MSUE Pesticide Education Program

TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement

TrainingTraining forfor CommercialCommercial PesticidePesticide ApplicatorsApplicators Category 3A

Developed by Greg Patchan, Julie Stachecki, and Kay Sicheneder MSUE Pesticide Education Program

PrinciplesPrinciples ofof PestPest ManagementManagement

Chapter 1 A pesticide applicator doesn’t just apply pesticides. Social and legal responsibilities accompany the use of toxic materials. MSUE Pesticide Education Program

Pesticide application must protect plant material from pest injury without endangering nontarget organisms. MSUE Pesticide Education Program

Integrated Pest Management MSUE Pesticide Education Program IPMIPM n Use of all available strategies to manage pests. n Achieve acceptable yield and quality. n Least environmental disruption. MSUE Pesticide Education Program IPMIPM PestPest ControlControl StrategiesStrategies n Resistant varieties n Cultural practices n Natural enemies n Mechanical controls n Pesticides n IPM is NOT anti-pesticide IPMIPM waswas developeddeveloped forfor agricultureagriculture because....because.... n No one method achieves long term pest management. n Pest management is a part of plant care. n Reduce costs. n Failures, resistance, pollution were the lessons. MSUE Pesticide Education Program IPMIPM StepsSteps forfor TurfgrassTurfgrass n Detection of what is injuring turfgrass. n Identification of agents injuring turfgrass. n Economic significance. n Selection of methods. n Evaluation. MSUE Pesticide Education Program Detection-MonitoringDetection-Monitoring n Benefits:Benefits: – Discover pests present – Determine life cycle stage – Detect low level populations, So: • serious injury is prevented • more options are available • less toxic methods possible MSUE Pesticide Education Program ScoutingScouting TechniquesTechniques n Visual inspection n Coffee can technique n Disclosing solutions n Turf roll-back n Golf cup-cutter samples MSUE Pesticide Education Program MSUE Pesticide Education Program MSUE Pesticide Education Program MSUE Pesticide Education Program MonitoringMonitoring n Scouting n Monitor weather n Degree days (CAT Alerts) n Phenology (Coincide) – Plant/pest development relationships MSUE Pesticide Education Program

Create a standard sheet for recording monitoring data. MSUE Pesticide Education Program ProblemProblem IdentificationIdentification n KnowKnow healthyhealthy turfgrassturfgrass – /variety – Growing requirements MSUE Pesticide Education Program ProblemProblem IdentificationIdentification n KnowKnow thethe agentsagents thatthat damagedamage turfgrassturfgrass:: – Cultural - environmental – Weeds – Diseases (fungal) – Insects – Animals MSUE Pesticide Education Program DiagnosingDiagnosing TurfgrassTurfgrass DisordersDisorders n Symptoms n Investigate the environment n Turfgrass history n Investigation tools n References n Diagnostic Lab n Multiple causes possible MSUE Pesticide Education Program

CostCost ofof ControlControl Benefit MSUE Pesticide Education Program EconomicEconomic SignificanceSignificance n Economic injury level – Cost vs. benefit n Aesthetic injury level – unacceptable injury • Whose decision? n Action threshold – Pest level starting management action – e.g., 5 grubs per square foot MSUE Pesticide Education Program FactorsFactors AffectingAffecting InjuryInjury LevelsLevels n Tolerance of pest damage n Visibility or use of turf area n Level of maintenance n Health and vigor of the turf n Greatest possible pest injury to the host n Expected impact of natural controls MSUE Pesticide Education Program Setting turfgrass injury levels that reflect specific pest and host conditions is the cornerstone of IPM. MSUE Pesticide Education Program SelectionSelection ofof MethodsMethods n ManyMany factorsfactors limitlimit pestpest populations:populations: – Weather – Natural enemies – Plant defenses – Controls implemented by people ChooseChoose ControlControl Methods...Methods...

n Least toxic to nontarget organisms n Enhance natural controls n May permanently limit the pest n Least hazardous for the applicator n Most likely to stay on the target area MSUE Pesticide Education Program FactorsFactors ThatThat LimitLimit OptionsOptions n Budget n Availability of equipment n Availability of labor n Time n Availability of products n Public/client acceptance of methods MSUE Pesticide Education Program EvaluationEvaluation n Was turfgrass protected from serious injury? n Negative consequences? – Environmental impacts – Promotion of other pests n Practical? n Cost effective? MSUE Pesticide Education Program

Evaluate the results of management efforts.

Generate complete and accurate records. MSUE Pesticide Education Program Pests can’t be maintained below threshold levels for long periods of time solely through the use of pesticides. MSUE Pesticide Education Program

Practical, economical and environmentally sound pest management requires the use of all aspects of IPM. TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) CareCare ofof TurfgrassTurfgrass Chapter 2

MSUE Pesticide Education MSUE Pesticide Education EcologicalEcological BenefitsBenefits ofof TurfgrassTurfgrass n Oxygen n Reduced production leaching n Reduced n Cooling erosion n Pesticide n Pollutant degradation absorption

MSUE Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass Disorders:Disorders: Non-PestNon-Pest n Improper species selection n Lack of air movement n Too hot, dry or wet weather n Too much or not enough nutrients

MSUE Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass Disorders:Disorders: Non-PestNon-Pest n compaction n Competition from other plants n Excessive wear or traffic n Too much thatch

MSUE Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass Disorders:Disorders: Non-PestNon-Pest n Improper height of cut n Too much or little sunlight n Poorly maintained mower n Improper irrigation

MSUE Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass Disorders:Disorders: PestPest n Animal Pests Pest problems are often the result, not n Insect Pests the cause, of poor quality turf. n Weeds n Disease Pests

MSUE Pesticide Education RequirementsRequirements forfor HealthyHealthy TurfTurf n Water n Soil organisms n Temperature n Nutrients n Sunlight n Soil type and condition

MSUE Pesticide Education Water has the greatest influence on turf health and quality. Cooling takes place through transpiration.

Without sufficient water, I’ll go dormant.

MSUE Pesticide Education TemperatureTemperature && ClimateClimate n Cool season grasses: – Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, fine fescues, tall fescue, bentgrass n Transition grasses: – Tall fescue, bermudagrass n Warm season grasses: – Zoysiagrass, bermudagrass, centepedegrass, bahiagrass

MSUE Pesticide Education Michigan is a cool - cold growing zone. Shoot growth greatest between 60-75F. Root growth optimum with soil temperatures between 50-65F.

MSUE Pesticide Education Temperatures above these ranges affect the entire grass plant.


Photosynthesis = EnergyEnergy ShortageShortage

MSUE Pesticide Education SunlightSunlight n Required for photosynthesis n Species and cultivar preferences n Most grasses require at least partially sunny sites

MSUE Pesticide Education ShadedShaded turfturf

MSUE Pesticide Education SoilSoil TypesTypes

MSUE Pesticide Education SoilSoil n SoilSoil isis composedcomposed of:of: – Inorganic particles (minerals) – Organic matter (remains of organisms) – Water – Air – Soil organisms

MSUE Pesticide Education An ideal soil contains: • 50% organic and inorganic solid particles, and • 50% open space (soil pores). Pores are filled with water or air depending on soil type, drainage, and season.

MSUE Pesticide Education SoilSoil TextureTexture n Percentages of sand, silt, clay particles

Sand Silt Clay

MSUE Pesticide Education SandSand n Large particles & large pores – Limited water and nutrient holding capacity – Limited compaction – Rapid water infiltration

MSUE Pesticide Education ClayClay n Small particles & small pores – Compacts – Slow drainage & water infiltration – Holds moisture – Holds nutrients – Poor aeration

MSUE Pesticide Education IdealIdeal SoilSoil n Composite of soil particle sizes and organic matter with: – Good water and nutrient holding capacity – Good aeration – Resists compaction

MSUE Pesticide Education SoilSoil pHpH n pH is a measure of soil acidity

1 5 7 7.5 13

Very Neutral Very Acidic Alkaline

Range for turfgrass

MSUE Pesticide Education pH affects nutrient availability. Determine pH with a soil test. Use lime to raise and sulfur to lower pH.

MSUE Pesticide Education NutrientsNutrients n Nutrient holding capacity determined by % of clay particles and organic matter. n Nutrient levels constantly change in the soil.

MSUE Pesticide Education Even when you suspect turf is showing symptoms of nutrient deficiencies, soil testing is the only reliable method of diagnosis.

MSUE Pesticide Education Nutrients:Nutrients: OverviewOverview n Nitrogen (N) n Phosphorus (P or P2O5) n Potassium (K or K2O) n Micronutrients

MSUE Pesticide Education NitrogenNitrogen n Used in largest quantities – Dry clippings are about 5% N by weight n Turf most responsive to N n Deficiencies: – Poor color, growth – Symptoms develop easily because N

levels can change quickly 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education NitrogenNitrogen n Periodic applications needed for good quality. n Do not exceed 1lb./1,000 sq. ft./appl. – Do not over apply nitrogen – Too much N = weak, lush turf n N can move and contaminate water sources. 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education PhosphorusPhosphorus n Important for: – Root development, maturation, seed production n Practically immobile in the soil – Few deficient in P n Deficiency: purpling of blades – Do not confuse with cold weather coloration 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education PhosphorusPhosphorus n Can move with soil particles into waterways. – Stimulates aquatic weed growth n 50lbs./acre is adequate. n Except for new turf, apply only when indicated by soil test. 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education PotassiumPotassium n Quantity used - second to N n Important for: – Roots, wear, and stress tolerance n Deficiency rarely visible – Yellow and dead blade tips n 3:2 ratio of N:K commonly used – Visual response: minimal 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education MicronutrientsMicronutrients n Used in small amounts – Iron, copper, manganese, etc.. n May be limiting with pH above 7 – e.g., iron deficiency – Iron applications provide short term benefits


MSUE Pesticide Education SoilSoil OrganismsOrganisms n Contribute to organic matter n Aerate the soil n Process nutrients n Degrade pesticides

MSUE Pesticide Education Prevent chronic problems by carefully selecting and installing turfgrass.

MSUE Pesticide Education Select grasses suited to growing conditions and planned use. Many varieties of Kentucky bluegrass, perennial ryegrass and fine fescue are suitable for MI conditions.

MSUE Pesticide Education GrassesGrasses n Species and varieties differ in: – Appearance – Wear tolerance – Maintenance requirements – Pest susceptibility – Site tolerance

MSUE Pesticide Education Turf stands composed of several grass types are better able to resist pests and adapt to different environmental conditions.

MSUE Pesticide Education n Blend:Blend: – 2 or more grasses of the same species F Glade + Bristol + Cheri Kentucky bluegrasses n Mixture:Mixture: – 2 or more different species F Kentucky bluegrass + perennial ryegrass

MSUE Pesticide Education Some fescue and ryegrass varieties contain a that is toxic to insects chewing on the plant.

MSUE Pesticide Education PlantingPlanting ProceduresProcedures n Eliminate weedy perennial grasses – Quackgrass, bentgrass n Rough grade to correct slope n Amend soil if needed n Analyze soil – Adjust nutrients and pH

MSUE Pesticide Education PlantingPlanting ProceduresProcedures n Work soil to depth of 6 inches n Remove stones and debris n Smooth grade area n Apply starter fertilizer n Plant: – Late is best n Rake, mulch, water the seedbed

MSUE Pesticide Education Post-PlantingPost-Planting CareCare n Watering n Mowing Healthy Turf n Fertilizing } n Pest management

MSUE Pesticide Education WateringWatering n Amount and frequency depends on weather conditions. n Keep moist - NOT wet. n Decrease amount and frequency as roots develop.

MSUE Pesticide Education MowingMowing n Mow as soon as desired height is passed. n Keep blades sharp and properly adjusted.

– Dull blades may pull up seedlings

MSUE Pesticide Education FertilizingFertilizing n A couple of weeks after seedlings emerge or roots develop, apply 1/2 rate of 2-1-1 ratio fertilizer. n Be sure to include K. n Water in fertilizer to prevent burning. 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education PestPest ManagementManagement n Young turfgrasses can be sensitive to pesticides. – Delay applications until established – Use alternative strategies – If a pesticide must be used: F Check label for rates on newly established turfgrass

MSUE Pesticide Education MaintainingMaintaining TurfTurf n Requires: – Watering – Aerating – Mowing – Dethatching – Fertilizing – Pest management


MSUE Pesticide Education Management practices must reflect the needs of the grasses, site conditions, and use objectives. Excessive maintenance may be wasteful or damaging.

MSUE Pesticide Education Watering Too much? Too little? How often? When? Rainfall? Irrigation? Dormant? No consensus, no simple answers.

MSUE Pesticide Education The amount of water lost by transpiration and evaporation from the turfgrass stand.

1 inch per week

MSUE Pesticide Education No single irrigation method meets season-long needs of a turfgrass stand. Make adjustments to keep the root zone moist, not saturated. Daily, light irrigation (1/5”/day) has been shown to be effective.

MSUE Pesticide Education IrrigatedIrrigated turfturf

MSUE Pesticide Education MowingMowing n Height – 2-3 inches for most turf – Mowing short... F reduces root growth & vigor F increases weed invasion n Frequency – No more than 1/3 removed per cut n Enduring drought – Increase height of cut – Mow during cool hours-not when wilted

MSUE Pesticide Education “Don’t Bag Them”

Clippings do NOT contribute to thatch.

Recycle plant nutrients.

Keep pesticides on the .

MSUE Pesticide Education When clippings are removed, fertilization should be increased by 25-50%

MSUE Pesticide Education FertilizationFertilization n Consider:Consider: – Species and varieties of turfgrass – Site conditions F Sun, shade, wet, dry, soil type, slope – Utilization of the site F Wear, utility, “picture perfect”


MSUE Pesticide Education FertilizerFertilizer CharacteristicsCharacteristics n Water solubility n Slow release n Synthetic or “natural organic” n Soil reaction effects n Burn potential n Fertilizer analysis – Complete: 21-4-8 – Complete: 21-4-8 24-4-8

MSUE Pesticide Education FertilizerFertilizer burnburn

MSUE Pesticide Education FertilizerFertilizer BurnBurn n Don’t apply to wet n Water-in soluble or stressed turf fertilizers n Apply evenly n Use insoluble, organic forms n Don’t spill n Apply no more n Use granules or than 1 lb./1,000 sq. pelleted vs. ft. per application pulverized

MSUE Pesticide Education Clay soils drain poorly and easily become compacted.

MSUE Pesticide Education Relieves compaction, stimulates root growth. Core aerators more effective than spike or slit aerators.

Compacted soils ThatchThatch n Exists between green vegetation and soil surface. n Tightly intermingled living and dead stems, , roots. n A thin thatch layer: – Reduces compaction – Moderates soil temperature and reduces water loss

MSUE Pesticide Education ThatchThatch n Too much - over 1/2 inch: – restricts water, nutrient, pesticide and air movement – may encourage disease & insect pests n High N and rapid growth may encourage thatch formation n Pesticide use may increase thatch

MSUE Pesticide Education ThatchThatch ReductionReduction

Coring and processing the soil back into the thatch is the best way to reduce thatch.

Composted thatch

Compacted soils ShadedShaded TurfgrassTurfgrass n Satisfactory – rough bluegrass, fine fescue n Fair – tall fescue, perennial rye n Poor – Kentucky bluegrass n Varieties make a difference

MSUE Pesticide Education ShadedShaded TurfgrassTurfgrass n Tree and shrub roots compete for water and nutrients. n Tree canopies = umbrella. n High humidity can increase disease. n Suggestions: – Trim trees, reduce fertility, use tolerant grasses, mow high, irrigate carefully – Plant ground covers

MSUE Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) PestPest ManagementManagement TechniquesTechniques Chapter 3

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PestPest ManagementManagement TacticsTactics n Short term suppression OR n Long term maintenance of pest levels – Resistance – Environmental modifications – Cultural practices – Biological controls

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShortShort TermTerm SuppresionSuppresion

n application for control of Rhizoctonia - Brown patch.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Long-termLong-term maintenancemaintenance n Environmental modifications n Cultural practices n Resistance

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PlantPlant ResistanceResistance == PlantPlant VigorVigor nPlant selection – Match site conditions – Pest resistance nEstablished turf – Modify environment – Appropriate cultural practices

MSU Extension Pesticide Education CulturalCultural PracticesPractices

Topdressing MSU Extension Pesticide Education CulturalCultural ControlsControls

n Irrigation n Increase air n Drainage movement n Fertility n Sanitation n Aeration n Mowing n Reduce shade

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Mowing

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MechanicalMechanical && PhysicalPhysical ControlsControls n Hand Removal – Cutworms, slime mold n Traps – Moles, skunks, wood chucks, etc. n Barriers – Roots n Repellants – Vertebrates

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Spider and wasp

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Chinch bug and Big-eyed bug

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BiologicalBiological ControlsControls n Encourage natural enemies – Limit pesticide use – Select “friendly” pesticides – Prevent unacceptable injury – Do not attempt pest eradication

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BiologicalBiological ControlsControls n Increase natural enemies – Insect release • Predators, parasites – Pathogen based insecticides • Bt • Naturally occurring

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BtBt forfor controlcontrol ofof cutwormscutworms

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) PesticidePesticide ApplicationApplication Chapter 4

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ThinkingThinking applicatorapplicator

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SelectingSelecting aa PesticidePesticide n Labeled for the pest or site. n Produces desired level of control. n Least disruptive to the environment.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SelectingSelecting aa PesticidePesticide n Non-phytotoxic. n Economically practical. n Compatible with turf management. n Acceptable to the public.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ClassifyingClassifying PesticidesPesticides n Type of pest controlled. n Pesticide chemistry. n Mode of action. n Pesticide formulation.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education To use any pesticide in a manner inconsistent with its label is a violation of federal and state law.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TypeType ofof PestPest ControlledControlled n Insecticide Ô Insects n Acaricide Ô Mites and ticks n Nematicide Ô Nematodes n Fungicide Ô Fungi n Rodenticide Ô Rats and rodents n Avicide Ô Birds n Herbicide Ô Weeds

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Toxicity Category LD50 Signal Word

I Up to 50 Danger mg/kg II 51-500 mg/kg Warning

III 501-5,000 Caution mg/kg IV > 5,000 mg/kg Caution

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Select “Caution” pesticides when possible and avoid RUP’s!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide ModeMode ofof ActionAction n Broad spectrum n Contact n Residual n Nonselective pesticide herbicide n Protectant n Selective Herbicide n Systemic

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide FormulationsFormulations n When selecting, consider: – Application method – Ease of storage and mixing – Risk when handling – Risk of moving off target – Cost

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide FormulationsFormulations n Emulsifiable n Flowable: F, L Concentrates: E, n Granules: G EC n Baits n Wettable Powders: WP n Soluble Powders: SP

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BeBe familiarfamiliar withwith youryour equipmentequipment specifications.specifications.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide ApplicationApplication EquipmentEquipment n Granular spreaders n Spray output equipment n Controlled droplet (CDA) n Small-capacity sprayers n Hydraulic sprayers

MSU Extension Pesticide Education GranularGranular SpreadersSpreaders n Drop (gravity) spreaders – pattern= width of spreader – uniform coverage or target area F abrupt edges n Rotary spreaders – coverage wider than spreader F overlap required for uniformity F drift to nontarget areas

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SpraySpray EquipmentEquipment n Traditional spray guns n Shower head gun – Large droplets – Low pressure n Spray wand n Spray booms

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SpraySpray NozzlesNozzles n Nozzles are classified by: – Spray delivery pattern – Spray angle – Discharge rate – Construction material n Nozzles used outside of specified rates and pressure will not work accurately.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NozzleNozzle TypesTypes n Flat pattern 4 Uniform when boom is at proper height.

n Broadcast pattern

4 Not uniform.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NozzleNozzle TypesTypes n Flooding fan n Hollow cone

4Not as 4Best for uniform direct as flat spraying fan. not boom.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Abrasive materials, like wettable powders, cause nozzles to wear. Worn nozzles alter application rates. Calibrate, check, and replace worn nozzles.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ControlledControlled DropletDroplet ApplicatorsApplicators n Commonly called: – Rotary spray nozzles or spinning disk n Droplet size is uniform; varies with: – Cup diameter – Speed – Flow rates n Uses limited water.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Small-CapacitySmall-Capacity SprayersSprayers n Used for small areas and spot treatments: – Most are hand sprayers – Most use compressed air – May have a wand, gun, small boom – Tank pressure drops as solution is sprayed – Minimal agitation -- WPs settle

MSU Extension Pesticide Education HydraulicHydraulic SprayersSprayers n Used for most large scale applications. n Spray material delivered through: – Hand held gun – Boom n High and low pressures possible. n Large capacity tanks available.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education How you apply a pesticide is equally as important to pest management as your choice of the pesticide product and application equipment.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplyApply onlyonly thethe amountamount ofof pesticidepesticide necessarynecessary toto obtainobtain thethe desireddesired levellevel ofof pestpest control.control.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplicationApplication TechniquesTechniques

– Apply only where pests are located. – Don’t allow activities to reduce effectiveness:

F , not watering-in, etc. – Tailor applications to pest habits:

F Water-in grub control materials

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplyingApplying GranularGranular ProductsProducts n Fill equipment on paved surface. n Make “header” strips around the property. – Keep material off paved surfaces and out of flower beds n Treat property will parallel swaths. – Use correct overlap – Turn off spreader before header strip

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplyingApplying GranularGranular ProductsProducts n Keep spreader level. n Walk at consistent pace. n Don’t stop without shutting off spreader. n Don’t operate backwards – Application may change

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MSU Extension Pesticide Education BeforeBefore SprayingSpraying n Put on n Adjust equipment protective gear. according to recommendations n Rinse and clean Rinse and clean and label. system. n Limit drift. n After filling, check for leaks. n Check for uniform output.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education DuringDuring SpraySpray ApplicationsApplications n Wear protective n Clean nozzles gear.… label. with a soft tool, n Operate not metal. according to n Never unclog a owner’s manual. nozzle by n Check for nozzle blowing through clogging or it. pattern changes.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AfterAfter SprayingSpraying n Flush hoses, tanks, n Check operation and nozzles. repair. n Wipe off residues. n Re-use rinse water. n Clean equipment n Do not use herbicide- before: designated equipment – Making repairs for other applications. – Switching pesticides

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplyingApplying PesticidePesticide SpraysSprays n Point showerhead nozzle away from legs and feet. n Do not drape hose around neck or waist. n Concentrate on accuracy: – Walking speed, pressure, pattern.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplyingApplying PesticidePesticide SpraysSprays n Spray in parallel swaths. n Use straight edges as a starting guide. n Maintain straight walking lines. n Maintain proper overlap. n “Trim” margins: – Margins only receive 1/2 rates and need an adjusted application.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide RecordRecord KeepingKeeping RegulationRegulation 636636 n Address of application n Name and concentration of pesticide n Amount of pesticide n Target pest or purpose Records n Method and rate of application

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide RecordRecord KeepingKeeping Keep general use pesticide application records for at least one year, and keep RUP application records three years. Other •Name of applicator helpful •Certification number information may •EPA registration number include... •Date of last calibration •Time of application •Weather conditions •Specific treated area •Target pest stage Pesticide use record sheet.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) ApplicationApplication CalculationsCalculations andand CalibrationCalibration Chapter 5

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Accurately mixing pesticides & calibrating equipment is critical to successful pest management.

20 x 3=

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AreaArea MeasurementMeasurement n Method 1: Divide & Conquer n Method 2: Offset Lines n Method 3: Average Radius

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MethodMethod 1:1: DivideDivide && ConquerConquer n Divide irregular shaped areas into groups of simple shapes that can be added together.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education W = Area = length x width 50 ft.

L = 100 ft.

Area = 100 ft. x 50 ft.= 5,000 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education 200ft.

A trapezoid is a 4-sided figure with 2 parallel sides. 50 ft. Area = Ave. length of parallel sides x height

300 ft.

Area = (200 + 300)/2 x 50 = 12,500 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Height = 400ft.


Base = 200 ft. Area of a triangle = height x base/2 Area = 400 x 200/2 = 40,000 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education R 100 ft.

The radius (R) of a circle is 1/2 the diameter. 3.14 = Π = pi Area = Radius x Radius x 3.14 Area = (100 x 100) x 3.14 = 31,400 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Coping with Irregular Shapes

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MethodMethod 2:2: OffsetOffset LinesLines 900 ft.

90 ft

offset line

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Ö 90ft

Area = sum of offset lengths x distance between offsets Area = 1,155 ft. x 90 ft. = 103,950 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MethodMethod 3:3: AverageAverage RadiusRadius

Converts irregular area into a circle

10o 0o

MSU Extension Pesticide Education 10o 0o

Take measures (radius) every 10 degrees. Area = (sum of radii/number of radii)2 x 3.14 Start.... 1,731.6ft / 36 = 48.1ft. Area = 48.1ft. x 48.1 ft. x 3.14 = 7, 264.7 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education CalibratingCalibrating

ApplicationApplication EquipmentEquipment

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Drop and rotary spreaders are the two most common granular spreaders used by the turf industry.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SpreaderSpreader OutputOutput n Size of the meter opening determines flow of the material from the spreader. n Rate of flow through opening is affected by: – granule weight, size – shape, carrier material

MSU Extension Pesticide Education You must recalibrate when you change from one material to another.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Ground speed must be consistent. Doubling the ground speed does not always double the application rate!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Calibration:Calibration: MethodMethod 11 n Use pan to catch output n Set suitable test course – similar terrain – 50 ft. long n Cover course and catch output – weigh caught material n Calculate area of the test course

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Calibration:Calibration: MethodMethod 11 n Weight of material caught/area of test course = amount per sq. ft. n Amount per sq. ft. x 1,000 = application rate per 1,000 sq. ft. n Application rate should be within + or - 5% of the labelled rate.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Calibration:Calibration: MethodMethod 22 n Cover test area with plastic or similar material. n Gather and weigh product applied on test area. n Calculate as with method 1.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education You recover 4.75 lbs. of material from the test course. Your rotary spreader has a swath width of 8 ft. Test course 40 ft. long. What is the application rate per 1,000 sq. ft.?

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Test course is 40 ft. x 8 ft. = 320 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Application rate per 1 sq. ft. is:

4.75 lbs./320 sq. ft. = .01484 lbs.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Application rate per 1,000 sq. ft. is: .01484 lbs. x 1,000 = 15 lbs.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ? ? ? If the label states this product should be applied at 9 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft., is your application rate acceptable?

MSU Extension Pesticide Education First, find what 5% of 9 lbs. Is: .05 x 9 lbs. = .45 lbs. + or - 5% = 8.55 to 9.45 lbs. 15 lbs. is over 5 lbs. too much

MSU Extension Pesticide Education You must adjust the orifice and recalibrate.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SprayersSprayers -- KeyKey Factors...Factors... n Involved in proper delivery and calibration: – ground speed – pressure – output

F orifice size

MSU Extension Pesticide Education GroundGround SpeedSpeed n Double the speed = – 1/2 the application. n Calibrate on similar terrain to application area. n Bouncing equipment can vary application rates by 50%.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PressurePressure n Changing pressure does not affect application rates like speed. – to double the rate, pressure must be increased 4x. n Equipment is designed to work within certain guidelines. n Long hose runs reduce pressure.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education OutputOutput n Output is determined by pressure and type of nozzle. – check with equipment suppliers for technical information on nozzle selection. n Once the nozzle and pressure are determined, the calibration process can begin.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education There are many methods used to calibrate sprayers. Find one you are comfortable with and use it often.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SmallSmall ManualManual SprayersSprayers n Flow difficult to regulate because pressure changes constantly.

– applications requiring a consistent flow are not recommended.

– appropriate for “% solutions” applied as “spray until wet.”

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerShower HeadHead NozzlesNozzles n Accuracy depends on: – Uniform “swing” pattern with consistent and smooth hand motion. – Consistent walking speed. – Practice. – Equipment operating with manufacturer’s guidelines.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 1: Determine the output per 1,000 sq. ft. that is appropriate for the job based on product label, type of application and equipment used.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 2: Mark off a test course at least 40 ft. long and determine your swath width. Calculate the area in square feet of your test course.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 3: Spray the test course with water using the technique you will use during the actual application. Always begin spraying before entering the test course.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 4: Record the number of seconds required to spray the test course. Average 3 test applications together for accuracy.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 5: Determine the volume of water applied to the test course by spraying into a bucket for the number of seconds required to cover the test course. Measure this output in gallons.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 6: Divide the number of gallons collected by sq. ft. of the test course. This is the gallons applied per sq. ft. Convert to gallons per 1,000 sq. ft. or acre. This is your output.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ShowerheadShowerhead NozzlesNozzles n Calibration

– Step 7: Make any necessary changes in nozzles, walking speed, or pressure to achieve acceptable output. Recalibrate. – Step 8: Calculate the amount of pesticide to add to the tank.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Example: Your test strip is 40 ft. long with a 6 ft. swath width. You sprayed the 240 sq. ft. course in an average of 45 seconds. You sprayed 1.25 gallons. What is the output per 1,000 sq. ft.? 1.25 gal./240 sq. ft. = .0052 gal. per sq. ft.

.0052 gal. x 1,000 sq. ft. = 5.2 gal per 1,000 sq. ft.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BackpackBackpack SprayersSprayers n Should have pressure gauge or a pressure regulator to maintain a constant pressure. – Use “ounce” method.

– Use “showerhead” method.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BoomBoom SprayersSprayers n Determine consistent output and pattern from all nozzles. Replace: – Nozzles not delivering with + or - 5% of the average output. – Nozzles not delivering a uniform pattern. n Set pressure according to manufacturer.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education OunceOunce MethodMethod

Distance Between Nozzles (inches) Test Course Length in Ft.

10 408

12 340

14 291

16 255 Ounces dispensed = gallons applied per acre

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide CalculationsCalculations You need to spray 10 acres of turf. Your boom sprayer has a 100 gal. tank and is calibrated to apply 75 gal. per acre. Rate for the pesticide is 2 qts. per acre. How much spray mix per acre, and how much pesticide is added per tankful?

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide CalculationsCalculations

Total spray mix = 75 gal per acre x 10 acre = 750 gal Area covered by one tank full is 100 gal./75 gal per acre = 1.33 acres Pesticide per tank = 1.33 acres per tank x 2 qts per acre = 2.66 qts. per tankful

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Suggestion: Consider using ratios to solve calculation problems. No formulas to remember! Logical!

75 gals. = 100 gal 2 qt x 75x gal = 200 gal qt 75x = 200 qt x = 200qt / 75 x = 2.66 qt

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) PesticidePesticide SafetySafety Chapter 6

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Contact the MDA or MSU Extension to keep current with changing pesticide rules and regulations!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Read the label before selecting and applying any pesticide.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplicatorApplicator SafetySafety n You must comply with label guidelines n Clean, service or replace gear regularly n Wash gear and yourself n Wear more gear with frequent applications or if pesticide-sensitive –Minimum: gloves, face and eye protection when mixing, plus hat and respirator for overhead applications.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PLCAAPLCAA ProtectiveProtective GearGear RecommendationsRecommendations n Filling and Mixing: – Dry fertilizer only F dust mask or respirator with dust filter – Pesticides F goggles/face shield, head gear, apron, boots, gloves, full respirator with dust filter when mixing powdered pesticides – Hand cans F gloves

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PLCAAPLCAA ProtectiveProtective GearGear RecommendationsRecommendations n During Application: – Fertilizer only:

F boots, gloves – Insecticides or liquid slow release N:

F boots, gloves, goggles (when high pressure spraying)

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PLCAAPLCAA ProtectiveProtective GearGear RecommendationsRecommendations n Handling Spills: – Wear all protective clothing and equipment recommended for the material spilled.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplicatorApplicator CholinesteraseCholinesterase LevelLevel n For users of carbamate and organophosphate insecticides n Off-season baseline level required n Testing program implemented by a doctor

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Review PLCAA Cholinesterase Testing Recommendations for more specific information. Talk to your doctor or medical advisor.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Most poisonings result from accidents, careless or ignorant use!

But even careful applicators may be exposed!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education The best defense against harm is to be prepared!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FirstFirst AidAid && SafetySafety MaterialsMaterials n Pesticide label n Change of clothing n MSDS n Spill absorbent n Syrup of Ipecac n Fire extinguisher n First aid kit n Poison Center phone # n Eye wash n Hospital contacts n Detergent – phone # – doctor n Clean water – doctor – directions n Rubber gloves

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PoisoningPoisoning SymptomsSymptoms n Vary with: – type of pesticide – where exposed – amount absorbed – health of individual n Onset of symptoms can happen: – suddenly – slowly

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Remember, poisoning symptoms can be similar to other ailments such as heat exhaustion, asthma or food poisoning. *Never give alcohol!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning n - general: – headache – skin irritation – sweating – muscle twitching or fatigue – coughing, hoarseness, chest pains – burning sinuses, throat, lungs

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning n Phenoxy herbicides: – skin or eye irritation – mouth/throat irritation – abdominal pain, vomiting – diarrhea – chest pain – muscle twitching or weakness

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning n Arsenical herbicides – mild skin irritation – ingestion may result in burning of the throat, stomach irritation, vomiting and bloody diarrhea

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning

n Insecticides- general: – headache – blurred vision – abnormal eye pupils – greatly increased sweating, salivation, tearing, or respiratory secretions.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning n Insecticides- cholinesterase inhibiting: – Mild poisoning:

F fatigue, headache

F dizziness, blurred vision

F excessive sweating, salivation

F nausea, vomiting

F stomach cramps, diarrhea

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning n Insecticides- cholinesterase inhibiting: – Moderate poisoning:

F unable to walk

F weakness

F chest discomfort

F pinpoint pupils

F earlier symptoms become more severe

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SymptomsSymptoms ofof PesticidePesticide PoisoningPoisoning n Insecticides- cholinesterase inhibiting: – Severe poisoning:

F unconsciousness F severe pin point pupils

F muscle twitching

F secretions from mouth and nose

F breathing difficulty

F coma, death

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Small doses of organophosphates “add up” in the nervous system. Poisoning may result without obvious symptoms. Let your doctor decide whether pesticide poisoning has occurred.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplicatorApplicator andand DoctorDoctor

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FirstFirst AidAid ProceduresProcedures n VariesVaries accordingaccording toto thethe typetype ofof exposure.exposure. n SymptomsSymptoms maymay notnot occuroccur immediately.immediately. n AfterAfter severesevere exposureexposure DODO NOTNOT putput offoff firstfirst aidaid untiluntil youyou feelfeel badbad -- ActAct immediately!immediately!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education DermalDermal ExposureExposure n Remove contaminated clothing n Drench skin with water n Wash with soap n Rinse completely n Wash and rinse again n Dry, wrap in blanket or clean clothing.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education InhalationInhalation ExposureExposure n Get to fresh air n Prevent chilling, n Don’t attempt don’t overheat rescue in n Loosen tight enclosed area clothing without proper n Resuscitate, if respiratory gear necessary n Keep victim n Keep air quiet passages clear

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EyeEye ExposureExposure n ActAct immediately!immediately! n WashWash eyeseyes withwith aa gentlegentle streamstream ofof water.water. UseUse largelarge amountsamounts ofof water.water. ContinueContinue washingwashing forfor 15+15+ minutes.minutes. n UseUse purepure waterwater only.only. n GetGet medicalmedical attentionattention ifif therethere isis painpain oror reddeningreddening ofof thethe eyeeye

MSU Extension Pesticide Education OralOral ExposureExposure n If pesticide has entered mouth, but not swallowed: – Rinse thoroughly n If swallowed: – Follow label directions on whether to induce vomiting

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Never induce vomiting if.... 1. Victim unconscious 2. Having convulsions 3. Petroleum based product 4. Corrosive pesticide 5. Label specifies not to induce vomiting

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Don’t waste time, get to the hospital ASAP! Do not attempt to administer antidotes!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SafeSafe PesticidePesticide HandlingHandling

Preventing accidents when handling pesticides is the best way to protect: - the applicator - the environment - nontarget organisms

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EquipmentEquipment SafetySafety n CheckCheck for:for: – Worn hoses – Leaks – Applicator accuracy – Truck and trailer safety • Brakes • Lights • Tires

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MixingMixing andand LoadingLoading PesticidesPesticides n MixingMixing andand loadingloading pesticidepesticide concentratesconcentrates areare somesome ofof thethe mostmost hazardoushazardous activitiesactivities forfor thethe applicatorapplicator andand environment.environment.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MixingMixing SafelySafely n WearWear protectiveprotective n DoDo notnot eat,eat, smoke,smoke, chewchew gum.gum. n Lighted,Lighted, wellwell ventilatedventilated area,area, sheltershelter fromfrom wind.wind. n AttendAttend tanktank whilewhile filling.filling. n FollowFollow labellabel directions.directions.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BackflowBackflow preventionprevention device.device.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education MixingMixing PesticidesPesticides SafelySafely n KeepKeep fillfill hosehose outout ofof solution.solution. n Anti-siphonAnti-siphon valve.valve. n PourPour belowbelow eyeeye level.level. n MeasureMeasure accurately.accurately. n RinseRinse measuringmeasuring n TripleTriple rinserinse containerscontainers immediately.immediately.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TripleTriple RinseRinse && PesticidePesticide RemovalRemoval

0.0001 0.001 0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Grams of active drained 14.2 ingredient

1st rinse 0.2

2nd rinse 0.002

3rd rinse 0.00005

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide Fate?Fate?

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Pesticides:Pesticides: UndesirableUndesirable EffectsEffects

n Suppression of thatch decomposers n Destruction of predator & parasites n Risk to applicator n Exposure to people and pets

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Pesticides:Pesticides: UndesirableUndesirable EffectsEffects

n Effect on wildlife n Runoff to streams, ponds n Groundwater contamination

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Since most turf stands are in areas frequented by people, it is especially important for 3A applicators to be safety conscious. People depend on you to protect them from pesticide residues.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ApplyingApplying PesticidesPesticides SafelySafely n Check over the fence. n Clients should: – move cars, close windows n Remove, cover or wash – pet dishes, toys, bird feeders, etc. n Be aware of food plants n Explain reentry intervals

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Pesticide application equipment is attractive to children. Never leave equipment unattended!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Storing hazardous materials poses a great potential for accidents and liability. Limit the amount of pesticides kept in storage.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Chemical fires can be toxic. You may need to report storage of certain chemicals. Check with MDNR (MDEQ) or MSUE about SARA Title III requirements.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ExteriorExterior PesticidePesticide StorageStorage n Not near well n Fire-proof n Secured n Secondary containment n Ventilated n Separate storage n Posted for volatile herbicides

MSU Extension Pesticide Education InteriorInterior PesticidePesticide StorageStorage n Inventory sheet n Spill kit n Moderate n Metal Shelving temperatures n Protective clothing n NO SMOKING n Emergency n Fire extinguisher telephone numbers

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Storage regulations may change. Contact MDA or MSUE for updates.


MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide ContainersContainers n Keep in original container n Protect labels n Label all containers n Do NOT use food containers!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide ContainersContainers n Reseal open packages n Use old or damaged first n Mark mixing containers n Triple rinse and puncture n Buy refillables or recycle

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Pesticide wastes can be a problem. - don’t stock up - mix only what is needed - apply leftovers according to the label - use material in open containers

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Pesticide waste disposal is regulated. Contact the MDNR (MDEQ), MSUE or MDA for assistance.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PesticidePesticide SpillsSpills n Control and stop the spill n Contain the spill n Clean up the spill n Report the spill – Contact MDA, MSUE, MDEQ for procedures.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RegulationRegulation 637637 n Contracts n Drift management n IPM n Use standards n Protective gear n Mixing and loading n Notification registry n Washing equipment n Posting

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ProfessionalProfessional ApplicatorApplicator

n CommunicateCommunicate

n KeepKeep upup toto datedate

n TrainTrain employeesemployees

n LookLook andand actact professionallyprofessionally

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Sell your skills and knowledge... consult! Educate your customers!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EducateEducate CustomersCustomers n Not all organisms are pests n Natural control allows some pests n Aesthetic or health threatening n Timing for pest management

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EducateEducate CustomersCustomers n Inspect turf regularly n Targeted control tactics n Pesticides may or may not be the best method of pest management

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ProfessionalProfessional ApplicatorApplicator

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) WeedsWeeds ofof TurfgrassTurfgrass Chapter 7

MSU Pesticide Education Any plant growing were it is not wanted!

MSU Pesticide Education Tall fescue in bluegrass stand.

MSU Pesticide Education WeedsWeeds n CompeteCompete withwith turfturf for:for: – Growing space – Water – Nutrients – Sunlight

MSU Pesticide Education WeedWeed andand SiteSite ConditionsConditions n Weeds can thrive in poor conditions – Shade: ground ivy, common chickweed – Compacted soil: knotweed, annual bluegrass

Ground ivy Knotweed

MSU Pesticide Education WeedsWeeds andand SiteSite ConditionsConditions

– Wet areas: nutsedge, white clover, annual bluegrass – Heavy wear: yarrow, spurge, knotweed

Nutsedge Spurge

MSU Pesticide Education Weeds are the result of poor turfgrass performance, not the cause!

MSU Pesticide Education The success of weed management depends on choosing tactics based on the biology of the specific weed.

MSU Pesticide Education WeedWeed BiologyBiology n Monocot-narrow n Dicot-broadleaf: : – Veins radiate out from – Parallel leaf veins main vein – Growing points at – Above and below or below soil level ground growing – Only herbaceous points monocots found in – Woody and MI herbaceous

MSU Pesticide Education MonocotMonocot n Grasses – Annual (crabgrass) – Perennial (tall fescue) n Sedge – Nutsedge n Lily – Wild garlic

MSU Pesticide Education DicotDicot n Many families of dicot weed species: – Composite (dandelion) – Mustard (shepherdspurse) – Carrot (wild carrot) – Morning glory (field bindweed)

MSU Pesticide Education PlantPlant DevelopmentDevelopment StagesStages n 1. Seedling n 3. Seed production – Tender and – Slow uptake of water vulnerable to and nutrients directed stresses to flower, fruit, seed n 2. Vegetative n 4. Maturity – Great uptake of – Little uptake of water and nutrients water and nutrients – Low energy production

MSU Pesticide Education The development stage of a weed affects how it responds to your management tactics.

Seedling: Susceptible to cultural methods. Vegetative: Rapid herbicide uptake.

MSU Pesticide Education WeedWeed LifeLife CyclesCycles n Annual 1998 – Summer – n Biennial n Perennial

MSU Pesticide Education WeedWeed SeasonalitySeasonality n Cool-season plants – Grow best during cool periods of and fall – Winter annuals; some perennials n Warm-season plants – Remain dormant or do not germinate until May or June – Summer annuals; some perennials

MSU Pesticide Education Grass or Sedge?? Weed identification is key to a successful weed management program. Have references available.

MSU Pesticide Education MSU Pesticide Education Keep records of weed populations and effectiveness of your management efforts.

MSU Pesticide Education ManagingManaging TurfTurf WeedsWeeds

1. Maintain vigorous turf stands. 2. Prevent seed production. 3. Prevent seed germination.

MSU Pesticide Education ManagingManaging TurfTurf WeedsWeeds 4. Eliminate weed seedlings. 5. Target susceptible stages of developed weeds .



50 % Control


0 seedling vegetative flowering mature MSU Pesticide Education There are many herbicides marketed for turf weed management. Understand their characteristics and read the label carefully.

MSU Pesticide Education HerbicideHerbicide CharacteristicsCharacteristics n Contact n Selective n Systemic n Non- selective n Persistent n Pre- emergent n Non- persistent n Post- emergent

MSU Pesticide Education HerbicideHerbicide ActionAction andand WeedWeed CharacteristicsCharacteristics n Growing points n Leaf hairs n Leaf shape n Deactivation n Wax and cuticle n Life cycle stage

MSU Pesticide Education HerbicideHerbicide ActionAction andand WeatherWeather n Control depends on conditions during and after application: – may leach the herbicide – Light rain may be needed to activate the herbicide – Sunlight and heat may increase volatility – Wind increases drift n Read and follow the label!

MSU Pesticide Education ReadRead thethe LabelLabel

MSU Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A)

DiseasesDiseases ofof TurfgrassTurfgrass Chapter 8

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Diseases can be difficult plant disorders to diagnose and manage.

Disease = disturbance of normal plant function.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education DiseasesDiseases n Non-infectious: – Not spread between plants – Cultural, environmental n Infectious: – Spread between plants – Caused by pathogens

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PathogensPathogens n Fungi: – Most common cause of infectious turfgrass diseases n Bacteria n Virus n Nematodes

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FungiFungi n Most fungi feed on decaying organic matter. n Only a few species attack living plants. n Fungi reproduce by .

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FungiFungi n Most prefer or require moisture for growth, , germination. n Resting stage found in leaves, stems, roots. n Overwinter in thatch and near soil surface.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NematodesNematodes n 1/50 to 1/10 inch, slender round worms. n Spread by eggs and anything that can contain eggs or adults. n Only a few species feed on turfgrasses. Infected root.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NematodeNematode InformationInformation n Needle-like mouthpart (stylet) punctures plant tissue. n Infested turf: – Lacks vigor. – Does not respond well to cultural practices. – More susceptible to cultural and pest damage.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education To identify nematode damage, send plants and soil to a lab, such as the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Not all turfgrasses exposed to a disease become infected. The “Plant Disease Triangle” must be completed.

Plant Disease Triangle

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Susceptible Host

Plant Disease Triangle Casual Favorable Agent Environment

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Disease management requires determining if the injury is caused by an infectious disease. If so, identify which pathogen.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass DiseaseDisease DiagnosisDiagnosis

n Pathogen microscopic – Diagnosis difficult n Symptoms are often used n Pathogens vary significantly: – Host – Environmental conditions, weather – Species and variety of grass

MSU Extension Pesticide Education You may need to use the services of the MSU Plant and Pest Diagnostic Lab to identify the causal agent or pathogen on your sample. Check with county Extension office for assistance.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education CommonCommon TurfgrassTurfgrass DiseasesDiseases n Anthracnose n Powdery mildew n Dollar spot n Pythium n Fairy rings n Red thread n patch n Rhizoctonia brown n Leafspot and patch Melting out n Rust n Necrotic ring spot n Slime mold n Nematodes n Stripe smut n Pink mold

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AnthracnoseAnthracnose n Description: – Host: annual bluegrass – Patches of turf 2 in. to 10 ft. turn yellow- bronze to reddish brown. – Develops most rapidly during hot, humid weather or other stresses. – “Spiny cushions” of spores may be visible on blades (need hand lens to see spines).

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AnthracnoseAnthracnose n Management: – Maintain adequate fertility – Reduce all types of stress – Fungicides

MSU Extension Pesticide Education DollarDollar SpotSpot n Description: – Bentgrass, bluegrass, perennial ryegrass. – Bleached areas of turf = size of silver dollar. – Spots may merge - blight large areas. – Tan lesions with a dark border girdle blades. – White may be visible in morning.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education DollarDollar SpotSpot n Management: – Maintain adequate nitrogen levels – Fungicides

Bulk Fertilizer Application

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FairyFairy RingsRings n Description: – Dark green ring, mushrooms – Caused by fungi that breakdown organic matter – Often appear after rains or heavy irrigation – Size varies – More serious problem on golf greens

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FairyFairy RingsRings n Management: – Mask symptoms with fertilization.

F May stimulate some fairy ring fungi – Difficult and expensive to control. – Replace infested soil. – Fumigation of the soil.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FusariumFusarium PatchPatch (Pink(Pink SnowSnow Mold,Mold, MichrodochiumMichrodochium Patch)Patch) n Description: – Fungus survives in thatch and residue – Develops in cool (45 F) and wet conditions – Whitish-grey or reddish brown spots from 2 in. to 2 ft in diameter – Develops with or without snow cover – Annual bluegrass, perennial ryegrass, bentgrass are susceptible

MSU Extension Pesticide Education FusariumFusarium PatchPatch (Pink(Pink SnowSnow Mold,Mold, MichrodochiumMichrodochium Patch)Patch)

n Management: – Allow grass to harden off before winter

F Manage late season fertility – Fungicides

MSU Extension Pesticide Education LeafspotLeafspot andand MeltingMelting OutOut DiseasesDiseases n Description: – Several species of fungi – Most active during cool, moist weather – Fungi may spread to the crowns during stress causing “melting out” – Damage may be confused with other pests – Leafspot: creeping bentgrass, fine fescues – Melting out: Kentucky bluegrasses

MSU Extension Pesticide Education LeafspotLeafspot andand MeltingMelting OutOut DiseasesDiseases n Management: – Resistant turf varieties – Limit stress – Avoid lush, wet turf – Fungicides F Time consuming F Expensive

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NecroticNecrotic RingRing SpotSpot n Description: – Wilted, dying or dead turf in spots 2 to 12 inches wide – Patches may grow together causing steaks, crescents, or circles – “Frogeye” pattern typical – Symptoms become obvious during drought stress

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NecroticNecrotic RingRing SpotSpot n Management: – Use resistant varieties – Avoid stressing turf in any way

F Fertility

F Irrigation

F Thatch management – Fungicides

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NematodesNematodes n Description: – Turf lacks vigor

F Thin, stunted, off color, slow growing – Fails to respond to water & fertilizer – Plants wilt during mid-day – Die in irregular patches – Roots abnormal

MSU Extension Pesticide Education NematodesNematodes n Management: – Laboratory diagnosis – Reduce stress

F Frequent, light mid-day irrigation

– Nematicides

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PowderyPowdery MildewMildew n Description: – White, powdery coating on the leaves – Common during spring and fall – Enhanced by shade, wetness, etc. – Plant growth reduced – Infected plants may wither and die

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PowderyPowdery MildewMildew n Management: – Avoid planting shady, wet areas with Kentucky bluegrass

F Use shade tolerant grasses – Trim trees and shrubs

F Increase sunlight

F Increase air circulation

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PythiumPythium BlightBlight n Description: – Round to irregular water-soaked , “greasy” sunken patches, up to 12 in. wide. – Hot weather, usually confined to wet areas. – Early morning- fluffy white mold growth may be visible. – Damage may appear in streaks following drainage or mowing patterns.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PythiumPythium BlightBlight n Management: – Improve drainage. – Avoid creating excessively lush turfgrass.

F Adjustment cultural practices as necessary – Fungicides - Know the weather forcast.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RedRed ThreadThread n Description: – Irregular to circular, “ragged” light tan to pink patches, 2 to 12 inches in diameter. – Develops during prolonged humid weather. – Reddish- pinkish fungal threads protrude from the leaves. – Infected patches may merge.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RedRed ThreadThread n Management: – Maintain turf vigor.

– Remove clippings to reduce inoculum.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RhizoctoniaRhizoctonia BrownBrown PatchPatch n Description: – Brown patches, up to 2 ft. – Appear during hot, moist, overcast weather. – Grayish-black “smoke” ring of wilted turf may develop on the edge of the patch.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RhizoctoniaRhizoctonia BrownBrown PatchPatch n Management: – Avoid excessive nitrogen. – Remove dew. – Increase air circulation. – Fungicides.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RustRust n Description: – Primarily ryegrass and bluegrass. – Turf becomes reddish brown from fungi pustules. – Spores rub off on shoes. – Weakened turf susceptible to other diseases and stresses. – Develops when growth is reduced.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RustRust Resistant varieties and good cultural n Management: practices. – Use resistant turfgrass varieties. – Maintain vigorously growing turfgrasses.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SlimeSlime MoldMold n Description: – Harmless fungi that feed on decaying organic matter. – During warm weather, white, gray, black, or cream slimy masses grow over leaves. – Develops in patches or streaks. – Masses dry to ash- gray crusty mats.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SlimeSlime MoldMold n Management: – Slime molds soon disappear. – Rarely occur more than once a season. – Rake, brush, or spray with water to remove the mold. – Chemical control NOT recommended.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education StripeStripe SmutSmut n Description: – Cool weather disease of bluegrass and bentgrass. – Symptoms are subtle and difficult to detect until damage is extensive. – Turf stunted. – Infected blades have long black pustules that open liberating black spores. – Infected leaves twisted and shredded.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education StripeStripe SmutSmut n Management: – Resistant grasses. – Established infection is difficult to control. – Fungicides suppress smut for only a short period. – Maintain good cultural practices. – Do not allow turf to go dormant in summer.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TyphulaTyphula BlightBlight (Gray(Gray SnowSnow Mold)Mold) n Description: – As snow melts, circular gray or brown spots appear in the turf. – Grayish- white fungal strands are visible. – More severe when snow falls on unfrozen lush turf .

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TyphulaTyphula BlightBlight (Gray(Gray SnowSnow Mold)Mold) n Management: – Avoid creating lush, tender fall growth. – Resistant turfgrasses. – Fungicides.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education PredictingPredicting DiseaseDisease ActivityActivity n Host susceptibility n Weather conditions n Microclimate

Weather station

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Disease management efforts focus on preventing diseases from occurring or lessening the damage.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education InfectiousInfectious DiseaseDisease ManagementManagement n Resistance n Avoidance n Protection

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TurfgrassTurfgrass PestPest ManagementManagement (Category(Category 3A)3A) InsectInsect andand VertebrateVertebrate PestsPests Chapter 9

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Two groups of animals commonly injure turfgrass. Insects: eat roots, stems, leaves, sap. Vertebrates: tear up grasses and damage roots.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education The first step in managing turfgrass insects is accurate identification. Most insects are not pests!

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Turf insects are grouped by those that: - Feed on the roots - Feed on grass blades and stems - Are nuisance pests.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education RootRoot FeedingFeeding InsectsInsects n Grubs: – Japanese beetle – European chafer – June beetle – Black turfgrass ataenius – Aphodius granarius

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JapaneseJapanese Beetle-LarvaeBeetle-Larvae n Damage: – Feed on roots in May and early June and again in Sept. and October – Moisture stress causes damaged turf to turn brown . n Appearance: – White C-shaped grubs to 1.” n Threshold: – 20-30/sq. ft. on irrigated turf.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JapaneseJapanese Beetle-AdultBeetle-Adult n Adults emerge in July - early August. n Dark metallic green beetle, half inch long. n Adults feed on wide range of ornamentals. n Eggs deposited in turf July - August.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JapaneseJapanese BeetleBeetle n Larvae mature to 1/2 to 1 in. late Sept. n Damaged turf may die from root pruning. n Grubs move deeper into soil to overwinter. n Larvae pupate to beetles following June.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JapaneseJapanese BeetleBeetle n Skunks and raccoons may rip up turf looking for larvae. n Irrigated turf has a tremendous ability to recover. n Monitor populations. n Insecticides should be watered-in to reach the larvae.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JapaneseJapanese BeetleBeetle n Control is highly variable. – 50 to 80% control – Check 3 weeks after treatment n Beetle traps do not provide control. n Biological insecticides. – Variable results – Check for latest efficacy information and new products

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EuropeanEuropean Chafer-LarvaeChafer-Larvae n Damage: – Feed on roots in early May - June and again in Sept. - Oct. Damaged turf may turn brown. n Appearance: – White C-shaped grub up to 1.” n Threshold: – 20-30/sq. ft. on irrigated turf.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EuropeanEuropean Chafer-AdultChafer-Adult n Light brown, stout body, clubbed antennae, half in. long. n Adults emerge in late June and July - about 2 weeks earlier than Japanese beetle. n Similar one year life cycle.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education EuropeanEuropean ChaferChafer InformationInformation n Grubs feed longer in the fall (early Nov.) and return to the surface sooner (early April) than JB. n Damage threshold and control similar to Japanese beetle.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JuneJune BeetleBeetle n Damage: – Larvae from May until October – Vertebrates uproot turf looking for grubs n Appearance: – Large C-shaped white grubs, up to 2 in. n Threshold: – 10/sq. ft. on irrigated turf, 5 on non- irrigated

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JuneJune BeetleBeetle n Several species of May or June beetles. n Adults attracted to lights. n 3-year life cycle. n Large larvae difficult to control.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education JuneJune BeetleBeetle InformationInformation n 3rd year grubs not effected by late summer insecticide applications. n Natural enemies often control this pest. n Skunks may turn over to feed on grubs (all species).

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BlackBlack TurfgrassTurfgrass AtaeniusAtaenius n Damage: – Larvae feed on roots in July - Aug. – Damage uncommon on home n Appearance: – Small, .25 in., black beetles – White grub up to 3/8 in. n Threshold: – 60 to over 100/ sq. ft. of turf

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AtaeniusAtaenius InformationInformation n Overwintering adults become active in May-June and lay eggs. n Turf damage not evident until mid to late July when grubs are mature.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AtaeniusAtaenius InformationInformation n Variable adult emergence. n Damage rarely occurs when less than 100 grubs/sq. ft are found. n Control: – Sample in July. – Treat if more than 80 grubs/sq. ft. are found.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education HairyHairy ChinchChinch BugBug n Damage: – Large populations can cause damage that looks similar to drought injury n Appearance: – Adults are black, 3/16 in. long, white wing markings n Threshold: – 20 bugs in 2 minutes of monitoring or 15 per flooded coffee can

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ChinchChinch BugBug n 2 generations per year, except north of Lansing. n Adults overwinter in protected areas. n Chinch bug larvae and adults suck plant sap. n Saliva contains a toxic substance to plants.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ChinchChinch BugBug InformationInformation n Damage can be serious during warm, dry weather. n Damage develops in mid to late summer. – Irregular yellow patches, 2 + ft. in diameter. – Some grasses and weeds not damaged. – Resembles drought injury.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ChinchChinch BugBug InformationInformation n During cool, wet weather many bugs are killed by a fungal disease. n Bugs are wide spread, but rarely abundant enough to cause damage. n Bugs are seldom a problem in a well irrigated turfgrass area.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BluegrassBluegrass BillbugBillbug n Damage: – Grubs destroy grass crowns causing brown patches of turf in late July. n Appearance: – White, legless grubs, 1/4 in. long. n Threshold: – If less than 1/3 of lawn is damaged, it will recover with proper care.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BluegrassBluegrass BillbugBillbug n Billbugs overwinter as adults. n Eggs laid on grass stems in May/early June. n Larvae tunnel down stem and through crown, often cutting off root system. n One generation per year.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BluegrassBluegrass BillbugBillbug n Kentucky bluegrass primary host. n Damage evident in late July. – Small circular and irregular dead areas – Stems hollow, grass plants pull out easily – Sawdust-like frass in root zone – Can be confused with disease injury n Well maintained lawns seldom damaged.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education BlackBlack CutwormCutworm n Damage: – 1/4 in. diameter holes in tees and greens with closely clipped grass . n Appearance: – Dark brown caterpillars, 1/4 to 2 in. long. n Threshold: – Depends on use of turf.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education CutwormCutworm InformationInformation n Adults are dull colored moths. n Larvae most common during July and August. n Clipped grass, green fecal pellets are characteristic of activity.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education CutwormCutworm InformationInformation n Primarily a problem on golf course greens. n Disclosing solutions can be used to detect cutworms. n Home lawns and fairways are tolerant of feeding and rarely need treatment.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SodSod WebwormWebworm n Damage: – Small brown patches where blades have been clipped at the base. – Patches may grow together. n Appearance: – Ivory white caterpillars with black spots, up to 1 in. long. n Threshold: – Depends on use of turf.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SodSod WebwormWebworm n Larvae overwinter and resume feeding in the spring. n 2 generations per year. n Dirty white moths may be observed flying across turf at dusk. n Mowing may “kick up” adults.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SodSod WebwormWebworm n Bluegrass and bentgrass favored. n Most damage from 2nd generation caterpillars. n Suspect webworms: – Brown patches with grass blades missing. – Piles of green fecal pellets. – Caterpillars living in silk lined tubes.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education SodSod WebwormWebworm n Use a disclosing solution to monitor suspected infestation. n If more than 4-6 larvae are found per 4 sq. ft., treatment may be advisable. n Webworms have many natural enemies. – Predators and parasites may be suppressed by pesticide use.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AntsAnts n Damage: – Small soil mounds that may be undesirable. n Appearance: – Species vary... black, brown, red ants, 1/4 to 1/16 in. long. n Threshold: – Depends on tolerance of management, clientele.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education AntAnt InformationInformation n Ants are beneficial. – Feed on insect eggs and larvae. n Ants do not injury turfgrass, but disturb surface uniformity. n More activity in sandy soils. n Primarily a golf green problem.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Vigorous,Vigorous, densedense turfturf cancan toleratetolerate insectinsect damagedamage byby producingproducing newnew growth.growth.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education The best approach to insect control is to: - Grow healthy turf. - Limit pesticide applications.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education If damage is unacceptable and non- chemical methods are not effective, an insecticide may be used.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ProperProper InsecticideInsecticide UseUse n Base applications on monitoring.

n Protect beneficials. n Time applications to coincide with susceptible life stages.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education ProperProper InsecticideInsecticide UseUse n Avoid preventative treatments. n Use low toxicity pesticides when available. n Record and evaluate results of insecticide applications.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Vertebrates have backbones, and are large animals compared to insects. Some vertebrates are beneficial because they consume** turf pests. ** Feeding may damage the turf.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education The blackbird family will puncture the turf with their beaks or rake the turf with their feet to expose prey.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education TearTear upup turfturf toto findfind grubs.grubs.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Tunnel through the soil looking for grubs, earthworms, other insects and animals. Surface can be disrupted by raised ridges and soil piles.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education VertebrateVertebrate ManagementManagement n Use IPM, etc. to remove the food source. n Barriers and repellants. n Trapping – Permit required, except for moles, rats, chipmunks. n Use poison baits with extreme caution.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education Remember: - Vertebrates help with pest control. - People like to see wildlife. - Do not injure non-target organisms.

MSU Extension Pesticide Education THETHE ENDEND

Prepared by: Greg Patchan, Julie Stachecki J., MSUE