ASSESSING THE USABILITY OF MUNICIPAL SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE Bestoon Ali Mahmoud Assessing the Usability of Municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure ASSESSING THE USABILITY OF MUNICIPAL SPATIAL DATA INFRASTRUCTURE Master of Science Thesis Date: 07 June 2017 Author: Ing. B.A. (Bestoon) Mahmoud
[email protected] Supervisor: Dr. ir. L. (Łukasz) Grus, MSc. Professor: Prof. dr. ir. A.K. (Arnold) Bregt Reviewer: Drs. M.E. (Marianne) de Vries III Assessing the Usability of Municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure ABSTRACT Every day (governmental) organisations and specifically municipalities are using their spatial data for the purposes of meeting legal obligations and requirements (laws), supporting business processes and providing better services to their residents. The access to the spatial data, sharing and using them organized by means of municipal Spatial Data Infrastructure. To manage the afore-mentioned purposes; municipalities are in need of a comprehensive, reliable and easily accessible spatial data, in other words, a well-functioning Spatial Data Infrastructure. The main aim of this research is to find a methodology to assess the usability of the Spatial Data Infrastructure through users’ perspective within the local government (municipalities) in The Netherlands. To reach that goal usability framework and assessment approach created and elaborated. ISO usability aspects definition (Effectiveness, Efficiency and Satisfaction) and SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable/Accepted, Realistic, and Time-bound) assessment indicators used and found to create usability framework. Questionnaires implemented as assessment approach depending on literatures and interviews. This research found that evaluating GIS (Geographic Information System) is the best method to assess users’ perspectives in the municipalities. As GIS is the window by which users look through at SDI and GIS considered as the underpinning technology for SDI.