From: Switzer, Barbara <
[email protected]> On Behalf Of Regional Clerk Sent: November 24, 2020 1:55 PM To: Aurora Clerks General Inbox <
[email protected]>; Aguila-Wong, Christine <caguila-
[email protected]>;
[email protected]; EG Clerks General Inbox <
[email protected]>; King Clerks General Inbox <
[email protected]>; Rachel Dillabough <
[email protected]>; Richmond Hill Clerks General Inbox <
[email protected]>; Vaughan Clerks General Inbox <
[email protected]>; WS Clerks General Inbox <
[email protected]> Subject: Regional Council Decision - Lane Designation Bylaw Update E-Bikes and E-Scooters CAUTION: This email originated from a source outside the City of Markham. DO NOT CLICK on any links or attachments, or reply unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe. On November 19, 2020 Regional Council made the following decision: 1. Council approve an amendment to the lane designation bylaw to include E-Bikes, in accordance with Ontario Highway Traffic Act Regulation 369/09. 2. Council approve an amendment to the lane designation bylaw to include E-Scooters, in accordance with Ontario Highway Traffic Act Regulation 389/19. 3. The Regional Solicitor prepare the necessary bylaws. 4. The Regional Clerk circulate this report to the local municipalities. The original staff report is attached for your information. Please contact Brian Titherington, Director, Transportation Infrastructure Planning at 1-877-464- 9675 ext. 75901 if you have any questions with respect to this matter. Regards, Christopher Raynor | Regional Clerk, Regional Clerk’s Office, Corporate Services ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Regional Municipality of York | 17250 Yonge Street | Newmarket, ON L3Y 6Z1 O: 1-877-464-9675 ext.