Deposition of: Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 In the Matter of: Talbot County Council Meeting Veritext Legal Solutions 800-734-5292 |
[email protected] | Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 Page 1 1 COUNTY COUNCIL OF TALBOT COUNTY, MARYLAND 2 3 4 Council Meeting 5 6 7 June 23, 2020; 6:00 p.m. 8 9 10 Council Chambers, Easton, Maryland 11 12 13 COUNCIL MEMBERS: 14 Corey W. Pack 15 Chuck F. Callahan 16 Frank Divilio 17 Pete Lesher 18 Laura E. Price 19 20 Reported by 21 Diane Houlihan Veritext Legal Solutions 202-803-8830 -- 410-494-8300 Talbot County Council Meeting June 23, 2020 Page 2 Page 4 1 TRANSCRIPT OF PROCEEDINGS 1 for us technology wise. We're able to do a lot 2 2 of things here that we were not able to do up 3 MR. PACK: Thank you, all, for being with 3 at the Community Center. 4 us. If you wouldn't mind standing with us. 4 So we want to thank Preston Peper, our 5 Councilman Lesher is going to start us with an 5 Parks & Recs director, for hosting us there for 6 opening prayer followed by the Pledge of 6 the last two months. I know he's probably 7 Allegiance. 7 relieved that we're not there with him, but we 8 (Prayer and Pledge of Allegiance.) 8 want to thank him nonetheless for his endurance 9 MR. PACK: Thank you, Mr. Lesher, for that 9 and his patience while we were there with him.