Congressional Record—House H1885
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February 25, 2014 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1885 History Month, I would like to recog- include former President of the United In a special way, we ask Your bless- nize the Divine Nine historically Black States William Jefferson Clinton; Con- ing upon the people of Ukraine. May fraternities and sororities of the Na- gressman JOHN LEWIS; A. Phillip Ran- peace and civility descend upon that tional Pan-Hellenic Council. dolph, civil rights pioneer and leader of nation as it finds itself in political tur- For over 100 years, brothers and sis- the Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Por- moil. ters of the Divine Nine have played an ters; Dr. George Washington Carver; May Your special blessings be upon instrumental role in altering the and their Honorable President, Jona- the Members of this assembly as they course of American history, and the Di- than Mason. return from a week in their home dis- vine Nine have served as training Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, founded in tricts. Give them wisdom and charity, grounds for some of our Nation’s best 1920 at Howard University. Notable sis- that they might work together for the and brightest leaders. ters include author Zora Neale common good. The Divine Nine Organizations are: Hurston; jazz great Sarah Vaughan; the May all that is done this day in the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, founded late Congresswoman Julia Carson; and people’s House be for Your greater in 1986 at Cornell University. Their their honorable president, Mary Breaux honor and glory. brotherhood includes the Reverend Dr. Wright. Amen. Martin Luther King, Jr.; Congressmen Sigma Gamma Rho, my sorority, f EMANUEL CLEAVER, DANNY DAVIS, founded in 1922 at Butler University. CHAKA FATTAH, AL GREEN, GREGORY The sisters of Sigma Gamma Rho in- THE JOURNAL MEEKS, CHARLES RANGEL, DAVID SCOTT, clude Congresswoman CORRINE BROWN The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam- and BOBBY SCOTT; Ambassador Andrew of Florida and the late Congresswoman ined the Journal of the last day’s pro- Jackson Young; the National Urban Lindy Boggs; the first African Amer- ceedings and announces to the House League president, Marc Morial; legal ican winner of an Academy Award, his approval thereof. pioneers Charles Hamilton Houston Hattie McDaniel; and our esteemed Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- and Thurgood Marshall; and their hon- grand basileus, Bonita Herring. nal stands approved. orable grand president, Mark S. Till- Finally, Iota Phi Theta, founded in f man. 1963 at Morgan State University. Their Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, founded notables include Congressman BOBBY PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE in 1908 at Howard University. Their sis- RUSH; Billy Ocasio, former alderman to The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman terhood proudly boasts Congresswomen Chicago’s 26th Ward and current ad- from North Carolina (Mr. SHEILA JACKSON LEE, EDDIE BERNICE viser to Governor Pat Quinn; and their BUTTERFIELD) come forward and lead JOHNSON, TERRI SEWELL, and FRED- honorable grand polaris, Robert Clark. the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. ERICA WILSON; actress Phylicia Rashad Whether it has been standing up for Mr. BUTTERFIELD led the Pledge of of ‘‘The Cosby Show’’; author Maya women’s suffrage, advancing civil Allegiance as follows: Angelou; civil rights leaders Rosa rights by dismantling Jim Crow, ad- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Parks and Coretta Scott King; and vancing the science of medicine, or United States of America, and to the Repub- their honorable president attorney, leading in business innovation, the Di- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Carolyn House Stuart. vine Nine has been there the entire indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity, founded time leading from the front. f in 1911 at Indiana University. Among The Divine Nine’s scope of service is THE SUSTAINABLE GROWTH RATE their notable achievers are Microsoft felt far beyond their organizational FORMULA chairman and CEO, John W. Thompson; borders. The work of these fraternities civil rights leader the Reverend Ralph and sororities has helped to make this (Mr. BURGESS asked and was given Abernathy; founding member of the Nation a better place for all Ameri- permission to address the House for 1 Congressional Black Caucus, the Rev- cans. For this, and many other reasons, minute and to revise and extend his re- erend Delegate Walter Fauntroy; Con- I thank the entire Divine Nine for a job marks.) gressmen SANFORD BISHOP, WILLIAM well done. Mr. BURGESS. Mr. Speaker, in just a LACY CLAY, JOHN CONYERS, ALCEE HAS- f little bit over a month’s time, the Na- TINGS, BENNIE THOMPSON, and HAKEEM tion’s physicians will face a 25 percent RECESS JEFFRIES; and Grand Polemarch Wil- reduction in payment in the Medicare liam ‘‘Randy’’ Bates. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- system. This severely affects access for Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, founded in ant to clause 12(a) of rule I, the Chair Medicare patients and is something 1911 at Howard University. They in- declares the House in recess until 2 that could be resolved. clude in their ranks Assistant House p.m. today. Two weeks ago, for the first time, in- Democratic Leader JAMES CLYBURN of Accordingly (at 12 o’clock and 19 troduced in the House, H.R. 4015 was a South Carolina; Congressman HANK minutes p.m.), the House stood in re- compromise agreement between Repub- JOHNSON of Georgia; NASA Adminis- cess. licans and Democrats, House and Sen- trator Charles Bolden; comedian Bill f ate, on a way forward for repealing the Cosby; Dr. Charles Drew, whose med- sustainable growth rate formula. b 1400 ical research in the field of blood trans- It does represent a compromise and is fusions led to the founding of the blood AFTER RECESS not going to please everyone, but it is bank; and their honorable grand The recess having expired, the House a significant achievement and was basileus, Dr. Andrew Ray. was called to order by the Speaker at 2 marked by an editorial piece in The Delta Sigma Theta, founded in 1913 p.m. Wall Street Journal on February 19 ti- tled ‘‘Fixing the ‘Doc Fix.’ ’’ at Howard University. Delta counts as f sisters my esteemed colleague and In the Journal’s editorial, they note chairwoman of the Congressional Black PRAYER that the Senate Finance, House Ways Caucus, the Honorable MARCIA L. The Chaplain, the Reverend Patrick and Means, and Energy and Commerce FUDGE; also Congresswomen YVETTE J. Conroy, offered the following prayer: Committees don’t agree on much, but CLARKE and JOYCE BEATTY; Shirley Loving God, we give You thanks for they are doing a service by agreeing to Chisolm, the first African American giving us another day. end this charade known as the SGR. woman elected to Congress; former As we meditate on all the blessings of They go on to note that ‘‘doctors Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman; and life, we especially pray for the blessing hate the uncertainty of the SGR.’’ their honorable president, Paulette C. of peace in our lives and in our world. That is an understatement. Every Walker. Our fervent prayer, O God, is that peo- Member of this House has heard from Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, founded ple will learn to live together in rec- their physicians back home about how in 1914 at Howard University. Not only onciliation and respect, so that the ter- much they hate this formula. are the Sigmas the fraternity of my rors of war and of dictatorial abuse will They go on to say, ‘‘Absent reform, husband, Dr. Nathaniel Horn, they also be no more. one way or another the money is going VerDate Mar 15 2010 01:51 Feb 26, 2014 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00003 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K25FE7.005 H25FEPT1 tjames on DSK3TPTVN1PROD with HOUSE H1886 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE February 25, 2014 to be spent, and Congress can either that he is also very proud of his dom- LET’S MAKE THE FEDERAL GOV- continue to do so in incremental doc- ino-playing skills. ERNMENT LEANER, MORE EFFI- fix slices or admit in advance that it I ask my distinguished colleagues of CIENT, AND MORE ACCOUNTABLE was always going to do it.’’ the 113th Congress to join me in hon- (Mr. YODER asked and was given In fact, the time has come. It is with- oring Pastor Davis on his 50th anniver- permission to address the House for 1 in our power. We should repeal the sary as pastor of Mount Pisgah Mis- minute and to revise and extend his re- SGR and pass H.R. 4015. sionary Baptist Church, as well as an marks.) f exemplary life of service. Mr. YODER. Mr. Speaker, during our APPLAUDING THE MORAL f most recent constituent listening tour, MONDAY PROTESTS CONDITIONS IN SOUTH SUDAN I had the opportunity to speak with over 1,000 Kansans, many who continue (Mr. BUTTERFIELD asked and was (Mr. WOLF asked and was given per- to voice their frustration with a Fed- given permission to address the House mission to address the House for 1 eral Government that seems to create for 1 minute.) minute and to revise and extend his re- more problems than it fixes and builds Mr. BUTTERFIELD. Mr. Speaker, on marks.) too many barriers to success for those February 8, more than 80,000 North Mr. WOLF. Mr. Speaker, this picture working to realize the American Carolinians rallied outside the State depicts South Sudanese women in a Dream. capitol building in Raleigh to protest food distribution line. Another des- Mr. Speaker, the House must con- the extreme policies of North Cali- perate woman at the fore is hunched tinue to pass legislation that helps reg- fornia Republican Governor Pat over barbed wire.