin Work Kvening- Service at 7:3(> o'clock. Dominion Exhibition —C. P. R. May Operate It—Looks Kvei-yljody welcome. Route of Y.V. & E. Between Fishy As No Surveys Have Been OWN PETARD I I.. TlfOjIArf. I'ASTOK 9°S—September 27 to October 7—1905 Midway and Similkaineen Made nor Right of Way Secured. Under the auspices of the C. I\ R.'x Opposition to Y. V. (JflARLES ftfc. SHAW HOYAI. Aoiuciri.'i'CKAr. & Phoenix, B. C, July 28.—Yesterday INDUS'I'KIAI. SOCIKTV . . CROSSES riOUXMHY LINE ONCE one of the McLean Brothers, contrac­ & E. Bilill Coming Home CIVIL ENGINEKR, tors, of Vancouver, arrived here and DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL, to Roust. Track-laying Between Curlew and Mid­ announced he would begin construction LAND SURVEYOR. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. 6. way.—Myers Creek Route Selected, on tlie Midway Ac Vernon railway at Orders may be lett at Gazette office. .Stupendous and comprehensive but Does not Cross the Boundary.— once. It is said that the C.P.R. is not KEATEX BY OVER 100 MILES array of Exhibits representing Chesaw Within Hail.—C. P. R. back of the enterprise, though it will the resources of all . likely be operated by the C.P.R. when HEDLEY, : : : : B. G. Scooped at Davy McBrides.—The And Now Their Engineers are Exploring completed. Steepest Grades Between Molson the Coldwater-Coquihalla Pass.-- D 60RISTINE, V. S. $100,000 IVUHAC^IO-N?'$100,000 and Oroville. The charter for the Midway Ac Ver­ This Will Give Great Northern All- "Enlarged grounds,'new, hand­ non railway is largely owned by Green­ Canadian Route Between Similka­ CONSl/LTING some and spacious buildings . All Great Northern route- plans have wood men. The new road will give ineen and the Coast.—Opposition YET ERIN AULA N hooii fyled, and almost every foot of access to the rich West Fork country Course Being; Vindicated After All.— right of Avay has heen bargained for and a short line to the Okanagan dis­ ======OSOV008. B.C. All's Well That Ends Well. WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS between Midway and Oroville. and trict and eventually thence to the Advice and prescription by mail, $1.00. in Rowing and Lacrosse, Horse considerable of it in the Similkaineen. Coast. The C. P. R.'s comedy of errors goc.- Racing, Broncho "Busting," Mili­ The. route enters , at The visit" of Gustave Loeb, of the bravely on, and the latest develop­ tary Parades and Exercises. JAS. HISLOP, Midway, on" the Riverside addition, the New York banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb ments place them in a more helplessly' ROYAL IMSII GUAHDS and other station being on the boundary line, Ac Co., to the Boundary a few weeks ridiculous light than ever. CIVIL ENGINEER I Famous Bands. and here, also the Greenwood branch ago is said to be in connection with the. In spite of the loud, long wails sent PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR I GRAND WATI-TR CARNIVAL—Parade joins in on a " Y." The road follows financing of the Midway & Vernon. up by tlie C.R. R. and their supporters I of Fraser river fishing fleet, patrol westward on the^south bank of Kettle Evidently the matter was satisfactorily from'the railway committee at river for four miles, when it swings up arranged. The. charter of the Midway gBP- Leave orders at Gazette Office. boats, II. M. Win-ships, Indian war that Hill's road could and would go I canoes, etc., etc. Myers creek, almost touching the, Ac Vernon is said to carry a subsidy of nowhere else than down the Skagit to boundary, but doesn't cross. This puts some $11,000 per mile, and construc­ INDIAN SPOUTS. Everett or Seattle, and that Canadian HEDLEY, B. C. Chesaw within easy reach. After mak­ tion, for the most part, will not be trade would suffer thereby, it would For ull information write W. II. KEARV, ing «i detour of Ed. McMynn's ranchi it particularly heavy. now appear that Hill and his engineers ISKUKKTAKV and MAX.UMCK, \K\V WRST- swings northward again through a low As the contractors under Patrick were ignorant of this charge. In fact- H. S. CAYLEY, MINSTKli. H. C. pass in the hills on to the south bank Welch began work this week for the they say they are not aware of any BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, of the main branch of Rock creek, V. V. & E. westward from Midway, route that will permit them to make HKDLEY, B. C. about 11 miles west of Midway, at a this will make two railways under their way from the Similkaineen into point just south of Tommy Hawkins' construction from that point. the Skagit, and when the chief engin­ ranch. Continuing westward along eer of the V. V. Ac E. wired from Otta­ the south bank of Rock creek and gain­ WINKLER & MOHR OLIVER & GLADDEN GREEN MOUNTAIN NEWS wa to St. Paul for information con-, ing elevation all the. way the mouth Penticton and Princeton -:o:- corning this imaginary pass he was of Baker creek is reached, but the line informed that they knew nothing- of it- N Mrs. L, A. Clark and her son Mr. Real Estate and Mining Brokers. here is high above the creek bottom. Gerald Clark left yesterday for the in St. Paul, although Engineer Tyo, of Civil & Mining Engineers Swinging southwesterly again up" Bak­ the C. P. R., was sure that there was .Correspondence Solicited from Those Having er creek through Frank Edward'sranch Lewis and Clark exposition at Port­ Property to Sell. such a pass. -:o:- the route swings around to Davy Mc- land. They expect to be gone for Bride's, which, from an engineering about a month. Now however the G reat Northern R H. ROGERS, MINESand point-of view, is Haying at Green Mountain was' engineers have taken the C. P. R. at their word that the Coast-K'ootenay M.A., JJ.C.L. finished last week—an vmusuv.lly fine REAL ESTATE A STRATEGIC POINT, crop. road should keep all the way on Can­ adian soil between the Similkaineen SOLICITO R, CONVEYANCER, and here Chief Engineer Kennedy and The horse crop has also been good, HEDLEY, B. C. and the Coast, and after a recounais- NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. his staff of engineers''and right of way Mr. Clark having ten healthy young ance by A. E. Baldwin, their surveyors men executed a veritable coup on thecolt s in his band this summer/. C. P. R. in being' the. first to secure are at work running a line via the YERNON, B. C. right of way for the line which they Coldwatcr-Coquihalla route which is A. MEG RAW The Telephone Sen/ice. had selected. The C.P.R. line cuts the claimed by men who know that coun­ Notary F^utollc try, that it is not only a feasible hut a GILLESPIE,:.& MSLflM — McBride ranch but the V. V.

etablos raised, that it should ne-i IRRIGATION 'WORKS j ^&®&®2J8iG^^ Zte UKdlcy Gazette : cessariiy follow that this is the; . . \ and | use and the only use win en KA LED TEXDEHS will be received until to I S noon of Tuesday, tlio IStli , fur the construction of fluming- etc.. oxen- j i Furthermore, we have reason vntion for ur.d laying- of irrigation pipes, and | 1 onThursdays, by the Himi.KV GA/.KTTK I U„i: . . l ,m bolievo that • «.Xt-"«yation.of nortli main ditch from Pent.iotoi. rn m p 111f 1 including- mall distribu- 'luxiixtt;; A.VII PI-III.ISIIINU COMPANV, i ^° oeneve cillll UO ueiiuvt- Hi'- " i Creels. Ihoilumm at Hedley, li. C H-lio uiiiv-u/iii he ffirfli.'-omilT^ 'ting (tunics and liiuiu fliune (IS in. x •110 wiwili l I bl.MITKli. l-lie MlieiLCl Will DO TOltmonilJl.., jt.omtaij, |Il)j(.,lt. 1/58,000 feet, Ii. 31. Main elite: I 11 i 8 ' whenever it is needed. XO ex- ; (IS in. x liO in.) about one and one hall' mile Capital—?4,S66,666. Reserve- $2,043,997. ' ' Subscriptions in Advance es \ , ., -. ,. ,1 •! , • iw,,,„ 1 about 0,000 cubic yds.: probably about two and 1 I : HEAD OWTCE iX OAXADA, Per Year .'....'..'. >i0(i ipeewoult dit Uetorho follye tli; e railwabut y lS.liere j one.half miles additional wii; be done upon 1 Six Months....:... / 1.00 -- . - •• • wirl-wn M i completion of this portion, distribution ditches 1 H". STIICEMAX. General Manager' ",L ELMSLY, Supt. of Hrunchos reasonable time after V, ., ! cubic yds. Material for flmiies will | tlie rail- ' be furnished by the Company at the mill, Pon- I (1 ...,1^ v,.;o ,.^. i tictoi'i, at 11 stated price. Plans, spocideutions BANKING BY- M.MI Accounts of Advertising Rates way COilies file people Will OX-| .,,„] form of contract can bo seen at the Coni- 1 , i Measurement, I- lines to the inch. Tin'U- U- iV-v wn iiTw- <-»! «af nifl • that ' pany's oHiec in Peiitieton on and after August I pee.t It, lOl. WO UUUClhl.rl.lia UMl ^a/wos. Tenders will be received separately Transient Advertisements—not- exceeding- <>uc it \VtlS Oil that, expi'eSS stipilJa- for fluming and ditch excavation. . inch. Si.00 for one insertion, ii5 cents for ( each subsequent insertion. Over one inch, firm fVi'»f rlw» -ni^m-ilp evf T-Te a„ teil(1£,s .,ml tllc fm.tilcl. rigut t0 ilccc,lt Jiny ' cents per line for each 'subsequent insertion. o tiedJey in 0good faith, and almost to a-j tender that, in the opinion of the Managing Transients payable in advance. get it fo. r• tli1e .. Compan. . , .. y ,r_fro, m , j.,e ! .Director maTill-y b: eSoL-TI.'KIi for the X besOKANAGAt interesN t LA.Vof Uth e CO.Ml'ANV, I'jlMITISl). Ic8®S®a©©SO^'2C«^ ^ Land Notices—Certificatesof impvovemontete., Indiaman, n.mine Departmentd in. the inovemen. So far t taos j tympany. $7.00 for 00-day and•:J..5.00 for SO-ela.v Penticton. J5.C.,'.Inly Mth, I'.iO.i. • 20-2 notices. the fruit trees are concerned Contract Advertisements—One inch per month, they prove nothing, for. they Sl.ii: over 1 ineh iintl.iip to I inches, $1.00 NOTICE. per inch pei-niontb. To constant advertisers may even be a part/of the taking larger space tluui four inehes, on smelter plan. It is known that application, rates will bo g-'tven 'of l-ednecd • charges, based on size of space and length' smelter concerns are constantly •Certificate of Improvements. of time. harassed by actions for damages "STAl! OF HOPK" and' ••KCLIPSE" Mineral Advertisements will be changed'once every to vegetation, and invariably Claims, .situate in.the Ososoos' MiningIlivi- month if advertise:- desires, without any extra sion-of Yale District. .Whore located: Yun- charge, for changes ofteiier than emeu a month the defence set up has been that eiiih.11 Cam)), 1(1 Mile Creek. "'.'.'• the ""price of composition will bo charg-ccl at tlie smelter smoke is not as in­ A1CI0 XOTTOK that f. (.'. del*. Green, as i-eg-ular rates. T agcutfoi- F. KichtciYF.M.e. No. B7SS.S8, for Changes for contract advertisements should jurious to vegetation as the W. M. Lvon, F. M. C. Xo. HTSSo",. and for James be in the office by noon on .Tuesday to secure land-owners claimed. Wliat, 1<\ M. C. Xo. JM'SSCO, intend, sixty attention for that week's issue. days from date hereof, to apply to. the Mining i better evidence then to establish Recorder for a Ccrtilicateof Improvements, for .A MEGRAW, .. tlie purpose, of obtaining' Crown Grants of the JWanajjing Editor. i such a defence than the exis- above claims. | tence of a few healthy fruit And further.take notice that action, under section 'Al. must be commenced before the issu­ trees. ance of such Certificate of Improvements. - Again tliere is reason to be­ Dated this, -20th day of June. A.D. 11)05. New Moon Full Moon •25-0 C. d.cB. CiRKEX, Agent. Kith. lieve that the question of ore •Jnd&31st, treatment for the Nickel Plate First quar. Last quar. NOTICE. 0th. 2-1 th. has not yet been fully solved. Until it is, all arrangements for lOOo AUG. 1905 permanent works must be held , Certificate of'Improvements. in' abeyance. THK "«I.KXWOOD" FHAC'TIO-VAL Mineral Claim, situated in the Osoyoos -Milling' ST.!. i'Aoii. lues. "Weil. This. f-ri. Sat. So far as the tenure of the Division of Yale District. Where located.: -! land is concerned, there is noth­ Camp Hedley. IT A ICE XOTICE that 1. Chns. de Blois Green. ing whatever to be alarmed * as agent- for M. K. Uodgers, Free Miner's about, for the people's interests Certificate Xo. B7003I. intend, sixty days from date hereof, to apply to the Mining Keeortler 9 10 11 12 will be found to have been duly for a Ccrtilicateof Iniproveiiients, for the pur­ pose of obtaining a, Crown Grant of the above' ic 17 18 .19 protected if occasion should claim. arise to -test the same. There is AND KURTHKR take.notice that action, 20 2.1. 20 in fact no country- under -the •under section 'Si. must be commenced before t-hu issuance of such C'ertilieatc of Improvements. sun where the people .are in .'a •>Q 29 30 31 Dated this 0th day of June, A.D. 1905. better position to protect'them-' 21-0 C. deli. GKEHX. mHHr£TUCI3KB£K.I selves from wrong than in Can- ada, for, our laws were not. con­ NOTICE. When in eremeos THE SMELTER FLAT structed after any Mede or Persian model and what the STOP, AT people can do' they can undo. Certificate of Improvements. Ever since-the plow was put Men may come here from Green­ into tlie ground last spring on wood, and after spending a THE "CLIMAX" and "I X V. mineral claims, " smelter flat" Hedley has had a situate in the Osoyoos -Mining- Division while with, clacking mischief- of Yale District. Where located: Cam]) burning question that at times makers, talk nonsense about not Hedley. TWE33>LE (S>» REITH, "Proprietors. threatened to have a most in­ '"TAKE XOTICE that I. Chas. do Blois Green. wanting to "own property nor •*• as agent for the Yale Mining Company. jurious effect 011 the town by live in a place where the water I'ree Miner's Certificate Xo. 1J7U033. intend, precipitating a war between the sixty days from date hereof, to apply to the Good Accommodation and Strict Attention to the is in the hands of a man who Mining- Hccorder for C'ertilieates of .Improve­ town and. its leading industry, ments, for the purpose of obtaining- Crown would throw down the town,5' the Daly Peed action Go. Unfor­ Grants of the above claims. Wants of the.Public. .Livery Barn in Connection. and those who fill up these peo­ .AND KUKTHEU take notice that action, un­ tunately too the town has had ple and send them out to rant der section ;i~. must be coiumeueed before the more than its rightful share of issuance of such Certificate of improvements. about the town after this fash­ Dated this f;th day of June, A.D. 11)05. ^v ie who people vavai in .strife and ion are doing the town no good. i.M-0 C. deD. GHEKX. who endeavor to fan the flames And neither is it doing the Com-; PATRONIZE YOUR HOME MIL LS at a. time when loyalty to the pany tmy good to allow irres- i NOTICE. town and its interests should ponsible babblers and hangers- j your p-rocei' for prompt a more pacific course. l TY ?Iil aftci latu The Gazette holds no brief and on to make threats of cutting'ig-! S ^-the --C'iiicf^-- Conmiissione'' - r ii'^riwmg-tof Lands cc \\ ork.os therefore will take no role of off water or'discriminating iu ] for permission to purchase 1320 iicres of mountain I .land situate in Osoyoos Division of Yulo Dis­ w,..A* ,r>\ #«v, *•$=•. special'pleader for anybody, but the employment of labor. The trict, doscrilicd as follows: (.'oimuenciui;- at a ,44,A 'pi' ^tt j jiost 011 Chute Creek, about H miles east of uk- Ji «u our interests in the town are water is supplied under-a char­ | anag-an .Luke; thence north 80 chains: thence ISJLlillt such that any tiling which effects ter and paid for by users, and as I cast -10 chains: dienee south Hi chains; thence west 10 chains to point of commencement. learn: EffrtKKS-ir «~v. ••-Ci.-r-c?£z:2E!3??z'3. ..^-.'JX:. ..i. "li-.ii' tYi _' .* <.i^.*!*rr-apc its advancement is sufficient such is not to be turned on or Purpose for which required : reservoir site...... -'-~^-'~~-—••'-'•" ' reason for speaking. oil' for the purpose of reprisal L. W. SKATF011D. •!-0, \r>pi'. T- -.1 s.n a ne. 7) X 3 i 1C. ^O.l umb'ia it was for a considerable time for fancied slights. per L. W. I-'INLA v. Penticton. B.C.. June Stli. 1005. '.»3-!l •I ' The fact is that there is no - .j -. a debatable question as to whe­ by em 5:iOVU l 0- ' men our mills. ther it would be more prudent place in British Columbia where in the interests of the town to there is a surer thing for our- NOTICE. discuss the matter or to let it- chasers of real estate than here Q1XTY days afterdate. I intend applying- to rest, but now that outside news­ in Hedley; for, hemmed in as '"•J liie Chief Commissioner of Lands « Works THE COLUMBIA FLOURING MILLS CO., Ltd. papers arc- making references to we are by steep mountains and for permission to purchase :V20acres of mountain laud situate iu Osoyoos Division of Yale" Dis­ EFSDER8V AiSD VERNON, 8. the situation in away that can­ Indian reservations, eveiy avail­ trict, described us follows: Commencing' at a post on South Pork of l-'entietoii Creek about not fail to do injury to the town able foot of ground is included 15 miles east of Okanagan Lake; thence north it would seem that 'silence is 110 in tlie present townsite of Hed­ .10 chains: thence eiust HO chains: thence south .10 chains: thence west .SO chains to point of longer the better part. In view ley and no suburban additions commencement. Purpose for which required: can be platted to make town reservoir site. of the amount of friction, which 1!. B. WHITE. had been engendered during the lots a. drag on the market. That per L. W. "' progress of negotiations for ob­ is one of the principal tilings Penticton. .( Juno 10th. 100.5. taining the ground from the which has made real estate an unprofitable investment in most Indian rjenarriiient. it w ill of towns through British Col­ NOTICE. adv. I on ."iio part ( I: Mr. Rad­ umbia, and Hod ley is and al­ gers Vlil:- juncture io do with XTY days atler date.' I intend applying- to ways has been the notable ex­ is the Chief Commissioner of Lands ^ Win the ii'i'ounu as 00 ua:- done: but ception where real estate in-' fi>" jii-na:: ••\'r,\ \:> piir'-iiasc '2!" acres of nuiim-, MOV been done and iain !.-.II.| ^luiaK' m Usoyoo.. Division of Villi' ; v ic uas vestments haveyieided spleiided I Di.-trici. ili-M'i il.u.d;;.- followr-: Ctuimicuciiig- at tlu; I'Ul •sion has gone a post ni'ar lower end of uppei' marsh mi noriii i • iiiij-re, profits and will continue to do so. \ abr. 1 no St or is to be i'oi'i; of i-!ili- Creek and iibnui Hi miles east of • ha i v:o :• There is every reason why the i Peiitii inn: i heiiei'nm-tb CiO chains: thence cast.; ci the people have Oi chains: tlieuec .-ou!h ilu ciia ins: thence west 'even \}\ii 1 hat town and tiie Company should! Ml <•!;:iii: ; «.o puiut of < 'inimciccmeiit. I 'urpose si ivoii tricked, it would for nhii'h required: reservoir site. ij)ly endeavor to get along in liar-i so >'er for everybody that \ \V. T. SHATKOKD. • m •> mony. for by doing so there is j a I .•. /. 1 iearc talk sliouia per 1". II. i..\Ti.Mi:n. ;l (C ie •f t- everything to he gained •id. Yiie -ialette does not urn] Dated .hint' '.'nd. 100.5. -'•• 0 be 1 nothing to be hist. hoi< -'•lr. liodgers responsible, by anv • means. iY-raiJ the harm that JMO i iCn. - i.-een da-no in the matter if NOTICE. iii-considere-d action was the QIXTY days afterdate I intend ap .'i'ng- to *- the C'tHci' Coiimii .-.loner of Lands \- Works OIXTY DAYS after tliito, 1 intend totipply to !tr,i rae cause. Had there been , for permi..sioti to purchase -.'id acres of luijim-, Ml '-' the Chief Commissioner o(.!" "jvina. - Works lain land sii mite in Osoyoos Divi.ion of 'l'ule • ti less senseless clacking all sum­ for permission to purchase Mi acres of lll.-lUlh District, described us toliows: Camiocia-'mg-at mer on th^, j>art'of local mischief- tain lain!, situated in Yale District mil Yn: a post on west bank of Creek (one mile mirth Div sun!. Commciieiiimincing; : at. a post ni;u-ked P. i!„ j of'Camp Creek I about 7 miles east.of ukniuifiaii makers, some, of whom do not X. 1' . corner: 1" leneii ruimii!,',' north II! ciiaius. ; Lake; tiiciicc north lid chains: tlmiice '.•,-,st -K own a foot of ground in the west 141 chains, south JI! ciiaius. ai id cast ai j chains: thence south ()'.' chains; tlience west chains to point of commencement. This land j chains lo point- of commencement. Purpose town but who a re eternally but­ lies north of and joining- Lot; |/il. ! for which required : reservoir site. ton-holing strangers and filling PPKD KPSSELL I V.. A. SHATKOKD i'i-;i:i.!-:\- UI-SSHI.I.. Ag-eut. ! per K. II. HAT; •i:wi them up with the idea that a Haled 1.1th .Tune, !Wlf>. i Dated Juno 17th. l!i(l.5. smelter is no longer a possibility, these exaggerated notions of NOTICE Medley's wrong would not have NOTICE. got abroad. "ftJonCE is hereby g-ivon that, (ill davs from XS! this date, I intend to apply to tlie Hon. CMXTY HAYS after date. I intend to apply to Right here the Gazette denies Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works *-' the Chief Commissioner of Lands f: \\ orks to purchase .'fcidacres of mountain land, situate for permission t'i purehasolOOaercsof mountain the right or the logic of arriving on Wolf Creek 0 miles .North of Voigt's Gump; land, situated in Yale District and Yale Divi­ commencing-at M. 10. Young's initial or X.W. sion: Commencing' ill. a X. at the conclusion that simply corner: thence South SO chains; thence East -Id W. corner, one mile east from Lot 1.5-_'; running because some fifty acres of hind chains; thence Xortli HO chains; thence West !0 •10 chains casi, 10 chains south, JO chains west, chains to place of beginning. and 10 chains north, to pointof commencement. have been plowed up, fruit trees This land is bounded on the south by the Tula- planted, alfalfa sown, and all Hated Voigt' Camp May 10th, 100.5. moon river. M. 10. YOUNG, PIOItLEY RUSSELL. kinds of held and garden veg- 21-0 W. D. YOUXG, Aftont. Dated llth .hino. "1005. 'i'i-il THE HEDLEY GAZETTE, AUGUST 3, 1905.

Mrs. Messenger hits been e>n on a little $1,000 - Prize Money - $1,000 ,lh -.;•". Travel has picked up a bit during;. " «-«»"i0 UH .-iiiuiKaiine.iTlie Gazettel kneOH wf tlie Gt. Northern , k.lllKU!11 had quite a run of transients Spedding'printer in s thefathe eastr, and we- arc pleased ; last week. to know that tlie proprietor of the. Mr. Haslam returned on Saturday Vancouver on Friday's turned to Clarion who has stayed" all these years •evening from a pleasant trip to the stageMrs, . MrsC. . CottoMcEwen'n ansd conditioMiss Slitn t havIT ­ coast.. . with the old "•prol'" is yet hale and ing improved very much in tlie last hearty. P. Heldstab started in this week two weeks;, preparing for tlie. building of Mr. Shat- Mark blT on your calendars the 4th On Friday last a dog belonging to ford's residence on Kingston avenue. and "5th of September, so that vou niav | A- ^ iukk,L' lliatU' '»» f,lt:lck (,n ll f,ock J. 0, LaUir, of Anaconda, Montana, make, no other engagements. That is i »f *l»w'l» belonging to Cawston and financial manager of the. Daly estate, when Hedley intends to celebrate I ^dmond. Two were worried to death, is in town and will likely remain for a I three were drowned in the river and few days. „ Labor Day. four more are missing, which was a Chief Engineer J. H. Kennedy re­ The New Zealand House, opened this .week for despatch of business. The pretty fair score for tile attack of one CELE turned on Thursday to Midway after speech from tlie throne was short and cur. A regrettable feature of the in­ ON consultation with Engineer A. I_. the speaker just said: "what'll ye cident is that one sheep that has been Baldwin. hev.'' doing the town for the past three Rev. A. .1. Fowlie, of Princeton, will From the lumber piles being distri­ weeks with a bell about three sizes too hold service on Sunday night, Aug. (i, buted about on various .lots, it would big for a Durham ox, and that has in the large room at Mr. Schubert's look as if carpenters will have consider­ been the cause of more profanity and Hedley, where the last service was held. able work ahead of them in putting loss of sleep than a hundred -10-stamp The Southern Okanagan Land Co. up the buildings that are being con- mills, did not manage to get in among .are cabling for tenders for putting in tracted lor. . the flock, and appear iu the casualty an irrigation ditch. Tenders are to be Good progress is being made in re­ list among the slain. in by August 15th.' See ad. building Fraser's block. The loss in 4th Sept., 05 Payette Harris was in town on Mon­ material was not nearly' as great as day, having returned from a month's appeared at first. Extra precautions prospecting trip on the Tulameen and are being made to have it partial la rly Roches rivers'. strong, and it is now almost as far on The Pioneer Carriage Mr. L. W. Sliatford. M. P. P. had a as when the accident took place. Horse Races bad time of it for a few days at the The President of the Hedley Board end of last week, being confined to his of Trade, has proclaimed a bait' holidav room with an attack of illness. for the Board. In consequence there will be no meeting on Monday, even­ Repair S On Monthly night oue of .the men at ing next, the August meeting being Rock Drilling Contest work on the diamond drill at the dropped owing to the next hot spell MEDLEY, - B.6. Nickel Plate allowi'd his hand to run whiclrshould be due about that time. The president hopes to see the mem­ up into the shieve, lacerating the bers all back in their places, bright and Horse-Shoeing and all kinds Ihuinb rather badly. smiling and thoroughly refreshed for of Blacksmithing done. : : Rifle Shooting The route of the overland flyer has the next regular meeting. been changed on the section east of The Gazette has received a sample Oroville. Formerly the route went of wheat this week'Avhich beats the re­ GEO. ft. SPR0UL&, . by way of Kipling; it now goes through cord to date by four, inches. The. pre­ sent "sample was grown by Mr. R. C. Proprietor. Base Ball Match Molson instead, •'taking half on hour Armstrong- at Kilnockie and is six- longeron the. run. feet high and beautiful clean ripe • • • ,': • u grain, grown without irrigation. Mr. On Friday last as W. Sutton was Armstrong's family are now all living going up"on the gravity train the ca­ across the river and it is his intcntiem WE MAKE Athletic Sports ble caught under a. tie, and in getting to sell this ranch and move over. out of the car lie slipped on the bail Land that can produce such wheat without irrigation should easily fiind and fell, receiving a rather." severe' a purchrser. One Grade Only scalp wound. Dr. YVhillans was sum­ moned to dress the wound. Tommy King and Ben Peterson, prospectors well known in the Boun- AND The Greenwood Times succinctly dis­ dary,.'West Fork , and Similkaineen, posed of the much advertised strike, were in town over Sunday. Early in Promenade Concert and Dance which was alleged to have taken place .fane they started across country THEY .STAND THE at the Greenwood smelter. From the - from the west. shore of Okanaga- n Lake„ ., ••nil ... I First thev tried to go up by way or i3b Tunes' explanation it would look as it; Be.u. Q^,. hui ffmml it so -„)llgh ;uul m 's the affair had been grossly misrepre- ('precipitous that they had to turnback, iea-Ylest sen ted by some local correspondent of ! They next went up Whiteinan Creek, „,,,,.:,i„ ,",.,,,„,., i and pushing westward across country outSRlc papcu. | came out at Chapperoii Lake on the Never K_rso\A/r_ to JFeiil. Mrs. Brusberg who has been house-1 Nicola road. They have lately been keeper in the Hotel Similkaineen since j prospecting on the west fork of Twenty GRAND PYROTECHNIC DISPLAY OF the house opened in November last, j »»}<* and between Sterling and Ash- ope nola creeks. went out on Tuesday morning's flyer, j We do not make bound for Seattle. Mrs Brusberg will j W. G. Gaunce went to Seattle to be missed by the guests of the Hotel! attend the wedding of his daughter on Thin Wall Safes. FIREWORKS

Similkameefcn, her unfailing -goodl!! Tuesday morning, 28th. .'The' wed- • humor and tireli'ss industry making ding was private, owing to Miss her a general favorite. Gaunce's recent illness, Mr. Gaunce The Hedley Lumber Company have expects to bring Mrs. Gaunce. back to Prize lists and other particulars to be published later. started in in earnest on their season's Greenwood for permanent- residence. cut. The drive is safely boomed on Mrs. .and Miss Gaunce made many the river a short distance above the friends in- Greenwood who will be mill. The logs will be kept watered pleased to. have the former a resident until sawn and tints the cost of extra of the town, and who will heartily join handling in drawing out and decking- in wishes for the bride's future happi­ will he saved, and the quality of the ness.—Greenwood Times. The ladies lumber improved thereby. referred to are sister and niece of our townsman, Zvlr. "W.T. Athevton. Mr. The rope-drive has been .connected At-Iierton received announcement of up 'between the tower and the big- drive wheel in the stamp mill. It runs the wedding this week. very smoothly and if the power behind is always sufficient, should do its work. Draughtsman E. 11. Kelzer .who drew ie the plans, is to be congratulated on eaair the neatness and accuracy of the ;job HEDLEY, B.C. and the amount of rigidity imparted to the structure. _-P& S*w<^oninierc« e House CAPITAL—-*S,70:>,0•!•)-- -tfOi.oon.noii. Strictly First Class Service. | at the Nickel Hate.' Page Boyle who Special Attention u'iven to! has done a great deal of exploratory 1 P. T A k\ A iliMiicii ;:: 1 lio l!;'.i:k i. hlJ'iV (lill'll lit worU with the diamond drill in the P&N' hmn I'cntr.-to.'i. I ^.' ' Commercia Boundary lias a contract for 2,000 feet SAVING'S UAKK D2PAMTIVIL-:NT I:-.U-:-rst nHmwilnii li.'iiii.-.ii.ol <1 '.:;nv;u-iis. tlie Travelling Public'. j of drilling on the Nickel Plate or other S3 Pi IM Si ENG Cl "V' AI Pi I H_ Teaming of all kinds done. \ i E&K Ho 9 a i properties of tlie Vale Mining Com­ Di'jiosiis limy Ivy lil.nlc and witlnll-awn li.v iriui!. Sncci,:] all<- ,1 Kill Vive-11 to tins pany and last week the drill was set- class of Uus-iiu lira fix am! IMtincy Oi-ilci-s i—-ui-il a i nil I iljlltS. Horses Bought and Sold. (iuiiet-iil I'.ankiiiH- liusiiu-.-s 'l'i-a;i-.M-i.-i! in place. '.ik'st Only Provided for Table j. m. : MR l ST IE /Manager W. C. Bate came in on Monday even­ I 1 f > ing accompanied by r\ C. Gamble, •TOni^Tn^s^r.'Kw.wwrCTggmKM W. F. REVELY, • and ihw. chief engineer of the Landsaiid Works "Depart uicnl. Mr. Gamble had been 8006rS0i over to Rock Creek to make an exam­ ination for a new bridge, and when here he made an examination of the creek heel with a view lo beginning Everything New and work on cribbing same, as well as re- j newal of bridges. i First-Class. Geo. Boweriuan and Ross Allen re- • turned on Saturday from their trip Ufe mikv- Dri^iiial faults.'!*'Sine €lch' through the mountains. The journey | in^s-'YMfiones en Zvne Br {DoppBrcV along mountain ridges was not wholly j ©ur wfa i{5 gli'idly fi^^^assi^ prosjiet'ting. but a sort of combination | Oar prices are*loc»2r for trie same-. Bar supplied with the of prospecting, pleasure and reconn;lis-1 guaiity Q[ tusv% tfmn eWahere 'fi >£ & auce.—in short a elesire to !,-Knoi w more 3don'i triW aur coarS for ii && Sent\ us a Choicest Liquors and of the country l>y the "jmtrod ways." trial orilet'ipy? E)i?- p\atea prove ii ifii*i*ip o o They went in at Ashnola creek and Cigars, and Special filled upon trout. From the Ashnola. they struck across to Slate creek and Attention paid to the thene'.e eive.r to tlie liociie river, en­ £0*<^ yicmm&,$>C. countering the boundary line survey Table. camps en route, and went down the PROPRIETOR. Similkaineen to Princeton. THE -HEDLEY GAZETTE, AUGUST 3, 1905.

I___h-J_i_-______ra_-____--lL_____i 'NOTICE. '••••'• Certificate of improvements.

••HCLLIOX." "KVKXINCi .STAR," -'PRIDE" and "GOLD HIM.," Mineral Claims, situate OPERTY IN in tlie Osoyoos Mining Division,of Vales Dis­ trict. Where located: In Camp Medley.

Good, Safe investment 1.1 •-- V. wi ll IH.IILU ., ... JJI.-H/./l, UIIU .1. l\. OW1IIIUU1 t, fi'oo miner's ecrtiticiite Xo. UT'.UOi), intend, sixty days from date hereof, to nppl;f to the Mining Recorder for ie Certificate of improvements, for tli..l. e. purpose o_ f- obtaining„I...... -...._ ' (,'itnvi• « i grunt..s . o- fn tli1, e is the supply point for the Nickel 'Plate- moun­ above claims. ' ...PRICE OF LOTS... -And further take 'notice that action,, under- section 'M. must be commenced before the issu­ Hedley tain, on which is situated the famous ••Nickel. ance of such Certificate of.-improvements. Plate"—thePlate"—the- rrichesi t gold mine in. Canada—and many .other Dated tin's (itli'day of July, A.]'). l'JOo. Scott Ave. (main st.) ..'.." 25-! i K. WV GROVES. promising mines and prospects. It is the mining and business . $400 to $600 ci-ntre of the NOTICE. Other Streets.. Similkaineen OTICKC i is hereby given that, sixty daysnftoi ai - $200 to $400. N tc. we intend toanply to the Chief Con the new 'mining district which has already been proven, by a missidiier, of Lands and Works for permission to- purchase the following; described lands, situate small amount of development work, to be-one of the richest near 15-Mile crock: -Commencing- at,a post planted on the easterly margin of Lob Xo. 11)71.'- gold; copper and coal mining sections of '.''..' Group J, for the Osoyoos Division of .Vale Dis­ ...TERMS... trict, id chains south of the north-east angle of said Lot Xo. 11)71, and marked ".1 ohn McLean's and Nigel ii. K wart's X. W. corner", thence east British Columbia 9 10 chains: thence south 80 chains; thence west 40 chains; thence north SO'chain's to the place of HEDLEY/ is the chief town on the route of the proposed 1-3 Cash; balance in 3 and beginning, containing :J_0 acres, be the .same more or less. Coast-Kootenay Railway: and with the advent of this road, 6 months, with interest at "Heellcv. B.C.. July Inth, UK);'.. which is assured in the near future, it will unquestionaRly ..JOII.V McLEAN ' _S-!) ' XIGKLD. KWART become a large and important city, and town lots wj'Il- bring the rate of 6 per cent. big .returns on money invested at the .present time. •- NOTICE.

OIXTV days after date T intend to apply to- ^ the Chief Cominissioner of Lands & 'Works, for permission to purchase.")_0 acres of mountain land, situated in .Similkaineen Division of Vale District; commencing at a post- marked " Yeo­ man C. Kit-ley. south-east corner"; thence run­ For Those Who Invest Now. ning SO chains north; thence 10 chains east: thence •• Certificate of Improvements.

••MARTIN'." "MAPLE LEAK." "DAISY." "PINE KNOT' AXD -'MIXXEHAHA" Mineral Claims; situate in the Osoyoos Mining Division of Vale District". Where located: In Camp Hedley. , > TAICK NOTICE tlmtl. H. S. Cayley. acting SIMILKAMEEN x as agent for J no. Gladden, K. M. C. Xo. Hotel Keremeos M7SI07L Kdw. A. C. Studd. !•'. M. C. Xo. B7'.K)l(i, and Chas. K. Oliver, K.M.C. Xo. R7U07-. intend, GEO. KIRBY, flanager. sixty days from the date hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improve­ ments, for the purpose of obtaining Crown Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Grants of tlie above claims. And further take notice that action, under First Class in Every Respect. Commercial and Mining Section IV7. must be commenced before the issu­ ance of such Ccrtilicateof Improvements. Single and Double Saddle and Pack Headquarters of the Keremeos and Lower Similka­ Dated this _fith day of July, A. D. 11)05. i'S-ii If. S". CAYLEY. Drivers. Horses. ineen Valleys. Post House on Penticton- Wood for Sale. Princeton Staye Line. NOTICE

OT I CI is hereby given that (.10 days after- O- %&/• N date. 1 intend to apply to ,tho Hon. Chief HOPKINS ®> McINNES, Proprietors, Hedley, B.C. KEREMEOS, Commissioner of Lauds unci Works to purchase ,'IL'O acres of mountain land, situate on AVolf Creek o miles north of Voigt's camp: commen­ cing at C. A'l. Shaw's initial or X. E. corner; thence south SO chains ; thence west 10 chains; thence north SO chains; thence east JO chains to -~E_-HE_E immms&mm3aesBa5!Bm&&m&B&aBExsiBBtBBMBaBttmx rri-TT- place of beginning-. Dated Voigt's cam]). 3M»y Utli. 1SK.I5. The C. _K SHAW Commercial Hotel L'l--!l GKORGK W. ALDOUS, Agent HEDLEY, B. C. HOTEL NOTICE HERRING & WINKLER, PROIS.

This hotel under new management has been Choice Liquors and Cigars Good Table and Comfortable re-modelled, and has ample accommodation for always, in stock. Rooms. niuiu.s ; niune-u .-.wucu tu enaui.-*; wi-n-e- a large number of people. The table is supplied east SO chains; thence north 10 chains to place CeJi-esful attention to wants of trai\/elling of beginning. with the best in the market. The bar contains Dated Voigt's Camp May, 1SJ05. putslio Bind regular boarders. DAVIT) J. IXXLS the popular brands of liquors and cigars. _!--!) W 11. YOL'XG. Agent. The GRAND UNION is the nearest to the works of the Daly Reduetion Co.. which makes it especially suited for regular boarders. NOTICE ALL WHITE iiiiLi', "M-OTICK is hereby given that. (10 dny> after H. W. YATES, Proprietor A' date I intend to apply to the Hon. Chief HEDLEY, B. C Commissioner of Lands and Works to purchase I .'WO acres of mountain land, situate on Wolf J™«M™»,"I««™«™«»-«''™^I«^ Creek li miles north of Voigt's crump: commen­ cing at Victor NV. Voigt's initial or X. K. cor­ ner: thence west SO chains; thence south 10 chains: thence east SO chains ; thence north In chains to place of beginning. Dated Voigt's camp May Kith. l!!0."i VICTOR W. VOIGT PENTI6T0N !i1--» NV. I). VOUNG, Agent. NOTICE.

'OTIC( K is hereby given that. (10 days after N date, I intend to apply to the Hon, Chief Cominissioner of Lands anil Works to purchase Livery, :MI STABLES 320 acres of mountain laud, situate on Wolf Creek 7 miles North of Voigt's Camp: commen­ Fairview and Penticton cing at Geo. W. Aldous' initial or S. W. corner: thence North SO chains; thence Mast 10 chains; thence South SOchnhins; tlieneo West 10 chains STABLES —ALSO— to place of beginning. Dated Voigt's Camp April ;jrd, l!)(l"> ESTABLISHED 1903 Proprietors—FAIRVIEW AND PENTICTON •-»1-!) GEO. W. ALDOUS. Fine New Covered Stage Carrying Royal Mail, Passengers and Express to STAGE LINE. Try Keremeos, Hedley and Princeton -:0: Good Horses and Rigs and Careful Drivers. Special Rigs for Travellers, and Every Attention Paid to Wants Teams furnished to do freighting, transferring and of the Public. : : : : -:0:- general teaming, and good saddle CEYLON TEA. W. E. WELBY, Proprietor. horses always on hand. Pure and Invigorating. HEDLEY, B. C, AUG. 3, 1905.


Some Views on the Similkameen.- -Pro- perties on Upper Keremeos:

- Alex.. Robinson was contributing a write-up of the Similkameen for. the Greenwood Times last week, in which FRUIT the Nickel Plate comes in for a good deal of attention, both eulogistic and censorious, with a few sentences that were evidently intended to be person­ ally offensive to the management. We have a big stock of •' Crown" Among the criticisms he condemns the conveyance of the ore to Hedley, think­ Fruit Jars, and are selling them as ing that the stamp mill and other works should have been located up at follows, delivered to any part of the the mine, where a lake 3 miles away was to supply the water. Speaking Valley: of either properties, he says : "Near the Nickel Plate, on the Twen­ Half gallons $2.50 per doz. ty Mile creek slope, is tlie Kingston group, which was bought for $6o,000, and upon which development work is One quarts $1.75 " u now being carried on. On the Fairy Queen group, recently bonded for a large amount, and in which some Greenwood men are heavily interested. South of these are tlie groups owned by J. J. Marks and Paul Broadhagen. Crown Jars are the Best* South again is the Oregon group, own­ ed by Hedley men, which gives promise of outdoing the Granby in size^ as much as it deies in value. "The pivotal point of interest of this section, from a mining point of view is Riordan mountain and the district W. T. Shatford & Co. immediately adjacent thereto. Here are situated some of the most promis­ General Merchants, Hedley. ing claims in the entire Similkaineen country, and it is here that almost daily representatives of mining com­ panies can be met with sampling the ore that has been exposed by open cuts, shafts and tunnels, with a view of acquiring a bond on some of the properties. - Last week a deal was con­ summated whereby two groups owned by McKinnon Bros., of Hedley, Mc­ Cawsten 8 Edmond HAVE Lean, of Keremeos, and other parties, passed into the hands of a mining syn­ dicate, and several other cleals are pending/which, if satisfactorily con­ cluded, will make this one of the bus­ iest mining sections in the province. YOU The ore in most cases is similar to that found in the big mines of the Bound­ ary. The exceptions are the claims owned by Webster on Fifteen Mile, the Marks and Broadhagen properties PURVEYORS TRIED and the Nickel Plate and Sunnyside, where the ore can be handled by OF stamps and the tailings cyanided." > Of the chances for mining invost- j ALL KINDS LOVE'S men t he says : 2 "There is one error regarding the < Similkaineen which can stand correc­ OF D tion. It has been reported by irre­ sponsible persons that no work has (0 been done in the country and that % PERUVIAN prospectors hold their claims for im­ Fresh Meats possible prices. Both these statements are wrong. The latter especially is an J. ffl utter absurdity, for claims can be se­ cured there on working bonds that in 0 FISH TONIC ? any other country would command a substantial cash payment. The claim X owners there realize that they have to allow generous terms on bonds in Vegetables order to induce capital to take hold, AND and in no camp in British Columbia are there such liberal tterms given as there are at the present time in the JOHN LOVE, Similkameen. " Hedley itself is growing steadily, Fruit Druggist* (§_> stores and hotels are going up rapidly and it bids fair to be the centre of the Similkameen country. The advent of Stationer, the railroad is eagerly looked forward to, and is all that is necessary to start the various camps on the way to being the greatest mininjg districtjn British HEDLEY, B.C. HEDLEY & FAIRVIEW Columbia."