The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Voting Record

116th Congress October 2020

Table of Contents

2 | Introduction

7 | About The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights Voting Record 9 | House Vote Summaries

21 | Senate Vote Summaries

39 | House Vote Charts

170 | Senate Vote Charts

1 Introduction

We are in a moment of national crisis. The On the other side, the Senate majority ignored COVID-19 pandemic has taken the lives of that agenda in favor of stacking the courts hundreds of thousands of our neighbors, with mostly white, male, conservative judges. millions are out of work, and powerful calls for President Trump continued and deepened his racial justice echo in the streets. Black and pattern of racist, sexist, dangerous, and brown communities and people who are dysfunctional rhetoric and governance. And low-income in particular are suffering we faced the incalculable losses of champions disproportionately in a crisis that impacts in Rep. Elijah Cummings, D. Md., and Rep. every one of us. John Conyers, D. Mich., a legend in Rep. John Lewis, D. Ga., and an icon in Justice Ruth Many of our elected leaders have met this Bader Ginsburg. In this Congress, we found moment — crafting policy and legislation that hope and devastation; new energy and bitter would save lives, support families and loss. businesses, and address the demands of protestors — but all too many have not. First Session President Trump and his allies on Capitol Hill lied to the American people about the gravity The 116th Congress — with more women and of the threat posed by the virus, pushed people of color amongst its membership than millions of families into poverty, and stoked any previous Congress — ended one-party the fires of white supremacist hatred. These control of the government and ushered in a failures, whether based in malevolence or new sense of energy and possibility. incompetence, will forever stain the legacies Lawmakers’ first task was ending a of those involved. government shutdown fueled by the president’s demand that taxpayers fund This dichotomy — with one side of the Capitol construction of a senseless and destructive working to advance civil and human rights, wall on the border with Mexico. The president and the other doing everything it can to attack dropped his demand only after the shutdown them — was a theme throughout the 116th had dragged on for weeks, and impacted Congress, even before the pandemic began. millions of federal workers, their families, and In 2019, a new generation of members swept people who depend on federal programs for into the House of Representatives, making it their well-being. the most diverse in history. The House

conducted much-needed oversight of the After working to end the shutdown, the House Trump administration and passed the boldest — under the leadership of Speaker Nancy civil rights agenda in a generation. Pelosi, D. Calif. — engaged in a wave of legislative activity and enacted an extensive civil and human rights agenda.

2 At the same time, House committee chairs Trump, McConnell, and Senate Judiciary took up their gavels and began to conduct Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R. S.C., long-overdue oversight on Trump administration selected and rushed to confirm nominees who policies and actions after two years of neglect, had argued in favor of ripping health coverage evasion, or cover-up by administration allies in away from millions of people by claiming the the 115th Congress. Committees also conducted Affordable Care Act is unconstitutional, paved significant fact-finding hearings related to the way for large-scale voter purges, and called pending legislation and other civil and human being transgender a “delusion.” The clear rights issues. anti-civil rights records of these nominees, and dozens more like them, did nothing to dissuade The civil and human rights legislative agenda on the Senate majority from fast-tracking them the House floor and the robust oversight work through to confirmation. To the contrary, Trump undertaken in committee was a glimpse and his Senate allies seemed to view these of what is possible. The picture in the Senate, biases as a feature and not a fault. however, could not have been more different. To transform our courts, McConnell and Graham Rather than collaborate with their colleagues to changed the rules to rig the process in their favor. take up any of the important legislation passed Graham dismissed the historic role of home-state by the House, the Senate majority fixated their senators in the selection and confirmation of time on the rapid confirmation of anti-civil rights circuit court nominees. McConnell changed judges. While Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, Senate rules to drastically reduce the amount D. N.Y., and his caucus stood ready to advance of time dedicated for floor debate of district the civil and human rights agenda, Majority court nominees, to the point where a half a Leader Mitch McConnell, R. Ky., largely decided dozen lifetime appointments could be confirmed to leave those bills in his legislative graveyard. in a single day. This drumbeat of confirmations Instead, McConnell worked to stack the courts characterized the work of the Senate over the with young, conservative ideologues who have course of the year. demonstrated their hostility to civil and human rights. These appointees to lifetime judgeships will have the ability to carry out the Trump 3 3 agenda for decades to come. They even continued to process Trump judicial nominees while the president was on trial in their own chamber. When it came time to vote, the Senate majority ignored the evidence and prevented Congress from holding Trump accountable for his actions.

Second Session

In one of the greatest national emergencies in living memory, choices made in Congress impacted the lives and livelihoods of every single person in our nation. To the extent that communities have been able to support families and businesses, conduct elections, and keep people safe, it has often been because of congressional action in the early days of the COVID-19 pandemic. And the Impeachment choice by President Trump and his congressional allies to hinder additional aid The year 2019 ended with the impeachment of has pushed millions into poverty and put lives President Trump. The House uncovered in danger. undeniable evidence that the president sought The passage of early COVID-19 relief to use his office to extort and bribe a foreign measures, including the CARES Act, were government to target a political opponent for rare moments of bipartisan cooperation. his own personal gain. House Judiciary Provisions like extended unemployment Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D. N.Y., and insurance were crucial lifelines for Americans House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam who were out of work due to the pandemic. Schiff, D. Calif., led high-profile hearings that Along with the heroic efforts of ordinary brought witness after witness in front of the people, frontline workers, and mutual aid American people. And a significant majority of groups, these pieces of legislation supported House members took a principled vote to act entire communities. on that evidence, defend the rule of law, and hold the president accountable. But as the pandemic wore on and the death

toll rose to previously unimaginable heights, Rather than take the evidence marshaled by Trump tired of the responsibility and the House process seriously, and put country attempted to gaslight and deflect his way out over party, the Senate majority began the of the crisis. Rather than encourage second session of the 116th Congress by common-sense public health measures, moving to protect the president, cover up his Trump politicized mask-wearing. Rather than litany of wrongdoing, and attempt to place him create a cohesive national strategy, Trump above the law. left states to compete with each other for essential supplies and demonized governors 4 who he deemed to be insufficiently supportive of him personally. Rather than provide additional support to McConnell refused to take it up in the Senate, families, businesses, and state and local and instead attempted to bring a governments needed to reopen safely, Trump watered-down alternative up for a vote. pushed for states to recklessly reopen and put lives at risk. Rather than address public health, the economy, or racial justice, Trump’s Once again, Trump’s congressional allies congressional allies supported his abdicated their responsibility to lead and administration’s attempts to use the cover of instead followed the president. On May 15, the pandemic to roll back civil and human 2020, the House passed the HEROES Act as a rights. Trump and his allies refused to follow up to the CARES Act — it would support adequately fund the U.S. Postal Service and health care, economic security, immigrants, interfered with its operations — slowing down students, housing, voting access, census delivery of the mail despite millions relying on participation, communications access, and the it for the delivery of prescriptions, mail-in justice system while combating structural ballots, and essential goods. With the support racism, xenophobia, and other barriers. of its friends on the Hill, the administration cut McConnell refused to take it up, as many of the off the 2020 Census, despite many CARES Act measures that had been supporting pandemic-induced delays and changes, after the economy expired one by one. spending years working to prevent a fair and accurate count. Yet, the House continued its work to pass an affirmative civil rights agenda, Just days after the passage of the HEROES Act, including a bill to end Trump’s bigoted Muslim George Floyd was killed by a police officer in ban and an historic vote for voting rights and Minneapolis, Minn., who knelt on Floyd’s neck equal citizenship through statehood for the for over 8 minutes as Floyd called out that he more than 700,000 residents of Washington, could not breathe. Protests erupted in D.C. The Senate majority shamefully allowed Minneapolis and spread to cities across the those measures to languish as well. country. Demonstrators called for justice for Floyd, as well as other African American victims And once again, Trump and the Senate of police killings and racist violence like majority prioritized the confirmation of judicial Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery. Protestors nominees over all of the pressing needs of the demanded that we fundamentally rethink what country, in an effort to impose their unpopular public safety means in America and critically anti-civil rights agenda through the evaluate how white supremacy and racism confirmation of conservative extremists to continue to shape every aspect of our society. lifetime appointments. McConnell even recessed the Senate in the middle of These peaceful protests were met in many emergency COVID-19 legislative negotiations cases with excessive force by local, state, and in March so he could travel to the investiture federal law enforcement. Rather than face an of Justin Walker, his political protege, to be a honest reckoning, Trump and his congressional district court judge. allies sought to exploit the moment for political gain, attacking protestors and fomenting a white supremacist backlash. Both chambers of Congress held hearings on the matter, but only the House passed legislation in the form of the 5 5 Justice in Policing Act. The president and his Senate allies were eager to install a nominee who passed their extreme litmus tests, including overturning the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and gutting Roe v. Wade: Judge Amy Coney Barrett.

Barrett was nominated before Justice Ginsburg was laid to rest and confirmed a month later. By rushing this process, Trump and McConnell cemented a conservative majority on the Supreme Court just eight days before Election Day and 15 days before the Court is set to hear a challenge to the ACA supported by Trump’s Department of Justice. If successful, this lawsuit could cause over 20 million people to lose access to health care in the midst of a pandemic, and over a hundred million people with Just three weeks later, Walker was put forward pre-existing conditions could lose their for a D.C. Circuit judgeship that would not even protections as well. The confirmation of become vacant until September. Barrett — now the first Supreme Court justice in 150 years to be confirmed without The results have transformed the face of the bipartisan support — is a devastating federal judiciary: of the 220 total lifetime capstone to Trump and McConnell’s drive to judges appointed by this president, nearly 90 stack our federal judiciary and presents a percent are white and nearly 80 percent are long-term threat to all of our communities. men. Of the 53 circuit court judges confirmed during the Trump presidency, not a single one In this dark moment in our history, we remain was African-American. Only one is Latino, and hopeful. We know that the arc of the moral only 11 are women. More than 25 percent of all universe is long, but it bends toward justice federal judges, and 30 percent of circuit court so long as we continue to push. Each person judges, now hold their seats due to who filled out a census form, who called a nominations by this president. congressional office, who marched in the streets, who masked up to help a neighbor in Justice Ginsburg passed on September 18, need, pushed us just a little bit toward justice. 2020, just 43 days before the end of the The crises facing our nation are great, but we election. The administration and Senate draw strength from each of those majority rushed to nominate and confirm a courageous acts. We will need it in the years replacement even though millions of people ahead. were already voting for the president and the

senators they wanted to make that monumental decision.

6 About The Leadership Conference The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights is a coalition charged by its diverse membership of more than 220 national organizations to promote and protect the civil and human rights of all persons in the United States. Through advocacy and outreach to targeted constituencies, The Leadership Conference works toward the goal of a more open and just society—an America as good as its ideals. Founded in 1950, The Leadership Conference works to effect meaningful legislation, policies, and executive branch appointments, and to ensure the proper enforcement of civil rights laws to unite us as a nation true to its promise of equal justice, equal opportunity, and mutual respect.

Reading The Leadership Conference Voting Record The Leadership Conference Voting Record reflects the recorded votes taken by every senator and representative on the legislative priorities of The Leadership Conference and its coalition members. The Leadership Conference has taken a sample of bills considered during both sessions of the 116th Congress to create the Voting Record. These votes reflect how members of Congress have aligned with The Leadership Conference priority areas from the beginning of the 116th Congress through October 2020.

Based on these votes, each member of Congress earns a percentage rating for support of The Leadership Conference priorities. This rating does not indicate the full extent of a legislator’s support for or opposition to The Leadership Conference positions and represents neither endorsement nor condemnation of any member of Congress. The Voting Record is intended to be a tool for public education and is designed to help readers understand the records of their elected officials on key civil and human rights issues.

In the 116th Congress, 230 House members and 45 Senators supported our positions on 90 percent or more of the votes in The Leadership Conference Voting Record.

For more information, please contact The Leadership Conference Government Affairs Department at 202.466.3311.


House Vote Summaries

9 House Vote Summaries

Census Adding untested and unnecessary questions Support the Census Bureau’s Funding Level in to the census form at the 11th hour would the FY 2020 CJS Appropriations Bill derail years of research and testing and Representative Jose Serrano, D. N.Y., introduced result in an expensive, yet ultimately failed, H.R. 3055, the FY 2020 Commerce, Justice, census. On June 25, 2019, the House passed Science (CJS) Appropriations bill, which H.R. 3055 by a vote of 227-194 (House roll allocated $8.45 billion for the U.S. Census call vote no. 408). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL Bureau, inclusive of $7.5 billion in dedicated RIGHTS VOTE. funding for the 2020 Census. Ensuring a fair and accurate census is among the most significant civil rights issues facing the country today. By all COVID-19 Relief accounts, the 2020 Census will be the largest, Support the Census Bureau’s Funding most difficult enumeration in our nation’s history. Level in the FY 2020 CJS Appropriations This funding level reflects what The Leadership Bill Conference believes the Census Bureau needs Representative Nita Lowey, D. N.Y., to conduct a successful 2020 Census, enabling introduced H.R. 6800, the Health and the Bureau to meet the growing challenges and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency threats that could affect success in all Solutions Act or the HEROES Act, which communities, including cyber-attacks, natural would provide more than $3 trillion in funding disasters, growing distrust of government that and institute a number of policy reforms to could depress response rates in many deal with the health and economic fallout of communities, and the digital divide (especially in the COVID-19 pandemic. The provisions in rural, remote, and low-income communities). H.R. 6800 would ensure equal access to quality health care; provide more economic The Leadership Conference also opposed relief to marginalized communities; protect any amendment that would undermine an the most vulnerable working people; accurate census or prevent the Census Bureau safeguard people’s homes and personal from counting all communities finances; help provide shelter to those equally well. This includes any amendment most in need; reduce the risks to which would prohibit any questions on the 2020 incarcerated people and corrections Census that were not part of the 2018 employees; help combat increased hate End-to-End Census Test (the “dress rehearsal”), crimes; minimize learning loss and ensure or any amendment to require a question on equal educational opportunity; give relief to citizenship and/or immigration status in the 2020 student loan borrowers; assist states to Census. prepare for the election; and provide critical funding to ensure a fair and accurate election and census. On May 15, 2020, the House passed H.R. 6800 by a 208-199 vote (House 10 roll call vote no. 109). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

10 Democracy These changes resulted in slowed mail Statehood for the District of Columbia delivery and compromised services for millions of people who rely on the mail for Representative Eleanor Holmes Norton, D. access to medicines, essential goods, D.C., sponsored H.R. 51, the Washington, D.C. voting, and more. Notably, these changes Admission Act, which would admit D.C. as our were made on the heels of the 2020 51st state. The Leadership Conference presidential election, during a time when supported H.R. 51 because for over 200 years, voters were most reliant on the efficiency of D.C. residents have been disenfranchised and the USPS to deliver mail-in ballots because forced to bear the burdens of democracy of the COVID pandemic. The Delivering for without the benefits. They pay federal taxes, America Act provided $25 billion in funding fight in wars, and fulfill all other obligations of to the USPS and barred the Postal Service citizenship, yet they have no voting from making changes to its operations if representative when Congress makes doing so would impede prompt and reliable decisions for the entire nation – or even when services. On August 22, 2020, the House Congress makes decisions that affect D.C. passed H.R. 8015 by a 257-150 vote (House residents and D.C. residents alone, such as roll call vote no. 182) and rejected the MTR which judges will hear purely local disputes, by a 182-223 vote (House roll call vote no. how local tax revenues can be spent, and 181). YES ON FINAL PASSAGE AND NO ON what laws it may and may not enact. Until D.C. ANY MOTION TO RECOMMIT IS THE residents have a vote in Congress and an PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. independent say in their own affairs, the efforts of the civil rights movement will remain incomplete. On June 26, 2020, the House Education passed H.R. 51 by a 232-180 vote (House roll Funding for Historically Black Colleges call vote no. 122) and rejected the MTR by a and Universities (HBCUs) and Minority 182-227 vote (House roll call vote no. 121). YES Serving Institutions (MSIs) ON FINAL PASSAGE AND NO ON ANY MOTION TO RECOMMIT IS THE PRO-CIVIL Representative Alma Adams, D. N.C., RIGHTS VOTE. introduced H.R. 5363, the FUTURE Act which would ensure that Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Protect the United States Postal Service Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs) have the Representative Carolyn Maloney, D. N.Y., resources they need to support their introduced H.R. 8015, the Delivering for students. HBCUs and MSIs play a critical America Act. The Delivering for America Act role in postsecondary success for included a number of critical provisions that marginalized students. Investing in would protect the United States Postal Service and supporting HBCUs and MSIs will (USPS) from catastrophic operational changes overwhelmingly benefit marginalized as well as provide much needed financial students and is critical to an equitable assistance to the agency. The Delivering for system of higher education. America Act was introduced in response to harmful changes implemented by the Postmaster General that would undermine the function of the USPS as well as the essential 11 employees who keep the agency running.

11 This bipartisan bill extends crucial mandatory In 2019, the Department of Education created funding for education in the sciences, a new rule that makes it nearly impossible for technology, engineering, and mathematics defrauded borrowers to receive entitled relief (STEM) fields until September 2021, allowing when they have been harmed by deceptive or HBCUs and MSIs to continue to operate and closed institutions. H.J. Res. 76 would provide the quality of education their students overturn the 2019 Department of Education deserve. On December 10, 2019, the House rule and would restore the stronger rule passed H.R. 5363 by a vote of 319-96. (House created in 2016. On January 16, 2020, the roll call vote no. 659). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL House adopted H.J Res.76 by a 231-180 vote RIGHTS VOTE. (House roll call vote no. 22).

Protections for Defrauded Student Loan Borrowers Economic Security H.J. Res. 76 was a “resolution of disapproval,” Increasing the Federal Minimum Wage pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, Representative Bobby Scott, D. Va., which allows Congress to overturn regulations introduced H.R. 582, the Raise the Wage Act, recently adopted by federal agencies. which would gradually raise the federal Representative Susie Lee, D. Nev., introduced minimum wage to $15 an hour by 2025, index H.J. Res. 76 to reverse a harmful Department it to median federal wages, and ensure that all of Education rule on borrower’s defense for tipped workers, working people with defrauded student loan borrowers. The 2016 disabilities, and young people get paid at borrower defense least the full minimum wage. Fair wages are rule was designed to protect students from essential for working people to cover basic student loan debts tied to fraud and other expenses like housing, food, transportation, illegal conduct by their colleges. childcare, health care and other necessities, and the civil rights community has long supported a universal floor for wages that would provide a baseline for all people in our 12 country. Congress has not raised the federal minimum wage of $7.25 an hour since 2007,

12 and the tipped minimum wage has been stuck Equal pay for equal work is an issue of economic at $2.13 an hour since 1991. On July 18, 2019, security and fundamental fairness, but for too the House passed H.R. 582 by a vote of many women, and especially women of color, it 231-199 (House roll call vote no. 496). YES ON remains far from reality, and persistent pay gaps FINAL PASSAGE AND NO ON A MOTION TO remain. Employer practices, such as using prior RECOMMIT (House roll call vote no. 495) IS salary history in setting pay levels and prohibiting THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. employees from discussing their wages, helps to perpetuate and widen the pay gap, putting less money in women’s pockets and negatively Employment Rights impacting women’s social security and retirement. Prohibit Corporations from Forcing On March 27, the House passed H.R. 7 by a vote Working People and Consumers into Forced of 242-187 (House roll call vote no. 134). YES ON Arbitration Agreements PASSAGE AND NO ON ANY MOTION TO RECOMMIT (House roll call vote no. 133) OR ANY Representative Hank Johnson, D. Ga., HARMFUL AMENDMENTS IS THE PRO-CIVIL introduced H.R. 1423, the Forced Arbitration RIGHTS VOTE. Injustice Repeal (FAIR) Act, which would prohibit corporations from forcing working Access to Justice for Victims of Age people and consumers into pre-dispute Discrimination forced arbitration agreements and class Representative Bobby Scott, D. Va., introduced action waivers, which are hidden in many H.R. 1230, the Protecting Older Workers Against employment and consumer contracts. More Discrimination Act (POWADA), which would than half of nonunion, private sector amend the Age Discrimination in Employment employers require their employees to enter Act to level the playing field for older workers. into forced arbitration agreements, translating The 2009 Gross v. FBL Financial Services Inc. to more than 60 million people who do not Supreme Court decision made it more difficult have access to the courts to enforce their for people who face age discrimination in the rights under all types of employment and civil workplace to successfully challenge such bias in rights statutes. The FAIR Act would restore court. The ruling set a higher standard for proving the rights of working people and consumers age discrimination than courts generally require to choose how to enforce their rights. On for other forms of discrimination such as those September 20, 2019, the House passed H.R. based on race, color, sex, national origin, or 1423 by a vote of 225-186. (House roll call religion. POWADA makes it clear that victims of vote no. 540). YES ON PASSAGE AND NO age discrimination do not have to demonstrate ON ANY MOTION TO RECOMMIT OR ANY that age was a critical reason for the employer’s HARMFUL AMENDMENTS (House roll call action in order to prove their case. vote no. 539) IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

Protection against Pay Discrimination Representative Rosa DeLauro, D. Conn., introduced H.R. 7, the Paycheck Fairness Act, which would update and strengthen the Equal Pay Act of 1963 to provide more effective 13 protection against sex- based pay discrimination.

13 Working people in America need – and have a right to enjoy – the benefits that result from collective bargaining and union membership. The Protecting the Right to Organize Act helps to ensure that working people are paid fairly, treated with dignity, and have a voice on the job. On February 6, 2020, the House passed H.R. 2474 by a 224-194 vote (House roll call vote no. 50) and rejected the MTR by a 195-223 vote (House roll call vote no. 49). YES ON FINAL PASSAGE AND NO ON ANY MOTION TO RECOMMIT IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

Strengthening Protections for Pregnant Workers This legislation ensures that victims of age Representative Jerrod Nadler, D. N.Y., discrimination can have access to justice introduced H.R. 2694, the Pregnant Workers through the courts. On January 15, 2020, the Fairness Act, which strengthens existing federal House passed H.R. 1230 by a 261-155 vote protections against pregnancy discrimination (House roll call vote no. 21). YES IS THE by clarifying employers’ obligation to provide PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. reasonable accommodations to pregnant workers so they can continue working without Protecting the Right to Join a Union jeopardizing either their health or the economic Representative Bobby Scott D. Va., introduced security H.R. 2474, the Protecting the Right to Organize of their families. Despite passage of the (PRO) Act of 2019. The PRO Act would reform Pregnancy Discrimination Act of 1978 more existing labor laws and protect the right to join than 40 years ago, many pregnant workers a union. The legislation would impose stronger have been denied accommodations, at times remedies when employers interfere with with tragic consequences for their health and workers’ rights, strengthen workers’ right to join the health of their pregnancies. Women should a union and collectively bargain over working not be forced to choose between the health conditions, and unrig rules that are tilted of their pregnancy and their paycheck. The against workers. Enabling working people to Pregnant Workers Fairness Act supports exercise the right to form unions and engage pregnant workers and promotes economic in meaningful collective bargaining is one of the security, workplace fairness, and healthy most effective, efficient, and comprehensive families by requiring employers to make ways to promote economic security for reasonable accommodations when workers individuals and their families and to advance have a medical need for them due to civil rights and workplace protections on the pregnancy or childbirth. On September 17, job. 2020, the House passed H.R. 2694 by a 329-73 vote (House roll call vote no. 195) and rejected the MTR by a 177-226 vote (House roll call vote no. 194). YES ON FINAL PASSAGE 14 AND NO ON ANY MOTION TO RECOMMIT IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

14 Financial Reform The new regulations make it easy for banks to Protect Consumers and Reverse Changes comply with the Community Reinvestment Act by to the Consumer Financial Protection making large investments that do not necessarily Bureau help the communities and people still dealing Representative Maxine Waters, D. Calif., with the harm of redlining. On June 30, 2020, the sponsored H.R. 1500, the Consumers First House adopted H.J. Res. 90 by a 230-179 vote Act, to reverse a number of anti-consumer (House roll call vote no. 129). YES IS THE changes that had been made to the PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) since the Trump administration took over the leadership of this independent agency. The Health Care creation of the CFPB was the most important Restricting the Department of Justice from reform in the aftermath of using Federal Funds to Jeopardize Access to Health Care the 2008 financial crisis, and was created to defend consumers from reckless, abusive, Representative Lauren Underwood, D. Ill., or discriminatory industry practices. H.R. 1500 introduced H.Amdt. 865 to H.R 7617, the would bring the CFPB closer to its mission by Department of Defense Appropriations Act. re-establishing strong and independent fair H.Amdt. 865 prevents the U.S. Department of lending and student lending offices within the Justice from using federal funds for litigation that agency, requiring adequate supervisory and undermines the Affordable Care Act (ACA). On enforcement staffing, reducing the number November 10, 2020, the U.S. Supreme Court will of political appointees that could be hired, hear oral arguments in California v. , a case and by making other important reforms. On that could overturn the entire ACA. If the case is May 22, the House passed H.R. 1500 by a successful, over 20 million people will lose 231-191 vote (House roll call vote no. 228). access to health care and over a 100 million YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. people with pre-existing conditions could lose their protections, all during a global pandemic. Reversing Harmful Changes to the H.Amdt. 865 would prohibit the Department of Community Reinvestment Act Justice from using taxpayer dollars to advance a H.J. Res. 90 was a “resolution of disapproval,” lawsuit that threatens the livelihood of millions of pursuant to the Congressional Review Act, Americans. On July 30, 2020 the House agreed which allows Congress to overturn to the amendment by a 234-181 vote (House roll regulations recently adopted by federal call vote no. 175). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL agencies. In this instance, the resolution RIGHTS VOTE. would have overturned new regulations by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) that will drastically weaken the Community Reinvestment Act, our nation’s key law aimed at reversing the economic damage of racist “redlining” in financial services.


15 Hate & Bias Immigration Repeal the Muslim Ban Terminate President Trump’s “National Emergency” Declaration Representative Judy Chu, D. Calif., introduced H.R. 2214, the National Representative Joaquin Castro, D. Texas, Origin-Based Anti-discrimination for sponsored H.J. Res 46, which would have Nonimmigrants Act, the NO BAN Act. The terminated the “national emergency” at the NO BAN Act would repeal each version of southern border as declared by President the Trump administration’s Muslim Ban, Trump earlier in the year. This declaration Refugee Ban, and Asylum Ban, as well as was profoundly flawed as a matter of policy the administration’s 2020 expansion to the and as a matter of constitutional law. Instead people of six additional countries with of constructing additional fencing – or significant Muslim populations, including two resorting to even more inhumane measures, countries in Asia as well as four countries in such as using the separation or prolonged Africa. The bill would also explicitly prohibit detention of children – as a deterrent to discrimination on the basis of religion under immigration, the administration should have the Immigration and Nationality Act, been working to increase its capacity to and make clear existing law that any process asylum claims in a timely and subsequent administrative ban on classes of humane fashion. Invoking national immigrants be narrowly tailored to address a emergency powers in order to divert funds compelling government interest using the that Congress had rejected, in order to build least restrictive means possible. walls on private property and further Furthermore, it would ensure that classes of militarize the border, was grossly immigrants who are harmed by blanket unconstitutional – and would have imposed exclusions can challenge discriminatory staggering costs while doing little to affect actions in court. The NO BAN Act is the first immigration. On Feb. 22, the House passed civil rights bill in history that explicitly H.J. Res. 46 by a 245-182 vote (House roll protects Muslims by rejecting this call vote no. 94). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL administration’s xenophobia and white RIGHTS VOTE. nationalism and prevents future

administrations from enacting similar sweeping, discriminatory bans. On July 22, 2020, the House voted 233-183 to pass the NO BAN Act (House roll call vote no. 153 153). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.


16 Support a Pathway to Citizenship for threaten the foundations of our democracy, Dreamers, TPS Holders, and DED and no one—including the President—is Beneficiaries above the law. On December 19, 2019 the Representative Lucille Roybal-Allard, D. Calif., House passed Article I of H.Res.755 by a vote sponsored H.R. 6, the Dream and Promise Act. of 230-197 (House roll call vote no. 695) and H.R. 6 would provide Dreamers, Temporary Article II of H.Res.755 by a vote of 229-198 Protected Status (TPS) holders, and Deferred (House roll call vote no. 696). YES IS THE Enforced Departure (DED) beneficiaries with a PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. realistic path to citizenship. For several years, these individuals – as well as their families and communities – had their lives thrown into Justice Reform limbo, as President Trump stripped away their Police Accountability status in an effort to pressure Congress to Representative Karen Bass, D. Calif., along provide funding for a border wall. These with House Judiciary Chairman Jerrold individuals, however, have built their lives in Nadler, D. N.Y., introduced H.R. 7120, the the United States, and they are integral parts George Floyd Justice in Policing Act, to of our communities. Currently, a handful of improve transparency and accountability preliminary injunctions prevent most of these for law enforcement officers and address individuals from facing detention and systemic constitutional violations in policing. deportation, but H.R. 6 would create H.R. 7120 would take a critical step towards permanent protections. On June 4, the House comprehensive policing reform by passed H.R. 6 by a 237-187 vote (House roll establishing a national standard for use of call vote no. 240). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL force, prohibiting chokeholds and racial RIGHTS VOTE. profiling, creating data collection and sharing mechanisms for information on police misconduct, and making changes to Impeachment allow prosecutors to more successfully hold Impeachment of Donald John Trump, law enforcement officers accountable for President of the United States, for High deprivations of civil rights and civil liberties. Crimes and Misdemeanors On June 25, 2020, the House passed H.R. Representative Jerrold Nadler, D. N.Y., 7120 by a 236-181 vote (House roll call vote sponsored H.Res.755, which contained articles no. 119). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. of impeachment against Donald John Trump on two counts of high crimes and misdemeanors. Article I of the resolution dealt with the president’s abuse of office by demanding foreign interference in our elections. Article II of the resolution dealt with the President’s obstruction of Congress as the House conducted its inquiry. The Leadership Conference supported the impeachment of a President for the first time in its 70-year history because the actions of the President 17

17 LGBTQ Rights There were approximately 15,000 Protect LGBTQ Individuals from transgender troops on active duty at the Discrimination time of Trump’s ban implementation, and it is Representative David Cicilline, D. R.I., essential that they be allowed to continue to sponsored H.R. 5, the Equality Act. H.R. serve their country with dignity and enjoy the 5 would ensure that LGBTQ people are same rights as everyone else. On July 11, protected against discrimination in housing, 2019, the House passed H. Amdt. 509 by a credit, education, and employment, and vote of 242-187 (House roll call vote no. 439). would clarify and strengthen public YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. accommodation antidiscrimination laws for all people. Despite the great strides in LGBTQ rights in recent decades, millions Voting Rights of LGBTQ individuals are still subject to A transformative vision for American discrimination and uncertainty over whether democracy their rights will be protected because there is Representative John Sarbanes, D. Md., currently a patchwork of different state laws introduced H.R. 1, the For the People Act of with varying levels of protections against 2019, which is a bold comprehensive reform discrimination, making clear federal package that will improve access to the standards necessary. On May 17, the House ballot, improve election security, end partisan passed H.R. 5 by a 236-173 vote (House roll gerrymandering, and strengthen oversight call vote no. 217). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL and accountability of our elected officials in RIGHTS VOTE. Washington. The legislation would also create a matching system for small Reverse the Trans Military Ban donations, thereby returning power to the Representative Jackie Speier, D. Calif., American people by allowing candidates to introduced House Amendment 509 to H.R. run elections funded by their constituents 2500, the National Defense Authorization Act instead of wealthy corporate interests. On for Fiscal Year 2020, which would codify the March 8, 2019, the House passed H.R. 1 by a military’s existing equal opportunity policies vote of 234-193 (House roll call vote no. 118). to include non-discrimination protections on YES ON FINAL PASSAGE AND NO ON THE the basis of race, color, national origin, MOTION TO RECOMMIT (House roll call vote religion, sex, gender identity, and sexual no. 117) IS THE PRO CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. orientation and would overturn President Trump’s ban on Restore the Voting Rights Act transgender troops. Representative Terri Sewell, D. Ala., introduced H.R. 4, the Voting Rights Advancement Act (VRAA), which would restore the Voting Rights Act (VRA) Section 5 preclearance system that was gutted by the Supreme Court’s infamous 2013 Shelby County v. Holder decision. Since this decision, discriminatory policies have proliferated nationwide and continued in 18 areas formerly covered by the preclearance requirement.

18 The VRAA would create a new coverage formula, including domestic violence, dating violence, establish practice-based preclearance, increase sexual assault, and stalking. These protections transparency, and create new mechanisms and are especially important for LGBTQ people, authorities to hold state and local governments people of color, and American Indian and Alaskan accountable for violations of the right to vote. On Native women who continue to experience high December 6, 2019, the House passed H.R. 4 by rates of violence. Since VAWA was first passed a vote of 228-187 (Roll no. 654). YES ON FINAL in 1994, rates of violence, on average, have PASSAGE AND NO ON THE MOTION TO decreased, but more can and should be done RECOMMIT (House roll call vote no. 653) IS to prevent gender-based violence, hold THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. perpetrators accountable, protect all survivors, and ensure access to appropriate services and supports. On April 4, 2019, the House passed H.R. Women’s Rights 1585 by a vote of 263-158 (House roll call vote no. 156). YES ON PASSAGE AND NO ON ANY Protecting Americans from Gender-Based AMENDMENTS THAT WOULD WEAKEN Violence PROTECTIONS FOR SURVIVORS OR ANY Representative Karen Bass, D. Calif., introduced MOTION TO RECOMMIT (House roll call vote H.R. 1585, the Violence Against Women no. 155) IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. Reauthorization Act of 2019, which would protect the civil and human rights of all people in the United States to be free from gender-based violence, 19


Senate Vote Summaries

21 Education human rights in America, and his lack of Protections for Defrauded Student Loan independence from President Trump. He Borrowers endorsed a draconian approach to law H.J. Res. 76 was a “resolution of enforcement that led to our current mass disapproval,” pursuant to the Congressional incarceration crisis, holds deeply disturbing Review Act, which allows Congress to views on LGBTQ equality, defended overturn regulations recently adopted by devastating anti-immigrant positions, federal agencies. Representative Susie Lee, attacked reproductive freedom and D. Nev., introduced H.J. Res. 76 to reverse a protections for survivors of sexual assault, harmful Department of Education rule on and endorsed the anti-voting rights agenda borrower’s defense for defrauded student of Attorney General Sessions. It was also loan borrowers. The 2016 borrower defense clear at the time of his nomination that rule was designed to protect students from Barr saw his role as primarily to protect the student loan debts tied to fraud and other president. On February 14, 2019, the Senate illegal conduct by their colleges. In 2019, the confirmed the nomination over bipartisan Department of Education created a new rule opposition by a vote of 54-45 (Senate roll that makes it nearly impossible for call vote no. 24). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL defrauded borrowers to receive entitled RIGHTS VOTE. relief when they have been harmed by

deceptive or closed institutions. H.J. Res. 76 Eugene Scalia Confirmation to be would overturn the 2019 Department of Secretary of Labor Education rule and would restore the stronger rule created in 2016. On March 11, The Secretary of Labor plays a key role in 2020, H.J. Res. 76 passed the Senate implementing and strengthening workplace without amendment by a 53-42 vote (Senate protections and improving economic roll call vote no. 70). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL opportunities for working people, and the RIGHTS VOTE. nominee for that position should have a record of demonstrated commitment to promoting and enforcing the dignity, safety, Executive Nominations and rights of working people. The William Barr Confirmation to be Leadership Conference opposed Scalia’s Attorney General confirmation because he has built his legal The Attorney General is responsible for career advocating against the interests of making real the promise of equal justice working people in favor of shielding under law, and for operating in service of corporations from liability. Scalia has a long the people, not the president himself. The history of defending corporations against Leadership Conference opposed Barr’s claims of race discrimination, sexual confirmation because of his long record of harassment, and discrimination against advancing positions that restricted civil and people with disabilities. Scalia also opposed minimum wage increases and has a troubling record on workplace safety. On September 26, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a party-line vote of 53-44 22 (Senate roll call vote no. 313). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. Jocelyn Samuels’ Confirmation to the The new regulations make it easy for banks Equal Employment Opportunity to comply with the Community Reinvestment Commission Act by making large investments that do not necessarily help the communities and The U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity people still dealing with the harm of Commission (EEOC) plays a critical part in redlining. On October 19, 2020 the Senate preventing, investigating, and remedying voted on a motion to proceed to consider employment discrimination, and requires the resolution, but the motion fell short on a strong and dedicated leadership, which is 43-48 vote (Senate roll call vote no. 201). particularly important during this period of YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. severe economic turmoil. The Leadership Conference supported Jocelyn Samuels’ nomination to the EEOC based on her legal Health Care expertise, breadth and depth of civil rights Protect Pre-Existing Conditions experience, and commitment to equality and the rule of law. Ms. Samuels has dedicated Senator Mark Warner, D. Va., introduced her career to public service, advocacy, and S.J. Res. 52, a Congressional Review Act research, and her record demonstrates resolution, which would reverse the extensive and relevant experience with civil Trump administration’s harmful rule on rights law and enforcement, including the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) Section having worked for several years as a senior 1332. The changes created by the Trump attorney-advisor at the EEOC itself. On administration’s rule would undermine health September 23, 2020 the Senate confirmed care protections for people in America with Ms. Samuels’ nomination to the EEOC by a pre-existing conditions, allowing states to vote of 54-42 (Senate roll call vote no. 193). increase costs for vulnerable populations YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. and reduce their quality of coverage, thereby leaving vulnerable individuals to face major Financial Reform out-of-pocket medical expenses that can be Reversing Harmful Changes to the devastating to their economic security. S.J. Community Reinvestment Act Res. 52, which would overturn this rule, will help more than 130 million individuals with H.J. Res. 90 was a “resolution of pre-existing conditions who need strong disapproval,” pursuant to the Congressional protections to ensure access to high-quality, Review Act, which allows Congress to affordable health care when they need it. On overturn regulations recently adopted by October 30, 2019, S.J. Res. 52 failed to pass federal agencies. In this instance, the in the Senate by a vote of 43-52. (Senate roll resolution would have overturned new call vote no. 337). YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL regulations by the Office of the Comptroller RIGHTS VOTE. of the Currency (OCC) that will drastically weaken the Community Reinvestment Act, our nation’s key law aimed at reversing the economic damage of racist “redlining” in

financial services.

23 Impeachment and incentives for reducing the use of Impeachment Trial of Donald John Trump, chokeholds while authorizing an additional President of the United States $7.6 billion in federal funding for law The Impeachment Trial of President Donald enforcement agencies over the next five Trump began in the U.S. Senate on January years. It does not adequately address 16, 2020 after the House passed H.Res.755, systemic racism or racial profiling, create which contained articles of impeachment on effective data sharing and accountability two counts of high crimes and misdemeanors. measures, or make it easier to prosecute The Leadership Conference supported the police misconduct cases. On June 24, 2020, impeachment of a president for the first time the Senate rejected cloture on the motion to in its 70-year history because the actions of proceed with debate on S. 3985 by a 55-45 the president threaten the foundation of our vote (Senate roll call vote no. 126). NO IS democracy, and no one—including the THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. president—is above the law. On February 5, the Senate voted to acquit the president of the charges of abuse of power by a vote of Judicial Nominations 55-48 (Senate roll call vote no. 33) and Eric Miller Confirmation to the U.S. Court obstruction of Congress by a vote of 53-47 of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (Senate Roll call vote no. 34). YES IS THE (Washington) PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. The Leadership Conference opposed Miller’s confirmation because of his efforts Justice Reform to undermine tribal sovereignty and his Response to Police Violence extreme ideological affiliations. Miller is a member of the . He was In the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor, also opposed by both of his home state Tony McDade, and George Floyd there was an senators, which traditionally would have outcry for the country to finally address prevented his nomination from advancing. systemic racism and constitutional violations On February 26, 2019, the Senate confirmed by law enforcement. In response, Senator Tim the nomination by a party-line vote of 53-46 Scott, R. S.C., introduced S. 3985, The Just (Senate roll call vote no. 29). NO IS THE and Unifying Solutions To Invigorate PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. Communities Everywhere (JUSTICE) Act of

2020. The JUSTICE Act, however, is

ceremonial and contains little to meaningfully Confirmation to address police brutality nor does it provide the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth any mechanisms to hold police accountable. It Circuit (North Carolina) would provide weak reporting requirements for use of force, limited access to disciplinary The Leadership Conference opposed records of officers, Rushing’s confirmation because of her ideologically extreme work. Rushing worked at the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Southern Poverty Law Center-designated hate group that opposes LGBTQ equality, and embraced the ADF agenda in public 24 statements later in her career.

She is also a member of the Federalist He defended anti-immigrant, anti-LGBTQ, Society. On March 5, 2019, the Senate and anti-reproductive freedom policies; confirmed the nomination by a party-line worked to undermine public education; vote of 53-44 (Senate roll call vote no. 35). and fought against consumer protections. NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. Readler is a member of the Federalist Society. He was also opposed by one of his home state senators, which traditionally Confirmation to the U.S. would have prevented his nomination from Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit advancing. On March 6, 2019, the Senate (Ohio) confirmed the nomination over bipartisan opposition by a vote of 52-47 (Senate roll The Leadership Conference opposed call vote no. 37). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL Readler’s confirmation because of his RIGHTS VOTE. demonstrated hostility to civil and human rights. As a high ranking official in the Sessions Justice Department, Readler sought to take away health care from millions by refusing to defend the Affordable Care Act, arguing it is unconstitutional; advocated for an untested, harmful citizenship question on the 2020 Census; and attacked voting rights. 25 Eric Murphy Confirmation to the U.S. Court Confirmation to the U.S. of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit (Ohio) Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia The Leadership Conference opposed Murphy’s confirmation because of his work to weaken The Leadership Conference opposed Rao’s and restrict a broad array of civil and human confirmation because of her extreme rights. He defended Ohio’s notorious voter ideological views and work at the center of purge law before the Supreme Court; the Trump administration’s aggressive advocated for anti-LGBTQ policies; supported efforts to undermine public protections. In the anti-immigration actions of the Trump her college writings, Rao made clear her administration; argued against access to bias against sexual assault survivors, and contraception and abortion; and defended expressed disparaging views on women’s inhumane death penalty practices. Murphy is a rights, troubling views on race, and hostility member of the Federalist Society. He was also to LGBTQ rights. As Administrator of the opposed by one of his home state senators, Office of Information and Regulatory which traditionally would have prevented his Affairs, Rao worked to roll back critical nomination from advancing. On March 7, 2019, protections, including sexual harassment the Senate confirmed the nomination by a and assault, reproductive health, and party-line vote of 52-46 (Senate roll call vote environmental protections. Rao is a no. 39). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. member of the Federalist Society. On March 13, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a party-line vote of 53-46 Confirmation to the U.S. Court of (Senate roll call vote no. 44). NO IS THE Appeals for the Third Circuit (New Jersey) PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

The Leadership Conference opposed Matey’s confirmation because he is a conservative Patrick Wyrick Confirmation to the U.S. ideologue who lacks the neutrality to serve as a District Court, Western District of fair-minded jurist. He did not perform pro bono Oklahoma work as an attorney and served in New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s scandal-ridden The Leadership Conference opposed administration. He is a longtime member of the Wyrick’s confirmation because of his Federalist Society and the Republican National inexperience, extreme ideology, and career Lawyer Association. He was opposed by both working with then-Oklahoma Attorney of his home state senators, which traditionally General . Wyrick challenged would have prevented his nomination from environmental protections; defended a advancing. On March 12, 2019, the Senate flawed death penalty process; defended an confirmed the nomination by a vote of 54-45 anti-Muslim referendum and an (Senate roll call vote no. 42). NO IS THE anti-workers’ compensation law; opposed PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. tribal sovereignty; and undermined access to reproductive health care. Wyrick is a member of the Federalist Society. On April 9, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a party-line vote of 53-47 26 (Senate roll call vote no. 68). NO IS THE


J. Campbell Barker Confirmation to U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Texas The Leadership Conference opposed Barker’s confirmation because of his demonstrated record of hostility against civil rights. He worked to restrict voting rights, LGBTQ equality, immigrant rights, reproductive freedom, environmental protections, and fairness for criminal defendants. On May 1, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a party-line vote of 51-47 (Senate roll call vote no. 85). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

Andrew Brasher Confirmation to the U.S. District Court, Middle District of Alabama The Leadership Conference opposed Brasher’s confirmation because of his work to attempt to restrict voting rights, LGBTQ equality, reproductive freedom, environmental protections, a fair and accurate 2020 Census, and other critical civil and human rights. Michael Park Confirmation to the U.S. Court Brasher is a member of the Federalist Society. of Appeals for the Second Circuit (New On May 1, 2019, the Senate confirmed the York) nomination by a party-line vote of 52-47 (Senate roll call vote no. 87). NO IS THE The Leadership Conference opposed Park’s PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. confirmation because of his work to add an untested, harmful citizenship question to the 2020 Census, to limit educational equity Joseph Bianco Confirmation to the U.S. through equal opportunities in university Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit admissions, and to restrict access to (New York) reproductive health care. Park is a member of the Federalist Society. He was also The Leadership Conference opposed Bianco’s opposed by both of his home state senators, confirmation of his ideological affiliations and which traditionally would have prevented his concerns he would be unable to be a fair nomination from advancing. On May 9, 2019, jurist. Bianco is a member of the Federalist the Senate confirmed the nomination by a Society. He was also opposed by both of his party-line vote of 52-41 (Senate roll call vote home state senators, which traditionally would no. 106). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. have prevented his nomination fromadvancing. On May 6, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a vote of 54-42 (Senate roll call vote no. 99). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. 27 Michael Truncale Confirmation to the U.S. He was opposed by both of his home state District Court, Eastern District of Texas senators, which traditionally would have prevented his nomination from advancing. The Leadership Conference opposed Lee is a member of the Federalist Society. On Truncale’s confirmation because of his May 15, 2019, the Senate confirmed the demonstrated hostility to immigrant rights, nomination by a party-line vote of 52-45 voting rights, reproductive freedom, workers’ (Senate roll call vote no. 110). NO IS THE rights, LGBTQ rights, environmental PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. protection, common-sense gun safety

measures, and the role of the federal

government. He refused to say that Brown Wendy Vitter Confirmation to the U.S. v. Board of Education, the landmark and District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana unanimous Supreme Court decision to end legal apartheid in our education system, was The Leadership Conference opposed Vitter’s correctly decided. Truncale is a member of confirmation because of her extreme and the Federalist Society. On May 14, 2019, the irresponsible positions on reproductive health Senate confirmed the nomination over care and insensitivity to the rights of bipartisan opposition by a vote of 49-46 immigrants. Vitter refused to say that Brown (Senate roll call vote no. 108). NO IS THE v. Board of Education, the landmark and PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. unanimous Supreme Court decision to end legal apartheid in our education system, was correctly decided. On May 16, 2019, the Kenneth Lee Confirmation to the U.S. Court Senate confirmed the nomination over of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (California) bipartisan opposition by a vote of 52-45 (Senate roll call vote no. 114). NO IS THE The Leadership Conference opposed Lee’s PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. confirmation because of his writings that

demeaned sexual assault and harassment

survivors, ridiculed universities that promote Daniel Collins Confirmation to the U.S. diversity through student affinity Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit organizations, undermined voting rights, and (California) condemned racial justice and LGBTQ rights. Many of these extreme writings were hidden The Leadership Conference opposed Collins’ from the Senate. Lee refused to say that confirmation because of his work to restrict Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark civil and human rights in many areas, and unanimous Supreme Court decision to including reproductive freedom and criminal end legal apartheid in our education system, justice. He refused to say that Brown v. Board was correctly decided. of Education, the landmark and unanimous Supreme Court decision to end legal apartheid in our education system, was correctly decided. He was opposed by both of his home state senators, which traditionally would have prevented his nomination from advancing. Collins is a member of the Federalist Society. On May 21, 2019, the 28 Senate confirmed the nomination by a party-line vote of 53-46 (Senate roll call vote no. 118). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. Howard Nielson Confirmation to the U.S. Matthew Kacsmaryk Confirmation to the District Court, District of Utah U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas The Leadership Conference opposed Nielson’s confirmation because of his The Leadership Conference opposed record of hostility to civil and human rights. Kacsmaryk’s confirmation because of his He argued against LGBTQ equality and right-wing extremism. He devoted much of attempted to have a judge removed from a his career to fighting against LGBTQ equality marriage equality case because he claimed and reproductive health care access. the judge would not be fair because the Kacsmaryk expressed staunch opposition judge, himself, was gay. He is also has to the Equality Act, marriage equality, and a record of hostility to environmental promoted the dangerous lie that being protections and reproductive rights, authored transgender is a “delusion.” He attacked Roe a memo defending torture, argued against v. Wade and challenged the Affordable Care educational equity, and was the “go-to” Act’s contraceptive access provision. lawyer for opponents of common-sense Kacsmaryk is a member of the Federalist gun safety measures. He was involved with a Society. On June 19, 2019, the Senate Justice Department screening committee that confirmed the nomination over bipartisan was rebuked for its discrimination against job opposition by a vote of 52-46 (Senate roll applicants who had worked for civil rights call vote no. 172). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL organizations. Nielson is a member of the RIGHTS VOTE. Federalist Society. On May 22, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination over bipartisan opposition by a vote of 51-47 (Senate roll call vote no. 123). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

Stephen Clark Confirmation to the U.S. District Court, Eastern District of Missouri The Leadership Conference opposed Clark’s confirmation because of his extreme views on LGBTQ equality and reproductive freedom. Clark was also a member of several discriminatory private clubs, and partisan, right-wing organizations like the Federalist Society, the Republican National Lawyers Association, the National Rifle Association, and the Republican National Committee. On May 22, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a vote of 53-45 (Senate roll call vote no. 124). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

29 On July 9, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a party-line vote of 53-45 (Senate roll call vote no. 191). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

Peter Phipps Confirmation to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit (Pennsylvania) The Leadership Conference opposed Phipps’ confirmation because of his demonstrated insensitivity to LGBTQ equality, and concern for the lack of diversity on the Third Circuit. He was opposed by one of his home-state senators, which Allen Winsor Confirmation to the U.S. traditionally would have prevented his District Court, Northern District of Florida nomination from advancing. On July 16, The Leadership Conference opposed Winsor’s 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination confirmation because of his record of by a vote of 56-40 (Senate roll call vote no. attempting to restrict voting rights, LGBTQ 205). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. equality, reproductive freedom, environmental protection, criminal defendants’ rights, and gun safety measures. Winsor is a member of the Brian Buescher Confirmation to the U.S. District Court, District of Nebraska Federalist Society. On June 19, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a vote of 54-44 The Leadership Conference opposed (Senate roll call vote no. 173). NO IS THE Buescher’s confirmation because of his track PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. record of partisan activism and deep-seated hostility to LGBTQ equality and reproductive freedom. Buescher refused to say that Daniel Bress Confirmation to the U.S. Court Brown v. Board of Education, the landmark of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit (California) and unanimous Supreme Court decision to The Leadership Conference opposed Bress’s end legal apartheid in our education system, confirmation because of his anti-civil rights was correctly decided. He is a member of work. Bress worked as a Republican political the Federalist Society. On July 24, 2019, the operative and engaged in litigation against Senate confirmed the nomination by a consumers’ interests. He was opposed by both party-line vote of 51-40 (Senate roll call vote of his home-state senators, which traditionally no. 229). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS would have prevented his nomination from VOTE. advancing. He is a member of the

Federalist Society. Jeffrey Brown Confirmation to the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Texas

The Leadership Conference opposed 30 Brown’s confirmation because of his lack of the neutrality and open-mindedness necessary to serve as a lifetime federal judge. His record both on and off the bench Walker was a partisan operative who demonstrated a hostility to LGBTQ rights, conducted 162 media interviews in 2018 in reproductive health care, and immigrant rights. defense of embattled Supreme Court Brown refused to say that Brown v. Board of nominee . Due to his lack of Education, the landmark and unanimous trial and litigation experience, he was deemed Supreme Court decision to end legal apartheid unqualified to serve as a federal judge by the in our education system, was correctly decided. independent and nonpartisan American Bar He is a member of the Federalist Society. On Association. Walker is a member of the July 31, 2019, the Senate confirmed the Federalist Society. On October 24, 2019, the nomination over bipartisan opposition by a vote Senate confirmed the nomination by a of 50-40 (Senate roll call vote no. 254). NO IS party-line vote of 50-41 (Senate roll call vote THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. no. 333). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

Brantley Starr Confirmation to the U.S. District Court, Northern District of Texas Lee Rudofsky Confirmation to the U.S. The Leadership Conference opposed Starr’s District Court, Eastern District of Arkansas confirmation because of his anti-civil rights The Leadership Conference opposed record. Starr served as a top legal advisor to Rudofsky’s confirmation because of his efforts far-right Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and to restrict access to reproductive health care, worked to restrict voting rights, LGBTQ equality, LGBTQ rights, immigrant rights, voting rights, immigrant rights, and reproductive freedom. workers' rights, equal opportunity in Starr refused to say that Brown v. Board of education, and environmental protection. He Education, the landmark and unanimous made disrespectful and partisan comments Supreme Court decision to end legal apartheid about the Senate’s vital role in the in our education system, was correctly decided. confirmation process. Rudofsky is a member He is a longtime member of the Federalist of the Federalist Society and the Republican Society and served on the board of an National Lawyers Association. On November ideologically right-wing publication. On July 31, 7, 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination 2019, the Senate confirmed the nomination by a by a party-line vote of 51-41 (Senate roll call party-line vote of 51-39 (Senate roll call vote no. vote no. 350). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS 255). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. VOTE.

Justin Walker Confirmation to the U.S. District Court, Western District of Kentucky

The Leadership Conference opposed Walker’s confirmation because of his disturbing lack of qualifications, record of hostility to the Affordable Care Act, support for efforts to deny contraception to employees, and radical views on the value of judicial precedent.

31 Steven Menashi Confirmation to the U.S. Sarah Pitlyk Confirmation to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (New District Court, Eastern District of Missouri York) The Leadership Conference opposed Pitlyk’s The Leadership Conference opposed confirmation because of her work to attempt Menashi’s confirmation because of his record to restrict reproductive freedom and access as a staunch right-wing ideologue, from his to health care. She opposed equal offensive writings in college to his work in the opportunity affirmative action programs and Trump administration. He advanced extreme campaigned for the confirmation of Brett viewpoints on women’s rights, LGBTQ equality, Kavanaugh by arguing that he would be racial justice, and respect for the Muslim a reliable vote against abortion and the religion. He supported civil rights rollbacks in Affordable Care Act. Due to her lack of trial the Betsy DeVos Education Department and in and litigation experience, Pitlyk was deemed the Trump White House. His nomination was unqualified to serve as a federal judge by the opposed by both of his home-state senators, independent and nonpartisan American Bar which traditionally would have prevented his Association. She is a member of the nomination from advancing. Menashi is a Federalist Society. On December 4, 2019, the member of the Federalist Society. On Senate confirmed the nomination by a vote November 14, 2019, the Senate confirmed the of 49-44, over bipartisan opposition (Senate nomination by a vote of 51-41, over bipartisan roll call vote no. 379). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL opposition (Senate roll call vote no. 356). NO IS RIGHTS VOTE. THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE.

32 Patrick Bumatay Confirmation to the U.S. He lacks Nevada connections and was Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit opposed by both of the Nevada senators, (California) which traditionally would have prevented his The Leadership Conference opposed nomination from advancing. VanDyke is a Bumatay’s confirmation because of his record member of the Federalist Society. On as a conservative ideologue and work as a December 11, 2019, the Senate confirmed the political operative in the Trump Justice nomination by a vote of 51-44, over Department. In the administration, he worked bipartisan opposition (Senate roll call vote to promote the confirmations of extreme no. 391). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS Trump judicial nominees like Brett Kavanaugh, VOTE. roll back efforts to combat unfair sentencing and mass incarceration, and support a widely condemned “zero-tolerance” policy that Andrew Brasher Confirmation to the U.S. resulted in cruel and inhumane treatment Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit of undocumented immigrants. He also (Alabama) expressed hostility to diversity programs and The Leadership Conference opposed implicit bias training. He was opposed by both Brasher’s confirmation because of his of his home-state senators, which traditionally work to restrict voting rights, LGBTQ would have prevented his nomination from equality, reproductive freedom, advancing. Bumatay is a member of the environmental protection, and other critical Federalist Society. On December 10, 2019, civil and human rights. He spent most of his the Senate confirmed the nomination by a career working in the aggressively party-line vote of 53-40 (Senate roll call vote ideological Alabama Attorney General’s no. 387). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. office, including as Solicitor General, where he spearheaded a national amicus brief strategy in controversial cases attacking civil Lawrence VanDyke Confirmation to the rights. Brasher is a member of the Federalist Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (Nevada) Society. He was also opposed by one of his The Leadership Conference opposed home-state senators, which traditionally VanDyke’s nomination because of his record would have prevented his nomination from of using government positions – as the advancing. On February 11, 2020 the Senate solicitor general in Montana and in Nevada, as confirmed the nomination by a party-line well as in the Trump administration – to push vote of 52-43 (Senate roll call vote no. 36). an anti-civil rights agenda. Throughout his NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. career, he worked to undercut LGBTQ equality, reproductive freedom, environmental protection, gun safety, worker protections, immigrant justice, and tribal sovereignty. Due to his anti-LGBTQ bias and lack of candor, humility, and work ethic, VanDyke was deemed unqualified to serve as a federal judge by the independent and nonpartisan . 33 Justin Walker Confirmation to the U.S. Amy Coney Barrett Cloture and Confirmation Court of Appeals for the District of to the Supreme Court of the United States Columbia Circuit This Supreme Court vacancy was created by The Leadership Conference opposed Walker’s the passing of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, confirmation because of his partisan and who was a principled, dignified defender of ideological extremism. He made dozens of justice for all. She dedicated her entire career, FOX News appearances in defense of Brett on and off the Court, to protecting rights for Kavanaugh, emphasizing their shared hostility women and LGBTQ individuals, and advancing to the Affordable Care Act, and he attacked his justice for millions of people in America. The perceived political opponents in public remarks Leadership Conference fought to defend her and judicial opinions. His extreme views on legacy for equal justice, and for the seat to be administrative law would undermine the ability filled by the next president and Senate with a of federal agencies to protect working people, justice committed to protecting, upholding, and consumers, discrimination victims, and the environment. Just 37 at the time of his strengthening democracy for generations to nomination, Walker is a former intern for come. and political protege of Majority Leader The administration and Senate majority rushed Mitch McConnell, who prioritized Walker’s confirmation over passing legislation to aid an to nominate and confirm a replacement even ailing nation amidst the coronavirus pandemic. though millions of people were already voting Walker is a member of the Federalist Society. On for the president and senators they wanted to June 18, 2020, the Senate confirmed the make that monumental decision. The president nomination over bipartisan opposition by a vote and his Senate allies were eager to install a of 51-42 (Senate roll call vote no. 123). NO IS nominee who passed their extreme litmus tests THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. of overturning the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and gutting Roe v. Wade. They prioritized that Cory Wilson Confirmation to the U.S. Court unprecedented process rather than providing of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (Kentucky) relief to struggling families, communities, and The Leadership Conference opposed Wilson’s businesses devastated by the COVID-19 confirmation because of his blatant and publicly pandemic. The Senate majority’s rushed and expressed hostility to civil and human rights. As illegitimate confirmation process stood in stark a state legislator, and in strident op-ed pieces, contrast to its treatment of President Obama’s Wilson expressed hostility to health care, Supreme Court nominee in 2016, when they defended discriminatory photo ID laws, claimed Supreme Court election year vacancies attacked LGBTQ rights and reproductive should be filled by the next president. freedom, opposed gun safety legislation, and engaged in hyper-partisan diatribes. Wilson is a The Leadership Conference opposed Barrett’s member of the Federalist Society. On June 24, confirmation because her extremist record 2020, the Senate confirmed the nomination demonstrated she would meet the president’s over bipartisan opposition by a vote of 52-48 litmus tests. Barrett publicly expressed (Senate roll call vote no. 125). NO IS THE opposition to the crucial Supreme Court PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. decisions that had upheld the ACA, undergirded reproductive rights, and

34 34 expanded LGBTQ equality. As a circuit court judge, she ruled against employment discrimination victims, accountability for sexual assault, criminal defendants and people in prison, immigrant justice, and gun safety. At her hearing, Barrett refused to engage with questions about her record, including her lack of respect for precedent critical to civil and human rights. She refused to affirm basic facts about climate change, tenets of our democracy, and voter suppression. And as the process moved forward, additional documents continued to come to light that Barrett had not properly disclosed to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Barrett is a member of the Federalist Society The refusal sent a dangerous signal to all and has delivered paid speeches for the Americans – especially African Americans Alliance Defending Freedom, a radical – that Brown could someday be anti-LGBTQ organization designated as a overturned and that our nation could hate group by the Southern Poverty Law return to the disgraceful days of racial Center. On October 25, 2020, the Senate segregation. invoked cloture and confirmed the nomination the next day. The cloture vote passed over In a May 13, 2019 letter to senators, The bipartisan opposition by a vote of 51-48 Leadership Conference announced its (Senate roll call vote no. 222) and the opposition to all nominees who were confirmation vote passed over bipartisan unable to meet this moral floor and opposition by a vote of 52-48 (Senate roll call provided the opportunity for nominees vote no. 224). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL to clarify their testimony. RIGHTS VOTE. In total, 33 nominees pending at the time or after the May 13 letter refused to state Brown v. Board of Education in their hearing or in clarification of their Refusal to State that Brown v. Board of testimony that Brown was correctly Education was Correctly Decided decided. It is disappointing that many of these nominees received significant In 2019, the nation commemorated bipartisan support, despite their refusal the 65th anniversary of the landmark, to meet this moral floor. unanimous decision in Brown v. Board of Education, which ended legal apartheid in our education system. When asked during their Senate hearings or in written questions, an alarming number of President Trump’s judicial nominees refused to state unequivocally that the decision in 35 Brown was correct. Since our letter, only one nominee failed To rush nominees through the process even to state at the time of his hearing – and more quickly, Leader McConnell forced a refused to clarify his testimony – that the change in the rules to reduce post-cloture decision in Brown is correct. This shift is a debate time to just two hours for district court major victory for the civil and human rights nominees – who serve lifetime appointments coalition, as it no longer allows into our -- and most executive branch nominees. discourse the possibility that Brown was not correctly decided. For the purposes of the Given the rapid demise of important checks Voting Record, we consider the confirmation throughout the nomination and confirmation vote on any nominee, who had a hearing process, the refusal to allow adequate time before the Senate Judiciary Committee after to debate controversial nominations is deeply our letter was sent to the Senate. This is troubling. This rule change only further reflected in our inclusion of the nomination of transformed the Senate into a rubber stamp Jason Pulliam, U.S. District Court, Western for President Trump’s efforts to stack the District of Texas: confirmed by the Senate on courts with dangerous, anti-civil rights judges. July 31, 2019 by a vote of 54-36 (Senate roll On April 3, 2019, the Senate voted not to call vote no. 256). NO IS THE PRO-CIVIL sustain the decision of the chair that had RIGHTS VOTE. upheld the 30-hour rule by a vote of 48-51, despite bipartisan support for keeping the rule Other nominees who we opposed for in place (Senate roll call vote no. 61). additional reasons also refused to state YES IS THE PRO-CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE. that Brown was correctly decided and their refusal is noted in the descriptions about their nominations.

Rules Change Post-Cloture Timing Rules Change Senate rules historically provided for up to 30 hours of post-cloture debate time for judicial and executive branch nominees. This rule helped support the Senate’s constitutional advice-and-consent function and provided an important check on presidential power.

36 36

House Vote Charts


Y Member's yea/nay vote agrees with base position N Member's yea/nay vote disagrees with base position [ ] Member cast a “present” vote X Member did not cast a yea/nay vote or officially declare a position

The numbers at the top of each page indicate the House roll call vote number for each vote.

39 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 ALASKA Young Donald R 1 23% Y N ALABAMA Byrne Bradley R 1 4% X X Roby Martha R 2 7% X X Rogers Michael R 3 6% N N Aderholt Robert R 4 3% N N Brooks Morris R 5 3% N N Palmer Gary R 6 0% N N Sewell Terri D 7 100% Y Y Arkansas Crawford Rick R 1 0% N N Hill James R 2 6% Y N Womack Stephen R 3 6% Y N Westerman Bruce R 4 3% N N American Samoa Radewagen Amata R 1 NA Arizona O'Halleran Tom D 1 100% X X Kirkpatrick Ann D 2 100% Y N Grijalva Raul D 3 100% Y N Gosar Paul R 4 0% N Y Biggs Andy R 5 0% N Y Schweikert David R 6 3% Y Y Gallego Ruben D 7 100% Y N Lesko Debbie R 8 3% Y Y Stanton Greg D 9 100% Y N CALIFORNIA LaMalfa Douglas R 1 6% Y Y Huffman Jared D 2 100% Y N Garamendi John D 3 100% Y N McClintock Tom R 4 0% N Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform


2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 ALASKA Young Y Y N N N ALABAMA Byrne N Y N X N Roby N Y N X X Rogers N Y N N N Aderholt N Y N N N Brooks N Y N N N Palmer N Y N N N Sewell Y Y Y Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford N Y N N N Hill N Y N N N Womack N Y N N N Westerman N Y N N N AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen ARIZONA O'Halleran Y N Y Y Y Kirkpatrick Y N Y Y Y Grijalva Y N Y Y Y Gosar N Y N N X Biggs N Y N N N Schweikert N Y N N N Gallego Y N Y Y Y Lesko N Y N N N Stanton Y N Y Y Y CALIFORNIA LaMalfa Y Y N N N Huffman Y N Y Y Y Garamendi Y N Y Y X McClintock N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50 COVID-19 Employment Democracy Democracy Justice Reform Relief Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 ALASKA Young N Y N N N ALABAMA Byrne N Y N N N Roby N Y N N N Rogers X X X N N Aderholt N Y N N N Brooks N Y N N N Palmer N Y N N N Sewell Y N Y Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford N Y N N N Hill N Y N N N Womack N Y N N N Westerman N Y N N N AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen ARIZONA O'Halleran Y N Y Y Y Kirkpatrick Y N Y X Y Grijalva Y N Y Y Y Gosar N Y N N N Biggs N Y N N N Schweikert N Y N N N Gallego Y N Y Y Y Lesko N Y N N N Stanton Y N Y Y Y CALIFORNIA LaMalfa N Y N N N Huffman Y N Y Y Y Garamendi Y N Y Y Y McClintock N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695 Employment Employment Rights Education Rights Impeachment Impeachment


2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 ALASKA Young N Y Y N N ALABAMA Byrne X X X N N Roby X N N N N Rogers N N N N N Aderholt N N X N N Brooks N N N N N Palmer N N N N N Sewell X Y Y Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford N X X N N Hill N N N N N Womack N N N N N Westerman N N N N N AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen ARIZONA O'Halleran N Y Y Y Y Kirkpatrick X X X Y Y Grijalva N Y Y Y Y Gosar Y N N N N Biggs Y N N N N Schweikert Y N N N N Gallego N X Y Y Y Lesko Y X X N N Stanton N Y Y Y Y CALIFORNIA LaMalfa Y N N N N Huffman N Y Y Y Y Garamendi N Y Y Y Y McClintock Y X X N N 659 654 653 540 539

Employment Employment Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Rights Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 ALASKA Young Y N Y N Y ALABAMA Byrne N N X N N Roby Y N Y N N Rogers Y N Y N N Aderholt X N Y N N Brooks N N Y N N Palmer N N Y N N Sewell Y Y N Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford N N Y X X Hill N N Y N N Womack N N Y N N Westerman Y N Y N N AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen X ARIZONA O'Halleran Y Y N Y N Kirkpatrick Y Y N Y N Grijalva Y Y N Y N Gosar N X X N Y Biggs N N Y N Y Schweikert N N Y N Y Gallego Y Y N Y N Lesko N N Y N Y Stanton Y Y N Y N CALIFORNIA LaMalfa N N Y N Y Huffman Y Y N X X Garamendi Y Y N Y N McClintock N N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240 LGBTQ Economic Security Economic Security Rights Census Immigration


2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 ALASKA Young N Y N N N ALABAMA Byrne N Y N N N Roby N Y N N N Rogers N Y N N N Aderholt N Y N N N Brooks N Y N N N Palmer N Y X N N Sewell Y N Y Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford N Y N N N Hill N Y N N N Womack N Y N N N Westerman N Y N N N AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen X ARIZONA O'Halleran Y N Y Y Y Kirkpatrick Y N Y Y Y Grijalva Y N Y Y Y Gosar N Y N N N Biggs N Y N N N Schweikert N Y N N N Gallego Y N Y Y Y Lesko N Y N N N Stanton Y N Y Y Y CALIFORNIA LaMalfa N Y N N N Huffman Y N Y Y Y Garamendi Y N Y Y Y McClintock N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134 Women's Employment Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Rights Rights


2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 ALASKA Young N Y N N N ALABAMA Byrne N Y N N N Roby N Y N N N Rogers N Y N N N Aderholt N Y N N N Brooks N Y N N N Palmer N Y X N N Sewell Y N Y Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford N Y N N N Hill N Y N N N Womack N Y N N N Westerman N Y N N N AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen X ARIZONA O'Halleran Y N Y Y Y Kirkpatrick Y N Y Y Y Grijalva Y N Y Y Y Gosar N Y N N N Biggs N Y N N N Schweikert N Y N N N Gallego Y N Y Y Y Lesko N Y N N N Stanton Y N Y Y Y CALIFORNIA LaMalfa N Y N N N Huffman Y N Y Y Y Garamendi Y N Y Y Y McClintock N Y N N N 133 118 117

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights


2019 2019 2019 ALASKA Young Y N Y ALABAMA Byrne Y N Y Roby Y N Y Rogers Y X X Aderholt Y N Y Brooks Y N Y Palmer Y N Y Sewell N Y Y ARKANSAS Crawford Y X X Hill Y N Y Womack Y N Y Westerman Y N Y AMERICAN SAMOA Radewagen ARIZONA O'Halleran N Y N Kirkpatrick N Y N Grijalva N Y N Gosar Y N Y Biggs Y N Y Schweikert Y N Y Gallego N Y N Lesko Y N Y Stanton N Y N CALIFORNIA LaMalfa Y N Y Huffman N Y N Garamendi N Y N McClintock Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Thompson Michael D 5 100% Y N Matsui Doris D 6 100% Y N Bera Amerish D 7 100% Y N Cook Paul R 8 11% X X McNerney Gerald D 9 100% Y N Harder Josh D 10 100% Y N DeSaulnier Mark D 11 100% Y N Pelosi Nancy D 12 100% Lee Barbara D 13 100% Y N Speier Karen D 14 100% Y N Swalwell Eric D 15 100% Y N Costa James D 16 100% Y N Khanna Rohit D 17 100% Y N Eshoo Anna D 18 100% Y N Lofgren Zoe D 19 100% Y N Panetta Jimmy D 20 100% Y N Cox Tj D 21 100% Y N Nunes Devin R 22 3% Y Y McCarthy Kevin R 23 6% Y Y Carbajal Salud D 24 100% Y N Hill Katie D 25 100% Garcia Michael R 25 10% Y Y Brownley Julia D 26 100% Y N Chu Judy D 27 100% Y N Schiff Adam D 28 100% Y N Cardenas Antonio D 29 100% Y N Sherman Bradley D 30 100% Y N Aguilar Peter D 31 100% Y N Napolitano Grace D 32 100% Y N Lieu Ted D 33 100% Y N Gomez Jimmy D 34 100% Y N Torres Norma D 35 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Thompson Y N Y Y Y Matsui Y N Y Y Y Bera Y N Y Y Y Cook X X N X N McNerney Y N Y Y Y Harder Y N Y Y Y DeSaulnier Y N Y Y Y Pelosi Y Lee Y N Y Y Y Speier Y N Y Y Y Swalwell Y N Y Y Y Costa Y N Y Y Y Khanna Y N Y Y Y Eshoo Y N Y Y Y Lofgren Y N Y Y Y Panetta Y N Y Y Y Cox Y N Y Y Y Nunes N Y N N N McCarthy N Y N N N Carbajal Y N Y Y Y Hill Garcia N Y N N N Brownley Y N Y Y Y Chu Y N Y Y Y Schiff Y N Y Y Y Cardenas Y N Y Y Y Sherman Y N Y Y Y Aguilar Y N Y Y Y Napolitano Y N Y Y Y Lieu Y N Y Y Y Gomez Y N Y Y Y Torres Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Thompson Y N Y Y Y Matsui Y N Y Y Y Bera Y N Y Y Y Cook N Y N N N McNerney Y N Y Y Y Harder Y N Y Y Y DeSaulnier Y N Y X Y Pelosi Y Y Y Y Lee Y N Y Y Y Speier Y N Y Y Y Swalwell Y N Y Y Y Costa Y N Y Y Y Khanna Y N Y Y Y Eshoo Y N Y Y Y Lofgren Y N Y X Y Panetta Y N Y Y Y Cox Y N Y Y Y Nunes N Y N N N McCarthy N Y N N N Carbajal Y N Y Y Y Hill Garcia N Y N Brownley Y N Y Y Y Chu Y N Y Y Y Schiff Y N Y Y Y Cardenas Y N Y Y Y Sherman Y N Y Y Y Aguilar Y N Y Y Y Napolitano Y N Y X Y Lieu Y N Y X Y Gomez Y N Y Y Y Torres Y N Y Y Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Thompson N Y Y Y Y Matsui N Y Y Y Y Bera N Y Y Y Y Cook Y X Y N N McNerney N Y Y Y Y Harder N Y Y Y Y DeSaulnier N Y Y Y Y Pelosi Y Y Lee N Y Y Y Y Speier N Y Y Y Y Swalwell N Y Y Y Y Costa N Y Y Y Y Khanna N Y Y Y Y Eshoo N Y Y Y Y Lofgren N Y Y Y Y Panetta N Y Y Y Y Cox N Y Y Y Y Nunes Y N N N N McCarthy Y N N N N Carbajal N Y Y Y Y Hill Garcia Brownley N Y Y Y Y Chu N Y Y Y Y Schiff N Y Y Y Y Cardenas N Y Y Y Y Sherman N Y Y Y Y Aguilar N Y Y Y Y Napolitano N Y Y Y Y Lieu N Y Y Y Y Gomez N Y Y Y Y Torres N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Thompson Y Y N Y N Matsui Y Y N Y N Bera Y Y N Y N Cook Y N Y N N McNerney Y Y N Y N Harder Y Y N Y N DeSaulnier Y Y N Y N Pelosi Y Lee Y Y N Y N Speier Y Y N Y N Swalwell Y Y N Y N Costa Y Y N Y N Khanna Y Y N Y N Eshoo Y Y N Y N Lofgren Y Y N Y N Panetta Y Y N Y N Cox Y Y N Y N Nunes N N Y N Y McCarthy Y N Y N Y Carbajal Y Y N Y N Hill Y N Garcia Brownley Y Y N Y N Chu Y Y N Y N Schiff Y Y N Y N Cardenas Y Y N Y N Sherman Y Y N Y N Aguilar Y Y N Y N Napolitano Y Y N Y N Lieu X Y N Y N Gomez Y Y N Y N Torres Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Thompson Y N Y Y Y Matsui Y N Y Y Y Bera Y N Y Y Y Cook N Y N N N McNerney Y N X Y Y Harder Y N Y Y Y DeSaulnier Y N Y Y Y Pelosi Y Y Lee Y N Y Y Y Speier Y N Y Y Y Swalwell Y N Y X X Costa Y N Y Y Y Khanna Y N Y Y Y Eshoo Y N Y Y Y Lofgren Y N Y Y Y Panetta Y N Y Y Y Cox Y N Y Y Y Nunes N Y N N N McCarthy N Y N N N Carbajal Y N Y Y Y Hill Y N Y Y Y Garcia Brownley Y N Y Y Y Chu Y N Y Y Y Schiff Y N Y Y Y Cardenas Y N Y Y Y Sherman Y N Y Y X Aguilar Y N Y Y Y Napolitano Y N Y Y Y Lieu Y N Y Y Y Gomez Y N Y Y Y Torres Y N Y Y Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Thompson Y Y Y N Y Matsui Y Y Y N Y Bera Y Y Y N Y Cook N N X X N McNerney Y Y Y N Y Harder Y Y Y N Y DeSaulnier Y Y Y N Y Pelosi Y Y Lee Y Y Y N Y Speier Y Y Y N Y Swalwell X X Y N Y Costa Y Y Y N Y Khanna Y Y Y N Y Eshoo Y Y Y N Y Lofgren Y Y Y N Y Panetta Y Y Y N Y Cox Y Y Y N Y Nunes N N N Y N McCarthy N N N Y N Carbajal Y Y Y N Y Hill Y Y Y N Y Garcia Brownley Y Y Y N Y Chu Y Y Y N Y Schiff Y Y Y N Y Cardenas Y Y Y N Y Sherman Y Y Y N Y Aguilar Y Y Y N Y Napolitano Y Y Y N Y Lieu Y Y Y N Y Gomez Y Y Y N Y Torres Y Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Thompson N Y N Y Matsui N Y N Y Bera N Y N Y Cook Y N Y N McNerney N Y N Y Harder N Y N Y DeSaulnier N Y N Y Pelosi Y N Y Lee N Y N Y Speier N Y N Y Swalwell N Y N Y Costa N Y N Y Khanna N Y N Y Eshoo N Y N Y Lofgren N Y N Y Panetta N Y N Y Cox N Y N Y Nunes Y N Y N McCarthy Y N Y N Carbajal N Y N Y Hill N Y N Y Garcia Brownley N Y N Y Chu N Y N Y Schiff N Y N Y Cardenas N Y N Y Sherman N Y N Y Aguilar N Y N Y Napolitano N Y N Y Lieu N Y N Y Gomez N Y N Y Torres N Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Ruiz Raul D 36 100% Y N Bass Karen D 37 100% Y N Sanchez Linda D 38 100% Y N Cisneros Gilbert D 39 100% Y N Roybal-Allard Lucille D 40 100% Y N Takano Mark D 41 100% Y N Calvert Kenneth R 42 6% Y Y Waters Maxine D 43 100% Y N Barragan Nanette D 44 100% Y N Porter Katherine D 45 100% Y N Correa Jose D 46 100% Y N Lowenthal Alan D 47 100% Y N Rouda Harley D 48 100% Y N Levin Mike D 49 100% Y N Hunter Duncan R 50 0% Vargas Juan D 51 100% Y N Peters Scott D 52 100% Y N Davis Susan D 53 100% Y N Colorado Degette Diana D 1 100% Y N Neguse Joseph D 2 100% Y N Tipton Scott R 3 0% N Y Buck Kenneth R 4 0% N Y Lamborn Douglas R 5 0% N Y Crow Jason D 6 100% Y N Perlmutter Edwin D 7 100% Y N Connecticut Larson John D 1 100% Y N Courtney Joseph D 2 100% Y N DeLauro Rosa D 3 100% Y N Himes James D 4 100% Y N Hayes Jahana D 5 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Ruiz Y N Y Y Y Bass Y N Y Y Y Sanchez Y N X Y Y Cisneros Y N Y Y Y Roybal-Allard Y N Y Y Y Takano Y N Y Y Y Calvert N Y N N N Waters Y N Y Y Y Barragan Y N Y Y Y Porter Y N Y Y Y Correa Y N Y Y Y Lowenthal Y N Y Y Y Rouda Y N Y Y Y Levin Y N Y Y Y Hunter Vargas Y N Y Y Y Peters Y N Y Y Y Davis Y N Y Y Y COLORADO Degette Y N Y Y Y Neguse Y N Y Y Y Tipton N Y N N N Buck N Y N N N Lamborn N Y N N N Crow Y N Y Y Y Perlmutter Y N Y Y Y CONNECTICUT Larson Y N X Y Y Courtney Y N Y Y Y DeLauro Y N Y Y Y Himes Y N Y Y Y Hayes Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Ruiz Y N Y Y Y Bass Y N Y Y Y Sanchez Y N Y Y Y Cisneros Y N Y Y Y Roybal-Allard Y N Y X Y Takano Y N Y Y Y Calvert N Y N N N Waters Y N Y Y Y Barragan Y N Y Y Y Porter Y N Y Y Y Correa Y N Y Y Y Lowenthal Y N Y Y Y Rouda Y N Y Y Y Levin Y N Y Y Y Hunter Vargas Y N Y Y Y Peters Y N Y Y Y Davis Y N Y Y Y COLORADO Degette Y N Y Y Y Neguse Y N Y Y Y Tipton N Y N N N Buck N Y N N N Lamborn N Y N N N Crow Y N Y Y Y Perlmutter Y N Y Y Y CONNECTICUT Larson Y N Y Y Y Courtney Y N Y Y Y DeLauro Y N Y Y Y Himes Y N Y Y Y Hayes Y N Y Y Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Ruiz N Y Y Y Y Bass N Y Y Y Y Sanchez N Y Y Y Y Cisneros N Y Y Y Y Roybal-Allard N Y Y Y Y Takano N Y Y Y Y Calvert Y N N N N Waters N Y Y Y Y Barragan N Y Y Y Y Porter N Y Y Y Y Correa N Y Y Y Y Lowenthal N Y Y Y Y Rouda N Y Y Y Y Levin N Y Y Y Y Hunter X X Vargas N Y Y Y Y Peters N Y Y Y Y Davis N Y Y Y Y COLORADO Degette N Y Y Y Y Neguse N Y Y Y Y Tipton Y N N N N Buck Y N N N N Lamborn Y N N N N Crow N Y Y Y Y Perlmutter N Y Y Y Y CONNECTICUT Larson N Y Y Y Y Courtney N Y Y Y Y DeLauro N Y Y Y Y Himes N Y Y Y Y Hayes N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Ruiz Y Y N Y N Bass Y X X Y N Sanchez Y Y N Y N Cisneros Y Y N Y N Roybal-Allard Y Y N Y N Takano Y Y N Y N Calvert Y N Y N Y Waters Y Y N Y N Barragan Y Y N Y N Porter Y X X Y N Correa Y Y N Y N Lowenthal Y Y N Y N Rouda Y Y N Y N Levin Y Y N Y N Hunter X X X N Y Vargas Y Y N Y N Peters Y Y N Y N Davis Y Y N Y N COLORADO Degette Y Y N Y N Neguse Y Y N Y N Tipton N N Y N Y Buck N N Y X X Lamborn N N Y N Y Crow Y Y N Y N Perlmutter Y Y N Y N CONNECTICUT Larson Y X X Y N Courtney Y Y N Y N DeLauro Y Y N Y N Himes Y Y N Y N Hayes Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Ruiz Y N Y Y Y Bass Y N Y Y Y Sanchez Y N Y Y Y Cisneros Y N Y Y Y Roybal-Allard Y N Y Y Y Takano Y N Y Y Y Calvert N Y N N N Waters Y N Y Y Y Barragan Y N Y Y Y Porter Y N Y Y Y Correa Y N Y Y Y Lowenthal Y N Y Y Y Rouda Y N Y Y Y Levin Y N Y Y Y Hunter N Y N N N Vargas Y N Y Y Y Peters Y N Y Y Y Davis Y N Y Y Y COLORADO Degette Y N Y Y Y Neguse Y N Y Y Y Tipton N Y N N N Buck N Y N N N Lamborn N Y N N N Crow Y N Y Y Y Perlmutter Y N X Y Y CONNECTICUT Larson Y N Y Y Y Courtney Y N Y Y Y DeLauro Y N Y Y Y Himes Y N Y Y Y

Hayes Y N Y Y Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Ruiz Y Y Y N Y Bass Y Y Y N Y Sanchez Y Y Y N Y Cisneros Y Y Y N Y Roybal-Allard Y Y Y N Y Takano Y Y Y N Y Calvert N N N Y N Waters Y Y Y N Y Barragan Y Y Y N Y Porter Y Y Y N Y Correa Y Y Y N Y Lowenthal Y Y Y N Y Rouda Y Y Y N Y Levin Y Y Y N Y Hunter N N N Y N Vargas Y Y Y N Y Peters Y Y Y N Y Davis Y Y Y N Y COLORADO Degette Y Y Y N Y Neguse Y Y Y N Y Tipton N N N Y N Buck N N N Y N Lamborn N N N Y N Crow Y Y Y N Y Perlmutter Y Y Y N Y CONNECTICUT Larson Y Y Y N Y Courtney Y Y Y N Y DeLauro Y Y Y N Y Himes Y Y Y N Y Hayes Y Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Ruiz N Y N Y Bass N Y N Y Sanchez N Y N Y Cisneros N Y N Y Roybal-Allard N Y N Y Takano N Y N Y Calvert Y N Y N Waters N Y N Y Barragan N Y N Y Porter N Y N Y Correa N Y N Y Lowenthal N Y N Y Rouda N Y N Y Levin N Y N Y Hunter Y N Y N Vargas N Y N Y Peters N Y N Y Davis N Y N Y COLORADO Degette N Y N Y Neguse N Y N Y Tipton Y N Y N Buck Y N Y N Lamborn Y N Y N Crow N Y N Y Perlmutter N Y N Y CONNECTICUT Larson N Y N Y Courtney N Y N Y DeLauro N Y N Y Himes N Y N Y Hayes N Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton Eleanor D 1 100% Delaware Blunt Rochester Lisa D 1 100% Y N FLORIDA Gaetz Matt R 1 6% X X Dunn Neal R 2 3% X X Yoho Theodore R 3 0% N Y Rutherford John R 4 3% Y Y Lawson Alfred D 5 100% Y N Waltz Michael R 6 8% Y Y Murphy Stephanie D 7 97% Y N Posey William R 8 6% Y Y Soto Darren D 9 100% Y N Demings Valdez D 10 100% Y N Webster Daniel R 11 3% Y Y Bilirakis Gus R 12 8% Y Y Crist Charles D 13 100% Y N Castor Kathy D 14 100% Y N Spano Ross R 15 3% X X Buchanan Vern R 16 11% Y Y Steube W R 17 0% N Y Mast Brian R 18 8% Y Y Rooney L R 19 12% Y Y Hastings Alcee D 20 97% Y N Frankel Lois D 21 100% Y N Deutch Theodore D 22 100% Y N Wasserman Schultz Debbie D 23 100% Y N Wilson Frederica D 24 100% Y N Diaz-Balart Mario R 25 24% Y Y Mucarsel-Powell Debbie D 26 100% Y N Shalala Donna D 27 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton DELAWARE Blunt Rochester Y N Y Y Y FLORIDA Gaetz N Y N N N Dunn N Y N N N Yoho N Y N N N Rutherford N Y N N N Lawson Y N Y Y Y Waltz N Y N N N Murphy Y N Y Y Y Posey N Y N N N Soto Y N Y Y Y Demings Y N Y Y Y Webster N Y N N N Bilirakis N Y N N N Crist Y N Y Y Y Castor Y N Y Y Y Spano X X N N N Buchanan Y Y N N N Steube X X N N N Mast N Y N N N Rooney N Y N X X Hastings Y N Y Y Y Frankel Y N Y Y Y Deutch Y N Y Y Y Wasserman Schultz Y N Y Y Y Wilson Y N Y Y Y Diaz-Balart X X N N N Mucarsel-Powell Y N Y Y Y Shalala Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton DELAWARE Blunt Rochester Y N Y Y Y FLORIDA Gaetz N Y N N X Dunn N Y N N N Yoho N Y N N N Rutherford N Y N N N Lawson Y N Y Y Y Waltz N Y N N N Murphy Y N Y Y N Posey N Y N N N Soto Y N Y Y Y Demings Y N Y Y Y Webster N Y N N X Bilirakis N Y N N N Crist Y N Y Y Y Castor Y N Y Y Y Spano X X N N N Buchanan N X N N N Steube N Y N N N Mast N Y N N N Rooney X X X X N Hastings Y N Y Y Y Frankel Y N Y Y Y Deutch Y N Y Y Y Wasserman Schultz Y N Y Y Y Wilson Y N Y X Y Diaz-Balart N Y N N N Mucarsel-Powell Y N Y Y Y Shalala Y N Y Y Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton DELAWARE Blunt Rochester N Y Y Y Y FLORIDA Gaetz X N N N N Dunn Y N N N N Yoho Y N N N N Rutherford Y N N N N Lawson N Y Y Y Y Waltz Y N N N N Murphy N Y Y Y Y Posey Y N Y N N Soto N Y Y Y Y Demings N Y Y Y Y Webster X N N N N Bilirakis Y N Y N N Crist N Y Y Y Y Castor N Y Y Y Y Spano Y X N N N Buchanan Y N Y N N Steube Y N N N N Mast Y N Y N N Rooney Y N N N N Hastings N Y Y Y Y Frankel N Y Y Y Y Deutch N Y Y Y Y Wasserman Schultz N Y Y Y Y Wilson N Y Y Y Y Diaz-Balart Y N Y N N Mucarsel-Powell N Y Y Y Y Shalala N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton N DELAWARE Blunt Rochester Y Y N Y N FLORIDA Gaetz N N Y Y Y Dunn Y N Y N Y Yoho N N Y N Y Rutherford N N Y N Y Lawson Y Y N Y N Waltz Y N Y N Y Murphy Y Y N Y N Posey N N Y N Y Soto Y Y N Y N Demings Y Y N Y N Webster N N Y N Y Bilirakis Y N Y N Y Crist Y Y N Y N Castor Y Y N Y N Spano Y N Y N Y Buchanan Y N Y N Y Steube N N Y N Y Mast N N Y N N Rooney X N Y N Y Hastings Y Y N Y N Frankel Y Y N Y N Deutch Y Y N Y N Wasserman Schultz X Y N Y N Wilson Y Y N Y N Diaz-Balart Y N Y N N Mucarsel-Powell Y Y N Y N Shalala Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton X DELAWARE Blunt Rochester Y N Y Y Y FLORIDA Gaetz N Y N N N Dunn N Y N N N Yoho N Y N N N Rutherford N Y N N N Lawson Y N Y Y Y Waltz N Y N N N Murphy Y N Y Y Y Posey N Y N N N Soto Y N Y Y Y Demings Y N Y Y Y Webster N Y N N N Bilirakis N Y N N N Crist Y N Y Y Y Castor Y N Y Y Y Spano N Y N N N Buchanan N Y N N N Steube N Y N N N Mast N Y N N N Rooney Y Y N X N Hastings Y Y Y Y X Frankel Y N Y Y Y Deutch Y N Y Y Y Wasserman Schultz Y N Y Y Y Wilson Y N Y Y X Diaz-Balart N Y N N Y Mucarsel-Powell Y N Y Y Y Shalala Y N Y Y Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton DELAWARE Blunt Rochester Y Y Y N Y FLORIDA Gaetz N N N Y N Dunn N N N Y N Yoho N N N Y N Rutherford N N X X N Lawson Y Y Y N Y Waltz N N Y Y N Murphy Y Y Y N Y Posey N N N Y N Soto Y Y Y N Y Demings Y Y Y N Y Webster N N N Y N Bilirakis N N N Y N Crist Y Y Y N Y Castor Y Y Y N Y Spano N N N Y N Buchanan N N N Y N Steube N X N Y N Mast N N N Y N Rooney N N X X N Hastings Y Y Y N Y Frankel Y Y Y N Y Deutch Y Y Y N Y Wasserman Schultz Y Y Y N Y Wilson Y Y Y N Y Diaz-Balart N Y Y Y Y Mucarsel-Powell Y Y Y N Y Shalala Y Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 WASHINGTON, D.C. Norton DELAWARE Blunt Rochester N Y N Y FLORIDA Gaetz N N Y N Dunn Y X X N Yoho Y N Y N Rutherford Y N Y N Lawson N Y N Y Waltz Y N Y N Murphy N Y N Y Posey Y N Y N Soto N Y N Y Demings N Y N Y Webster Y N Y N Bilirakis Y N Y N Crist N Y N Y Castor N Y N Y Spano Y N Y N Buchanan Y N Y N Steube Y N Y N Mast Y N Y N Rooney Y N Y Y Hastings N Y N Y Frankel N Y N X Deutch N Y N Y Wasserman Schultz N Y N Y Wilson N Y N Y Diaz-Balart Y N Y N Mucarsel-Powell N Y N Y Shalala N Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 GEORGIA Carter Earl R 1 0% N Y Bishop Sanford D 2 100% Y N Ferguson Anderson R 3 3% Y Y Johnson Henry D 4 100% Y N Lewis John D 5 100% McBath Lucia D 6 94% Y N Woodall William R 7 3% Y Y Scott Austin R 8 3% N Y Collins Douglas R 9 3% X Y Hice Jody R 10 0% N Y Loudermilk Barry R 11 0% N Y Allen Richard R 12 3% N Y Scott David D 13 100% Y N Graves John R 14 3% X X

GUAM San Nicolas Michael D 1 100% HAWAII Case Ed D 1 100% Y N Gabbard Tulsi D 2 100% Y N

IOWA Finkenauer Abby D 1 94% Y N Loebsack David D 2 100% Y N Axne Cindy D 3 94% Y N King Steven R 4 0% N Y

IDAHO Fulcher Russell R 1 0% N Y Simpson Michael R 2 9% Y Y

ILLINOIS Rush Bobby D 1 100% Y N Kelly Robin D 2 100% Y N Lipinski Daniel D 3 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 GEORGIA Carter N Y N N N Bishop Y N Y Y Y Ferguson N Y N N N Johnson Y N Y Y Y Lewis Y McBath Y N Y Y Y Woodall N Y N N N Scott N Y N N X Collins X X N N N Hice N Y X N N Loudermilk N Y N X X Allen N Y N N N Scott Y N Y Y Y Graves N X X N N GUAM San Nicolas HAWAII Case Y N Y Y Y Gabbard X X Y Y Y IOWA Finkenauer Y N Y Y Y Loebsack Y N Y Y Y Axne Y N Y Y Y King X X N X X IDAHO Fulcher N Y N N N Simpson N Y N N N ILLINOIS Rush Y N Y Y Y Kelly Y N Y Y Y Lipinski Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 GEORGIA Carter N Y N N N Bishop Y N Y Y Y Ferguson N Y N N N Johnson Y N Y Y Y Lewis Y N Y X X McBath Y N Y Y N Woodall N Y N N N Scott N Y N N N Collins N Y N N N Hice N Y N N N Loudermilk N Y N N N Allen N Y N N N Scott Y N Y Y Y Graves N Y N N N GUAM San Nicolas HAWAII Case Y N Y Y Y Gabbard Y N Y Y X IOWA Finkenauer Y N Y N Y Loebsack Y N Y Y Y Axne Y N Y N Y King X X X N N IDAHO Fulcher N Y N N N Simpson N Y N N N ILLINOIS Rush Y N Y Y Y Kelly Y N Y Y Y Lipinski Y N Y X Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 GEORGIA Carter Y N N N N Bishop N Y Y Y Y Ferguson Y N N N N Johnson N Y Y Y Y Lewis X X X Y Y McBath N Y Y Y Y Woodall Y N N N N Scott Y N N N N Collins Y N N N N Hice Y N N N N Loudermilk Y X X N N Allen Y N N N N Scott N Y Y Y Y Graves Y N N N N GUAM San Nicolas HAWAII Case N Y Y Y Y Gabbard X X X IOWA Finkenauer N Y Y Y Y Loebsack N Y Y Y Y Axne N Y Y Y Y King Y N N N N IDAHO Fulcher Y N N N N Simpson Y N X N N ILLINOIS Rush N Y Y Y Y Kelly N Y Y Y Y Lipinski N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 GEORGIA Carter N N Y N Y Bishop Y Y N Y N Ferguson N N Y N Y Johnson Y Y N Y N Lewis Y Y N Y N McBath Y Y N Y N Woodall X N Y N Y Scott Y N Y N Y Collins Y N Y N Y Hice N N Y N Y Loudermilk N N Y N Y Allen Y N Y N Y Scott Y Y N Y N Graves Y N Y N Y GUAM San Nicolas X HAWAII Case Y Y N Y N Gabbard X X X Y N IOWA Finkenauer Y Y Y Y N Loebsack Y Y N Y N Axne Y Y Y Y N King N N Y N Y IDAHO Fulcher N N Y N Y Simpson X N Y N Y ILLINOIS Rush Y Y N Y N Kelly Y Y N Y N Lipinski Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 GEORGIA Carter N Y N N N Bishop Y N Y Y Y Ferguson N Y N N N Johnson Y N Y Y Y Lewis Y N Y Y Y McBath Y N Y Y Y Woodall N Y N N N Scott N Y N N N Collins N Y N N N Hice N Y N N N Loudermilk N Y N N N Allen N Y N N N Scott Y N Y Y Y Graves N Y N N N GUAM San Nicolas Y HAWAII Case Y N Y Y Y Gabbard X X X X Y IOWA Finkenauer Y N Y Y Y Loebsack Y N Y Y Y Axne Y N Y Y Y King N Y N N N IDAHO Fulcher N Y N N N Simpson N Y N N N ILLINOIS Rush Y N Y Y Y Kelly Y N Y Y Y Lipinski Y N Y Y Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 GEORGIA Carter N N N Y N Bishop Y Y Y N Y Ferguson N N N Y N Johnson Y Y Y N Y Lewis Y Y Y N Y McBath Y Y Y N Y Woodall N N N Y N Scott N N N Y N Collins N N N Y N Hice N N N Y N Loudermilk N N N Y N Allen N N N Y N Scott Y Y Y N Y Graves N N N Y N GUAM San Nicolas HAWAII Case Y Y Y N Y Gabbard Y Y Y N Y IOWA Finkenauer Y Y Y N Y Loebsack Y Y Y N Y Axne Y Y Y N Y King N N N Y N IDAHO Fulcher N N N Y N Simpson N N Y Y Y ILLINOIS Rush Y Y Y N Y Kelly Y Y Y N Y Lipinski Y Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 GEORGIA Carter Y N Y N Bishop N Y N Y Ferguson Y N Y N Johnson N Y N Y Lewis N Y N Y McBath N Y Y Y Woodall Y N Y N Scott Y N Y N Collins Y N Y N Hice Y N Y N Loudermilk Y N Y N Allen Y N Y N Scott N Y N Y Graves Y N Y N GUAM San Nicolas HAWAII Case N Y N Y Gabbard N Y N Y IOWA Finkenauer N Y N Y Loebsack N Y N Y Axne N Y N Y King Y N Y N IDAHO Fulcher Y N Y N Simpson Y N Y N ILLINOIS Rush N Y N Y Kelly N Y N Y Lipinski N Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Garcia Jesus D 4 100% Y N Quigley Michael D 5 100% Y N Casten Sean D 6 100% Y N Davis Danny D 7 100% Y N Krishnamoorthi Raja D 8 100% Y N Schakowsky Janice D 9 100% Y N Schneider Bradley D 10 100% Y N Foster Bill D 11 100% Y N Bost Mike R 12 17% Y Y Davis Rodney R 13 25% Y Y Underwood Lauren D 14 100% Y N Shimkus John R 15 4% Y Y Kinzinger Adam R 16 16% Y Y Bustos Cheri D 17 100% Y N LaHood Darin R 18 3% Y Y

INDIANNA Visclosky Peter D 1 100% Y N Walorski Jackie R 2 6% Y Y Banks Jim R 3 0% N Y Baird James R 4 0% N Y Brooks Susan R 5 19% Y Y Pence Gregory R 6 3% N Y Carson Andre D 7 100% Y N Bucshon Larry R 8 6% Y Y Hollingsworth Trey R 9 11% Y Y

KANSAS Marshall Roger R 1 3% Y Y Watkins Steve R 2 3% Y Y Davids Sharice D 3 94% Y N Estes Ron R 4 0% N Y

KENTUCKY Comer James R 1 6% Y Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Garcia Y N Y Y Y Quigley Y N Y Y Y Casten Y N Y Y Y Davis Y N Y Y Y Krishnamoorthi Y N Y Y Y Schakowsky Y N Y Y Y Schneider Y N Y Y Y Foster Y N Y Y Y Bost Y Y N N N Davis Y Y Y N N Underwood Y N Y Y Y Shimkus X X N N N Kinzinger N Y X N N Bustos Y N Y Y Y LaHood N Y N N N INDIANNA Visclosky Y N Y Y Y Walorski N Y N N N Banks N Y N N N Baird N Y N N N Brooks X X N N N Pence N Y N N N Carson Y N Y Y Y Bucshon N Y N N N Hollingsworth N Y N N N KANSAS Marshall N Y X N N Watkins N Y N N N Davids Y N Y Y Y Estes N Y N N N KENTUCKY Comer N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Garcia Y N Y Y Y Quigley Y N Y Y Y Casten Y N Y Y Y Davis Y N Y Y Y Krishnamoorthi Y N Y Y Y Schakowsky Y N Y Y Y Schneider Y N Y Y Y Foster Y N Y Y Y Bost N Y N N N Davis N Y N N N Underwood Y N Y Y Y Shimkus N Y N X N Kinzinger N Y N N N Bustos Y N Y Y Y LaHood N Y N N X INDIANNA Visclosky Y N Y Y Y Walorski X X N N N Banks N Y N N N Baird N Y N N N Brooks X X N N N Pence N Y N N N Carson Y N Y Y Y Bucshon N Y N N N Hollingsworth N Y N N N KANSAS Marshall N Y N X N Watkins N Y N N N Davids Y N Y N Y Estes N Y N N N KENTUCKY Comer N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Garcia N Y Y Y Y Quigley N Y Y Y Y Casten N Y Y Y Y Davis N Y Y Y Y Krishnamoorthi N Y Y Y Y Schakowsky N Y Y Y Y Schneider N Y Y Y Y Foster N Y Y Y Y Bost Y N Y N N Davis Y Y Y N N Underwood N Y Y Y Y Shimkus Y N N X X Kinzinger Y N Y N N Bustos N Y Y Y Y LaHood Y N N N N INDIANNA Visclosky N Y Y Y Y Walorski Y N N N N Banks Y N N N N Baird Y N N N N Brooks Y N Y N N Pence Y N N N N Carson N Y Y Y Y Bucshon Y N N N N Hollingsworth Y N Y N N KANSAS Marshall Y N N N N Watkins Y N N N N Davids N Y Y Y Y Estes Y N N N N KENTUCKY Comer Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Garcia Y Y N Y N Quigley Y Y N Y N Casten Y Y N Y N Davis Y Y N X X Krishnamoorthi Y Y N Y N Schakowsky Y Y N Y N Schneider Y Y N Y N Foster Y Y N Y N Bost Y N Y N N Davis Y N Y N N Underwood Y Y N Y N Shimkus N X X X X Kinzinger Y X X N N Bustos Y Y N Y N LaHood N N Y N Y INDIANNA Visclosky Y Y N Y N Walorski N N Y N Y Banks N N Y N Y Baird N N Y N Y Brooks Y N Y N Y Pence Y N Y N Y Carson Y Y N Y N Bucshon Y N Y N Y Hollingsworth Y N Y N Y KANSAS Marshall N N Y N Y Watkins N N Y N Y Davids Y Y N Y N Estes N N Y N Y KENTUCKY Comer Y N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Garcia Y N Y Y Y Quigley Y N Y Y Y Casten Y N Y Y Y Davis Y N Y Y Y Krishnamoorthi Y N Y Y Y Schakowsky Y N Y Y Y Schneider Y N Y Y Y Foster Y N Y Y Y Bost N Y N N N Davis N Y N N N Underwood Y N Y Y Y Shimkus N Y N N N Kinzinger N Y N N N Bustos Y N Y Y Y LaHood N Y N N N INDIANNA Visclosky Y N Y Y Y Walorski N Y N N N Banks N Y N N N Baird N Y N N N Brooks N Y Y N N Pence N Y N N N Carson Y N Y Y Y Bucshon N Y N N N Hollingsworth N Y Y N N KANSAS Marshall N Y N N N Watkins N Y N N N Davids Y Y Y Y Y Estes N Y N N N KENTUCKY Comer N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Garcia Y Y Y N Y Quigley Y Y Y N Y Casten Y Y Y N Y Davis Y Y Y N Y Krishnamoorthi Y Y Y N Y Schakowsky Y Y Y N Y Schneider Y Y Y N Y Foster Y Y Y N Y Bost N N Y Y N Davis N N Y Y Y Underwood Y Y Y N Y Shimkus N N N Y N Kinzinger X N Y Y N Bustos Y Y Y N Y LaHood N X N Y N INDIANNA Visclosky Y Y Y N Y Walorski N N Y Y N Banks N N N Y N Baird N N N Y N Brooks N Y Y Y N Pence N N N Y N Carson Y Y Y N Y Bucshon N X N Y N Hollingsworth N N N Y N KANSAS Marshall N N N Y N Watkins N N N Y N Davids Y Y Y N Y Estes N N N Y N KENTUCKY Comer N N N Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Garcia N Y N Y Quigley N Y N Y Casten N Y N Y Davis N Y N Y Krishnamoorthi N Y N Y Schakowsky N Y N Y Schneider N Y N Y Foster N Y N Y Bost Y N Y N Davis Y N Y N Underwood N Y N Y Shimkus Y N Y N Kinzinger Y N Y N Bustos N Y N Y LaHood Y N Y N INDIANNA Visclosky N Y N Y Walorski Y N Y N Banks Y N Y N Baird Y N Y N Brooks Y N Y N Pence Y N Y N Carson N Y N Y Bucshon Y N Y N Hollingsworth Y N Y N KANSAS Marshall Y N Y N Watkins Y N Y N Davids N Y N Y Estes Y N Y N KENTUCKY Comer Y N Y N 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Guthrie Brett R 2 6% Y Y Yarmuth John D 3 100% Y N Massie Thomas R 4 6% N Y Rogers Harold R 5 6% Y Y Barr Andy R 6 6% Y Y

LOUISIANA Scalise Stephen R 1 6% Y Y Richmond Cedric D 2 100% Y N Higgins Clay R 3 3% N Y Johnson Mike R 4 3% N Y Abraham Ralph R 5 4% X X Graves Garret R 6 6% Y Y

MASSACHUSETTS Neal Richard D 1 100% Y N McGovern James D 2 100% Y N Trahan Lori D 3 100% Y N Kennedy Joseph D 4 100% Y N Clark Katherine D 5 100% Y N Moulton Seth D 6 100% Y N Pressley Ayanna D 7 100% Y N Lynch Stephen D 8 100% Y N Keating William D 9 100% Y N

MARYLAND Harris Andrew R 1 0% N Y Ruppersberger Charles D 2 100% Y N Sarbanes John D 3 100% Y N Brown Anthony D 4 100% Y N Hoyer Steny D 5 100% Y N Trone David D 6 100% Y N Cummings Elijah D 7 100% Mfume Kweisi D 7 100% Y N Raskin Jamin D 8 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Guthrie N Y N N X Yarmuth Y N Y Y Y Massie N Y N N N Rogers N Y N N N Barr N Y N N N LOUISIANA Scalise N Y N N N Richmond Y N Y Y Y Higgins X X N N N Johnson X X X N N Abraham N Y N X X Graves N Y N N N MASSACHUSETTS Neal Y N Y Y Y McGovern Y N Y Y Y Trahan Y N Y Y Y Kennedy Y N Y Y Y Clark Y N Y Y Y Moulton Y N Y Y Y Pressley Y N Y Y Y Lynch Y N Y Y Y Keating Y N Y Y Y MARYLAND Harris N Y N N N Ruppersberger Y N Y Y Y Sarbanes Y N Y Y Y Brown Y N Y Y Y Hoyer Y N Y Y Y Trone Y N Y Y Y Cummings Mfume Y N Y Y Y Raskin Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Guthrie N Y N N N Yarmuth Y N Y Y Y Massie N N N N N Rogers N Y N N N Barr X X X N N LOUISIANA Scalise N Y N N N Richmond Y N Y Y Y Higgins N Y N N N Johnson N Y N N N Abraham X X N N N Graves N Y N N N MASSACHUSETTS Neal Y N Y Y Y McGovern Y N Y Y Y Trahan Y N Y Y Y Kennedy Y N Y Y Y Clark Y N Y Y Y Moulton Y N Y Y Y Pressley Y N Y Y Y Lynch Y N Y Y Y Keating Y N Y Y Y MARYLAND Harris N Y N N N Ruppersberger Y N Y Y Y Sarbanes Y N Y Y Y Brown Y N Y Y Y Hoyer Y N Y Y Y Trone Y N Y Y Y Cummings Mfume Y N Y Y Raskin Y N Y Y Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Guthrie Y N N N N Yarmuth N Y Y Y Y Massie Y N N N N Rogers Y N N N N Barr Y N N N N LOUISIANA Scalise Y N N N N Richmond N Y Y Y Y Higgins Y N N N N Johnson Y N N N N Abraham Y N N N N Graves Y N N N N MASSACHUSETTS Neal N Y Y Y Y McGovern N Y Y Y Y Trahan N Y Y Y Y Kennedy N Y Y Y Y Clark N Y Y Y Y Moulton N Y Y Y Y Pressley N Y Y Y Y Lynch N Y Y Y Y Keating N Y Y Y Y MARYLAND Harris Y N N N N Ruppersberger N Y Y Y Y Sarbanes N Y Y Y Y Brown N Y Y Y Y Hoyer N Y Y Y Y Trone N Y Y Y Y Cummings Mfume Raskin N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Guthrie Y N Y N Y Yarmuth Y Y N Y N Massie N N Y N Y Rogers Y N Y N Y Barr Y X X N Y LOUISIANA Scalise Y N Y N Y Richmond Y Y N Y N Higgins N N Y N N Johnson Y N Y N Y Abraham Y N Y X X Graves Y N Y N Y MASSACHUSETTS Neal Y Y N Y N McGovern Y Y N Y N Trahan Y Y N Y N Kennedy Y Y N Y N Clark Y Y N Y N Moulton Y Y N Y N Pressley Y Y N Y N Lynch Y Y N Y N Keating Y Y N Y N MARYLAND Harris N N Y N Y Ruppersberger Y Y N Y N Sarbanes Y Y N Y N Brown X Y N Y N Hoyer Y Y N Y N Trone Y Y N Y N Cummings X X Mfume Raskin Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Guthrie N Y N N N Yarmuth Y N Y Y Y Massie N Y N N N Rogers N Y N N N Barr N Y N N N LOUISIANA Scalise N Y N N N Richmond Y N Y Y Y Higgins N Y X N N Johnson N Y N N N Abraham X X N X N Graves N Y N N N MASSACHUSETTS Neal Y N Y Y Y McGovern Y N Y Y Y Trahan Y N Y Y Y Kennedy Y N Y Y Y Clark Y N Y Y Y Moulton Y N Y X Y Pressley Y N Y Y Y Lynch Y N Y Y Y Keating Y N Y Y Y MARYLAND Harris N Y N N N Ruppersberger Y N Y Y Y Sarbanes Y N Y Y Y Brown Y N Y Y Y Hoyer Y N Y Y Y Trone Y N Y Y Y Cummings Y N Y Y Y Mfume Raskin Y N Y Y Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Guthrie N N N Y N Yarmuth Y Y Y N Y Massie N N N Y N Rogers N N N Y N Barr N N N Y N LOUISIANA Scalise N N N Y N Richmond Y Y Y N Y Higgins N N N Y N Johnson N X N Y N Abraham N N N Y N Graves N N N Y N MASSACHUSETTS Neal Y Y Y N Y McGovern Y Y Y N Y Trahan Y Y Y N Y Kennedy Y Y Y N Y Clark Y Y X X Y Moulton Y X Y N Y Pressley Y Y Y N Y Lynch Y Y Y N Y Keating Y Y Y N Y MARYLAND Harris N N N Y N Ruppersberger Y Y Y N Y Sarbanes Y Y Y N Y Brown Y Y Y N Y Hoyer Y Y Y N Y Trone Y Y Y N Y Cummings Y Y Y N Y Mfume Raskin Y Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Guthrie Y N Y N Yarmuth N Y N Y Massie Y N Y Y Rogers Y N Y N Barr Y N Y N LOUISIANA Scalise Y N Y N Richmond N Y N Y Higgins Y N Y N Johnson Y N Y N Abraham Y N Y N Graves Y N Y N MASSACHUSETTS Neal N Y N Y McGovern N Y N Y Trahan N Y N Y Kennedy N Y N Y Clark N Y N Y Moulton N Y N Y Pressley N Y N Y Lynch N Y N Y Keating N Y N Y MARYLAND Harris Y N Y N Ruppersberger N Y N Y Sarbanes N Y N Y Brown N Y N Y Hoyer N Y N Y Trone N Y N Y Cummings N Y N Y Mfume Raskin N Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Pingree Chellie D 1 100% Y N Golden Jared D 2 89% Y N

MICHIGAN Bergman Jack R 1 3% N Y Huizenga William R 2 6% Y Y Amash Justin L 3 22% N Y Moolenaar John R 4 6% Y Y Kildee Daniel D 5 100% Y N Upton Frederick R 6 25% Y Y Walberg Timothy R 7 3% N Y Slotkin Elissa D 8 94% Y N Levin Andy D 9 100% Y N Mitchell Paul R 10 6% Y Y Stevens Haley D 11 100% Y N Dingell Deborah D 12 100% Y N Tlaib Rashida D 13 100% Y N Lawrence Brenda D 14 100% Y N

MINNESOTA Hagedorn Jim R 1 3% Y Y Craig Angela D 2 97% Y N Phillips Dean D 3 100% Y N McCollum Betty D 4 100% Y N Omar Ilhan D 5 100% Y N Emmer Thomas R 6 7% Y Y Peterson Collin D 7 74% Y N Stauber Pete R 8 17% Y Y

MISSOURI Clay William D 1 100% Y N Wagner Ann R 2 14% Y Y Luetkemeyer Blaine R 3 3% N Y Hartzler Vicky R 4 8% Y Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 MAINE Pingree Y N Y Y Y Golden Y Y Y Y Y MICHIGAN Bergman N Y N N N Huizenga N Y N N N Amash N N N N N Moolenaar N Y N N N Kildee Y N Y Y Y Upton Y Y N N N Walberg N Y N N N Slotkin Y N Y Y Y Levin Y N Y Y Y Mitchell N Y X N N Stevens Y N Y Y Y Dingell Y N Y Y Y Tlaib Y N Y Y Y Lawrence Y N Y Y Y MINNESOTA Hagedorn N Y N N N Craig Y N Y Y Y Phillips Y N Y Y Y McCollum Y N Y Y Y Omar Y N Y Y Y Emmer N Y N N X Peterson Y N Y Y Y Stauber Y Y N N N MISSOURI Clay Y N Y Y Y Wagner Y Y N N N Luetkemeyer N Y N N N Hartzler N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 MAINE Pingree Y N Y Y Y Golden Y Y Y N Y MICHIGAN Bergman N Y N N N Huizenga N Y N N N Amash N N N N N Moolenaar N Y N N N Kildee Y N Y Y Y Upton N Y Y N N Walberg N Y N N N Slotkin Y N Y Y Y Levin Y N Y Y Y Mitchell N Y N X N Stevens Y N Y Y Y Dingell Y N Y Y Y Tlaib Y N Y Y Y Lawrence Y N Y Y Y MINNESOTA Hagedorn N Y N N N Craig Y Y Y Y Y Phillips Y N Y Y Y McCollum Y N Y Y Y Omar Y N Y Y Y Emmer X X X N N Peterson N Y Y Y Y Stauber N Y N N N MISSOURI Clay Y N Y Y Y Wagner N Y N N N Luetkemeyer X Y N N N Hartzler N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 MAINE Pingree N Y Y Y Y Golden N Y Y N Y MICHIGAN Bergman Y N N N N Huizenga Y N N N N Amash N N N Y Y Moolenaar Y N N N N Kildee N Y Y Y Y Upton Y N Y N N Walberg Y N N N N Slotkin N Y Y Y Y Levin N Y Y Y Y Mitchell Y N N N N Stevens N Y Y Y Y Dingell N Y Y Y Y Tlaib N Y Y Y Y Lawrence N Y Y Y Y MINNESOTA Hagedorn Y N N N N Craig N Y Y Y Y Phillips N Y Y Y Y McCollum N Y Y Y Y Omar N Y Y Y Y Emmer Y N N N N Peterson Y Y Y N N Stauber Y N Y N N MISSOURI Clay N X X Y Y Wagner Y N Y N N Luetkemeyer Y N N N N Hartzler Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 MAINE Pingree Y Y N Y N Golden Y Y N Y N MICHIGAN Bergman Y N Y X X Huizenga Y N Y N Y Amash N N Y N Y Moolenaar Y N Y N Y Kildee Y Y N Y N Upton Y N Y N Y Walberg Y N Y N Y Slotkin Y Y Y Y N Levin Y Y N Y N Mitchell Y N Y N Y Stevens Y Y N Y N Dingell Y Y N Y N Tlaib Y Y N Y N Lawrence Y Y N Y N MINNESOTA Hagedorn N N Y X X Craig Y Y N Y N Phillips Y Y N Y N McCollum Y Y N Y N Omar Y Y N Y N Emmer N X X N N Peterson Y Y N N N Stauber Y N Y N N MISSOURI Clay Y Y N Y N Wagner Y N Y N Y Luetkemeyer Y N Y N Y Hartzler Y N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 MAINE Pingree Y N Y Y Y Golden Y N Y Y Y MICHIGAN Bergman N Y N N N Huizenga N Y N N N Amash N Y N N N Moolenaar N Y N N N Kildee Y N Y Y Y Upton N Y Y N Y Walberg N Y N N N Slotkin Y Y Y Y Y Levin Y N Y Y Y Mitchell N Y N N N Stevens Y N Y Y Y Dingell Y N Y Y Y Tlaib Y N Y Y Y Lawrence Y N Y Y Y MINNESOTA Hagedorn N Y N N N Craig Y N Y Y Y Phillips Y N Y Y Y McCollum Y N Y Y Y Omar Y N Y Y Y Emmer N Y N N N Peterson Y Y Y Y Y Stauber N Y N N N MISSOURI Clay Y N Y Y Y Wagner N Y N N N Luetkemeyer N Y N N N Hartzler N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 MAINE Pingree Y Y Y N Y Golden Y Y Y N Y MICHIGAN Bergman N N N Y N Huizenga N N N Y N Amash N N N Y N Moolenaar N N N Y N Kildee Y Y Y N Y Upton N N Y Y N Walberg N N N Y N Slotkin Y Y Y N Y Levin Y Y Y N Y Mitchell N N N Y N Stevens Y Y Y N Y Dingell Y X Y N Y Tlaib Y Y Y N Y Lawrence Y Y Y N Y MINNESOTA Hagedorn N N N Y N Craig Y Y Y N Y Phillips Y Y Y N Y McCollum Y Y Y N Y Omar Y Y Y N Y Emmer N N N Y N Peterson Y X N Y Y Stauber N N Y Y N MISSOURI Clay Y Y Y N Y Wagner N N Y Y N Luetkemeyer N N N Y N Hartzler N N N N N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 MAINE Pingree N Y N Y Golden N Y N Y MICHIGAN Bergman Y N Y N Huizenga Y N Y N Amash N N N Y Moolenaar Y N Y N Kildee N Y N Y Upton Y N Y Y Walberg Y N Y N Slotkin N Y N Y Levin N Y N Y Mitchell Y N Y N Stevens N Y N Y Dingell N Y N Y Tlaib N Y N Y Lawrence N Y N Y MINNESOTA Hagedorn Y N Y N Craig N Y N Y Phillips N Y N Y McCollum N Y N Y Omar N Y N Y Emmer Y N Y N Peterson N Y N Y Stauber Y N Y N MISSOURI Clay N X X Y Wagner Y N Y X Luetkemeyer Y N Y N Hartzler Y N Y N 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Cleaver Emanuel D 5 97% Y Y Graves Samuel R 6 3% N Y Long William R 7 0% N Y Smith Jason R 8 3% Y Y

NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan Gregorio D 1 100% MISSISSIPPI Kelly Trent R 1 3% N Y Thompson Bennie D 2 100% Y N Guest Michael R 3 6% N Y Palazzo Steven R 4 0% X X

MONTANA Gianforte Greg R 1 3% Y Y

NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield George D 1 100% Y N Holding George R 2 3% Y Y Murphy Gregory R 3 5% N Y Price David D 4 100% Y N Foxx Virginia R 5 3% N Y Walker Mark R 6 3% X X Rouzer David R 7 0% N Y Hudson Richard R 8 6% Y Y Bishop Dan R 9 0% N Y McHenry Patrick R 10 3% X X Meadows Mark R 11 0% Adams Alma D 12 100% Y N Budd Theodore R 13 0% N Y

NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong Kelly R 1 3% N Y

NEBRASKA Fortenberry Jeff R 1 12% Y Y Bacon Donald R 2 14% Y Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Cleaver Y N Y Y Y Graves Y Y N N N Long N Y N N N Smith N Y N N N NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan MISSISSIPPI Kelly N Y N N N Thompson Y N Y Y Y Guest N Y N N N Palazzo N Y N N X MONTANA Gianforte N Y N N N NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield Y N Y Y Y Holding N Y N X X Murphy N Y N N N Price Y N Y Y Y Foxx N Y N N N Walker N Y N N X Rouzer N Y N N N Hudson N Y N X N Bishop N Y N N N McHenry N Y N N N Meadows Adams Y N Y Y Y Budd N Y N N N NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong N Y N N N NEBRASKA Fortenberry Y Y N N N Bacon Y Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Cleaver Y N Y Y X Graves N Y N N N Long N Y N N N Smith N Y N N N NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan MISSISSIPPI Kelly N Y N N N Thompson Y N Y Y Y Guest N Y N N N Palazzo N Y N N N MONTANA Gianforte N Y N N N NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield Y N Y Y Y Holding N Y N N X Murphy N Y N N N Price Y N Y Y Y Foxx N Y N N N Walker N Y N N N Rouzer N Y N N N Hudson N Y N N N Bishop N Y N N N McHenry N X N N N Meadows N Adams Y N Y Y Y Budd N Y N N N NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong N Y N N N NEBRASKA Fortenberry N Y N N N Bacon N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Cleaver X Y Y Y Y Graves Y N N N N Long Y N N N N Smith Y N N N N NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan MISSISSIPPI Kelly Y N N N N Thompson N Y Y Y Y Guest Y N N N N Palazzo Y N N N N MONTANA Gianforte Y N N N N NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield N Y Y Y Y Holding X X N N N Murphy Y N N N N Price N Y Y Y Y Foxx Y N N N N Walker Y X N N N Rouzer Y N N N N Hudson Y N N N N Bishop Y N N N N McHenry Y N N N N Meadows Y N N N N Adams N Y Y Y Y Budd Y N N N N NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong Y N N N N NEBRASKA Fortenberry Y N Y N N Bacon Y N Y N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Cleaver Y Y N Y N Graves N N Y N Y Long N N Y N Y Smith N N Y N Y NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan N MISSISSIPPI Kelly Y N Y N Y Thompson Y Y N X X Guest Y N Y N N Palazzo N N Y N Y MONTANA Gianforte N N Y N Y NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield Y Y N Y N Holding N N Y N Y Murphy Y N Y N Y Price Y Y N Y N Foxx Y N Y N Y Walker Y N Y N Y Rouzer N N Y N Y Hudson Y N Y N Y Bishop N N Y N Y McHenry Y X Y N Y Meadows N N Y N Y Adams Y Y N Y N Budd N N Y N Y NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong Y N Y N Y NEBRASKA Fortenberry Y N Y N Y Bacon N N Y N N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Cleaver Y N Y Y Y Graves N Y N N N Long N Y N N N Smith N Y N N N NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan Y MISSISSIPPI Kelly N Y N N N Thompson Y N Y Y Y Guest N Y N N N Palazzo N Y N N N MONTANA Gianforte N Y N N N NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield Y N Y Y Y Holding N Y N N N Murphy Price Y N Y Y Y Foxx N Y N N N Walker N Y N N N Rouzer N Y N N N Hudson N Y N N N Bishop McHenry N Y N N N Meadows N Y N N N Adams Y N Y Y Y Budd N Y N N N NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong N Y N N N NEBRASKA Fortenberry X X N N N Bacon N Y N N Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Cleaver Y Y Y N Y Graves N N N Y N Long N N X X N Smith N N N Y N NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan MISSISSIPPI Kelly N N N Y N Thompson Y Y Y N Y Guest N N N Y N Palazzo N N N Y N MONTANA Gianforte N N N Y N NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield Y Y Y N Y Holding N N N Y N Murphy Price Y Y Y N Y Foxx N N N Y N Walker X X N Y N Rouzer N N N Y N Hudson X N N Y N Bishop McHenry N N N Y N Meadows N N N Y N Adams Y Y Y N Y Budd N N N Y N NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong X N N Y N NEBRASKA Fortenberry N N Y N Bacon N N N Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Cleaver N Y N Y Graves Y N Y N Long Y N Y N Smith Y N Y N NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS Sablan MISSISSIPPI Kelly Y N Y N Thompson N Y N Y Guest Y N Y N Palazzo Y N Y N MONTANA Gianforte Y N Y N NORTH CAROLINA Butterfield N Y N Y Holding Y N Y N Murphy Price N Y N Y Foxx Y N Y N Walker Y N Y N Rouzer Y N Y N Hudson Y N Y N Bishop McHenry Y N Y N Meadows Y N Y N Adams N Y N Y Budd Y N Y N NORTH DAKOTA Armstrong Y N Y N NEBRASKA Fortenberry Y N Y N Bacon Y N Y N 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Smith Adrian R 3 0% N Y

NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas Christopher D 1 100% Y N Kuster Ann D 2 100% Y N

NEW JERSEY Norcross Donald D 1 100% Y N Van Drew Jeff R 2 61% Y Y Kim Andrew D 3 100% Y N Smith Christopher R 4 31% Y Y Gottheimer Josh D 5 94% Y N Pallone Frank D 6 100% Y N Malinowski Tom D 7 100% Y N Sires Albio D 8 100% Y N Pascrell William D 9 100% Y N Payne Donald D 10 100% Y N Sherrill Rebecca D 11 100% Y N Watson Coleman Bonnie D 12 100% Y N

NEW MEXICO Haaland Debra D 1 100% Y N Small Xochitl D 2 86% Y N Lujan Ben Ray D 3 100% Y N

NEVADA Titus Alice D 1 100% Y N Amodei Mark R 2 6% Y Y Lee Susie D 3 100% Y N Horsford Steven D 4 100% Y N

NEW YORK Zeldin Lee R 1 11% Y Y King Peter R 2 18% Y Y Suozzi Thomas D 3 100% Y N Rice Kathleen D 4 100% Y N Meeks Gregory D 5 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Smith N Y N N N NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas Y N Y Y Y Kuster Y N Y Y Y NEW JERSEY Norcross Y N Y Y Y Van Drew Y Y Y N N Kim Y N Y Y Y Smith Y Y N N N Gottheimer Y N Y Y X Pallone Y N Y Y Y Malinowski Y N Y Y Y Sires Y N Y Y Y Pascrell Y N Y Y Y Payne Y N Y Y Y Sherrill Y N Y Y Y Watson Coleman Y N Y Y Y NEW MEXICO Haaland Y N Y Y Y Small Y Y Y Y Y Lujan Y N Y Y Y NEVADA Titus Y N Y Y Y Amodei X X N N N Lee Y N Y Y Y Horsford Y N Y Y Y NEW YORK Zeldin N Y N N N King Y Y N N N Suozzi Y N Y Y Y Rice Y N Y Y Y Meeks Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Smith N Y N N N NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas Y N Y Y Y Kuster Y N Y Y Y NEW JERSEY Norcross Y N Y Y Y Van Drew N Y N N Y Kim Y N Y Y Y Smith N Y N N Y Gottheimer Y N Y Y Y Pallone Y N Y Y Y Malinowski Y N Y Y Y Sires Y N Y Y Y Pascrell Y N Y Y Y Payne Y N Y Y Y Sherrill Y N Y Y Y Watson Coleman Y N Y Y Y NEW MEXICO Haaland Y N Y Y Y Small Y Y Y N Y Lujan Y N Y Y Y NEVADA Titus Y N Y Y Y Amodei N Y N N N Lee Y N Y Y Y Horsford Y N Y Y Y NEW YORK Zeldin N Y N N N King N Y N Y N Suozzi Y N Y Y Y Rice Y N Y Y Y Meeks Y N Y Y Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Smith Y N N N N NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas N Y Y Y Y Kuster N Y Y Y Y NEW JERSEY Norcross N Y Y Y Y Van Drew Y Y Y N N Kim N Y Y Y Y Smith Y Y Y N N Gottheimer N Y Y Y Y Pallone N Y Y Y Y Malinowski N Y Y Y Y Sires N Y Y Y Y Pascrell N X Y Y Y Payne N Y Y Y Y Sherrill N Y Y Y Y Watson Coleman N Y Y Y Y NEW MEXICO Haaland N Y Y Y Y Small N Y Y Y Y Lujan N Y Y Y Y NEVADA Titus N Y Y Y Y Amodei Y N N N N Lee N Y Y Y Y Horsford N Y Y Y Y NEW YORK Zeldin Y N N N N King Y N Y N N Suozzi N Y Y Y Y Rice N Y Y Y Y Meeks N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Smith N N Y N Y NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas Y Y N Y N Kuster Y Y N Y N NEW JERSEY Norcross Y Y N Y N Van Drew Y Y Y Y N Kim Y Y N Y N Smith Y N Y Y N Gottheimer Y Y Y Y N Pallone Y Y N Y N Malinowski Y Y N Y N Sires Y Y N Y N Pascrell Y Y N Y N Payne Y Y N Y N Sherrill Y Y N Y N Watson Coleman Y Y N Y N NEW MEXICO Haaland Y Y N Y N Small Y Y Y Y N Lujan Y Y N Y N NEVADA Titus Y Y N Y N Amodei Y N Y N Y Lee Y Y N Y N Horsford Y Y N Y N NEW YORK Zeldin Y N Y N N King Y N Y X X Suozzi Y Y N Y N Rice Y Y N Y N Meeks Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Smith N Y N N N NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas Y N Y Y Y Kuster Y N Y Y Y NEW JERSEY Norcross Y N Y Y Y Van Drew Y Y Y Y Y Kim Y N Y Y Y Smith Y Y N N Y Gottheimer Y Y Y Y Y Pallone Y N Y Y Y Malinowski Y N Y Y Y Sires Y N Y Y Y Pascrell Y N Y Y Y Payne Y N Y Y Y Sherrill Y N Y Y Y Watson Coleman Y N Y Y Y NEW MEXICO Haaland Y N Y Y Y Small N N Y Y Y Lujan Y N Y Y Y NEVADA Titus Y N Y Y Y Amodei N Y N N N Lee Y N Y Y Y Horsford Y N Y Y Y NEW YORK Zeldin N Y N N N King N Y N N N Suozzi Y N Y Y Y Rice Y N Y Y Y Meeks Y N Y X Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Smith N N N Y N NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas Y Y Y N Y Kuster Y Y Y N Y NEW JERSEY Norcross Y Y Y N Y Van Drew Y Y Y N Y Kim Y Y Y N Y Smith N N N Y Y Gottheimer Y Y Y N Y Pallone Y Y Y N Y Malinowski Y Y Y N Y Sires Y Y Y N Y Pascrell Y Y Y N Y Payne X Y Y N Y Sherrill Y Y Y N Y Watson Coleman Y Y Y N Y NEW MEXICO Haaland Y Y Y N Y Small Y Y Y N Y Lujan Y Y Y N Y NEVADA Titus Y Y Y N Y Amodei N N N Y N Lee Y Y Y N Y Horsford Y Y Y N Y NEW YORK Zeldin N N Y Y N King N N Y Y N Suozzi Y Y Y N Y Rice Y Y Y N Y Meeks X Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Smith Y N Y N NEW HAMPSHIRE Pappas N Y N Y Kuster N Y N Y NEW JERSEY Norcross N Y N Y Van Drew N Y Y Y Kim N Y N Y Smith Y N Y N Gottheimer N Y N Y Pallone N Y N Y Malinowski N Y N Y Sires N Y N Y Pascrell N Y N Y Payne N Y N Y Sherrill N Y N Y Watson Coleman N Y N Y NEW MEXICO Haaland N Y N Y Small N Y N Y Lujan N Y N Y NEVADA Titus N Y N Y Amodei Y N Y N Lee N Y N Y Horsford N Y N Y NEW YORK Zeldin Y N Y N King Y N Y N Suozzi N Y N Y Rice N Y N Y Meeks N Y N Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Meng Grace D 6 100% Y N Velazquez Nydia D 7 100% Y N Jeffries Hakeem D 8 100% Y N Clarke Yvette D 9 100% Y N Nadler Jerrold D 10 100% Y N Rose Max D 11 97% Y N Maloney Carolyn D 12 100% Y N Espaillat Adriano D 13 100% Y N Ocasio-Cortez Alexandria D 14 100% Y N Serrano Jose D 15 100% Y N Engel Eliot D 16 100% X N Lowey Nita D 17 100% Y N Maloney Sean Patrick D 18 100% Y N Delgado Antonio D 19 100% Y N Tonko Paul D 20 100% Y N Stefanik Elise R 21 23% Y Y Brindisi Anthony D 22 83% Y N Reed Thomas R 23 27% Y Y Katko John R 24 33% Y Y Morelle Joseph D 25 100% Y N Higgins Brian D 26 100% Y N Collins Christopher R 27 0% Jacobs Christopher R 27 17% Y Y

OHIO Chabot Steve R 1 6% Y Y Wenstrup Brad R 2 3% Y Y Beatty Joyce D 3 100% Y N Jordan James R 4 0% N Y Latta Robert R 5 6% Y Y Johnson William R 6 3% Y Y Gibbs Bob R 7 0% N Y Davidson Warren R 8 3% X X 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Meng Y N Y Y Y Velazquez Y N Y Y Y Jeffries Y N Y Y Y Clarke Y N Y Y Y Nadler Y N Y Y Y Rose Y Y Y Y Y Maloney Y N Y Y Y Espaillat Y N Y Y Y Ocasio-Cortez Y N Y Y Y Serrano Y N Y Y Y Engel Y N Y Y Y Lowey Y N Y Y Y Maloney Y N Y Y Y Delgado Y N Y Y Y Tonko Y N Y Y Y Stefanik Y Y N N N Brindisi Y Y Y Y Y Reed Y Y Y N N Katko Y Y Y N X Morelle Y N Y Y Y Higgins Y N Y Y Y Collins Jacobs N Y N N OHIO Chabot N Y N N N Wenstrup N Y N N N Beatty Y N Y Y Y Jordan N Y N N N Latta N Y N N N Johnson N Y N N N Gibbs X X N N N Davidson N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Meng Y N Y Y Y Velazquez Y N Y Y Y Jeffries Y N Y Y Y Clarke Y N Y Y Y Nadler Y N Y Y Y Rose Y N Y Y Y Maloney Y N Y Y Y Espaillat Y N Y Y Y Ocasio-Cortez Y N Y Y Y Serrano Y N Y X Y Engel Y N Y Y Y Lowey Y N Y Y Y Maloney Y N Y Y Y Delgado Y N Y Y Y Tonko Y N Y Y Y Stefanik N Y N N N Brindisi Y Y Y Y Y Reed N Y N N N Katko N Y N N Y Morelle Y N Y Y X Higgins Y N Y Y Y Collins Jacobs OHIO Chabot N Y N N N Wenstrup N Y N N N Beatty Y N Y Y Y Jordan N Y N N N Latta N Y N N N Johnson N Y N N N Gibbs N Y N N N Davidson N N N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Meng N Y Y Y Y Velazquez N Y Y Y Y Jeffries N Y Y Y Y Clarke N Y Y Y Y Nadler N Y Y Y Y Rose N Y Y Y Y Maloney N Y Y Y Y Espaillat N Y Y Y Y Ocasio-Cortez N Y Y Y Y Serrano N Y Y X X Engel N Y Y Y Y Lowey N Y Y Y Y Maloney N Y Y Y Y Delgado N Y Y Y Y Tonko N Y Y Y Y Stefanik Y N Y N N Brindisi N Y Y Y Y Reed Y N Y N N Katko Y Y Y N N Morelle X Y Y Y Y Higgins N Y Y Y Y Collins Jacobs OHIO Chabot Y N N N N Wenstrup Y N N N N Beatty N Y Y Y Y Jordan Y N N N N Latta Y N N N N Johnson Y N N N N Gibbs Y N N N N Davidson Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Meng Y Y N Y N Velazquez Y Y N Y N Jeffries Y Y N Y N Clarke Y Y N Y N Nadler Y Y N Y N Rose Y Y N Y N Maloney Y Y N Y N Espaillat Y Y N Y N Ocasio-Cortez Y Y N Y N Serrano X X X Y N Engel Y Y N Y N Lowey Y Y N Y N Maloney Y Y N Y N Delgado Y Y N Y N Tonko Y Y N Y N Stefanik Y N Y N N Brindisi Y Y Y Y N Reed Y N Y X X Katko Y N Y N N Morelle Y Y N Y N Higgins Y Y N Y N Collins N Y Jacobs OHIO Chabot Y N Y N Y Wenstrup N N Y N Y Beatty Y Y N X X Jordan N N Y N Y Latta Y N Y N Y Johnson N N Y N Y Gibbs N N Y N Y Davidson N N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Meng Y N Y Y Y Velazquez Y N Y Y Y Jeffries Y N Y Y Y Clarke Y N Y Y Y Nadler Y N Y Y Y Rose Y N Y Y Y Maloney Y N Y Y Y Espaillat Y N Y Y Y Ocasio-Cortez Y N Y Y Y Serrano Y N Y Y Y Engel Y N Y Y Y Lowey Y N Y Y Y Maloney Y N Y Y Y Delgado Y N Y Y Y Tonko Y N Y Y Y Stefanik N Y Y N N Brindisi N Y Y Y Y Reed N Y Y N N Katko N Y Y N N Morelle Y N Y Y Y Higgins Y N Y Y Y Collins N Y N N N Jacobs OHIO Chabot N Y N N N Wenstrup N Y N N N Beatty Y N Y Y Y Jordan N Y N N N Latta N Y N N N Johnson N Y N N N Gibbs N Y N N N Davidson N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Meng Y Y Y N Y Velazquez Y Y Y N Y Jeffries Y Y Y N Y Clarke Y Y Y N Y Nadler Y Y Y N Y Rose Y X Y N Y Maloney Y Y Y N Y Espaillat Y Y Y N Y Ocasio-Cortez Y Y Y N Y Serrano Y Y Y N Y Engel Y Y Y N Y Lowey Y Y Y N Y Maloney Y Y Y N Y Delgado Y Y Y N Y Tonko Y Y Y N Y Stefanik N Y N Y N Brindisi Y Y Y N Y Reed N Y Y Y Y Katko N Y Y Y N Morelle Y Y Y N Y Higgins Y Y Y N Y Collins N N N Y N Jacobs OHIO Chabot N N N Y N Wenstrup N N N Y N Beatty Y Y Y N Y Jordan N N N Y N Latta N N N Y N Johnson N X N Y N Gibbs N N N Y N Davidson N N N Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Meng N Y N Y Velazquez N Y N Y Jeffries N Y N Y Clarke N Y N Y Nadler N Y N Y Rose N Y N Y Maloney N Y N Y Espaillat N Y N Y Ocasio-Cortez N Y N Y Serrano N Y N Y Engel N Y N Y Lowey N Y N Y Maloney N Y X Y Delgado N Y N Y Tonko N Y N Y Stefanik Y N Y Y Brindisi N Y Y Y Reed Y N Y N Katko Y N Y X Morelle N Y N Y Higgins N Y N Y Collins Y N Y N Jacobs OHIO Chabot Y N Y N Wenstrup Y N Y N Beatty N Y N Y Jordan Y N Y N Latta Y N Y N Johnson Y N Y N Gibbs Y N Y N Davidson Y N Y N 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Kaptur Marcy D 9 100% X X Turner Michael R 10 17% Y Y Fudge Marcia D 11 100% Y N Balderson Troy R 12 14% Y Y Ryan Timothy D 13 100% Y N Joyce David R 14 17% Y Y Stivers Steven R 15 15% Y Y Gonzalez Anthony R 16 14% Y Y

OKLAHOMA Hern Kevin R 1 0% N Y Mullin Markwayne R 2 3% Y Y Lucas Frank R 3 6% Y Y Cole Thomas R 4 8% Y Y Horn Kendra D 5 78% Y N

OREGON Bonamici Suzanne D 1 100% Y N Walden Greg R 2 21% Y Y Blumenauer Earl D 3 100% Y N DeFazio Peter D 4 100% X X Schrader Kurt D 5 86% Y N

PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick Brian R 1 53% Y Y Boyle Brendan D 2 100% Y N Evans Dwight D 3 100% X X Dean Madeleine D 4 100% Y N Scanlon Mary D 5 100% Y N Houlahan Christina D 6 100% Y N Wild Susan D 7 94% Y N Cartwright Matthew D 8 100% Y N Meuser Daniel R 9 0% N Y Perry Scott R 10 3% N Y Smucker Lloyd R 11 3% N Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Kaptur Y N Y Y Y Turner Y Y N N N Fudge Y N X Y Y Balderson Y Y N N N Ryan Y N Y Y Y Joyce Y Y N N X Stivers Y Y N N N Gonzalez N Y Y N N OKLAHOMA Hern N Y N N N Mullin N Y X X N Lucas N Y N N N Cole N Y N N N Horn Y Y Y Y Y OREGON Bonamici Y N Y Y Y Walden X X N N N Blumenauer Y N Y Y Y DeFazio Y N Y Y Y Schrader Y N Y Y Y PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick Y Y Y Y N Boyle Y N Y Y Y Evans Y N Y Y Y Dean Y N Y Y Y Scanlon Y N Y Y Y Houlahan Y N Y Y Y Wild Y N Y Y Y Cartwright Y N Y Y Y Meuser X X N N N Perry N Y N N N Smucker N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Kaptur Y N Y Y Y Turner N Y N N N Fudge Y N Y Y Y Balderson N Y N N N Ryan Y N Y Y Y Joyce N Y N N N Stivers N Y N N N Gonzalez N Y N N N OKLAHOMA Hern N Y N N N Mullin X X X N N Lucas N Y N X N Cole N Y N N N Horn Y Y Y N N OREGON Bonamici Y N Y Y Y Walden N Y N N N Blumenauer Y N Y Y Y DeFazio Y N Y Y Y Schrader Y N Y N N PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick N Y Y N Y Boyle Y N Y Y Y Evans Y N Y Y Y Dean Y N Y Y Y Scanlon Y N Y Y Y Houlahan Y N Y Y Y Wild Y N Y N Y Cartwright Y N Y Y Y Meuser N Y N N N Perry N Y N N N Smucker N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Kaptur N Y Y Y Y Turner Y N Y N N Fudge N Y Y Y Y Balderson Y N Y N N Ryan N Y Y Y Y Joyce Y N Y N N Stivers Y N N N N Gonzalez Y N N N N OKLAHOMA Hern Y N N N N Mullin Y N N N N Lucas Y N N N N Cole Y N N N N Horn N Y Y Y Y OREGON Bonamici N Y Y Y Y Walden Y N Y N N Blumenauer N Y Y Y Y DeFazio N Y Y Y Y Schrader N Y Y Y Y PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick Y Y Y N N Boyle N Y Y Y Y Evans N Y Y Y Y Dean N Y Y Y Y Scanlon N Y Y Y Y Houlahan N Y Y Y Y Wild N Y Y Y Y Cartwright N Y Y Y Y Meuser Y N N N N Perry Y N N N N Smucker Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kaptur Y Y N Y N Turner Y N Y N N Fudge Y Y N Y N Balderson Y N Y N Y Ryan Y Y N Y N Joyce Y N Y N N Stivers Y N Y N Y Gonzalez Y N Y N N OKLAHOMA Hern N N Y N Y Mullin N N Y N Y Lucas Y N Y N Y Cole Y N Y N Y Horn Y Y Y Y N OREGON Bonamici Y Y N Y N Walden Y N Y N Y Blumenauer Y Y N Y N DeFazio Y Y N Y N Schrader Y Y N Y N PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick Y Y Y N N Boyle Y Y N Y N Evans Y Y N Y N Dean Y Y N Y N Scanlon Y Y N Y N Houlahan Y Y N Y N Wild Y Y N Y N Cartwright Y X X Y N Meuser X N Y N Y Perry Y N Y N Y Smucker Y N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kaptur Y N Y Y Y Turner N Y N N N Fudge Y N X Y Y Balderson N Y N N N Ryan Y N Y X Y Joyce N Y N N N Stivers N Y Y N N Gonzalez N Y N N N OKLAHOMA Hern N Y N N X Mullin N Y N N X Lucas N Y N X N Cole N Y N N N Horn N Y Y Y Y OREGON Bonamici Y N Y Y Y Walden N Y Y N N Blumenauer Y N Y Y Y DeFazio Y N Y Y Y Schrader N Y Y Y Y PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick Y Y Y N Y Boyle Y N Y Y Y Evans Y N Y Y Y Dean Y N Y Y Y Scanlon Y N Y Y Y Houlahan Y N Y Y Y Wild Y Y Y Y Y Cartwright Y N Y Y Y Meuser N Y N N N Perry N Y N N N Smucker N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kaptur Y Y Y N Y Turner N X Y Y N Fudge Y Y Y N Y Balderson N N Y Y N Ryan Y X X X Y Joyce N N Y Y N Stivers X N Y Y N Gonzalez N N Y Y N OKLAHOMA Hern N N N Y N Mullin N N N Y N Lucas N N N Y N Cole N N Y Y N Horn Y Y Y N Y OREGON Bonamici Y Y Y N Y Walden N Y Y Y N Blumenauer Y Y Y N Y DeFazio Y Y Y N Y Schrader Y Y Y N Y PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick N Y Y N Y Boyle Y Y Y N Y Evans Y Y Y N Y Dean Y Y Y N Y Scanlon Y Y Y N Y Houlahan Y Y Y N Y Wild Y Y Y N Y Cartwright Y Y Y N Y Meuser N N N Y N Perry N N N Y N Smucker N X N Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kaptur N Y N Y Turner Y N Y N Fudge N Y N Y Balderson Y N Y N Ryan N Y N Y Joyce Y N Y N Stivers Y X X N Gonzalez Y N Y N OKLAHOMA Hern Y N Y N Mullin Y N Y N Lucas Y N Y N Cole Y N Y N Horn N Y Y Y OREGON Bonamici N Y N Y Walden Y N Y Y Blumenauer N Y N Y DeFazio N Y N X Schrader N Y Y Y PENNSYLVANIA Fitzpatrick Y N Y Y Boyle N Y N Y Evans N Y N Y Dean N Y N Y Scanlon N Y N Y Houlahan N Y N Y Wild N Y N Y Cartwright N Y N Y Meuser Y N Y N Perry Y N Y N Smucker Y N Y N 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Keller Fred R 12 4% N Y Joyce John R 13 0% N Y Reschenthaler Guy R 14 6% N Y Thompson Glenn R 15 3% N Y Kelly George R 16 3% N Y Lamb Conor D 17 94% Y N Doyle Michael D 18 100% Y N

PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon Jenniffer R 1 0% RHODE ISLAND Cicilline David D 1 100% Y N Langevin James D 2 100% Y N

SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham Joe D 1 74% Y N Wilson Addison R 2 6% Y Y Duncan Jeffrey R 3 0% X X Timmons William R 4 0% X X Norman Ralph R 5 0% N Y Clyburn James D 6 100% Y N Rice Tom R 7 6% Y Y

SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson Dustin R 1 6% N Y

TENNESSEE Roe Philip R 1 6% Y Y Burchett Tim R 2 6% Y Y Fleischmann Charles R 3 3% Y Y DesJarlais Scott R 4 0% N Y Cooper Jim D 5 100% Y N Rose John R 6 3% Y Y Green Mark R 7 3% Y Y Kustoff David R 8 6% Y Y Cohen Stephen D 9 100% Y N 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Keller N Y N N N Joyce N Y N N N Reschenthaler N Y X N N Thompson N Y N N N Kelly X X N N N Lamb Y N Y Y Y Doyle Y N Y Y Y PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon RHODE ISLAND Cicilline Y N Y Y Y Langevin Y N Y Y Y SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham Y Y Y Y Y Wilson N Y N N N Duncan N Y N N N Timmons X X X X N Norman N Y N N N Clyburn Y N Y Y Y Rice N Y N N N SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson N Y N N N TENNESSEE Roe N Y N N N Burchett N Y N N N Fleischmann N Y N N N DesJarlais N Y N N N Cooper Y N Y Y Y Rose N Y N N N Green N Y N N N Kustoff N Y N N N Cohen Y N Y Y Y 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Keller N Y N N N Joyce N Y N N N Reschenthaler N Y N N N Thompson N Y N N N Kelly N Y N N N Lamb Y Y Y N Y Doyle Y N Y Y Y PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon RHODE ISLAND Cicilline Y N Y Y Y Langevin Y N Y Y Y SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham Y Y Y N N Wilson N Y N N N Duncan X X X N N Timmons N Y N N N Norman N Y N N N Clyburn Y N Y Y Y Rice N Y N N N SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson N Y N N N TENNESSEE Roe N Y N N N Burchett N Y N N N Fleischmann N Y N N N DesJarlais N Y N X N Cooper Y N Y Y Y Rose N Y N N N Green N Y N N N Kustoff N Y N N N Cohen Y N Y Y Y 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Keller Y N N N N Joyce Y N N N N Reschenthaler Y N N N N Thompson Y N N N N Kelly Y N N N N Lamb N Y Y Y Y Doyle N Y Y Y Y PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon RHODE ISLAND Cicilline N Y Y Y Y Langevin N Y Y Y Y SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham Y Y Y Y Y Wilson Y N N N N Duncan Y N N N N Timmons Y N N N N Norman Y N N N N Clyburn N Y Y Y Y Rice Y N Y N N SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson Y N N N N TENNESSEE Roe Y N N N N Burchett Y N N N N Fleischmann Y N N N N DesJarlais Y N N N N Cooper N Y Y Y Y Rose Y N N N N Green Y N N N N Kustoff Y N N N N Cohen N Y Y Y Y 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Keller Y N Y X X Joyce N N Y N Y Reschenthaler Y N Y N N Thompson Y N Y N Y Kelly Y N Y N Y Lamb Y Y N Y N Doyle Y Y N Y N PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon X RHODE ISLAND Cicilline Y Y N Y N Langevin Y Y N Y N SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham Y Y Y X X Wilson Y N Y N Y Duncan N N Y N Y Timmons N N Y N Y Norman N X X N Y Clyburn Y Y N X X Rice N N Y N Y SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson Y N Y N Y TENNESSEE Roe Y N Y N Y Burchett N N Y N Y Fleischmann N N Y N Y DesJarlais N N Y N Y Cooper Y Y N Y N Rose N N Y N Y Green N N Y N Y Kustoff Y N Y N Y Cohen Y Y N Y N 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Keller N Y N N N Joyce N Y N N N Reschenthaler N Y N N N Thompson N Y N N N Kelly N Y N N N Lamb Y N Y Y Y Doyle Y N Y Y Y PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon N RHODE ISLAND Cicilline Y N Y Y Y Langevin Y N Y Y Y SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham N Y Y Y Y Wilson N Y N N N Duncan N Y N N N Timmons N Y N N N Norman N Y N N N Clyburn Y N Y X X Rice N Y N N N SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson N Y N N N TENNESSEE Roe N Y N N N Burchett N Y N N N Fleischmann N Y N N N DesJarlais N Y N N N Cooper Y N Y Y Y Rose N Y N N N Green N Y N N X Kustoff N Y N N N Cohen Y N Y Y Y 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Keller Joyce N N N Y N Reschenthaler N N N Y N Thompson N N N Y N Kelly N N N Y N Lamb Y Y Y N Y Doyle Y Y Y N Y PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon RHODE ISLAND Cicilline Y Y Y N Y Langevin Y Y Y N Y SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham Y Y Y N Y Wilson N X N Y X Duncan N N N Y N Timmons N N N Y N Norman N N N Y N Clyburn Y X Y N Y Rice N N N Y N SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson N N N Y N TENNESSEE Roe N N N Y N Burchett N X Y Y N Fleischmann N N N Y N DesJarlais N N N Y X Cooper Y Y Y N Y Rose N N N Y N Green N N N Y N Kustoff N N X X N Cohen Y Y Y N Y 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Keller Joyce Y N Y N Reschenthaler Y N Y N Thompson Y N Y N Kelly Y N Y N Lamb N Y N Y Doyle N Y N Y PUERTO RICO Gonzalez Colon RHODE ISLAND Cicilline N Y N Y Langevin N Y N Y SOUTH CAROLINA Cunningham N Y Y Y Wilson X N Y N Duncan Y N Y N Timmons Y N Y N Norman Y N Y N Clyburn N Y N Y Rice Y N Y N SOUTH DAKOTA Johnson Y N Y Y TENNESSEE Roe Y N Y N Burchett Y N Y N Fleischmann Y N Y N DesJarlais X N Y N Cooper N Y N Y Rose Y N Y N Green Y N Y N Kustoff Y N Y N Cohen N Y N X 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 TEXAS Gohmert Louie R 1 0% N Y Crenshaw Daniel R 2 3% Y Y Taylor Nicholas R 3 0% N Y Ratcliffe John R 4 0% Gooden Lance R 5 3% N N Wright Ron R 6 0% X X Fletcher Elizabeth D 7 100% Y N Brady Kevin R 8 0% N Y Green Al D 9 100% Y N McCaul Michael R 10 14% Y Y Conaway Michael R 11 0% N Y Granger Kay R 12 4% X Y Thornberry William R 13 0% N Y Weber Randy R 14 0% N Y Gonzalez Vicente D 15 100% Y N Escobar Veronica D 16 100% Y N Flores William R 17 0% N Y Jackson Lee Sheila D 18 100% Y N Arrington Jodey R 19 0% N X Castro Joaquin D 20 100% Y N Roy Chip R 21 3% N Y Olson Peter R 22 3% N Y Hurd William R 23 33% Y Y Marchant Kenny R 24 5% X X Williams Roger R 25 6% Y Y Burgess Michael R 26 3% Y Y Cloud Michael R 27 0% N Y Cuellar Henry D 28 92% Y N Garcia Sylvia D 29 100% Y N Johnson Eddie Bernice D 30 100% Y N Carter John R 31 9% Y Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 TEXAS Gohmert N Y X N N Crenshaw N Y N N N Taylor N Y N N N Ratcliffe Gooden N Y N N N Wright N Y N N N Fletcher Y N Y Y Y Brady N Y N N N Green Y N Y Y Y McCaul Y Y N N N Conaway N Y N N N Granger X X X N X Thornberry X X N N N Weber N Y N N X Gonzalez Y N Y Y Y Escobar Y N Y Y Y Flores X X N N N Jackson Lee Y N Y Y Y Arrington N Y N N N Castro Y N Y Y Y Roy X X N N N Olson X X N N N Hurd Y Y N Y N Marchant X X N N X Williams N Y N N N Burgess N Y N N N Cloud N Y N N N Cuellar Y N Y Y Y Garcia Y N Y Y Y Johnson Y N Y Y Y Carter N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 TEXAS Gohmert N Y N N N Crenshaw N Y N N N Taylor N Y N N N Ratcliffe X N Gooden N Y N N N Wright N Y N X N Fletcher Y N Y Y Y Brady N Y N N N Green Y N Y Y Y McCaul N Y N N N Conaway N Y N N N Granger N Y N X N Thornberry N Y N N N Weber N Y N N N Gonzalez Y N Y X Y Escobar Y N Y Y Y Flores N Y N N N Jackson Lee Y N Y Y Y Arrington N Y N N N Castro Y N Y Y Y Roy N N N N N Olson N Y N N N Hurd N Y Y N N Marchant X X X X N Williams N Y N N N Burgess N Y N N N Cloud N Y N N N Cuellar Y N Y Y N Garcia Y N Y Y Y Johnson Y N Y X Y Carter X X X X N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 TEXAS Gohmert Y N N N N Crenshaw Y N N N N Taylor Y N N N N Ratcliffe Y N N N N Gooden Y N N N N Wright Y N N N N Fletcher N Y Y Y Y Brady Y N N N N Green N Y Y Y Y McCaul Y N Y N N Conaway Y N N N N Granger Y N N N N Thornberry Y N N N N Weber Y N N N N Gonzalez N Y Y Y Y Escobar N Y Y Y Y Flores Y N N N N Jackson Lee N Y Y Y Y Arrington Y N N N N Castro N Y Y Y Y Roy Y X X N N Olson Y N N N N Hurd Y N Y N N Marchant Y X X N N Williams Y N N N N Burgess Y N N N N Cloud Y N N N N Cuellar N Y Y Y Y Garcia N Y Y Y Y Johnson N Y Y Y Y Carter Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 TEXAS Gohmert N N Y N Y Crenshaw N N Y N Y Taylor N N Y N Y Ratcliffe N N Y N Y Gooden X N Y N Y Wright N N Y N Y Fletcher Y Y N Y N Brady N N Y N Y Green Y Y N Y N McCaul Y N Y N Y Conaway N N Y N Y Granger Y N Y N Y Thornberry N N Y N Y Weber N N Y X X Gonzalez Y Y N Y N Escobar Y Y N Y N Flores N N Y N Y Jackson Lee Y Y N X X Arrington N N Y N Y Castro Y Y N Y N Roy N N Y N Y Olson N N Y N Y Hurd Y N Y N Y Marchant X X X X X Williams N N Y N Y Burgess N N Y N Y Cloud N N Y N Y Cuellar Y Y N N N Garcia Y Y N Y N Johnson Y Y N Y N Carter Y N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 TEXAS Gohmert N Y N N N Crenshaw N Y N N N Taylor N Y N N N Ratcliffe N Y N N N Gooden N Y N N N Wright N Y N N N Fletcher Y N Y Y Y Brady N Y N N N Green Y X Y Y Y McCaul N Y N N N Conaway N Y N N N Granger N Y N N N Thornberry N Y N X N Weber N Y N N N Gonzalez Y N Y Y Y Escobar Y N Y Y Y Flores N Y N N N Jackson Lee Y N Y Y Y Arrington N Y N N N Castro Y N Y Y Y Roy N Y N N N Olson N Y N N N Hurd N Y Y N Y Marchant N Y N N N Williams N Y N N N Burgess N Y N N N Cloud N Y N N N Cuellar Y Y Y Y Y Garcia Y N Y Y Y Johnson Y N Y Y Y Carter N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 TEXAS Gohmert N N N Y N Crenshaw N N N Y N Taylor N N N Y N Ratcliffe N X N Y N Gooden N N N Y N Wright N N N Y N Fletcher Y Y Y N Y Brady N X N Y N Green Y Y Y N Y McCaul N N Y Y N Conaway N N N Y N Granger N N X X X Thornberry N N N Y N Weber N X N Y N Gonzalez Y Y Y N Y Escobar Y Y Y N Y Flores N N N Y N Jackson Lee Y Y Y N Y Arrington N N N Y N Castro Y Y Y N Y Roy N N N Y N Olson N N Y Y N Hurd N Y Y Y Y Marchant N N Y Y N Williams N N Y Y N Burgess N N N Y N Cloud N N N Y N Cuellar Y Y Y N Y Garcia Y Y Y N Y Johnson Y Y Y N Y Carter N N Y Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 TEXAS Gohmert Y N Y N Crenshaw Y N Y N Taylor Y N Y N Ratcliffe Y N Y N Gooden Y N Y N Wright Y N Y N Fletcher N Y N Y Brady Y N Y N Green N Y N Y McCaul Y N Y N Conaway Y N Y N Granger X N Y N Thornberry Y N Y N Weber Y N Y N Gonzalez N Y N Y Escobar N Y N Y Flores Y N Y N Jackson Lee N Y N Y Arrington Y N Y N Castro N Y N Y Roy Y N Y N Olson Y N Y N Hurd Y N Y Y Marchant Y N Y N Williams Y N Y N Burgess Y N Y N Cloud Y N Y N Cuellar N Y N Y Garcia N Y N Y Johnson N Y N Y Carter Y N Y N 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Allred Colin D 32 100% Y N Veasey Marc D 33 100% Y N Vela Filemon D 34 100% Y N Doggett Lloyd D 35 100% Y N Babin Brian R 36 0% N Y

UTAH Bishop Robert R 1 3% N X Stewart Chris R 2 3% Y Y Curtis John R 3 3% Y Y McAdams Benjamin D 4 75% Y Y

VIRGINIA Wittman Rob R 1 6% Y Y Luria Elaine D 2 97% Y N Scott Robert D 3 100% Y N McEachin Donald D 4 100% Y N Riggleman Denver R 5 0% X X Cline Benjamin R 6 6% Y Y Spanberger Abigail D 7 86% Y N Beyer Donald D 8 100% Y N Griffith Morgan R 9 6% Y Y Wexton Jennifer D 10 100% Y N Connolly Gerald D 11 100% Y N

VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett Stacey D 1 100% VERMONT Welch Peter D 1 100% Y N

WASHINGTON Delbene Suzan D 1 100% Y N Larsen Rick D 2 100% Y N Herrera Beutler Jaime R 3 18% Y Y Newhouse Daniel R 4 6% Y Y McMorris Rodgers Cathy R 5 9% Y Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Allred Y N Y Y Y Veasey Y N Y Y Y Vela Y N Y Y Y Doggett Y N Y Y Y Babin N Y N N N UTAH Bishop N Y X N N Stewart X X N N N Curtis N Y N N N McAdams Y Y Y Y Y VIRGINIA Wittman N Y N N N Luria Y N Y Y Y Scott Y N Y Y Y McEachin Y N Y Y Y Riggleman N Y N X N Cline N Y N N N Spanberger Y Y Y Y Y Beyer Y N Y Y Y Griffith N Y N X N Wexton Y N Y Y Y Connolly Y N Y Y Y VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett VERMONT Welch Y N Y Y Y WASHINGTON Delbene Y N Y Y Y Larsen Y N Y Y Y Herrera Beutler Y Y N N N Newhouse N Y N N N McMorris Rodgers N Y N N X 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Allred Y N Y Y Y Veasey Y N Y Y Y Vela Y N Y Y Y Doggett Y N Y Y Y Babin X X X N N UTAH Bishop X X X N N Stewart N Y N N N Curtis X X X N N McAdams Y Y Y N N VIRGINIA Wittman N Y N N N Luria Y N Y N Y Scott Y N Y Y Y McEachin Y N Y Y Y Riggleman N Y N N N Cline N Y N N N Spanberger Y N Y N Y Beyer Y N Y Y Y Griffith N X N N N Wexton Y N Y Y Y Connolly Y N Y Y Y VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett VERMONT Welch Y N Y Y Y WASHINGTON Delbene Y N Y Y Y Larsen Y N Y Y Y Herrera Beutler N Y N N N Newhouse N Y N N N McMorris Rodgers N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Allred N Y Y Y Y Veasey N Y Y Y Y Vela N Y Y Y Y Doggett N Y Y Y Y Babin Y N N N N UTAH Bishop Y X N N N Stewart Y N N N N Curtis Y N N N N McAdams N Y Y Y Y VIRGINIA Wittman Y N N N N Luria N Y Y Y Y Scott N Y Y Y Y McEachin N Y Y Y Y Riggleman Y N N N N Cline Y N N N N Spanberger Y Y Y Y Y Beyer N Y Y Y Y Griffith Y N N N N Wexton N Y Y Y Y Connolly N Y Y Y Y VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett VERMONT Welch N Y Y Y Y WASHINGTON Delbene N Y Y Y Y Larsen N Y Y Y Y Herrera Beutler Y N Y N N Newhouse Y N N N N McMorris Rodgers Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Allred Y Y N Y N Veasey Y Y N Y N Vela Y Y N Y N Doggett Y Y N Y N Babin N N Y X X UTAH Bishop Y N Y N Y Stewart N N Y N Y Curtis N N Y N Y McAdams Y Y Y Y N VIRGINIA Wittman Y N Y N Y Luria Y Y N Y N Scott Y Y N Y N McEachin Y Y N X X Riggleman N N Y N Y Cline Y N Y N Y Spanberger Y Y Y Y N Beyer Y Y N Y N Griffith N N Y N N Wexton Y Y N Y N Connolly Y Y N Y N VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett N VERMONT Welch Y Y N Y N WASHINGTON Delbene Y Y N Y N Larsen Y Y N Y N Herrera Beutler Y N Y N Y Newhouse N N Y N Y McMorris Rodgers Y N Y N Y 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Allred Y N Y Y Y Veasey Y N Y Y Y Vela Y N Y Y Y Doggett Y N Y Y Y Babin N Y N N N UTAH Bishop N Y N N N Stewart N Y N N N Curtis N Y N N N McAdams N Y Y N Y VIRGINIA Wittman N Y N N N Luria Y N Y Y Y Scott Y N Y Y Y McEachin Y N Y Y Y Riggleman N Y N N N Cline N Y N N N Spanberger Y Y Y Y Y Beyer Y N Y Y Y Griffith N Y N N N Wexton Y N Y Y Y Connolly Y N Y Y Y VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett X VERMONT Welch Y N Y Y Y WASHINGTON Delbene Y N Y Y Y Larsen Y N Y Y Y Herrera Beutler N Y N N X Newhouse N Y N N Y McMorris Rodgers N Y N N N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Allred Y Y Y N Y Veasey Y Y Y N Y Vela Y Y Y N Y Doggett Y Y Y N Y Babin N N N Y N UTAH Bishop N N N Y N Stewart N N N Y N Curtis N N N Y N McAdams Y Y Y N Y VIRGINIA Wittman N N N Y N Luria Y Y Y N Y Scott Y Y Y N Y McEachin Y Y X X Y Riggleman N N N Y N Cline N N N Y N Spanberger Y Y Y N Y Beyer Y Y Y N Y Griffith N N N Y N Wexton Y Y Y N Y Connolly Y Y Y N Y VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett VERMONT Welch Y Y Y N Y WASHINGTON Delbene Y Y Y N Y Larsen Y Y Y N Y Herrera Beutler X N Y Y N Newhouse N N N Y N McMorris Rodgers N N N Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Allred N Y N Y Veasey N Y N Y Vela N Y N Y Doggett N Y N Y Babin Y N Y N UTAH Bishop Y N Y N Stewart Y N Y N Curtis Y N Y N McAdams N Y N Y VIRGINIA Wittman Y N Y N Luria N Y N Y Scott N Y N Y McEachin N Y N Y Riggleman Y N Y N Cline Y N Y N Spanberger N Y N Y Beyer N Y N Y Griffith X N Y N Wexton N Y N Y Connolly N Y N Y VIRGIN ISLANDS Plaskett VERMONT Welch N Y N Y WASHINGTON Delbene N Y N Y Larsen N Y N Y Herrera Beutler Y N Y Y Newhouse Y N Y N McMorris Rodgers Y N X Y 195 194

Employment Rights Employment Rights CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE 2020 2020 Kilmer Derek D 6 100% Y N Jayapal Pramila D 7 97% Y N Schrier Kim D 8 100% Y N Smith Adam D 9 100% Y N Heck Dennis D 10 100% Y N

WISCONSIN Steil Bryan R 1 9% X X Pocan Mark D 2 100% Y N Kind Ronald D 3 100% Y N Moore Gwendolynne D 4 100% Y N Sensenbrenner Jim R 5 7% X X Grothman Glenn R 6 3% X X Duffy Sean R 7 0% Tiffany Thomas R 7 0% X X Gallagher Mike R 8 9% Y Y

WEST VIRGINIA McKinley David R 1 11% Y Y Mooney Alexander R 2 3% Y Y Miller Carol R 3 6% Y Y

WYOMING Cheney Liz R 1 0% N Y 182 181 175 153 129

Democracy Democracy Health Care Hate and Bias Financial Reform

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Kilmer Y N Y Y Y Jayapal Y N Y Y Y Schrier Y N Y Y Y Smith Y N Y Y Y Heck Y N Y Y Y WISCONSIN Steil N Y N N N Pocan Y N Y Y Y Kind Y N Y Y Y Moore Y N Y Y Y Sensenbrenner N Y N X N Grothman N Y N N N Duffy Tiffany N Y N N N Gallagher N Y N N X WEST VIRGINIA McKinley Y Y N N N Mooney N Y N N N Miller N Y N N N WYOMING Cheney N Y N N N 122 121 119 109 50

Democracy Democracy Justice Reform COVID-19 Relief Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 Kilmer Y N Y Y Y Jayapal Y N Y N Y Schrier Y N Y Y Y Smith Y N Y Y Y Heck Y N Y Y Y WISCONSIN Steil N Y N N N Pocan Y N Y Y Y Kind Y N Y Y Y Moore Y N Y Y Y Sensenbrenner X X X N N Grothman N Y N N N Duffy Tiffany N Y N Gallagher X X X N N WEST VIRGINIA McKinley N Y N N N Mooney N Y N N N Miller N Y N N N WYOMING Cheney N Y N N N 49 22 21 696 695

Employment Rights Education Employment Rights Impeachment Impeachment

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES YES YES YES 2020 2020 2020 2019 2019 Kilmer N Y Y Y Y Jayapal N Y Y Y Y Schrier N Y Y Y Y Smith N Y Y Y Y Heck N Y Y Y Y WISCONSIN Steil Y N N N N Pocan N Y Y Y Y Kind N Y Y Y Y Moore N Y Y Y Y Sensenbrenner Y N Y N N Grothman Y N Y N N Duffy Tiffany Gallagher Y N N N N WEST VIRGINIA McKinley Y N N N N Mooney Y N N N N Miller Y N N N N WYOMING Cheney Y N N N N 659 654 653 540 539

Education Voting Rights Voting Rights Employment Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO YES NO 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kilmer Y Y N Y N Jayapal Y Y N Y N Schrier Y Y N Y N Smith X Y N Y N Heck Y Y N Y N WISCONSIN Steil Y N Y N N Pocan Y Y N Y N Kind Y Y N Y N Moore Y Y N Y N Sensenbrenner X N Y N Y Grothman N N Y N Y Duffy X X Tiffany Gallagher Y N Y N Y WEST VIRGINIA McKinley Y N Y N N Mooney N N Y N Y Miller N N Y N N WYOMING Cheney N N Y X X 496 495 439 408 240

Economic Security Economic Security LGBTQ Rights Census Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kilmer Y N Y Y Y Jayapal Y N Y Y Y Schrier Y N Y Y Y Smith Y N Y Y Y Heck Y N Y Y Y WISCONSIN Steil N Y N N N Pocan Y N Y Y Y Kind Y N Y Y Y Moore Y N Y Y Y Sensenbrenner N Y N N N Grothman N Y N N N Duffy N Y N N N Tiffany Gallagher N Y N N N WEST VIRGINIA McKinley N Y N N N Mooney N Y N N N Miller N Y N N N WYOMING Cheney N Y N X N 228 217 156 155 134

Financial Reform LGBTQ Rights Women's Rights Women's Rights Employment Rights

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kilmer Y Y Y N Y Jayapal Y Y Y N Y Schrier Y Y Y N Y Smith Y Y Y N Y Heck Y Y Y N Y WISCONSIN Steil N N Y Y N Pocan Y Y Y N Y Kind Y Y Y N Y Moore Y Y Y N Y Sensenbrenner N N N Y N Grothman N N N Y N Duffy N X N Y N Tiffany Gallagher N N N Y N WEST VIRGINIA McKinley N N N Y N Mooney N N N Y N Miller N N N Y N WYOMING Cheney N N N Y N 133 118 117 94

Employment Rights Voting Rights Voting Rights Immigration

CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO YES 2019 2019 2019 2019 Kilmer N Y N Y Jayapal N Y N Y Schrier N Y N Y Smith N Y N Y Heck N Y N Y WISCONSIN Steil Y N Y N Pocan N Y N Y Kind N Y N Y Moore N Y N Y Sensenbrenner Y N Y Y Grothman Y N Y N Duffy Y N Y N Tiffany Gallagher Y N Y Y WEST VIRGINIA McKinley Y N Y N Mooney Y N Y N Miller Y N Y N WYOMING Cheney Y N Y N

Senate Vote Charts


Y Member's yea/nay vote agrees with base position N Member's yea/nay vote disagrees with base position [ ] Member cast a “present” vote X Member did not cast a yea/nay vote or officially declare a position

The numbers at the top of each page indicate the Senate roll call vote number for each vote.

169 224 222 Nominations — Nominations — Barrett Barrett

2020 2020 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE PARTY DISTRICT TOTAL SCORE NO NO ALASKA Murkowski Lisa R 1 8% Y N Sullivan Daniel R 2 2% Y Y ALABAMA Jones G D 2 88% N N

Shelby Richard R 1 0% Y Y ARKANSAS Boozman John R 1 0% Y Y

Cotton Thomas R 2 0% Y Y ARIZONA McSally Martha R 2 2% Y Y

Sinema Kyrsten D 1 92% N N CALIFORNIA Feinstein Dianne D 1 100% N N

Harris Kamala D 2 100% N N COLORADO Bennet Michael D 1 100% N N

Gardner Cory R 2 2% Y Y CONNECTICUT Blumenthal Richard D 1 100% N N

Murphy Christopher D 2 100% N N DELAWARE Carper Thomas D 1 100% N N

Coons Christopher D 2 100% N N FLORIDA Rubio Marco R 1 0% Y Y

Scott Richard R 2 0% Y Y GEORGIA Isakson John R 1 0% Loeffler Kelly R 2 0% Y Y

Perdue David R 1 0% Y Y 201 193 126 125 123

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Financial Reform Samuels Justice Reform Wilson Walker

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO NO NO ALASKA Murkowski X Y Y Y Y

Sullivan N N Y Y X ALABAMA Jones X Y Y N N

Shelby N N Y Y Y ARKANSAS Boozman N N Y Y Y

Cotton N N Y Y Y ARIZONA McSally X N Y Y Y

Sinema X Y N N X CALIFORNIA Feinstein Y Y N N N

Harris X X N N N COLORADO Bennet Y Y N N N

Gardner N N Y Y Y CONNECTICUT Blumenthal Y Y N N N

Murphy Y Y N N N DELAWARE Carper Y Y N N N

Coons Y Y N N N FLORIDA Rubio X N Y Y Y

Scott N N Y Y Y GEORGIA Isakson Loeffler N N Y Y Y

Perdue N N Y Y Y 70 36 33 34 391

Nominations — Nominations — Education Brasher Impeachment Impeachment VanDyke

2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES NO ALASKA Murkowski Y Y N N Y

Sullivan Y Y N N Y ALABAMA Jones Y N Y Y N

Shelby N Y N N Y ARKANSAS Boozman N Y N N Y

Cotton N Y N N Y ARIZONA McSally Y Y N N Y

Sinema Y N Y Y N CALIFORNIA Feinstein Y N Y Y N

Harris Y N Y Y N COLORADO Bennet Y X Y Y X

Gardner Y Y N N Y CONNECTICUT Blumenthal Y N Y Y N

Murphy X N Y Y N DELAWARE Carper Y N Y Y N

Coons Y N Y Y N FLORIDA Rubio N Y N N Y

Scott N Y N N Y GEORGIA Isakson Y Loeffler N Y N N Perdue N Y N N Y 387 379 356 350 337

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Bumatay Pitlyk Menashi Rudofsky Health Care

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO YES


Murkowski Y X Y Y N

Sullivan Y Y Y Y N


Jones N N X N Y

Shelby Y Y Y Y N


Boozman Y Y Y Y N

Cotton Y Y Y Y N


McSally Y Y Y Y N

Sinema N N N N Y


Feinstein N N N N Y

Harris X X X X X


Bennet X N X N X

Gardner Y Y Y Y N


Blumenthal N N N N Y

Murphy N N N N Y


Carper N N N N Y

Coons N N N N Y


Rubio Y Y Y Y N

Scott Y Y Y Y N


Isakson Y X Y X N


Perdue Y Y Y X N 333 313 256 255 254

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Walker Scalia Pulliam Starr Brown

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Murkowski Y Y Y Y Y

Sullivan Y Y Y Y Y


Jones N N Y N N

Shelby Y Y Y Y Y


Boozman Y Y Y Y Y

Cotton Y Y Y Y Y


McSally Y Y Y Y Y

Sinema N N Y N N


Feinstein N N N N N

Harris X N X X X


Bennet N N X X X

Gardner Y Y Y Y Y


Blumenthal N N N N N

Murphy N N N N N


Carper N N N N N

Coons X N X X X


Rubio Y Y Y Y Y

Scott Y Y Y Y Y


Isakson X Y X X X


Perdue Y Y Y Y Y 229 205 191 173 172

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Buescher Phipps Bress Winsor Kacsmaryk

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Murkowski Y Y Y Y Y

Sullivan Y Y Y Y Y


Jones N Y N N N

Shelby Y Y Y Y Y


Boozman Y Y Y Y Y

Cotton Y Y Y Y Y


McSally Y Y Y Y Y

Sinema N Y N N N


Feinstein N N N N N

Harris X X N N N


Bennet X X N N N

Gardner Y Y Y Y Y


Blumenthal N N N N N

Murphy N N N N N


Carper N N N N N

Coons N N N N N


Rubio Y Y Y Y Y

Scott Y Y Y Y Y


Isakson X Y Y Y Y


Perdue Y Y Y Y Y 124 123 118 114 110

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Clark Nielson Collins Vitter Lee

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Murkowski Y Y Y Y Y

Sullivan Y Y Y Y Y


Jones N N N N N

Shelby Y Y Y Y Y


Boozman Y Y Y Y Y

Cotton Y Y Y Y Y


McSally Y Y Y Y Y

Sinema N N N N N


Feinstein N N N N N

Harris X X N X N


Bennet N N X N N

Gardner Y Y Y Y Y


Blumenthal N N N N N

Murphy N N N N N


Carper N N N N N

Coons N N N N N


Rubio Y Y Y Y Y

Scott Y Y Y Y Y


Isakson Y Y Y Y Y


Perdue Y Y Y Y Y 108 106 99 87 85

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Truncale Park Bianco Brasher Barker

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Murkowski Y Y X Y Y

Sullivan Y Y Y Y Y


Jones N N Y N N

Shelby Y Y Y Y Y


Boozman Y Y Y Y Y

Cotton Y Y Y Y Y


McSally Y Y Y Y Y

Sinema N X X N N


Feinstein N N N N N

Harris N X N N N


Bennet N X N N N

Gardner Y Y Y Y Y


Blumenthal N N N N N

Murphy N N N N N


Carper N N N N N

Coons N N N N N


Rubio Y Y Y Y Y

Scott Y Y Y Y Y


Isakson Y Y Y Y Y


Perdue Y Y Y Y Y 68 61 44 42 39

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Wyrick Rules Change Rao Matey Murphy

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO NO NO


Murkowski Y N Y Y Y

Sullivan Y N Y Y Y


Jones N Y N N X

Shelby Y N Y Y Y


Boozman Y N Y Y Y

Cotton Y N Y Y Y


McSally Y N Y Y Y

Sinema N Y N N N


Feinstein N Y N N N

Harris N X N N N


Bennet N Y N N N

Gardner Y N Y Y Y


Blumenthal N Y N N N

Murphy N Y N N N


Carper N Y N N N

Coons N Y N N N


Rubio Y N Y Y Y

Scott Y N Y Y Y


Isakson Y N Y Y Y


Perdue Y N Y Y X 37 35 29 24

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Readler Rushing Miller Barr

2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO


Murkowski Y Y Y Y

Sullivan Y Y Y Y


Jones N N N Y

Shelby Y Y Y Y


Boozman Y Y Y Y

Cotton Y Y Y Y


McSally Y Y Y Y

Sinema N X X Y


Feinstein N N N N

Harris N N N N


Bennet N N N N

Gardner Y Y Y Y


Blumenthal N N N N

Murphy N N N N


Carper N N N N

Coons N N N N


Rubio Y Y Y Y

Scott Y Y Y Y


Isakson Y Y Y Y


Perdue Y Y Y Y 224 222 Nominations — Nominations — Barrett Barrett


HAWAII Hirono Mazie D 2 100% N N

Schatz Brian D 1 100% N N

IOWA Ernst Joni R 2 2% Y Y

Grassley Chuck R 1 2% Y Y

IDAHO Crapo Michael R 1 0% Y Y

Risch James R 2 0% Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth Ladda D 2 100% N N

Durbin Richard D 1 100% N N

INDIANA Braun Mike R 2 0% Y Y

Young Todd R 1 2% Y Y

KANSAS Moran Jerry R 2 0% Y Y

Roberts Charles R 1 0% Y Y

KENTUCKY McConnell Addison R 1 2% Y Y

Paul Randal R 2 2% Y Y

LOUISIANA Cassidy William R 1 2% Y Y

Kennedy John R 2 0% Y Y

MASSACHUSETTS Markey Edward D 2 100% N N

Warren Elizabeth D 1 100% N N

MARYLAND Cardin Benjamin D 1 100% N N

Van Hollen Christopher D 2 100% N N 201 193 126 125 123

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Financial Reform Samuels Justice Reform Wilson Walker

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO NO NO HAWAII Hirono Y Y N N N

Schatz Y Y N N N IOWA Ernst N N Y Y Y

Grassley N Y Y Y Y IDAHO Crapo N N Y Y Y

Risch N N Y Y Y ILLINOIS Duckworth Y Y N N N

Durbin Y Y N N N Braun N N Y Y Y

Young N N Y Y Y KANSAS Moran N X Y Y Y

Roberts N N Y Y Y KENTUCKY McConnell N N N Y Y

Paul X N Y Y Y LOUISIANA Cassidy N Y Y Y Y


Warren Y Y N N N MARYLAND Cardin Y Y N N N

Van Hollen Y Y N N N 70 36 33 34 391

Nominations — Nominations — Education Brasher Impeachment Impeachment VanDyke

2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES NO


Schatz Y N Y Y N

IOWA Ernst Y Y N N Y

Grassley N Y N N Y


Risch N Y N N Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth Y N Y Y N

Durbin Y N Y Y N


Young Y Y N N Y


Roberts N Y N N Y


Paul N Y N N X


Kennedy N Y N N Y


Warren X X Y Y X


Van Hollen Y N Y Y N 387 379 356 350 337

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Bumatay Pitlyk Menashi Rudofsky Health Care

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO YES


Schatz N N N N Y

IOWA Ernst Y Y Y Y N

Grassley Y Y Y Y N


Risch Y Y Y Y N

ILLINOIS Duckworth N N N N Y

Durbin N N N N Y


Young Y Y Y Y N


Roberts Y Y Y Y N


Paul Y Y Y Y N


Kennedy Y Y Y Y N


Warren X X X X X


Van Hollen N N N N Y 333 313 256 255 254

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Walker Scalia Pulliam Starr Brown

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Schatz N N N N N

IOWA Ernst Y Y Y Y Y

Grassley Y Y Y Y Y


Risch Y Y Y Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth N N N N N

Durbin N N N N N


Young Y Y Y Y Y


Roberts Y Y Y Y Y


Paul Y Y Y Y Y


Kennedy Y Y Y Y Y


Warren X X X X X


Van Hollen N N N N N 229 205 191 173 172

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Buescher Phipps Bress Winsor Kacsmaryk

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Schatz N N N N N

IOWA Ernst Y Y Y Y Y

Grassley Y Y Y Y Y


Risch Y Y Y Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth N N N N N

Durbin N N N N N


Young Y Y Y Y Y


Roberts Y Y Y Y Y


Paul Y Y Y Y Y


Kennedy Y Y Y Y Y


Warren X N N N N


Van Hollen N N N N N 124 123 118 114 110

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Clark Nielson Collins Vitter Lee

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Schatz N N N N N

IOWA Ernst Y Y Y Y Y

Grassley Y Y Y Y Y


Risch Y Y Y Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth N N N N N

Durbin N N N N N


Young Y Y Y Y Y


Roberts Y Y Y Y Y


Paul Y Y Y Y Y


Kennedy Y Y Y Y Y


Warren N N N N N


Van Hollen N N N N N 108 106 99 87 85

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Truncale Park Bianco Brasher Barker

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Schatz N N N N N

IOWA Ernst Y Y Y Y Y

Grassley Y Y Y Y Y


Risch Y Y Y Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth N N N N N

Durbin N N N N N


Young Y Y Y X X


Roberts Y Y Y Y Y


Paul Y Y Y Y Y


Kennedy X Y Y Y Y


Warren N N N N N


Van Hollen N N N N N 68 61 44 42 39

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Wyrick Rules Change Rao Matey Murphy

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO NO NO


Schatz N Y N N N

IOWA Ernst Y N Y Y Y

Grassley Y N Y Y Y


Risch Y N Y Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth N Y N N N

Durbin N Y N N N


Young Y N Y Y Y


Roberts Y N Y Y Y


Paul Y N Y Y Y


Kennedy Y N Y Y Y


Warren N Y N N N


Van Hollen N Y N N N 37 35 29 24

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Readler Rushing Miller Barr

2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO


Schatz N N N N

IOWA Ernst Y Y Y Y

Grassley Y Y Y Y


Risch Y Y Y Y

ILLINOIS Duckworth N N N N

Durbin N N N N


Young Y Y Y Y


Roberts Y Y Y Y


Paul Y Y Y N


Kennedy Y Y Y Y


Warren N N N N


Van Hollen N N N N 224 222 Nominations — Nominations — Barrett Barrett


MAINE Collins Susan R 1 37% N N

King Angus I 2 98% N N

MICHIGAN Peters Gary D 2 100% N N

Stabenow Deborah D 1 100% N N

MINNESOTA Klobuchar Amy D 1 100% N N

Smith Tina D 2 100% N N

MISSOURI Blunt Roy R 1 0% Y Y

Hawley Joshua R 2 2% Y Y

MISSISSIPPI Hyde-Smith Cindy R 2 0% Y Y

Wicker Roger R 1 0% Y Y

MONTANA Daines Steven R 2 0% Y Y

Tester Jon D 1 100% N N

NORTH CAROLINA Burr Richard R 1 0% Y Y

Tillis Thomas R 2 2% Y Y

NORTH DAKOTA Cramer Kevin R 2 0% Y Y

Hoeven John R 1 0% Y Y

NEBRASKA Fischer Debra D 1 0% Y Y

Sasse Benjamin R 2 0% Y Y

NEW HAMPSHIRE Hassan Margaret D 1 100% N N

Shaheen Jeanne D 1 100% N N 201 193 126 125 123

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Financial Reform Samuels Justice Reform Wilson Walker

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO NO NO MAINE Collins Y Y Y N N

King Y Y Y N N MICHIGAN Peters Y Y N N N

Stabenow Y Y N N N MINNESOTA Klobuchar Y Y N N N

Smith Y Y N N N MISSOURI Blunt N N Y Y Y

Hawley N N Y Y Y MISSISSIPPI Hyde-Smith N N Y Y Y

Wicker N N Y Y Y MONTANA Daines N N Y Y Y


Tillis N Y Y Y Y NORTH DAKOTA Cramer N N Y Y Y

Hoeven N N Y Y Y NEBRASKA Fischer N N Y Y Y


Shaheen Y Y N N N 70 36 33 34 391

Nominations — Nominations — Education Brasher Impeachment Impeachment VanDyke

2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES NO

MAINE Collins Y Y N N N

King Y N Y Y N


Stabenow Y N Y Y N


Smith Y N Y Y N


Hawley Y Y N N Y


Wicker N Y N N Y


Tester Y N Y Y N


Tillis N Y N N Y


Hoeven N Y N N Y


Sasse N Y N N Y


Shaheen Y N Y Y N 387 379 356 350 337

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Bumatay Pitlyk Menashi Rudofsky Health Care

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO YES

MAINE Collins Y N N Y Y

King N N N N Y


Stabenow N N N N Y


Smith N N N N Y


Hawley Y Y Y Y N


Wicker Y Y Y Y N


Tester N N N N Y


Tillis Y Y Y Y N


Hoeven Y Y Y Y N


Sasse Y Y Y Y N


Shaheen N N N N Y 333 313 256 255 254

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Walker Scalia Pulliam Starr Brown

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO

MAINE Collins Y Y Y Y N

King N N N N N


Stabenow N N N N N


Smith N N N N N


Hawley Y Y Y Y Y


Wicker Y Y Y Y Y


Tester N N N N N


Tillis Y Y Y Y Y


Hoeven Y Y Y Y Y


Sasse Y Y Y Y Y


Shaheen N N N N N 229 205 191 173 172

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Buescher Phipps Bress Winsor Kacsmaryk

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO

MAINE Collins Y Y Y Y N

King N N N N N


Stabenow N N N N N


Smith N N N N N


Hawley Y Y Y Y Y


Wicker Y Y Y Y Y


Tester N N N N N


Tillis Y Y Y Y Y


Hoeven Y Y Y Y Y


Sasse Y Y Y Y Y


Shaheen N N N N N 124 123 118 114 110

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Clark Nielson Collins Vitter Lee

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO

MAINE Collins Y N Y N Y

King N N N N N


Stabenow N N N N N


Smith N N N N N


Hawley Y Y Y Y Y


Wicker Y Y Y Y Y


Tester N N N N N


Tillis X X Y Y Y


Hoeven Y Y Y Y Y


Sasse Y Y Y Y Y


Shaheen N N N N N 108 106 99 87 85

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Truncale Park Bianco Brasher Barker

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO

MAINE Collins Y Y Y Y Y

King N N N N N


Stabenow N N N N N


Smith N N N N N


Hawley Y Y Y Y Y


Wicker Y Y Y Y Y


Tester N N N N N


Tillis Y Y Y Y Y


Hoeven Y Y Y Y Y


Sasse Y Y Y Y Y


Shaheen N N N N N 68 61 44 42 39

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Wyrick Rules Change Rao Matey Murphy

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO NO NO

MAINE Collins Y Y Y Y Y

King N Y N N N


Stabenow N Y N N N


Smith N Y N N N


Hawley Y N Y Y Y


Wicker Y N Y Y Y


Tester N Y N N N


Tillis Y N Y Y Y


Hoeven Y N Y Y Y


Sasse Y N Y Y Y


Shaheen N Y N N N 37 35 29 24

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Readler Rushing Miller Barr

2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO

MAINE Collins N Y Y Y

King N N N N


Stabenow N N N N


Smith N N N N


Hawley Y Y Y Y


Wicker Y Y Y Y


Tester N N N N


Tillis Y Y Y Y


Hoeven Y Y Y Y


Sasse Y Y Y Y


Shaheen N N N N 224 222 Nominations — Nominations — Barrett Barrett


NEW JERSEY Booker Cory D 2 100% N N

Menendez Robert D 1 100% N N

NEW MEXICO Heinrich Martin D 2 100% N N

Udall Thomas D 1 100% N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto Catherine D 1 100% N N

Rosen Jacky D 2 100% N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand Kirsten D 2 100% N N

Schumer Charles D 1 100% N N

OHIO Brown Sherrod D 1 100% N N

Portman Robert R 2 2% Y Y

OKLAHOMA Inhofe James R 1 0% Y Y

Lankford James R 2 0% Y Y

OREGON Merkley Jeffrey D 2 100% N N

Wyden Ronald D 1 100% N N

PENNSYLVANIA Casey Robert D 1 100% N N

Toomey Patrick R 2 0% Y Y

RHODE ISLAND Reed John D 1 100% N N

Whitehouse Sheldon D 2 100% N N

SOUTH CAROLINA Graham Lindsey R 1 2% Y Y

Scott Timothy R 2 0% Y Y 201 193 126 125 123

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Financial Reform Samuels Justice Reform Wilson Walker

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO NO NO NEW JERSEY Booker Y Y N N N

Menendez Y Y N N N NEW MEXICO Heinrich Y Y N N N

Udall Y Y N N N NEVADA Cortez Masto Y Y N N N

Rosen Y Y N N X NEW YORK Gillibrand Y Y N N N

Schumer Y Y N N N OHIO Brown Y Y N N N

Portman N N Y Y Y OKLAHOMA Inhofe N N Y Y Y

Lankford N N Y Y Y OREGON Merkley Y Y N N N



Whitehouse Y Y N N N SOUTH CAROLINA Graham N Y Y Y Y

Scott N N Y Y Y 70 36 33 34 391

Nominations — Nominations — Education Brasher Impeachment Impeachment VanDyke

2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES NO


Menendez Y N Y Y N


Udall Y N Y Y N

NEVADA Cortez Masto Y N Y Y N

Rosen Y N Y Y N

NEW YORK Gillibrand Y N Y Y N

Schumer Y N Y Y N

OHIO Brown Y N Y Y N

Portman Y Y N N Y


Lankford N Y N N Y

OREGON Merkley Y N Y Y N

Wyden Y N Y Y N


Toomey N Y N N Y


Whitehouse Y N Y Y N


Scott N Y N N Y 387 379 356 350 337

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Bumatay Pitlyk Menashi Rudofsky Health Care

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO YES


Menendez N N N N Y


Udall N N N N Y

NEVADA Cortez Masto N N N N Y

Rosen N N N N Y

NEW YORK Gillibrand N N N N Y

Schumer N N N N Y

OHIO Brown N N N N Y

Portman Y Y Y Y N


Lankford Y Y Y Y N

OREGON Merkley N N N N Y

Wyden N N N X Y


Toomey Y Y Y Y N


Whitehouse N N N N Y


Scott Y Y Y Y N 333 313 256 255 254

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Walker Scalia Pulliam Starr Brown

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Menendez N N N N N


Udall N N N N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto N N N N N

Rosen N N N N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand N N X X X

Schumer N N N N N

OHIO Brown N N N N N

Portman Y Y Y Y Y


Lankford Y Y Y Y Y

OREGON Merkley N N N N N

Wyden N N N N N


Toomey Y Y Y Y Y


Whitehouse X N N N N


Scott Y Y Y Y Y 229 205 191 173 172

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Buescher Phipps Bress Winsor Kacsmaryk

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Menendez N N N N N


Udall N N N N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto N N N N N

Rosen N N N N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand X X X X X

Schumer N N N N N

OHIO Brown N N N N N

Portman Y Y Y Y Y


Lankford Y Y Y Y Y

OREGON Merkley N N N N N

Wyden N N N N N


Toomey Y Y Y Y Y


Whitehouse N N N N N


Scott Y Y Y Y Y 124 123 118 114 110

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Clark Nielson Collins Vitter Lee

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Menendez N N N N N


Udall N N N N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto N N N N N

Rosen N N N N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand N N N X N

Schumer N N N N N

OHIO Brown N N N N N

Portman Y Y Y Y Y


Lankford Y Y Y Y Y

OREGON Merkley N N N N N

Wyden N N N N N


Toomey Y Y Y Y Y


Whitehouse N N N N N


Scott Y Y Y Y Y 108 106 99 87 85

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Truncale Park Bianco Brasher Barker

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Menendez N N N N N


Udall N X N N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto N N N N N

Rosen N N N N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand X N N N N

Schumer N N N N N

OHIO Brown N N N N N

Portman Y Y Y Y Y


Lankford Y Y Y Y Y

OREGON Merkley N N N N N

Wyden N N N N N


Toomey Y Y Y Y Y


Whitehouse N N N N N


Scott Y Y Y Y Y 68 61 44 42 39

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Wyrick Rules Change Rao Matey Murphy

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO NO NO


Menendez N Y N N N


Udall N Y N N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto N Y N N N

Rosen N Y N N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand N Y N N N

Schumer N Y N N N

OHIO Brown N Y N N N

Portman Y N Y Y Y


Lankford Y N Y Y Y

OREGON Merkley N Y N N N

Wyden N Y N N N


Toomey Y N Y Y Y


Whitehouse N Y N N N


Scott Y N Y Y Y 37 35 29 24

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Readler Rushing Miller Barr

2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO


Menendez N N N N


Udall N N N N

NEVADA Cortez Masto N N N N

Rosen N N N N

NEW YORK Gillibrand N N N N

Schumer N N N N

OHIO Brown N N N N

Portman Y Y Y Y


Lankford Y Y Y Y

OREGON Merkley N N N N

Wyden N N N N


Toomey Y Y Y Y


Whitehouse N N N N


Scott Y Y Y Y 224 222 Nominations — Nominations — Barrett Barrett


Thune John R 1 0% Y Y TENNESSEE Alexander Lamar R 1 2% Y Y

Blackburn Marsha R 2 0% Y Y TEXAS Cornyn John R 1 2% Y Y

Cruz Rafael R 2 0% Y Y UTAH Lee Michael R 1 2% Y Y

Romney Willard R 2 2% Y Y VIRGINIA Kaine Timothy D 2 100% N N

Warner Mark D 1 100% N N VERMONT Leahy Patrick D 1 100% N N

Sanders Bernard I 1 100% N N WASHINGTON Cantwell Maria D 2 100% N N

Murray Patricia D 1 100% N N WISCONSIN Baldwin Tammy D 2 100% N N

Johnson Ronald R 1 0% Y Y WEST VIRGINIA Capito Shelley R 2 2% Y Y

Manchin Joseph D 1 80% N N WYOMING Barrasso John R 2 0% Y Y

Enzi Michael R 1 0% Y Y 201 193 126 125 123

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Financial Reform Samuels Justice Reform Wilson Walker

2020 2020 2020 2020 2020 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES YES NO NO NO SOUTH DAKOTA Rounds N N Y Y Y

Thune N N Y Y Y TENNESSEE Alexander N Y Y Y Y

Blackburn N N Y Y Y TEXAS Cornyn N Y Y Y Y

Cruz N N Y Y Y UTAH Lee N N Y Y Y

Romney N N Y Y Y VIRGINIA Kaine X Y N N N

Warner Y Y N N N VERMONT Leahy Y Y N N N

Sanders Y Y N N X WASHINGTON Cantwell Y Y N N N

Murray X Y N N X WISCONSIN Baldwin Y Y N N N

Johnson N X Y Y Y WEST VIRGINIA Capito N X Y Y Y

Manchin Y Y Y N X WYOMING Barrasso N N Y Y Y

Enzi N N Y Y Y 70 36 33 34 391

Nominations — Nominations — Education Brasher Impeachment Impeachment VanDyke

2020 2020 2020 2020 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE YES NO YES YES NO


Thune N Y N N Y


Blackburn N Y N N Y

TEXAS Cornyn N Y N N Y

Cruz X Y N N Y


Romney N Y N N Y


Warner Y N Y Y N


Sanders X X Y Y X


Murray Y N Y Y N


Johnson N Y N N Y


Manchin Y N Y Y N

WYOMING Barrasso N Y N N Y

Enzi N Y N N Y 387 379 356 350 337

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Bumatay Pitlyk Menashi Rudofsky Health Care

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO YES


Thune Y Y Y Y N


Blackburn Y Y Y Y N

TEXAS Cornyn Y Y Y Y N

Cruz Y Y Y Y N


Romney Y Y Y Y N


Warner X N N N Y


Sanders X X X X X


Murray N N N N Y


Johnson Y Y Y Y N


Manchin N N N N Y

WYOMING Barrasso Y Y Y Y N

Enzi Y Y Y Y N 333 313 256 255 254

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Walker Scalia Pulliam Starr Brown

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Thune Y Y Y Y Y


Blackburn Y Y Y Y Y

TEXAS Cornyn Y Y Y Y Y

Cruz Y Y Y Y Y


Romney Y Y Y Y Y


Warner N N N N N


Sanders X X X X X


Murray N N N N N


Johnson Y Y Y Y Y


Manchin N N Y N N

WYOMING Barrasso Y Y Y Y Y

Enzi Y Y Y Y Y 229 205 191 173 172

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Buescher Phipps Bress Winsor Kacsmaryk

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Thune Y Y Y Y Y


Blackburn Y Y Y Y Y

TEXAS Cornyn Y Y Y Y Y

Cruz Y Y Y Y Y


Romney Y Y Y Y Y


Warner N N N N N


Sanders X N X N N


Murray N N N N N


Johnson Y Y Y Y Y


Manchin N Y N Y N

WYOMING Barrasso Y Y Y Y Y

Enzi Y Y Y Y Y 124 123 118 114 110

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Clark Nielson Collins Vitter Lee

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Thune Y Y Y Y Y


Blackburn Y Y Y Y Y

TEXAS Cornyn Y Y Y Y Y

Cruz Y Y Y Y X


Romney Y Y Y Y Y


Warner N N N N N


Sanders N N N N N


Murray N N N N N


Johnson Y Y Y Y Y


Manchin Y N N N N

WYOMING Barrasso Y Y Y Y Y

Enzi Y Y Y Y Y 108 106 99 87 85

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Truncale Park Bianco Brasher Barker

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO NO


Thune Y Y Y Y Y


Blackburn Y Y Y Y Y

TEXAS Cornyn Y Y Y Y Y

Cruz Y Y Y Y Y


Romney N Y Y Y Y


Warner N N N N N


Sanders N N N N N


Murray N N N N N


Johnson Y Y Y Y Y


Manchin N N Y N N

WYOMING Barrasso Y Y Y Y Y

Enzi Y Y Y Y Y 68 61 44 42 39

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Wyrick Rules Change Rao Matey Murphy

2019 2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO YES NO NO NO


Thune Y N Y Y Y


Blackburn Y N Y Y Y

TEXAS Cornyn Y N Y Y Y

Cruz Y N Y Y Y


Romney Y N Y Y Y


Warner N Y N N N


Sanders N Y N N N


Murray N Y X X N


Johnson Y N Y Y Y


Manchin N Y N Y N

WYOMING Barrasso Y N Y Y Y

Enzi Y N Y Y Y 37 35 29 24

Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Nominations — Readler Rushing Miller Barr

2019 2019 2019 2019 CIVIL RIGHTS VOTE NO NO NO NO


Thune Y Y Y Y


Blackburn Y Y Y Y

TEXAS Cornyn Y Y Y Y

Cruz Y Y Y Y


Romney Y Y Y Y


Warner N N N N


Sanders N X N N


Murray N N N N


Johnson Y Y Y Y


Manchin X N N Y

WYOMING Barrasso Y Y Y Y

Enzi Y Y Y Y Building an America as good as its ideals.

The Leadership Conference On Civil and Human Rights Voting Record

116th Congress January 2020