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Advent Devotional Digitial Version Devotions for Advent 1 Devotions for Advent Featuring Mitri Raheb and the Bright Stars of Bethlehem Ministry INTRODUCTION We invite you to travel in spirit and in hope to Bethlehem in these devotions for Advent. The city of Bethlehem—both past and present—has so much to tell us. But there is one thing that stands out in this “little town.” As the classic hymn “O Little Town of Bethlehem” says, “O morning stars, together proclaim the holy birth.” That’s what the authors of these devotions are doing—proclaiming a holy birth. Whose birth are we proclaiming? The one who “in thy dark streets shineth,” the Bright Star of Bethlehem—Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is his birth in Bethlehem and his birth in our hearts that we celebrate in these pages. It is our pleasure to present these devotions to you in coordination with Bethlehem pastor Mitri Raheb and the Bright Stars of Bethlehem organization. Bright Stars of Bethlehem is a U.S. 501(c)3 organization founded in 2003 to promote and to bring awareness to the many hope-filled ministries of Christmas Lutheran Church in Bethlehem, to build hope and a brighter future for Palestine. To learn more about how you can help provide funding and support for the educational, medical, wellness and spiritual needs of the people currently living in Bethlehem and throughout Palestine, visit the Bright Stars website at www. The organization’s focus says it all: “Hope is what we do!” Enjoy your journey to Bethlehem this Advent season to meet the Bright Star, Jesus Christ, who is for us the Star of Creation, the Star of Hope, the Star of Unity and the Star of Joy. Pastor Mitri Raheb, Christmas Lutheran Church, Bethlehem, Palestine Ms. Beth Nelson Chase, Vice President, Bright Stars of Bethlehem, U.S., Email: Dr. Rich Bimler, Board of Directors, Bright Stars of Bethlehem Mr. Mark Zimmermann, editor 2 The Star of Creation FIRST SUNDAY OF ADVENT People of Light But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. —1 Peter 2:9 elcome to Bethlehem, where there truly is no room at the inn. Tourism to W this land, the Holy Land, is on the increase. Around 75% of the tourists are Christian pilgrims who come to visit the Holy Land. Indeed, a pilgrimage to the places where Jesus, the Bright Star of Bethlehem, lived, died and rose is a transforming experience that makes one read and understand the Bible in a new way. However, by visiting only the ancient stones and touring mainly archaeological sites, tourists miss out on encountering the “living stones” where Jesus is dwelling today. Being a Palestinian Christian who was born just a few meters away from the Church of the Nativity, I often watched tourists flocking to the narrow and low gate that marks the entrance to the Church. Less than 20 minutes later, I would see them coming out, running into the bus and hurrying on to their next destination. The Holy Land seems similar to a Christian Disneyland, tourists standing in long lines to visit many sites and ancient churches, and pilgrims running where Jesus walked. They are not seeing the Light. It is a moving experience for pilgrims to walk the Via Dolorosa, carrying a wooden cross on their backs. Still, it is even more meaningful to hear firsthand stories, genuine testimonies and personal narratives by local Christians. What makes the land holy are not the stones, but the people, and the Light that shines through them because of Jesus. PRAYER Jesus, Star of Creation, we thank you for making us holy by your birth, death and resurrection. Help us to be people of light because you are the Bright Star of Bethlehem. Amen. Mitri Raheb 3 THE BRIGHT STAR OF BETHLEHEM MONDAY, FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT Confluence of Seasons The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light; those who dwelt in a land of deep darkness, on them has light shone. —Isaiah 9:2 e are in a confluence of seasons: Thanksgiving is just over; Advent is now W just beginning. We already see Christmas lights and decorations going up. It is a confluence of emotions, too, and it was a mix of emotions on my latest trip to Bethlehem, to be sure. There was relief at having made it after such a long journey, happiness for our hosts Charlie and Raida, excitement about being part of the ministry in Bethlehem, sadness over the struggles in this place, but joy that here our Savior was born for us. Have you had the experience of people who think Bethlehem is a magical wonderland of Christmas? Sometimes we who have been here before may despair a bit about what’s happened to Bethlehem, what has happened to Christmas here. There are few lights, few jobs and little hope among many. But it’s not so different, really. Jesus, the Bright Star of Bethlehem, has always come to people who were less than overwhelmed to greet him, people who “dwelt in the land of deep darkness.” Christ has come to create a new confluence of glory and blessing between this earth and the paradise above. It is still our joy to join the shepherds and angels, Mary and Joseph, and the Wise Men who greeted Jesus here when he entered creation, and to join those who spread the good news of his presence on earth. It is still our joy to know this joy in our hearts. Today it is our joy to be Christian citizens of Bethlehem and ambassadors of the birth of Jesus. That is what God has created us to be—bright stars pointing to Christ. PRAYER Jesus, Star of Creation, thank you for creating us to be ambassadors of your birth to all the earth. Amen. Fred Zimmermann 4 THE STAR OF CREATION TUESDAY, FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT Wish Upon a Star I will make your descendants as numerous as the stars in the sky. —Genesis 22:17 henever I hear the song from Walt Disney’s movie Pinocchio, “When W you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you,” I am transported back to a time in my life when wishing on a star was magical. Standing under starlit skies still fills me with awe and a sense of serenity. No matter what is going on in the world or in my life, at that moment I feel blessed. Stories in the Bible I read as a child reinforced this understanding of the stars as signs of blessing. For Abraham and Sarah, the stars reminded them of God’s promise that they would have offspring as numerous as the stars in the heavens. For Mary and Joseph, the star was a sign of blessing on the child for whom they risked their reputations and their lives for the sake of God’s dream for the world. And in Bethlehem today, the Bright Star of Bethlehem continues to bless the lives of children, youth and adults who, because of the various ministries at Christmas Lutheran Church, get to dream and shine like stars. Whenever I stand there, under those rising stars, I am again filled with a sense of awe and possibility that the life God envisions for us is possible and dreams can come true. PRAYER Jesus, Star of Creation, as we watch the night sky this Advent, waiting for your appearance, remind us that your dream for us and our world is possible. Amen. Bonnie Van Overbeke 5 THE BRIGHT STAR OF BETHLEHEM WEDNESDAY, FIRST WEEK OF ADVENT The Mindfulness of God When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him? —Psalm 8:3-4 fter church one Sunday in Bethlehem, I was invited home for dinner by a A woman I met at coffee hour. Over dinner, she and her husband talked about their concerns for their children, their own safety and their future in this war- torn place. “We feel trapped like animals in a cage. Are we not human beings?” they said in desperation. Just then a neighbor came by to take the kids to the pool at Dar Al-Kalima Health and Wellness Center. “If it weren’t for Pastor Mitri and the activities at the Center, our children would have nothing positive to do,” said this mother. “We are so very grateful.” It was in that moment when my commitment to support and participate in the ongoing work of the church in Bethlehem tightened its hold on my heart. Our God is mindful of us and works through us to care for all who feel “like animals in a cage.” The International Center of Bethlehem and the various ministries there offer care and hope to the people of Bethlehem. In a speech given in acceptance of the German Media Award, Pastor Mitri Raheb spoke about the necessity of “creating spaces for life: spaces where people can breathe,” where children can explore their abilities and stretch their wings, where young adults can learn how to express their dreams and frustrations in music and dance, where God’s mindfulness for us as his creations is expressed and experienced. PRAYER Jesus, Star of Creation, thank you for being mindful of us.
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