International Freedom Mobilization Program

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International Freedom Mobilization Program International Freedom Mobilization SUMMIT CONFERENCE OF BLACK RELIGIOUS LEADERS ON A~ARTHEID ~ Program Name _ Address _ Hotel Room _ International Freedom Mobilization SUMMIT CONFERENCE OF BLACK RELIGIOUS LEADERS ON APARTHEID April 17th through 19th, 1979 UNITED NATIONS CHURCH CENTER 777 United Nations Plaza New York City, New York Welcome To all conferees, who have come from near and afar, we wish you a most hearty WELCOME! We'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your cooperation, patience, encouragement - and most of all your prayers. We have an excellent agenda planned, and we trust you have all come in the spirit of joining efforts to improve thelot of our family in South Africa. We intend to make your short stay with us as productive and pleasant as possible. The INTERNATIONAL FREEDOM MOBILIZATION extends to you its most h~artfelt welcome. JANYCE E. BOLDEN Conference Co-ordinator - GENERAL INFORMATION Registration All conferees must wear the official badge during the sessions. Purchase Wednesday banquet ticket ($10.00) during registra­ tion. Emergency Message Center Incoming calls and messages during conference hours will be accepted at (212) 697-2115. Messages will be posted at message center on 2nd Floor of United Nations Church Center. Acknowledgements Special thanks to the United Methodist Church Center for the United Nations for their assistance and cooperation. Location of Sessions All sessions will be held on Second Floor of the United Nations Church Center unless otherwise indicated. Our volunteer staff, pages and hosts have been drawn largely from the graduate student boody of Union Theological Seminary. Purpose We in the West have been spoon-fed by the media as to the real conditions of apartheid in the region of South Africa. Our con­ tinuing struggle with systemic racism in the U.S. has claimed our attention and energy. However, the world is one and shrinking; most importantly, we are one in Christ. Our brothers and sisters in the sub-continent of Africa need the moral and substantive support we can give. In many instances, the oppressor is our common enemy - the machinery of the multinational corporations based in the United States. The International Freedom Mobilization came into being in the Spring of 1978 to: 1. Dramatize the plight of the victims of apartheid, especially the children who are refugees. 2. Raise the consciousness of Black Americans and their allies to the terrible conditions that exist with the participation of the U.S. government, banks. and businesses. 3. Provide practical support through fundraising for the construction of schools and health stations in Zambia, Mozambique, Tanzania, and Botswana. The Summit Conference of Black Religious Leaders on Apartheid is aimed at refining our mobilization. Of all people in the leadership arena, we need to be accurately informed on the issues that so deeply affect our brothers and sisters in Southern Africa. We cannot get it from the New York Times and the Washington Post. Our gathering at the United Nations after Easter will aid immeasurably in expanding our celebra­ tion this year from 30 to 100 cities. WYATT TEE WALKER Secretary-General International Freedom Mobilization OFFICERS KELLY MILLER SMITH'" National Chairman WYATT TEE WALKER'" Secretary General SIPO MZIMELA'" First Deputy BETTY OLIVE Second Deputy FREDERICK B. WILLIAMS'" ................... Treasurer TIMOTHY MITCHELL'" Direct Action J. H. O'DELL International Affairs GEORGE LAWRENCE Public Information JANYCE E. BOLDEN , Conference Coordinator STEERING COMMITTEE ROBERT C.S. POWELL '" HARRY GIBSON'" NORMAN QUICK '" EARL MOORE'" LOMA ST. CLAIR'" F. HERBERT SKEETE'" CALVIN McKINNEY'" W. FRANKLIN RICHARDSON'" ... National Comittee NATIONAL COMMITTEE Ralph Abernathy Dick Gregory J.O. Patterson Thelma Adair Donald Harrington Robert Powell Harry Belafonte Richard G. Hatcher Norman Quick William Booth Benjamin Hooks A. Philip Randolph RH. Brookins Jesse L. Jackson Sandy F. Ray L. Maynard Catchings William A. Jones W. Franklin Richardson Burgess Carr Martin Luther King, SI. Bayard Rustin Ramsey Clark Joseph Lowery J.c. Sams William Sloane Coffin, JI. C. Payne Lucas William Schulz Charles C. Diggs Calvin McKinney F. Herbert Skeete Walter Fauntroy Parren Mitchell Lorna St. Clair Bryant George Earl Moore Gardner C. Taylor Harry Gibson Paul Moore, Jr. Franklin Williams Carlton Goodlett Yona Okoth Frederick B. Williams Fred O'Neal lnternational Freedom Mobilization SUMMIT CONFERENCE OF BLACK RELIGIOUS LEADERS ON APARTHEID Tuesday, April 17, 1979 1:00 P.M. United Nations Church Center 777 United Nations Plaza (cor. 44th Street and First Ave.) 2nd Floor CALL TO ORDER: Ms. Betty Olive Ms. Betty Olive Introductions and Purpose GREETINGS The Honorable Paul Lusaka Ambassador of Zambia to the United Nations The Honorable Leslie O. Harriman Chairman The Honorable Paul Lusaka United Nations Special Committee on Apartheid Mrs. Jean Young United States Chairman International Year of the Child Other Greetings and Announcements Mrs. Jean Young 1:30 P.M. MEDITATION: Dr. Kelly Miller Smith Presented by Dr. Frederick B. Williams 2:00 P.M. APARTHEID - AN AFRICAN VIEW: Canon Burgess Carr Present~d by Canon Burgess Carr Canon Robert C. S. Powell 3:15 P.M. APARTHEID ­ AN AFRO-AMERICAN VIEW: Dr. Jesse Jackson Presented by The Reverend Dr. E. A. Freeman Dr. Jesse Jackson The Rev. Dr. E.A. Freeman 4:15-5:00 P.M. QUESTION and ANSWER PERIOD (written questions only) Justice William Booth DINNER BREAK 7:00 P.M. CHAPEL United Nations Church Center 1st Floor PEOPLES COURT vs APARTHEID Justice William Booth Bishop Philip Cousin Moderator Presented by Bishop Philip Cousin BLACK AMERICAN VIEWPOINT: The Honorable Franklin Williams The Honorable Franklin Williams AFRICAN VIEWPOINT: Mr. Johnstone Makatini Mr. Theo Ben Guriab Dr. Callistus Ndlovu Dr. Bernard Magubane Wednesday, April 18, 1979 Mr. Johnstone-Makatini United Nations Church Center, 2nd Floor 9:30 AM. CALL TO ORDER The Reverend Norman Quick 10:00 AM. MEDITATION: Bishop H.H. Brookins Bishop H. H. Brookins Presented by Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker 10:30 AM. United Nations Church Center, 2nd Floor FILM: "Six Days In Soweto" Reactor: Dr. Thelma Adair Dr. Thelma Adair 11:45 AM. PLENARY WORKSHOP ON ARMED STRUGGLE: Dr. William A. Jones, Jr. Presented by Dr. F. Herbert Skeete Dr. William A. Jones, Jr. 1:00 P.M. BUFFET LUNCHEON 2:30 P.M. ADDRESS: Dr. Leon H. Sullivan Dr. Leon H. Sullivan Presented by The Reverend Dr. Herman H. Watts 3:30 P.M. SIMULTANEOUS WORKSHOPS: The Sullivan Principles U.N. Church Center The Rev. William Howard lIth Floor Mr. Harold R. Sims Moderator The Rev. William Howard Ms. Sarah M. Smith Louis C. Jones, Esq. Louis C. Tones. Esq. Economic Sanctions U.N. Church Center 2nd Floor The Rev. George E. Riddick Moderator The Rev. Sipo Mzimela Dr. Samih Farsoun The Rev. Sipo Mzunela Dr. Frederick Dube Economic Withdrawal U.N. Church Center 8th Floor The Rev. Dr. Maynard Catchings Moderator The Rev. Dr. Maynard Catchings The Rev. William Stemper Dr. Prexy Nesbitt Mr. Charles Hayes Dr. James Turner 5-6:30 P.M. UNITED NATIONS RECEPTION: U.N. General Assembly Building (with dome) Dr. Prexy Nesbitt Ii' in Ex-Press Bar, 3rd Floor, 45th and 1st Ave. HOST: The Honorable Leslie O. Haniman Ambassador of Nigeria to the United Nations Mr. Charles Hayes 7:30 P.M. DINNER Riverside Church 120th and Riverside Drive '- South Hall (Chartered bus will be provided for Conferees) Principal Address: The Honorable Andrew J. Young Presented by Dr. Dorothy 1. Height Toastmaster: The Reverend Dr. Joseph E. Lowery Allen ARC Gospel Chorus Thursday, April 19, 1979 United Nations Church Center, 2nd Floor J 9:30A.M. CALL TO ORDER Dr. Earl Moore Dr. Carroll M. Felton, Jr. MEDITATIONS: Dr. Carroll M. Felton, Jr. 10:00 A.M. MEDlAPANEL Ms. Emma Bowen, Moderator Mr. Mal Goode J Ms. Ethel Payne Presenters Ms. Emma Bowen Mr. Richard Walker Mr. Dave Lampel } Mr. Les Payne Reactors Noland Bowie, Esq. 11:15 A.M. CLOSING ADDRESS: Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker Dr. Wyatt Tee Walker 12:00 A.M. OFFICIAL PICTURE 12:30 P.M. PRESS CONFERENCE: Presiding: The Reverend Dr. George Lawrence Dinner Program International Freedom Mobilization SUMMIT CONFERENCE OF BLACK RELIGIOUS LEADERS ON APARTHEID Riverside Church-South Hall Wednesday, April 18, 1979 490 Riverside Drive (at 120th St., 7:30 P.M. Invocation BISHOP PAUL MOORE, JR. Episcopal Diocese of New York Introduction of Toastmaster Rev. Joseph E. Lowery Toastmaster THE REV. JOSEPH E. LOWERY President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Greetings Dr. Dorothy I. Height Dinner Musical Selections THE ARC GOSPEL CHORUS Introduction of Speaker DR. DOROTHY 1. HEIGHT President National Council of Negro Women Address THE HONORABLE ANDREW J. YOUNG U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Announcements Benediction Honorable Andrew J. Young THE REV. PAUL VASTOR JOHNSON President, . Baptist Ministers Conference of Greater New York and Vicinity Flowers and flags contributed by Antioch Baptist Church of Christ Who's Who Thelma ADAIR Professor of Education, Queens College; former Moderator, Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. William BOOTH Judge, Civil Court; President American Committee on Africa. Emma BOWEN Founder and President of Citizens For A Fair Media; Director, Office of Community Relations, New York City. Noland BOWIE Executive Director, Citizens Communications Center, Washington, D.C. H. H. BROOKINS Bishop of Western EPiscoyal District A.M.E. .. Church; Chairman, Board 0 PUSH. Burgess CARR Secretary-General, All Africa Conference of Churches, Nairobi. Maynard CATCHINGS Executive, National Council of Churches; Specialist on African Affairs. Philip COUSIN Bishop, Ninth Episcopal District, African Methodist Episcopa Church. Frederick DUBE Professor of Psychology, Stoneybrook University; South African in exile, former prisoner at Robben Island, South Africa. Samih FARSOUN Professor of Political Science, American University; President, Association of Arab-American University Graduates. Carroll M. FELTON Senior Minister, Wesley Center A.M.E. Zion Church, Pittsburgh; Martin Luther King Scholar.
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