AND SIMILKAMEEN ADVERTISER. VOL. I. No. 20. - HEDLEY, B.C.? THURSDAY, AUG. 3, 1905. $2.00, IN ADVANCE. Methodist Church. MIDWAY & VERNON. jri'.m.EY. Jl.(.'. DEFINITELY SETTLED HOIST BY THEIR .Sunday School :il .*i ii'cloeU. McLean Bros, on Ground to Begin Work Kvening- Service at 7:3(> o'clock. Dominion Exhibition —C. P. R. May Operate It—Looks Kvei-yljody welcome. Route of Y.V. & E. Between Fishy As No Surveys Have Been OWN PETARD I I.. TlfOjIArf. I'ASTOK 9°S—September 27 to October 7—1905 Midway and Similkaineen Made nor Right of Way Secured. Under the auspices of the C. I\ R.'x Opposition to Y. V. (JflARLES ftfc. SHAW HOYAI. Aoiuciri.'i'CKAr. & Phoenix, B. C, July 28.—Yesterday INDUS'I'KIAI. SOCIKTV . CROSSES riOUXMHY LINE ONCE one of the McLean Brothers, contrac­ & E. Bilill Coming Home CIVIL ENGINEKR, tors, of Vancouver, arrived here and DOMINION AND PROVINCIAL, to Roust. Track-laying Between Curlew and Mid­ announced he would begin construction LAND SURVEYOR. NEW WESTMINSTER, B. 6. way.—Myers Creek Route Selected, on tlie Midway Ac Vernon railway at Orders may be lett at Gazette office. .Stupendous and comprehensive but Does not Cross the Boundary.— once. It is said that the C.P.R. is not KEATEX BY OVER 100 MILES array of Exhibits representing Chesaw Within Hail.—C. P. R. back of the enterprise, though it will the resources of all Canada. likely be operated by the C.P.R. when HEDLEY, : : : : B. G. Scooped at Davy McBrides.—The And Now Their Engineers are Exploring completed. Steepest Grades Between Molson the Coldwater-Coquihalla Pass.-- D 60RISTINE, V. S. $100,000 IVUHAC^IO-N?'$100,000 and Oroville. The charter for the Midway Ac Ver­ This Will Give Great Northern All- "Enlarged grounds,'new, hand­ non railway is largely owned by Green­ Canadian Route Between Similka­ CONSl/LTING some and spacious buildings . All Great Northern route- plans have wood men. The new road will give ineen and the Coast.—Opposition YET ERIN AULA N hooii fyled, and almost every foot of access to the rich West Fork country Course Being; Vindicated After All.— right of Avay has heen bargained for and a short line to the Okanagan dis­ ======OSOV008. B.C. All's Well That Ends Well. WORLD'S CHAMPIONSHIP EVENTS between Midway and Oroville. and trict and eventually thence to the Advice and prescription by mail, $1.00. in Rowing and Lacrosse, Horse considerable of it in the Similkaineen. Coast. The C. P. R.'s comedy of errors goc.- Racing, Broncho "Busting," Mili­ The. route enters British Columbia, at The visit" of Gustave Loeb, of the bravely on, and the latest develop­ tary Parades and Exercises. JAS. HISLOP, Midway, on" the Riverside addition, the New York banking firm of Kuhn, Loeb ments place them in a more helplessly' ROYAL IMSII GUAHDS and other station being on the boundary line, Ac Co., to the Boundary a few weeks ridiculous light than ever. CIVIL ENGINEER I Famous Bands. and here, also the Greenwood branch ago is said to be in connection with the. In spite of the loud, long wails sent PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR I GRAND WATI-TR CARNIVAL—Parade joins in on a " Y." The road follows financing of the Midway & Vernon. up by tlie C.R. R. and their supporters I of Fraser river fishing fleet, patrol westward on the^south bank of Kettle Evidently the matter was satisfactorily from'the railway committee at Ottawa river for four miles, when it swings up arranged. The. charter of the Midway gBP- Leave orders at Gazette Office. boats, II. M. Win-ships, Indian war that Hill's road could and would go I canoes, etc., etc. Myers creek, almost touching the, Ac Vernon is said to carry a subsidy of nowhere else than down the Skagit to boundary, but doesn't cross. This puts some $11,000 per mile, and construc­ INDIAN SPOUTS. Everett or Seattle, and that Canadian HEDLEY, B. C. Chesaw within easy reach. After mak­ tion, for the most part, will not be trade would suffer thereby, it would For ull information write W. II. KEARV, ing «i detour of Ed. McMynn's ranchi it particularly heavy. now appear that Hill and his engineers ISKUKKTAKV and MAX.UMCK, \K\V WRST- swings northward again through a low As the contractors under Patrick were ignorant of this charge. In fact- H. S. CAYLEY, MINSTKli. H. C. pass in the hills on to the south bank Welch began work this week for the they say they are not aware of any BARRISTER AND SOLICITOR, of the main branch of Rock creek, V. V. & E. westward from Midway, route that will permit them to make HKDLEY, B. C. about 11 miles west of Midway, at a this will make two railways under their way from the Similkaineen into point just south of Tommy Hawkins' construction from that point. the Skagit, and when the chief engin­ ranch. Continuing westward along eer of the V. V. Ac E. wired from Otta­ the south bank of Rock creek and gain­ WINKLER & MOHR OLIVER & GLADDEN GREEN MOUNTAIN NEWS wa to St. Paul for information con-, ing elevation all the. way the mouth Penticton and Princeton -:o:- corning this imaginary pass he was of Baker creek is reached, but the line informed that they knew nothing- of it- N Mrs. L, A. Clark and her son Mr. Real Estate and Mining Brokers. here is high above the creek bottom. Gerald Clark left yesterday for the in St. Paul, although Engineer Tyo, of Civil & Mining Engineers Swinging southwesterly again up" Bak­ the C. P. R., was sure that there was .Correspondence Solicited from Those Having er creek through Frank Edward'sranch Lewis and Clark exposition at Port­ Property to Sell. such a pass. -:o:- the route swings around to Davy Mc- land. They expect to be gone for Bride's, which, from an engineering about a month. Now however the G reat Northern R H. ROGERS, MINESand point-of view, is Haying at Green Mountain was' engineers have taken the C. P. R. at their word that the Coast-K'ootenay M.A., JJ.C.L. finished last week—an vmusuv.lly fine REAL ESTATE A STRATEGIC POINT, crop. road should keep all the way on Can­ adian soil between the Similkaineen SOLICITO R, CONVEYANCER, and here Chief Engineer Kennedy and The horse crop has also been good, HEDLEY, B. C. and the Coast, and after a recounais- NOTARY PUBLIC, ETC. his staff of engineers''and right of way Mr. Clark having ten healthy young ance by A. E. Baldwin, their surveyors men executed a veritable coup on thecolt s in his band this summer/. C. P. R. in being' the. first to secure are at work running a line via the YERNON, B. C. right of way for the line which they Coldwatcr-Coquihalla route which is A. MEG RAW The Telephone Sen/ice. had selected. The C.P.R. line cuts the claimed by men who know that coun­ Notary F^utollc try, that it is not only a feasible hut a GILLESPIE,:.& MSLflM — McBride ranch but the V. V. <fe E. line R/EPVL ESTATE. * ~ * plays hide and seek through it, and at A writer in the Kamloops Standard most desirable route, and will beat the -AX'D- Conveyancer, Real Estate, Mines, In­ the hoad of Baker creek crosses the treats the government telephone be­ C.P.R.'s route via Spence's Bridge by TWINIING QR.OK.ERS surance, Crown Grants applied boundary line to Molson or Sidley tween Kamloops and Penticton to a 100 miles or thereabouts. Insurance Agents, Conveyancers, Etc. for under Land Act and lake, 31 miles west of Midway. vigorous roast, to which' users of the By going," from Princeton, up the Mineral Act. line Avill readily .say "hear, hear." It Next to Post Offiee. I-IEDLKV. B. C. Then comes the descent to Oroville, Tulameen and the west fork of the was constructed during the •Dominion Agent for : about 20 miles distant and some 1S0O Otter a pass is entered which is the The Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada, election campaign, and is supported (?) feet lower. This presents the greatest watershed between the Coldwatei- Edw. G. Warrei* London & Lancashire Fire Insurance Co., on beau poles, saplings, pine-knots or engineering difficulties, and it is on which runs northward into the Nicola Electrical Engineer and The Ocean Accident & Guarantee Co. anything else that came in the way, this section that the .maximum grade river and the Cocmihalla which runs Contractor and strung with galvanized clothes-line Hedley, B.C. of 2.2 per cent, is touched several times. southward into the Fraser. And this B.C. that was labelled "made in Germany." GREENWOOD, For building, the heaviest work be­ is a route over which there are no C. Iu March last Mayor Stevens of Kam­ P. R. stakes and no plans fyled. tween Midway and Oroville is the por­ loops, who has the supervision of the ESTIMATES FUTSNISHED ON ANY ELEC­ tion along Myers creek, where a great A notable feature of the situation, ..flitalta Meat • Market. line was in Hedley and promised an too, is that it vindicates the attitude TRICAL PKO.IECT FOII POWER OR LIGHT deal of rock work will be necessary. exchange here in a few Aveeks. The "West of Oroville again through the of the opposition who supported the FRESil AND CURED MEATS weeks have lengthened into months, C.P.R.'s contentions. Mr. Foster and canyoi) of the lower Similkaineen is and the latest heard from Mr.
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