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Complete World of Darkness 13/3/2014 WoD - Canon Index - Complete World of Darkness You are not a member of this wiki. Join now ( Dismiss Complete World of Darkness (/Complete+World+of+Darkness) (/page/edit/Complete+World+of+Darkness? (/page/messages/Complete+World+of+Darkness) 4 (/page/history/Complete+World+of+Darkness) (/page/menu/Complete+World+of+Darkness) Merits Universal Mental Architectural (••••) *pre: Wits Chicago Perceive mystical resonance in a specific city Attunement ••, Academics ••, Workings Occult •, Occult p36 Specialty: Sacred Geometry or Mystic Architecture Area of (••) *pre: Resolve FC p131 increase a Mental Specialty to a +2 Expertise ••, appropriate GMCRU Mental Skill p161 Specialty Atavism (•) *pre: Dexterity Slashers Use higher of Wits or Dexterity for Defense ••• or Wits •••, 127 Intelligence •• or below Barrister (••••) *pre: BotD p91 Can safely gauge how far Old Law limits can be pushed Politics ••• Combat (••) *pre: Military DoW +2 to any situational awareness roll Awareness training or p109 combat background. Common (••••) (CO) WoD gives significant cautions or ideas Sense (•••) p108 GMCRU p161 Crafter's Sense (•••) *pre: Crafts FC p131 Common Sense related to a chosen Crafts Specialty •••, Specialty Danger Sense (••) WoD +2 to detect ambush p108 1/46 13/3/2014 WoD - Canon Index - Complete World of Darkness GMCRU p162 Dead (•) BotD p91 Gains 8-again when navigating in the Underworld; loses 10-again navigating Reckoning above ground. Direction (•) GMCRU inate sense of direction Sense p162 Eidetic (••) (CO) WoD remember with ease, gain +2 to Intelligence + Composure to remember facts Memory (••) p108 from large swaths of data GMCRU p162 Emotional (•) *pre: Resolve Asy p50 Ignores stress penalties equal to resolve Detachment •• Encyclopedic (••••) (CO) WoD know obscure facts Knowledge (••) p109 choose a topic and can make Intelligence + Wits rolls to gain facts related to it GMCRU at any time p162 EOD (••) *pre: Wits ••• Arm reduce penalty for disarming unfamiliar explosives or Dex •••, Crafts p208 •••, Crafts Specialty of Demolitions Entheogenic (•) MT p137 +1 to Perception when using psychoactive drugs Synesthesia Eye for the (••) *pre: Resolve GMCRU can roll Intelligence + Composure to determine if scene has a supernatural Strange ••, Occult • p162 cause Good Time (••) *pre: Asy p50, cut time for non-magical Extended rolls by 1/4 Management Academics, Rel 84 Medicine or Science •• Higher Calling (••) *pre: Resolve TotW +1 on Resolve rolls to resist coercion ••• p125 Holistic (•••) WoD help others heal faster Awareness p109 Hypnotic Voice (••••) *pre: SS p66 induce trance state Persuasion ••• or Science •••, Specialty of Hypnotherapy Hypnosis (•••) *pre VII p149 Hypnotize subjects Medicine • or Occult • Informative (•• or ••••) *pre: FC p131 use specified Mental Skill in place of Expression Wits ••, Appropriate Skill •• Interdisciplinary (•) *pre: Two FC p132 share Specialty between two Skills Specialty Appropriate Skills 2/46 13/3/2014 WoD - Canon Index - Complete World of Darkness •••, Specialty (mult) Language (• to •••) [Errata WoD +1/dot Language known [Errata changed to buy separate merit per Language] changed this to p109 (•) with Expression to sound native] Lucid Dreamer (•) SS p67 fight off intrusions into dreams Lucid Dreaming (••) *pre: non- CtL p195 changeling, Resolve ••• Make Do (• to •••) *pre: FC p132 remove -1/dot penalty for shoddy tools Wits •••, Appropriate Skill • Meditative Mind (•) WoD no penalties to meditate p109 Multi-Lingual (• to •••••) Rel p85 2 languages per dot, conversationally Murder Expert (•••) Slasher Strike a Killing Blow (WoD 168) against a single unsuspecting target *pre:Intelligence 127 ••, Stealth ••• Mythologist (•••) *pre: Occult BotD 91 Gains some insight into some of the Underworld's enigmas •• with specialty in Underworld lore or similar Psychic (• to •••) SS p67 inhibit mental alteration by Psychics Resistance Rational (••••) *pre: FC p133 resist mental breakdown with Science or Academics Explanation Resolve ••, Science or Academics •••• Scientist's (•••) *pre: FC p133 Common Sense related to Science Sense Science •••, Specialty Supernatural (• to •••••) *mult, GotU p15 Know secret inner workings of a supernatural creature's capabilities Lore choose focus each time taken Technophile (• or ••) Arn p208 Encyclopedic Knowledge in one topic Telltale Murder (•• or •••) *pre: Slasher After killing something, roll Intelligence + Medicine. •• version allows to 'taunt' Intelligence ••••, 127 those who would make Wits + Investigation rolls. ••• version allows to change Medicine •• the 'meaning' of a murder. Tolerance for (•) *pre: Resolve, Asy p51 +2 to to keep composed when shown scenes of violence or carnage Biology Stamina or Composure •• Trained (•) *pre: GotV p46 memorize information perfectly Memory Composure ••, Investigation • 3/46 13/3/2014 WoD - Canon Index - Complete World of Darkness Trained (• or •••) *pre: DoW p38 ignore penalties or gain Rote quality on Perception rolls Observer Wits ••• or Composure ••• Tunnel Rat (• to •••) Chi p54 Vision (• to •••••) *pre: FC p133 use successes on Vision+Skill roll to aid an Extended Action Intelligence or Wits or Resolve or Composure •••• Well-Traveled (•) Rel p85 9-Again on Mental and Social rolls relating to foreign cultures Whispers (•) Myst can purchase Dream and use it as Instant Action, at the cost of sanity p179 Physical Ambidextrous (•••) (CO) WoD remove off-hand penalty to attack p110 Armored (•• or ••••) *pre: Reload reduce heavy armor penalties by 1 (••) or 2 (••••) Fighting Strength ••• and p84 Stamina ••• Athletics (•) *pre: Dexterity DoW p38 add Athletics rather than doubling Defense on Dodge Dodge •• and Athletics • Brawling Dodge (•) *pre: Strength WoD add Brawl rather than doubling Defense on Dodge •• and Brawl • p110 Demolisher (• to ••) *pre: BotW can ignore 1 (•) or 2 (••) points of Durability when attempting to damage objects Strength ••• or p62 Intelligence ••• Disarm (••) *pre: Dex ••• WoD if damage exceeds Dexterity, disarm and Weaponry • p110 Direction (•) WoD unfailing orientation Sense p110 Entering Strike (••) *pre: Reload successful, defenseless Brawl strike adds bonus (= damage dealt) to Dexterity ••, p72 subsequent grappling attack. Brawl ••• Equipped (••) *pre: Reload add size of blunt weapon (3 or less) to overpowering maneuver dice pool Grappling Dexterity •••, p89 Brawl ••, Weaponry •• Fighting (••) *pre: Dex ••• WoD sub Dexterity for Strength Finesse and Weaponry •• p110 Firearms (•) *pre: Dexterity Reload subtract Brawl dots from attempts to disarm by overpowering Retention ••, Wits ••, Brawl p89 ••, Firearms •• Fast Reflexes (• or ••) *pre WoD +1/dot to Initiative Dexterity ••• p110 (• to •••) *pre GMCRU Dexterity ••• or p162 Wits ••• Fleet of Foot (• to •••) *pre WoD +1/dot to Speed 4/46 13/3/2014 WoD - Canon Index - Complete World of Darkness Strength •• p112 Fresh Start (•) *pre: Fast WoD delay action into next round Reflexes •• p112 Giant (••••) (CO) WoD +1 Size p112 Ground and (••) *pre: Reload perform Takedown/Throw, gain +2 to following unarmed strike. Pound Combination p98 Blows, Boxing ••• or Aggressive Striking •••, Grappling •• Gunslinger (•••) *pre: WoD two gun attacks per round Dexterity ••• and p112 Firearms ••• Heavy Hands (•••) *pre: Reload +1 damage to unarmed strikes Strength •••, p98 Brawl •• Iron Stamina (• to •••) *pre: WoD eliminate fatigue/injury penalties Stamina ••• or p112 Resolve ••• Iron Stomach (••) *pre: Stamina WoD eat even unpalatable cuisine •• p113 Natural (•) *pre: Stamina WoD +2 on Stamina rolls to resist illness Immunity •• p113 Outdoorsman (••) *pre: Survival MR p59 negate environmental penalties to Survival ••• Perfect (•) *pre: Stealth • RoS p94 -2 to all rolls to visually detect character Stillness Quick Draw (•) *pre: Dexterity WoD draw and attack in one turn ••• p113 Quick Healer (••••) *pre: WoD 1/2 healing time Stamina •••• p113 Shield-Bearer (•) WAtP Only -1 to attack when using a shield instead of -2. p89 Steady Driver (•) *pre: Drive •• MR p59 use Resolve+Drive rather than Dex Strong Back (•) *pre:Strength WoD +1 to lift or carry •• p113 Strong Lungs (•••) *pre: WoD +2 on Stamina rolls to hold breath Athletics ••• p113 Student of the (•) *pre: Fencing • Reload May use Fighting Style with all size-2 blades. Blade or Iaido • p66 Stunt Driver (•••) *pre: WoD drive and carry out another action Dexterity ••• p113 Stunt Rider (•••) *pre: RfR p110 ride and carry out another action Dexterity ••• The Weapon at (••) *pre: Krav Reload Reflexive Wits + Weaponry roll for Improvised Weapon, instant action to wield, 5/46 13/3/2014 WoD - Canon Index - Complete World of Darkness Hand Maga •• p79 no penalty for being improvised Toxin (••) *pre: Stamina WoD +2 on Stamina rolls to resist toxins Resistance ••• p113 Weaponry (•) *pre: Strength WoD add Weaponry rather than doubling Defense on Dodge Dodge •• and Weaponry p114 • Weapons to (••) *pre: Reload use Brawl instead of Weaponry for maneuver-related attacks. Empty Hands Dexterity •••, p66 Brawl •••, Weaponry •••, Two Weapons •••• or Filipino Martial Arts •••• or Knife Fighting •••• Wheelman (••) *pre: MR p59
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