New Viet Pullout Planned: in State Jailhreak ALBUQUERQUE, N
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; '7 ■ — • Bloodmobile Visits St. Mary’s Church Tomorrow^ 1:45 to 6:30 : ___ : Arengt Daily Net Press Ron The Week IMed The W eather fane n , IMi^ Fair tonight becoming quite foggy In early morning hours. Low in low 60s. Tomorrow hasy 15,459 sunshine, warm with highs in 80s. SlioWnr possibility zero. ManeheMter ■ A City o f Vittawe Charm VOL. LXXxVm, NO. 294 (TWENTY-POUR PAGES—TWO SECTION^TABLOID) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 (Classified Advertising on Page SO) PRICE TEN CENTS ■ ___ • Five Guards Hurt A r m ^ C h o w U n c h a n g e d New Viet Pullout Planned: In State Jailhreak ALBUQUERQUE, N. M. BRIDGBPORT, Oonn. (A P )_ (A P)—A 90-yeeir-o)d Spanish tacked two guards who entered Amertcan War veteran won Two inmates slashed and batter their cell during a shakedown the Veterans' Day competi IVl ed their way out of the State Jail search. tion Sunday at the New Mex early today, Wounding five Guard Frank Giannati was ico State Fair when he turn (O) stabbed in the chest and ab (O ) Koarde—one of them seriously. ed up in ids 1890 vintage uni Could Involve 40,000 GIs domen and was in serious con- form. An Intensive search was (htion at St. Vincent’s Hospital. ■ n . Mirir laumdied for John P. Groom. Included in the laitform of Guard Anthony Bichia was hos George Dambeit of Albu rf ^ 22, of Bridgeport and Charles E. pitalized in good condition with WASHINGTON (AP) — I Mam (O) Jones, 20, of Hartford. querque were a mess Mt and Preaictent Nixon has decid Mpirad br a neck wound. a piece of hardtack, aUU t American According to correctional of- ed definitely on another : Hiatory in flcials. Groom and Jones at- Three other guards were treat edible 70 years later. reduced in ed ajt the hospital and released. Lambert bit off a piece of withdrawal of U.S. troops Muaeum, Breatioa of Also hurt during the fracas the hardtack and said, from Vietnam and the UCD of Ufe was Donald Rush of Stamford, "Tattes Just like it did then. White House will announce cine in hia- man'e no- another inmate. Wasn’t any good then and it sjiecific figures Tuesday ezpIoc^C Groom and Jones used a bench isn’t now." la role in morning. ‘Non-Violent’ to batter out a latticed window Presa aecretary Ronald L. <0 > and escape to the street. Ziegler, talking to reportera to <C) A third mpn fled from the cor day, did not dispute the an <o Youth Killed rectional center in a separate nouncement by South Viet Flesh and escape about 10:46 a.m. today. ‘Black Day’ namese Vice President Nguyen ennsyirania BOSTON (AP) — PoUce are Authorities said Lorenzo Can Cao Ky earlier that M.OOO more red from mystified in the gangland-style of Isotope ada, 26, of Bridgeport, was un American troops will be pulled >e rest of death of a Oonneclicut youth loading foodstuffs from a state- In Pittsburgh out before November. 1 wiped out. whose body was discovered Sat Inver owned truck when he walked out But he would not specifically urday wrapped in a canvas tent PITTSBURGH (AP) — Hun 5 of the delivery door and disap verify that number, saying re- and propped gainst a mailbox dreds of demonstrators strung <C) peared. He was serving a 90- peat^ly that conaultatlona now in# <C) on the sidewalk in the Roxbury over 10 city blocks marched are on with other troop-contrib section. / day term on a forgery convic tion. from the Negro Hill District into uting nations and the formal (orcan. the downtown today-a day they ■ MarUa Police said Gary M. C^aroteoiu- One of them was carrying a White House announcement wll’i „ <0) called "Black Monday’’-to press tl, 19, of Torrington Conj^ had knife, police said. be withheld until Tuesday. Quests: been shot once in the of demands for more Negro jobs in n DeLuise According to Jail records, both Asked whether Nixon aU) I !T.' the head. The words "nigger the construction industry. hopes to get more than 100,00 0 lover” were carved in his back. men are Negroes, Groom being The marchers, estimated by 6-10, weighing about ibO pounds, American servicemen out i if —Weatter The bearded, long-haired police at over 3,000, filed four Vietnam by the end of the yea r. <0) youth was a Junior at Northeas Jones being of average height abreast through the city’s and slender, weigning about IbO Ziegler etood on what Nixon h ad tern University, majoring in streets, clapping their hands said about that in a ne era Show <0> philosophy, and had been on the pounds. Both escapees were and chanting: "Freedom, Free Shaw Fsha- wearing brown jail uniforms. conference. ^ <®> Dean's List since his freshman dom, Freedom." year. As otticials described the Former S^retary of Defe nae Leading the procession to Clark M. Clifford had called m a “ He was one of the brightest break, a roubne shakeuuwn was their destination-the construc students at Northeastern," said under way, with guards search magazine article for pulling out els ef OsBM tion site of U.S. Steel Corp.’s 100,000 troops by year's end and Dr. Sally Michael of the phdloso- ing prisoners and their cells »or new office building-were several IB on phy department. Department hiuuen contraband and weapons. Nixon sold he would hope to bet les— CHAF demonstrators carrying large (>»P Pholofax) ter that. i aigB Off chairman. Dr. Walter Fogg, About lO inmates were out oi black flags with a clenched fist- said he planned a memorial to American soldiers in the 1st Cavalry Division pre ment in I>iuulinK Zone Ike in War Ztuie ('. They The presidential declslo n on their Cells in a cage-iike recrea symbol of black power-painted pare to fire a lO.'S mm howitzer from their em|)lace- an additional withdrawr il—he the youth. tion area w-.en tiroom anu jones on them. were firinji at a North N'ietiiamese mortar crew. Police said Carotenuti was set In motion on June 8 the with attacked the guards. The marchers walked around drawal of the first 28.00C —was last Been alive by two friends the U.S. Steel building, cla j^ n g Friday night. He moved to Rox- One of the guarus apparently « reached last week. ZIeglei • sold. dropped his keys or had them their hands and chanting, then It was laid before a lop policy (See Page Ten) torn away during the melee and marched back to the Hill Dis conference Inst Frldr .y. a ■haw/IO) Jones and Groom unlocked the trict where the crowd disband conference that pulled !• jgether ed. —.'Hraajdter gate and got out oi the "cage.’ ’ key administration exp erts In ^ 0 > Only the latticed brick-and-glasa March leaders said they!--No in Battling the military, diplomatic and in wall remained between them would stage similar demonstra telligence fields. tions. and the street, and they were One of them waa Gen , Creigtt Ir to 0 » - Haynsworth "We will have a black Mon able to break through it by us ton W. Abrams, U.S. miUtary ipire leans day next Monday and the Mon ing a bench as a battering ram. commander In Vielm im. vri to s^>i Ir>reapect day after that, and a black Mon hurried back to Saigon and li Oo uidetette Ooi- Seen Getting Police arrived just In time to day and a black Tuesday if nec I, Cbnnie conference with 8o( ith V let- (C) prevent other inmates from fol essary, and we will shut down r. ^ Dana lowing the escapees. In Israeli-Arab War nomese President Nguyen Van the entire city until these Injus- Darnell. Senate Okay Ttileu. The other wounded guards The latter called an em ergen were Sgt. Alexander Theriault, (See Page Ten) By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS guard [losts in these Ras Zu'farana, the target of hiimiiirrlng 'Ildar iiisliilliitlons . <C> WASHINGTON (AP) De areas." heavy Isriell raids for the past anil army ciun|iN III Riis cy session of his Nut'.onsl Secu how (O) who suffered a gash on his fore Israeli planes attacked rity (.’ouncll. rollowe<'. by s sec- at Osm- spite opposition from civil rights head, Gerald Moughan, cut on Egypt's Gulf of Suez coast for The Cairo statement also said week, is 100 miles southeast of Zi'fiiriimi there was on eight-hour artil omi. And then Vice I'ri latdent and labor leaders all signs now both arms, and William X. Alex- Cairo. When Israeli Irtsips land Iiiformiiiiiji In Tel Aviv said indicate President Nixon’s nom the fifth time in six days Sun lery duel Sunday near Port Tau- ed on the Gulf of Suez const for thr iilr ntliirkH nri' iiiiiliimiiig In Ky reported Monday thai, 40,0(X) Holden. los, cut on the fingers. ination of J u ^ e Clement F. day, keeping up a campaign to fiq, at the southern end of the their unop[K)se<l armoreil swe««|i ki'i'p Egypt from rrhulldlng more men would be wl( hdrawn W — DBAF Top GOP by Ihe United Staten before No d Off Haynsworth Jr. (or the Supreme The injured inmate, Donald force the Egyptians to shiR c-anol. It gave no further details. last Tuesday, they began by llicHr liwli ill.itUins a Oft Ck>urt will be confirmed by the Rush, suffered a broken arm.