Keith Curry Lance Marcia J. Rodney Christine Hamilton-Pennell Illinois School Library Media Association Canton, Illinois Powerful Libraries Make Powerful Learners: The Illinois Study Illinois School Library Media Association (ISLMA) P.O. Box 598 Canton, IL 61520
[email protected] UTH This study was funded by the Illinois School Library Media Association with additional funding from an FY 04 LSTA Grant from the Illinois State Library, Jesse White, Secretary of State and State Librarian, and a grant from the st 21P P Century Information Fluency project of the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy. The study is endorsed by the Illinois State Board of Education. © Illinois School Library Media Association, 2005 The Illinois School Library Media Association grants permission to reproduce portions of this book for not-for-profit education use in the classroom, in the school library, in professional workshops sponsored by elementary and secondary schools, or other similar not-for-profit activities. For any other uses, contact ISLMA for permission. ii Powerful Libraries Make Powerful Learners: The Illinois Study Acknowledgements The support of many individuals and agencies has made this study possible. It began with the vision of the Illinois School Library Media Association Board of Directors who created the task forces to pursue the project. The names of the task force leaders and members who contributed to the development of the study appear in Appendix A. They gave countless hours providing thoughtful discussion and valuable input into the specific questions asked in Illinois. They will continue their work as they help school librarians use the results to implement Linking for Learning, the Illinois School Library Media Guidelines.