Local Churches Makeplans for Special Services
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FACTS WITHOUT FEAR READERS OR FAVOB EVERY WEEK Vol. 59. No. 45 SOUTH A1DBOY, N. J., FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13,1940 Price Four Cents Library at Hoffman High First School "THE Job LUtne 113th Infantry IliSTSEGDLM Room in State to Have Daylight Lighting On Bar Association Wi Take Part In MEETING OF 1940 That there Is a need to surmount ft •. • the problem of Juvenile delinquency • it is shown by the number of articles Board of Governors Bridge Opening COUNCIL DEC. 20 appearing in the newspapers, maga- zines, etc., plus the surveys and rec- Local Police Justice Officer Of Trenton. Dec. 12.—An innovation' <n'ree New Members Will Take ommendations of various social Perth Amboy Lawyer in highway dedications in Kea Jer- Seats on January 1 groups and child welfare organiza- Group sey, the United States Army wUl; tions. For years end years this prob- figure prominently in tiie o2icsaj; At an adjourned meeting of the lem has always been with us, and Police Justice openin? of the new Thomas A. Edi- council held Wednesday afternoon, little or nothing has been done about \ i« John E. Mullane of son bridge on Route 35 over the it was decided to hold the next It until recent years. There has been this city was elect- Raritan river on Saturday. meeting on Friday evening, Dec. 20, a sustained effort ia many localities, ed to the Board of Five units of the 113th Infantry.. when ihe customary business meet- particularly in the metropolitan cen- Governors of the tncluding a *5 piece band and color; ing will be combined' with a regu- ters, to do eflective work; mainly Perth Amboy Bar guard, from Port Dix. will partid-' lir session, to begin at 7 p. m. This through the establishment of clubs Association, at a pate in the dedication program. A; change in meeting cate was made lor the growing girl and boy and meeting held total of 650 men will be in the Fort' because the regular meeting night visits to homes. Results have been recently Dlx detachment. • is Christmas Eve. encouraging. Here in South Amboy jt the Packer Mrs. Thomas Edison will snip, the] The coming meeting will be the our problem In this respect is not BO II 'Use In Perth ribbon, assisted by her (iaughterjUst regular meeting to be held by difficult because of our smallness in Amboy. Mrs. John Sloane and Mrs. Charles! the present council, although it will numbers, but we do have a certain James P. Pat- Edison, wife of the new Governor, j gather briefly New Year's morning amount of juvenile delinquency, ttn. of Perth Am- Following the exercises, the baad;to transact business Incidental to probably of Uie same type which ex- boy was elected and troops will lead an auto parade [ closing its books, ists In every town similar to the John E. IVIullane President, Elmer across the bridge. < The members of the council will stee of ours. We believe that the E. Brown of Carteret was elected State Senator John E. Toc!an of retire from service when the pres- problem of juvenile delinquency can vice president, David Pavlovsky was Mlddlesex County, will act as chair- cnt body goes cut of existence Pat- be best attacked if we first educate Above Is a view of a group of extreme left and the picture shows rison Jorgenson, Elizabeth FeHman. re-elected treasurer and Ralph L. man. Station WOIt will broadcast, nek Grimley. Republican councii- parents to begin at home. First by students in the new library of the the advantage of the new phospor- Carl Dowling, Ray, Saunders,, Jo- Fusco was re-elected secretary. Be- the ceremonies. Jman representing the Second Ward, proper-parental guidance which can If. G. Hoffman high school. efccr.t lighting. The local hi?h seph Kiislc, Thomas Gleason, Jr, sides Mr, Mullane, the other mem- " Frank Stanton, Democrat, repre- inly be given through proper home FChool was the first in the state ti Grace Clayton, Margaret Brower. bers elected to the Board of Gover- senting the Third Ward, and Coun- training, encouiaeement to m This room was formerly ured as Mildred Dean, James F. Tustin, su- , cilman-at-Large John Zdanewicz, the study hall, where the chairs have this new ••daylight" HghtinE. nors were: Emll Stremiau of Car- Howard Dillon youngsters to attend Sunday School The fallowing students may be perintendent of schools, Jam? Ma- teret, Matthew P. Melko, Jacob H. Democrat, present president of the or a church service, employment oi were arranged in rows. The new ar- gce, Donald Richmond, Leo Wester- Bernstein and Huyler E. Romond. (council. rangement has proved more conduc- yeen at work: Dorothy Nilson, Vi- rick, Dorothy Falk, Edna Fox, Mar- Is Re-elected To Ss5» tlniB- at home In worthwhile vienne Cash. Beatrice Barnnowskl The Association paid tribute to The new council which takes of- reading, a hobby, wholesome radio tive to study. garet Mochen, Doris Ireland, Ethel thp late George 3, Sllzer of Metuch- fice on the first of the new year lct ure Jan? Hurkard, Margaret Crate;, Lll- programs and motion P . ,?v *?: Over 1,400 volumes arc available Muntly,- Ruth Gawenus, Ruth Jomo, en and adopted a resolution on his will be entirely Democratic, with iouragtaif the boy or girl to iota the lie Hoffman. Mrs. Miriam, librarian, Hope Smallcy, Ethel Mundy, Georce death. Lead Red Cross two present members serving the to the students. The Librarian's Helen Spi ingle, John Gregor, Har- Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts, or to charging desk may be seen on the Point and George Hammell. Ralph Fusco, on behalf of the Bar > tnr«- t * i r-% (second year of their terms to which with children whom they Association, presented a gift to Da- Annual Weetins of Local Vhap-|thejr were elected last year, William only be a sood influence vid Pavlovsky, who Is about to leave ter Held Friday Nehrkorn, representing the Fourth L Parents can encourage Hoffman High School Girls Assist in Sewing for service with the United States Ward,, and Anton Walczak repre- to use clean language by irmy. Mr. Fusco, stated that the At the annual senting the First Ward. members of the Bar of the City of three new members of the 1 meeting and elec- j Of Garments For Lcccl Red Cross Chapter Perth Amboy would do everything tion of officers of which will operate next year to cooperate and assist Mr. Pavlov- the local Red are Joseph McKcon, councilman at sky in continuing his practice white Cross chapter Fri- large. Charles Hess, Second Ward i— he Is gone. Mr. Pavlovsky expresed day evening, all Councilman to succeed Patrick i • J J. his thanks for the offer. officers were rr- Patrick Grimley and Nicholas How- ley succp A resolution was adopted support- elected" HowariS l *° ed Frank Stanton in the W. Dillon, as Third Ward. '4-( l_ ing the present bill which has been _ introduced in the New Jersey State chairman; Vin- j -#- V L p Legislature regarding the unauthor- cent Higgins, a; ; JH 1&" * I A* ized practice of law. vice chairman: Funds For Morgan tt-J.-a V. j. The Installation meeting will be Mrs. Howard W. -*• <• * A 1**, held tomorrow evening. Dillon, secretary; mm and James P < Howard Dillon Bridge Given 0. K. \* •4 5 Coan, treasurer. , i later. ... Tntstees elected were: EwoodR I Esnd.( of c| To MilIjon hi} -«=si' • \ ,7~,T \ y 'riff '**• ".T " i «•* Father Horan Brown Mrs. L. P. Meinter, Har- , WMmTwailv I think we all should en- i".. i, old Hoffman, Mrs Samuel Newton, Dollars IS Approved by com A efSs of those who have i Mrs. H S. Eulner, C. T. Mason. State Commission worked to keep Interest olive in toe To Supervise Diocese , •* James H. Dawson, George Kurtz, Boy Scouts. Girl Scouts, and aU to Jr._..,_..., M. W. Stelner,. Mrs P. B. i, Approval of an expenditure of other groups which have for their Youth Organization Bird, William Briggs, Mrs. Constance close to a million dollars for tho Keasby Mrs. Bussell Hardy. Mrs. primary work on the construction William Brlggs, Marie Gaub. Mrs. ol a high level bridge over Chcese- Bishop Names Local Clergyman Head of Catholic Youth Freeman, Mrs. J. E. Ceogan. Mrs jnecting traflic circle and approaches hood We would like to see Organization Mary Shultz. Mrs. H. E. Edgcomb, |was given Tuesday b« the State mation of groups such as we ana Mrs A J .FurmarvMrs. WiUiam House Commission as part of a State police cadets (any name you di Ute to Rev: John Horari of St. Mary's P. Nichols. Harol"" "d" E~ . Edscomb-" ", WPA road buUding partnership pro- call them) encouraging tho boys to The above picture shows the sew- local chapter of the American- Eed have-been-most cooperative". gram. d parish here was recently appointed' Miss Hilda Galley, Sidney Komar. iet acquainted with the P<M?f «» ing room of the Harold a. Hoff- Cross." .Shown in the picture are: Mrs. director of the Catholic Youth or- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerr, Sr.. H The project is another in the com- firemen and their responsibilities. mann high, school, which is under Layettes, blankets and diapers Blanche B. Tustin, Goldye Rosen- ganization In the Trenton diocese. S. Eulncr, James Tustln. Mrs. Ad- mission's program against unemploy- Elus the need for the preservation am Nebus, Mrs. James Tustin and ment. The bridge has been, advo- the supervision of Mrs. Blanche B. have been made here by the stu- thai, Esther Kurtz, Dorothy Schultz, The appointment was. announced of law, order and property.