Ending Rheumatic Heart Disease in Australia: the Evidence for a New Approach
SUPPLEMENT 16 N o v e m b e r 2 0 2 0 Vo l u m e 2 13 N o 10 www.mja.com.au Ending rheumatic heart disease in Australia The evidence for a new approach Print Post Approved PP255003/00505 Approved Post Print Journal of the Australian Medical Association MMJA2_v211_s10_cover.inddJA2_v211_s10_cover.indd 1 111/6/20201/6/2020 110:21:350:21:35 AAMM MMJA2_v211_s10_cover.inddJA2_v211_s10_cover.indd 2 111/6/20201/6/2020 110:21:350:21:35 AAMM Ending rheumatic heart disease in Australia: the evidence for a new approach Cover image: © Hayley Goddard, Telethon Kids Institute. Tenaya, diagnosed with RHD aged just seven, looks down at the scar caused by surgery to repair her heart valves. MMJA2_v213_s10_issueinfo.inddJA2_v213_s10_issueinfo.indd SS11 111/10/20201/10/2020 112:49:532:49:53 PPMM Supplement Contents S3 Ending rheumatic heart disease in Australia: the evidence for a new approach Rosemary Wyber, Katharine Noonan, Catherine Halkon, Stephanie Enkel, Jeff rey Cannon, Emma Haynes, Alice Mitchell, Dawn Bessarab, Judith M Katzenellenbogen, Daniela Bond-Smith, Rebecca Seth, Heather D’Antoine, Anna Ralph, Asha Bowen, Alex Brown, Jonathan Carapetis, on behalf of the END RHD CRE Investigators and Collaborators S4 1. Introduction to rheumatic heart disease, the END RHD CRE and a national commitment to end RHD by 2031 Rosemary Wyber, Katharine Noonan, Catherine Halkon, Stephanie Enkel, Heather D’Antoine, Alex Brown, Jonathan Carapetis S5 2. Overview of the epidemiology of Strep A infections, ARF and RHD in Australia: a contemporary snapshot from the ERASE project Judith M Katzenellenbogen, Daniela Bond-Smith, Rebecca Seth, Rosemary Wyber, Katharine Noonan, Catherine Halkon S9 3.
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