; '7

■ — • Bloodmobile Visits St. Mary’s Church Tomorrow^ 1:45 to 6:30 p.tn. : ___ :

Arengt Daily Net Press Ron The Week IMed The W eather fane n , IMi^ Fair tonight becoming quite foggy In early morning hours. Low in low 60s. Tomorrow hasy 15,459 sunshine, warm with highs in 80s. SlioWnr possibility zero. ManeheMter ■ A City o f Vittawe Charm


Five Guards Hurt A r m ^ C h o w U n c h a n g e d New Viet Pullout Planned: In State Jailhreak ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. BRIDGBPORT, Oonn. (A P )_ (A P)—A 90-yeeir-o)d Spanish tacked two guards who entered Amertcan War veteran won Two inmates slashed and batter­ their cell during a shakedown the Veterans' Day competi­ IVl ed their way out of the State Jail search. tion Sunday at the New Mex­ early today, Wounding five Guard Frank Giannati was ico State Fair when he turn­ (O) stabbed in the chest and ab­ (O) Koarde—one of them seriously. ed up in ids 1890 vintage uni­ Could Involve 40,000 GIs domen and was in serious con- form. An Intensive search was (htion at St. Vincent’s Hospital. ■ n . Mirir laumdied for John P. Groom. Included in the laitform of Guard Anthony Bichia was hos­ George Dambeit of Albu­ rf ^ 22, of Bridgeport and Charles E. pitalized in good condition with WASHINGTON (AP) — I Mam (O) Jones, 20, of Hartford. querque were a mess Mt and Preaictent Nixon has decid­ Mpirad br a neck wound. a piece of hardtack, aUU t American According to correctional of- ed definitely on another : Hiatory in flcials. Groom and Jones at- Three other guards were treat­ edible 70 years later. reduced in ed ajt the hospital and released. Lambert bit off a piece of withdrawal of U.S. troops Muaeum, Breatioa of Also hurt during the fracas the hardtack and said, from Vietnam and the UCD of Ufe was Donald Rush of Stamford, "Tattes Just like it did then. White House will announce cine in hia- man'e no- another inmate. Wasn’t any good then and it sjiecific figures Tuesday ezpIoc^C Groom and Jones used a bench isn’t now." la role in morning. ‘Non-Violent’ to batter out a latticed window Presa aecretary Ronald L. <0 > and escape to the street. Ziegler, talking to reportera to­ e rest of death of a Oonneclicut youth loading foodstuffs from a state- In Pittsburgh out before November. 1 wiped out. whose body was discovered Sat­ Inver owned truck when he walked out But he would not specifically urday wrapped in a canvas tent PITTSBURGH (AP) — Hun­ 5 of the delivery door and disap­ verify that number, saying re- and propped gainst a mailbox dreds of demonstrators strung philosophy, and had been on the pounds. Both escapees were and chanting: "Freedom, Free­ Shaw Fsha- wearing brown jail uniforms. conference. ^ <®> Dean's List since his freshman dom, Freedom." year. As otticials described the Former S^retary of Defe nae Leading the procession to Clark M. Clifford had called m a “ He was one of the brightest break, a roubne shakeuuwn was their destination-the construc­ students at Northeastern," said under way, with guards search­ magazine article for pulling out els ef OsBM tion site of U.S. Steel Corp.’s 100,000 troops by year's end and Dr. Sally Michael of the phdloso- ing prisoners and their cells »or new office building-were several IB on phy department. Department hiuuen contraband and weapons. Nixon sold he would hope to bet­ les— CHAF demonstrators carrying large (>»P Pholofax) ter that. i aigB Off chairman. Dr. Walter Fogg, About lO inmates were out oi black flags with a clenched fist- said he planned a memorial to American soldiers in the 1st Cavalry Division pre­ ment in I>iuulinK Zone Ike in War Ztuie ('. They The presidential declslo n on their Cells in a cage-iike recrea­ symbol of black power-painted pare to fire a lO.'S mm howitzer from their em|)lace- an additional withdrawr il—he the youth. . tion area w-.en tiroom anu jones on them. were firinji at a North N'ietiiamese mortar crew. Police said Carotenuti was set In motion on June 8 the with­ attacked the guards. The marchers walked around drawal of the first 28.00C —was last Been alive by two friends the U.S. Steel building, cla j^ n g Friday night. He moved to Rox- One of the guarus apparently « reached last week. ZIeglei • sold. dropped his keys or had them their hands and chanting, then It was laid before a lop policy (See Page Ten) torn away during the melee and marched back to the Hill Dis­ conference Inst Frldr .y. a ■haw/IO) Jones and Groom unlocked the trict where the crowd disband conference that pulled !• jgether ed. —.'Hraajdter gate and got out oi the "cage.’ ’ key administration exp erts In ^ 0 > Only the latticed brick-and-glasa March leaders said they!--No in Battling the military, diplomatic and in­ wall remained between them would stage similar demonstra­ telligence fields. tions. and the street, and they were One of them waa Gen , Creigtt Ir to 0 » - Haynsworth "We will have a black Mon­ able to break through it by us­ ton W. Abrams, U.S. miUtary ipire leans day next Monday and the Mon­ ing a bench as a battering ram. commander In Vielm im. vri to s^>i Ir>reapect day after that, and a black Mon­ hurried back to Saigon and li Oo uidetette Ooi- Seen Getting Police arrived just In time to day and a black Tuesday if nec­ I, Cbnnie conference with 8o( ith V let- (C) prevent other inmates from fol­ essary, and we will shut down r. ^ Dana lowing the escapees. In Israeli-Arab War nomese President Nguyen Van the entire city until these Injus- Darnell. Senate Okay Ttileu. The other wounded guards The latter called an em ergen­ were Sgt. Alexander Theriault, (See Page Ten) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 1-OH.st guard [losts in these Ras Zu'farana, the target of hiimiiirrlng 'Ildar iiisliilliitlons . WASHINGTON (AP) De­ areas." heavy Isriell raids for the past anil army ciun|iN III Riis cy session of his Nut'.onsl Secu­ how (O) who suffered a gash on his fore­ Israeli planes attacked rity (.’ouncll. rollowe<'. by s sec- at Osm- spite opposition from civil rights head, Gerald Moughan, cut on Egypt's Gulf of Suez coast for The Cairo statement also said week, is 100 miles southeast of Zi'fiiriimi there was on eight-hour artil­ omi. And then Vice I'ri latdent and labor leaders all signs now both arms, and William X. Alex- Cairo. When Israeli Irtsips land­ Iiiformiiiiiji In Tel Aviv said indicate President Nixon’s nom­ the fifth time in six days Sun­ lery duel Sunday near Port Tau- ed on the Gulf of Suez const for thr iilr ntliirkH nri' iiiiiliimiiig In Ky reported Monday thai, 40,0(X) Holden. los, cut on the fingers. ination of J u ^ e Clement F. day, keeping up a campaign to fiq, at the southern end of the their unop[K)seurt will be confirmed by the Rush, suffered a broken arm. vember a (Mirlod > )t fvlx more thar — Ms- forces from the Sjuez Canal weeks. a aad Bita Senate. Jones was being held on CAen Page Ton) Role Not front. /'■ Senate Judiciary Committee charges of motor vehicle theft, (»4-e l*age Te a) hearings starting Tuesday could breaking and entering, and lar­ An Israeli military spokesman Arah-lsraeli Peace Talhs change the picture, btA so far no ceny, while Groom was chaiged For Allott said the air force bombed and o d a lt^ organized effort has developed with robbery with violence. strafed poeltioni at Ras lO U S within the Senate to block ap­ Za’farana, 65 miles south of the To Be^in at Weelt^s End WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. souUiem ej»4 of the canal, and proval o f the 56-year-oId South (Jordon Allott of ;N Carolinian. Ras Ghartb,V'an oil center 120 UNITED NATIONS, N Y U.N. General Assembly, open­ ■stepped aside from the race tor ra te s Sen. Jacob K. Javlts, R-N.Y., miles farther south. He said all (AP) — New tadka In search of ing Tueaday. Republican leadership today, who indicated he probably will the planes returned safely. Arab-Iaraell peace are expected Pickers Find leaving the field to the three de­ • ■ Gunnar V. Jarring, vote against the nomination, has Egypt’s official Middle East to begin In by the end clared candidates to succeed the Secretory-General U TTiant’a nonetheless predicted Hayns­ News Agency said Egyptian an­ of tilts week. late Everett M. Dlrksen. special representative to the worth will be confirmed—and tiaircraft gunners forced the Is­ Officials Involved In previoua Middle East, will arrlvii on' "I am not a canrtidate for the IBK others not enthusiastic about the Human Skull raeli planes "to flee eastwards talks on the subject are gather­ position of minority leader," Al­ appointment agree. after they attempted to raid ing for the 24th aeaalon of the (Her Page Ten) GUILFORD, Conn. (AP) — The Haynsworth nomination lott said. “ I have no commit­ fE-IN also has picked up the (ar- Police have temporarily , -m.s- ments from any of my col­ (rom-enthusiastic support of pended a search of a lightly leagues, nor have I asked for such commitments." Sen. Robert Griffin, R-Mlch., wooded area off Route 80, where who spearheaded last year's Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylva­ successful fight to keep Abe they looked without success for nia, the acting leader; Sen. Ro­ clues in the death of a person, man L. Hrusloi of Nebraska; SS Manhattan Opens Fortas from becoming chief jus­ tice. whose skull fragment was found and Sen. Howard H. Baker Jr. of Tennessee are camkdates. "If you think my silence until there over the weekepd. now has been Interpreted as Allott said he would not make meaning that I am not over­ "There may be /a shallow any personal commitment in the Northwest Passage joyed by the appointment,’ grave." a police sergeant said. leadership race, but his decision Griffin said Sunday at Mackinac "If we're lucky we'll find it." not to run benefits Hruska, NEW YORK (AP) — Nearly Humble Oil Co., the ahip’g own­ hattan jouHted with Ire flows Island, Mich.,' "you’re absolute­ He .suggested that an ahim.il whoso .support is ba'ed among five centuries after sailors be­ er. Her final dcHtlnathm,. Point near Hanks Island, it Humble ly right” might have carried the skull the Senate's more conservative gan the search (or a Northwest Barrow, Alaska, la a week OH official Bald no decision on •’.But on the basis of all the from a distance. Republicans. Passage above Canada, the 88 away. the route's commercial possibll- Manhattan has become the first As far back as 1498, when (See Pago TenV ( ^ e Page Thirteen) (See Page Ten) commercial vessel to negotiate John Cabot explored the eastern (Hen Page Ten) the ley waters. end of the route, Europeans But the tiistoric voyage of the sought the Northwest Passage massive tanJier, specially fitted as a shortcut to the riches and with icebreaking equipment, spices of the Far East. The iSt<‘|) (Ip H u m hasn't proved that the treacher­ great trading companies spon­ ous northern route is feasible sored several attempts ^ find F or MotDit4‘r for shipping. the route. / e The t.006-foot, 116.0(XMlead- Now the treasure Isn't spices, INVERNESS. Sintland (AP) weight - ton s)Up smashed but oil. the vast supply on Alas-' Hclrntlste fiearchlng for Ne«- <.Ih on |»atro! rn-ai \he (Koif n#*tvr of UirnlinK Zone through heavy Ice north of the ka's northern slope A North­ sle. the elusive l^or Nrsa mon­ Arctic Circle Sunday to hit open west Passage open to huge tank­ Ikc, a lomiial lia-.c in SmiUi \'u*tiiain’.t w ur zunt* ('. ster. were Intrigued t/.lay hy u water at the mouth of Prince of ers would cut thousands of In liMik at 1m»|> Ilf a .^,orUi N'lctnai ntr.M* Mietlic pr rejiort that two Hrtltsh busmeiu- Wales Strait. miles and doHam from the trip killcl iliiiiiig a niglit laiil un ttic I S. tiane. Only men had fouxvl s monster «lzed "There's nothing In her way around South- America. ,, a handful o f fucinv laidfi inanaKrtl t o reach the now," said a spokesman (or But Wednesday, as the Msn- (Hein P a g e Heteti) I amp' oiiti'i ix'i imctci lx f.,n. (leing t urnetl liack.

Return to ‘’R ik in P After 12 Years as Nuclear Target,

I Lonely Island Is Habitable Again

BIKINI ATOIJ. (API The W e can't say there is atua>- showed only (amt agn . of r.i -Ine meager string of Ulands. oll itr ce mkt February first ix>-rruin'# land of the atom­ lutely no radiation danger. ’ dMsicttvtty. less Hum in Uen •ome ,Mo44 debrin that tillered the white atoll, ravaged by a dozen years experts whce toured Ilie blasted -im) I'As. ttie islarule' tny« "T ir d isplaced Biklniane havp ravaged by nuclear blasting which endxl in lO-’iS. Flagjxiles were erected when .m 1 hes tor ipor e than of nuclear te. fr . tuu been d e a ^ K i Up the at­ (8 ae PngB T m )

JJ / V '"

\ X' ''V' PAGE TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN„ MONDAY,. SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 V- ^ MANCHESTER EVENH^G HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 PA.GB THREB THEATER TIME Bolton MOVtE AUDIENCE Air. / Force’s *******GUIDE******* Sheinwold on Bridge Andover SCHEDULE A SERVICE OF FILM-MAKERS S T A R g a z r r :* B o m ber^ext ____^ D THEATERS. NEED HOLDUP PLAY By CLAY R. POLLAN- Church Aide V t' TRUMP. CONTRACT ARIES U18A “THE W AY MOBfDAY Thtse rnt.ngs.apply to Mmt NORTH Bloodmobile MAR. 21 Yoor Daity Activity Guide JW Burnside — Midnight Cow­ rtiMMd After Nuv 1.1966 According to the Stars. By ALFRED SHEINWOLD 4 ( Senate Target boy, 7;1B, 9:20. T o Address 9 J 6 5 I HEAiiiD rr* THIS SEAL 'Ihe holdtg) i ^ y Is useful Plans Visit To develop message for Tuesday, 1321-3057^ ' l l Cinema -I— Best House in chiefly at trump contracts, O A Q 10 9 2 read words correspo^ing to numbers 52-595956^ WASHINGTON (AP) — Pen^^ndon, 8:00; Impossible Ydars, in ik(t indicates the film Wes ‘ TAURUS Anderson-Little A K of your Zodiac birth sign. submitted and approvedijhdtr wheire your object Is to rinit 4 xoario tagon^ critics hope to shoot down etW, 9 :60. Ladies Group APR. 20 1 Friends by John Gru ber the Motion Pic^r^ Code out an entire suM. the lioldiq) WEST E A9T Tomorrow 31 Smiles 61 To oa.23 plans for a muKl-bilUon dollar O nem a I — Midnight Cowboy, 6 ’ MAY 20 2Vogu« 32 From 62Todoy The Rev. Livingston H. of 8elf-^gulation. is risky at a trunqi contract 4 103 4 KQJ9 3 Don't 33 Opposite 63 Upset NC3V.2I ^ e Columbia Chapter of the />53-5e| Air Force bomber as the Senate 9:80. Lomas will ^>eak at a dinner since If you fail to take an ace C? Q 8 4 O 73 4 To 34 H<»pitolity 64 B^om e 54-575859/ d] Suggesfed for GENERAL 5G«t 35 Sex 65 You enters what leadere sav mav be ° ~ meeting of the Ladles Benevo­ promptly, It may be ruffed later O 84 O K 7 5 3 American Red Cross, which 7.1-77-7951’ emers wnat leaoers say may be Hartford Drive-In — audiences. GtMINI 6 Rest 3 6 A 66 Hord lent Society of Bolton Congre­ on. Still, even at a trump con­ A n o 9 8 S 2 A Q 7 3 comprises the towns of And­ AAAYJl 7 Rumors 37 Almost 67 Present SAGtTTAtlUt the last week of debate on the Best House in London, 7:30; 8 Will 38 DistOTKe 68 Give •■Melster, how dia you like th e do. In this he is right. Yet, he gational Church tomorrow night. g ,/ iu g g e e t e d for MATURE tract, the holdup play may help SOUTH ** ^JUI«20 *20 bUlion military procurement Kenner, 9:28. over, Hebron amt Columbia, 9 Lovish 39 Will 69 More oec2i w ay I played the chorale at th«! r.iever said that the composer’s ’The speaker Is Church Worid audiancee (parental dlscra- you shut out the setting trick. 4 A 8 6 4 )0 Aheod 40 Moke 70 Problems ^ ^ . * East ’ Windsor Drive-In — will hold a Bloodmobile visit ' 1-45-51-551 end of the moveiment?" asked' blueprint should be Ignored. Service director of the Middle' lion advised).' North dealer. <5 A K 1052 '61-67-70 IJ Promote 41 Money 71 Attention 1M4-29-40(C! When a performer has to An amendment c i^ n g back on the W ay to the Crusades, Neither side vUlneraUe. tonmrrow from 1:46 to 6:80 p.m. 12 People 42 Express 72 Ukely 4854-73 vS East and Europe Department of 0 RESTRICTED — Persona 0 J 6 CANCia 13 Decisions 43 Is 73 ReoliHes Hans Richter of composer ^d s for the Advanced ^ e d 7 .30; wait Until Dark, 9:15. CAFRICORN change tempi to feel at home in the National Council of Opening lead — Jack of 4 64 at the Congregational Church. JUNf21 U Those 44 Actions 74 ConfiderKe Brahms after a rehearsal for a composition, he has not made Strategic Alrcraft-AMSA— Manchester Drive-In — under i6 not adminad. un-, Clubs. 15 At 45 Motters 75Todoy from $100 m llli^ to 120 H g „,. f Churches’ Division of Overseas North East Sooth West Because of the growing need JUIY22 . lata accompanied by parent West opened the jack of chfos, 16 Flyir>g 46 On 76 To JAN 19 the first performance of the tliat work his own, and he is has been introduced by Sen. Brute Ministries in New, York City. 1 0 Pass 1 ly Pass toe blood, the Rod Cross Blood I7 0 n 47 Of 77 To and the Beast, 9:60. or adult guardian. ^ 2- 7-16-20 26.27-3335(0 Brahms PlrEft Symphony. not ready to play it In public Under Ms direction nuttorlal not knowing that a q>ade open­ Pass 3 (? Pass I8 0 r 48 Dreams 78 To George 8 . McGovern, D-S.D. 2 0 Bank program and the Am eri­ 1/255355 19 Your 4350-62 v S B;e may, perhaps give a State Theatre — Charly, 6 :00, ® Pertong under 16 not ad­ ing lead would have settled de­ 49 Be 79 Opposite "V e ry beautiful. Don’t do it Senate Democratic Leader Mike 4 'O A ll Pass can Association of Blood Wanir. LiO 20 Arour>d 50 Responsive 80 Be 9:30; F or the Love of Ivy, 7:46. clarer's hash in short order. U 21 Mode AijUARIUS again!” repUed the man who IPerformance that seems logical Mansfield says ho hopes to mitted. Thii age restriction have agreed to Increase the age JUIY23 51 Are 61 Sex JAN'20 had waited over forty yeaw to well-knit, but it is not the defenders always made the kill­ £ 22 0ors 52 Certain 82 Pin bring it up for a vote ’Tuesday. may ba higher In certain limit of donors from 61 years __ „ AUG. 22 23 People 53 Friertds 83 Worry FEb' IB I>erformance which the compos- ing opening lead, we’d all have plan to jump to tour spades at write hds flrUt symphony. Noting the deteat of other areas. Check thaatar or of age to 66 years of age. T h^ 24 Beam 54Poys 84 Appear to bid conservatively. your next turn. H ie hand is not 4- 5-10-24 25 Perhaps 85 Going 2339-49-5 A t least that’s the way e r had in mind. believe this is practical because 55 Likely amendment seeking major cut­ Columbia advsrtlalng. Declarer won the first trick qulte'strong enckigb for an Im­ /31-42-74 26 RomorKe 56 Som^frhot 66 Altered 66-7682-90^ ’The score sets forth the grand of the Improved health of older 27 Fovored 57 To 67 Post Georges Bnescu told the story. backs in the -bill, Mansfield said Printed •• • public tervice in the dummy and drew two mediate jump toXthree hearts. VIRGO PISCIS and ho was a student member of toRether with people. AUG. 23 28 Get 58 Are 88 Helpful the odds - are against Mc­ by this newspaper rotmds of trumi>s with the ace Copyright 1989 29 Ideos 59 To 89 You FEB, 19 ihe orchestra on that occasion. over-all mood. Every last Govern’s proposal. He said crit­ Firemen Get and king. He wisely refrained General Features Ooip. Luncheon will be served to S£PT. 22 30 Today 60 You 90 Down MAS. 20 M orever, it sounds like Richter n'^'ance cannot be indicated, nor ics of Pentagon spending Mt a the -Bloodmobile workers at 1 ... 3- 6-17-19 from taking a trump finesse. Advene 1- 8- 9-3 and Brahms. Which leads me to «b>ould it be. ’These are right- S/22-285557 W»T 0 N c ’u'tJ^l high point with the 60-50 vote on South next led the jack of dia­ p.m., by the Women’s Fellow­ 465675 a discussion about the perform- ^be province of the per- $ l,0 0 0 G ift County Politics the Safeguard ABM system and monds for a finesse, losing to ‘Best’ Marijuana Siezed ship of tho Church. The Tele­ SPORTCOATS form er who. oddly enough, will er’s role in interpretation. "we haven’t been able to got the king. East returned the king phone Committee will call per­ ’The V o l^ te e r F ire Depart­ WATE3RBURY (AP) — Two \ Some years ago Charles ‘wlce alike. within striking distance since." Sen. Marcus of spades, and South made the sons regularly donate. The y \ Munch asked Paul Hume of the ?“ ! exactly. Ihat amendment died because ment received a check for 31,- fatal error ot taking the ace. young men are free on $10,(MO committee includes Mrs. Henry Cubans Flee from Land Washington Post why he had ‘be weakness of the it lacked a majority of votes. Makes Friends bond each in connection with 000 from the Women’s Auxiliary South could afford to lose one Wroblinskl, Mrs. Lester McDon­ SLACKS not Uked a performance of tWs Pb°" o^raph record. It always ’Ihe AMSA has been sought by at Its annual meeting this week, spade trick, and he should have the seizure of what police call ald and Mrs. Robert Mac- same work. Hume replied that » performance with At Houley Party the la-rgest and perhaps the best Granor. Walk-lns\ are always the Air Force for years, but H ^hg check was presented by given it up at this stage to O f ‘N o FcM>d, No Freedom ’ the opening is marked, "Un exact Uude and eventual monot- was blocked by form er SeerC' amoimt of marijiuma detected welcome. \ / Mrs. Guy Beck, president of the Elaat's king. poco sostenUto," and thSit for 38 same conductor cannot By BETTE QUATRALE here. MOBILE, Ala. (AP) — Two tary of Defense Robert S. Mc­ auxiliary. Loses Contract P T A Mf potatoes and other Hold pro­ measures there Is no other P'^y **• composition In the same Namara. In 1068, Secretary State Senate Majority leader duce. Other officers are Mrs. Rob­ South led his other diamond Marcel M. L e v i l l ^ 26, and The Andover PTA \ ^ 11 meet young (^beme who hoped to tempo m'ark, yet the dlSUngulah- way vrith the New York Phll- Eidrward Marcus of New Haven Clark M. Clifford gave it a go-a<- ert Judd, vice president, and to dummy’s ace and discarded Barry M. Walker, |^both of Wednesday at 7 p.m. In the ele­ make the 60-mtle crossing to I f they fEdled to carry out the ed conductor had made sevenal harmo.nic and the Cleveland head and some $26 mllUon has met informally with Tolland Mrs. Edward Fox, treasurer. a spetde on the queen of dia­ Waterbury, were appr^ended mentary school, A potluc^ sup­ orders to work the fields, ad changes during this period. Symphony. ’The organizations Florida In a tiny m bber rsift been spent on research so far Mrs. AUce Chowanec and Mrs. County Democratic leaders at monds. West ruffed with the Saturday in a house police said per w ill proceed the me: leaist 76 per cent of them would " A h !" exclaimed Munch. "But and thulr sound are different. MfcGovern eMimates the have reached the U.S. mainland Clarence Grant are members of an outdoor party Saturday night queen of hearts and led Ida re­ was owned by Levllle. Some of Those attending should be refused school examtaatiotua I fe«l it tli9t w a y !” SlmU-irly, a vlolinlsit would not Rev. Livingston H. Lomas bomber eventually will cotSt the executive board. at the home of State Sen. Rob­ maining spade, whereupon East the six pounds of marijuana con­ , either a main dish or d ____ in a rescuing cargo vessel. auid penalized by a loss of a Therertn comes the rub. " I feel Play a concerto indentlcaJly on from . $10 billion to $12 bilUon ert Houley. 'The women have raised aid distribution programs, often defeated the "contract wHh two fiscated, police said, was iiack- and their own eating uteiudls? Juan Manuel, 21, Emd Raul year In their education, said It that way,” is the comment 'ah Anuuti and on a Guamerhis. and Sen. William Proxm lre, D- money for the building since In the form of school lunch pro­ Marcus is expected to an­ spade tricks. aged for sale. The suspects were Coffee, rolls and butter will be Quintana, 22, completed their Quintana. of so mkny performers. Now I N or would a pianist, play a Wis., says it will be at least $8 nounce his availability for the 5 the Inception of the auxiliary grams, are carried on in coun­ Now go back to the first spade charged with possession of nar­ furnished. This meeting is open trip to freedom Sunday In the Manuel said they had ob­ have always felt, and most cri- Chopin nocturne tho same way billion. McGovern says that be­ in 1963. They have sponsored tries like Poland and Yugo­ nomination of U.S. senator, op­ trick and see what happens If cotics. to teachers, staff and parents U.S, stetunahip Giddea Lykes, tained the raft in exchauige for a tics do likewise, that the really on a Steinway as on a Bech- fore such sums are spent there fashion shows, held card par­ slavia, and relief is offered to posing incumbent Sen. Thomas South refuses to take the ace. only. which plucked them from the watch that had cost him 1,600 lm\portBnt person is the compos- stein. should be further study of the Lt. John Griffin, who led the ties, conducted the annual ba­ refugees, and economic pro­ Dodd, within the next few This holdup play saves his con­ Gulf of Mexico 75 miles eouth- pesos. er. We have always had a pflen- first thing the performer need for strategic bombers In raid of three Specieil Service de­ ■Thlo buskiese meeting wUl In- zaar and put on suppers for grams arc Initiated to help peo­ months. tract. west o f K ey West. Quintana sadd he left a wife ttu de of performers to play and has to do I's to understand what the missile age. tectives, said the marijuana 'was Oude the Instaileiion of Ofhoem various organizations. ple help themselves. Appearing relaxed and per- Blast continues with the jack The rEdt was only 6 feet 8 and small son behind. Manuel \ I'dn g, blit first-rate composers tho compos or had to soy. Some- Sen. John Sherman Cooper, "the best quality that I’ve ever elected kant apring. Mrs. Doris 'They have also marched in Since June 1967 the Church sonalble as he m et with area of spades, and South must take inches long Euid their only sup­ said he wais not mauried. ha^ 'e been few and far between, times this r.nenns voideratandlng R-Ky., meanwhile, has intro­ seen.” CJhambdriaJn, principel, will parades in Bolton, Andover, World service has assisted town chairmen and other active the ace. South then goes after plies were several tins of con- They plan to live In Miami P ersonally, I don’t give a what tho cinnposer was trying duced a revtsed version of his conduct the InstaUattan. The Wllllngton, Lebanon and WeUi- Arab refugee relief operations area Democrats, Marcus and the diamonds, as before, and where Qulntama sadd he ham rel­ amendment limiting U.S. mili­ meeting will also Include tile deiuied milk Find three cans of who op what Frank Sinatra does to say. for .he do«« not always ersfleld. Mrs. Beck said worn- hl8 wife made new acquaint­ West ruffts as soon as he can. atives. \ in the Middle East, in cooper- ■Mnsrn pswcilinii i annual reports of oommiitteea. water. They were at sea tour to a popular song. Its composer succeed. -— . tary aid to Laos and ’Ihalland. ances which may or may not But then West has no spades. en may belong to the auxiliary atlon with the Near East Ooun- tho budget tor the year, choos days. Both were cleaured tor admis­ was. even at the very best. The perforr ner sliould come to It stipulates that congression­ prove to be frulUul in his hunt West must lead a club, for lack even though their husbands are cil of Churches Committee for THEATRE EAST tag of a nomineting committee "No food, no freedom,” was sion to the country by U.S. emi­ nothl ng but a hack with limit- this cx>ncluslcn away from his al approval of siKh aid "Shall not firemen and said she wel­ for delegates at next year’s De­ of anything else, and declarer not be construed as authorizing Refugee Work and the World and Introduction of d4s year’s Quintana’s explEinatlon for their gration and naturalization offi­ ed ir. itelllgence so far as music medium of ex:pres.slon, whether comes anyone Interested In mocratic convention. wins in the dtunmy and dis­ Weekdays at 7:00-8:46 use of the armed forces of the Council of Churches, in the aohool staff. flight from Clkiba. cials Sunday night. is CO. ncerned. He writes for an it be on InsU'umtmt or an or- 'o'nlng the organization. amount of $800,000 in gifts. Among those greeting Marcus cards 'the rest of his spades on Sat., Sun. 2:00-3:46-6:80-7:18 United States to engage in bat­ f Half-Day Session The two said they were em­ audiei ice of limited intelligence chestra. If your Uttle Josephine were U . Gov. Attilio FraseinelU dummy's good diamonds. 9:00 tle in support of local forces in The firemen elected Charles This Is in addition to more than Wednesday will be a half-day ployed drawing maps In the Ha­ which only wants to be enter- sits down at the pi ono and tack- and State Central Oommittee- D ally Question Whites En Route Hoine Sanborn president; Harry Chow- a million dollars’ worth of sup­ aenrton at the EUementary vana City PlEinnlng Depart­ tained and hasn’t the slightest les a new toece assigned by her Laos and ’Thailand.” woman "Naomi Hammer. Partner opens the bidding After Tour of Soviet The Cooper amendment may ance, vice president; Ed'ward plies, including food, clothing, 8<*ooi. d aases 'wUl close at 1 ment. idea 01! evaluating the tune from teacher without studying it first, Area Democratic town chair­ wlHi one spade, and the next come up after McGovern’s. Fox, secretary; K erry Butler, blankets, tents and medical and p.m. Lnnch will be served be­ “We were paid 160 pesos a HONOLULU (A P ) — Mr. and a mus leal standpoint.' - she la 'wrong! Moreover, she’ll assistant secretary; Raymond men were well represented with player passes. You hold: agricultural supplies. fore dosing. A ll ktadeigiarten month," said Quintana, "and on Mrs. Carter White of Meriden Cons, iquently, Sinatra’s Ideas never get the p iece right! Caouette, treasurer; Neil Bone, Ray Bradley from Coventry; Spades, A-8-6-4; Hearts, A-K-10- Within the past year an eco­ chUito'en are to attend the mom- the black market 12 pesos Eire are scheduled to stop over here are pre ibably every bit as valid You may like U;, oventualliy; assistant treasurer, and Ray­ CSiarles Lathrop of Bolton; Leo 9-2; Diamonds^ J-6 ; ChibB, 6-4. nomic development project has tag session. They will be rs- equivalent to one American dol­ today on the w ay back to the as the composer's. Sometimes your neighbors ina.y like it and Pilot Receives mond Judd and Arthur Good- B. Flaherty Jr. of Vernon; What do you sayT been substituted In Greece in tumsd home by bus ot 11:80 lar." Unlt^ States after a two-week they mi ly be oven more valid; compliment Tittlci Joslo, but in- ale, members of the executive Paul Merlck of Columbia, and Answer; Bid two hearts. You the southern Peloponnesus a.m. They said money weis of little tour of the Soviet Union with a he’s a fl rat rate entertainer, and* evKabty there wiIll rom e a cri- Suicide’s Heart; board. Timothy Quinn of Mansfield. area, south of Sparta where The purpose of the eariy eftes- vadue to Cuba anyway because party of Amerlcain Journalists. the prol )lem here Is entertain- tic who has sh»lit art. who will say most unkind things. 144th Transplant Bob Blron, who was seriously were Mansfield State Rep. area are encouraged to help on curriculum matterB in a buy. newspapers from Madne to Cali­ History ' has already passed This is the oritlc’ii jci>. Injured in an auto accident on Audrey Beck. Aloyslus Ahearn T m t themselves with vegetable­ more detailed way. The work "Rice, which appears to be fornia. They agreed during in­ S judgm ent artistically on both A good critic actually knows STANFORD, Calif. (AP) — A the Pennsylvania Turnpike in of Bolton, and 2nd District CCD growing, tree farming, bee­ CMib session Wednesday afternoon plentiful, is rationed at six terviews in Tokyo that most R.lchter t md Munch as against whnt is In the scoi'e . and judges retired airline pilot from Seattle July, is now convalescing In leader Gerald Anderson of An­ / keeping livestock raising, and will be in two parts. Tha first pounds per month per person,” Russiaim aire satisfied with do­ B r ahms. You may possibly accordingly. Mhnjr times ho has received the heart of an Newington Veteran’s Hospital. dover. Active Democrats from IMcai handicraft and community de­ Is the complstion of work on sEdd MEmuel. mestic progress, parttcitlairly in hav e nev' er heard of Richter, knows much betted* than tho Blron, whose oar struck a.dls- each of the county towns were _ f l l l l Oakland, Calif., gunshot victim velopment projects. Criteria tor the Talented and They sedd that when given va­ housing and education. A g enernt Ion hence people will performer whom 110 reviews, abled truck, killing his wife and The Rev. Mr. Lomas received also on hand. In Ihe 18th heart transplant at O N M Y W A Y ''W hat Ever Gifted, Dr. William Vasaar of cations from their regulEur jobs White Is publisher and execu­ not .know the name of Munch. Then come tho hard words. ’The trapping Blron Inside the car for his BA from Bates College and Area CCD Group to Perm Stunb>rd University Hospital. TO THE CRUSADES, the State Department of Ektuca- young men are forced to labor tive vice president of the Jour­ The .name of Brahms will still critic may not atdtirally be a 40 minutes, lost hla left leg be­ his BD from the Colgate-Roch- A regional Caucus of Ckm- H appened tk » will attend at 1 ;80 p.m. The to the sugEu: cane fields and nal and Record newspapers of be all ve wl th the 3 or 4 per cent performer, but you don’t have The recipient was Herman low the knee and received ester Divinity School. An or­ nootlcut Democrats chapter in­ I MET_A CIRLWHd Also.. .Audrey Bepbora To Aunt Alice?" second portion of the meeting young women Eire forced to pick Meriden. ,/ of the popu lace who go to listen to be a hen to loiow a bod egg. Joslyn, 64, who came to Stan­ severe head and facial injuries. dained minister in the Am eri­ cluding the towns of Elling­ **WAIT v n u l d a u " will be devoted to ^leolflc ouo> to serious 1 music. When tho perfonnnor disre- ford three weeks ago with a A spokesman at the hospital ton, Tolland, Stafford and Som­ can Baptist Convention, he has C o l o r CRC rtculum areas. ’The con iposer writes the gards what tho composer intend- badly deteriorated heart - to said Blron was "progressing as held pastorates in churches in ers Is expected to be formed WNOSOR score. If t he performer were o4. be deserves nothing but await a donor. His condition aft­ well as con be expected. Blron , Moss., New York during the next month. Sobod Menu DRIVE-IN ★ RT 5 Our regular 3 S capable of v /riting a significant censure. If he thinks he is er the 4V4-hour operation Sun­ will have to undergo a period and Ohio. Prior to his present Mrs. Janet Batt of Ellington Menus tor tMs week at the Conriplet* Hem* score, h e 'd clo so; but he can't, smarter than tho (xnn poser, let day was called satisfactory. of adjustment and rehablllta- Job, he was Church World l^erv is expected to kick ott the en­ E!iem«ntory School a re : TVxley, I Furnishings Since Therefore,. If. behooves him to him wriite something betlor thun Donor of the heart was Cle- tlon, according to the spokes­ ice representative in Jamaica, rollment campaign late this beef stew, odery-Ktarrot stioks, K e i i l i 's fine 100% Virgin W o o l abide by whi U he finds on the that oomposerr and Uu.ei come to mal Clarence Clark Jr., a 32- man. living in Kingston. month, perhaps with the assist­ rolls and fruit; Tuesday, baked ______1899! printed pa,?e, written there by n®- I «lon’t expert my door- ycar-old outdoor sign compony Blron can receive visitors The dinner will begin at 6:45 ance ot the Vernon chapter. beans, frenkfurts, sauerkraut, W E N 6 DAYS BVBRY WEEK—TOURS. NIGHTS TILL • someonc of gi 'eater powers than ****''' oil worn out over employe who was found early every day beginning at 1ft a.m. p.m., and the program will be­ With the exception of Stafford BURNSIDE HAS A WIHNER! gingerbread, bread - butter; Keith's OfFer Another Quality Service! his own. that Invitntlon. Saturday In hla apartment with but a doctor said, " I don’t think gin eit about 8. the other three towns comprise Wednesday, turkey, rice, beets, SPORT COATS Richard Strauss, who was a bullet wound In his head. a lot of visitors will be a good the 48th Assembly district. Whatever you hear about breeul-butter. Ivory puddtag- Clark died an hour after ar­ thing at this time. He needs PoUtlcei activity on the ohooolate sauce; Thuraday, P both a flrst-n U> i composer and a Real Live Choat Town first-rate cumliictor, has said V(‘rmont Etlitor rival at an Oakland hospital. An time to readjust. He gots a lot county level appears quiet at la tiuel mtaestrone soup, cheese sand­ X.-' that the score i s a Very Imper- ambulance equipped to keep his of mall and enjoys it, so at this GHOSTOWN, Ohio (AP) — present, as most towns, with wich, peanut butter-jelly sand­ TIRED OF LOOKING -a'ccl blueprint \ vhich only out­ Heads AP Group Iwjirt beating took hla body 60 point perhaps mall, would be the T)ils town Is really on the state the exception of Bolton and An­ wich, Apple Betty wHh topping; lines what the |>. irformer should pilles to the Stanford hospital. best thing." map. dover, gear themselves for and Friday, tomato soup, grill­ Gordon Mills, executive Mtltor The Alameda County coroner’s Robert Quinn, Btron’s former It’s not listed among Ohio cit­ local election In November ed cheese sandwich, pickles,' toe office listed his death as a sui­ ies, Incorporated or otherwise, The ^ two exceptions held their cream and sploe coke. Milk to of the Burlington, Vt., I-roo employer in Columbia, said over 'MIDIMIGHT AT THAT OLD cide. $1,300 was dropped into a jar but the name Is In bright red elections last May, served with every meal. SA^:5 Press, Is the new president ot A surgical team headed by oN l®uurl)nUrr at OoUlns Garage and has been letters a half-inch south of Bind- the New Englimd Assottated Dr; .Normiui Shumway per­ turned over to Blron. lay, Ohio. M—cauii Press Netws BxecuUvjw Aosoc-l- formed the operation. Seven of The town U just what the Shumway’s 17 previous trans­ A t 7:16 I UL-^IMA II nllon. He was eilected Sidurday Manchester Evening Herald name Implies—a collection of BURNSIDE plant patients survive. It was mANCHESTi 9:20 I during the lumual fall meeting Coliinibla eorrespondent Vlr- abandoned houses and businees COSMETICS PuMUhed Dully Ex c«pt 8undny» the world's 144th heart trans­ umS Holidays at 13 1 Uaien Street of the nssoctatloii, hold at N ew ­ glnla Carlson, tel. 238-9n4. buildings. The 20 buildings of hit,- s • rtUl i)N NUIoM iiftancheAter. Conn. (06t HO) plant operation. port, R.I. Ghost Town, Including a cobbler Both of Clark’s kidneys also . ||E COUUD THROW Tonight thru Toes. Telephoiie 643-1 1711 Robert C. Achorn, managing ahop, a barber shop, fire house, WELDON DRUG CO. Second CuiAA PiHita) te I’ntd s' wer*- transplanted, the 79th and WASHINGTON (A P ) — Stan "HELL’S ANOEIJ3 'tT' •kli inciiesif r. Conn editor otf tho Worcester, Masii., newspaper office and a replica /'Brute and The Beast" 80lh kidney trnnsplanU at Stan- coveleaki, who won 448 major of Findlay’s first oil derrick, all BUB8CR11*T10N R ATKF Telegram and G A closivup ploUire of n clown He recalls working In the coal phere carries Its restoration to bottom... View were reported in satis­ itstbebest RESTAURANT RENT looking at a baby won tlte IV-gd mines around Shamokln Pa., aa project up to the 1880s when dis- factory condition. __ . _ _ place in of Show In the photo contest. It a 12-year-old, elx days a week covery of rich oil and gas depos- towni 1487 SILVER LANE — EAST HARTFORD Joslyn was the pilot of a Pan from six a.m. to 7 p.m. for $3.76 Its m'ade the area a thriving was taken by George M.. Beau- WE DON'T JUST COVER YOUR We*re- aa American Airways plane that cents a week. boom town, David Hemmings bin of the Woonsocket, R..I., Ckill A C A R ? FURNITURE, WE REBUILD IT! near at crash-landed In March 1968 off Covelcski was Installed Into The restoraUon project was luvl won for Beaubln the first the Oregon coast with 33 per­ OPEN MON.-SAT. 7 LM. to 1A.M. Our regular^ 1517fine annual Buell W. Hudson Mem- ’s Hall of Fame this started 10 years ago by Ed OaP EVERY PIECE 18 PROTECTED RY SOOTCHGABDe your rons aboard on a flight to Hono­ orUU Award. The award, in year roon after hla 79th birth- Itza and has become a booming AT NO EXTRA COST TO YOU— ! telepho ne lulu from Seattle and Portland, Durable Press Luxury memory o# the former publish- day- tourist attraction. Vtm . . . iB Color SUNDAY 12 AH. to 9 P.M. Ore. Jim Brooni «T of the Woonsocket t'.nJl who Included FREE! Extra Arm Covers Foifr persons died in the **KBmia** (0 | died lny.1966, won establlnited by ditching, but Joslyn's skill and ^ to Match Your Upholstery ... All Wool Worsted hla sucx':essor, Andrew p. PaJ. courage were credited with sav­ men*. EASTHARTfORD — F O O D ing the other 18 Uvea after the Audience, Performer Alike Best in Show Is vote)io(( m In the fell oft at 10,000 feet, 46 minutes Stirred Gospel Music Add yeiuv of beauty and ,csnn- SLACKS six dtvtslons of the I'ontest. hy 'but of Portland. W e hRve folly equipped fort to your preMot uphol­ Your order I’or drug needs Btxvubln’s picture was etUeivd LEGAL BEVBtAGES new can for rent by the and cosmetic* will be taker < By JERRY BUCK could never capture In a studio. * ** COMOITIOfMI r> stered Furniture by avaAtag in the features (Mvlslon for pajv yDuraelf of tbU gr eat offer care of tmme lUately. AP Televlslon-Raillo Writer The audience turns on an enter­ day, week <»’ month, at ers under 40,000 cirvuli itlon. y '- i S T A T E from aur-.CkiBtofn Reupbel- NEW YORK (AP) —Trace tainer who In turn turns on the Iriviiitj MasacMiMiu . veiy reasonable rates 1 A photo by HenUd ptiutogm- BowU 297 at 78 stering Department. CSioaoe rock and the blues and soul audience These are black per­ W tiw your car is tied up pher Albert Buceivtclu.s of Pre- from a Special Group of the ^ INDIANAIXiUS (AP) —’ If a back to Its source and you find formers who rarely get to per­ "C h ariv" t m R t*,6t for service or repairs, in’ xident Nixon during a Tliutfurd TS-year-old man choee to limit Newest Partterns In 'Tradl- PrSow A n (ji)stlo!ojniu gospel music—a mixture of form for an all black audience tSonol, Modern, Colonial and W jbiic oampulgn stop lost fall, won his exercise to a brisk 10-mlnute when yqu naed an addi­ oN 767 M AIN 8 T. —4tS-63*l round and spirit that stirs audi­ and from this they get a special ACADEMY Provincial Falwica in Decor- .secoiMl place In Uie iq « t news dally stint In a rocking chair, tional oar . . . ence and performer alike. gratification that shows in their a t o r j^ lo n and AU Tfaar Ou*Mana PreacrtpUoii P harroaoy dlvUdon, nobody would fuss too much. JOIN IN Some of the nation’s best gos­ work." AWARD There’s no such sedentary stt- W E 8PECIAUZE IN CUSTOM MADE pel singers recently appeared at KUshnick, who Is white, be­ uatlon for Everett Chandler of C A a FABRICS and CLEAR VINYL SUPCOVBIS the Harlem Cultural Festival, lieves that the show will be ac­ WINNERS Indianapolis. Chandler likes his which w as taped tor presenta­ cepted by a white audience. An exercise on the bowling lanes, LEARN TO Phone 643-4159 tor Keith's tion aa “ The Folk Gospel MuMc earUer show from the Hariem enjoying the game he has loved CUFF 643-5135 Festivnl" on ABC at 8:30 p.m., festival, featuri:^ the Fifth Di­ FREE HOME SERVICE! for over SO years. So much so. EDT, Tuesday,'Sept. 16. mension. earned a high 38 per ROBERTSON 1969 he competes In three leaguea a We sterllUe and ivpad, seats are rebuilt, iprings are ratted, Among the perforiners are cent rating there on CBS. week and still oorries a proud BEST ACTOR SQUARE DANCE new wMsbing used, loose job iU are regSiwd. tprlng custa- MahaHa ' Jacksm, the Staple "We show a child In a moth­ Sunroof Sedan 183 average. lons are reptaced, saanai oitd welting ore hand-sawn sad Singers and Clara Walker and er’s arms, and no matter wheth­ Chandler earned a special OF THE YEAR fraroea are oompietely poiMiad. the Gospel Redeemers. er they’re black or white or pur­ / MANCHESTER SQUARE DANCE CLUB ‘ • RADIO spot far tenpin lore when he en­ Between 66,000 and 76,000 peo­ ple. no one can say this Is not tered the 1969 ABC tournament neve Te* TiSed RsMh’s "Oae-Stop • BUMPE.R'GUARDt? ple showed up the Sunday the Important. It shows the people In Madison. W ia He roUed a show was taped in Harlem’s across Che country what Harlem a W e n Cotne .To Y oor s AB COMPLETE EXPERT ALTERATIONS - AT NO CHARGE! brilliant 734 series In singles, FUN N I^ H T ■sene TaACvtae Jen! Baea* Dal \ ^ 'V ■ -\' VINYL I.NTERIOR Mount M orris' Bark, which was is.", he saM. good enough for fourth place In a Cee Oer New Bevlrtvtag a We Hawe ‘ meant to hold only 10,000. The production compsmy had X I-., . \ ' a field of 33,769 entrants. “ It had rained all morning five cameras on the stsge and Chandler closed hla series Co-Hit “ For the Love of Iv y Waddell School-^ P.M. MOIIMTY and they stood there in the two trained on the audience, ITAVE with a rousing 397. Not many 3 :« l- rain," said Jerry Kushnlck, who with a separate audio track. men have bred 11 strikes in s with Tony Lawrence, a black "In edMing the show we ran Tuesday, September 16 WE HONOR row in ABC tournament liistory. BROTHERS entertainer. Is executive produc­ the two tracks side by side so Sliii||NrjMtlcr Anderson-Little TED TRIJDON, Inc. There have been only 21 perfect er of the show. "Y ou have to un­ that we c«ui Interplay the excite­ VOLKSWAGEiN PORSCHE (tames and 30 ot 399. derstand what It means. They IN MANCHESTER ment between the. audience and Coller: Earl Johnsion I I , A* A I N -1 I V ' J , H f b I t i- dress tor the show. We take the / entertainers," Kushnlck (Msoehegter Parkade) Weat Middle Turnpike-Brood Street TOLLAND TPKl?. tALariTVILLE The highest point in New them o6t the hot stoops and give said., " I think this takea It out-of • f l y a d m i s s i o n f r e e llumpahlre U the peak of Ml. them a place to go. the elemetit of a bUck EM Sulli­ PlMM M7-9775 Washington, nt 6,288 feet. "There’s an excReinent you van show." B B i.

. » - I -

\ ■ 4 ? " \ \ .... ^ y . . v. y .y"^ y' ' X - PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 .. ■ ' ■ ■ - ''1. ■ - V ■: V ' ^ ' ' V - ' Y Hebron MANCHiarriiaEt EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. NATTONS, N .T. (A P ) — Wladyslaw Ootnulka, niais and North Vietnamese of Klngriey BlrdsaH Carpenter Fund Committee which is now ^ ®‘®® P '*"' 10) Ben Osaey 34) A Storm. A StrVe GLCNDORA, Mlaa. (A P ) — (AP) — Secretaiy-Oenerel U OfMrs-Nelles , Their quota is 78 pints. head of Poland’s Oommunlst refugees today at memorial David Frost 7:80 (UM(K »436m M y Wortd and fH of Storrs Saturday rooming Bami>er Room Welcome To It Some 10,000 irartbwest Mlsais- Thant today called for serious Appointments majy be made services for the late North Viet­ TORONTO (AP) — The ]%. party, paid a visit today to Obm- Film (8) S p e ^ : World Without rtppl residenta were bock efforts to bring Red (3iina and at the Church of the Assump­ The three latest additians are by callii^ Mrs. Edward Foote, namese President Ho Chi kOnh Ifim sten Bun France into disarmament geet manhunt In Ontario’s histo­ muntot party efUef Guatav Hu- ;40) OUllssn'B Island Alfred Hltohoock today after an evaeuation oeder tion. Robert Dixon from the Planning Rt. M, Hebron. However, walk- in the northeast 'n w i town ot 6:80 (18) Leave It to Beaver S rti^I of Safety wkh the other nuclear power*. sak. by ttete officials sent (hem ry ended Friday night with the Nongkhal. 40) Truth or Oonseiiuences The___ AvengeiwA He d^lored what be called The bride' is the daughter of and Zoning Commlsalon: Har- ^ welcome. 30) Scope Gunamoke fleeing from gas released by a recovery of 8200,000, pre*ian*d Radio Prague said Gomulka The demonstration started (SO) OHIigaa’a Island 8:00 (34) French Chef the lack of {mogreos tn dtoarma- Mr. and ICrS. Gerard Smith of train derallmeat. to be the ranooni paid for th* r*- I T " cub S c o u r^ a c r ^ S 'llll host a met Husak at Ostrava,______in north- when Thais objected to Hb’s (8) Stump the Stars (1041000-2330) Lough-In ment negotiations duih^ the 21 Overland St. The bridegroom 6:46 (34) Friendly Giant 8:80 ( ^- Guns - offwliir Soonett Oontpoveray arose Friday B raro of Finance, and P. John fam ily picnic Sunday, Sept. 21, Moravia, for a i ^ r t visit portrait being displayed at two 6:00 (3^10-13-40) News, Sports, Here's Lucy ^st year and the continued ia the aon of Ilk. and Mrs, leaae of M ary Nellea, and the over whether the evacuation F w ia m from the Board of at Gay City State Park starting discuseions. Buddhist temples where the Weather 34) N E T JournsI differences between Peking and Henry Wheeler of Colchester. arrest of five men charged with aiguishts 9:00 3-13) Mayberry R. F. D. was necessary. 2 p.m. Each family is asked Q om ulka’a arrival took services had been held since (34) Ifisteroger’s Netebhor- 10-303330) Monday Night at the two big super-power*. The Rev. Elmest J. Ooppa of her kidnaping. Friday. hood thebe Movies Am ong tile evacuees was Sen. Thant told a news conference the Church o f the Assirniption They wUl serve along with to bring its own lunch and ice Prague political Observers by (30) Bat Haeteraon (8) Monday Night Movie Police, aided by trachhv G. Earl Porter, D. Benton Crtt- cream will be provided by the eurprise and further rr^nhised Thai townspeople, singing pa­ (IS) Ky Favorite ILutian (18) Della Reese Show James O. Eastland, D-Mlas., that the association of the five performed the doidile-rlng' cere­ triotic songs and shouting that (30) HcHale's Navy (40) The Outcasts who called for a (Mogreasional world nuclear powers In direct mony. Paul Chetelat was oi^ dogs, found the money burled tendon and Marion O. Foote Pack. the polKlcal situation here. 6:06 (40) Rawhide (3-12) FomOy A ffa ir their troops were fighting North Inveertgatlon of raU aafety. ganist and soiolat. Bouquets of from the Board of Education, Boys who have not yet regia- In Baatem E u n ^ the Polish 0:30 (3-13) W alter Ootdtiie (34) Lorents and FUm dteaimament negotiations is near a cottage tn the ibisfcuka and Charles Barrasso, Roy Vietnamese in Vietnam, at­ (8) Evening News (8-13) N F L 80th Aonlveim ry “Tragedy can be lurking on ev­ "an Indiapenofble step to fashion gladioU, camatioizB and pom­ resort area of Foote* Boy, shout t^ e d may db so at this time. Oommunlst party chief is r«- (20) FOm News tempted to tear the portraits ery train,’’ he said at a hotel (n a world free from fear.’’ pons were on the attar. miles north ^ TVxcato. Wlrth, and Howard Porter, Thoro in the troop last year garded as a national-minded (10-2330) HunUey-Brlnldey Dick Csvett Bb 110 down. (34) What's New 10:80 (18) What's U y Line nearby Cleveland. "Wo must do He expressed h c ^ that rrta- members elected at the Aug.> 26 need not re-regrlster for this Communist who once defied (18) Dick Von Dyke 11:00 (3-10-13-23W News The bride waa given In mar­ Later, they placed charg** of Town Meeting. PoHce battled to keep order in 6:45 (30) News (20) Sea Bunt whatever we caii to i«event tions between Peking and Mos­ riage by her father. She wore a kidnaping and conoptraey to . . - Moscow in 1966, but has turned The committee has been au­ the temples biK fighting broke 7:00 (18) Movie (18) Miovia tragedlea Uke this, and we must cow—and also between Peking tuH-length empire gown of peau Udnap ogainot: Famlldes planning to attend completely orthodox and So- (18) To Tell The Truth 11:80 (1630-3330) Tonight do It quickly.’’ thorized by the same town meet­ out. Several North Vietnamese (3) After Dinner Movie (8-40) Joey Bishop and Washington—would be re­ d' ange and Chantilly lace de­ John. Rogan, about 10, a r «* l should contact either Robert viet-orlented. (2330-40) News. Weather. (3-13) Merv G riffin ing to engage an architect and Dixon, Fred Brehant. or Rov i~i ^ were injured. The police had The residents of 10 Mississippi stored “to normalcy—-even if signed with cameo neckline, Sports' 1:00 (33-ir1630-40) ■■News Lorinc plwto Lorlng photo estate salesman; Peter Bum*. to secure preliminary sketches ^ Gomulka visited Husak at a asked them to remove Ho’s por­ Delta towns and 1,400 Inmates they are not cordial.’’ long sleeves. A-Hne skirt, and The engagement of Miss Ann The engagement of Miss Jo­ 23, a tranqxMt company eaa> and estimated costs Involved in traits, but they refused ■ SEE SATURDAY’S TV WEEK FOB COMPLETE LISTlNaS of the state penitentiary at The secretary-general said he cathedral train. Her bouffant Bill Verity, 43-year-old mariner who launched his Phyllla Zatkowskl and Gary anne B. Vincent of Mjancheater ptoyee; Ralph Qameron. M, un­ the construction of a 12-room In northecMt Thailand, where Parchman were e'vacuated after was glad to note the meeting be­ veil of silk Illusion was a m u s ­ employed; Gary Adams, M, * Charles Hatre, both o f MAn- to Raymond C. Wtarren of Bol­ addition to the Gilead HiU 20-foot craft May 22 from Fenit, Ireland, has land­ more than 30,000 Vietnamese five tank oars loaded with vinyl tween Soviet Premier Alexei N. ed from a matching headpiece, printing office operator; ond refugees live, some Thai-lan- Radio cherter, has been annoutKCd by ton has been announced by her Kosygin and Chlnse Premier School. CTs as Surrday is also the date ed at San Salvador, Bahamas, the island where chloride derailed, exploded and and she carried a cascade bou­ i Michael Whitestde, M, a prink­ mer party leader Alexander guage newspapers carried (This listing Includes only those news broadcasts of 16 or U her parents. Hr. and Mrs. Stan­ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Chou En-lal In PeUng lost They will hold their first meet­ of their first game. However, caught fire Thursday night. quet of white carnations and ing aateaman. Dubcek and others popular Columbus stepped into the New World. The black-bordered portraits of the minute length. Some stations carry other short newscasts.) ley E. Zatkowskl of 171 Thomp­ J. Vinoent of 140 Stmunk St. week. ing tomorrow evening et 8 at they are invited to attend after Dr. J.T. Mlnyard, a state pink sweetheart roses. The five, who live at the same prior to last year’s Soviet-led In­ brawny Irishman from Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., is hav­ late Vietnamese leader. son Rd. ' Her tance is the son of Mr. He expressed thanks to Presd- the Town Office Building. the game. (diemist, said the vinyl chloride Mrs. Robert G. Smith of Ver­ rirett addres* In central ToroB- vasion. This has caused some concern 6:30 Sports, News Her fiance is the son of Hr. and Mrs. (Jhatles H. Warren of dent Nixon for Ms decision to Bloodmoblle Visit ing problems with Bahaman authorities for inade­ 6:00 Hartford Highlights 7:46 Lowell Thomas "by itself is toxic’’ and the non, slrter-in-law of the bride, to, are to appear tn court, tn In 1966 after talking bock to in Bangkok because northeast 7:00 News 8:00 Sptek Up Hartford and Mrs. Charles Matre of 118 South Rd. addree* the 24th session of the The Columbia-Andover-Heb- Manchester Evening Herald 13:16 Sign O ff ' burning was sending deadly was matron of honor. Brides^ Whitby Tuesday. the then-Sovlet leader Nikita S. quate papers. Photo shows Verity repairing his rud­ Thailand is the (grating 8:00 Gaslight West Center St. Miss Vinoent is a 1968 gradu­ U.N. General Aosembly Thurs­ ron Chapter of the American Hebron correspondent 13:00 Quiet Hours W n C —1686 phosgene gas into the air. maids were Mrs. Robert Kick­ Anne Khrushchev, GomiUka was der at sea Aug. 14 after aid by U. S. dkiast Guard. ground of a well organized guet- 8:00 Afternoon Edition Miss JatkDwsU is employed ate of Atenchester High Schoot. day and said the decision Adame and Ouneron were ob- Red Cross wll sponsor the Rod Emt, tel. 228-3971. WPOF—1416 6:16 Market Report However, Unlroyal. Inc., of ing of Vernon, cousin of the reried Friday night a* they _____ cheered by the Czechs and Slo­ rllla force trained by North 6:00 Danny Clayton 0:20 Weather as a phyrtcal therapist by St. She is^a Juntor in (h e regtalered showed Nixon’s desire to dem­ 6:00 Dick Heatherton Gelsmar, La., where part of the bridegroom, and Mias Kathleen vaks. Outside the Czechoslova­ Vietnamese cadres 0:X Strictly Sports Francis Hos{4tal, Hartford. She nursing program at Hartford onstrate hts support to the world atepped dff a ptane from Mont­ 9:00 BUI Love 6:38 Afternoon Edition ahipment originated, dfoputed Kelley of Newington. 1:00 Gewy Girard Hospital School of Nursing. organization. real. The othera were pieked 1 9 kia’s Dubeck government, Gom­ 7:00 Accent 69 the danger. is a I960 graduate of Bouve The attendants were dressed Bolton Red Tape Tangles I f cleaning fluid la used on W INF—1236 7:30 David Brinkley Mr. Warren is a 1967 gradu­ Thant repeated Ms call for near their apartment buildtiv. ulka Lb about the only/Com­ College of Physical Therapy, alike In full-length blue empire plastic and leather, it ma^ stif­ 6:00 News 7:30 Red Sox va. Imhaiis A company spokesman said ate of Howell Cheney Technical Big Four talks on the Middle Mrs. Nellea, 26-y * a r •• 1 d munist who enjoyed suefc per­ 6:10 Uncle Jay 10:10 Nlghtbeat Northeastern UnlversRy, Boe- gowns, eaal(ioned with ring cot- fen the plastic and take the 6:00 News 11:00 News, Weather vinyl chloride (a not lethal and School. Ha is serving with the East crisis during the assembly daughter of a Toronto mlUloti- sonal popularity but U long ton, and a 1966 graduate of lors, ebort sleeves, back panels, H ig h School Accredited color fitun leather. 6:10 Walter (Jronklte U :30 si^rts Final "it is Impossible to liberate U.S. Navy as an etoctrtclan's session opening Tuesday, but aire, and her huOband, Henry faded. Brendan the Bold 6:26 H arry Reasoner 13:00 Other Bide of ihe Day East Cathode High School. and A-ltne aldrta. They wore phosgene, other than incmise- mate aboard the USS Salute in said he had been toM that the Radcfiffe N cIIm , a Toronto bro­ Dubcek’s critics in Czechoslo­ Mr. Matre is a sergeant in matching headbows, and car- SAN SALVADOR, Bahamas ti(m, but apparently no word quentlal trace amounts, when Charleston, 8.C. tim e waa not ripe for a summit kerage employee, were ov*r- For a Five-Year Period vakia now argue that personal the U.8. Marine Corps Honor , ried cascade bouquets of light (A P ) —A lone sailor missing from them reached shore. vinyl chloride is freely burning No date has been announced session on tMs subject. The big powered Sunday night aa thay popularity and Idolatry were Guard In Washington, D.C. He pink carnations and burgundy The Bolton Board of Educa­ for a month has turned up after Verity spent two years In Ire­ In the air.’ ’ powers, he said, felt that preli­ returned to (heir convertod- Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 2 among the mistakes of 1968 for served with the Srd Marine DI- far (he wedding. red carnations. tion has received word from the a 114-day Atlantic crossing from land overseeing construction of Dr. Robert T. Van AUer, the minary preparations' had to be sctioofoousc home In Claremont, p.m. ait the Community Hall. which Dubcek must be held re­ ■vlslon in 'Vietnam for a year. William Pesola of Bolton serv­ New England Association of Ireland undertaken to prove Brendan the Bold. chalrmem of the chemistry de­ made before a top-level meeting 26 milea northeaat o f Toronto. The project for the day is the sponsible. LANE GUITAR and MUSIC CENTER Be graduated from Elast Catho- ed oa beat man. Ushers were that a legendary monk known He also crossed the Atlantic partment at the University of on this or other problems. Colleges and Secondary Schools making of paper weights, for Presumbaly Huaak was seek­ Uc High School in 1966. The attacker* bound and as Brendan the Bold could have three years ago in a 12-foot Headquarters For: Guitar, Drums, Trumpet, Piano and Banjo Lessons Southern Mississippi, agreed Tomkiel Helps Thaik sold that. In tits view, Paul Smith of Hebron and Rob­ that their commlsalon on sec­ which the following shoidd bo ing Gomulka’s advice and sup­ The wedding is plaimed for ert O. Smith of Vemon. broth­ blindfolded the coupi* and took done it 1,400 years ago boat. with M lnyards conclusions, and there was. no conflict between Ifom n ptipRo ondary schools has voted to brought; Paper weight, flat port on the purge measures the M ay 2, 1970 in the Church of the ers of the bride. Mre. Nelle* away, leaving har Bill Verity, a brawny, 48- added; "Even a little hit of Plans Conference four power talks on the Middle MRS. KINGSLEY BIRDSALL (’AUPENTKR III grant Bolton High School ac­ dried mateii^, clear contact Czechoslovak party Intends to Assumption. Mrs. Smith wore a nlle green huaband behind. year-old Irishman who braved phosgene gas Is dangerous. It is Bast and the bilateral talks creditation ond membership paper, Elmer’s glue, felt and imdertake. Eli Turns Out Manchester Town derk Ed­ dresa and coat with matching The Nelles' houee ta Isolated, Hurricane Debbie en route, said Special! 10-Week Hobby Glass an insidious poison that does not which have been going on be­ the south pnrktng lot mt Man­ for a limited five-year period. cardboard. Some of the Czechoslovak ex- accessories and an orchid. The with the neareet neighbors liv­ he was “ damn glad to be back." To Welcome the Girls act Immediately.’’ ward Tomkiel is a member ot tween the United States and the chester Menioriiil HospItAl Final action will still be neces­ New members are always tremists favor n purge which go NEW HAVEN, Conn. (A P ) — For Adults and YotmgBters bridegroom’s mother wore ' a ing about half a mite away. The former Fort Lauderdale, the general committee for this Soviet UiUon. I Fire Calls |where they wiuihed down gtuio- sary by the executive commit­ welcome to the group, an ex- deeper then does Nuaak. Lining Starts Wed., September 24th A 74-year-old man was critl- Dr. Moriarty, gold brocade dreas with match­ Through a series of tsisphona Fla., boat builder put wobbly ^^® girls ever to enroll as He said, however, that he be­ tee and the annual meeting of tension service of the Tolland up Woe support would be Hu-

A y-y- *:.-i -’i' 'S-V '* - \ "' ■ ' ■■■', ‘ \ ■■

\ - ^ .Y\ •' \ PAOE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 PAGE SEVEN Vernon high-level U.S.-Soviet discus­ AlKes Lower U.S., Soviets sions since the Nixon admlnl*- FLETGHE^SCS^niOiTFMANanKnai Vernon traflCR boolc office. K id n a p e d Rescue Teams Desceud Life Queries Coventry Catholic Council Plans Export Bans The meetings srill comet as the U 9492I To Hold Talks United N itons General Assem­ 54 McKEE STREET , Robert H. Steele Named Youth ^Kept iluto Fire-Scarred Miue T h u rm on d’ s bly begtasT Ms Fan session. Rog­ Now Ik the thne to bring in your screens to be repadM. High School Boosters Cluh Series of Four Lectures O n Soviets WASHmOTON (AP) — Pro­ ers srtU be in N ew Y ork to r N ix­ / Stom window glkm reptoeed. By NILES JACKSON that thundered through the TH- posed strategle arms controls on ’s d eliv ery o f the U.S^ speech GOP Campaign Chairman Assoriated Pieee Writer mHe Ica g m ine N ov. 90, 1908. A aeriM of four lecture* on opment Committee of the Na­ LONDtm (AP) — The UMted f f is C o o l’ Sale of Land to the U.N. next Thursday. FAKKINQTON, W. Va. (AP) AN exlto were sealed 10 days Has Annual MeetingTonight "Living Christianity Today” tional Council of Chtholic States and 14 aU ed oountrlea and the continuing Middle East AUTO a U SS INSTALLED Robert H. Steele o t F to e s t Ths State Department said siewald, 12 Grand Ave., three BBVBRLY HHJ:^, Calif. — Two mine recovery teams, later 'When the continuing eigiio- will be presented by the area W om en. are lowering their barriers on ctM s are expected to be key NEW YORK (AP) — When The Coventry High School good coUection on back taxes. Rogens* effort to search for a View Dr. has been appotatod foot sideline variance for an ex­ (AP) — "He kept bis cool and with self-contained breatMng skMH d oom ed rescue e ito ito . Council on Adult Religious Edu­ Parish ticket chairmen In­ exports of strategic products to OLASS FURNITURE T O R Sen. Strom ’niurmond, R-S.C., Boosters Club, now one year according to Mrs. Bray, Items on the agenda for Secre­ Middle East solutkxi also would RepubHcan campaign ebainnon tension to south side consisting appeal^ on thrir backs and Three etovator apeelallats cation. The council was formed clude Mrs. William Dlugos, St. the Soviet bloc. But the bans are didn’t make any funny or sud'^ old. WiU hold Its flrat annual There has been a change In tary of State William P. R oars’ include meetings with the Egyp­ for ttie November eleotioas, of family room and garage in hard hat lamps HetiUior their opened a trae tor the recovery and his partner sold and con­ la st spring b y la y persona In Joseph’s; Mrs. Robert M eiwd, staying up for trade with the laivate talks with Soviet For- MIRRORS (Hraglsee aad Door) R-16 zone. den moves,” oald the poUee meeting tonight at (he high program for (he Wednesday tian, Jordanian and Israeli for­ Town cfaalnnan llKMnaa Qar- way, descended the 648-foot oreww Sunday whan they demned for a South Carolina neighboring Catholic Parishes St. Bernard’s and Mrs. Ter­ Asian Oommuniat governments elgh Minister Andrei Oromyhn P re-O ana SeoslQai chief admiringly of the kidnap school auditorium. It la also the night meeting of the Junior eign mintsters phis leaden of ruthers baa announced. Atha’s Run elevator shaft at dropped by bucket to the bottom highway last year, they re­ In order to encourage the for­ rance Orochowskl, Sacred and ARiemla. The State Depeutment an­ PICTURE FRAMIN8 (all types) first club meeting since the July Women’s Club, due to the Ul- bther nations oonoerned with A Pre-Cana session, the sec­ victim . fire-scarred Oonsoli^Uon Coal at Atha'a Run abaft to check the mation of Individual discussion Heart, all of Vernon; Mrs. Hen­ Diplomats reported Sunday nounced Friday the scsstons In Steele is tile son of radio per- ceived more than twice the trlp to Coventry, IBngland, and ners of the scheduled speaker, the problem. aonaUty Bob Steele. He waa ond of two conducted by St. "I cannot explain toy aorfs G>. No. 9 mine today. elevator guides and cobles. groups concerned with contem­ ry Lafontalne, St. Matthew’s, that concesslonB to be an­ New York 8ept. 22 and Sept. 36 WINDOW and PLATE OLASS price of other landowners along spelal guest at tonlgh’s meet- Dr. Howard Iger of the ImU- The dates for these meetings active In poUUca on the atate Bernard’s Church, will be held aotivtUos," said the motiier of Elach team Included five Mgh- Company workmen went porary religious thought. Tolland; Mrs. Gordon Frasln-*!- nounced next month wUl not be would be working dinners—with Tub&idoOTr^ftw^^30jo^4^ja^fcnBtenatloo the route. Life magaxlne says. Ing wlU be the Rev. Robert tute of Living. were described os Still tentative lev el in the 1968 RepidiH can U .S. Wednesday at 7:80 at Sacred the man arreoted in the kidnap­ ly trained mine rescue workers down next to pump about 18 feet The series of speakers brings li, St. Eldward’s, Stafford esrtended to Communist China, The Unaffiliated Rogers the host for one and In its ciirrent Issue, Life said Johnston, who la the new curate Three staff member* at the —except for the Israeli prime Senate campaign and baa been Heart Church, R t 80. ing. "I don’t know what In. the and six inspectors, two earii of water from (he elevator pit to the area persons of national Springs; Donald Keen and to Albania, Its only European Gromyko the host for the other. Thurmond and hla former law of St. Mary Magdalene Church Institute of Living wlU tiU tn for minister’s scheduled visit to promlnwitly mentioned tor Oie Onq>les planning marriage tn worid I would say to Alan' representing the State Depart­ Nornoul ventilation of the reputation whose talks will aid P hilip Toliaano, St. Luke’s, E3- ally, or to North Vietnam and Still Outnumber They will mark the first such associate, now a federal Judge, in Coventry, England. He la now Dr. Iger, with a panel dlscus- Washington Sept. 35. Read Herald Advertisements -RepubHcan nominaUtm for Con- the near future, regardleas of Ramo's family." ment of NOnes, the U.S. Bureau eastern taro mSes of the mine in the understanding of some llngton; Mrs. L. Norman Dut­ Noirth Korea. receiv ed 8493 an a cre to r 66 In the area visiting friends, and bIo" *rt to foDonv brief tallc* greoi in the Second Oongrea- religious affiliation, are urged Ramo, 19, was rescued m of Mines, and the company. began Sunday 'when ofllcialB contemporary positions and ton. St. Maurice, Bolton, and The embargo on munitions Party Voters acres, wMIe othera got an aver­ will bring greetings tcmlght *>Y the tiuree. They are Dr. alonal Diatrict In 1970. to attend the' meeting. harmed by police after bring The te?ms were expected to timied on the second of hro ex­ problems of adult Christians. Mrs. John D’Arcy, All SalnU, and other war weapons re­ age o f $300 an acru. from hosts In the English city, Wayne Owen, psychologist; Dr. He la a graduate of Amherat Gerald Mathevrson, Dr. Ifi- abducted from in front of his expkHre the mine for four to five haust tens to clear out methane Both Catholics and non-Catho- Som ers. m ains. HARTFORD, Com. (AP) — Thurmond lsSue fine the tops of celery arid. "It waa abeoIxAely incredl' som e 100 C otm erilout achoola to Sachems Win edge of the loch. Republican Town Chairman represent the Coast Guard In Me to me. I don’t know If he determine the nature and scope I»er month on the unpaid bal- Increase In report- port by the Iraqi government place, although two weekly es. and add to a barbecue eai^ . SLATE • ASPHALT The Sachem aoccermen The bustnesamen were keep­ Titoinas Carruthers noted that the parade given in New York could explain his acU'vlties If I of female participation In the ance. Delinquent taxpayer* about border fighting between^ magaslnea on Saturday criti­ opened thrir season Friday ing secret their names and the four Innings were no guar­ City tor the returning moon talked to hton." state’s high school Industrial should call Mr*. Bray’s office "lonlh* of 1988 roa* only 8.9 per the two countries vras a "100 per. cised Chinese terrltoral claims. PITOH • ASBESTOS with a big 4-1 victory over the where the bone won Mdden, but antee of final 'Victory in a ball astrcHiauts. Arte prografn. In the Town Hall for compute- een graduated from Mrs. Bray will be attending “ •"* P *^ y*" that Iraqi troops killed 80 Ira­ the Soviet Union. ALL ROOFS Talks Continue In her survey: Do you object to Top scorer for Rham was bringing their find to the Loch Blectronics School at Govemora p ires. having femalee in your shop, a meeting thU Friday where **“““• “ “ “ P**^ nians and captured U who were' Island and has been assigned Dennis Dtmn wUh three goals Ness Phenomena Inveotigatlon Grant Voling Rifi^ts On the two teams were some do the girls appear to be doing Bureau. various legUUtlon affecting tax trying to slip across the north­ PITOHED ROOFS since last March to the U.S. \t Panmunjom and Calvin Oooildge accounted collector* win be discuaead by and not oo ths etraet. of the candidates tor the No- aa well grade-wise os the boys for the other goal on a penalty The men said that during a ern border to Join the rebel To Zurich Women Coast Guard Loran Station near Emil Bsullak, director of the ZURICH, Swltserland (AP) — 'vember election. The flrat ball SEOUL (AP) — UJI. and and do you feel that girls should Mck. fishing trip last May they found Kurdish forces led by Mustafa Apply for FLAT ROOFS Johnston Island. Munldlpal Division of the Stats D firtm oirtll Expect* Barsanl. Ihe broadcast did not The women of the Swiss Canton SPECIAL PRICE was tosaed by Miss Carol Nor- Marine Lance Opl. John F. North Korean offtoer* talked be required to take shop The team consider* tills a big what they thought was a log, cou rses? Tax Department. Following this 9Q BU ck Recifilranto say when the battle took place. of Zurich have been given equal val, "Mias OonnecUcut." Peter Syverud, son of Mr. and Mre. privately tor nearly two Iwur* victory as they have oomlUetely dragged It Into poolUon to use It / Humphry pitched tor the Demo­ at Pamnunjom today, presuma­ Ms a seat, and dlzoovered It warn meetlns, Mrs. Bray will have HANOVER. N.H (AP) The Kurds are a tribe In political lights In local affairs in a larger loan SHINQLE ROOFS Anar ^yvenid of Trout Stream In the final paragraph of her revamped their teom this year, FOR FLAT ROOFS crats and Arthur Callahan for bly over coixHUons tor the re­ porous with marrow In the cen­ more Information on new lefts- Dartmouth College expecto to northern Iraq who have been a country where male suprema­ Dr. 1* serving at Camp Lejeune, article, Flatsy 'concluded that having lost nine lettermen who the Republicans. Both ane can­ lease of three Americana held ter. lotion. i^ve 90 black etudenU among fighting the government for cy has long prevailed. NX!. the wrvey showed that girls graduated last year. Also, they didates for the Board of Rep­ prisoner since their helicopter T)ie MivesUgatfcin bureau aald She has alao announced that aoo Incoming freshmen, years over territory and self- Almost 80 per cent of the all­ from the largest He is attached to Supply Bat­ taking part In industitol arts are now in the medium school resentatives. was shot down Aug. 17 over that 1/ the men produce the bone of the 81,660.100 In taxes due The college accepted 300 government. male electorate went to the talion, Second Force Service courses are encouraged in some closstflcatlon — "B " schools — North Korea. and must play in the "CTAC and It looks prombring, the bu­ for the current year. |a83.e83 black*, but anticipate* thal An Iranian spokesman said It polls Sunday to accept the pro­ During the day’s activitieB a Regiment, Iforce Trtxqje Fleet oases to really "get Invalved" It was the second private talk M" tournament. reau will fly It to Chicago for an ho* been collected. Thl* nipre- about 90 will reglater. Five was possible that Iranian Kurds posal to grant their women the This miracle ma­ toll booth was set up where Marine Force In the AUemtlc. by thrir teachers — although lending company. reported held. examina^on by Roy Mackal, a MnU about half of the taxes due year* ago. 14 biaclu enrolled on the border "might have vote In local elections and the thoee attending could contribute Na'vy Bnsign Richard M. Di- most girls are now only In draft­ Board Meeting The first negotiation reported­ The Regional Diatrict 8 Board leading biochemist who ti a di­ for the July payment period, out of 19 accepted. staged a fight." right to hold local offices. The money for the campaigns if Pletro, son of Mr. and MTs. ing oourses. terial is a mod­ ly took p la ce Sept. 8. of Education wlN hold Mb rector of the bureau. wMh collection of Ihe other half t.aat year. 29 black studenU Earlier this summer, Iraq and vote w as 03,409 to 67,103. they wished. This money and Joe^[>h IMPietro of Deerfield Dr Scbelai* Drive monthly meeting tMs evening The bureau’a taama mode expactad to be collected durliif regletered a* freshmen, The proposal was defeated the proceeds from the refresh­ has graduated from the Radar The UM. State Department Iran nearly came to blows In a The annual "DoUart for Schol- practice electronic sweeps of the January payment period. Tti* 300-yeaiM>ld ImMMuUbn three years ago, ern Jet - age m ent ela n d s 'wlU be divided hod no comment after the first at 7 :S0 In the high school ca fe ­ dispute over the Shatt A1 Arab, Intercept Operator Course In ars" drive will be held at Rham teria. the 700-foot-deep loch Sunday, There has also been a fairly haa about 180 bteck alumni Zurich la one of six cantons among the two political parties. meeting on when or whether the an estuary that Is their southern Great Lakes, 111. on Oct. 1, 2, and 8. This cam­ but because of local Inststance where women now enjoy com­ thermoplastic News of Servicemen North Koreans might rrieoee border. '' As a graduate of the eburae, paign is the main source of the on oboervlng the BabbaUi, they munal political rlghU. TTie oth­ U.S. Air Fbrce Sgt. Robert W. the prisoner*. Bnsign' DiPietro was designated PTSA’s 8100 Schoiarahlpa. delayed launching a full-Bcale ers are Geneva, Vaud, Neucha- Sauer, son of Mr. and Mrs. The three crewmen are Capt. Rhody AMititant New DemocnUs Seek And borrow which stays flex­ a Naval Flight Officer and re­ It is hoped (hat all tasnUles huiA untU today. tel, B asel and Bern. But In 10 Robert Sauer of 429 Timnel Rd., David H. Cra'wford of Pooler, ceived his HFO w ings. wMl participate to enable the or- KINGSTON, R.I. (AP) — Lou Spoctal equipment Is to To Overthrow Park other canton* the women are has arrived for duty at Ander­ Ga.; WO Malcolm V. Loepke of Dr. Michael R. Sharon, 67 gantaation to award a maxi­ CamponelU Wsdnssday waa screech electronic aounds Into SEOUL (AP) — A constitu­ still barred from politics. ible and pliable son AFB, Guam. Rlctamond, Ind., the pilot; and with confidence. UWon St., has been named to mum number of scholarriilpa. named assisUnt the depths of the ipeh In an at­ tional amendment allowing Sgt. Sauer, a munitions spe­ the Board of Directors of the Spec. 4 Herman E. Hototatter of Clowes CItod coach at the University of D tempt to force the monster Into D o n ’t try South Korean President Chung in temperature cialist is assigned to a unit of Lowpolnt, Dl. Connecticut Heart Association. Robert Clowes, imadc di­ Rhode Island to succeed Stave radar range. Hee Park to seek a third term the Strategic Air Command. He North Korea has told Military Marine Weather Dr. Sharon serves as the direc­ rector at the Mgh school, has Vaedetidak, who wants to return BclenUaU aald ana sound they stirred up more protests today. I»:evlously served at Westover ArmMloe Oommlaeion meeting* WINDSOR LOOKS. Oonn. (AP) changes from tor of the Coronary <3areUWt been honored by being opixMnt- to profeeelonal baakethdU. hope to reproduce la the noise of The bill was passed by Na­ A FB M aas. He is a 1965 grad­ that Oawford and Hofotatter ed to the Leblanc Music Edu­ to lose weight —The U.8. Weather Bureau saye at Rockville General Hospital. CamponelU has been varsltjr a car door riammlng. SevanU tional Assembly members from were aerlouaiy injured and Le- cator* National Advisory Board. tides wlU be high along the Oon- aroletai* end head freehmon peraons who claim to have eeati Park’s ruling Democratic Re­ minus 90° to opke suffered sUght Injuries. The Advisory Board has a neoUout shore today from 12:16 coach at the Uriverslty of the monStai'a humpa said that public party in a session late After the Sept. 8 meeting, membership of 881. It Includes Bridgeport tor the past two to 3310 p.m . 300° above to Vernon State Departing apokeaman when they slammed the doors of a lo n e . Saturday night at an assembly many noted authorities in every years. their ca rs, NaaMe vonlahad. ^ annex building. The majority tiow tide at Old Saylbrook to­ Robert J. McCIoskey said day at 7:16 a.m. knd 7:4S p.m. did not notify opposition mem­ "There la reason" to believe the Sunset today 7:03, sunrise protect your bers who wore conducting a sit- health of the three crewmen Tuesday at 6:88. Town Board To Consider in In the math legislative hall to "haa improved." Boating weather for Long Is­ prevent assembly action bn the roof. In Seoul, ft was speculated bill. land Sound to iContauk Point Henry Bldg. Site Sale that the United fitates might and Block Island: Variable The opposition New Demo­ have handed over to the North winds five knots becoming south­ The Board of Representatives tract; discussion ooncenilng Koresms a letter of apology dur­ Manchester Community College cratic Club Issued a statement erly about 10 knots this after­ sidewBlk reptooementa, and re­ calling on the nation to Join In will meet tonight tor the first ing the meeting Sept. 8 In order noon. Variable 10 knoU or less Up to *1800 quest from Traffic Authority to Its struggle to "oveithr&w" the time In a month. Due to the to win the release of the prtoon- tonight becoming south to south­ instaU street lights. e n . Park government. The opposl- 1 5 YEAR GUARANTEE! CONTINUING EDUCATION PROGRAM other titek to a tensibi*. west 10 to 16 knots ’Diesday. Low Labor Day holiday, the Sept. 1 After adjourning as the Board Uon charged that the bill was ® against leaking During the last armistice ashsfying weight control cloudiness and fog patches ear­ meeting was canceled. of Representatives members program passed Illegally. It said It would ootnmiarion meeting Bept. 4 , ly this morning and again early Raymond MiUer of the First will reconvene as the Sewer Au­ EVENING COURSES hold rallies In several cities In North Korea demamded the, Tuesday momligr. Otherwise fair thority to dtscusB propoeed 'Get started rxiw on s new an effort to defeat the bill In a Federal Savings of Bast Hart­ DMted Htetas admit "a criminal weather through Tuesday. Visi­ Since 1944 this type of plastic coating, has been used almost ford will be at the meeting to modiftcations to the cotMract military miaalon’’ by Ihe heli- OPIN TO ALL INTERESTED CTTIZENS ihape A new leste on life national referendum to be held ' Thai morvelouz feeling of bility above five" mUeq except discuss a proposal concerning tor Installation of tiie TUoott- oopter, apologise and Inoire In m id-O ctober. Ths things you need today cost more than they vitality and well being you one mile or less In fOg In earfy exclusively by the biggest industries of this country. This is the purchase of the site of the viUe Pump station and sanitary tea t there srlU be no recurrence About 1,000 Seoul college stu­ ForemariAhip and Industrial Relations (fOnsuoMT Protection in Suburbia M haven't hod ■ made up to 30* cooler, 95% of the heat is reflected off the Tffi Evrnin^s in Biology would not attend assembly ses­ valescent Home as a Teen Cen­ 9 a.m. to noon. "W lrilce agreement Bsgfm OgiEfcar 3 MgnAGy ily car, appliances or home Improvements, if you 3 n U 16 63 F J 3 sions for some time In order to I UFL Oil ter or YMCA. The clssses will start Sept. 39 B.*tM SMMikm- w M ie », roof! You have your choice of colors and payment plans. iuh twum m m 5 have some bills or Instalment contracts, an HFC ' ' w u • » p j i . . la have a ooollng-off period. GASOLINI Fire Chief William Johnson and Oct. 1 and 3 and continue TMUm tMW Painting for Pleasure Ns* *88*8 tsstsrfi Is IM 8-)I GsIgM Vstatori fragian. will make a recommendation for a period of 10 weeks. All Realinn To Prevail larger loan may help you clear them up. Household Investigate this fabulous scientific advance in plastics before Seems Orim sr t. Tlan tiy • ftow tisistsaMc* progrtm *N*w 24 M. sflwrgtfxy phea* concerning the use of the llre- clssses are open to r' reglstra- Financial Ptanning for llir individual 7 n t* 3 6iFJt.lUM lH CSlinese, Soviets In Sino-Soviel f!taJ i** It't *rittm smt taiy to folio* to teip jtM ofiea you need u*. recommends; "Never borrow money needlessly." you do anything' about your roof — NO MATTER W F^T liousea by civic organizatlooa. Uon. Vernon reridento erlU be SGgiM tigtGgBiHr n. Tmmuf twum m m SUUiAOtM s BANTLY OIL rmusmrM .9Ummm - Spoctal sioMhIy sisistttijact , „ . . _ ' HMI' \ \ ^ I \i But If you need a larger loan, let your nearest A proposed ordinance for the charged 83 per course. For non- HARTFORD. Conn. (AP) — Thr RevolutMNury Prraiaf 'BELGRADE, Yugoslavia m^hap ri ill kxatKta * iSSiTh'!? swri,a« ! '1 \1\ ^ ii:t 1 I HFC office manager know— In person, by phone KIND OF ROOF YOU HAVE! regulation of "hawkers, residentB there Is a 88 tuttlan ****** * war between RuMtii and Bggleg Ml OctGMgg - 9is Asord ty iitsi it 16 Wiirtouifd comtomly st mootiags. (AP)t — Informants In Peking peddlers, solicitors, canvassers fee per course phu one 83 regis­ Oitoa to pnaafriii. " u oeema Uka- CoBiaMin Bostnrss Orientrd Languapr tlaud m 6 U Mg n m m « m g 6 111 TWIIgm N g rlM ffg • t r ii md rl fost * 01181' • Aifc tOout fro* lifotisw mombtrifup. say the meeting last week be­ or by mall. Apply for money help from the lending and saleamen" wlU be dls- tration toe. The adult basic edu­ ■■f W AR the funeral of North Vietnamese cuto r A v*. Phone 649-5238 3ntf Floor— PHONE: 527-7273 DAILY A SUNDAY roads In BoMon Lake aboirea: fight agminat mental nine**, and tom might lead t6 mot* Novtot » WilGitohik President Ho Chi Mlnh. The Yu­ / disciisrinn on oodifloatian of «r- urged those vokmteers who topr«*alon In Europe. CAU MANOIESfER COMMUNITY COLLEGE 447-tVSl goslav report said there wars no P dtnsnce*; request for aftproval were unable to make their caUa y ^ w M o spoke af a Rotaty W 3 W BiktoiSrA 6 »G|.ttog6 Nd6 w to l ultovsei ■#»•#•» lGiem«MGG«l.l* to award storm drainage con­ lari spring to to ao now. ChJb hawheon. \ \

.V.' ■ / ' ; ; / -■■ ■ • ' >


anything, this Is the time to say that Latin Still Regard Wife { iUtm riiPBipr Of Michenei^s Saf^a time is running out on us as a nation. "In a word, what we need most .it this As ‘ Person Who Serves Me’ PLAZA DEPT. STORE 5 Production ‘The Hawaiians’ S (We Have A NeMaa Te Fleeee) Enpning pral!> juncture of our history Is a great positive By DAVID P. BELNAP The rule of equal pay for equal The Loe Angelea ’Hniea B. BflMlUC TPKB. (Next To Popular Mkt.) PUBLISHED BY THE statement regarding this central and wmk exUto in the lows of every OPEN Wra>., THUBS., FBI., tUI • h e r a l d P R IN T IN O CO.. INC BUENOS AIRES — In the country, alhnugh the laws are A Continuation -- Not Sequel • 18 Bluell Street crucial national problem, wheire once and M anchester Conn. Ouaraal language, widely spok­ not alwaya obeyed. / THOMAS P. PEROUSON for all our actions clearly would match en in CeiAral South Amertoa, Women have artiieved pram- By BOB THOMAS quires a IB mUllon gross, and I m / ' WALTER R. FERGUSON Aaaeelated Preee Writer can tell you there ore damn few S BE A GOURMET COOK FublUhera the promises of our Constitution a nd BUI the word for “wife" means Inenoe in the profeestoos In pl<^tu^es that draw IB mtlMon. s V Founded October 1, 1881 of Rights." ’’the pemm who serves me." neeaiy every Latin nation. UHUE, HawaU (AP) — "And If you are the star of a ^ Published E very Eveninc Except Sundays Thte oonoept of woman os vlr- In poUUca particularly, women “That’e my granddaddy hang­ WITH KITCHEN GADOETRY and Holidays. Entered at the Post Office at We don’t believe any such "g re a t posi­ the property of her are making their presence fett. ing over the flrepUce.’’ re- picture that lays/'a big bomb, ^ Manchester, Conn., as Second Class Mall that’s when yodr collar gets a M auer. tive statement" is to be forthcoming. thther or, husband, is almost to Cfafle, women w ere reapon- martced Charlton Heston, point­ universal in Latin America to­ alUe for the victory of Eduardo ing at the oU portrait. "It’s sup­ Ught. The bankers Mart saying, J FROM PLAZA SUBSCRIPnON RATES We are not sure the seemingly Ir­ day. 'Oh, yes, he’s . ^ guy In the pic- w Payable tn Advance Frel whoi he wae elected Latin posed to be Richard Harris, but One Y ea r ...... tSO.OO resolute strategies of the Nixon Admin­ It U less evident In the high­ America’s first Christian Dem­ I eeem to detect a alight resem­ ture that lost all that money.’ ’’ ^ Six Months ...... 18.60 ocratic presldeifl, to Venesuela, It appeets that “ The Ha- a Three Months ...... 7.80 istration may not. In the end, prove the est clBBBcfl than in the middle blance to Darryl F. Zanuck." 9 FRENCH WHISKS One Month ...... 3.80 and tower (dosses. It Is leas ap­ the work of his party's woman's Heaton wae ehowlng a Holly­ wallona"/(a avoiding the errors J psychological ground work for marked parent in metropeditBn <»p4tafo committees are credited wMh and exorinee that pushed "Ha- 9 SHREDDERS M E M B E R O F wood visitor about the I sen berg 9 THE ASSOCIATED PRESS progress In the anti-segregation war. In the provinces. It is less electing President Rafael house, a remarkable throwback wail" /far over budget and 9 ITie AsMClated Press Is exclusively entitled Caldera, also a Chrietlan Demo­ We know. In any case, that this war obvious among uriMui newly­ to the auger plantation era of threatened to wreck the Mlrisch m 9 C H O P PER S to the use of republlcatlon of all news dis­ crat. patches credited to It or not otherwise credit­ weds today than five years the island of Kauai. Title is the Investment. In the end; the vast a ed In this paper and also the local news pub­ Is not going to be won In a day, or ago. A working w ife has tradtUon- manor of Whip Hooeworth, whom popularity of the Mlchener nov- ” 9 SKEW ERS lished here. ally been a reflecUon of the All rlshts of republlcatlon of special dis­ •In twice fifteen years. But to eome degree tt in­ Heaton portrays In "The Ha- el and of Mlaa Andrews gave 9 patches herein are also reserved. fluences the life of neariy every maocuMnlty of a Latin Ameri­ And we remind everybody everywhere, wailansv" a sequel—ps—con­ "Hawafl" a $2S million gross, ^ — PLUS ~ Tvoman. can mlddle-cdaoe male. That tinuation of the James Mlchener despite critical pcumlngs. Hence a The Herald Prlntlnf Company Inc., as­ not just administration officials In Wash­ talXM is melting as m ore m ar­ sumes no financial responsibility for typo- Women’s sendary position saga of “Hawaii.” the sequel—continuation. _ POTS — PANS — lAKEWARE rraphlcal errors appearing In advertisements in pre-OotomMan Indian cul­ ried women, released by the piH ington, that " If the nation truly respect­ The Mlrisch pe<^e, who ere Directing with changes Full service client of N. E. A. Service, Inc. Is part of the contimUng story Penny" and "Number One." Publishers Representatives — The Julius Peninsula, spread the Islamic in laws, tradition dictates that a Mathews Special Agency — New York. Chi­ have disappeared years ago." Bare-chested with shaved head, r . • .V i *•' majority of Latin America’s that was first filmed with Julie cago. Detroit and Boston. notion of women’s role. he was overseeing a scene In women are passed frmn the Andrews, Max Von Sydow and Until about 25 yeans ago, this the rear of the Hoxworth home MEMBER AUDIT BUREAU OP CIRCULA- domination of their fatheio to Tina Chen Richard Harrir as stars. "Ha­ TIONR passive role ■was institutional­ With Chinese beauty Tina Chen the domination of their hus­ w a ii" depicted the advent of the The Sopnd Of Trumpets ized In the laws o f most Lpltin and Japanese actor Mako, Os­ Display advertising closing hours: nations. Women’s civil and poli­ bands with restricted freedom mlsstonarles; "The Hawaiians" For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. car nominee tor “Tiie Sand Peb­ It was stifling In CWcago that sum­ tical rights were restricted or even In the selection of their One-Time UofH Student covers the CMneee immigration. For Tuesday — 1 p.m. Saturday. bles." They portray the found­ { For Wednesday — 1 p.m, Monday. mer, and though the year was 1982 the nmiexlstent arid married wom­ mates. Thus Heston is portraying the For Thursday — 1 p.m. Tuesday. ers of a financial dynasty of marvels of alr-conditloning hod not en were so sul^ugated to their A woman from a traditional grandson of sea captain Rafer OF MANCHESTER For Friday — 1 p.m. Wednesday. Chinese Hawaiians. For Saturday — 1 p.m. Thursday. reached the bowels of the Stockyards husbands that men. In effect, home, in the words of a Bra- Tina Qien Portrays Tsin Hooeworth, who was Harris In Classified deadline — 6 p.m. day before Ories was asked about the amphitheater. The newspaper reporters "owned" their wives. rillan newspaper columnist “Is the flrrt flhn (the pextrait re­ publication, 6 p.m. Friday for Saturday film ’s progress. and Monday publication. entombed below wijre wont to strip off Since then, under pressure free to marry any man rtie semblance to 21'>nuck is Inexpli­ "Fine," he replied. "We’re not only jackets and ties but their shirts. from local and international ciraosea as long as he’s the In Michener’s ‘Continuation’ cable). The laepbelg house was Monday, September HI only behind five days In five It was such a dull moment In the R e­ r’i* i gixxgiB a m ajority o f the laws wooer of her father’s choice.” a happy find for the Hooeworth By BOB THOMAS "M y agent called up about M, weeks of slMotlng—we lose publican convention, and most of them which discriminated against Unmarried women in such fam ­ beadquarters; it waa literally LIHUE, Hawaii (AP) — Tina and the Miriech people said, about a day a week. But that’s were relaxing over sundry beverages women have been erased. ilies are expected to (xintinue hacked out of the jungle. 'Oh, w e’ve already locrted at only natural. The weather has while the loud-speakers droned on with Women can now vote and hold to live at home and obey all Chen is calm, dellCate-looklng ’’.The fam ily that owned tt was her,’ " rile said, ‘"njey had me been typically Hawaiian: rain Another War Which Drags the dreary routine In the hall above. public oflfioe in a ll 20 UuUn paternal rules even though they and quiet-spoken, as you would unbelievably rich," sold Heston. confused with anclther Chinese one minute, sunshine the next. The excitement of the balloting was Am erican natfona. Only three may be in their 30’s and 40’s "They dlsoarded houste the way Those who like to win wars are natur­ expect any Chineae young wom­ actress named Tisa Chang. I That makes It tough to film. many hours away. . • sic' . '■ countries — Ookwnbia, E cindor and have succeseful piofeasfam- "ome of us throw away old an to be. But that Oriental tradi­ went to see Mr. Mlrisch and he And we had a lot of tough stuff ally Impatient with any generalship Then over that loudspeaker came a fa­ and Haiti — aUU have laws im- al careers. suits. Come see this.” He tion hides a firm determinatkm gave me a script end I read tor on Maul—shipboard scenea- miliar voice, tt spoke of King Canute pooing some restriciUons on the Moreover, many women, es­ rhowed the visitors a chimney which seems half-hearted or strategical­ Photographed By Sytvtsn Oflora that fits her tor one of the best him the same day. They flew sitting by the sands of the rolling sea. legial capacity o f single wemen pecially In rural areaa, don’t covered with gnarled vine ...beach work, that sort of thing. ly timid In Its approach to the enemy. SHEEP JUDGING, WOODSTOCK (CONN.) FAIR star-making roles in reoent me to Hollywood for a test and The relevance of the words was hot Im­ I of legal age. even understand that there stems. The whole house was so “ No, I can’t make It for $7H times. two days later they told me I This Is the case with the holy war mediately apparent. No matter. There^ However, cn the hnnim ct should be a change. Many covered, and It had been forgot­ million; It’ll come in a little Lovely, 24-yeaix>ld Tina, with had the role." was a rush up the toruous bock-stal^ every Latin American country more, aware that women have ten by (Umoet everyone but a over 8. But the picture's good— against racial segregation at home just only one minor film role to her Even set workers on "The Ha­ to the press gallery. For It was Imm^ eaooeft Uruguay are laws which acquired new status, make no covey of hippies, who had set up much better than I thought It as much as It Is the case with the credit, wrae picked to $day Nyuk waiians’’ have been Impremed atcly apparent that the speaker, effort to exercise their rights. housekeeping In it. would be. dtacrlmtoato against married Tsln in "The Hawaiians.” Read­ by the delicacy of Tina'a per­ military war In Vietnam. iCverett McKinley Dirksen. A Thought for Today women. Others ob-fect to changes in' Ttte vines and Mpples were "I accepted the assignment Inside Report their status, siding with the ers of the Jam'es Mlchener nov­ formance and predict a promis­ because It had one scene that Sponaored by the Mancheater Open Forum expelled, and set decorators In­ TTieae Include requirements It 1s the national Civil Rights Com­ maecuHne view that reetrietiona el will recall her as one of the ing future for her. She Is resdls- The mold from which Senatx^DIrkacn Council of Churches that a -woman have her hus­ stalled 30 tons of fumtshinge Im­ turned nle on. But now I find mission which, In Its latest public re­ by exist for their protectlcMi. most memorable characters—a Uc. was cart has long since been/OToken up, Land Values no cause to be surprised at the band’s written peemisaian to do ported from Hollywo(Ml. After the other scenes are working Holman Baker...fine 'Rowland Evans Jr. and Robert I>. Novak resolute Chinese woman who is "If I don’t get another acting out, and Tina and Mako are port, 1s Intensely critical of the gener­ and there will no doubt be semne relieved The DIstarbiiig Christ To the Editor; recommendations that have cerbain thkigs, including travel (our weeks on Maui, the Mlrisch not accepted by her husband os job, I’ll do something else,” rite alship of the Nixon Administration be­ that this la so, fo-r In lote^,^ars ho often He sUrreth up the people been made by the General Man­ Htaoad, contained in the lanva company moved to Kauai to turning' In performances that WASHINGTON — The rem­ phrey Instead of Bobby Ken­ This letter might help us to his true wife (becauee he has said. "Fortunately, I have hem­ seemed to be somethlng^f an anachron­ Luke 23:5 ager In this particular Instance. cf Peru end Ecuador. film the m ajor portion of Uie you wouldn’t beUeve." Bedding since 1859 cause It has seemed Irresolute In Its nants o f the Kennedy poUUcal nedy for President but not for better appreciate the extent to Teachers Will another w ife in China), who ac- atology to fall back on. And I'm ism in both oratorical A n d political style. When Jesus was on trial be­ The fact Is that I am unable ’H m doifoie standard is strong­ movie. Included Is the burning apparatus are determined to what they consider a low blow which lend values have increas­ comnanles him to the leper colo­ not ao idaalMlc that I would operations. against segregation in the Other times; other men. All the same, fore Pilate, many accusa.tion8 to find any evidence of the kind er in Latin Ammioa then meet of the Honolulu Chinatown, (or at a time of deep trouble for ed in the opinlans of most of the ny on M(d(Aal, who scrimps to pursue acting when there were nation’s schools. .'omethlng of valu ^'w ill be lost If the Oppose any national political were brought against him. But of economy In the conduct of national (xaistUutions. Take a Walk which a $300,000 reproduction Ferry Sinks in Dacca; Holman Raker’s Muaco (Donforming Firm the Kennedys. He Is on their members of our local official buy land and thus found a finan­ no jobs. likes of him d ls e p ^ a r from the public ambitions of Sen. Fred Harris they were all lies, all except our local government that we The , just $200 more than we is that Flem m ing hoe betonged on Aug. 1, two weeks after Ken­ her, claim he y deserting range from $7,000 to $18,000. dency didn’t appeal to me. So I spewing out (xuds about Me panied by consistent, evenly applied pol­ Without notifying Sen. Ken­ his most waspish reform critic. Lord Jesus, Grant us Thy 2, purchase Is presently assessed The grand list of the Eighth are rare, while women guilty his old friend and tiasoclate^ In other District Supt. Jack P. Crowth- went to New York and got a job associations. Doggedly, the nedy’s office, Harris removed State Trea-surer Adloi Steven­ heavenly peace through the for­ for tax purposes at only $1,930, District for 1944-48 is $8,648,698 o f killing philandering husbands icy, which will summon all the nations' times he defended the Taft-Hortley bill er said Sunday he would consoli­ at the Blood Center. But I real­ White House Inetsto that ell be the proposed assumption of the son III, for Everett Dlrksen’s giveness of our sins. Amen. the kind of figure which should an Increase o< $290,0<» over laat almost always wind up in when It was labor's "slave labw law," date clakses and use substitute ly went to New York because checked out. resources, legal and othei^wlse, to a win­ Bobby Kennedy debt from the Senate seat for two practical By Rev. Ronald A. Erbe put its fair market value at year. prison. attacked OPA waRO-prlce c o n tr ^ be­ teachers and administrators to I hoped to get an acting oaraer The crowning absurdity Is the ning of a war which has already been agenda. rcHsons: To got Stevenson out Our Savior Lutheran just a Uttle less than $2,973. In all Latin America, adultery fore It was popular to do ix>. and despite keep the schools open. Teachers stnrted." identity qf the IVhlte House aide Kennedy partisans on the of Springfield and to blunt Church Hard as I tlhd it to believe, 10 Years Ago is grounds tor divorce, or for permitted to drag on, unresolved, for gripes from Repubillcan colleagues goive who take part In the walkout Progress wae Mow at flnt. In charge of the clearance pro- executive committee were apo, Stevenson's plajvs for a reform . Wapplng, Connecticut the tact is that the properties legal separstion in countries too long a time. political aid, us minority leader, to two will be docked a day’s pay, he She did win a televtsian role. In '^’Another Fiemmlng, pleetlc. They were unsatisfied assault on Daley’s township involved in the Sept. 2 purchase Town GOP favors local elec­ where there Is no dhnxoe. But otm: Democratic Presldcnta. said. a CBS Playhouse epecial "Tiie named Harry, who happens by Harris’s explanation that the committeemen In next spring’s On This Date were appraised by one of our tions to be held In odd-num­ dUforsnees ore established be­ to "Fifteen years have passed," says the And If he did Indeed change his mind, bered years. Crowther said It would be Im- Fine! War of OlUe Winter,” National Committee had not Democratic primary. ■ In 1777, Count Casimir Pulas­ laoal appralMTs at $17,800, a tween adultery by the wife and be Dr. Flem m ing's son. Commission report, "since the Supreme publicly and 'with fanfare on several poesible tor the district to otter playing a Vietnamese. Nothing pinned down arrangements with • » • . figure which in all probability major Issues, did tiuit not at least murk ki of Poland was commissioned that by the husband in eight more than B per cent pay hikes, followed, and Tina studied dra­ Court decided that the right of black Stephen Smith, Kennedy broth­ a m ajor general In the Am eri­ prompted General Manager him out from the crowd? A man who The White House’s lugubrious nations—Cctombia, Costa Rica, because Ha'$712 million budget matics with Sandy Melmer and er-in-law and fund-nalscr, dur­ can Arm y of the Revolution. Weiss to. oonsLder the purchase children to attend the same schools at­ can stand up to ridicule which Is what machinery for cleiutng appoint­ Today’s HighUght In HistoTy E l Salvador, Haiti, Honduras, was chopped by more than $22 acted In an ocyeeinnal ott- ing nearly seven months since ments reached a peak of ab- In 1789, the U.S. Department price cf $9,200 a ’’bargain.’’ NIcazmuga, Panam a and UeSETT ORUI tended by other children was guaranteed was heapenslsten- Whrm Th today and Wodosa- to them thot, In vtew of the PCOWL cles there was a bit of philosophy not day and tuning cooler thereaf­ patterns, or other factors, resulted In family’s latest tragedy, per­ Aflbough seme legal obstaelaa without consistency, or even without ter. ,e serious educational harm to the children haps they might want to bypass remain, more ixogreas toward PacilitiAS merit. "The oil can Is mightier than the Prediittattaa may total ooe- questions of political finance. the goal of equality for woman of minority groups. sworq," he once remarked. It would be half inch or mora wMb ecaAered The Kennedy men repUed heat­ has been made since ttie end of Kids back in school? ^ hard lo sum up us tersely the Idea that toewers likely Wsdneadey and "Conversely, Integration significantly edly this was not the case. yfatU War H Awn in sB of ihs Thursday. Housework got you down? the essence of democracy is the spirit At the luncheon break, three boosted the educational achievement of taemfspbars^ prsvhms Maioty. of accommodation. It would be hard, too. pro-Kennedy members of the A little bored? these children. If this nation truly re­ to argue that If this be true, then political execuUve committee — Evers, It’s time for a change! Meet new people Test your ifalents spected the. rule of law. If It truly leaders shoudl never alter with in the Stephen Reinhardt of California, country they alteration find. m ■ " And help the family finances to boot! cherished each of lis children, the last and Mildred Jeffrey of Michigan But somehow all this weighty judging, No experience or special skills needed We'll train ^ u . -rtrere ready to Inform Harris \jgie vestiges of segregated education would however you balance It off. seems to they would raise the question The Travelers has interesting |obs to suit your abilities . . . have disappeared years ago. Instead, miss the point of Everett Dirksen. You of the Kennedy debt during the downtown or Woodland Street' can't make him a gret.t statesman, a segregation continues as the pattern, and afternoon aeaslon even If he great philosopher, or for that nyiUer would not But at that point, PLUS not the exception^ of education In many even a great iwator. What he was was a O’Oonnor. averted the con- a special Housewives'Shift from 6 to 10 p m . . . | ^ ' staes...... , gr«»t character; that Is, an actor who' frontsoton announcing that or any other 4-hour pieriod (or more) that fits w ' ' ' ~ V played himself to the hilt. He wore his details with 8te\-e Smith hod ' K " ' ' -V'. ■ ■ "W hile progress haa been slow; the Tottf Miwfri— And coosiderAtkn for /your schedule. ■ ;, vN hair long bqfoi'>e It was the fashion, he been worked out a * e r all. Call 277-2994 tor more details or stop in at Tower Square. motion has been forward, and this Is cer­ spoke In rolling periods long after It As a result, the executive VAT7 dotmil R gntftfolly appreciated. The Personnel Department will be open Thursday evenings until 7 p.m. ^ tainly no time to create the Impression was the fashion.and hri wasn't afraid to commltteo unanimously \oted speak out on this side or that side or to add the nearly one million that we are turning back, but a time both sldeo, taking his fancy to be the dollar Kennedy debt and the > for pressing forward with vigor. This fashion. over one million dollar pre-con­ (From oar fika of Uttan) > * Looking for a good job? Is certainly no time for giving aid and How can a man be more of a man than vention Humphrey debt to near­ r- that? And now that hs has gone to join ly $6 million owed by the Hum- comfort, even unintentionally, to the lag­ O SAFE PARKING ON PREMISES Clay and Webster and Borah, who Is phrey general election cam­ < 1 - V BETTER SEE TRAVELERS FIRST gards while penalising those who have going to get us to laugh and to cry and paign. •ESTABLISHED 1874* An equal opfx>rtunity ernployer M&F , made commendable efforts to follow the to hiss by sounding the trumpet? — But bitter memories linger. ROYSTER IN THE WALL law, even while disagreeing with It. If Kennedy men -.tould forglw STREET JOURNAL Harris for supporting Hum- C£f^AlNLY Hope THAT UTf. AS ^ K^Ul iT ^o£SH‘T SXtSTON MARS ^

A-. 1 . ’ ' f V • ■ PAGE TEN MANCHEtj'l'Elt EVENING HERALD. MANcIHEiiyiER. CONN. MONDAY^ SEPTpiM B^ 16, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER CONN., MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15* 1969 F A C E ELEVEN Rocky Hill. The Rev. Harold son, Eric Person at Miantield; cia Orsen Willey, who present­ Richardson, pastor of Wapplng a sister, Mrs. Robert Blllaud Tolland »- ly teaches Grades 5 through 7 Obituary Oommimlty Church, will of­ In Belfast: of Apple Valley, Calif.; a Aralhlsraeli'Peace Talks at the Hartford Adventist In­ Bloodmobile ficiate. Burial will be in tledar brother and sister in Sweden; termediate School. HUl Cemetery, Hartford. end six grandtdilldren. 2BA Will Meet Sept. 22 T U I SEDAft OF LENNON Mrs. Francis J. Shlnder Friends may cadi at the fu­ To Begin at Week^s End Bulletin Board Visits Town TOLLAND—Mrs. Eva Marie The funeral will be held to­ The Planning and Zoning Catholics Demand neral home tonight from 7 to 9. morrow at 1 p.m. at Columbia Robldonx Shlnder, B9, of Hart­ (C from Page One) On Variance Requests Oommlsskm wlU meet tonight at ford, mother of Robert C. Shln­ Congregational Church with the 8 in the Town Hall, Tomorrow Mrs. John Lawrence Rev. George K. Evans offtol|l!t- der of Tolland, died Saturday opening day to stand by for re­ in Sweden or temHng to bts U' The Zoning B^ard of Appeals League wU be held Sept. 22. The 'VFW Post 241 Auxiliary Immunity Promise Mrs. Margaret Lawrence, 76, Ing. Burial will be In' Columbia ular Job, being Swedlsb ambas­ The Red Cross Bloodmobile at Hartford Hospital. She was sumption of his diBcuasions with wUl hedd a public hearing Sept, at 7:80 pjn. In the United Cbn- will meet tonight at 7:30 at the the wife of Francis J. Shlnder. of East Hampton, mother of Center Cemeteryl the- Arab and Ura^ foreign sador In Moscow. post home. By COUN FROST have been removed volun-tarily. will be in Manchester tomorrow 22 at 8 p.m. In the Town Hall Kragatlonal Chunto peu'lors. All Survivors also Include three Stephen Lawrence of Manches­ Friends may call tonight from mintstens. The Tolland Volunteer Fire ■ Associated Press Writer More than 150 Catholic barri­ BINGO On Saturday nigtat, ibe Big ter, dl^ Saturday at Middlesex' at St. Mary’s Church, Park St, other sons, a daughter, four sis­ 7 to 9 at Potter Funeral Home, Foreign Ministers Mislunoud Four foreign ministers Becre- to act on two requests for vari- J*^*;ested aduMs are weteome Department Auxiliary will meet cades remain, and there are - ances. attend. BELFAST, Northern, Ireland between 1:45 and 6:30 p.m. ters, a brother, four grandchil­ Memorial Hospital, Middletown. 486 Jackson St., WillimanUc. Rtad of Egypt and Abdul ISo- tary of State William P. Rogers, tonight at 8 in the Leonard’s fears that the Protestants may OMNK HUL EVERY 1UE8D0V Those persons who have dren, and a great-grandchild. She was the widow of John hem RifSa’i of Jordan anlved Andrei Gromyko of the Soviet Harold G. Levesque of Rt. 80 Grange Installation Comer Firehouse. (AP) — Leaders of one of Bel­ soon carry out threats to bring made appointments for this The funeral will be tomorrow Lawrence. Walter G. Obafa Sunday, Israeli Foreign liOnls- Union, Maurice achumsum o f Is seeking a variance to permtt ToUand Grange wlU hold The Board of Selectmen will fast’s biggest Roman Catholic back their owm barricades un­ bloodmobile are urged to keep at 8:16 a.m. from the Newkirk Survivors also include two TOLLAND — Walter G. Oba- ter Abba Ebea arrives Tuesibw- France and Brittab Foreign Sec­ . the sale of snowmobiles and ® inrtalhution wtth the ’neet tomorrow night af 7:30 in less the army acts. areas are demanding a written them — those who have not al­ and Whitney Funeral Home, 776 daughters, two grandchildren ra, 76, of Newington, father of Jarring last saw them in their retary Michael Stewart—will ' miittbikes for a one-year period. Grange tomorrow night the Town Hall. guarantee of Immunity from ar­ Meanwhile, army authorities ready made an appointment are Farmington Ave., West Hart­ end two nephews. Henry Obarai of Tolland, died various capitals In Miarch. Since meet with Thant for a talk on The business locaUon would he ® *" *** Grange Hall, The Tolland Junior Woman’s and civil detectives were Inves­ Funeral services will be yesterday at Rocky Hill rest before bringing their barri­ welcome to walk In any time ford, with a Mass of requiem Vet- April s be has been on vaoatton the Middle Bast on R*. 30 about 600 feet from -AI Beckwith, post state CTub will meet tomorrow night cades down. tigating the deaths of two Brit­ Wednesday at 9:16 a.m. from erans Hospital. during the operation hours. at 9 at St. Augustine’s Church the Intersection of Rt. 30 wtth Grange master, serving on the at 8 in the United (kaigrega- A communique from the Cen^ ish soldiers who were shot while HOWELL CHENEY REGIONAL the Spencer Funeral Home, 112 Survivors also liKlude two Currently, the supply of blood In Hartford. Burial will be In the Tolland-EUington town line. **®*e execuUve committee, will t'onal Church Relig;ious Educa­ tral Citizens’ Defense Commit­ on guatxl duty early Sunday. Main St., East Hampton, writh other sons, a daughter, nine on hand In the center is Rose Hill Memorial Park, Roc­ The second variance to be serve as Installing officer, tion Building. tee said this demand was put The army now is satisfied that a Meuw of requiem at 10 a.m. grandchildren, and two great About Town to ■xtremely low and hospital de­ VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL SCHOOL heard wlH be one to “Improve TViUand Grange officers to be The Industrial Commission ky Hill. ■ AUOso P. Berta Jr. Jeffrey MeOsmlek the British Army during talks one man was accidentally shot liveries ore In many cases not at St. Patrick's Church In East grandchildren. mutsaiy Order of Devtt Dogs living quarters by replacing a tosrtalled are Harry LaiBante, will meet tomorrow night at 8 Friends may call at the fu­ Vemon Police Sunday. by another soldier. The other being made In full. Hampton. Burial will be in St. F^meral services will be of the Marine Oohm Lieague wlH present trailer home with a master^-Hobert Smith, overseer; In the^own Hall. victim was found dead with 791 W *st Middiw Tiirnpiku, Monch u sfr. Conn. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. "We can ^ve no guarantees.” Manchester residents ore ask­ Patrick’s Cemetery. Wednesday at 11 a.m. at Rose have a pack meeting tomorrow larger and better moUle home, M™- Elizabeth Robertson, lec- The Tolland Grange will hold head wounds. Police say they There will be prayers tonight Arrest Couple said the army, adding that this ed to rememb'er/tbat there is no Friends may call at the fu- Hill Funeral Home, 680 Elm St., at 8 pm. and a State Orowl at property located on the north hirer; Chester Magnani, ste- an installation meeting tomor­ have ruled out foul play, but the at the funeral home. Area Men Pass Bar Exai is a matter for the home minis­ medical substitute tor blood, neral home tonight from 7 to 9 Rocky Hill. Burial will be in Wednesday at 8 pm., both at row night at 8 in the Grange army says It has reached no In Disturbance slde of MatcaHe Rd. about 380 ward: Mrs. Maude Stackhouse, try. and by their donation of one Mrs. James Orasso and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Rose HUP Memorial Pork, Six area men have pass- master’s degree in buBbieas ad- ly join the law firm of Butler the Karine Home on Parker St. feet from the intersection of elwuploto; Mrs. Sylvia Pokorny, HaU. Home Minister Robert Porter conclusion. Adult Evening Course Rocky Hill. flint of bipod and about one 7 to 9 p.m. ed the June exam of the mlnlBtratlon at Caiumbla. Volpe and Sacco of Hartford. Helen McFto’lone and Henry ' Cider liQB Rd. The property Is treosurer, and Mrs. Heten Wil- gave assurance laat week that Mrs. Christine Ponttllo Oranso, Frienils may call at the fu- Manchester Lodge of Masons hour of their time, aomcone else 61, of Hartford, sister of James ' may cmi at the tu- Connecticut Bar Associa- ^ ***** working at He is preipresently employed by MIcFarlane, 49, both of 162 IVest owned by hteyer Gross. secretary. Advertisement — he had no intention of ordering FREE TUITION Mrs. Barbara Z. KarveUs will meet tomorrow at 7:80 p.m. •may b e /g iv e n strength and PontUlo of Manchester, died neral home tonight from 7 to 9 announced to- MlrtchoM, a Aetna Life and Casualty in Main Bt., Rortcville, were ar­ Warrantee Deeds Also. Rupert West, gatekoep- T. J. Crockett. Realtor, has the arrest of barricade leaders “Totally Unrealistic’ m.iny w ars longer to live. WAPPING — Mbs. Barbara ^ tomorrow from 2 to 4 and piAllc accounting firm in Hart- Hartford. at the Masonic Temple. The Saturday art. St. Francis H o ^ - rested Sunday afternoon and Fotn- warrantee deeds and ei":. Mrs. Florence Ayers, (Jeres; opened a branch office on Rt. unless they had broken the NEW HAVEN (AP) V It He i/blood donor tomorrow. ZiUnski KarveUs, 71, o f 88 7 to 9 p.m. bupenor court, fopj originally from Framing------fellowcraft degree will be con­ criminal law. But this apparent­ Supplement trade experience with the foUowins' taJ, Hartford. She was the wife ------They are: - - ...- . = RousHon graduated from ferred. chiuged with breach of pestce three quit claim deeds were ^^ra- Blanche Marks, Pomona; 195.Les Babin is manager. Stop would be "totally imroallsllc" to Nevers Rd., widow of William 1 ^ , Mass., he now lives wtth Wethersfield High School and 1* ly did not satisfy the CathoHcs. courses: of James Grasso. after a domestic distuiiwiice. filed with the Town CSerk dur- Mrs. M abd Skelly, Flora; Mrs. in and see him. Below Chimber- cut 462.2 million: In fedet'lil KarveUs, died Friday at Hart­ Mrs. Andrew W. Torrance Robert P. Russell, Aldino ms wife and daxighter at 96A received his BA degree from The Catholic committee Is­ Survivors also include two Women’s Home League of the Both were released on their Ing the pest week. ESlsle LaBonte, lady assistant land Farm Store. funds for medical research as Funeral Kitea Sel Autom otive Electricity I & II fordira Hospital. noepiiai. GLASTONBURY— Mrs. Ber- Paul Berte Jr., and Jeffrey Mc- I^ne. the University of Connecticut In Warrantee deeds fUed were: atewao^, and Mrs. Ruth Lojzlm, sued a communique after a other brothers and bi slstor. Salvation Army will meet tomor­ promise to appear in Rockville proposed by Pre-'-ident Nixon, Carpentry Electronics I & II The funeral will be tomorrow Mrs. KarveUs was bom Judy ^ Cormlck all of Manchester; McCormick, who Uvea at 801 1968. He was on the varsity soc- Circuit Court 12 Sept. 80 St^ihen D. and Carmela D. «*ocutlve committee. Manchester Evening Herald meeting of delegates claiming UIJ) I,YME (AP) — A funeral » 10A0 T f*i— ft— -a t— ■ Oeoan* Rlogie Ter., Qlaston/bury, row at 1 p.m. at Citadel. Ptene •ays the Yale Medical school Electric Code at 8:16 a.m. from the D'Esopo 19, 1898 In Lithuania, "and had I^rter St. graduated fxx>m Man- cer team at Stoirse-JIe received Other area police activist King to Ezra G. and Donna M. New Assistant Pastor ToP.vnd correspondent Bette to represent 70,000 persons In ser\1ce will take place here to­ Draftincr Uved In 'Wapplng for the past formerly of Manchester, died *-®t**® Henry Roushon Jr., and cherter High School in 1962 and hie law degree from the UConn for the fall arid winter season bjirricaded Catholic areas. It ein. F. L. Redlich. day for Leonard Viuico Harri- Shop M ath Machine Funeral Chaipel, 288 Wethers­ ELUNGTON t o r ^ of Vernon, property on Wbyne E. Willey, formerly of Quatrale, tel. 875-2845. 49 years. yesterday art Manchester Mem- John D. DelPontI of Tolland, received an AB degree from Law School last June. will be made. Refreshments will said the "overwhelming majori­ The dean fired a blast durtog -son, 77, who served a brief per­ field Ave,, with a Mass of re­ Lloyd Flemming, 18, cf RED ■ Grohaher Rd., and Walter and Lancaster, Mess., has been Blueprint Rcedinw Survivors include a son, Wii- or al HoV-tol. Shewas the wife and William E. Grace of Wap- be served. ty of people ■want the barricades the weekend nt anrouni^'d. iod as welfare commissioner of quiem at 9 a.m. at the Church H« Roushon is married to the for- Alice Beaton to Everett O. and named as the new assistant to Technical Machine Shop Uam A. KarveUs of Wapplng; of Andrew W. Torrance. ping. 2, Rockville was charged with to stay until precise agreement ncross-lhe-hoarcl, cuts by tlu^ De­ New York City under Mayor of St. Patrick and St. Anthony I f , mer Judith Squires. The couple driving under the influeiKe af­ Bfiorle Gardner, p ix ^ rty on Mt. the Rev. O. J. Mills of the Killed in Vietnam EnRlish/WritinK Tool & Die 6 daughters, Mrs. Helen Comed- Mrs. Torrance was bom Sept. „ '_ „ ^ „ Gate of Heaven Mothers Cir­ is reached on adequate military partment of Heallh. Education Kiorello l^a Guordia. In Hartford. Burial will be In to fS r »<=*«** have two children, Lori a L, ter being involved in a one-car Spt^ Rd. Greater Hartford District of Ad- luson, Mrs. Evangeline Delnlckl, 27, 1981, in Glastonbury, daugh- cle will meet tomorrow at the EAST GBANB’^ Conn. (AP) protection between local army and Welfare. Such a m ow would Harriton was research direc­ Mt. St. Benedict Cemetery, ^ ^ 10, and Thomas, 6. accident in Ellington late Satur­ Also, Oettllne Reatty to ventiat Churches, including the and Mrs. Georgia SpUka, all of ter of Anthony J. and Anna o****‘«r at Ferguson Rd. for McCormick has been working .-..id home of Mrs. Stanley Richmond, — Army helicopter pilot George commanders and the respective t)c .short-.slghted and /ca n be Claases held 7-10 P.M., Mond^ and Wednesday Bloomfield. day night. Donald E. and Margaret Sellg- Tolland church, tor for the CommunUy Service Wapplng, Mm. Rita Ramsey of Starr Kocum of Manchester,Mancjiester, the lastlaat two years. He was pre- for the summer with the Bridge- _,. ®* ^“ Robin 101 Hetalne Rd., after the oom- W. Pepe, 21, has been killed In citizens defense committees." cata-strophic for thy medical of New York City when he re­ evenings. Friends may call at the fu­ Ijort law firm of PuUmon, Com- Tolland and Is presently man, property In Cresrtwood, He succeeds Mark FtoJey, RockvUle, and Mrs. Jean R i»h “ f** ’ *''*•* Manchester i(8r sev- vlously a lawyer in Washington *trm of PuUman, Com- , J?'*®” ** ^"0 *• presently hlned Mathers Circle meeting A passenger in the ETemmlng action in Vietnam, according to Six days ago, Prime Minister chools," raid Redlfoh. tired in 1957. He was welfare neral chapel tonight from 7 to tov Ri-o/ti...... I n _____ . . employed as a natent nttomsv . Md Rock-Hamm, Inc. to James who has assumed the position of South Windsor; 16 grand^ “ f®' years before going to Glas- D.C. and MaasachuseUs before *®y- Bradley and Reeves. He ? ®* attorn^ at 8 p.m. at St. Bartholomew’s car, EYancis Griffin, was taken word received by hls parents James Chlchester-Clark told the , If the ftxleral -fluids are re- comiul.ssloner for less thim one 9. Church. R. and Mary C. Delclos of Ver- of pastor of the Qulnebaug-East Registration, September 22nd and 23rd— 7-9 P.M. children, and 8 greoibgrand- tonbury 18 yearsrs ago. uneShe was beingoomg iransLerreatransferred to tnethe Hart- shortly ci«,«renter uiethe armArmy y ne-Re- ^ ” ----- WlUtney Aircraft. - to Rockville Oeneiid Hospital from the Defense Department. nation that the barricades were 'ucel, he addetl/ "the effects year. where he was treated and dis­ non, property on Mile Hill Rd. Brimfieild and Putnam churches chUdren. ® meniber of St;. Paul’s Church. ^<>”1 Insurance Co. as manager taking basic training at _ * graduated from Pepe, a warrant officer, was "strangling the whole communi­ on the medical Schools will be Aecordlng lo Harrison’s wid­ Alton E WUson An organization meeting for charged. Quit claim deeda filed were: WlUoy attended Atlantic Union Daily Registratton— 9-4 P.M. The fimeral wU] be hold to- OI**tonbuiy, of spoclaj sorvioes. Po'.h, La-, and wUI rejoin High School in 1966 shot dowrn on Sept. 10 while on ty” and must come dowm. such as to set medical educa­ ow. he liad not lK>en 111 and hls Alton E. Wilson of 182 Silver and received a degree In mech- Brownies will be heid tomorrow Police said the driver lost Donald W. Hamilton to Margery College In South Lancaster, m ^ r ^ w 'a r t's :1 8 fr < i^ i"N o w - Survivors', besides her hus- Rusaeil was graduated from «rm In the ^ n g . ^ rca rT n rtn »^ H „T °,L “ ‘ a oombat mission. Scores of Protestant barri­ tion and patient cnn> of the death at their home on Johnny Lane, East Hartford, died Fri­ at 2 ;30 p.m. at St. Jbmes’ School control on Rrt. 140 and die ecu’ ^ Ito n , pro^rty on River Mass, where he received a BA Phone: 649-5396 kirk and Whitney Funeral *»®"‘* ®"d P®r«nts, Include four U.S. Coast Guard Academy n . ^ t o t He was the son of Mr. cades erected os a protest present and future generations Cuke Hill came wlUi little warn- day of a heart attack while at­ Home, 818 Bunwldo Ave Bast J*«rey Torrance, Gary 1989 and the George Weahlng- tapping, received his *" 19«0- He entered the oafeberla. For informatlan, call struck several guard posts. Rd.; Ftt^®rald Sales and Serv- degree. He Is married to Patrl- and Mrs. William G Pepe. Ice to CreatUne Realty, Inc. against the Catholic barricades back for decades.” Ing. tending a Shriners Convention Hartfoid, with a solotnA high Torrance, Donald Torrance, and *<" Law School in 1951. He re- to lieutenant Mrs. Ruel Wicks, 67 Glenwood ETemmlng is scheduled to ap­ In Montreal, Canada. pear In Rockville Circuit Court property In Orestwood M anor,------Mass of requiem at St. M arg^ Thomas Torrance, all at home; tired as a Coast Guard Com- teln hf i«u h ® ''®"*‘ <>* cap- at. He was a mqmber of many Mass oi requiem at St. Margaret »vjrunco, an ar nome; a* a, and Jotm F. Drost cmd Burley Mary Church at 9. BurialB m i ^ wlU ®"‘* two •l■tera,sisters, Mrs. Anthony niander after 20 years_____ in the — ------UOonn was stalstationed fraternal organizations Includ­ Law School. in Italy for three years. J. Hammond, to Rock-Hamm be In St. Catherine’s Cemetery, McCruden of Manchester and “ervlce. He and his wife have The ath UtUiUea District ^ °^ M U r H WINDSOR ing Sphinx Temple Shrine of Inc. property on Mile IBll Rd. Brood Brook NI™-Mrs. Charles Van Duesen of "it”St tlve«ve children. chlldreti. , __T"------supertn- He--- received— —— hte/law•— / low degreeuegree board of directors la conducting Ehnery Pendleton, 28, of 92 Hartford and Its Arab Patrol its regtSar, monthly meeting to­ East Middle Tpke., Manchester, Town Clerk’s Confereitce P’rlends may caU art the fu- Petersburg, Bejersburg, Fla. Berte received hlahis AA.B. B linl n l 963 b1o« ‘*®'I* training at the Trav- 1“ * year from Owrgetown La and Directors Association, and night. It Is at 7 p.m „ In the was charged with following too, Towii Clerk (Jloria Meurant noral home tonight from 7 to 9 Omar, Zem Zem, and Oasis District Firehouse, Miain and doseliy after a two-car aocideitt and Assiatant Town Clerk Elea­ Shrine Clubs. Hilliard Sts. In South Windsor Saturday nor Wright will attend the Con­ Survivors Include his wife, Mrs. Henry G. Welz neral Home, 400 Main St., with necticut Town Clerk’s Associa­ a solemn high Mass of requiem night. a son, a daughter, and two ROCKVILLE — Mrs. Lillian Police aald the Pendleton oar tion meeting on Thursday and grandsons. Platte Welz, 72, of 81 Spring St., at St. Paul’s Church, Glaston­ was later ohainged to Juris doc- Roushon lives at Grandview as 8- Michael IW kns Friday. bury, at 10:80. Burial will be New Viet Pullout struck the rear of one driven Fresh air living Funeral services will be held wife of Henry G. Welz, died tor in 1969. He also racetved a Rd. In TV-IIand and will we“ ^ d by John J. Cahill, 22, of Orae The Town Clerk’s office will tomorrow at 11 a.m. at New­ yesterday morning at Rockville In St. James’ Cemetery. be closed on ’niursday because Friends may coll at the fu­ ham Rd., South Windsor. CabUl kirk and Whitney Funeral General Hospital. hospital. She was the wife of Planned by of the meeting but will be open neral home tonight from 7 to 9. had stopped to make a left turn Home, 318 Burnside Ave., East Mrs. Welz was born March Thomas C. Shea. on Saturday morning. The family suggests that Several Groups Nixon from Sullivan Ave. onto Ayers Hartford. Burial will bo In 16, Mrs. Shea was bom Miarch I2tb Circuit TesUmorrlal Dlrriter 1897 In New York City, and those w ish in / to rtn ^ ®''®^ Mlorch (Continued from Page One) Rd. Union Cemetery, Seymour. had lived in Rockville tor 40 me^rto.fP®**® Nashua, N.H., daugh- Tour Homestead Pendleton is scheduled to ap­ Post VFW Post 41 Com­ Friends may call at the fu­ mander Herman Nltsche and years. Therter “ ®"‘ *®‘‘ and A '^na Jordan Court Cases Ziegler did not dispute that pear in Elaat Hartford Ctroult neral home tonight from 7 to 9. post president of the auxiliary panpnn ?®^ ‘**® "^*"erl- " ‘"•T x^Tirran.Curran, anaand naahad lived In Mian-Mhn- The Cheney Homestead at 106 Ky knew what he was talking Court 12 Sept. 29. Orient Lodge of Masons' will Survivors, besides her hus­ ter St " ®°elety, 287 B. Cen- Chester ntttX^V since 1931.ACruX. MtiCShe taught Hartford aRd. , *1CZ0has beenMVCil visited about but kejrt referring to (he COVENTRY Lois Lawson will be honored at conduct a Masonic service to­ band, Include 7 sons, Edward MANCHESTER SESSION a testimonial dinner Sept. 20 at at the Manchester Green School *>y several school, social and need for completing conferences Jerry F. Moynlhan, 40, of night at 8 at the funeral home. Welz of Rockville, Henry A. Mark Ireland, 21, of Rockville, before she retired In 1941. She civic groups, with the other allied nations Trowbridge Rd., Coventry, was the Post Home Welz of Bolton, William Welz of Harry T. Hall ohaiged with Hallure to drive A roast beef dinner will be was a graduate of Keene (N.H.) Last Thursday morning, 28 with troops In Vietnam—Aiastra- charged with breach of peace Mrs. Mary GlimtInlanI Tollond, Walter Welz of Staf­ COLUMBIA — Harry T. Hall In the eatobUshed lane, pleaded served at 7:80 p.m. followed by State OoUep-e. She was a mem- Students In Mrs. Mary Ann Ma, New Zealand, the Phlllp- Friday night He is scheduled Mrs. Mary Conassa SantIna ford, Carl Welz of Enfield, Rob­ 70, of Collin* Rd.. husband of guilty and wea fined $28. dancing until 12:80. Tlcketa are ber of the Ladles of St. James Roy’s social science class at plnes. South Korea and Thai­ to appear in Mandiester Circuit GlustInlanI, 80, of 161 Birch St., ert Welz of Florida, and Albert Mrs. Elsie S. Hall, died yester­ Marlon Harris and her step available at the x>OBt home or and the St Agnes Guild. Manchester Community College da nrtx^ D o r ^ ^S*'d**^ land. Court 12 Sept. 29. widow of Michael GlustInlanI, Welz of North Dakota; a dauTh- day afternoon at Hartford Hos­ Survivors, besides her hus- visited Two grouus of grade “ ®;^*****^' Bonna, both of Rock­ from members. ers, Mrs. Lester Kemble of pital. These were slated tor comple­ died suddenly Saturday at her e d . Include -two daughters, school students!^nr from West tion Monday, he said. Ziegler Special gueSts will be Thom- -v-.v.nvii,v,Rockville, Mrs. Ulllanijtiiiaii aiimi.Shea Mr. Hall was born In Buck- home. J^eph T^ ^eeney Hartford, made tours prior to „ . did not qieciflcally answer a ae KHllon, department senior and Mrs. Ernest Beaudry, both *leld, Maine, and lived In Brook- Cheney wood St., pleaded guUty to a Nuclear Test Site Ciystal Lake Firehouse wtth Republican who can attract sup­ all of-Waterbury, and Donald John J. NaDeau of Tucson, ■ years before he retired In 1968. The funeral will be tomotroiw Homestead Committee chair- chairge of failure to drive In the Ted Gromack serving as caller. Ariz., and Mrs. B. Pitcher of He was a— member---- - v»aof auvcjiuiKEvening tilat o.ov8:80 i&.iii.a.m. iruiiifrom uiethe ziuiiiiJohn F.r . ^ proper lane and was fined $25. Habitable Again port from both the left and the AU dtfo level dancers are wel­ GlustInlanI and Anthony Glustl- ntn ^ T ee ei ^ ^ Se. m_ SMI • V« ee ■■■ Shelton; 80 grandchildren and 11 star Lodge of Masons In Buck-_ Tierney EHineral. Home,. 210 W. „ B® ***e evening------of — Oct.----- —-28, A chsjge of speeding was noiled. right. nlanl, both of Wolcott; two (Omtlnned from Page One) come. field,tieiH Maine. Cenler 8t, with ... a ..MaM of . the ProfeaslonalProfessional Women’sWomen’s ClubClub Donald Savade, 37, of 106 wtgK. But the American Conserva­ Boys League Trip daughters, Mrs. Frank Gambo- great-grandchildren. tirlll K.» A______a.- Survivors, besides hls wife em Marshalls. tive Union, urging the election latl and Miss Ann GlustInlanI, Funeral services will be to­ requiem at the Church of the ^ given a guided tour be- larux St,, was fined $16 alter The ToUand Boys L ea ^ e wlU Include n son, David K. Hall of Assumption at 0. Burial will be evening: meeting. pleading g;iiil)ty to a Although rich in rainfall. Kill of a conservative leader) put both of Munchc.ster; a sister in morrow at 11 a.m. at Ladd Fu­ _ „ , - _ charge of sponsor a football trip to the Columbia; and a sister, Mns, In St. JamH’ Cemetery. School groups from to’“ has no lagoon or sheltered sea both Baker and Hruska In that Italy; 17 grandchildren, 8 great­ neral Home, 19 EHIIngton Ave. Of being found Intoxlcaited. Unlverelty of Connecticut Oct. Mary K^ Hall of Lewiston, Friends may call art the fu anywhere else In the state con Jack ^>ector, 16, of 13 MU- approach. The islanders have oategory. grandchildren, and several George Kalina of Jehovah’s 4 to see UOonn play the Uni­ Maine. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. vlslt the homesteaa without ford St., was fined $28, of which teen earning about $20,000 an­ nieces and nephews. Witnesses will officiate. Burial versity of New Hampshire. The funeral and burial will be Charge by arranging a special $io was remitted, tor failure to nually through the sale of copra The funeral will be Wednes­ will be In Ellington Center Cem­ All boys and their families at the convenience of the fam- appointment with Mrs. Royal drive at a reasonable dlstanoe and ladles’ handbags made of day at 8:18 a.m. from the Al- etery. are Invited to attend the game, >iy- Isham, resident hostess. Special A charge of driving without in- coconut fiber. ^Black Day’ blnl Funeral Home. Inc., 116 Friends may call at the fu­ Choral Group whether or not they belong to Potter Funeral Home, 466 group tours of 10 or more Tlilrty BUdnlana will arrive Farm SI., Waterbury, with a neral home tomorrow from 10 'surance while under 18 years the league. Jackson St., WUllmantlc Is In adults can also be made at a of age was noledl. here next month to help plant Buses will leave the Hicks Mass of requiem at St. Lucy’s a.m. to the time of the serv­ charge of arrangements. Sets Auditions In Pittsburgh reduced charge by calUng Mrs. Hans Ackerman, 62, of 82 Con­ coconuts, breadfruit and pan- Memorial School parking lot at Church. Waterbury, at 9. Bur­ ice. There will be no calUng laham. Hartford Symphony Chorale way Rd., chasged with tollure danus, making ready for the re­ ial will be In Calvary Ceme­ hours. (Contbiued from Page One) ia;:80 a.m. Oct. 4. Those will­ .eg wlU hold auditions for singing to grant theright of way. nollod. turn of the others. ing to attend are sisked to con­ tery, Waterbury, Mrs. Holger Loraen positions tonight from 7 to 7:80 Melva Dandunond, 496 lai- McCraw, 41, of Germantown, tlces are ended,” said Michael Frle ndsmav enll at the hi- Mrs. Karen Wendell Larsen, Mrs. Minnie W, Byers tact their team managers. Fur­ p.m. at South Oongregattonal llard St., charged with being Md.« said considerable testing Diamond, one of the march neral home tonight from 7 to 9 66, of 146 Tanner St., wife of WAPPING—^Mrs. Minnie Wl- Hay ns worth ther Information may be obtain­ Church. Main SL, Hartford. For found intoxicated, noUed. has been conducted to deter­ and tomorrow from 2 to 4 and Holger Larsen, was dead on nans Byers. 87, of Wapplng leaders and member of the ed from Earl Beebe, Rhodes several years the ohorele has J<*n Irons, 16, of Jewett mine the extent of lingering ra­ Black Construction Cfoalltlon, ■ Rd. 7 to 9 p.m...... earrival , e,at Manchester in.o,iiur-Memor died - — yesterday afternoon aiat a ,ung In concerts with the Hort- Seen Getting Qlty, charged with operating a dioactivity. which organized the march. The next meeting of the Boys lal Hospital early this morning Manchester convalescent home. ,ord Symphony Orchestra as motor vehicle without a license. Washington Y. INMilIttle after suffering a heart attack Mra. Byem was born Jan. 23. well as other state orchestras noUed. BOLTON—W"shtogton Y. Doo­ Senate Okay nt her home. 1882 In Rockford, 111., and had At the flrat rehearaal last Judith Kayals, W. Middle little, 83, of Elmwood, a ’ Bol­ Mrs. Laraon was bom Fob. Wapplng for three week more than 100 singers (Continued tm.n » Tpke., charged with abandon­ ton native, died yesterday at 16, 1908 In Denmark, and Uved y*®ra. She was a member of were le by Edgar Wasllleff of ing a spouse and «*Bbltatlon Hartford Hospital. Ho was the In Avon and In Farmington for ® A*” * United Methodtst Manchester, director, through knowledge I have today, I pre- with another, noUed. evergoRe’s husband of Mrs. Harriet Lang- 30 years before coming to Man- ^huroh of Westfield, N.J.,ana and tthe Binging singing O of f Kodaly’a Kodaly’s ”Te "Te diet aici thatinai Judge Judge Haynsworth’s Haynsworth’s Edwin Main, 74, of Hartford hans Doolittle. > .. . OH nf\nm*amf ______■ _. ------Edwin Main, 74. of Hartford, cheMer six years ago. Si* member _ of - ...... the Doum” and Verdi’s ’ ’Requiem” appointment will be confirmed Charged with failure to grant Mr. Doolittle was born In Bol­ ^ rvlvors Include two daugh- Wcstfifilu ToruUs Club ®"‘*aiuI ***etho the home of bfrs. Alex EUse&ser, with mvmy support.” *» ibAthe right of way, urA«» noUed. We Are Celebrating favorite J ton and nv«Hl In the Hartford ters, Mrs. Vivian Ware of 286 Wcstfled Women’s Club. this season. Acting Senate GOP leader Gory Plrkey, 22. of 67 Leland area nu«n of his life. He was Green Rd. and Mrs. Richard , ^“ 'Tl'rors Include two daugh Hugh Scott of Petsisylvanla akx> Ur., charged with driving In the einploy«l jis an tnspertor by the Our 2nd Anniversary! Morrison of 39 Maxwell Dr. In " ‘ ™’ BhUlp Lees of Wap- Indicated Sunday he might back Hght hand lane, noUed. New York and New Haven Rail­ Vernon; two sons. Erik E. Lar- ®"'* Taylor D. Clough the nomination, but for the mo­ Leo Cote, 16. of 709 Main road before he retlrwL * Baptist Circles sen of Avon and Thomas B. N-J-: throe grand- ment would rm rv e Judgment charged with break and entry Survivors, besides his wife, Larsen of UnlonvUle; a brother ®h h”"’ Ereat-grand- wHh criminal Intent and lar­ ^ C A N D IE S ..^ Include a son, P'rank DooUttle of Begin Meetings ceny, had hls case continued Hartford; two cUiughters. Mrs. and three sisters In Denmark. ® t,-,,*'®” ' , ami grundohlldren. *»« held urrtU tomorrow In RockvUle. Clifford Griswold and Mrs. Mar­ 11 The various Clrt'Ies of the No Letup A number of otoer cases were garet Miller, both of Manches­ Funeral services will be Wed- ®! ®‘ “ *® Worrien's ^ -le ty of Commu-' nesday at 10:80 a.m. at HolmeH_^:^^ nlty Baptist Church will have continued to latV dates on the ter; n ste|xson. Carl Uinghiuui court docket. of Hartford; nine grandchil­ Funeral Home. 400 Main St. ’ N J- their first meetings of the sea­ lu Mideast son tomorrow. dren, and three great-gnuid- Rev. Earle R. Custer, pastor of m (Contlnlied from Rage One) North United MethodistMethodl.1 CJhuroh, L ei^tery. Westfield. Marcia Neubert Circle will clUldrdn. Frtemls may coll at the Grey , SS Manhattan Funeral .sen-ices will be held will officiate. Burial will be In meet at 12:30 p.m. at the home loraell Defense— e MinisterMuusier ^ East Cemertery. Funeral Home tomorrow from 7 of Mrs. Henry Robert. 142 Ly- Wislne-Sdiiy at 11 a.m. at the to 9. Mushe Dayan said Saturday the ( J o e n S N o F t h w C S t Friends may call at the fu­ doU------St. rpurp»ise----I------of the»-•*. strikesIkes was w a « ” toUJ __ Thomas P". p'lirley p^lne^lI The John F. Tierney Funeral ^ Home. 90 Web-ster St.. Pbirttonl. neral home tomorrow from 2 to Circles meeting nt 8 p.m. are Immobilize (Egyptian) troops to N 4 and 7^ to 9 p.m. Home, 219 W. Center St., Man- Reed-Eaton Clrole at the home guard those places . . . If they Passage Burial will be In Holton Ceme­ cheater was In charge of local tery. The family suggesU that of Mrs. William HIU, 11 Byron don't do It. that front wUl re- (Contlnaed troth Page One) arrange ments. P'rlends may enll at the fu- thqsc wishing to do so make R d.; Mary Greene Ctrvle at the main vulnerable and It will be Hies would be made until ttie memorial donations to the New- church; Estelle Carpenter Cir­ possible to hit It again.” eorty 1970‘s. eral home tonight from ,7 to 9 Mrs. Thomas C Shea lr«gton Crlpplotl (3illdren's cle at the home of Miss Bllda and tomorrow from 2 to 8 and Mrs. Retn C. Shea. 62, of US Stanley B. Hass. Humble’s 7 to 9 p.m. Homo and Hospital. Stratton, 22 Ardmore R d.: and project manager, told newamea Chestnut St., former teacher at the Barlxira Gifford C lnle nt Manchester Green School, died _____ ..... Three To Plead aboard that mountaina______of data .Mrs. .Nellie II. Whlleheml Aiixiist I’. Person the home of Mrs. Alex Elsesser. Saturday night at an out-of-town 98 Baldwin Rd. f ¥> , 1 ^1 , gathered on the voyage arotdd WAPPING .Mrs. Nellie COLUMH A -r-August U. Per- I n Koboery Case »* fed to computers uter this Han.sen Whitehead. 78, of 91 .son, 69, of HennequIn Rd. re­ f ■’ month. The number of timea the Ijturel St., widow of Ulmont I. tired president of Perton and Three jmung men. charged Alp became stuck In ice and Whitehead, died Saturday at a Whipple -Inc., building contrac­ Women Awakened^ Struck wkh robbery with violence In the Ice pressure It encountered TO SHOW OUR THANKS FOR ANOIHER loeal convalescent home. tors. died yesterday at hls the alleged beating and gxm- would be two key factors, Hass ' Mrs. Whitehead was born home. - point robbery of a Milford Rd. sold. SUCCESSFUL YEAR, WE OFTfX m S The ideal mdoor’hving cond:t'")ns of lf*e d'/ct' 'ally '■^ated ’•'O'- r-',..-.’ '••'e ->'.-;-ied-d; aif can March 17, 1«91\ In Hartford and Mr. Pei^n was active I'n road By Man Who Fled with $600 )'outh. appeared In Circuit Cburt future are here now Ihrough fresh a r living -.taie ano 'f -'i! your home had lived In the Hartfortl area today and their cases were con­ and bridged bulldlitjf for 40 ★ SEPT, s p e c i a l ★ ■with. Rnpder.n lo'w cost natural gas- You can have y.a*' h'f'-'j'r''e mast of her life. She was a years, an.l n-tlred at the age of Mrs. Barbara E n ^•^'^w f •hook - ■ after - whleh she gave po­ tinued to Septj 29 for' plea. ‘Non-Violent’ member of Wapplng Communi­ tM. A former resident of Nor- awakened Sunday morningreive at lice----- a ’ —-statement ^ about what The defendants are litlchael complex; CREME rw AA ASSORTED much more than perfect heaimg and cooling the d yiu're'ir " n ring /0ui*5e!l r ' ty Church, W'llk. he lived in Columbia for 7:30 to find a man standing______*'®PPe®ed, D Auria, 19. of 1 Oolutnbus St.; CHOCOUTES year round You can live better with humidificaVon ar -) y : jr I'ami.y a - ’’ e ry-rf;’ ••. - ‘ ''er,b .i r hvmg,, Survivors include two daugh­ No description PERMANEYT the past 29 years. He was bom over her bed. She screamed and could be of- John Oabbey. 19, of 226 Ver­ Yonth Killed 1 R). $1.95 in v/inter to relieve dryness and dehjm-d 'icat>on cal'Cr.'Tj in )-iarodKe The man put a nlllow over ira . \.'T®" **“ >«*<» ‘n connec- hU Back Bay apartm^ was IWIANY assortments . . . And-all year long, gas fresh air livmg provedes contractor / k ‘ ~ A ,,, • t -.^ hiqh'y popular ter, Mrs. Clayton A. Dams of of Masons In Wtllimantlc. E n g te t^ r t^ * h ^ H r W *i 2 U««^ey Ur. by tion with the beating of Joel ransacked. TO GIVE AND ENJOY Newington; six, grandchildren, Englebert s head, hit her In the way of a basement door, Spector 17 of IS ICUford ra Spell Of Beauty frequent changes ‘of ad as often as ten times gaS heat convers jr t 'C"'’ ;' P'cgram with Siirv'vors Include bts wife, Detectives believe Corotenutl and eight great-grandchildren. J ^ toHl fled with more than M «, Englebert’. eight-year Friday. Summoned to the S ^ t every hour, making yduf •r'ldopr. climate dean Aarm atr gas heat yc . -e.’ ' r . fresn aif Mrs. Winifred Currier Person; n u t to CAUMMk BXtT LENOX FXineral services will be held •"■o dnught'rs, Mrs Laurens dauilYter was ih«* oi\lv tor kv. •vk.xi,. ecaewhere and hli healthy and odor-free living aif-ponc t'Orung, w'lef.' yo,- re ready wifl tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. at Rose M ^ E n g le ^ r t was taken to peraon In the apartment at the caught two i bh^ men * ^ A «>ff Holbrook Jr; of Columbia and Manchester Memorial HospUal Ume,- but a neU^bor ouicklv th l^ ^ Police have discounted rob- PHARMACY Gas heated r'orr.es ’'■ec-'d less >.suiai>on iha.’^. 'tr.ane •! ^ m p ieie / » // Hill Funeral Home 580 Elm St., Mrs. Bruce Fax of Storrs; a , . where she was treated for answerad h e r " s ! ^ x l ( T ' h S to Iater''“ ‘^ ' ' “ ® » e had $18 on ^ * • ms person. ■ -A

/ \ A ■J ■ I ■' ' " " \ ■' ■ ■ ■ PAGE TW'ELVB V, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 ■■ ■■ Section Two MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 ' 1 ' ^ ' ' ■ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Voter Approval MmiTllTBtTr TEoTning TYpYaUi Pages 13 to 24 What Is Your Prestige Rating? Of Dodd Grows By HAL BOYLE health. Oompetltion is not only Manchester ’The wife of th£ boss insists Your expense account has ris­ HAR’m X a b , Oonn. (AP) PWTO NEW YORK (AP) — Have the life of trade, it is also the T o w n L ets that you dance with her at least en so mudi Oiat restaurant Is U.S. Sen.'Thom as J. Dodd CummiTagg Picks life of our business-oriented so­ Hospital Notes FIMTO, People Intereotad you given yourself a prestige twice at the annual office spring doing a good Job? Should he ciety. get-together. waiters, when presenting the IB Nanotics Troatmont Or- PlatfoTnri Unit checkup lately? | bill, automatically hand you a run again nem year? ganimttoB IBe., la aow qpon G >n tracts Are you still clawing your If not, why not? Instead ct your getting an oc­ pen to sign It. ’Hiey realise you A pott oommisBioned by the TISITINO .HODl» Mbaday Umugh Wodnaaday way up. the ladder of success, or casional dunning letter from the Intermediate Oare Beml- For D emocrats Millions of now get aren’t one of those nobodles who Hartford ’Times indicates that •veotnga, f.80 to 10, in the The Tiown of Manritester has I unknowingly, have you begun to alumni office, the president of petvate, noon-S p.m., and '4 p jn . some kind of annual medical still have to carry cash. half the voters approve of the bottom Oom- of the VniUams awarded oontracta recently to Democrat! c Town Chairman zoom on a toboggan path toward your college suggests having S pJUff private rooma. It a.m.- checkup. This is good as far as ’The boss doesn’t push the job 0odd is doing, but a ptural- Building o f St. Mary’a*Bida- the following; Ted Cumrr Jngs has appointed Nonentity Swamp? Only a regu­ lunch with you when he drops t p.m., and 4 p.m.-S p.m. copol Church on Park 8L it goes, but it doesn’t go far buzzer on his desk so often any­ ity feel he should not try to Hartford Rd. Enterprises cf a 10-memb i t platform commit­ lar prestige checkup can give Into town. retiun to the Senate in 1970. Pediatrics: Parents allowed An ex-addict, a parent of a tee, which will have its rec- enough. you the answer. more to summon you to his of­ You quit hanging around pool Increasing voter approval ^ any thno except noon-9 p.m .; drug user, and a profeaalonal Manchester — a 14,000 pound ommendat K>ns ready in early A medical checkup only deter­ fice. When he has something on oUwTs, t PJU.-8 p.m. In time, of course, these halls and spend more time at Dodd’s work as a senator is In- counselor are on hand to tsiir dump truck, tor 33,800, Including O®*®)**''* tor adoption by the mines the state of your physical his mind, he likes to drop Into Self S e ^ c e : i t n.m.-Z p.m., checkups will be given by com­ country clubs. dicaited by the fact that in to anjrano on an anonymous a trade; a second 14,000 dump Democrat ic Town Committee. health. It lets you know how your office and talk It over 4 p.m.-8 p.m. puters. But there is no reason March only M per cent approved basis. The phono number Is truck, for $8,900, including The pia .tform wlU be the basis much wear and tear your body When you drop Into the bank more informally. If he asks how Intensive Care and Coronary why. if you are one of those do- txA now BO per cent are satis­ w-zaoo. trade, and three 32,000 pound tor tile Democratic campaign is showing and whether you still to explain how your wife over­ your kids are, he remembers Care: Immediate fmniiy only, it-yourself guys, you can't fig­ fied. i dump trucks, for 32E900, includ­ for the Nov. 4 munlclpai elec­ have muscle tone or have gone drew your joint account, the their names. anytime, Umlted to Ove min- ure out yourself the state of On the question of whether ing trade, with half the cost of tion. flabby. your prestige. . banker no longer looks at you in You no longer can waste time chill disbelief. He calls you by Dodd should run again next all five vehicles to be paid this The committee consists of What you need to know in ad­ You can congratulate yourself at the barbershop leafing Matenilty: FaUien, 11 a.m.- Atty. V fiiham FitzGerald, chair­ your first name—or, better yet, year, 46 per cent answered "no” Police Log year end the second half, at dition is the state of your social that you’re doing okay if— through naughty magazines lt:4B p.m., and t:M p.m.-8 man; Richard Wiley; Atty. Al­ by your Initials—says not to In the recent poll compared wiUi p.m.; others, 3 p.m.-4 p.m., end seven per cent Interest, next while awaiting your turn In the 49 per cent In Iforch. ' year. lan Thomas; Mrs. Fhyllts worry about It until the bank chair. Your secretary now ar­ tM p.m.-8 p.m. ABBXBeta Jacks ton; Clarence Foley; Her­ does. Dodd, who was censured by ranges your haircuts by ap­ Age limits: it in maternity. Shechtman Motors of Hart­ the Senate in 1967 for using cam­ John Haaaraff, 28, o f 308 bert Stevenson; Atty. Richard On a business trip you don’t pointment. I t In other areas, no limit in ford — a 54,(XX> pound tandem paign contributions for personal Haple St., cfaarged with CaUure Woo< ihoi tse; State Rep. Francis feel it rtiecessary to wash your sdf-oervice. truck with body, for $14,647, Mah oney; Robert Stone and If you want to kill a dull work­ expenses, repeatedly Has said be to obey a state tnumc control own socks in the hotel wash with half the cost to be paid tmings. day afternoon by taking In a would seek renomdna^on at the sign. Court date Sept. 29. 1968 VOLKSWAGEN bowl; at home your wife has The administration reminds this year and the second, at 9.5 R ItatJernM and Wiley are movie, you are free to do so. Democratic state bonvehUon quit Ironing your shirts and now visitors that with construction per cent interest, next year. car idl dates tor the Board of Di­ ’The offlqe underlings will only next year. Dale Ranson, 104H Home­ Squareback Sedan sends them to the laundry. nndM way, parklag space Is stead St., charged with mak­ Mullmedte Learning Systems ce' -'ti»rs. ’Thomas and. -Mra. assume that you’re at your club, limited. Visitors are asked to of Northhampton, Mass. — ex­ At least one member of the ing an umveceosary noise with a Je XKston ore candidates toe the • 4-SPEED TRANS. conscientiously losing a golf bear wltb the hospital while the pansion of Manchester High family has had a small nervous motor vehicle. Ocurt date Sept. B oard of Edixwtlon. Fo)ey and game to a major contact. peridng ^oblem exists. School’s language lab, for $12,- • RADIO breakdown and emerged from It St. FJevenson represent the seven Your neighbors, who would 680. wemocrotlc district leaders. successfully. dislike you If you bought a new P&S Patients ’Today: 260 Nevel Flay, 24, of 10 Pioneer Crest ’Tractor and Equipment The other fosu* members of the • WHITE FINISH You have been asked to head car more expensive than they ADMITTED SA’TURDAY: Clif­ Cir., chnrged with failure to Co. — a Compactor Dozer for plntforhi committee represent a charitable drive in your com­ could afford, now dislike you be­ ROOFING ford T. Brlerley, 669 Dart Hill obey a state trattic control sign. the land-fill area, tor $55,278, the Democratic membership at- munity, even if It was only to cause you bought one cheaper Rd., Rockville; James T. Fltz- Court date Sept. 26. to be paid In three Installments, large. ♦2395 raise funds to wipe out chil­ than they ^an afford. TTiey sus­ Roofing and geraU, 863 Griffin Rd., Wap- one-third in 1969, one-third in blains asnang the Elskimoe. pect such attempts at tact Indi­ plng; Scott P. Horafleld. 150 ACCIDENTS 1970, and one-thiid In 1971. ’The shoeshine man who goes cate you’re getting raher smug Repairs Done Oak St., Wnpplng: Paul C. South Windsor Equipment Co. Boy Injured TED TRUDON. Inc. and condescending. John Pepin, 20, of Coventry, from floor to floor in your build­ Realistically Kaiser, Glastonbuiy; Joseph charged wttfa failure to eet a — a Cub Lo-Boy tractor, for VOLKSWAGEN PORSCHE ing is now willing to trade stock Well, the truth 1s, you are, Klslei, 136 Oak St.; Mrs. Eliza­ handbraloe, after his oar rolled $1,300, Including a trade. In Accident market tips with you because he aren’t you? But you’ve also got Free Estimates beth I. Lanz, 80G Bluefleld Dr.; out of a chuKh. parking lot on Interstate ’Traffic Equipment TOLLAND TPKE___ TALOOTTVILLE figures you may have almost as something else, too — much Irwin B. Miller, Amston; Mrs. Main SL, and struck a car driv­ Oo. of New Haven—traffic and Oblivious To h All Everett Punty. 13, of Stontaig- much inside knowledge as he prestige one price of which ds c u t Julia M. Pagan!. 13 Palknor en by Biiafaia Root, »4, of Beat pedestrian signale and controla ton was admitted to Manches­ does. A child crawls through a burnt-out vehicle aerv ing always envy. 649-2373 — 649-1516 Dr.; Mrs. Anna Y. Roman, 18 Granby, Saturday at 9 a.m. on E. Middle ’Tpke., for $24,890. ter Memorial Hospital with pos­ Woodbridge 8t.; Mrs. Alice (J. Court date tor Pepin b Sept. 29. Bastern Equipment Sales of a.s pai-t of a Imrricade lietweeii riotcatiint.s and Rev- sible head injuries yesterday Teets, 167 E. Center St.; Wil­ Rooky Hill—a vabuum leaf col­ man Catholics on Lord Street in Belfast, North­ after an accident on the W. Mid­ liam Ulm, 9 Eldrldge St.; Mrs. dle ’Tpke.. near 1-84. Stella Zwick. 222 LydaU St., lector, tor $4,264, with hal^ the ern island. A religious billlioard in luickground is an Sandra B. WlUlams. Andover. The boy was reported In sa­ charged with failure to drive in cost to be pedd this year and the imnic commentary on the country’s troubles. tisfactory condition today In the ADMITTED YESTTERDAY: the eatablMted lane, after her second half, at 10 per cent In­ children’s ward of the hoopital Mrs. Margaret te. Barry, 116 oar hit a utUity pole on Autumn terest, next year. after head X rays were taken. Parker St.; Mrs. Kathleen E. St., near E ldrid^ at 3:80 p.m. Delta Wire and Steel Oo. of half the cost to be paid this at 6 per cent Intereat tor the The boy was Injured when a Andrews, 94 Orchard HIU Dr., yesterday. She was taken to Manchester — a 10-toot snow year and the seepnd luiK. at 10 sand spreaders and 8.6 |)cr cent car driven west on W. Middle Wapplng; Michael J. Boumey, Mancheoter Memorial Hoepltal plow and a 12-foot snow plow, per cent Interest, next year. for the compressor. Tpke. by Ms mother, Dorine, WIntHiam; Mrs. James Ckwen- where ahe wae treated tor the tor $2,066 combined, with half Cktsey-Dupula of Nevrii^iton— Wigrens Wed 50 Years .The Anthony Die n Qmstruc- struck the n-ar of a car driven Hour Glass Cleaners sky. South Windsor; Irvers H looB of two teeth and released. the cost to be paid this year two sand tqireaders, tor $4,166, Unn Oo. of Mnn< .•healer — a by David Baunders, 48, of 80 drown, 74 Branford St.; Andrew ’ ’Never thought we’d make Her brother. Paul Johnson of Court date Sept. 29. and the second half, at no In­ Including trades; and an air- wnter-maln Instal'.atlon In W. Frances Dr The accdlent hap- 459 Hartford Rd., Mcmchester (Next to Westown Pharmacy) Phone 643-5992 E. Eggen, 53 Lyneas St.; Wesley 'this," Mrs. Charles L. Wlgrcn terest added, next year. compressor. tor $4,63D, includ­ Ansonia, who was an usher at Middle ’Tpke., between Deer­ peneUtan the established lane, after her 3 SWEATERS in Thailand. Club and other local organiza­ 3 pr. PANTS Buckingham St.; Joseph A. car struck the parked oar of Save Now! JIFFY CAKE MIXES Rowe, 1230 Hartford ’Tpke., Mr and Mrs. Wlgren were tions. Tbey are members of the Oeoige Guay, of Andover, on Late Rocki^le. married Sept. 13, 1019 in the South United Methodist Churdi. Liberty St„ near Russell, Satur­ 3 SLACKS Methodist Church in Ansonia. (Herald photo by Pinto.) Also, Mrs. Leocadia G. Schal- day at 1:30 p.m. ik-ALL FLAVORS - 9 OZ. BOX ★ ler. Box Mt. Dr., Vernon; Gregory Shrdder, 43 ’Thayer Brackett, Mtddlefleld; Mrs. and daughter. East Hartford; ’Ihere was a two car accident 70's W ILL BE HIGHER! ALSO YOU GET A FULL 5-YEAR ♦ 2 . 0 0 ♦ 2 . 0 0 R d.; Michael Sokola, East Hart­ Helen J. Sweet, Dobson Rd., Mrs. Edward Mori arty and son, Saturday at 9:45 p.m. on Fbr- ford; Mrs. Anne Welles, Beelze­ rest St., near Main St The WARRANTY ON THE 69‘s vs. A 1-YEAR ON THE 70't! MEN'S OR WOMEN'S CLEANED AND PRESSED Vernon; Mrs. Barbara''C. 295 Main St.; Mrs. Michael Par- ♦ 2 . 0 0 bub Rd., Wapping; Mrs. Gloria Milanese. Hartford ’Tpke., lapiano and son, 160 Wetherell drivers were James Davis, 17, B. Westover, North Rd., Bol­ Rockville; Charles Crouch, St.; Mrs. Chartes Karpf and of 87 Mill 8t„ and Bllsabetti ^ FROSTINGS ton; Gertrude E. Wilson, 32 Broad Brook; Greg D. Wert, son, Stafford Springs. PhlBips, of 146 Wells St. The BRAND NEW 1969 MERCURYS! Strickland St. South Windsor; Milton W. PhllUpe’ oar was towed. "ONE HOUR CLEANING AT NO EXTRA CHARGE" BIRTHS SA’TURDAY: A son Smith, East Hartford; Ronald DISCHARGED SUNDAY: ■k Choose From Over 60 Brand New 69*s it James Gregory, 87, of S8H ALL FLAVORS to Mr. and Mrs. Guy Tirendl, E. Peters, East Hartford; Jo­ John H. MatcheU, 90 Holl St.; Summer 8t„ backed Into a fire 611 Center St.; a daughter to seph Ambrosi, 30 Orchard St., Mrs. Ann B. Lepter. Bread and plug Saturday at 4:80 p.m. on 7 1/2 OZ. BOX Mr. and Mrs. Robert Steven­ Rockville. Milk St., Coventry; Mrs. Carol Men's 2-PieC^ Green Hill St. knocking the top son, 16 Henry St.; a son to Mr. Also. Mrs. Dora Ann Golem- Ann Peterson. 77 Harlan St.; William R. OoUins, 791 Main off It. (YOUR CHOICE - CAKE MIX OR FROSTING AT 100 EACH) and Mrs. Martin Seamon, Glas­ bieskl. East Hartford; Neil A. I) ' _ St., Apt. 28; Mrs. Alice Rich­ tonbury; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Quatra'no, 63 Echo Dr., Vernon; BLANKETS mond, 283 Spring St.; Mrs. COMPLAINTS DRESSES Jennifer L Roberts, ’Tunxls John Sasso. 251 Benedict Dr., Mary E. Stevenson. Hardy Rd., Someone went on a gas cap THIS WEEK’S PAPERS . Wapping; a daughter to Mr. Trailer, Bolton; Rhonda J. SUIT Brldgeman, 10 Haynes St.; Ek- Hebron; Mrs. Leona C. Ben­ copping spree Saturday night and Mrs. Jerry Rinaldo, 39 Hill­ leen M. Gordon, l9 Goalee D r.; da II. 342 HUliard St.; Earl in the Ttnacy Dr.-Cushman 8t. FO R / i,* side St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Couchesne, Glastonbury; Mrs. area. At least five people have Henry McDermott. 1023 Avery Dolores L. Rollins. 437 Center St.; William Howes. 228 Moun­ Beatrice E. Kowalski, Andover; reported gas cape taken from ♦ 1 . 4 0 St., Wapping; a son to Mr. and $1 A jf\ ^ 1 . 0 0 tain Rd.; Harry Firato, 90 Mrs. Dorothy Lennon, 181 Main their cars that ntgtit. Mrs. Allan Howat, 49 Irene Dr.. POPULAR’S Plymouth Lane; John Bensche, St.; Mrs. Edith D, MncKend- (PLAIN) Vernon; a son to Mr. and Mrs. la 4 U 101. Florence St.; Mrs. Ehnma rick, 18 Elsie D r ; Deborah J. A boy was seen running from ’Thomas Ciolas. Storrs. M. Washburn, 36 Lakewood Cir­ Soja, West WllUngton; Deborah the front of the North End F^ackage Store at 149 N. Main BIR’THS YESTERDAY: cle. L. Bigras, Mark Dr. Coventry; St. Saturday night at 9:80 after ’IV'lns, a ton and a daughter Also, Mrs. Beulah R. Shorts. Kathleen Kramer, Twin Hills Dr., Coventry; Mrs. Joyce A. a plate glaas window was heard to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 95 Lockwopd St.; John Ursln, 1 ONE DAY SERVICE on SHIRTS Wiener,” 1238 Hartford ’Tpke., Gnlio, 43 Manor Lane, Wap­ shattering, there. A boMIe of Baxter St., ToHand; Mrs. Ber- ping; Jennifer L,. Horsfleld, 250 liquor Is missing Rockville; a son to Mr. and nic» B. Krewolk, 18 Liberty St.: Oak St.. Wapping. Brand New 1969 M,ercury Montego MX 2-Door Hardtop Mrs. George Starkweather, Mrs. Sharon Carter, Box 485, Storrs; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Also, Mrs. Emily F. Clay, There waa a break and entry Coventry; Mrs. Dorothy E. at Burger Castle on the W. Finished in deep luster maroon enamel, dark aJl-vlnyl red Interior, 200 Ronald Hamilton, Hebron. Shannon, 40 Eldrldge S t; Her­ East Hartford: Donald W. Chap­ S A U P R IC E ! LEAN and man, South Windsor; Marino Middle ’Tpke. sometime Satur­ COLONIAL DISCHARGED SA’TURDA Y : bert J. Angell, St. PeitejT*urg. cubic Inch, 6-cyllnder engine that uses regular gas. automatic, while Silvestri. 60 Emma Lane,. day night. Nothing has, as yet, Mrs. Irene W. Walker, Box Mt. Fla.; Mrs. Eileen M. Washburn, RockvlUe; Edward O’Grady, 72 been reported missing. walls, power rteering, AM radio, remote csmlrol mirror, deluxe wherl DUBUQUE JUICY Dr.. Vernon; John Sanson, 85 E,ist Hartford; Maria Moroz. DAISY Keeney St.; Samuel Kravltz, Hamlin St.; Dana W Pearle, W’. Main St.. RockvlUe. covers. Federal Label List $3,229 FREE DRAWINGS for 410 E. Center St.; Mrs. Nat­ The Asrex Manufa'cturing SLICED Warehouse Point; Harold F. Also, Mrs, Harvey Coleman GROUND alie W. Platt. Lake St., Ver­ Oo. on Gnondvlew Bt., reports a non. break there this weekend. 'There B u n s are no reported losses . 2864 BACON BEEF SMOKED BONELESS Also, Mrs. Jeffiy Labovilz and ron, Mansfield Center; Mrs. Brand New 1969 Mercury PORK SHOULDER Wiixlows-Werc broken at the Brcmd New 1969 Mercury Harold Prescott and son, Marl­ Keeney St. 8chboi\ but nothing MAftgUlM 4-IMXMt HAJUTTOP VALUABLE PRIZES! borough; Mrs. Peter Hunzik- "This Is The T opol The L in e"’ Finished in dark Ivy green MO.NTE4M> MX (-O N V E im B M : ' Is reported missing after a re­ er and eon, Stafford Springs; cent break there. mrtajllc, matching aJI-vinyl interior, block vinyl ruitf, Medium gold metallic, matching alt vlnyt Intsrior. black 8 9 ! 691 Mrs. Harold Kadish and son, automatic, whUewalts. powtr ,dlsi front brakes, ’\nrwrr ccsiverUbU- Uiji. automsttr. courtesy lights,' whitswaJU, Vl CMPIETE KOBEftT I SMITH«•• steering, AM radio, tinted glase. ikxjr et^e guards, 'floor fs/wer side winikrws. power steering. AM radio, remote Deepwood Dr., Vernon; Mr». |g$U«AMU«THt W’endell KUcotiins and daugh­ mats remote control mirror, plus FAt.TOKV LN8TALi-Kt> control mirror. deJuxe wheel covers Fsdermi Lab^ List AIR CONDmONING' Federal Label t-lal tt.006 U 744 (NO PURCHASE IS NECESSARY) flMCK 1914 ter, Stafford Springs; Mrs. Pickers Find INSURANCE George Lamb and dsughter, SALE PRICE! SALE PRICE! and 39 HiUside Ave., Vernon; Mrs. TO WIN. JUST NLL OUT AN ENTRY RLANK AVAILAILE AT OUR Gaynor Johnson and son. Human Skull •3271 SERVICE 81 Cottage St.; Mrs. John (Oontlaiied from Page One) STORE. DRAWING WILL RE HELD FRIDAY O CTO IER 17TH. 7:00 A. Blaldeli and son, KNB It was found Saturday night Brand New 1969 Mercury Brand New 1969 Mercury Sycamore Lane. by two men who were picking COt'fiAft Z-IMMMt HAftirrOP P.M. YOU NEED NOT BE PRESENT TO WIN ONE OF THESE U. S. NO. 1 NEW DONUTS mushiooms. Dark Ivy green metallic, matching all vinyl mterior 3 MAIIAI.’DEK 2 IXXiK IIARDTOI* PRIZES. . . ’The sergeant said Sunday speed, standard transmission. whKewall tiree. remote con- All vinyl interior with block vmyl roof, sulomatlc tranw REAL Slate Elected night that poboemen had been irol mirror, deluxe wheel covers, courtesy light-. spr


Tj^NING^HEBAl^. CX)NN„ MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Commit Funds Ford Foundation, reviewed Is- PAGE nprEEK W itnesses Back ^sue* involved in the develop­ ment of community antenna To Rehabilitate television. Evans Commander Drug Addicts The govemotn have funded a study on CATV being conducted By T. JEFi? WDLUAMS when the collision occurred. WEST SPRINGFIELD;, Maas. by the N e w England Economic AsaoclaHd i“r e»s Writer Both got off with letters of re­ (AP) — Five N w England gov­ Research Foundation. primand and Ramsey also was ernors have agreed to commit Massachusetts Gov. Francis 1 SUBIC BAX, PKU llpplnes (AP) i )d\ put back Int the seniority list­ W. Sargent said he is withhold­ — U . Cmdr. AJi bert S. Mo- funds to several pilot ]»iojects ing, making it unlikely that h^ aimed at the rehabilitation of ing a request for suiqpwrt in Bos­ 9TART YOUR VERY O W N Lemore, skipper of the U.S. de­ will ever get a command. drug addicts. ton's bid for Expo '76 until fitxil stroyer Frank E. E vans. Insist­ plans have been approved. He In his opening statement, Lap­ The action came during a ed on being awakene d if his ship said Boston is getting tough pln said Hopson and Ramsey meeting of the governors at the was ordered to mak e a change competition from PhUadelphla CHINA TRA0I¥I0N...T0RAY "were fully aware of their duty of station, witnesst is at his Eastern States ExpoeiUon Sat­ to awaken their commander and and Washington, D.C., in bid­ court-martial testified today. urday. .A\mc1e ofTM xVnonei they failed to carry out their ding for the United States' 200th McLemore, 40, of i Inn Pedro The governors approved a duty.” anniversary fair. dow ntow n TnanchesteT Calif., was asleep in his cabin resolution submitted by Gov. The prosecutor, Lt. Cmdr. Da­ Sargent also outlined a iwo- June 3 when the Evam » w as cut John Dempsey of Connecticut vid A. Mario, Introduced ames- jected reorganization of the in half by the Australia; a carrier calling for the U.S. Department foil artificial flowers and foliage are b m ! sage from the Melbourne saying Massachusetts government de­ Melbourne in a collis. ion that of Transportation to help New * you won’t believe eo. and up itwould* 1 hold flight operations signed to bring 300 government killed 74 American sailc 'rs. The England states with highway how real they look! 10c during the night, a maneuver agencies under nine secretar­ destroyer was changing station I ■> improvements and highway iats. which required the Evans to from a position ahead o f the Barbara Marshment, 16-year-old high school junior safety. ^ • open Umra ajsd fri. ■i«W* OU tiM move from astern of the carrier The only New England gover­ / carrier to a position as'ter. a. of Alamo and new student member of the Califor­ Fred W . Friencfiy, professor for rescue duty. But Lt. Cmdr. nor absent was Rhode Island's of journalism at Columbia Uni­ McLem ore pleaded Im locent George L. McMlchael, execu­ nia State Board o f Education, listens as state Frank Llcht, who was observing versity and a coneultant to the to charges of negltgeirce and tive officer of the Evans, testi­ school chief Max Rafferty talks at a meeting last the Jewish high holidays. dereliction of duty at thfl i jpen- fied that he made out the opera­ week. R afferty introduced Miss Marshment as "the ing of the court-martial tc


BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 I- ■'j PAGE SEVENTEEN ya u A LfJO M . e o e i tHERE WAS SORRY, WHAT'LL X 007 X ,KE TH ' LONG WAY HOME.. Mpt A NAIL ON FUPDSy; CAN'T GO OUT INTO THIS CHAIR! NEEP TH'ADVERTISING! O K . BU T Mxrc> SAVE TUAe BY a m VAC'N THE STIVEET Vtxrp be IT WIPPED HAVE PRAT/ aCUST OUST THROMM'HtXJR LOOKING 1 EL­ MONEY AMWi''~A56UAA»4' Aatwtr M A HOLE YER REAAEAABEQEP-t h a t BOWIN' A YtSUVE SO T A t* ^ / IN AW MEAL 1 PBOMISeP MARTHA BEAR AWAY Repeated Syllables TWOUSERS' ON TH' A G T H E LA S T O F MY with fondant 5 Chemical . v a c a t io n M ONEY/ center suffix 0iiG>^2S McKinley and Calaci Outstanding Tlively dance 6 Seine UHelodloua 7 0 f adoc 14 Greek cod of 8 Swiftly By TOM BARRETT ley broke away from the manly beauty 9 Word of de- Calaci once again did the hon- over to flnlMt the drive In the more work for everyone. f- ...YEH! WEOUGHTa L J ^ USdiool-home nta 31 Territory garment Saturday as the Rams Greg Berger picked up East 12 to set up a long, steady East 35 and was carried most Ends: Berser. Tuttle, Aceto. JU S T A 49 Roof an East Catholic fumble 34 Kelly. Rasulls FUSE... noihinq. croup (ab.) 18 New York 33 Extent of time drive by the Eagles that ended of the way by Wholley and Rick 20 Discolored penitentiary 34 Egyptian overhang leaped to a quick s t a r tyards___ from paydirt on the Eagle Tackle*: Uicertnl. McKinley. and never looked back In their agconj 10 >-ards short of the goal line DeGemmls. Strong. Stark. White. Burdhard*. 24AaweUas (2 words) goddess SOColorii^ play from scrimmage. Martlnelll 27 Frerteh river 21 Narrated 37 Untie (dial) MCMlti 36-6 rout over the locals at Mt. when they ran out of dowTs. "W e knew we had a young Guard*: Brower, McDevltl, Bur- 28EcK-*baped 22Exist >- 39 Lordly 51 Diqiatched Nebo Field It was the ooenine . . Halfbacks Bill Perry and John team, but thought we'd be more letgti. L anileii. Manelll. Stark. Rlf- 32 Upper of 23 Periods ' residences 53Ihave ready" commented Eagle fon 42 Conger (cootr.) Centers: Trent, Ruasctl, Randtov. footwear 24 Retired to quarterback Brian Sullivan took Coach Cliff Demers afterwards. Leonard. H enn eney. Bvarara. Ca- .34 Old Latin rest catcher SfExclamatfaw A crowd of 1,500, Including last five yards two plays later, lacl. Clark to the air for part o l the Jour­ "It's pretty evident we have a Bible 2SRepested 43 Handle of surprise a large Rockville delegation. Senior Tri-Captaln Calaci took Backs: Krowka, 'nuitUlo. McKin­ r'WGxwtc.VL ‘SsHT Bupsers« 44 Vessel used 55 NeverthelaM ney. lot of big holes to fill" the men­ ley. Krllv translation negation turned out In the warm sun to the ball over the line again for Raal Calliallo (SI SSHniabed Calaci and 6-1 McKinley pro- tor continued, although he saw i i r J- 0 i “ IT II watch the Windy City club the two extra points, Eiut*: Yestrr, Tunrt. Burney. 36 Period of 1 4 r 12 viced all but 20 of the Rams' many bright spots despite the Lehan. Berrtn. Crtspino pound out 30 points In the first The Rams stopped East's on- Tackles: CIccaionr. Darnato. Pua- eonductinc 227 rushing yardage. With their loss. "Among them. Norm rliSift ll 14 half to leave a stunned East ly drive of the f rst chapter at lo. Geirlty. Ward OUT OUR WAY ground mnehines. Krowka saw ■yester did a heck of a Job and Guards: Krashefskl. Loren. Ber- BY J. a WILLIAMS 38 Means of IS ii squad with Its first loss ever to their own 41 and four plays gin. Phillips., Senerth the visitors. ' ' ' ------* . . . - - ” '’ *y times, con- Brian Sullivan rtsicled very well tVnters Ifappeny gl* < j 39 Operatic later McKinley broke loose for nocting twice for 33 yards, Barks: Sullivan. Perry. Murphy. i T Rockville received the open­ to the pres-sure, Defeivsaa’ely a o AHEAP AttSM fT WELL,TAKE IT EASY-THERE'S heroine ■ “ a M-yard TD run. After an ewntless third Jjj'T’.*'’''- Detlemmis. Gaudreau. ^ L i ing kickoff and returned It to John FHloiaimo also did a good Wholley, S«-eeney. Rodnocta THE FLY, FOR fiOSH KJO SENSE IN AIARKIKK3 UP THE 40 Man’s 30 jJl 23 Rockville began the second quarter, Berger Intercepted a Job." Si-ore by Perks]* 1 3 3 4 Total 9AKES/ WAmM£TO I WALLBAPER, IS THERE T I'M nickname RorkvMie 33 R 0 6 36 D A V Y J O N E S HEAR THE SMACK JUST STANDIN' BY TILL ICAW ' '41 Of least value 34 29 20 U 16 61 Although Demers wasn't sure Enat IXIhotle 0 0 0 4 6 BY LEFT and McWILLIAMS y i IS MAKING ME MAXE HIM LOOK LIKE PART 44 Doctor (coU.) a t ■ Touchdowns Calaci. (66-yard S ~ 33 runt. McJGnley (5-yd. run); Mc­ ' >-• JITTERy/ OF THE DESIGN/ , 47EncUsh(ab.) see how the team rMu-t.s to the Kinley (M-yd nin): Tuttle (U-yd fPLEASe c all" PERCY AND I ana soloed the next 66 yards ed his second pass of the day tailed 11 vards t rrr,:r-:r' :: I MF D n e iF ' 48 Vivid coiom M 3T In the next loss" he wiui eertaJn of eh.inge (S-yard run): WOULD ENJOY 52 Philippine for a touchdown. Ron McKtn- to Jim Tuttle for a six pointer. W holley (37->d p u s ) thn>e plays then McKinley took In the pensonjil de|«jirtiiient plus Polnia After Toutddowni,: Mc­ SEEING YOU ITT seaport 30 Kinley (run). OalacI (3) (run). AGAIN SOON 54 Lemur of ■ 'Madacascar '' il |e 56 Drool j f Maxwell Happy with Win, 57 Firmament 44 W M JT « 90 •1 One More Try New Problems Seen Ahead SSDetasters 59 Bear witness K 63 64 69 Grant Ties for Fourth Spot SOITH LAKE TAHOE. DOWN M 97 Calif. (AP)— Bill Tooniey. As Celts Ready ior Season who fought off exhaustion tin- lA U ------ODESSA, Tex. (AP) —"How Miller, a fjnlverslty of Georgia ' 2Verbel St 60 HI he crossed the finish line BOSTON (AP) Red Auer- ¥ . 1 1 sweet It is,” beamed Texan golfer from Pensacola, Fla. bach and former Celtic star 3 Egyptian Billy Maxwell, smlUng broadly of the 1500-meter nm, says bach, who mmilikHl the Boston Tommy Heln.soltn will serve os Also at 264 were the Austin, he will moke at least one Celtics Into a dymiMty ait coach (Newipepar fafsfprhe AusJ as he clutched the championship Tex. team of pro Terry Dill and tnuiilng camp coaches. Hein- FIRST OF THREE TD’s—Rockville Hijj h’s Ron McKinley swings around end more try for the world de­ and then general manager, Is trophy of the Odessa Pro-Am Bill Perm and pro Jim Grant solui Is ex|)ectcd to lake over a.s / earl.v in first quarter with Eagle defenders in pursuit. It was the second TD golf froUc. cathlon record that eluded encountering jiroblemH on a full time cotich (hiring the regu­ for Rockville and was the first of three touchdowns in game for McKinle.v, of Wethersfield, Conn, and Bill him here Niinday, wholesale Iviisls as the club lie- CARNIVAL "I had a good partner. That's Harvey of Greensbpro, NC.. lar sesuKvn . / BY DICK TURNER The Olympic gold medal gins preiximtlons for defensi' of what (hd It,” Maxwell said. The three runnersup were tied Mavllcek Is thie In town, poael- WAYOUT winner easily topped the de­ the Natlunat Basketball Associa­ BY KEN MUSE Actually, MaxweU, , 40, no for the lead with Maxwell and bly tiMlay Ills Boston attorney 70 Score Paces Open Field stranger to the Odessa Country cathlon Held In the Indian tion championship Ellis entering the final round Siiiiimer Games this week­ lulnUts llvit tl)e 29-year-old su- Club course, could have won the With training t-amp o|>cnlng and all closed with 68 after col­ end Hiid appeared on his way |ST star has recelwd an "ex ­ tournament single-handedly Sun­ this week, Auerbach's Ih>|h>s of lecting critical birdies at the to that reconl until the flntil tremely lucrative'' offer to play day, had It been necessary 18th green. talking phiycr coocti BUI Rus­ In the ABA T H E VMORRY W AR T event. sell out of retirement are dwin­ He ripped off five birdies and First place paid $8,(X)0 and the Tooniey, .to. Hnlshed the Auerbach said that he (toean't Kask, Pinto Tied dling. So far. Red's old (te.raua- amateur partner Richard Ellis runnersup split 910,000 for 63,383 two-day ovent with 8,137 iintlcl|sitc "any problems" In of Texas AAM added another as each. stve olwiriu Ims fulled to iHidge signing HavUcek. who earned SHORT RIBS points. Just 03 points off Russell. BY FRANK O’NEAL they closed with a 6-under par Riiss Hodge's American rec­ lU) estimiilcd *50.000 In helping After Opening Day 66 to win the $36,0(H> pro-am by ord of H.UO and 182 pointa Tlien llietv's the mutter of the Celtics to their Illh NBA ti­ lOBN two strokes. Tri-State Champs shy of the world record of contract with Capt John Havll- tle In 13 yoars hist aeaaon. He r Maxwell wrapped things up SUTTON, Mase. (AP) — a)n- cek. who rcp»>rte0UVE 0OT tellotte 88. 72b were Harry Etch of the hock ★ LOW PRICES A40NTH THIC YEAR... AND TD STOP LIVING K l i m JUtY Even Holes —^A —Art TuUn club, Sam Petrone and Bob ITX NEVER FORGET JULY IN THE RASTf 88-1—37, Jack McMeekln 40-8— LaFrancis, former local club AND AUGUST... ★ FREE MOUNTING w i n t h r o p 87; B — Roger Mountain 89-G— champ, now of Rockledge. Kaok ahh. w h at BY DICK CAVALU 34, Dick Cariaon 3941—34; C — is the Wethersfield club champ. S W K T Jack Hunter 89-7—32; D — BUI Low net leaders were Earl ★ EASYTERMS^ ' , M^AORIESj iVEiflOTTOHICE r WiNCW.a'Ll. Podolny 89-9—30; B — Howard Everett with 63, Joe Celello at 1 H » WRTHOAV PIJTITINTHE h E jX NEVB2 THINK TO Tourtellotte 44-11—38 66 and Sam Harrison, Fred Nas- ON P»7ES»fr WHERE M xsroBv\ao& l o o k IN T H E R E / Odd Holes — A — Jim Gordon siff, both of Matx:heater, and CHIPS VAOKir PtAaE...7HE S3-2—31; B — Don Ross 88-S— Luke Scanlcn .all at 67. Everett F lN O fT . H A U -o o e e r . 88; C —Jack Kearney 38-8—32; is also a MCXJ member. New Tires • Take-Offs D — Marie Kravfts 40-7—S3; For the time ever there was E —Howard Tourtelotte 44-11— .no delay yesterday, Hackney • BleniisheR S3; mokers —FUat 78 — Cbet said, tor any reason. Fog, which Wlncse, Irv Father, Lee Tosba, Gus Peters, Don Ross, Jade Nylon Cord • Rayon Cord PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER Kearney; Second 78 — CTOuck ReynoMs, Bob Zalman. Zering Winner V SORRY // BUT I NEAR HE l_EFTi V/// Gross —A —Eldna BMnskl Tubeless • Tube-Type A B O U T Y o u r ; YOU SOMETMING 88; B —Alice Bandy 104; C — In Rolling Park u m c l e , FOR A RAlKlY DAY.'j noc Rene Moser 96. b o t t s .; CMiXUJ Golf Tournament ii Odd Holes — A -Edna HU- Whitewall • Blackw_all izeki 48-8—88; B —Alice Bant- Bob Zering turned in an 78-11- CAPTAIN EASY ley 60-13—87; C — Rene Moeer 67 net score to win the 11th an­ Uve below your means. BY LESLIE TURNER 81-15—36, Faith Palose] 82-16— nual Rolling F'ark handicap golf Wide Range of Sizes 36. tournament at Minnechaug Golf If you'd like to gel oround the high cost ol liv­ Ml Bern Ehren Holes — A — Eidna IBl- Club Sioiday. BUYIWm. tnsU 42-8—34; B —Alice Bant­ ing, w* hove o iuggaihon BUI Ztwick, home on a three- M ens A I RKOeNtZIP ly 54-13—41; E —Rene Moser Cut down on the high cott of getting oround ‘Dsoei BM N TW a- day poos from the Armed bombonb. 47-16—32; Ktckers«— First 77— And boy a VoMtiwogen It'i only H7M. NMWt WOTV Forces, won second honora with nfAUTTBR Enes Wamnlngton; Second 74 — ------^^NOB! an 88-18-70 and Cal Symen* took Thot'i orOund Si200 leu thon the overoge Alice Bantly. omovnt poid for o new cor todoy lleove it m the ■ # / ' third piaoe with 92-20-72 'Hie remainder of the 29-man bonk. More'] comirtg.l CluuKe It on yo«r Oil rdNnpKny Credit (^rd. Lay- Country Q ub A VW Mvei you hundreds of dollort on upkeep fleU fiidahed as toUowa: Dan A-Way Plaa oa Fireatotte Tawn aad (atntry Tlrea Pinto 82-10-72; Fred Bninotl 93- over the yeort. ROBIN MALONE BY BOB LUBBERS 20-73; Dave Douton 93-18-76; It toket pintL r)ot quorn, of oil. Nlcfc CataJdo 96-19-76; Max Not one iota of ontifreeze. Ulr- tUb-rr'l' 111! ■ AH?V: \ KACR iw e e c 'A 5REMTu «ove. INT£7 a 94-13-81; BiU Rau 102-19-81; And choncet ore, youlU drive h (or yeort ond fHlKD-PAie ALL TIRES ON FIRST COME, John AndreoU 100-18-82: Mike yeort. (SifKe we naver chonge the ttyfe, o VW RACE fRACK Zwlck 92-10-82. DRIVE IN TONIGHT never goes out of ttyfeJ FUchard Nelaon 98-13-32: Jefm FIRSTiSERVED BASIS RRCW ',|\|S5 FtUoramo 103-2CL33: Bob Dle- Of course, o V W t not much to look at. So o ClAYHOfie'S terla 100-17-33; Bert McConkey lot of paopie buy o big floihy cor )utt to lova foca. eCHOOi^..' 919-18A3; Ed Fttzpatrlcfc 103-20- Try pvttmg Ihot in tha bonk. 8*) Sal BvangatlaU 9918-34: Jim H m m eU 100-15-38: Ron Wtnther 98-11-37; WenleH Pou- t*er 107-2O«7; Don Oatberg 108- BROWN'S THE SHOP 20-88; John Goiaagoa 110-2990; John CMaipikU 110-30-90. (AT BANTLY'S SERVICE STATION)

MON. Ikni n u . 7 AJ8. to 3 1 649-8973 8AT. 7 PJH. ta 8 FM. n / m m stivDAY A ■ \\ X' ■ ■- / 'A'"''" ; \ - . V '' A' Vi'

PAGE EIGHTEEN \ ■ ___ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 MANCHESrrEB EyENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 PAGE NINETEEN Life-Saver Record Turnout To Watch O.J., Joe For Front-! Braves With No One Demanding Refunds NEW YORK (AP) — San Francisco took Cincinnati It was the fourth straight loss PIKATE8 • MET8 — When, 25 years or so from for Hotiston and dropped the As- Pittsburgh ended the Mets’ NEW Y(5RK (AP) — which doesn’t open its regular son hit Taylor on the first play of Roger Staubach’e passes and now, they finally write retained its 3%- tros S% games behind the 10-game winning streak with . They turned out in record season tor another week, fto- from scrimmage after the trimmed Dallas. Hovt W ilhplm ’B nifctiino- the East Division. Braves. pitcher Steve Blass singling numbers—46,165—al Buf­ ished Its pre-season schedule Chargers had trimmed the pnilninio thov /.on «oii -f PUtsburgh 5-3 * ♦ . , home the tie-breaking run in the with five games. On Sunday, Chiefs' lead to 19-9. American Leagos falo’s War Memorial Stadi­ Baltimore beat Dallaa 33-7 and • • • piiugue, i^ y can it but lost no ground to Chicago, DODGERS - PADRES —^ seventh Irailng and Matty AVou um Sunday to see Joe Na- Eastern Dlvialon V- * u which dropped a 2-1 decision to Jim Defebvre drov.B' in all of following with another hit for an Philadelphia surprised Washing­ BRONCOS • PATRIOTS — W L T Pet. Pts. OP math’s arm and O. J. Simp­ ton 26-17. Saturday, It was Knuckleball. St. Ixxiis in lO innings. Montreal Los Angeles runs With a homer insurance ni. Denver quarterback Steve New York 1 6 0 1.000 33 19 Wilhelm, who makes a baae- ripped Philadelphia 7-2 in the and a double as the Dodgere A1 Oliver had tripled two nine son’s leg’s. The anatomy Green Bay 38. Atlanta 24; Boston 0 1 0 .000 7 36 Minnesota 33, Cleveland 16 and Tensl enjoyed one of his finest ball do tricks by digging his other NL game Sunday. whipped San Diego on Don Sut- home and scored on infield out left somethingr to be desir­ days with three touchdown pass­ Houston 0 1 0 .000 17 21 carefully-filed nails into its In the American League, Ea* ton’s four-hitter. as the Pirates rushed into a 8-0 ed, but no one was demand­ Los Angeles 31 San Francisoo Miami 0 1 0 .000 31 37 28. es as toe Broncos Jolted toe Pa­ seams, came to Atlanta last Division champion Baltimore Sutton, who won his first lead. But New York came back, ing; his money back. triots under new coach (^Mve Buffalo 0 1 0 .000 19 33 week and hi three E^>pearances • • » game in a month, was touched finally tying the score on iiitch- New York’s Namato toe Namath’s statistics showed Rush. Two of the scoring passes, with the pennant-conscioUB BRAVES - AS'TROS — only for a two-out ninth inning er Nolan Ryan’s single. only seven complettons In 19 at­ RAIDERS ■ OILERS — Western Division pride of Broadway, passed for went to A1 Denson while TV>m Denver 1 0 0 1.000 36 7 Braves, he has one victory and Paul Richards, the Braves’ homer by Oliie Brown. The vie- ’The Cubs were beaten by Lou one touchdown and Buffalo’s tempts—he was Intercepted Daryle I.amonlca snapped out Smiley also scored twice three times—for 167 yards. of toe doldrums with a 64-yard Oakland 1 0 0 1.000 31 17 two saves. vice president who {rfcki^ up tory left the Dodgers one per- Brock’s 10th inning homer and Simpson ran tor one in his pro Kan. City 1 0 0 1.000 37 9 ’Die victory tor the 46-year-old Wilhelm from the Angels, mar- centage point ahead of the lorft their 10th game in the last Simpson, the rich rookie from pnai to Warren Wells In the Boston quarterback Mike Ta­ debut as the world champion liaferro was intercepted tour Clntl. 1 0 0 1.000 27 21 reliever who is in his 18th major veled at the old pitcher. Giants. 11 starts. Bob Gibson pitched Jets turned back the stubborn Southern Cal, carried 10 times fourth period that gave Oakland league season, came Sunday "Lee MacPhail (general man- * * • the seven-hitter for the victory for 35 yards, caught two passes a come-from-behlnd victory times, with two of the steals set- San Diego 0 1 0 .000 9 27 Bills 33-19 in their American ting up Denver touchdowns. when Rloo C5arty rifled apair of ager of the ) GIANTS - REDS — while Ken Holtzman waa tagged Football League opener. for 64 and returned three kick­ over Houston. Two touchdowns • • • SAFE--Krani^l of the Mets dives back to first field but had to bite the dust to beat tag by home runs that gave the Braves said Wilhelm would pitch until San Francisco beat Cincinnati with the loss, offs tor 68. His touchdown came by Charlie Smith had given the RENGAI.S . DOIJ9HINS — base after taking big turn. He singled to right- Pittsburgh’s A1 Oliver, owner of the glove shown. a 8-2 triumph over Houston. he’s SO €tnd it looks like he will,’’ on a two-out, tie-breaking single New York’s magic number for STOPPED COLD—Buffalo’s O.J. Simpson ran into a stone wall in thfi^New Elsewhere In the AFL, Oak­ on an eight-yard run. Raiders a 14-0 lead but the Oil­ I Sports Schedule \ It was the sixth straight viicto- said Richards. by Willie Mays in the seventh ^clinching the East Division pen- York Jets yesterday on this play. O.J. managed to score once as Bills bowed. land held off Houston 21-17, After Namath's 60-yart scor­ ers went ahead in the final, peri­ Rookie Crego Oook passed for ry for Atlanta and left the With oidy four years to go, inning and 2 2-3 innings of hit- nant is 13. Any combination of Kansas City trounced Son Dtego ing pass to Don Maynard and od on a 15-yard pass from Pete two touchdowns and Cincin­ 27-9, Denver walloped Boston Beathart to Jerry Levtas. MONDAY, SEPT. 18 Braves IH games in front of Wilhelm seems a cinch to make less relief by Don McMahon. Met victories or Chicago losses Jim Turner’s four field goals nati’s defense held off a late Mi­ East Catholic JV at Rockville both Los Angeles and San Fran- it. He’s allowed Just two hits in Pinch hitter Bob Etheridge totaling 13 wraps it up for New 35-7 and Cincinnati topped Mi­ The OUert missed a chance to ami rally as the Bengals gave ami 27-21. gave the Jets a 19-3 lead, the (football). cisco in the sizzling National 4 2-3 innings in three appear- opened the severtth with a single York. BUla almost turned the game win it when I..evlas dropped a Paifl Brown his 300th coaching Strategy Backfires on Gil League West race. ances for the Braves. He was 6- and the Giants used two sacri- » » • Simpson Arrives as Idol The Bengals’ victory was around. They managed a 19-all pass In the clear shortly after victory In a career spanning 38 TUESDAY, SEPT. 16 / a Dodgers and Giants both 7 with California. flees to move him to third be- EXPOS - PHILS — marred by the death of 29-year- tie, but MMt Snell put the Jets Wells' tally. years. ^ Manchester at Wethersfield • • • llIlbHUKGH (AP) — strategy In the seventh inning with a triple, and Manny San- not a double. kept pace with the front-running Carty hit his 13th and 14th fore Mays singled the run home. Montreal scored six runs in old linebacker Frank Buncom ahead again on an 11-yard In Sunday's NFL exhibitions, (soccer). Pitcher Steve Blass of '''*’**’ drove in the tie-break- gulllen sacrificed. Ryan said It was Hodges’ idea haven’t loiA since homer of the season—the second Hal Lanier singled another the sixth inning and Steve Ren- who suffered an early-momlng touchdown run wRh 7H minutes CHIEFS - CHARGERS — Philadelphia came from behind Bulkeley, Weaver, Manches­ Pittahiirwli anrl Monarr Then Ryan Walked Patek be- to walk Patek but Hodges in Wilhelm on waivers one a two-run shot with two out Giant run home in the eighth ko coasted to the victory over heart attack In his hotel room left and llnebacHer Paul Oane I..en Dawson’s 66-yart touch­ with 12 points In the third perfod ter at Goodwin Park (cross iiitaourgn ana Manager The loss, coupled with the fore Blass carved out a single on slsted it was Ryan’s. ^os Angeles In the eighth that erased a 2-1 and Dick Dietz tagged a tworun the PhiUles. Richie Allen hit his Of Fans Equal to Namath brought on by a blood clot on picked off a Jack Kemp pass down pass to Otis Taylor and to beat Washington while In a country). Gil Hodges of the first to Ikjuls kept the a two strike count to score Pa- "If Blass is out. toen it’s mv *“’o®*‘®‘* o^f San Diego 3-1 and Houston lead. homer for San Francisco. 31st homer for Philadeli^ila. the lung. and ran 33 yards for another four interceptions powered Kan­ natlonnlly televiseil night con­ East Catholic at Rockville place both games ahead of Chl- tek. Matty Alou followed with Idea,” he chuckled. BUFFALO, N. Y. (AP)—“No autographs, no auto- ITie , TD. sas CRy paM San Diego. Daw­ test Baltimore intercepted four (cross country). cago. another single to ice the game. ’There’s no way In the world gfraphs—^just keep going,” the police officer ordered ------^------batted one for three Sun- Hodges ordered Nolan Ryan to ”I knew he was a good hit- I wouldn’t do it a'gain ” Hodgei Sox Open Four-Game Home Stand Joe Namath and 0. J. Simpson as he led the two ■■■ ■■ ' 5 day but then J^rcentages pitch to B l^ instead of Fred ter,” Hodge. «Ud. "Hf had le said. ’T jus? flg?,f?d th e ^ to ” Major Loague players through the mob of autograph-seeking young­ don t always tell the story, Patek, who a .246 average Is hits, a home run, eight runs man Is a better hitter ” sters crowding the tunnels under War Memorial Stadi­ BlasB pitched the Pirate* to a points less than Blaiw’ .264. batted In and a double going Ryan 6-2 said there’s "no ex- Leaders um. M victory over the Mets and A1 Oliver led off the inning Into the game. Yes, I k n e w ^ cuse for not getUng him out. He American League Batting (876 at bats)—Carew, Finishing Second There waa little doubt from broke their 10-game winning with his third hit, a single, after was a good hitter." didn’t swing very hard and it »-iirew, the officer’ words, as he and a streak, but he foiled Hodges’ driving In two runs in the tourth Actually, Blass had one triple, wasn’t that bad a pitch.” U .826. cordon of half a dozen police­ Kuna—R. Jackson, Oakland men escorted the pair that he Champion Orioles Stretch Winning Streak 116; F. Robinson, Baltimore 106. Goal for Boston CHECKERED was Concerned one pause would Runs batted in—Killebrew, FLAG lead to an indefinite stay. Minnesota 129; Powell, Balti­ BOSTON (AP) —■ The Boston Red Sox, still enter­ .’That little scene, played an more 118. taining hopes of a second place finish while looking hour after the New York Jets’ Hits—Oliva, Minnesota 177; over their shoulders, return home fo r a four-game home 88-19 victory over Buffalo, Sky’s Limit with McDowell Clarke, New York 173. stand at Fenway Park. showed more clearly than any­ pain. Doubles—Oltva, Minnesota 86; ’THOMPSON SPEEDWAY thing on the field that Simpson NEW YORK (AP) — heave^io by Plate Umpire Lar- ROYAIJ4 - ’TWINS — ’The Red Sox, who broke even Another newcomer, right- Carl ‘Bugs’ Stevens making a Then he hopped up, and ’Three tied at 31. on a week-long, eight-game road handed pitcher Gary Wagner, has arrived as an Idol of the around, slamming his helmet to When Sudden Sam Me- Barnett in the slxUi inning at KsnM. rsfv nv»r..om« determine bid to take hia third fans equal to Namath. Baltimore, cUmaxlng a running nii overcame ^ny 'Triples—R. Smith, Boston 7; tripi wHl itl'CCt tilG ClcvelflJld Ill“ a,^o will nmJee his Boston _i.i , , _ , . .,,, toe ground as the Jets' team Dowell throws a fit the Clarke, New York 7. KaHATsss ^ maKc HIS ijosion WDUi.. consecutlve modified poiiit title, Namath, himself, testilfed to Z v-B th e S ’ ball-»trlke calls. The Nottonal League f « tr ^ dians twice and then engpage the Wagner, 28, was obtained last nh^/i of ftitn physician raced out on the field. Sky 8 the limit. Indians’ 16-game winner explod- » E ast Division Homelome runs—F. Howard, Baltimore Orioles, the Eoet Dl- wrok from Uve Philadelohlaf ^ “J^““ o^®A that in toe dressing room as he "I waa angry because I got ’The Cleveland pitching ace ed after Baltimore broke a 8-8 ninth. Pinch W. L. P o t O.B. Wat hlngton 46; R. Jackson, Oak- yteion’s runaway champions, In mFhilUes. iL s Philadelphia day at Speedway to stood with portable ice caps on hurt,” said Namath, explaining tried to heave a baseball out of Ue on a walk, CWco Salmon’s "Pnylor drove in the n »w York land 46. capture the l(X)-lap champion- his knees and began to dress lear out this ad 88 68 .608 a pair of meetings before leav- Mike the helmet-throwing. “Look —^I Baltimore’s Municipal Stadium ^ngle and an error by rookie '*’***’ ® double and Jer- Chicago 86 02 '.676 3V4 baaes-Harper, Seattle ing" toV a serierin D^ S t^ No°“™h?ice“in toe ^ f a guanan^ after a tense struggle in which know it was no cheap itoot out '* -o.; Campaneris, ^——1_ Oakland— 1 61. ouxB «o. 1 cnoice m cne iw / jj, Langhome, Pa., . following his ejection from Sun- left fielder Frank Baker Adair sent home the winner 7» 67 .641 9 8 troR. draft, also has been summoned the Jets had to break out of a there.” Pitching (14 declaions)— 19-19 Ue in the fourth quarter. day’s game against the Ameri- TBumates rcstralnod Me- ® Pittsburgh 77 67 .636 11 1 9 B7I5 running out, Boston to show his wares. Garman, a Pole-aitter Leo Clearv moved After a short delay, Namath Dowell during, a heated argu- Phlla’phia 67 67 .800 30 Palmer, Baltimore 14.i 2, .876, trailo second-place Iletrolt by bie rlKht-handed Ditcher was Cleary m o v ^ “Make up anything you want went back to work, with toe Jets East Division kings. ment. Indians Manager Alvin TIGERS • SENA’TORS — 320 41H 2.33; McLain, Detroit 22-7, .789 414 t L r * nguinanoea was j^g machine ahead anditedilor to about O. J. and write R,” said Montreal 47 100 Impr^ive in toe Carolina the earlv ataaea the rare ns holding only a 9-3 lead, and He missed the mark by a oou- Dark also was ejected. ’Then, on ’The ’IMgers scored three nms West Division 2.81. Namath. "I can’t say enough Immediately hit Don Maynard pie of feet . . . and the Indiana Ms way to the dugout, Me- In toe 12th, Dave Campbell Atlanta 82 66 .666 — S trikeouts McDowell. S ' M ™ T e ^ w l m a m T I L T " good things about him. He’s with a 60-yard touchdown pass had leas success againM (he DoweU Wred toe ball toward the knocking In the tie-breaking tal- San Fran. 80 66 .we a^®>“ '. Lo»®h. DetroR are tourth. ^ tor?^ games be! ZT^B 1 ^ going to be great.” —only one of seven passes he s 246. high 4■! y i n g Orioles, who 106-foot high ittadlum roof. It ly with a pinch single, and sUb- Loo Apgoles 79 60 .646 1V4 hind the Red Sox a . , . P®’®*'- Boutwell, in the Guratl IVhlle Simpson wasn’t great in would complete In 19 attempts. andgiveitio stretched toelr winning streak landed four rows from toe top In dued Washington despite a (^nclnnaU 78 66 .646 2 his debut, he did give every in­ That one, however, gave the to eight games with a 7-8 con- the upper deck. grand slam homer by Mike Hip- Houston 78 69 .621 6V4 dication of 1118 ability to scoring Jets a 16-7 lead and they Quest. TTie Orioles, who clinched the stein. San Diego 46 101 toe first touchdown of his pro next 50 laps, Boutwell had no seemed certain of snapping a ’Ihe Oilcago White Sox, mean- ®ast Division chonvplonahlp Bat- Sunday’s Results will open agalnat the Indians to- York, career on an eight-yard run, six-game losing streak against whlle, deeU Oakland’s WeM Dl- unlay, rested five regulars. ANGELA PILOTS — PiUsiburgh , New York Cincinnati 839. night. Stange, who has a 6-8 worries until an accident on the rushing 10 times in all for 86 6 8 Runs—Bonds, San Fmalcsco 1. iSte to rto-vrf” Sparky Lyle, who hurled 3 1-3 first turn brought out the can- the Bills at Buffalo. vision title hopes a double wal- ' OaUtomla’s Andy Messer- St. Louis 2, Chicago 1 yards, grabbing two passes for But late in the third quarter, lop with a 12-8, 9-8 sweep over WHITE SOX A’H — Atlanta 3, Houston 2 ill; Rose^clnnay 108; Wytm, fiZT the gap be- 64 yards and returning three £ after a Matt Snell fumble, the the fading AthlMcs. ’Tom McCraw’s upper-deck -toPP«d Seattle on three Houston m . home kickoffs for 68 yards. .A.- j I Wts for a 16-6 season mark Los Angeles 3, San Francisco ' Runs batted Bills changed quarterbacks. First place Minnesota, ol- homo run In the ninth inning 1 .And he admitted he wasn’t San Francisco 119 lap. Stevens, In Jack Kemp replacing rookie someone vdw should though beaten by Kansas CHy bn,ke an 8-8 knot-at Chicago, L " " ' ...... Montreal w_. 7,., Philadelphia ^2 caeo 118 : Santo, Chl- top oTtol ntotS" ‘ pleased. No, 3, streaked Jam es Harris, who broke an­ 4-8. moved eight lengths ahead completing the WhlU Sox’ “ ” ® San Francisoo 6, Cincinnati 3 Hits—M. Alou, PRtaburgh 204; the club on the road last week. A single by Bobby Murcer a 1. "I wasn’t saUsfied,” he com­ other small barrier In sports by of the A’s. ’The ’Twins' magic sweep over toe A’s. Larry Ha- • • • Today’s Games Rose, Cincinnati 186. They include southpaw pitcher saorifl^ airf a ainTle toT’n^^ur BoulweU plained in the dressing room. "I becoming the first Negro to number tor nailing too division ney had lifted Oakland into a tie vankb r m i sox Chicago (Selma 12-7) at Mont Doubles—Kewlnger Chlca- , ------j — —— picked up a cold Saturday and R open a season at quarterback in crown is 10. with an oighith Inning homer. real (Wegener 4-12) N bothered me early In the game. ; M. Alou, PRtsburgh 34. «>uthpaw Stevens starting in the 16th pro football history. • • * Bobby Knoop deUvered four Rookie Thurman Munson sent Pittsburgh (Vealo’ 12-11 and p T t and outfielder Billy Oonlgllaro. relloT spellege Gridders Start ed the event well back in the Stolen bases—Brock, St. Louis j field. ond quarter when he was tack­ succession, however, and Simp­ Houston (Wilson 16-11) at Son led by Buffalo’s Bob ’Tatarek Boutwell finished secopd and son’s eight-yard run and a 10- Diego (Santorini 7-12), N nZeTr^a'toSnf'^Zr: ClZ;”^;;„^“:::‘ ^ and squirmed In the ground, his yard field goal tied the game at Cincinnati (Clonlnger 9-16) at glmpy right leg obviously in that point. Los Angeles (Osteen 9-12), N AU at (Jarvis er;^rrY^Vk‘^2?T6rS " AUanta ( J a n ^ 11-10) at San Maloney. Cincinnati 10-4, .714, ^ Ptttabu^. he was greeted Elsewhere tt was Villanova Franoluco )mcOormick 9-9). 371 by a crowd of Oregon State stu- 4, vVest f Blood Clot Led to Death 2,000 better jobs are being filled now! Amerioon League Strikeouta—Jenkins, Chlca' - ‘^nts chanting. ’’Please don’t Slu, » xa^e? 7’. f o r W in Top-flight pay for experienced people! East Divtoloa go 256; Gibson, St. Louis 246. leave! Please don’t leave!” OCEAN SHORES, Wash. (AP) Pay rates have never been higher, benefits have X BalU. 102 46 .604 — Andros didn’t, but he may be Looiavllle hnttw ♦ ’ —The experience gained In 11 Of Cincinnati Vet Buncom Excellent jobs are open for mechanics, oilers, Detroit S3 es .668 IBH ir/* U • wishing today that he hod. toulsvUle battled to a 24-24 years as a professional golfer CINCINNATI (AP) — Frank an asthmatic attack or some­ never been better... and there is a wide variety of electricians, electronic servicemen, machine Boston 78 87 .636 23 L ilienien W in r a ir -n»e reason tor Andros’ dls- ^ helped Kathy Whitworth fight off James Buncom HI was pre­ thing. new jobs open at the Aircraft! Right now, we have Waah’n. 76 71 .617 26 X 0 1 « — comtort la a 37-0 sheUackinr Im- DummR, UCLA’s a bad case of the double bogies "I called to him. Then went operators, welders, lathe operators, boring machine New York 72 74 .469 29>4 In W e e k e n d— " la y / posed \jigon utvthe ocavcmBeaver* KWMuroayS ^ ^ y ^ . g.. quartert>ack, . . stunned Sunday and rally to win ws«« thevuo sented with a game ball today ______- w . A . . ______O r e s n n t w a I a n n f ^ A #irk*««aK m o a a a over to his bed and shook him orders for more than 1,200 engines for the giant new operators, tool and die makers, experimental Cleveland 67 90 see 46 Center BUllards, town cham- night by UCLA, the nation’s fourth play *22,000 Wendell-West Women’s by his dad’s best friend, Ernie - real good. I got no response. X Baltimore clinched Bast Dtvl- plona, continued tournament ITth-ronked team and,toe only , “ 80-yard Open Golf Toimiament. Wright, from a game in which I checked his mouth to make superjets, and production, experimental and overhaul machinists, assemblers, testers, inspectors and many Blon play last weekend winning Inin menvber of ’Ihe’The Associated j G^nG ^ n Cooper Tall Kathy finished L„.the day his dad never played. sure he wasn’t having a con­ West Division both the Middletown and Bran- Press’ ’Top ’Twenty to see action ■ took toe Bruins only 10 with a par-72 and a 64-hole total work is in full swing on our other aircraft, marine and other skills. At the Aircraft, you can earn top pay in a The one-year-old would never vulsion and 8 wa 1 1 o w 1 n g his Minnesota 87 58 .880 — ford slow pitch softball toura- as coUege fooibaU began Rs "*‘"'“ ®® »®v®n seconds to of 213 to edge Judy ’Torluemke tongue. Then I called for help. industrial engines. There’s plenty of action and plenty job that’s fight for you. Oakland 79 88 .646 8 mets. 100th anniversary with a smat- “P ® ‘«a^- Rankin by a stroke. see his father play. Frank J. California 63 81 ’There waa nothing I could do.” .408 24 Saturday night In Middletown tering of games, Buncom, Cincinnati B e n g a 1 s 1716 whole team was in the ho­ of opportunity at the Aircraft! Kansas cnty a 84 .421 28 toe Cuemen topped Bristol linebacker, died in a downtown ’The resiiMB of a dozen major tel as is the night custom before Chicago 68 88 Sportsman. 9-8, advancing to games indicate that 1969 may Hyde Forced Out tmth Injury hotel room, the victim of a blood home games. Seattle 67 88 .396 30 the second round. Leading the Just as wild as 1988, when all clot, Sunday morning. Wright spoke before his team­ Lack experience? Trainees earn full pay! Educational assistance program! Sindoy’s Resuiia Billiards’ attack were Randy sorts of offensive records fell Wright, his roommate, waa New York 3. Booton 2 mates before the game and Smith. Dave Vlara, Dave White and a far cry from the first col­ First, Second Round Matches with him but could do nothing. avoided a ’’win one for Frank” Maybe your experience has been in school shop or You can also continue your education at area BaRhnbre 7, Cleveland 3 and Bob Brannlck, each with lege gome book In 1868 when “Frank woke me up with his speech. Chicago 12-9, Oakland 8-8 fixing things at home. If you’re handy with tools . . . or technical schools and colleges. The Aircraft will pay D^xroit 7 z 1, RutgoTs beot Princeton by a Completed in Neipsic Tennis belabored breathing.” Wright ”I waa in a state of grief,” Detroit 7. Waohlngton 4, 12 In- home run. n,«re 6-4. ^recalled after the game In which he said afterwards, “and every­ would like to be , . . come on in. We can train you at the^ major portion of the cost for courses that will help '69 VW, 2 door sedan, 0 original miles, hlr/de- "'iSitomii. * w...... o „ Sunday afternoon tlie Center In a nkuonaUy televised con- Neipsic Tennis CTifb Septem- 6-1, 6-1 vkRory over Doi^ Pas- the Bengals dumped the Miami one on the team was deeply ■ iTtmed to Branford and in test, the Air Ftorw and Southern ' Dolphins 27-21 In an American touched. It wasn’t toe place for full pay! Courses last anywhere from three weeks to you become better qualified on your present job-and froster, also rear defrost, 5 new tires, adjust, K ansasO ty 4. m nnetota 3 the first game of the Silver Methodist filled the air wRh 88 ber tournaments are In full td and then 6-1 , 6-0 triumph over Larry Cbchnui. Courtney Football League opener. Hollywood, Frank wasn’t Holly­ four years, and prepare you for a high-paying future bucket seals, 4 speed synch, trans., many^xtras, a . M IL *!?*”** Dollar tourney, topped the passes before the fly-boye made "He was breathing like he had wood. prepare you for future advancement. good gas mileage. Showroom condition. First Seattle (Brobender 12-13) at Seven Sea’s of Greenwich, 17- off with a 26-22 cHff-hanjrer most ^ la r '*of “•*all ^®^®._®«n« , u .j. from behind------to — in the jet and space age. $1799* take's it. up ®vem», toe Men’sI’s Singles,Slnglro, with ‘n by WesR Vltglnia. whkto c lZ »7 entriea. has com compfeted pletrt flret e-1 M / *^2. TZITT^ rtrsSoTuirrr GRAY FLANNEL SUIT Special hiring hours for your convenience! Monday through Friday from 8 A M, to 4:45 P.M. tono ( S u l ^ ** ^ 8M*. 6(M8 and 71-38.^ OlaMonbupy, defendiijg her tRle m ^2 ^^w tdZ J^^ go against Sllco of Another new coach Cal Stoll for the tWid year Drintra Ball “ *>“®wed wRh a 8-i. Tuesday evening until 8 P.M. Saturday from 8 A.M. to 12 Noon olvS^nr^^ N f ^ up~t Of toe se^n. ’ihe w«h Dina BrownAone. Koto- W e^^’7^1 Clsvlond at Boston. N louniament. n««on ------>^*'.wlto «®®n Otm«te«l. J«i WVmen atoo w Z Z ? eitk competing, and from Gtaston- TYPE bury Bea VanWlnUe. PM P o rt U ^ r e 64),^6.i Apply at East Hartford, Willow Street and Karen (Ncotl. ’Two matches to 'tf^ O lZ t if more convenient... MANCHESTiR*S played *> for gave Mrti. D«n- I 17-year-old national concern is looking for «r«i*ttffM* a A «»wrtn4«. over Misawi_ Ohn-s-i.._ icnMw »uoce*ui 'in a wtn over Middletown, Aircraft Road stead fr2. 64) and Mrs. Oioott an $8,000 to $12,000 caliber individual to Mrs. Van Winkle 6-4 8-6 WbAie North Havjen, 415 Washington Avenue Only Fuel Oil Dealjcr M a 6-1 , H . \ . A associate with our ofRce in th|s area. Salas Southington, West Queen S treet, ^ ' ■\ A Ateo unde«v4y i. the Mtoor Open 24 Hours A Day! VI V -A;v v\ a ; a db« C hariif 3 ^ e d l] J t! 2 management, law or accounting background \' ebampi^ Win Sharp and Jack Hjde and pZ fi helpful. Sales personality. Resident of greet* \ wRh stx other teome; A1 Wer- leadli*^coot«ui«, 2 ? ^ ’ moriartybrot Ne r s ber and Dave Kahn. Bob Pear- ** er Manchester or nearby area. Must be en­ An equal oppoilunily employe' For Over •on and Geoige G eoZ^iZa Kota. ^ BUI muocle mS Mobil Vi of A 1 Matt Neai. Chortle giving p iZ Z o i thusiastic’ industrious, imaginative and have Pratt & a - r p c « n . lo o tin g o il ^ l^ u re ^ Tony Atoyn.: «i;:U“1 S ;j;iirS ^ ^ ^ demonstrated ability to make progress and W hitney Un, Dave Warren and______IMrvey and _ then______over Sy lU p^J 6-1, Pastel. ’Tb date. W arren ---- ______money. Enclose resume to Box 782, Hartford p . TED TRUDON. Inc. Pastel have overtaken LeSure BiU Oork a-2. P ire raft CALL 643-5135 oi^AtoynMw, 5.7. (H. 7-*. trta i^ P ^ ^ .S ^ P.O., High St., Hartford, Conn. Contact in TOLLAND TPKE. — TALCOTTVILLE* 3 0 1 CMCR SIRiET Other aetton during the post fin«^ 6-2 M. QOartet^ MMCt WMk in Men’s Singles; Martin Oompe’utton mu confidence. Duke pMyed twice to* score a throuth September “ “fbaie fU

... \ -A PAGE TWENTY jiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 PAGE TWENTY-ONE Help Wontad-- 36 H«!p Wonttd—Mote 36 THERE TUGHTA BE A LAW Business Services Paving— Driveways 14-A ^*” ^"*** Oppoitunify 28 Help W anted^ ____^ — n m m __ ----- —______Help W anted— Help W onted- WJBlB?r Metal Workenr—Ehq>er- ArHclos For Sate 45 HousohoM Goods 51 O ffe re d 13 nPTVTrwAV.q -n,.= opportunity . for one who UCENUk o nurae, ii p.m. to 7 ienced In aircraft fabrication. m a n for work local dairy DRIVEWAYS Sealed —' This is F e m a le 3 5 F e m a le 3 5 ______F e m a le 3 5 ■tore, thrpe evenings plus Y FiRvf times a cat.' wants to start at ground-floor V “Jghta. SmaU nurs- Top pay for top personnel. Pull A light M ?|0N CACTl E' T^KE SOIL, away the Blue .VTTTCS and cellars cleaned the time to reatore the life .and some Sunday work'. c«n mg. •’^ OP f a JUMP ) I' m refrigerator and 0 piece CLASSIFIED level a^d grow with. us. We CLERK-TYPIST — Typmg and RECEPTIONIST, some typing, SECRETARY — Receptionist hig home. Rockville, 87B-9121. benefits. Apply Rolo Machine ei^TIMELLA GOIHG -Lustre way from carpets and kitchen set, good for cottage, odd Jobs, light trucking appearance of your driveway. needed for dentist's office In 8017. After 6, 64S-9T07. VOHEDOF.' CRA7V? upholstery. Rent electric For free e.stimate. call 742-, are in a position to let out on shorthand necessary. Diversi­ car necessary, 9-5 daily. Write Co, 66 Elm St, Manchester. Re h e a r s e p etc. 649-6964. trees removed and lota clear concession basis an appliance fied duties in sales depart­ PO Box 222, Manchester. . Manchester. Applicant needs SALESSWOMAN- Bookkeeper- HER FART 91' rtiompooer $1. Paul's Paint * ed. Call 649-1794 9487. ' ' to be a good typist and ac­ H you like dealing wlUi people ^YaOpaper Supply division, and a linoleum and ment. Benefits. Apply tona ------1______L____ , EXPERIENCED / THE PlAV •" LTVINO loom set, oonslsUng of ADVERTISING rug divi.sion in a ready-going Mfg. Co., 8 Regent St.. Man­ CLERK-TYPIST, general office curate With figures. Pleasant and have an aptitude for fig- stereo, 4 - end tables, and sofa LIGHT truclong. odd Jobs, also surroundings, liberal benefits, you will enjoy this dS CABINETMAKERS SHE HAP ALUMINUM sheets used as CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS moving large appliances Bum- Roofing— Siding 16 remodeling business. Unlimit­ chester. work for small office. Indus­ COOKS Call 638-4306. ed opportunities waits for one trial' distributor. Fringe bene­ salary commensurate with ex­ venrifled, better than average M0M/WDH3P printing plates, .009 thick, 28x Ing barrels delivered. 14 644 HYGIENIST for Saturdays, PoslUon. Knowledge of sewing CLIMglNG 80”, 30 cents each or 6 for $1. 3EW1NO MACHINES — singer 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M.< 1775 BIDWELL Home Improvement who desires to get ahead at fits. Parking supplied. South- perience. Hours 9-6 p.m., Mon­ Excellent openiiigs. Apply: Co. Expert Installation of and dental secretary part- day through Friday. Please heipfiil but not necessary. You Short order. Fifli or part- 643-2711. automatic zlg-sag, excellent practically no cost. For full in­ end of Hartford. Hours 8 - 5 time Only permanent em- WALLS - BRICK, block and stone work. aluminum siding, gutters and formation call 643-2771. time. Write Box “P ” Manches­ p.m. Salary based on ex­ reply. Box "S”, Manchester ^ be trained. All employe DISPLAYCRAFT, Inc. condition. Makes buttonholes, COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. ter Herald. benefits. Apply m person to {doyes, no students. DARK RICH stonefree loam, hems, embroiders, etc. Orig- Brick walls, patios, outdoor-in- trim. Roofing installation and perience. Part or full-time Herald. Manchester — 043-9657 / five yards. $16. Sand, gravel, 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PUBLICATION door fireplaces, sidewalks, repairs. 649-6495. 876-9109. days. Call 527-1876 for appoint­ the Singer Co., 866 Main St A i^y In person. iBoUy over $300., 0 monthl; Deadline for Saturday and Monday !• 4 :S0 p.m. Frida.i WAITRESS wanted. Experience Manchester. PART-TIME, three to four sfonc. fill, manure, pool and payments of $8.60 each or pay- chimneys. Free estimates. not necessary, 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. ment. patio sand. Call 643-9604. Domenic Morrone, 649-1604. ROOFING and Roof Repair. Heip W anted— hours per day, mornings. Caii $61 cosh. 623-0031 dealer. Couglln Roofing Co., Inc.. 643. Good working conditions, e x t r a CHRISTMAS mcniey, 049-6334. PLEASE READ YOUR AD F e m a ie 3 5 X-TRA-$$ ('94T! CARPETS and life too con be STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, 7707. meals furnished, no Sunday NURSES'S AIDE, 3-11 p.m., full $600 salary now unUl Dec. 20, HOWARD JOHNSON CAME THE I total Mcxiel Home Furniture 4 hours dally, moining or eve^ BRIDGEPORT Operators— Bhc- So IsMCE , r OAPZOOifS, beautiful If you use Blue Classified or “Want Ads” are taken over the phone as a fireplaces, flagstone terraces. work. 643-0940. or part-time. Call 649-4619. Sign up now—begin later. r e s t a u r a n t InxMvr Lurtre. Rent electric Miampoo- 8 ROOM HOUSEFUL convenience. The advertiser should read his ad the FIRST ROOFING. aluminum siding, Many attractive clerical nlng hours, downtown Man­ perienced In aircraft experi­ WIEFUL NIGHT rtORATtO- All concrete repairs, both In­ mental work. Top pay tat top 394 ToUand Tpke., Mandiester er $1. oicott Variety Stoiiie. 19 PIECES DAY IT APPEARS and REPORT ERRORS in time for the side and outside railings. Land gutters, carpenter work, 80 BE ONE WOMAN to work full or part- b o o k k e e p e r — Experienced ' openings. Full or part-time chester office, convenient ANP g u e s s WHO 8297 next insertion. The Herald is responsible for only ONE in­ scaping. ■ Reasonably priced years’ experience. Coraiectlout time as saleslady In toy de­ through trial balance. Pluah hours available. Work in parking. Teleidume maU order personnel. PuU benefits. Ap­ PIJEW A CXIMaETE SCREENED loam, processed correct or omitted insertion for any advertisement and then partment days. Apply manager ply Rolo • Machine Co., 66 Call 64S 0851 Valley Construction Oo., 648 office In excellent location. your own area, (ree park­ sales. Phone Mrs. Anderson, 8LANR - irravel, gravel, wnd, stone only to the extent of a “ make good” Insertion. Errors which 7180. Free estimate of toy ‘department, Treasure 640-0786 for appointment E!Im St., Manchester. Interior Designer wants reUable do not lessen the value of the advertisement will not be OF THE Salary $110 plus. Fee paid. ing,—top rates. No fees. flU. George H. Grtfflng' Ine LAWNS maintained. Rubbish City, West Middle Tpke., Man­ Rita Girl, 800 Silver Lane, East Open daily 9-6, Monday and r e p a ir MAN _ Personable Andover 743-7886. family or newlyweds to accept corrected by “make good” insertion. taken to the dump. Odd Jobs. ROOFING, Siding, Aluminum chester. CX)UNTE!R girl, e a.m. to S BEFORE you look any further, delivery of oomplete Model Dis­ gutters. Carpentry, additions, Hartford, 528-9416. Thursday until 7. Call Soh; (tome to the Klock Oo., at 1366 dependable man with mechani­ 649-1868 after 6 p.m. FINAST ya 522-0492. p.m., five days a week. Apply cal aptitude to be trained In re­ q u a rt milk cans, plain or play of Quality Furniture Just (Rockville, Toil Free) remodeling and rec rooms. HilUardvllle Luncheonette, SOS Tolland Tpke., Manchester. We anUque. Inquire 369 Bidwell S t removed to warehousee for Pub­ Several excellent opportu­ have openings on second shift pair of sewing machines. Some YOU ARB A-1. Uuck Is A-1 Free estimates. R. Dion, 843- CX)ED temporary service. Adams St, Manchester. public contact. Manchester. lic Sale. Modem 3 complete Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ 4352. nities have developed In our In our Heat Treat Dept. Very 11118 is a rooms with the $1,000 look. 8 6 4 3 -2 7 1 1 8 7 5 -3 1 3 6 office for full-time. 100 Constitution Plaza, Suite 800 SEVERAL women needed for permanent position and ways sealed and small truck­ WAITRESS interestlligywork and we will for a reUable man. Full em- INDUSTRIAL used fluorescent pc. Oonvertlble living Room. ing done A-1 ligrht. Call Tre- Uj^it bench assembly work, train you. Please ap|dy in per­ light fixtures, 4', two bulbs. 6 pc. bedroom, 6 pc. Dinette Roofing and Idoye benefits. Apply In per­ maiio Trucking Service toll- FULL OR PART‘TIME MAJOR steel company needs frhige benefits. Apply in per- son. 9-/5- Ideal tor warehouses factories, $10 down, yHour Answering Service knives, aces, shears. skates pairing roofs of all kinds, new »■ commensurate with experi­ and Service Oo., EJast Hart­ helpers, full or part-time. Good HoJp Wantad Mol* 36 Holp Wcmtvd—Molo 36 Holp Tpke., 649-9963. CAP A OCP Charge Plans rotary blades. Quick service roofs, gutter work, chimneys MANICURIST wanted, full or ford. Hours 8:16 - 6. Chll-Mr. W ontO iL — CLERKS ence. <3all 289-9306, 8-6 p.m. part-time. OaU Magic Mirror pay, benefits. Apply In person, ------Moio Also, our own Instant OedK Free to Herald Readers Capitol Equipment Co.. 3i cleaned and repaired. 80 years' Kennedy, 289-7931. An equal Mlntt Auto Care, West Middle o r Fom olo 3 7 Plan Main 8t., Manchester. Houn experience. Free estimates SHADY GLEN IF YOU MAKE drapes than Beauty Salon, 643-2449. portunity employer. RIDING mower and snow blow­ Bakery office and cash de­ Tpke., Manchester REFRIGERATOR MEN or women to work tn Want Information on one of our classified advertisements? dally 7:30.5, Tliursday 7:80-9 Call Howley 648-6361 644- partment: Must be able to Mr. Smith 643-OSll (Parkade Store) or there Is a Job waiting for you DEAN MACHINE er. Call after 4 p.m., 649-8636. DISCOUNT FURNITURE No answer at the telephone listed? Simply call the Saturday 7:80-4 648-7968 8383 at Pilgrim Mills Fabric De­ MECHANK3—Fun or part-time. WANTED —FuU-Ume service dietary department of modem use either comptometer or MECHANIC PRODUCTS, Inc. FOR BETTER cleaning, to keep WAREHOUSE calculator. Mr. Hoch 649-4245 (840 E. Middle Tpke, Store partment Store, in our .If* HoUtbiy station attendant Apply in per- nursing home. Hours to be ar­ TREE SERVICB (Soucler) — ROOFING, Gutters, Chimneys— drapery department. Call Mr. WAITRESSES 39 Spencer St, Man- son only to Mr SIo^,^ s i ^ ranged. Pleasant worldng con­ coloi'a gleaming, use Blue NOW 2 BIO LOCA’nONS EDWARDS New and repairs our special­ Person must be experienced 102 COLONIAL RD. UiAre oiupet cleaner. Rent Trees cut. building lots clear- Accounts Payable; Must Blake, 646-4422. ______Garage, Route 83, Vernon. dition. Chdl 647-1462. 3680 Main at. Hartford ed, trees topped Got a tree ty. 20 years experience. Free Now hiring for after Labor in tractor trailer gas, In MANCHESTER electric shampooer $i. The ANSWERING SERVICE have good arithmetic back­ DEMONSTRATORS —Guaran­ diesel refrigeration units. 622-7249 problem? Well worth phone estimates. Call Roy Kanehl, ground. Day. Days or nl^ts, fuU or I Sherwin-Williams Oo. (former Fuller Brush bldg.) call. 742-8262 643-0363 alter 6 p.m. teed $180 in toys and gifts free GAL FRIDAY part-time. Experience not Position Is with large cxnn- to you plus $100 In cash for Has Immediate Openings: TWO Hansen surf boards very 178 Pine St. Manchester necessary. Apply In person STORE MANAGERS pony offering exceUent PET PROEESSIONALS 646-2332 649-0500 875-2519 PAUL'S Odd Jobs Done — OPERATORS just 20 nights work. No Local opportunity for neat ap­ only. wogee and fringe benefits. Dsyt: 7 o.m. to 4:80 p.m. good condition. Less than half 5 COMPTOMETER (former Norman's Fum and leave your message. You’ll hear from our advertiser In Chain saw work, roofing, drive­ M illinery, OPERATORS delivery, no collecting. If in­ pearing, personable working Assistant Store Managers Immediate Interview and Oareer topportunUy with price. 644-3001.- Jig time without spending all evening at the telephone. mother with light bookkeeping - placement. Nights: 4 pjDL to 1 o.m. growth company for exper­ Warehouse ways sealed, carpentry, ma­ Dressmaking 19 terested in becoming a demon­ at oomer of Pine A Forest 8t..n sonary work, attics, cellars, Openings for experienced WANTED strator or having a party, call and secreartial experience. G ro (^ floor opportunities exist for individuals who wish TURRBTT LATHE: Set- ienced people In the care operators. We will also train collect 1-489-4101 or 1-482-1192 Flexible hours may be ar­ HOWARD JOHNSON and handling of tropical flah, Mon.-Frt 9-9. Sat. 9-6 Automobilos For Sal* 4 garages cleaned, lawns fertil­ DRESSMAKING and altera­ FIRST NA'nONAL ^ up and operota H oots a n d A c c m so t Im 4 6 ized, etc. Phone 649-6020 for tions, zippers replaced etc. those Interested and qual­ after 6 p.m. Laurene Toy Par­ ranged. Call for an appoint­ 894 Tolland Tpke. UtJS^egeri'^e^lf’elpS" dogs. and birds. Man- CUSTOM made draperies, slip Coll 849-4311. ified. ties, Goshen, Conn. ment ■with Mr. Beauregard, 646- STORES, INC. HARDINOB GHUCKBSU9: agers-Asslstant Managers-- 19; THOMPSON, 40 h.p. Bvtn- 1968 VOLKSWAGEN fastback, free estimates. AT fiiXcellent ScU&ry, plus Bonus Bet-up and operota (xrveri and reupholstering. H E R A LD blue. Stick shift, radio, white- 0552. Oroomers needed for new rude electric start, full can­ (Company offers excellent PERSONNEL Interview­ Budget terms. Established In walls. Excellent condition. 646- COMPLETE sharpening serv­ Good Company Benefits PARK & OAKLAND PRODUemON MILLERS: fully air-conditioned pet cen­ vass. compass, speedometer, 1948. Days. 624-0164 evenings ice. Hand and power mowers Moving— ^Trucking— wages and working condi­ er Trainee — If you are sheup MADEWELL OF CONN., ter in Man(diestor Parkade. •kls. etc., Oator trailer. Call DOX LETTERS 3407 after 4 p.m. tions, convenient free park­ AVENUES Set-up and operate. 649-7890 ' sharpened and repaired. Pick S to r a g e 2 0 and aggressive and enjoy INC. ba by SITTER wanted eve­ trafni;^ an opportunity to become Manage- Liberal beneftls. FV>r fim- 649-8672 before 8:30 p.m., after 1966 SUNBiiAM Imp, radio, ing and above average bene­ meeting people, our office is rittoLf^*^ ** promotion to S upervisory^ EAST HARTFORD, to o l - GRINDER: Exper­ ther Information and appU- 6 p.m., 649-4161. For Your up and delivery Call anytime, fits. Apply: 185 ADAMS ST. nings, no weekends. 643-6033. COIXINIAL aota. custom heater, 4 on the floor, condi­ 64.3-6306. Sharpen, 686 Adams MANCHESTER DeUvery-llght ready to offer you a respon­ MANCHESTER, CONN. CONN. ienced tn sharpening metal catlons, please call or write, cover Included Iq fine condi­ Information tion excellent, 643-0610. trucking and package delivery. N sible position. Some college WOMAN wanted part-time. Interviews held at cutting tools. Mr. Hormlcm, Personnel 18' BARNES aluminum boat, tion. $78. Call after 6 p.m. 646- S t, Manchester, Onm. 88 h:p, Bvinmde electric start THE HERALD will tiot Refngerators, washers and FIRST NATIONAL or two-yearo working ex­ Young erithusiasUc gal who's Director. Scuffy Pot Center. 2339. iD66 CHEVROLET Caprice, MANCHESTER - South Windsor stove moving, specialty. Fold perience necessary. Excellent COMING to the "Big E?” See looking for permanent part- The Store All Benefits motor, needs some work, trail­ disclose the Identity of STORES, INC. 501 West Middle Tpke. MEN wanted, part-Ume morn­ 58 (jottage Place, Allendale, any advertiser using box bucket seats, automatic shift, A1 Marino Services (Formerly mg chairs for rent. 649-0762 phone personality essential. Fashion Frocks In the Better time Job. Hours 1-4:80 p.m. ings, for Janitorial duties. 646- An Equal Opportunity New Jersey, 1-201-327-8400, er. fsoo or beat offer. Coll 649- MOVING— Frlg1dali-s frostfree Living Building. Find out how Manchester 8349. letters. Readers answer­ power steering, power brakes. M A M Rubbish). Attic.s, cel­ PARK & OAKLAND AVES. Salary plus commission. Rita only. Telephone and general of­ Dally between 9-11 a.m., 2-6 and 7-10 p.m. 4220. Employer refrigerator, carpeUng. sofa, ing blind box ads who One owner. Low mileage. Rea­ lars, garages, bams cleaned EAST HARTFORD, CONN. Girl, 800 Silver Lane, East easy it Is to make $60 a week. fice duties.^ <3aU 643-2178 be­ ------L white leather chair, doric. Call desire to protect their sonable. Call 872-6205. out; appliances, bulky furni­ Pointing—^Papering 21 T Hartford, 628-9416. For more information, call El­ tween e a.m. • 4:80 p.m 643-7871, identity can follow ‘his ture moved, removed; metal- CONTRACTOR — Interior, ex­ len, 875-9673 or Mary, 742-7662. p l a n t la bo r, point manu­ procedure: cardboard drums available. WOMAN wanted to help lady PART- FULL-TIME days, for BURGER CASTLE TRUCK MECHANIC facture, 40 hour week. Contact Elderly Persons terior painting, paper hanging. child care, aides, companions M ry Pradiieta 50 1939 CORVETTE. Excellent 644-2816. coming from convalescent You need no pre­ WOMAN wanted for cleaning Jack Kaplan, 876-3386. Appllcoilons now being Enclose your reply to condition'. 649-2446. Discount on wallpaper. Call to elderly and convalescents. on Thursdays. Call 649-2912. FOR PRIVATE FLEET WASHED canning tomatoes, APPUANOE DEPT. the box in an envelope — 646-3048. home. Light housework and vious experince. MEN wanted, port-Unve token for Mole and Female address to the Classified UNIQUE new home owners cooking. Llve-ln. Call 1-745-4308 We’ll train you at Top pay. Must have own trans­ Male or Female SYSTEMS, INC. eWerly persona to serve as whtl* they Isst, $1.29. Buckland 1966 FORD and Plymouth 4- service: Painting, cement portation and be over 21. Call North Miami, Florida Permanent position open tor nlngs, for Janitorial duUes. 646- Farms Vegetable Stand, corner MANABER Manager, Manchester door sedans, V-8, automatic, B. H. MAGOWAN JR. & Sons', after 6 p.m. a good starting 4230. Foster Orondporents at Evening Herald, together work, driveway repairs, scal­ Interior and exterior painting, We Sit Better, 289-2630. Hdp Wanted—Molo 36 heavy duty truck mechanic. of Tolland Tpke. and Adams Good Stortiiig Holory Ptiai radio, power steering, extra salary. Valuable A first clajss mechanic Is re­ Mansfield Training School with a memo listing the ing, yards, garages, attics paper hanging. Thirty years WAITRESS needed, over 18, providing ttoro and Compen- St. Dept. OverMe. companies you do NOT wheels. 643-2880. cleaned. General maintenance. weekdays and nights, meals benefits, pleasant CREDIT EXPERIENCED mechanic BAKER'S helper or donut mak­ quired with the ability to experience, four generations. wanted' for general repair FULL OR PART-TIME tonahlp tor two young chll- I’sld Vacatiota * Hetldaya want to see your letter. loot 'niUNDERBIRD, Landau Guaranteed workmai\shlp. Free estimates, fully Insured. and uniforms furnished. Apply working condi­ er, full-time. Will train. Apply overhaul and repair trucks. SolMinM W antad 36>A S Your letter will be d«- dren-two hourn ea<'h daily, ■nsurojiee tad model, good condition, original Free estimates. Phone I. Haln- 643-7361. In^person, Alice's Kitchen, tions, opportunity garage. Profit sharing plan Bess Eaton Donuts, 160 Cen­ MORNINGS Deisel experience helpful Monday through Friday. stroyed if the advertiser sey, 643-8080. CLERK availably for qualified man. ter St., Manchester. and should be familiar HousohoM Goods 51 RoUremeat Beoefito is one you've mentioned. owner. Call after 6 p.m., 648- -Bro^ St., Manchester. for advancement. WANTED a lu m in u m products sales­ Beneftls Include transporta­ See Mr. Sloan, Sloan Garage, Apply with automoUve Instru­ CUiAti, USED rsfrlgsrstors. A O sitar Opporttalky If not It will be handled 5335. EXPERIENCED Jyplat ^ Route 83, Vernon. FULLTIME or part-time, ments. Company offers ex- man. One who Is famtIUr with tion, one hot meal dolly, In the usual manner. INTERIOR painting and pajier Man to work as sales­ TOP NOTCH POODS storm windows, storm doors, Workmen's Compenaatlon In ^sh*s». sutomstic washers 1967 MUSTANG, 2-door hardtop, Housohold Sorvieos hanging. Call 644-0373. general office worker for busy Visit our employ­ FULL-TIME malntenajuto man, hours can ceUenC wages, and work­ with guaromess. gee thsm at Rockville factory office. Con­ ment office lo­ man, prefer prevknis ex­ EXPERIENCEID ameslte raker, be arranged. Good starting 801 Silver Lane, Blast Hartford ing condiUons, free' benefit aluminum siding, etc. with case of Injury, poid sick W. T. BRANT 00. V-8 engine, 3-speed, radio, Offorod 13-A perience in hard goods 289-3326 price Icnowledge. For full In­ leave, eleven paid hotldays B.D. Pearl's Appllsnca*. 649 snow tires. $1,660. 646-7986 af­ NAME YOUR own pHce. Paint­ tact Miss Ginsburg, 876-3385. cated at 52 East Full company benefits, steady laborer, experienced (himp pay, company paid bene­ program, Including heedth Main St. OaU 94S-21T1. PARIOiDB IJOHT TRUCKINQ. bulk deliv­ ing, paper hanging, paper re­ lines. Full and part-time year around work. An equal truck (Iriver. Good pay. Call fits. W.T. Grant Oo., Parkade. and accident Insurance, formation call 643-3771. and annual vacation n« well Lost and Found 1 ter 4. FULL-TIME and part-time Center Street, CARPEINTERS, fntmers, layout as a complete physical ex­ ery, yard.'), attics, cellars clean­ moval, ceilings. 'Guaranteed Manchester. Open opening:s. opportunity employer. Apply 876-1274 anytime. life Insurance and pension SALESMAN—one who is fam- ed and removed. Also odd Jobs. workmanship. Prompt service, waitresses, 6-day week, 9 - 6 ELBCTRK3AN — Journey­ and trimmers. Experienced plan. Immediate interview amination when accepted In- LOST —Collie dog, Aug. 23, shift and ' 10-3 shift. W. T. Tuesday through Apply at once. GOOD'YEAR Service Store man, top wages, with benefits. only. 742-8064 after 4 pm . iUar with all types of remodel­ to program and iinuaily vicinity East Hartford. Named 644-8962 satisfaction guaranteed. 647- and placement. ing work In construction, one Trucks—Tractors 5 0664. Grant <3o., Parkade. Friday from 8:30 has an opening for a full-time Call between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. thereafter. Requlrtimenls In­ Bella, 3100 reward. 644-0387. TWO handymen want a variety a.m. to 5 :00 BLISH tire changer. Some stock room Roberts Electric Co., 644-2421. RETlhED persons to work full who can estimate cost on such clude reasonably good ATTENTION 1660 FORD plck-up K ton Fleet- of Jobs by day or hour. Rea­ JOSEPH R LEWIS Custom ATTENTION housewives— Sell p.m, or call 643- W. T. GRANT GO. and deliveries involved. Call or part-time In retail store. f ir s t NATIONAL Jobe with little or no help. Op­ health, a liking for small LICENSED PRACTICAL NURSES side, 4-speed transmission, sonable. Call 643-6305. Painting. Interior and ex­ through December. Excellent 646-0101. An equal opportunity MANAGER trainee for branch Pleasant easy 'vrork." Ideal for portunity waits for the right children, a desire to feel FOUND— Black dog with red radio, heater, safely^ flasher. commissions, no collecting, no 4101, extension HARDWARE Manchester Fattede office located In Mantdiesier. anyone who wishes to add to STORES INC. man. Draw against commis­ AND COLLEGE STUDENTS collar, 640-8626. terior. Paper hanging. Wall­ 368. Evening and employer. needed, of low Income and Parts for rack. Call 649-0887 LIGHT trucking —Lawns cel­ paper books on request. Fully deliveries, no Investment. Call Very good posiUon. Call 646- his in(tome. Coll between 7 and sion. For full information C(UI 60 years of age or more (no A new l-ynor program to pretnsre a limited number of lars, attics cleaned, odd Jobs. Saturday inter­ 0174. 8:80 - 6. PARK & OAKLAND 648-2771. LOST — Savings Passbook No. after 4:80 p.m. ln:mrcd Free estimates. C3all or write, "Santa's Parties, GAS STATION attendant want­ 9 p.m., Mr. Howard Maclde, top Umlt). If Intereated call LPNe and Community f'ollege sludenU to become Trees cut and removed, 643- views can be ar­ ed, full-time work. kfUst apply 1-443-1438. AVENUES 038-0-01311-0 Hartford National 1068 INTERNATIONAL 1200 649-0668. If no answer, 643-6362. toys and gifts, party plan, now PORTER needed, good hours, 429-9391, Mrs. Steere, Super­ Bank and Trust Co., Manches­ 6000. Inc.,'' Avon, Conn., 06001, tele­ ranged. In person. Gorins Sports Car EAST HARTFORD, visor, and (urange tor an INTRAVENOUS THERAPY TECHNICIANS model, 4-whoel drive, rack, PAINTING— Interior and ex­ good wages. Apply In person. COUNTERMAN, It a.m.-2 p.m., ter Green Office. Application tx)dy, dump, with snow plow. REW^AVpiO of bums, moth- phone 1-673-3466, also booking Center, Route 83, TalcottvUle, Parkade Bakery, Manchester no experience necessary. Ideal CONN. H o lp Wantad— Interview in your home. WM Rcghi On Octob«r 13. 1949 made for payment. terior, very reasonable, free parties. Conn. lx)w mileage. 644-0122. holes, ztp'pers repaired. Win­ estimates. Call Richard Mar­ Polishers Wan fed Shopping Parkade. 649-6820. for college student with after­ Mol* or Fomcria 3 7 dow shades iftaiie to measure, noon or evening classes. Ap­ e STlPENli UURINO TSAININO LOST —Passbook No. B 11813 tin, 640-9286, 640-4411. LEGAI, Secretary —Excellent THE THOM MCAN Shoe Oo., Is look­ UPHOLSTERER part - time, MEN (or tire service and re­ Savings Bunk of Manchester all size Vcnetlail.'blinds. Keys skills required but legal ex­ Men who are willing to learn polishing ing for a salesman, full-time. ply In person. Bonanza Steak WANTED — Demonstrators for l^er further InlormsUon. ronloel Mlae Hetty Garrison, made while you walt.'Tape re­ NICK'S Interior and exterior morning and afternoons. Call House, 287 W.'Middle Tpke., cap shop. Good pay, 46-66 hours Oog*— ilrd*—Pafi 41 Application made for payment. T iras 6 perience not necessary. Salary for finished work on turbine blades and vanes. Salary plus commission. No Watkins Bros., 643-6171. per week, all benefits. Must Ideal toym. High commission; Hortfo(rd Hospital Personnel D^tpuGneal. 36 Heymour corders for rent. Marlow’s. 807 painting. Free estimates. Call to $126. Fee paid. Rita Girl, SOUTHERN Above average hourly rates, fringe benefits and experience necessary. An equal 649-1164. no collecting, no delivery. OROOMINO all breads. Hor LOST — Passbook No. B 8104 . Auto Accosforio*— Ma:n St. 049-5221. . 643-1731. be steady worker. Experience Nt., Hartford, Conn,—634-3183. 800 Silver Lane, East Hartford, profit sharing plan. Apply at opportunity employer. Call 649- helpful. Apply Nichols Man­ Pick your own kit. 743-7673. mony Hill. H.C. <3mum. Hsbros Savings Bank of Manchester. 409 ENGINE Dsytona, heads 628-9416. 8068 for ai^x>intment. Rd.. Bolton. 643-6437 Application mode for payment. EDWARD R. PRICE -Palntlng, NEW chester Tire. Inc., 396 Brood and cum, 6 carburators. Ask­ exteiHot. and Interior Paper- St., Manchester. ing $300. Cull 646-8834 or 628- WOMAN to care for active Red-Lee Metal Finishing Go., Inc. LYDALL & FOULDS B u ild in g - hanglng.'GqUlngs, etc Insund. scml-lnvalld dally, some eve MOVING — Poexile for sale 4206. Contracting 14 649-1003. ENGLAND 69 WOODLAND ST.—MANCHESTER ROCKVILLE DIVISION LATHE Operators —Experienc­ CAB DRIVERS 378. 643-8634. nlngs and weekends. No house ed tn aircraft experimental P u n o n a ls keeping. Must have own trans If you ore a oorefui driver N. J LaFlainme — Carpenter INSIDE—outside painting Spe­ FULL-TIME work and large diameter turn­ AKC rsglatersd, sable male RIDE wanted to Pratt & Whit­ contractor. Additions, lemodel- cial rates tor people over 66: portatlon to South Windsor TELEPHONE AREA ings. Top pay tor top person­ with a good record, depend­ ney, East Hartford, first shift. Trait* If— Call between 9-8, , 640-4623, af SIX DAYS PER WEEK able and looking tor con­ (tollle, 2 Mible females. (lIso W M n D ing and repairs. Call anytime Call my competitors, then call Circulation counselor need­ nel. Full beneflU. Apply Rolo Blue Merle or will give to a South lot. from Moiichcsler. M obil* H oi tor free estimates. 876-1842. me. Estimates- given. 649-7868 ter 7 p.m., 644-0463 SHIFT DIFFERENTIAL Machine Co.. 56 Elm St., Man­ genial work. Join our team. 640-6616. COMPANY ed in growing circulation Following shlfU now avail­ good home on breeder's terms CLERK-'TYPIST — Secretaries chester. 873-6806 — FiH-TIm* — HALLMARK Building Com­ area. • BLUE CROSS able: RIDE WANTED from Center, NIMROD tent camp trailer, ex­ Floor Finishing 24 needed for work In your area AppUcant must have a de­ • CMS pany—(or home Improvement, and Hartford. Temporary, full­ An equal opportunity employer MALE HELP WANTED CLERK or luilesman to work In 10 p.m.-7 a.m.—6 days fASSIE type toy Shetland sheep to arrive West Hiirtford. 8 a.m. cellent condition. Colt 649-4752. additions, rec rooms, garages, sire to 'work ■vidth new^n- • LIFE INSURANCE local estabUshed point and dog, ten-months old. male. SERVHSE STATION ATTENOANT Return at 8 p.m., 643-8864 FLOOR SANDING and reflnlsh time or 9-3 p.m. Excellent pay, perboys In the promotion • PAID HOLIDAYS 6 p.m.-l a.m.—weekdays liioir BaFw ER 19Mi' Travel roofing, gutters. Free esti­ Ing (specialising In older no fee. Staff Builders, U • OTHER FRINGE BENEFITS wallpaper store. Steady, cleam Various part-time hours Sat­ AKC reglsUred. All« shots, mates. all work guaranteed. Food Service Operator and servicing of their routes. respectable employment. Op­ houaebroken, good wUh chil­ ANB LOBRNATION MAN RIDE WANTED from Woo 1- Trnitofi like new condition. floors). Inside painting. Paper Asylum St., Hartford. 278-7610. LOOKING for a good Job In Must be a high school grad­ urday and Sunday bridge St., Manchester, to Selftoontained, shower, hot wa-. Call 646-2627. hanging. No Job too small Manchester? We have a posl- Progressive and Expanding Company. portunity for managing In very dren. Call 742-6888. CLERK TYPIST — Office back­ uate '(With a good driving near future. Inquire In person. I n ? * ** Moarhastsirte flnest eervtre Travelers dally, 8-4:30. Call % sleeps 6. 643-0686. CAPITAL Construction — John Verfallle. 649-6760. ‘tion that we feel Is Interesting, Steady, secure, full-time employment with career record. (AtXxxnobile fur­ EAST HARTFORD etalien. Working rendItiBne ore pleasant and your fnllsw 649-3967. ground helpful. Excellent Igrp- diversified and challenging. 615 PARKER ST., MANCHESTER Vernon PainI A Wallpaper Oo , CAB CO. amploires ore mast cangoidai. Vou will rsrelvo fidl earn- AVAII.ABLE now for Im­ complete home Improvement Ing. Salary $80. Fee paid. Rita nished). We offer good Vernon Circle. FIIKE KITTKNH Qdl 647-1103. contracting service ■peclallz- Applicant must be a good growth potential. Excellent salary, benefits, complete rtorting salary—paid Blue pony hendHIs plus many fringe bansais, too! Apply hi Automobn*s For Sola 4 mediate delivery! Completely Bonds— Stocks— Girl, 800 Silver Lane, East typist and accurate with Mrs. E. S. Loftus 107 Burnside Avc. psrsoo to Mr. Danny Ooray at . . . ------reconditioned units at off-sea­ Ing In recreation rooms. We HartfoPd, 628-0418. training, uniforms provided. 40 hour week. Must be Ctoas A CMS and Major HELP WANTED — full or part- Bast Hartford w welcome competitors' prices. Mortgages 27 figures and have a pleasing Medical.' time. Service station at- NEED CAR? Credit vary bad’ son prices. Wo now have a telephone manner. Bookkeep­ MEXIHANIC tor pin (Mtter ma­ Bankrupt, reposse^ton? Hon 1967 Franklin. 19' self-contain­ Free estimates. Call anytime, MORTGAGES — 1st and 2nd, SAI.AD GIRL — wanted Nights, willing to accept responsibility. Apply in person. tendants wonted to work at the 289-6846. ing background helpful, but not HARTFORD COURANT chines. Must have some me­ SUPERINTENDENT for Oar- U v * S to c k est Douglas accepts lowest ed. a 1962 Holiday Rambler 20' mortgages— Interim financing approximately 4:30 to 9:30 essential. Pleasant office and Hess Sendee Station, Monday WANTED experienced men or Moriorty Brothers p.m.. experience not neces­ D. K. WELCH, Mgr. chanical experience. For den type apartment. Must through Friday, pump gas on­ I’ONIES, msre, excellent adth down, smallest'^ymenlii. any­ self-contatned, a 1968 Scamper CARPENTRY — concrete steps, —expedient and confidential congenial co-workers. Please nlghU only. Apply In person, have knowledge ^ of general women to drive school bus. tU (XNTKB *r„ MA*<*naiTEB--*IMUS where. Not small loan finance tent trailer, fully equipped and service. J. D1 Real Estate sary. Apply Covey's Restau­ reply Box ''RR'.', Manchester 18 Park St., Rockville ly. Phone 649-8093 or apply bi Hours 7-9 and 2-4, 32 75 per children. Gelding and coll, floiirs, hatchways, remodeling rant. 46 ^ s t Center S t, Man­ Vernon Lanes, Route 83, Ver­ maintenance and repairs. person, Hess Sendee Station, tiest-reaarmsble offer. 643-1312. company/ plan. Douglas Mo a 1969 Silver Eagle 10' pIck-up porches, garages, closets, call­ Assoc. 643-6129. Herald, sta tl^ educational 876-6286 non. hous. A fter,8 p.m. coll 644- tors, S ^ ^ a ln . i-ouch at substantial savings. chester. FRIENDLY ICE CREAM SHOP Sober od reliable. Oood sala­ 334 Brood St., Manchester. 1902. H.A. Frink, Wapptng. ings, attics finished. rec background, previous ex­ ICAN part-time, a,m. j»r p.m. ry and benefits. Send resume Bank financing available. Stop rooms formica, ceramic. Oth­ perience, and salary require­ 1965., CHEVROLET, O-pdsscngcr B usinessss Opportunity 2 8 $50 IN FAMOUS jbrands free If 918 MAIN ST., EAST HARTFORD - weekends. Ehcperlence with APPLIANCE SERVICE to Manager, 6 Downey Drive. 3 7 Artictes For Sate 45 In at Rectown USA. Route 6, er related work. No Job too you run a weekly shop-by-mall ments. Hours, 9-5 p.m.. Mon- Manchester. H«lp Wonkad — Mate or wagon, V-H, power steering, west of WlUimantlc, Conn. 1- smaU gas engines and counter MAN TOBACCO cloth tor sals, sult- radio, $1,045. Cull 049-3475 iif- smiiH Dan Moran. Builder GREATEST opportunityonrwYrtiinltv Wwaits club for few friends. Send (or . day through Friday. woric Impoi^t^t. Manchester 423-1626. Open weekday eve­ Evenings 649-8880 details and free all new cata­ Experienced. To work on YOUNG MAN, peraonoble. with obls for Isams, bushas, trees tes, 5:30. nings until 10 p.m. for one who Is (nmlltarl with CLEANING woman, one day a sreo. 875*341 after 7 p.m. - commercial food service cabinets, and kitchen bualWss. log. No obligation. Popular 10 p.m. «*•«* sWUty, Boys and Prep sad grass. tT8*HT, RouU 16, HELP WANTED DORMERS, garages, porches, Club Plan. Dept. X602, Lyn- week, small family. Call 643- equipment — TTansportation clothing deportment, fun-ttme. RockvIHs. THE '70 Holidays are i-omlng ■rec rooms. room additions, Ncod.s a man who Is willing to 1441. provided — Ebccelent wage— DAIRY ROUTE 1987 CHEVROLET Super Sport. soon. We will have a complete grow with one o( the laiyest brook. N.Y. NOTICE la n d sc a pe laborers fUU Top salary. <3aU Mr. Shapiro, $$.595. Call 647-9746. kitchens, add-a-levels, roofing, time, no 'experience neces­ Year 'round work with es- •43-2138, Casual Village Shops, M##i - line of- Ramblers, Travelers siding, general repairs. Quality remodeling (Irma In Oonnecll- tabllsbed company. CaU 233- FULL.TIMI and Woman and Vacationers available for cut. For full Information call BREMAR CONVALESCENT HOME sary. CoU Grontlond Nursery, Manchester. 8TUDEBAKER station worUmanshIp. Financing avail­ 643*689. 3061 or 233-3393. SALESMEN •ULL.TMR — PART.TlMi wagon with .sliding roof, Chev- your Inspection at our Gala able. Economy Builders, Inc.. 643-2771. a \ MANCHESTER, CONNECTICUT 06040 SERVICEMAN -full-time. SALMSLAOmS showing. Watch this paper for _____;;______I Immediate openings in our homo nsrvlue deportmesit. A ji ndet, 283 V-8 engine. 649-2271. 643-6159. 872-0647 ’reventngs. DRICO MECHANICAL nlghU. Experienced oil burner AND CHICK OUT ! NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS JIG BORE Operators — first, good figure aptitude and good driving rsoord raqulrad for DAYS A IVININGS further details Rectown USA, second and third shift. Lathe SERVICES and heating man, exceUsnt 1968 AUSTIN Healey Very good Route 6, west of Wllltmantlc, WES ROBBINS Carpentry re­ Schools and Clossos i^3 INVITATION TO BID ■slsry, working ooodltlaaa and ctmJhmglng postuan oo'exuding routes in our 6-day,- Mon- CASHMR Conn., 1-423-1626. Open week­ operators, second shift. Vertl- dsy-Frtday bcois aarrtos opanOloa. Intarsatsd portiaa Bmgsr castie haa vacancies for aduJU to flB po- running condition. Cull 649-3615 modeling spectallat. Addltlona, MEN EARN Sealed proposals will be received In the office of Griswold cad turret lathe operators, sec­ WANTED — Part-time sendee securUy. Blue Crass, CMS, pIsMs (xmtact; titimis In oar Manebester store created by w after 4 p.m. ( day evenings until 10 p.m. P.8. rec rooms, dormers, porches, station attendant, tor morn­ major medical, uniforms »iwi TOP PAY Engineering, Inc., 264 Main Street. Manchester. ConnecUcut, ond shift. Call LeMi Corpora­ ■tadent mpioysa retuniing to school. We still have a few brand new cabinets, fomitca, built • Ins. OPEMNGS not later than : tion. 648-2363. ings. Apply In person only to outstanding p r ^ t shsiSej ».wi Oppor^ttas for advancement, good company 1969 (XiUGAR XR7 convertible. 1969's available at terrific sav­ bathrooms, kitchens. 649-3446 $4.50 and up per hour. Train SEPTEMBER 24, 1969. 10:00 AM. EDST Mr. Shwn, Sloan Oarage pension plans. Coll 668-0131 for SEALTEST FOODS' beniflM eoch aa 2 wooka vacation for 1 year's Must aell, leaving for service. ings. at which time and place said proposals shall publicly be opened 'MECHANIC (uU-ttme. top pay Route 83. Vernon. appointment Call after 6, 643-4903. ADDITIONS, remodeling, ga­ now, to opemte bulldozers, 256 Hotnaataod Ave., H artford, Oonn. backhoes, toaders and for furnishing of all materials, labor, equipment and In^en- tor xright i^ i mmn.man. aatpencnceuExperienced ------—------, surgical and major rage rec rooms, bathrooms tals to construct the Bidwell Street-Folly Brook Trunk Sanitary only. Apply in person. Russell's EXPERIENCED pointers arant- 3$ANMAN NEEDED to do office 636-0161 *"*1™ and $5,000 life insurance policy, etc. 1966 FORD country Sedan, sta­ tiled, kitchens remodeled, ce­ scrapers In booming con­ W. T. B u m 00. Motorcycles struction Industry. Oomplete Sewer from Hartford Road to Portland Street, approxlmatslv Texaco, 318 Adams SL, or 649- ed. Call between 6-7 p.m. 649- cleaning In the Msnrhester An equal opportunity enploypr. tion wagon. Call 649-8621 after ment work, cellar floors, pa­ 3,400 lineal feet. ' m---- e area, nigfau. Good aragas. paid rARRADB 1 :S0 p.m. B icycles 11 tios. roofing. Call Leoa Olsa- training program. Full and Contract Documents including drawings and technical speci­ piirt-tlmo classes. Prepare AVAIUBIE holidays and bsaefits. Gall BT- s\'7iskl. Builder. 649-4291. fications, are on file at Griswold Engineering, Inc., 204 if.ia r\ SlTl or apply st Rudder Win­ 1962 . THUNDERBIRD 2-door BICYCLES - New and ii.«“d. Re­ (or a future. Call 1-228-8719 IN THE FOLLOWING DEPARTMENTS Street in Manchester, Connecticut \ M l W. kflDOU TFO.. MANCHRSm dow aeonlng Co., i*T Outrisr,] A hardtop . In excellent running pairs.on ull makes. 0|ien dally ■’EMENt ' w6 r K — No~jobToo anytime. Copies of Contract Document^ may be obtained by depositing Oal( Ave.. Hartford. \ condition. First $895 or best of­ 9-5:30. Manchester C?>-cle Shop. small, sidewalks preferred. twenty-five dollars ($25.00) with the Engineer for each set of FEMALE PRODUCTION MEN (Sl w o m e n OMy totWMR 9 A J l. 11 AJ44 , • \ fer. Phone, 742-8233. 182 West Middle "Ipke.. 649- Call 742-9791. MACHINING - BURRING documents so obtained. Elach such deposit will be refunded if % 2098. H*lp WantMi— the drawings and Contract Documents are returned In good con­ I MAN WANTED to rratk in him- 2 PAL . S fJA. 7 PJi. . 10 P A l ber yard., must hav* driver's Openings on first mnd 66cond shifts. Mschine op­ 1963 FORD convertible in good 8AVE MONEY! Fori wnice. Fm i o I* dition within ten (10) days after the Bid opening. ASSEkABLERS running condition. Four, new •TEN-SPEED bicycle, $75. Call Dormers, room additions, ga­ » I MOLDING and JANITORIAL The Owner reserves the right to waive any InfonnaUtiee or ttesaas. Dsvto A Bradford erators, Auxiliary w<»iiers, material handlera and tires. Best offer, Phone 646- 649-8696 after 6. rages. porches, roofing and WAITRESS Wanted — Imme­ to reject any or all Blda. l s t ( I 801FT OPENINOB Lumber Oo.. 300 ToUand St. iDsrhine repairman. We are willing to train you. 1189 evenings. siding. Compare prices. Add- diate opening, hours 11-4, B Opportunity for growth and development for Bach Bidder muat deposit with his Bid, security tn the HOUSEWIFE SHIFT *-4 East EUrtford. Company p^d insurances including Blue Croaa and i BURGER CASTLE •TRIUMPH motorcycle — semi- A-Level Dormer Oort>., 289- days weekly. Apply In person male and female employes in the rapidly expand­ amount, form and subject to the conditions provided In the In­ OOOD BENEFRS, WAGES CMS, Pension Plan end P rofit Sharing. 1961 KARMANN qhla. conver­ chopper. Candy apple red ing valve industry. Apply in person structions to Bidders. 0449 LaStrada Restaurant. No Bidder may withdraw his Bid within thirty (W) days I PAINTERS — SYSTEMS. Inc. tible without motor, $75 cash paint, chrome, custom seat, U„ .UU « full or part-fims. Apply supsr- or will sell parts. 649-6833. etc. Call 649-8797. NEWTON H. SMITR * SON- (XIUNTER women for evening MORLAND PRODUCTS IONA MFG Intendoat on Job, Prastdsntlal RemodeUng. repairing, addl- shift. 7 p.m. to midnight. WALTER A. MARGERnON JR REGENT MANCHESTER Apartments. Canter St. sad CHENEY BRtDTHERS, INC. ^ 1986 AUSTIN Healy 100. Very Uons, rec rooma, garage*, Please apply Mr. Donut, 265 1414 TOLLAND TPKE., MANCHESTER Sole General Partner good condition. $600 or best of­ Thompson Rd. An equal op- . 81 Coopsr Hill Street porches und roofing. No Job West Middle Tpke., Manches­ Bremar Ooinraleecent Home portuntty smptoyar. fer. Call 649-1569. Read Herald Ads. too small. Call 649*144 ter. ' A PAGE IWENTY-TWO MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 — ------^NCH ESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CON^.. MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 H o h sm For Sok 72 PAGE TWENTY-THREE .. Apoitmenfs— Fiat^— tIottSM For Sola 72 Housm For Sol* 72 Housos For Sda 72 Houses For Sok 72 Out of Town r\..a ^ w '------Tonamants 63 NEW LISTING — GambolotU MANCHESTER — Neiwly paint­ BOWERS School, 6-room Colo­ ed 7-room Colonial, formal dli>- Value! ForSdk 75 ForSuIT" 75 78% VoterS Objective: Beach Source NEW plush one and 2-bedroom built 6-room Ranch on beautiful PracUcaUy the ^ l e Flour-bedroom------brick , i t v a m I------57---- :::------CLASSIFIED nial with 3 bedlam s eind pos­ ing room, large klfadien, fire- Srnj^A N Ave., So. Windsor. 24 BERIIY'S Spilt Level. Double garage. apartments, wall to wall car­ treed aiid fenced lot. IQtchen ORCHARD St. Rockville. sible fourth. Country-sized floor. Nice kitchen. Ideal for home and office, 6- pets, dlshweuiher, appliances, compl^ly redone recently. placed living room, 8 ■ bed­ ------• three Three-full baths, fireplaccd-llv- Sbe-room home, *16,000. . Call kitchen with dining area, IH •>®‘irooms. flreplaced ^living room Ranch, walk-out base­ alr-eoifdttlonlng. Starting at Lovely''flreplaced-Hvlng room, rooms, 1% baths, 24sar ga­ 'oR room. Loads of extras. Out 742-6519. baths, attached garage. Mid room and full basement with ment with 3-room professional ADVERTISING nS6 per month. Call Paul W paneled basement. Mr. 'Coe, rage, *28,900. Widverton Agen­ of state owner wants im­ r S i S y Mitchell Proposes ^ ’s. Wolverton Agency, Real­ e'ean. Low 26’s. offioe. garage. Mid 20’s— EAST HARTFORT). all bric.Jt Dougan Realtor, 649-4686. / Belfiore Agency, 647-1413. cy, Realtors, 649-2812. , mediate sale. Warren E. How­ CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS tors, 649-2818. Wolverton Agency Realtors.- family. 4 rooms each apart- WE HAVE customers waiting land, Realtors, 643-1108. 649-2813. ment, built-ins. Including air- BOSTON (A P ) Sen, Ed- 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. tor the rental of your apart­ TWO FAMILY, 5-5, just listed. M ANCH ESTER — South Hind. ^MANCHESTER — 6H room condltloners. 5 years old, ex- M. Kennedy’s perform- ’ ment or home. J.D. Real Es­ Also two finished and heated HIGHWOOD Drive, better than Immaculate like new Califor­ rrison Colonial. Double ga- cellent security builder. Wol- office continues to re­ Stepped-Up War on Drugs tate Associates. Inc., 848-6129. rooms on third floor. Central­ IN TOWN new, 7-room Colonial with ev­ COPY CLOSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT. nia styled Ranch home on the 'e. 1%' baths, flreplaced-Uv- verton Agency Realtor. 646- ceive strong approval from most attractive acre plus lot ly located. Aluminum storms erything, over 2500 sq. ft. of BOLTON LAKE 2813. 4:30 P.M. DAY BEFORE PimUCATlOM FOUR-room Duplex apartment, Here’k a good sized 7-room room, formal dining room. we’ve ever seen. Priced in the and screens, two heating sys­ graceful living area. Prime lo- heat and hot water, no pets, Colonial that will accommo­ recrpatlon roonj. Hospital lo- , Deadline for Saturday and Monday Is 4 :S0 p.m. Friday high 20’s. Hayes Agency, 648- tems. Good condition. Priced caUon, top quality and unique mctlc, thf NarttlcTXr'Lu,‘":Iufle“i *160. Call 643-9844. date your family and your Warren E. Howland ^ 8,cre lake fropt es- 0131. for fast sale. Mr. Zinsser, Bel­ floor plan makes this an out- r -,, pocketbook. This home has •landing offering. Hayes Agen- _ _ s, 643-110*. ' M'e '^■“ t’l list all the fea- EAST HARTFORD rng"f‘"no'k“ %i!;^ S ! : usT ";ure?y"merc:i lha.! ^.LTero^un^rThe'Te FOUR COOPERATION WIIX At t r a c t i v e S-room apart­ fiore Agency, 647-1413. ______tures here, but Just a very few MANCHESTER — Six • room three good sized bedrooms, cy 646-0131, evenings Mr. Han MAN( BE APPRECIATED 643-2711 ment, heat, hot water, elec­ Green area — of the unusual ones including Countrj' living in the city 7 ton Globe's DIAL Colonial overlooking Center a large living room, with a dier, 649-7613. tricity, stove, refrigerator. Lovely size-room Ranch. Two your very own sail boat basin rooms, 4-bedroom Cape leased today Park. 1% baths, two-car family room-kitdien com­ Adults. References. No pets, RICK MERRITT quietly nestled among a According garage, large rooms. Immedi- bination with built-in oven, RANCH — 6H rooms first baths\ carpeted kitchen wilh concrete bulkhead, profes- Continued Prom Preceding Paq» *120. 649-6324. heavily treed lot, Alexander range and dishwasher, also floor, plus finished rec room hullt-in^ living room with sional landscaping, and-how by Becker Roscoreh Corp., the ZrZ^lrZ'tZ" “ ter places where drugs are 111?- cent Increase since 1960 ato occupancy. Hayes Agen­ Drive. Most exclusive area offers this brand new ranch on a screened porch, aU car­ In basement, sunken formal fireplace and\wall to wall car- a.bout this—an electric cart and dominant theme among those *** , " ’ '‘ "tifacture. distribution gaily sold or stored without . "There Is luii h Household Goods 51 Apartments—Flat»— C O LO NIAL Manor Deluxe one- cy, 646-0131. of town. Two full baths, two a large wooded lot with a peted floors and a paneled dining room with beamed cell- family room, “nieslte path to get you from expressing dl.snpprovaldl.sapj:...... * _ f Ken- marijuana. ^ LSD and knocking, - but------only, ...... - -• t“ i- bedroom apartments and two- fireplaces, partially finishetl when given diction and drug abuse have WHAT-NOT-SALE^^ndajT'-l Tenements 63 M AN CH ESTER — WeU land- FANTASne view of the Hart­ rec room. The locatlmi Is Ing. and mediterranean decor BOO. H. M. I’ouse to lake and back In leis- nedy's performance was his drugs he said have no advance authority by a magls- ren..h»H . - bedroom Townhouse; Appli­ rec room. -2-car rtA%A«ie*^~4__.. recocTilxod modlcAl ii« a trn*^ •• ^ rcftched epidemic proportk>na Friday, 9-3 p.m., 96 Wood- scaped six-room Ranch. 6)6 ford skyline! This view Is so 2 fuU baths, one off master 647-9993. style! The nine room ranch garage. auto accident on Chappaquid- ''ccognlzed medical use. trate," Mitchell said. ih i - - ' IMMEDIATE — Elegant and ances, and utilities. *14S-*185. juat right for a growing Low taxes. bridge St; Linens, toys, di.shes, per cent assumable mortgage, beautiful that we have to re­ family and the price Is only home with three car radio op- dick Island that claimed the life ,^*’ “ ,‘''’ '1 ''* followed "A ll too frequently.” he said s e r L f young, five-room, first floor J. D. Real Estate Associates, *“ ’• MANCHESTER' nit income crated furniture, clothing. Jewelry. *117 monthly payment Includes mind }rou that this property *28,000.-C a ll us for an ap­ ww. Phllbrlck Agency Real­ ■*■ ’ grarage door is truly of a 28-year-old secretary and -Justice Department dlsclo- "violators are able to destrov apartment. Three bedrooms, 643-5129. pr^rty with gara^, clean worthy of the setting . CARRIAGE REALTY principle, interest and taxes. also offers such features as pointment to inspect. tors, 646-4200. but Kennedy's ronduct immediately weekend of an rontraband drugs while officers government hopes to all wall to w ell caipeit------and^eU cared for, \WeIIent come, let Carl Zinsser show this REFRIGERATOR, exceUent DELIGHTFUL one-bedroom Priced mid 20’s. Owner, 644- seven rooms, 2-car attached ga­ 643-1111 afterward. all-out effort to stop the flow of executing a search warrant are Increasing flow of Hie- . Ing, stove, screened porch, condition, reasonably priced. apartment in small new apart­ 2234. rage, gas hot water baseboard M ANCHESTER — Best condl- “ " ' “ ^ * " 1 . »Qd 40’qJxWoIver- one-of-a-kind property to you. The poll rcoortled a sharp liv *’legnl drugs from Mexico. going through the presontlv re- ‘•ruga and narcotics from basement, enclosed rear yard. Uon, 2-family with fire- _ Agency, Realtors ^9-2813. The very best In a lake front Call 649-0873. ment complex. Available Oc­ heat, dual fireplaces, full land­ U & R REALTY CO. 4-4. " ______creaie In disapproval of Kenne- '••lehell told the Senate’squtred pror-ess of kno< klng ami ’'* '‘’‘ ‘‘^0 with suffer border In- $226 monthly. References. Se­ COBURN Road, we have listed VERNON — Neat 6 tober 1st. Centrally located on scaping, etc. etc. Phone Rick places In each apartment, low —— \ ----- estate ! room ‘•y's performance In the 18 te 21 Juvenile delinquency subcom- announcing their authority and ■P»’‘'lnlly equipped alr- curity required. Mr. Frechette, 2 colonials on this line resi­ 643-2692 Ranch with formal Center St. Am ple off-street for further details. maintenance and rent-free liv­ dlnlng «8<* group. In Mon-h, one per "'Ittee, prison Is not necessarily purppse. planes and closer cooperation NINE-plece kitchen seL reason­ H.M. Frechette, Realtor, 647- dential street, both have 3 bed­ Lots For Sok parking. Completely equipped Robert D. Murdock, Realtor ing, *24.900. Wolverton Agency J ^ m , 3 bedrooms, fireplace, cont disapproved; In August the penalty for all con- Mitchell said many extstlna Mexican government, able. Gall 649-7108 after 4 p.m. 9993. rooms, garages, and are in kitchen. Rental, *105. with one- Realtors, 649-2813. CENTER of Town. . .approxi­ asement garage, a terrific figure rose to 24 per cent vlctcd of using or dealing In Ule- drug abuse laws contain built.in Clubbed "Operation Inter- X) IN* $r NEA, he excellent condition. T. J. BELFIORE MOVING — Household fumlsh- month security required. Call mately 2% acres, all In " B ” *21,500. .Call Doris Republicans were more crtti- InequHIes. eept," the drive to halt smug- Crockett, Realtor, 848-1677. BELFIORE *19,900 RANCH. Five rooms, ings and children’s and adult's Jarvis Realty, Co., 643-1121. tone. A ll utlllUes on the slte > rnl than Democrats, but both He proposed laws which dlf- "• personally believe In sen. 5 '*"* Ju^n". tocnlnc and WESTSIDE — 6-room home, 8 three bedrooms, new kitchen Ideal for multiple dwellings. tors, 643-1121. _____ clothes. All in good condition. FIVE ROOM Ranch, with 8 bed­ AGENCY RepObllcan.s and Independents, ferentlate clearly between crim- •cnees which* are reasonabiv *’''1^''’ Mexico was made down, 2 up, one bath, garage. cabinets. BeautlfuUy landscap­ Call 649-3794. OCT. 15TH EDGERTON Gardens — Near "C'mere, man—wanna see somethin' WILD?" rooms, large kitchen with din­ AGENCY by strong majorities, continued Inal elements distributing dan- calculated lo be deterrents to hy Deputy AWy. Gen. hospital. Deluxe one-bedroom Lot 80x180’, *19,900. PhUbrick ed lot. A better buy by Phil- S t,:' ROTORS 647-mS ing area, 2-car garage, 100 x REALTORS ______Raised Ranch, modern kltch to express approval of Kenne- gerous drugs, drug addlcU and crime and which also will give . Kleindlenst this DELUXE G.E. Refrigerator, apartments. Wall to wall car­ 647-1413 Agency Realtors, 646-4200. brick Agency, Realtors, 646- d y’s e.Tinctuct In office. OCCUPANCY 200 shaded lot, *20,900. W olver­ 4200. the increasing number of young Jn‘^Kc* sufficient flexiblllfv to t». 13.5 cu. ft., excellent condition. approximately four acres \ f " bulU-ina formal dln- peting, appliances and utilities ton Agency, Realtors, 649-2818. ______people experimenting In the ‘ he sentences to th ^ re- • » ‘o cut off 643-6554. etc. *155-*160. J. D. Real Es­ WESTSIDE — Six-room Cape, " ______prime land. Near communltv ------\ ------cathedral celling 414 room Town House apart­ M ANCHESTER 4-bedroom Split college site and new Route 6 '^ R N O N Manche.ster Line, '“ ’‘J fireplaces in living room drug scene on a casual baais. qulrements of the drug violator ' T contraband at tate Associates. 648-6129. Out of Town Houses For Sale 72 MAN(JHESTER well planned PORTER ST. Area — Fine 7^ with full-shed dormer, ment, 2 baths, alr-condl- ^vel, with 3 ceramic baths, *21.500. Phllbrlck Agency’ bedro^ Raised Ranch, family room, two full ”I cannot overestimate to you “ *■ narcotics addict." he said nv i P“ P- FREEZER, 16 cubic foot, chest For Rent 6 6 7%-room Cape, In town’s finest room Dutch Colonial,, Just re­ baths, carpeting throughout, Bikinis Bare type in pertect condition. Ask­ tlonlng, stove, refrigerator, F IV E ROOMS — Three bed- basement garage, 24' swim­ Uving room has cathedral ceil- Realtors, 646-4200. * double garageV bullt-ins, rec two-car garage, three- the threat that narcotic, and "J’ rl^in I. not the only lo 2 „ | Mexteo K le V u " '- * ' " . T ® " CAPE—Six room, three or lour location, 4 large bedrooms, ga­ duced for Immediate sale. dangerous drugs pose to the «»<>rnatlve.’’ ^ * Mexico. Klclndlenst said. ing *125. Call 649-6660. disposal, patio with sliding rooms. Across from Washing­ VERNON — NOW RenOng. Three or four bedrooms, Rusco ming pool. Sensibly priced at Ing, bay window and wall t o ------— ______—— room, priced to. sell, Hayes heat, wooded lot. Plill- bedrooms, built-in bookshelves rages, flreplaced living room, meKliU. and phyalciU iH'alth of Mitchell said narcotics viola- , ‘’iitlre objective is to get gloss doors. Beautiful, beau­ ton School. *125 plus security. "You owe it to yourself to see *24,900. T. J. Crockett, R eal­ wall carpeting. Grade level COVENTRY — acre lot, wood- Agency, 648-0131. \ brick Agency, Realtors. 646- Equal Rights and drawers. Wooded lot. Han­ paneled den, formal dining storms and screens, screened 4200.V the nation especially to our tors should be dealt with nc “ nnee of the problems. tiful, beautiful. Call. Two or three children. 649-7069. one of these lovely apartments family room, Jdtehen with convenient, desireable room, equipped kitchen, porch. A very private treed tors, 648-1577. SOUTH WINDSOR WASHINGION situated In a small apartment dy, location. *21,500. A better bullt-ina and dining area. Mid neighborhood. N'eeds some fill All the young people Mitchell cording to their function with ®f ar- Wanted— To Buy 58 and landscaped rear yard. Call Ranch, C o 'l ^ T R Y - Bolton re.sts,’’ he said. 5 one-third dow)i complex located In an attrac­ \uybuy by Phllbrlck Agency, Real- situated on -tree studdedi lot. 30’b. Wolverton Agency. Real- *^,800 742-7118. ------line, glri-watcliers at the beju-h who ■“ Id. professional dealers gettirur WANTED — Antique furniture 646-4200. Call Warren E. Howland, Real­ now. Mr. CJoe, Belfiore Agen­ tors, 049-2813. — ------sumes 5*4 per cent mortfcige. rour-rrxmi Ranch, fireplace, tldnk the bikini Is meant lo He called enactment of the “ evere a sentence Resources of several federal 649-6651 649-2179 Furaishad tive residential area." Brand cy, 647-1413. Legal Notice glass, pewter, oil paintings oi new 8H room apartment (one tor, 643-1108. Immediate occupancy. ‘ 'Wc private yard, near'shop- ‘Jk >w off a woman’s altnicllons “ dmlnlslrutlon drug bill which “ ml •'’■■e peniUtler" upon MANCHESTER an excellent lo- Resort Property room, double garage. *23,1 ping. Only *15,900. Hayes have mi.ssed tlie point. other antique Itemi Any Apartiiwnts 63-A bedroom) featuring heat, hot THREE FAMILY — Ideal loca­ omKB^op^NoricB woulduse the power to control treatment in tee use of'hnlfwiw AvIaUon Aaenev iJ^’k MANCHESTER —New listing. AT A CXDRT OF PROBATE, <»Uon "is Just one of the many Hayes Agency 646-0131. Agency, 646-0131. quantity. The Harri.^on’s, 64P.- water, refrigerator, range, tion. Just listed. Needs work, For S o k 74 Bikinis arc really a .symbol Interstate commerce to pul tee houses - being given o addicts closer w aM , on ». * ONE-ROOM furnished efficien­ MANCHESTER Investment property, 3-famlly, held at Manchester, within and for fine features of this spacious ■------e’er, j. ------of equal rights. on small planes 8709, 165 Oakland Street. hocxl, garbage disposal, mas­ priced accordingly. In mid 20’s. the district of Manchester, on the squeeze on Illegal drug truffle. or those who use drugs only out WE HAVE tenants walling for cy apartment. Apply Marlow’s, aluminum siding, fenced In 11th day ..of September, A.D. 1969. 10-room Colonial. 5 bedrooms BOLTON LA K E —Y ea r 'round discriminating buy- c roaring tec border' Coast ter ’IV antenna, telephone out­ Mr. Lombardo, Belfiore Agen­ At least thnt’a whiU Claiuhc Among other things It would of curiosity. W ANTED — AN'HQUES, used your-apartment or house. Call 867 Main St., Manchester. yard, central location, excel­ Present, Hon. John J. Wallett, all on the second floor and home. Oil hot water er, we have Just listed a cen­ 'kd — Reol Estate 77 Guard and Navy vessels are lets, curtain rcxls, window Custom built, new oversized cy, 647-1413. Judge. KidwcU, lusHlstiuU cum lor of furniture, partial or complete lent condition. Must be seen ter chimney, authentic Co­ watching small boats, snd Cus­ Paul W. Dougan Realtor. M9- shades and full bath with 8-room Colonial. First-floor Estate of Mary M. Muiismann, still a walk-up attic. First floor •“*“ frontage with SELLING YOUR HOME? IFor Amcrlcim customs at the estates. Call 633-2300 days. 646- 4536. THREE - ROOM apartment, to be appreciated. H. M. late of Manchester, in said district, trees and privacy. Enclosed lonial Cape nestled In the hills toms and Border Patrol units vanity. Washers and dryers in family room with ^ n e fire­ TH E BEST — 12-room Contem­ deceased. offers a large front to back prompt\ourteous service tent Smilh.soniun Institution say«, 0004 after 7 p.m. furnished, private bath and frechette, Realtors, 647-9993. porch. ' Immaculate condition. of Glastonbury In a pic­ Hebron are pulUng ’b llli ” Inspertlona basement (coin-operated) and place, large living room, porary In prestige location. Upon application of John J. Ma- living room, paneled sunporch, gets resulbL Call Ixiuls Dlmock " a book SIX room, three-bedroom home, entrance, utilities, no pets. 224 roney, praying that an instrument turesque setting in a prestige of tmvrlers. formal dining room and Selling far below replacement formal dining room, and a Hurry! Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Realty. 649^^9823. subject callodw "Wo- HOUSEHOLI' lots — Antiques, completely furnished. Would Charter Oak, 648-8368. storage area. Plenty of MANCHESTER — Large new­ purporting to be the last will and neighborhood. For appoint­ But tee mori Important phase family styled kitchen with testament of said deceased be ad­ large kitchen that leads to a . — ...... men's Bathing and Swimming bric-a-brac, clocks, frames, like two gentlemen to share parking. For an appointment er Colonial. Beautifully treed cost. Mr. Zinsser, Belfiore ment call Phllbrlck Agency, of (he project le a aeries of bullt-ins, four large bed­ Agency, 647-1413. mitted to probate, aa per appllcar spacious family room. Finish­ ALL CASH forXvour property CXwtumes In the Unltwl Joliii MacDonald Naiiic^d glassware. We buy estates. Vi], expenses. 649-9953. to see this new lovely apart­ lot. Three bedrooms, 1% baths, tion on file. It is Out of Town 646-4200. conferences with Mexican offl- rooms, 2'A baths, two-car ed rec room In the basement, within 24 hours. Aimld red tape Slates." iage Peddler, Auctioneer. 420 ment building pleELse call 872- fireplace. Excellent condition. ORDERED: That the foregoing rials lo ptirsimde them lo inten­ Business Locations garage. Aluminum and stone IMMACULATE CAPE — Six application be heard and determin­ For S o k 75 service. HaW Agency. "I'hls mutation of the Ixilh- Lake St., Bolton. 649-8247 0529 weekdays for an appoint­ *26,900. Meyer Agency, Real­ ed at the Probate office In Manches­ 2% baths, 3 fireplaces, built- ______VERNON Acting Gilead Pruicipal sify efforts to cut the drug and ment. Rental *136 downstairs, siding. One acre treed lot. rooms. Bowers area. Alu­ * ' Ing dr.‘.-«s to the swim suit FIVE room tenement. Oarage, For Rent 64 tor, 643-0609. ter In said District, on the 22nd Ina, 2-car garage, large well- BOLTON — 14-:itwm Manor ASSUMABLE nurixiUc flow off at Ha source. Executive location. *44,000. minum siding, storms, screens day of September, A.D. 1969, al two adults, 644-1962 after 6 p.m. *145 upstairs (Including car­ landscaped yard. Priced in house for Large family, In- Highly desirable 7-room LISTINGS wanted Z \ iv n e . ‘•oteon.strates the changing The Hebron Board ot Kthloa- Anyone wlslilng to apply for Klelndlest said FIVE--room suite of front Main P R E F E R R E D Porter St. — Six- and doors. Absolute minimum o’clock In the afternoon, and that Rooms Without Board 59 peting.) Oct. 1st. occupcuicy. notice be given to all persons' in- toe upper 40’s. U*R Realty laws, office and home. Custom Spilt Level. 3 twin-size available, courteous, efficHont HtatUH of wornun wook^a rnertlrK rati- thrnt' |>oNab>nN bi ankcil to call Among cperntlvi> ir.H..Mexi­ SIX-room duplex. Inquire at 69 31. offices. iOO percent loca­ room Idng-slzed Colonial. Beau­ upkeep. Can be four bedrooms, Adults. No pets. Go. Inc. 643-2692 Robert D. crafted 1964 wtth finest of bedrooms, ballis, fam­ ser\’ice. Your satisfaction "^ In the Unitid States from the ' “ ’'1 ••“ ■ «PI>olntment api>olntment of John It, Jolm R. MacIXmnld. arting can projects will be aerial THE THOMPSON House — Got Birch St., Manchester. No pets, tion near btinks. alr-conditlon- U & R REALTY CO. tifully maintained by original moderately priced for fast cy of sold application and the time 643-2692 and place of hearing thereon, by Murdock, Realtor. materials and design for the ily room, garage, carpeting, our concern. Call us now M o iA MacDomild os aeling principal principal at the Gilead Hill spraying of mnrljunna fields tage St. centrally located, large adults preferred. ed. automatic fire sprinkler COVENTRY Lake area— 4% owner. Three bedrooms, 1V4 sale. Mr. Lombardo, Belfiore publishing a copy of this order In Robert D. Murdock, Realtor ultimate In one floor spacious bullt-ins, *4 acre, central lo­ rlson Agency Realtor 643-1015 'weaker sex’ lo lui i>qual ‘*J •''<•' Gilead Hill .School unUI School. with chomlciibi designed to kill pleasantly furnished rooms.'- Apply Marlow’s. 867 Main St room single house. *125 per tile baths, flreplaced front to Agency, 647-1413. some newspaper having a circula­ C E N T R A L locEdion, 8 - room tion In said district, at least seven living. Two complete L’s or cation. De.signed for family 643-0644. ’ '■ active member of «)- tlK'.fxwinl apixilnts a (lermanent Tile admlnlHtmlkm Is also the crop he said. parking. Call 649-2358 for over­ FOUR-room Duplex, central lo­ month. 643-6666, 7-9 p.m. back living room, formal days before the day of sold hearing, home with five rooms down, F IN E COLONIAL in prime lo- one extraordinarily lovely living. Excellent value. It • —- — ___ Mrs. Kidwell .says. And principal. looking tor asecond shift eist- night and permanent guest cation, adults only, no pets. dining room, feat-ln kitchen, 25’ to appear If they see cause at said three up, 1% baths. Excellent Call after 6 p.m., 643-0897. NICE office. Main St. location. caton! 7 rooms Including heat­ time and place and be heard relative home, beautifully situated on can be yours, *25,900. Mr. LISTINGS wanted, have client “ccorthng lo her. It w.is a long, MaeDonuld seri'ed from I960- tiKlIan at the Hebron Klrmen- rates paneled rec room with bar, condition throughout. Many Call 649-9835. Wantad To Rant 68 RANCH — Five rooms. Three ed sunporch. Stately shade-giv­ thereto, and by mailing on or before wooded acre In fine residential Lewis, 649-5306, ^ for 5-Poom house In rural area. ardis>u\figlit. 1968 as assistant su|>erintendrnt tiiry Sriiool September 12, 1989, by certified features such as an oversized B4*H«»r DroH’iiH » LOOKING for an apartment? bedrooms, garage, large lot. 2-car garage. Call Suzanne ing trees, quiet residential mall, a copy of this order to John area. For appointment call Phillips...... Realty, 649-9258 or 872- Few i^ n e n bathed puhllely "• selKxils In Bethel and as ------l-OS ANiiKLF.S lAI’l A lot, aluminum siding, two-car 3214. Have many to chooM 1 r o m, SMALL STORE near 100 per WOMAN with two children de­ *18,900. Phllbrlck Agency, Shorts, 646-3233. J. Watson neighborhood. Wall to wall in J. Maroney, Rocky Hill Veterans Suzanne Shorts, 646-3233, J. before tlu-XlIth century, when Biin-au of Field Sei'\’ice8 super- -Miuichrater Rvrnlng Hermld man wlu> bet his friends he Rooms without Board 59 Hospit^, Rocky HUI, Conn. ; garage, new gas heating unit, B & W S Beach 4 Co., Realtors. *145. up. Paul W. Dougan Real­ cent Main Street location. Ap sires four - five room aparb Realtors, 646-4200. flreplaced-llvlng room. Live Beatrice Forrest, 321 North Branch Watson Beach & Co. Realtors, Ixilhing InXl-liim is' ts'camc uxk'nl for Llslxin, Preston, Vol- Hebron mlent Anne •■ould liold Is breath under wilier big roomy basement, etc. On­ NARROWS and W ALLACE Co. LARGE pleasant furnished tor, 649-4885. ply Marlow’s. 867 Main Street ment In Manchester. Call 649- graciously. Job ’’ situation S t. Ext., Bennington, Vermont 06201; M LS 278-5950. [xipular as aNnedIciniil I real- unlown iitsl Sprague last year. Knit, lei. I U S97I. for four minutes drowned Sun ...... ------0014 after 3:30 p.m. JENSON St., Cape, 4 rooms, Katherine Maroney, 309 Pleasant St., ly *29,900. Move In t o m o r r o w . ______’ Miinchester Parkade. heated room for gentleman. SEVEN-ROOM Colonial, 2% til­ requires Immediate sale. Pric­ ment. \ Tile Ixsird, in tlu- meantime. liny. I’ollce said the body of APARTMENT — 3V4 rooms. finished on first floor, second Bennington. Vermont 06201; Mary Manchester 649-5306 Apply 2 Pearl St. or ^all 643- ed baths, large fam ily room, ed fa r below replacement cost. Green, 106 Chimes St., Bennington. T. J. Crockett. Realtor, 643- BOLTON Lake — Waterfront Senator Says Tile accent wa.s \ill on Isith- will hold a spe(4iU executive The flral organizi'd t’ongregu I’restim I* Ixmle Jr , ’26. flimtetl Heat and hot water, stove and STORE for rent, 70 East Cen­ floor expandable, porch off 1577. 9353. 2 fireplaces, plastered walls, Vermont 063Q1; Aliena Legacy, Me- California style home, 3 bed- VERNON, 5 room Ranch ing, mil KWimming\Mrs. Kid- « ‘« “lon meeting the evening of I'onal Clmrch In Vermont was lo the surface of a swimming ter 9t., call 640-3X05. Business Property kitchen, wooded lot, *21,900. Mr. Coe, Belfiore Agency, 647- 8L Bennington, Vermont, 06201; refrigerator. Handy to center. full Insulation, porch, city util­ Thomas N. Maroney, 300 Pleasant rooms, large enclosed porch Phllbrlck Agency Realtors, 1413. MANCHESTER, In a central high and dry treed lot. huge CIA Clear In well «iys. and lor thXwomen. •J*'l>l. '20 »t which time they will »»tabllshed In 1782 at Bennlng- pool moments after ttie bet time TWO SINGLE comfortably fur­ *150 per month. Phllbrlck For Sale 70 ities, bullt-lns, extra large 2- St., Bennington, Vermont 06210: with sundeck overlooking lake. VERNON—BRAND new build­ 616-4200. Thomas N. Maraney, 309r Pleasant area with bus practically at kitchen, 3 bedrooms, finished, hiding their sha|><« miiiH have Interview can(HdaU-s scix-s-ned •‘*“ ' elu|s«ed. nished bedrooms. Residential Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. car garage, near school, treed Phllbrlck Agency, Realtors, ing, mlnutea from 1-84, 2-4 BUSINESS zone — Stone build­ St., Bennington, Vermont 06201; Ekl- the door. Neat four room house walk-out basenrjent. $22,500. made It more work \jh:in J*y Anvm DainarJIan, suiiertn- section close to Main St. Work­ lot, excellent location. Charles wln R. Maroney, 306 Washington 646-4200. Beret Murder (-OOKING lor anything in. real thousand sq. ft. clear span ing consisting of four unit DUPLEX 4-4, separate fur­ DICK MARTENS Ave., Bennington. Vermont 06201; completely renovated. New Wolverton Agency, Realtors pleimure \ lendenl of schools, for the ing man or woman. Refer­ Leaperance, 649-7620. estate rentals — apartments celling, will BUb-dIvIde Into apartments. Three house trail­ naces, near Parkade, princi­ Ronald J. Maroney, Pageant St.. 649-2813. l bus sltuiitlon piano buyers waif for! r(X)m apertment, very clean, rooms and lavatory. House St sible office and residence com­ wouldn’t want this. Modem Realty, Realtors, 643-6930. professionals is really selling n v i t a t i o n bullt-ins, ganige. Only $31,900. ..a o„,„h ^ «u^ect ,„rge with great slee ves like a on llickoiv Dr ami Welmter Ixi *135 per month Including utili­ Hale Bldg. Call 643-2667. kitchen. Come see it, meas­ I bination. Six-room Colonial, 2- TWO-FAMILY flats — Masonry homes! Call Dick for advice at MANCHESTER Vernon NORTH COVENTRY M M. Frt^chcltc. Realtors. 647- ‘ ^ Vlelnameae double piinion'H ffrjwn. The water fills l| Is at rids Intersection Ihiil Apartments—‘Flo tw - ties. Deposft and lease requir­ car garage. Bus line. *24,900. ure it, buy It. Keith Agency, Line — Immaculate 614-room 0993, agent WAREHOUSE space on Purnell 646-4126, 649-1922. construction. East Center St. 647-141*. ' TO BID fio * * . “ •’ *** ••'“ • •* " Ix’ toe off that husec from NAndover Hebron ed. Call Paul W. Dougan, Real­ Hayes Agency, 646-0131. Raised Ranch featuring large Tenomonts 63 Place, next to CBT aleo Ideal location. *29,900. PhUbrick Sealed bids will be received VACANT "J •J'<’ Arm y’s your shape Is not seen, It does an i Bolton iiOset ami parents tor, 640-4536. kitchen-dining area with birch “ ***‘ ‘’“ ' ••le Green Iter- not cling close as other lining. ,iie coni'erni'd ror their chll- for many retail businesses. MANCHESTER — 20,000 LARGE L Ranch. Seven rooms, Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. at the office of the Director of NEW 5-room, a>4u-d the area. Stove, carpeting, tile good condition, 2 or 3 b ^ - ed family room, garage. nouncixl whrthcr the men will bathing at Dover, England pul rage, heat, appllancoa. *176. tral location, all utilities. trees. *27,900. Hutchins Agen­ til September 25, 1969 at 11;00 large bedrooms. 1*4 baths, •'uisTUilemlenl of st^sds lo bath and’ garage. Security re­ rooms, fireplace, nicely land­ AGENCY Large, well landscaped lot. $21,225 for this cream puff lx- prosecuted. p ,h,« way: "The ladles In a MUSIC FESTIVAL 610-4138. Many possibilities. Including cy, Realtors, 649-5324. a.m. for large treed private lot. It make whatever correctlorls ar» quired. A cIuUh, or small fam­ scaped lot, garage. P ric e d 'fo r ,1 * •‘“ ° " ’ about II, morning when they Intend te FOR LEASE Asking only *28,500. H. M. is clean as a whistle, excel­ of a ranch. 5*-j rooms in all iieeessjiry la the bus sclicdule in ily. *225. Tenant pays gas, .commercial use. Hayes Agen­ quick sale. *24,900. Call Paul REALTORS 647-1413 NE WHOT WATER HEATINO SIX-room duplex apartment and PRIVACY — *25,900. Immacu­ Frechette, Realtors. 647-9993. lent condition. Cash required plus full b,a.8*‘mcnt (has f !*! ( ’ . I *. " a '“ "K J>aa''el heat, and hot water. Norman cy, 646-0181. W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4635. NEW HOT WATER HEATING fi. Id said In an Interview, j,„wn under their other clothes. order lo alleviate this eondlll^ garage. *125 monthly. No pots, NEW INDUSTRIAL late Raised Ranch. Country $8,800 -total monthly pay­ biusemcm garage) on a •''4 Hohenlhal Realtor, 646-1166. QUARTERS. M ANCHESTER —Custom 8- Man-sfleld would not disclose walk 'dowu'i to ''ih e"'b V a rh "‘‘ un’ <’« “ «■ l>r<'«l «<**»vltl« for tec INDUSTRIAL PARK cy, Realtors, 649-6324. large comer lot. Full fine Investment for the prudent ter Street, Manchester, Con­ say whether Green Berets one , , . '‘"uliiK year, verted for professional or com­ lot with privacy and brook. ett’s Toll.'ind office at 875- SALE! /PriM *23,600. Call on this one. buyer. Call early. Mr. Lom­ necticut. of them Ii former commander of gelher soiiietlmes '* ” Tliese will Include the arinual mercial occupancy. Robert J. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. 6279. READY FOR Mitten Realty, Realtors, 843- bardo, Belfiore Agency, 647- Town of Manchester, B (Sc W Special Service Forces In Vlte- "Tlien 11, 11. • , . 'numeration, s<'hool pic- Smith, Inc., 963 Main Street. 1413. vBALDWIN SPINETS, CONSOLES. IMMEDIATE (MO. Connecticut MANCHESTER — A charming BARROWS and WALLA(.T5 Co nan. should face pros,x:utlon '»<'*• “ thrift 149-0241. JACQUEUN^"^ ^ A N D S A STUDIO UPRIGHTS Robert B. Weiss, spacious 4-bedroom Colonial. Manchester Parkade. jritualion has receivid '•«•". ixin be OCCUPANCY MANCHESTER — Immaculate MANCHESTER ROBERTS AGENCY General Manager Formal dining room, large Manchester 649-5306 COVENTRY - $15,500 Seven «» "'"‘^'h pubUclty and so many wv," , . bruugtrt in im conrignment, and 2-family, on large wooded lot. $18,500 front to back living room, ga­ rcKim Cape. New kitchen,' I'.j conflicting opinions teal It will , . "••'■nd with towels, skiing and travel films lo be A ll N ^ ImtriNiMnH Invostmant Proparty NORTO Coventry — New Six- 60,000 sq. ft. fire proof bald­ 6 ^5-3339 - i City utilities, 5-6 room apart­ Oozy two-bedroom expand­ rage, porch, prime location. baths, full-cellar. Bill Wolcott. be cleared up" ter Mon- "■ ‘^hn rs, etc." shown on Hundnyt and for Foctory Guenmfeed ing. Will subdivide 3,000 aq. For Sok 70-A ments, central location, *32,- able Cape. Aluminum sid­ NOTICE OF BID PhUbrick Agency, Realtors, room Raised Ranch, 1*4 baths, 568-1563. Pasek Realtors, M I4S, »«*nator said. " , Anierlrn. loo. they were wtihh there will be a minimum ft. or more to several ten­ M/tNCHtNCHESTER ing, city utilities, garage, bullt-lns, dishwasher, fire­ INVESTMENT package — Two 900. Meyer Agency, Realtor, The Town and Board of Edu­ 646-4200. 289-7475, 742-8243: "J'n* •’*ure It will be. by the ap- by this lime An entry i-hiirge. ants. Attractive rate. All 613-0609. private lot, central location. cation, Manchester, Connecti­ place. Acre treed lot. Only propriate commlllees and at tee , ''•'‘"'K'’ VVashlnglon's diary Tlie hoanl approval tee above T H IS | S \ | STORE.WIDE SALE! utilities—adjacent to ma­ 2-famlly homes, 6 rooms each / HORSES IN You can not find a speck of cut, seeks bids on approximate­ $26,900. Hayes Agency 646- BOLTON, ovcrsiz<**'. with appropnatr Uni*'.” he '’iTordM Hm ***• fuiid niJirtnK proKr»m* jor highways. R.R. siding— apartmnet with garages, coun^ MANCHESTER *18,600 — SEVEN-ROOM house dust in this gem. You can 0131. We have g^hidei tli deMijciw «nd finiNheM ot ly 180,000 gallons of No. 2, 500.- MANCrtESTER fult-.“hed dormer, 3 bedrooms. >n Uie .Senate, that would in- J‘“ ^ure with .Mrs Washington 'Hiey alao ii|<|>nive<| tee Instal. Acres of parking. Engi­ try sited lots, 12 years old. on acre lot. Aluminum siding, live here for as mtle as lialdwhi PIaziom a ^rgaiM in Ihk imlc. Every- 000 gallons of No. 4 and 430,000 large kitchen and living room, elude the Armed Seiwlces Corn. Berkeley Springs. iln w)ia< latlon of lui exienalon telephone neered dock faollUlea. Ideal May be purchased separately. storms and screens, garage. *162 per month. Call now! thinx in Ntodi in r in price. If you’rv Roin« Spacious four-bedroom T ri­ gallons of No. 6 oil for the year HOLLISTER SCHOOL fireplace, cenimic tile bath, mittee and two subcommittees *" "*’* West Virginia 1 where .U Un- Hebron ElertirriUtry expansion possibilities... 15 Wolverton Agency, ^Realtors, Immediate occupancy. Bel Air Mr. Lewis, 649-5306.' level offers the perfect an­ JACQUELINE- walk outb,xsement. ah-mimim “ • 'he Aiqir-opriattons and *bey stayed more than a month S< lsx>l for the use irt Mrs Wal- to buj* ft piftiio IK yeft\. . DON'T .MISS THIS 649-2813. Real Estate, Vincent A. October 15, 1969 through Octo­ la Just one V»Iock away from minutes from Hartford. swer to country living In the .storms, newly painted, well Armed Services Committees -"“ rthu probably wore a blue rna Taylor, board clerk HALE.' X-e- Brokers protected. Phone Bogglnl, Realtor, 643-93*2. ber 14, 1970. Deliveries shall be this six-room Colonial on ROBERTS AGENCY city. This lovely home is land.scapci. grxxl location w-hich m eii secretly te oversee ’*“ •• "'bite checked Unen chern- ■'‘•f’ ' Tnyitrr's office for the Richard McNamara 649- B &. W made by metered trucks only. Delmont St, Three bed­ HoMsis For Sok 72 completely surrounded by 646-3339 Asking $24,900. Rowe CIA opi-ratlons. *■''• rather Mk<- a nightgown ‘ "'nlng year will be In the ad- 5361. M ANCHESTER — Ihveiatment BARROWS and WALLACE Co. The right Is reserved to reject rooms, enclosed paneled open land, beautifully treed COVENTRY The VIetnunjeae victim, Tlinu '*'•*•' •"“ K sleeves, which Is still mlntsIraUve area of the achool property of 8 units, 2 buildings Manchester Parkade, any and all bids. Bid opening rear porch, two-car garage. Rowe Realty, 875-3167. M^CHESTER — ’Two-stoiy and shrubbed. Gracious liv­ Ktiac Oiuyen, reportedly wus pceaerved at Mt; Vrrrwm Bath- “be c«n be rontar.i(ed at the on one lot, paved parking Manchester 649-5306 shall be 3:30 p.m.. DST, Mon­ $25,900. hom e, two baths, 4-6 bedrooms, ing room features cathedral UNLIMITED slai)i_ about June 20 His brxly *'‘K Bien was done tx-hind (Hne “ “ me teU-ptione number ms the 1,900 SQUARE feet of nlr-condt-^ area. Reasonably priced for day. October 8, 1969. Specifica­ central location. Newer fur­ celUng and flreplaced-fea- SPACIOUS biTck Cape, . three POSSIBILITIES has not Ix-en found. branch screen,, so there was ■'"•'""I tioned office space locate In good Investment. Wolverton tions and bid forms may be ANTHONY G. FIANO EAfrt- H ARTFORD M ID 20 .S nace. Lot of house for *20,500. ture wall, eat-in kitchen large bedrooms, formal dining - K "The case emerged after the " m-i-d to Is deiorairve .iisju- i( 'H*e brrnrd voted for early Mansfield Professtonal Park, Agency, Realtors,~-649-281S. secured at the Board of Educa­ Hayes Agency, 646-0131. with buUt-ins and privacy room, fireplace, family room, 646-0191. _ PROUD flri-en lierets were am-ated and •“ toe early liali century ckjslnga lor_W'edneaday, Route 44A,' Storra. Ideal for tion, 1146 Main Street, Manches­ Spacious older Cblontal with doors, oversized dining two full baths, two-zone Heat, confined. mixed.... bathing was , fpowned teachers will be able to medical, dental,, cbunaeling or PARKADE Area — Six-room POUR-ROOM Ranch with rec ter, CohnecUcut. ______ten rooms, three baths,. fire- You will be to own this room, three baths, 20x24’ room, treed lot. Near shopping garage, city water and sewers. nfion and glrla whrj did it were “••_eod “ "Project Outdoors" other prof^lonal eervlcee. Cape featuring IH baths, ga­ Douglas E. Pierce. • MA N C H E S T E R .'^ e w listing 2-car-2-story ga- three-bedroom, neat as. a family room with fireplace, Be first to call at *24,900. QjlE conaldrred pretty fast," even “* which they will dls- PoastblUty of sharing office rage. Won’t last long at *17,- and bus line. Ideal for retired Garrison Colonial. Large living . ‘;h**';‘'»> ‘yp? building pin Ranch. Bullt-ins. eat ln large foyer, plus '2-car at­ 11-Wagner Realty, 289-0241. Business Manager though (ira» the .Natural Detence Fro- equipn\ent and clerical asale- 900. H. M. Frechette, Real­ or starter home. Bralthwaite room with fireplace, fo-„ial kitchen, living room with everyone was fully" tached garage on beautifully < loteed gram (or tee coming year. tance. Some furniture avail­ tors. 647-9993. Agency, 649-4593. (Hnlng room. den. large kltch- ‘“ “ '‘’J " bathroom, firepla<-e and carpeting \jcr. l i x a l situated lot. Plenty of room COLONIAL—Ten rooms. First ; TIjeTe will atsfi be eerly cUta- able. Attractive rental rate. en, 3 bedrooms, attached ga- ovc*r 400" deep . For further But by the mid I»th century. TEN-ROOM home near Man­ for stable. Five-acre agri­ I.ARGE older Colonial, 9 floor consists of large living For details call 1-429-8436. cultural rights possible. *40,- room with fireplace, dining rage, aluminum siding, local- road frontage open ^i^ntle slop- details, contac t I>-n Fern NOTICK It was all right for tnen amt •* “ " ‘J •♦ chester 4;ent«r, one full and rooms, 2 baths. Inside has been “ ing land, total approximately 7 . , . . . women to go Inte the w ater In I ’arent Teachrr Conferences 900. room, modem kitchen with FEMALE ed East Center St. $26,900. 646-1117. 875-8560 Tti.- Rlannlng and Zcjnlng. , ,,,, w a u r io - two half baths. Ideal for large almost completly redecorated. acres. Possibilities of Antique S o sclss.l announcements will buUt-lna, den, large fam ily Frank Mott, 6U-5658. I , 4 . 4, n. 4 .gelher. still dressed as If they family or conversion to Five-roon^ apartment dowh- ______shop, schools, apirtm en’-s, Lommls.slon of the T" •'“•• Ibe lot. Two children, no pets, *260 ix j v E i Jy and dining room. Downstairs- expanded *28,900 — NEW Cuatom 3-bed­ 2292. acquired., *38.900. PhUbrick ROBERTS AGENCY FREE DEUVERY — FREE RENCH Sintple COLOR STAMPONS I>er iiuinth. Cull Paul W. Dou- Green fam ily room plus hobby room. from t(,e existing Residential A 4.^,.^ , 1,.,,. >>•' 'rn<«i w-nh full wall fireplace, family worated at Tolland Conner IP elindnallon of swimming COGe PIANOS OF AMEUCAS, NEW YOBE. ment with garage in lovely tor. 843-1108. NEW RAISED Ranch f.anch T\j I1 to wall c.irpeting tut, this I5th day of .Hefef 1 . “ w a An nr«*0 i4tn N.Y. IMM. ALBUM! *14,900 - Attractive 5-room Sts room Cape with front-to- ed den. formal dining room. three tUfflf 0 RIMNS country atmosphere. *125 per bathrooms recently modernis­ b« GOSS home 2 bedrooms, dining "WV can Prist Naiit, kierait nitk ZIP ONE PIECE auiin . . . IdMl back living room, full dormer, ed. Central .location. Deep lot. TWXl-FAMILY.'^ 5-5, 2 seperaze 2*z baths. Situated on tree- assured how-. aide, to help with lunch room COOZ, Stjrli Nssitif is4 Hit. ilcii.sp-M4-4arry iiiitklstl Prt- month. One child accepted. Se­ ed recreation room. garage./I."»nd.scaped lot Cohvement lo- Waller Beaton. room, hot w a ter' baseboard' baths, garage, deep lot. Excellent Income property. heating systems, handy to bus' CHy • studded lot. Sale at below mar­ ♦•vrr xriMt Comfortably Air ComUtitmed lira pis4si; iiraetiMi — iz curity required. Available Oct, 150x200 treed lot Suburban ration Hurrv ity$23 9w. Call Chairman ..y “ * |»omen duly grid pDygcuund duty The Send 50^ extrk for a copy «sm>. a -iii — 8S4 heat, attached garage, Hutch­ Low 20’s. Wolverton Agenev, *33.900. PhUbrick Agency, al 1st. Call 875-6148 after 9 p.m. and schooU. *24,900. PhUbrick ket value. Warren E." Howland. Hutchtiu Agency. P.eaJ(ors. Paul W Dougan. Realtor. 649- 1 r> A 1,1 r>r,t re|4eai hip, iyjurt are )l 45 a m lo 12 45 of the '69 Fan A Winter ins Agency, Realtors. 049-AS34. Realtors, 849-2813. PldCnnmg and lory try rw.ithirg the^nselvl Free Parklzis Comer Aim and Alijra Streets Realtors. 849-5347. Agency Realtors, 648-4100. Realtors. 643-11.06 649-6324 4535 * '.r* p m each 'lay srwt the pay Is Basic FASHION. Zrming C4,mmik.si44n w lth 'yard j of fabric 130 ALLYN STREET, HARTFORD • 525-6«9« 12 per hour

^ I PAGE TWENTY-FOUR MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 V ilanrbfBtrr iEnmtng !Srralb k v tn g t Dalljr Net Press Ron flsr Tka Week Ih The Weather A m tt, iM i The Sunbeem Troop of the Five Point Club of Temple Partly cloudy, mild tonight About Town Salvatfon Army will have a Chapter, OES, will meet Wed­ South Windsor with kiws in 60s. Tomorrow splash party at its first meet- nesday at' 7:30 p.m. at the home some cloudlneeia, warm with Mr. and Mrs. Eidiward Pre- jngp of the season tomorrow at of Mrs. Robert Bantly, 4 Garth Heralding Politics Our Bulbs 15,459 chance of showers or thunder­ geau of Winooski, Vt., parents 3 ;so p.m. at the home of Mrs. Rd. Mrs. Ronald Finnegan is in Party Slate showers. High 80 to 86. ^ Mahehe*ter^— 4 City of ViOege Charm of Raymond Fregeau of ^ n - Francis MioCJarthy, 67 Hackma- charge of refreshments. ------^----- By Sol R. Cohen------Hove chester, observed their Bath tack St. In the event of rain, VOL. LXXXVm, NO. 295 TWENTY-TWO PAGEjS wedding anniversary on Sept., 7 the meeting will be held at the West Side Reimion Commit­ Backed By Both of Manchester’s poUtical and Astronautics' and ^ts sub­ MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1969 (CNaeolfled Advertishig m Pege IS) PRICE TEN CENTS with a Mass celebrated in their atadel. tee will meet Wednesday at 7 parties plan to kick off their committee on Space, Science Arrived home. ___ p.m. at the home o t Steven cantpaigns for the Nov. 4 muni- aix) Applications. He is presi­ Young GOP dent of the 91st Club, an organ­ Manchester WATES will meet Weaver Rd. dpel eleoblans the end of this Manchester - Bolton Welcome ization of the 19 first-year Re­ II will tomorrow at the Italian-Ameri- , , . Members of the Tbung Re- week. Wagon Club will meet tomorrow Lutz Junior Mhiseum Volun- publican House meriibers. can Club on Eldtidge St. Weigh- board dt* 'i*' regular Birds Darken at 7:30 p.m. in Iona Hall. Mayor in will be held from 6 to 7 p.m. teer League executive The Republicans, on Saturday, will meet tomorrow at 9:16 a.m. monthly meeting last Friday Manchester's Incumbent Hollcmd— U.N. Probes Nathan G. Agostlnelli and Miss and the program for the night win hold ithelr tradtUonal An­ TaU Building Board of Directors may hold Its Catherine Shea of the Manches­ is a mystery ride. Members are at the mtiseum. . nigh^ endorsed the RepuMlcan nual Bar-B-Que; and the Demo­ last regular meeting on Oct. 7, NBiyil YORK (AP)— Ttoe Nixon Plans to Reduce GI ter Historical Society will speak. asked to be prompt so they can slate saying that they are crats, on Saturday or Sunday, PIcmt Now! VLt, and Mrs. WaMer Tedford although it has a meeting Empire State BifidHng wUI The meetir^ is open to newcom­ leave for the ride at 7. “more than pleased this year will open their election head­ 44F Case Dr. will celebrate scheduled for Nov. 4. The turn out Mb HgUls for the ers of the area. to endorse and support the ex­ quarters. their 60th wedding anniversary board's regular meetings are Globe’s Pains birds. Bowers School PTA executive perienced Republican slate of The Bar-B-Que will be at 4 on Wednesday with open house held on the first Tuesday of u n it e d NA'nONS, N Y Between now end Odt 31 Mystic Review, North Amer­ board will meet tonight at 7:30 candidates who we are sure will p.m., at the Dougherty Lots, attending the assembly sesrion. from 6 to 9 p.m. at their home. eacljj month. ir SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK i r (AP) — The U.N. General As^ the floodHgMs that IBuml- ican Benefit Association, will in the achool library. continue the responsible and Center and Dougherty They will get together Saturday nate the top SO floors of the meet tomorrow at 7 p.m. at Odd orderly growth of the towm.” Mayor Nathan Agostlnelli sembly x^n a (ts 24th sesedon to­ night at a dinner which the tec- Members of the Ladies of 8t. The Democratic headquarters said today that, because Nov. RED EMPEROR day, facl^ a long list of formi­ 102-atory bUOdlng between Fellows Hall. Members are re- Preceptor Gamma Chapter, In their su'tiport statement, win be In second floor suite of retary-general Is giving tor dusk and midnight 'will be Troops in War to 484,000 James will meet tonight at 7:46 minded to bring articles for a Beta Sigma Phi sorority, will 4 is election day, he will recom­ dable problems including the them. at the John F.“ Tierney Funeral the Young Republicans gave a offices at 821 Main St., the same darkned on doudy and foggy kitchen social which will be meet tomotTow at 8 p.m. at the mend that the board call off its Middle East, disarmament and What the assemUy itself does Home, 219 W. Center St., to special endorsement to Robert premdsea used by the Demo­ TULIPS 10 F.r*1.39 nights to help migrating held after the meeting. It is home of Mrs. Guilford Stephens, meeting that night. the crisis In Northern Ireland. on . the Middle East will depend WASHINGTON (AP)— recite the Rosary for the late Sklenar, a Town Council candi­ crats in 1966. birdB. open to members and friends. 8 Stephens St. date, who is a charter member Of the board’s nine Incumbent ITie concensus is that the re­ largely on the result of private President Nixon announced Mrs. Thomas C. Shea, a mem­ The Republicans will wait im- The AudUbon Society, said of the Young Repubilcans and _ __ members, three are not running sults of the three-month public talks. If the Arabs and the Is­ the birds migrating south get today that at least 86,000 , ber. They will also meet Unnor tU Thursday, Sept. 25, to open for re-election, and the board For debate will not be spectacular, row at 8:46 a.m. at the Church active in the orgadm - headquarters. CROCUS 10 39c raelis feel that the negotiations oonAised by fight whan it is more U.S. troops will be which will be elected Nov. 4 50 for $1.88 but that the session will provide are making progress, they may dUfuBed through clouds or withdrawn from Vietnam of the Assumption to attend the ^ It will be in the empty store an opportunity for Important funeral pr°STa™ chairman. Is certain to have a minimum follow last year’s pattern and fog and e u w likely to fly Into by Dec. 15. ___ “ Wo feel," said the Young at 806 Main St., the same head­ of three and a maximum of six private talks. defer public debate. the building. quarters for the Republicans as The opening seaaion this after­ That would bring to 60,- Ladies Auxiliary of the Ital- R f l ^ ‘teans, “ that his con- new members, depending on KING ALFRED, YELLOW The disarmament debate is in 1066 and in 1968. noon was reserved for the for­ 000 the total of Americans lan-American Oub wUI have Its f “>utlons to the t^m h e ^ which party wins control. also dependent partly upon what Alt! election activities, for all The town charter specifies malities of electing Angle happens In private U.S.-Soviet in uniform to leave the first meeting of the season to- ^ seven voting districts, will be Brooks. 41-year-old Uberian night at 7:30 at the clubhouse, » ^ e d lt to our community.” that the new board will be seat­ D A FFO D ILS 10 ^.^*1.59 talks and what progress Is made war-torn country since the ooncentrated in the two head­ ed Nov. 17, the third Monday in lawyer-dlydomat, president of Bldridge St. Other Republican candidates in the next few weeks In the Ge­ Jailbreakers phased withdrawal pro­ are Deputy Mayor G. Warren quarters. November. the 126-natlon assembly. She neva disarmament conference. gram began in July. PANSY SPECIAL! 50 PLANTS FOR $1.19 was unopposed. , Church Women United of Man­ Westbrook and Ooundlmen Pe­ Diplomatic sources say the A VMte House source said Fourth District Cong. Lowell Because Manchester's muni­ The major policy speeches be­ chester will meet tomorrow et ter Nicholas, Jane Romeyn and United States and Sotriet Union Still at Large about half of the 36,000 would bo Wedoker Jr. will bo the speaker cipal elections were changed Problems? See Join, Leon or Phil /.flpndlca . . . gin Thursxiay when President oomliat troop*—a tower ratio 9:30 B.m. at Second Congrega­ Robert SlUs. are near agreement on a treaty tomnrraw at the Republican from even-numbered years to Nixon flies to New York to ad­ BIUDOBiPORT, Conn. (AP) — than tn the origliial wltiMlrawml tional Church. The theme is Public Skating to ban nuclear weapons from weekly dutch-treat luncheon. It odd-mimbered years, the time dress the assembly. Secretary- of 20,000 men. He eleo eaid the "Con-valesoent Homes — Hap- The Recreation Department the sea floor. But it is not cer­ Police intensified their search to­ will be at noon, at, the Shoreham for reviewing the manager’s General U Thant bailed hU deci­ total might turn out to be 66,000 plneas is Activity. ” Color slides announces that public skating tain whether agreement will be day tor two prisoners who fled Motor Hotel, Hartford. performance, as spelled out in sion to appear as a gesture of or 37,000 once the acWoa has will be shown. TTie vent isrppen South Windsor residents at reached in time to report It to from the Bridgeport Ooirectlon- the town charier, also was WOODLAND Gardens support for the world organiza­ been completed. the Hartford. Skating Arena will the assembly at this session. al Center Monday aAer wound­ to all area church women. tion. 'There was no word from Nix­ again be offered on Tue^ay Welcker, in Ms first term In changed. It will be in November It seems fairly certain that no ing five guards. Congress, la serving on the 168 WOODLAND STREET — 643-8474 Consultations ■were expected on on poeeiMe future withdraw- / evenings from 6:30 to 8 p.m., of even-numbered yeans, start­ treaty will be ready on chemical One of the guards, stabbed In House Committee on Science today or Wednesday between ala but the eource said a mmy" Oct. 14 through April 14. ing with 1970. and bacteriological warfare, an­ the chest and abdoonen, under­ U.S. and Soviet diplomats to ber of contingency pbuw batw Public Records Season tickets are available other very live issue which will went 2)i hours of surgery late prepare for meetings between been drawn up. Warrantee Deed and can be purchased by calling figure In the assembly arms de­ Monday when it was discovered Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei Nixon once expressed/hope S & J Builders Inc. to Thom­ at the receptionist desk at Town bate. the knife penetrated the lower A. Gromyko and Secretary of that U.S. withdrawals ex­ as Darcy Smith and Grace H. Hall. No season tickets wlU be The prospects for debate on section of his heart. State William P., Rogers. The ceed 100,000 by the e ^ of 1666 Smith, property at 9 Hamilton available after Oct. 14. the Irish situation are uncer­ two foreign ministers will dis- Correctional Officer Frank and the eource aaldJM had no Rd., conveyance tax 634.10. Five memlbera of the Skating tain. The Irish Republic has cuea the Middle East, disarma­ Giannatti, 38, of Fairfield, was reason to believe Nixon hod Executor’s Deed Club of Hartford will be present asked to have the question ment and other issues. reported in fair condition today. abandoned that hope. The lateat Harold W. Garrlty, executor during the first three weeks to placed on the agenda, but Brit­ Thant is pressing hard tor Big The other tour guards suffered announcement made - Wilson Named accommodate those boys wish­ I military spokesmen said. looked tor a total U.8. wMi- Tel-Hujelga three miles east of visor and a chemist, and both At Nixon Vice President Nguyen Ooo whose 6.000 to 7,000 man SOtii clfic area. At the same time, there is never any ing to Join Pock 186 this year. | Allied casualties were five Regiment is operating urxMmd drawal of 160,000 to 200,000 by AMHERflT, Moot. (AP) — the river, a spokesman said. were also accused of inciting Ky told newsmen Monday that The Pentagon oourcea said compromise in servloe or quality! For information concerning the ' other Arabs to commit sabo­ WASHINGTON (iVP) — A la­ Americans and three South De Nang, South Vietnam. the end of 1*70, the Whlta House Raymond B. Wllion, 87, a for­ All planes returned safely to 40,600 more Americans would be dismantling of Uie 6th Dtvtslon cub scout program and to In- |. bor union accused the Nixon Ad­ Vietnamese killed, and 49 Amer­ The outfit's other two legl- source who talked to newi ien mer Boston University basket­ base, he said. tage. pulled out of Vietnam by the has been discussed recently os YOU GET OUR LOWEST quire about the positions to be I ministration today of giving fa­ icans and two South Vietnamese menU are lU Camp Pendleton, declining to be quoted by ball player from Newport, R.I., CUIUS The Israeli press reported to- end of November. That would the Corps' part In meeting a $3 PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE filled, call the chairman of the ij The bases hit were called “ op­ vorable treatment in a labor wounded. Calif. name -aald Ky did not get those has been named an asalBtant reduce U.S. troop strength to billion cut In defense spending We Deliver pack committee, Raymond ^ erational centers” by the mili­ (See 'Page Eight) dispute to an airline headed by U.S. Headquarters said anoth­ Military officers said In ad­ figures from V.B. offlotala. YEAR . . . AND YOU SAVE' athletic coach at the University 467.600. ontered this year by Defense Gough, 42 Woodland Dr. S tary spokesman. a major financial contributor to er American was killed and 63 Nixon said his latest, troop MORE THROUGHOUT 'HIE Everywhere of Moaeachusette. vance of txxlay's s«?heduled Secretary Melvin It. Lslrd. Sewer Panel • I President Nixon's election cam­ others wounded In 29 rocket and A few hours later the White withdrawal order, coupled with YEAR . . . ON AI.L YOtiR Athletic Director Warren House confirmed that a with­ While House announcement on The eth Division was 8cUva(- McGulrk Bald Wednesday that The Sewer Commission will ! TEL AVIV (AP) — An Arab paign. mortar attacks between 8 a.m. troop withdrawals they did not the earlier pullout at 36,00Q_oom- PRESCRIPTION NEEDS. drawal announcement would be Wilson’s primary responsibili­ meet tomorrow night to discuss !' threw a hand grenade into a “ A check of the reports to Monday and 8 a.m. today. know whether the 28Ui Rsgl- made today by President Nixon ( f i M P a c * I •) (fiaaPafiaBliM ties will be with the basketball a request, from Daddario Bros. I busy market in Gaza City today, <3ongress of presidential cam­ The North Vietnamese at­ Queen’s Life but withheld the number. And TRY US AND SEE and baseball programs. Wilson tor reduction in rctalnage. The ! kilUng a 60-year-old Israeli paign contributions shows that tacked the village of Mai Unh, compiled an 86-87 record as commission will also discuss P woman and wounding another L. B, Maytag, Jr , president of In the northern port of the coun­ the U.S. Armed Forces Network (»nsored all reference*! to Ky's head boeketball coach at Roos­ Its proposed assessments. , • Exclusive Mini-Basket is for • The range that cleans its own Israeli woman, a 16-year-old Is­ National Airlines, was one of try 12 miles southwest of ( ^ n g Threatened remarkii from Its news brond- evelt High School on Long Is­ Demooratlo Otnl^es |j • Electronic sensor "feels" small loads — saves you time • Automatic timer sets like an oven electrically. raeli boy and 13 Arabs, sources President Nixon's largest con­ Ngal, shortly before midnight and water. clothes for perfect drying. alarm; starts and times your in file occiqxied Gaza Strip re­ tributors," said the AFL-CIO In­ Monday with rockeU, mortars, casts. A spokesman for the U.S. land, N.T., the last seven years. There will be a ribbon cut- | • Automatic oven timer and two THE HAGUE (AP) — An • Two wash speeds, two spin speeds. meals. ported. ternational Association of Ma­ grenades and rifle fire. Command said Ky’s sUtemont ting ceremony at 6 tonight for- |j • Choice of heavy, normal or appliance outlets — one limed. anonymous caller threatened • Filter-Floff’system ends lint fuzz. • Push-button chntrols command chinists. was considered “speculative" mally opening Democratic t delicate settings to match Israeli troops surrounded the Monday night to kill Queen Ju­ The village of 288 persons was the load • Permanent Press cycle with five exact measured heats. • Deluxe leatu'es. including market and picked up a score of “ As National Airline’s $100,- Headquarters at A-Z Plaza on | liana of the Netherlands, if au­ defended by mllHIamen, and (See Page Eight) • PerrhanenI Press cycle "cool down" to keep your • Oven door removes lor easy automatic rotlsserie and Arabs for questioning. OOO-a-year chief, Maytag is call­ Sullivan Ave. Local Democratic thorities refused to release an Miss Taylor oandldates will be on hand to reduces wrinkles. Ironing at a minimum. cleaning. illuminated cooktop. Several of the wounded were ing the shots in the airline's Arab youth charged with throw­ Character Reader ft Advisor welcome residents to party l| reported in serious condition. eight-month loclrout of more headquarters. |. ing a grenade at the Israeli Em- than 1,000 lAM members,” the Advice on aU Problems •00 IDD $< too The grenade was thrown at iMusy, police said today. AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. Call tor appL According to William Young, !l :oo the entrance to the crowded union aald in its newspaper, The chief inspector of The “ The Machinist.'' $8»-9701 Democratic Party Chairman, l< vegetable market, a jumble of Hague police said the youth was ‘First Moon Step the headquarters will be open ' thatehed-roof huts stretching “ Maytag’s airline and the still being held, and strong secu­ Justice Department under Atty. on a regular basis during the ; over about three acres in the rity measures had been taken to fall campaign, and after Oct. center of Gaza. The market at­ Gen. John N. MKchell, acting prevent an attack on the queen, tor the National Mediation Leads to Mars^ 16, the Democrats will open a tracts many housewives from who opened the Dutch Parlia­ second headquarters at Kaff's Israeli towns and settlements Board, are now trying to stall Most ftMl oil users who sovo stamps don't ovor got throe books of ment this morning. the lAM In court,” It said. WASHINGTON (AP, - Oon- the Senate and Houw a i« m . Comer to accomodate realdente use as portable now . adjoining the Gaza Strip. Police told a news conference, grew, roared a iSandlng ovation bled In joint mMrting that on the southwest side of town. '' "Maytag and Atty. Gen. stamps per yoor, or $9.00 in stamp value . . . On the other side of Israel, "A man with a foreign accent Mitchell are no strangers. Uiday U> the three spacemen "It was here. In these halU Until a regular schedule is • Arab guerrillas in Jordan CONVERTIBLE last night called several news Mitchell, President Nixon's for­ who gave America lU foothold that our journey really began ” establlahed the Democrats may , opened fire on an Israeli border media and said: ‘If tomorrow, mer law partner, was the Presi­ the moon, while President That Was an ackn.,wledgment be contacted by phone at the DISHWASHER patrol in the Belsan Valley and at 0900 hours GMT (5 a.m, dent’s election campaign man­ hfixon i^ v e d toward toe next o( Cringreas' enactment of the Sullivan Ave. facility. build-in later I wounded a sergeant, the Israeli BDT), the Arab guerrilla ar- ager. Maytag was an Important a man on Mats. apace act of 1968. WITH COOPERATIVE Legion Auxiliary Army r^xxrted. Nell A. Armstrong, leader of The lawmakers, wlio gave the The Abe E. Miller U nit,'‘ The patrol returned the fire. (8ee Page Four) (Bee Page Eight) the Apollo 11 space tesun, told spacemen two mlmites of sus­ American ^ g lo n Auxiliary No. tained at^lause a« they walked 133, will meet this Wednesday Into the House chamber rtOLTsd You Can Save *40.86! evening at 8 at the home of the their approval again. president Bette Davie, 268 Hil­ ton Dr., South Windsor. Hostess 'T lw first step on the moon for the meeting will be Mrs. 'was a lAep toward our staler Sp. 4 Edward Ool*l of .Chica^, fell Into a deep sleep during the recent truce Coll the day BEFORE you want delivery. W e will deliver NEXT day, Davie. ■— planets," Congress was told by Kdwln E Aldrln Jr second in Vietnam. He may have lieen dreaming of an end to war. With Nixon’s an­ man Ut touch foot on the motsi nouncement tozluy, that dreiun may, indeed, come true for him. (AP Photofax) or you may have automatic dij^ivery. Pay at time of M ivery,' or Manchester Evening HemM The third astronaut of Apolto 11. South Windsor correepondent .Mlihael Colllna also spoke, to ot our ofRce up to 9 P.M. same day. Carol Aloulton, tel. MI-8714. WiUd applause Aldrin's forecast of sp3u:c adv­ <'oop€M*utlve Fuel Oil at lt.$c Gallon ^ny Htainp Deal at 18.6c Gallon entures far beyesid the moon — *3^ /fifitf. Registrations • Take a d v a a ta g ^ sales; buy m • Easy pushbutton selection ol I Provides extra counter top space I'sme one day a/U-r President AEC Sets O ff Blast Equal « No. of t'aoh No. ol No. of quantity and stretch youi three cycles — daily loads, pots when used as a porlabte, but Nbusi endora^ a special task Gallons Coat Havings Gallons Coat Stamps Being Accepted • food dollars, \ • Freezer holds up to 165 lbs and and pans or china crystal can be built-m in your new home. forte report calling for a land- has a let freeze ice compartment • Keep up to 562 lbs. at ^ r • Built-in soft food disposer I Manu-cycit selection ot 3 cycles; tng on Mara - perhaps within the 2 0 0 8 3 2 4 1 0 8 1 . 2 0 2 0 0 8 3 7 . 0 0 3 7 0 At Adult School : hngertips In upright storage eliminates the need to scrape and normal wash, short wash or next tw>> decades 1 • Four cabinet shelves, twin rinse and dry To Million Tons bf TNT convenience. vegetable bins, two door shelves, hand rinse Just tip off large There has been cootness in t o o 8 0 5 . 0 0 8 8 . 1 0 Registration aeaeloiu for fall . • Five solid shelves provide total ' Builf-in soft food disposer ends 1 0 0 8 7 4 . 0 0 7 4 0 butter compartment and or hard scraps Congress toward the costly co n tK t tor quicker, more \ need of sct aping and hand rinsing, LAB VEOA6. N«v (AP, A \ red plywoid building house term Adult Evening School . removable egg bin. Mara adventure, tail there was Obeervera In such hsauawga ia O O O " 8 9 8 . 1 0 8 1 2 . 0 0 OOO 8 1 1 1 . 0 0 1 1 1 0 uniform h tc ttn i. • Lift top rack lor easy loadme hist lip oft large or hard scraps hydrogen devlc* with a wallop cdaaseo will be held at Marches- . no sign of coolness In the noisy power supptles. located on the Loe Angeles repotted feeitog no (A nsorly a mlllton toha of TNT. surface just SO feel from ground aeneatlon, however. 0 1 8 . 0 8 I 0 0 . 8 7 1 Book. ter High School tomorrow, ! If belated tribute psid by 8 1 3 . 0 2 0 1 8 . 0 8 1 2 0 . 0 0 called “ vsry ImjMzttant to na­ zero, was nipped some SO feet 100 100 iOO Lfongreas to the heroes of the But In loM Vegas, about 160 Weihveeday and Thursday from { ioo tional oecuiity," waa detonated Into the ulr and then seCUed 1 2 9 7 . 2 8 2 1 2 . 7 1 8 2 7 . 2 1 1 2 9 7 . 2 8 2 1 0 4 1 0 2 Books July 20 moon walk mUes frum the biaet alte. Uie 7 to 9 p.m. Classea will start deep under a deaert mesa to­ bac k down, upparcrkly upright. Minutes before the astronauts 26-story Lsindmafli liower HMol 1 9 1 0 8 3 1 9 . 1 1 8 1 0 4 1 0 1 » I 0 8 3 6 0 j i O 3 Books next week, and the term will day, Al the newsmen's trailer the rocked with a circular snottna end Dec. 4. entered the Mouse rhamb-r. a Newamcn watching the ahot afkck wave hit some Uiree aec- reaolutl^ authorizing a new. sUrltng about SO seconds oftar Fees ore $2 per course tor w \.. on doeed-circuit televlaton from utvSm after the blast, rucking It the ehot: Observera aald th* ho­ medal called the OongresaU/na| a protected site IS miles away Manclyester neoMents, and $6 \ gently' like a mild earthquake tel. taUeat in Vegas, ewayed l)Br tuition pe^^ courar plus the Space Medal of .Htsior was saw the ground jump on esu- The yfoUlng waa more gentle psased by the S^nmlS and »ert to about 60 aeconds and Um b bagaa registration fee for non-res- mated 16 feet, toaalng ru^ks and than\ bn a prwtotu dfot In the to ahnr. Tbs swaying T-imltmiad n kdenta.' For Better Values, Better Service, Better Products, It's Always the White House. COOPERATIVE OIL CO. dust aloft and triggering rtpplrs megaton range- for another 60 eseonda. When courses were hated In The reooiuUon. which ptused In Ibe earth that knocked away The yield of today's device On the Btreeta below, trsMc A DlvUioo ot The BolaiMl OU OonuMUiy frotn lla aiming point temp^rar- Since 1936 yooAw/iys The Herald last week, adsanced the House Mondsy. ewi'l be was. eetimated at about MX),000 never beeWaled. stenography was Inadvertently •*A*fCHB8rrB**8 MOST awsrdrt] an astronsut who In lly.one of two televlston earner tons of TNTT There have been at The device was fired al 7:66 omitted. This clans wilt be held COMPLETE APPLIANCE the performance of his duller aa placed 12.000 feet away least three 4>thcrs In the mil- 315 BROAD ST„ MANCHESTER—343.1553 a.m at Uw bottom o t a 6,600- Tuesday and Thuraday from 8 BARTPOOD b o . has distinguished himself by ix- An Atomic Energy Commix Ikjn-lon yield range at the Ne­ foot, 44-tnch-dlameter hot* SA V£ to 9 p.m. In Room 122. The in- • NnW ay tffle reptionally mentorioua rfforu alon spokesman aisld the shot vada Teet Bile drilled Into Pahute Mesa aocth riructor la Mrs. Mary Mitchell. Oitiieh according ‘to uraifflcUl Experts had Indicated the 24-HOUR BURNER SERVICE! Mftny people like to tnke a stroll in the rain but for grown Hon we thought it worth a picture of them and contributions to the welfare of. Las Vegas. Dictation will be given at speed of the nation and mankind." spoculaUon was a teat of an an shot might eway aiigtXiy tall a young girl like Linda Marshall, receptionist at r - m '— w and going. Ye« Sir, she is a cool one. (AP The shock wave amt bout- levels from 60 to .120 wonk a Umlastle warhead released no toil Wing* aa far away aa Ivan Tors Studios, to go for a walk with a full Photufax) minute. INC. fhee Page Etgbl) radiation mb, the atmo»{f>cre Arg(elei. a o mites west. (6ao Pag* BIgbD