Citizens Against Government Waste


“The Book Washington Doesn’t Want You to Read” Praise for CAGW and the Pig Book

“Citizens Against Government Waste is Washington's leading opponent of pork-barrel spending. Its annual Pig Book, which lists the government's narrow giveaways, is used by news outlets worldwide to ridicule federal earmarks.” Jeff Birnbaum, The Washington Post, February 20, 2007.

“Every taxpayer should read the Pig Book… Congress won't stop picking our pockets for wasteful pork projects in which the federal government has no business unless they are forced to by taxpayers. Read the Pig Book and weep. Then, get angry and do something.” Syndicated Columnist Cal Thomas, March 29, 2005

“Neither rain, nor sleet or snow, or war or a bumpy economy, it seems, can stop the pork train from pulling out of the congressional station. Citizens Against Government Waste has issued its annual Congressional Pig Book Summary… This year's budget may finally slay the myth that there is anyone who can credibly claim to be a fiscal conservative inside the Washington beltway.” Asheville Citizen Times, April 17, 2004

“Citizens Against Government Waste is a watchdog group that keeps track of which politicians squander the most federal money on ‘pork’ - those expenditures that are added after the normal budget process to help a particular group instead of the nation as a whole. ” John Stossell, 20/20

“I believe that this book should be read by every citizen in America…What is being done here by CAGW, in my view, is of the greatest importance. [M]y constituents…need to have these concrete examples of the way that business is done here in Washington, D.C., unfortunately, and the only way it’s going to stop is when it’s exposed.” Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.)

“I commend Citizens Against Government Waste for trying to shame Congress into fiscal responsibility, although one has to wonder if Congress has any shame. You certainly don't get that impression by flipping through the Pig Book.” Representative Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.)

“We can, with the assistance of an organization like CAGW, say in one year this [publication] is not needed.” Former Representative David Minge (D-Minn.)

“Those peckerwoods don't know what they're doing. They don't. They're not being realistic.” “The King of Pork” Senator Robert C. Byrd (D-W.Va.) National Public Radio, July 19, 2001

“All they are is a bunch of psychopaths.” CAGW “Oinker” Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) Associated Press, December 26, 1999

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) is a private, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization representing more than 1.2 million members and supporters nationwide . CAGW’s mission is to eliminate waste, mismanagement, and inefficiency at all levels of government. PigBook-TextPages.qxd:Layout 1 3/31/08 3:50 PM Page 1


If Washington, D.C. were to export a commodity, it would be rhetoric. Politicians especially love to talk about fiscal responsibility. On March 13, 2008 the Senate had an opportunity to test that rhetoric when Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) offered an amendment to impose a one-year moratorium on earmarks. Pork beat talk as the measure failed by a vote of 29-71.

In the House of Representatives, Republicans want a one-year moratorium but will not unilaterally disarm. Democrats won’t agree because of objections from big porkers such as House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha (D-Pa.). On February 11, 2008, Roll Call noted, “Every private entity that received a special project from the Pennsylvania Democrat in last year’s defense spending bill had given him political money at some point since 2005.” At his February 27, 2008 fundraiser for lobbyists, Murtha received a standing ovation.

The latest installment of Citizens Against Government Waste’s (CAGW) 18-year exposé of pork-barrel spending includes $3,000,000 for The First Tee; $1,950,000 for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service; and $188,000 for the Lobster Institute in Maine.

In fiscal year 2008, Congress stuffed 11,610 projects (the second highest total ever) into the 12 appropriations bills worth $17.2 billion . The 11,610 projects represent a 337 percent increase over the 2,658 projects in fiscal year 2007. The $17.2 billion is a 30 percent increase over the fiscal year 2007 total of $13.2 billion. Only the Defense and Homeland Security bills included earmarks in fiscal year 2007, so comparisons of other bills are made between fiscal years 2008 and 2006. Total pork identified by CAGW since 1991 adds up to $271 billion.

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INTRODUCTION (continued)

Alaska led the nation with $556 per capita ($380 million). The runners up were Hawaii with $221 per capita ($283 million) and North Dakota with $208 per capita ($133 million).

The one glimmer of hope is that for the first time taxpayers were able to see, for the most part, which members requested which projects. Out of the 11,610 projects in the 2008 Pig Book there were 11,146 disclosed projects worth $13.8 billion and 464 undisclosed projects worth $3.4 billion.

To paraphrase Robert Frost: Taxpayers, and members of Congress, still have many miles to go before they sleep without earmarks.

The 1,188 projects, totaling $2.8 billion, in this year’s Congressional Pig Book Summary symbolize the most egregious and blatant examples of pork. As in previous years, all of the items in the Congressional Pig Book Summary meet at least one of CAGW’s seven criteria, but most satisfy at least two:

• Requested by only one chamber of Congress; • Not specifically authorized; • Not competitively awarded; • Not requested by the President; • Greatly exceeds the President’s budget request or the previous year’s funding; • Not the subject of congressional hearings; or • Serves only a local or special interest.

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Many appropriators find Agriculture pork yummy, but taxpayers are left with a bad taste in their mouths. In 2006, the Agricultural Research Service refused to release public budget documents. In 2007, the Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service did not testify about individual special research grants. Despite this lack of transparency, total pork spending decreased by 33. 6 percent from $584 million in fiscal year 2006 to $388 million in fiscal year 2008, while the number of projects increased by 22 percent from 502 in fiscal year 2006 to 614 in fiscal year 2008.

$15,115,446 for 17 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), including: $3,723,750 for a Natural Products Lab; $2,780,400 for the Jamie Whitten Delta States Research Center; $1,075,419 for the Agricultural Wildlife Conservation Center; $849,015 for genomics for southern crop stress and disease research; $511,395 for biotechnology research ; and $229,383 for rural systems research.

$14,038,041 for 12 projects by Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Robert Bennett (R-Utah), including: $5,560,800 for the Agricultural Research Center in Logan; $2,616,555 for a Utah conservation initiative; $1,191,600 for function genomics research; $559,059 for high performance computing; and $186,684 for pasture and forage research.

$11,808,756 for 12 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), including: $3,829,008 for the Lost River Watershed Project; $3,226,257 for the GIS Center of Excellence; $1,529,220 for the Appalachian Fruit Lab; $521,325 for aquaculture product and marketing development; and $112,209 for feed efficiency research.

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AGRICULTURE (continued)

$7,818,882 for 10 projects by Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman (D-Wis.), including: $2,502,360 for the Dairy Forage Agricultural Research Center in Prairie du Sac; $1,861,875 for development of specialty markets; $346,557 for urban horticulture research; and $178,740 for the Dairy Business Association (DBA), which according to its website, “is an industry organization comprised of dairy producers, corporate and allied industry supporters. The DBA promotes the growth and success of all dairy farms in by fostering a positive business and political environment.” Besides tax dollars, the DBA is financed by companies such as Monsanto, EcoLab, and Smithfield Beef Group. Total net income for the three companies in 2006 was $671.4 million .

$7,556,660 for grape and wine research. Wine is a popular beverage. In fact, in 2006, per capita U.S. wine consumption was 2. 39 gallons while the U.S. exported 404.5 million liters of wine. Total wine sales in 2006 were $27.8 billion. There is no pressing need for tax - payers to pay for this research.

$6,025,524 for eight projects by Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee member Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), including: $2,085,300 for the Forage-Animal Production Research Facility; $627,576 for health education leadership; $559,059 for new crop opportunities; and $502,458 for precision agriculture .

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AGRICULTURE (continued)

$5,505,192 for eight projects by House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee member Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), including: $919,518 for income enhancement demonstration research; $845,043 for the Center for Innovative Food Technology (one of the Center’s projects , agritourism, “is when the public visits a working farm, ranch, winery or any other type of agricultural operation for enjoyment, education , outdoor activities, shopping or dining. You experience agritourism when you go to a corn maze, watch cider being pressed, pick your own apples, and take the kids to pick out their own pumpkin or shop at a farm stand. ”) ; $411,102 for wheat quality research; and $407,130 for agriculture science research.

$4,840,875 for wood utilization research in 10 states requested by nine representatives and 16 senators . Among the research areas is “refinement of processing technology for laminated veneer lumber for furniture, flooring, and other specialty industries .” As if no one has ever done that before. This research has cost taxpayers $90.8 million since 1985.

$3,737,652 for six projects by Senate Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee member Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), including: $1,646,394 for the McDowell Grove Dam Rood Plain/Wetlands Restoration Project in DuPage County; $107,244 for wildlife habitat improvement ; and $36,741 for conservation science at Lincoln Park Zoo. This “free” zoo was established in 1868 after a pair of swans were given to the Lincoln Park Commissioners. Today, the zoo can be rented out for weddings, picnics, corporate events, and holiday parties.

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AGRICULTURE (continued)

$3,527,136 for six projects by House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee member Sam Farr (D-Calif.), including: $1,869,819 for the U.S. Agricultural Research Station in Salinas ; $425,997 for the Monterey Bay Sanctuary; $380,319 for sustainable agriculture research; and $222,432 for greenhouse lettuce germplasm . This cabbage has cost taxpayers too much money .

$3,260,019 for four projects by Rep. Randy Neugebauer (R-Texas) : $1,709,946 for sorghum research and $1,550,073 for the Plant Stress and Water Conservation Lab.

$3,207,390 for four projects by House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee member Ray LaHood (R-Ill.), including: $1,869,819 for the National Center for Agricultural Utilization Research in Peoria; $837,099 for crop production and food processing; and $70,503 for the Buffer Initiative. Taxpayers need a buffer zone from Rep. LaHood’s pork -barrel spending.

$3,148,803 for seven projects by Senate appropriator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), including: $968,175 for berry research; $818,232 for alternative salmon products; and $132,069 for native plant commercialization.

$3,097,167 for shrimp aquaculture research in seven states by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) , House appropriator Ed Pastor (D-Ariz.), and Reps. Raul Grijalva (D-Texas) , Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii), and Richard Neal (D-Mass.) . In the past, USDA has testified that, “The goal of this program is to develop a sustainable domestic shrimp farming industry in the United States.” The timeline for this achievement appears to be indefinite. Since 1985, $68.7 million has been appropriated for this research.

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AGRICULTURE (continued)

$2,691,030 for four projects by House Appropriations Committee Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.), including: $1,843,008 for the University of Wisconsin–Stevens Point Geographic Information System; $368,403 for the Red Cliff Tribal Hatchery; and $294,921 for potato pest management.

$1,971,105 by House Agriculture Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman Rosa DeLauro (D-Ct.): $1,229,334 for mosquito trapping research/West Nile Virus; $523,311 for invasive aquatic weeds; and $218,466 for vector-borne diseases.

$1,769,526 for five projects by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), including: $1,117,125 for mormon crickets; $365,424 for the Nevada arid rangelands initiative; and $36,741 for weed management.

$1,618,590 for four projects by Rep. Allen Boyd (D-Fla.), including : $709,995 for Suwanee, Dixie, and Lafayette counties dairy and poultry waste treatment; $329,676 for oyster post harvest treatment ; and $283,998 for the Green Institute . The Institute’s mission is “sustaining the environment and our communities through practical innovation. Our vision is shared by the thousands of people who donate and purchase our quality reclaimed and green building materials, design and construct green buildings, generate clean energy , learn how to manage storm water and landscape sustainably, and work together to conserve and restore our environment.” One of its programs, Gardenworks, is “to improve urban livability with green space. Our green spaces are an indispensable part of the urban environment: beautifying neighborhoods, reducing heating & cooling costs, lowering stress, cleaning the air, providing food and income, increasing biodiversity, lowering crime, and improving water quality in our lakes and rivers.” Lowering stress and crime?

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AGRICULTURE (continued)

$1,335,585 for seven projects by Senate appropriator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), including: $335,634 for environmentally safe products; $261,159 for the Center for Rural Studies; and $97,314 for maple research. This has really put taxpayers in a sticky situation.

$742,764 by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) for olive fruit fly research. Part of this money, $211,509, is to be spent in Paris, France .

$460,752 by for hops research requested by two representatives and four senators. Hops is a main ingredient in beer , and according to “Here’s to Beer,” a website designed to increase the image of beer, consumption of beer in 2006 constituted 85 percent of all alcohol consumption and 52 percent of all alcohol sales. In addition , the website states that “nearly 40 percent of the U.S. population are regular beer consumers.”

$259,173 for floriculture research by Senate appropriator (D-Hawaii), Sen. (D-Hawaii) and Rep. Mazie Hirono (D-Hawaii ). According to a September 13, 2007, Star Bulletin article, “Hawaii's floriculture and nursery products brought in an estimated $100.7 million last year, new state data indicates, a bright spot in the state ’s diversified agricultural sector. Flowers and plants grown in Hawaii have plenty of potential to flourish, with last year ’s numbers holding steady at the $100 million mark - close to the record of $101 million set in 2005. ” Surely, the industry can afford .25 percent of its blooming revenue to do its own research. Since 1995, CAGW’s Pig Book has identified $3.8 million in pork for this research.

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AGRICULTURE (continued)

$172,782 for the National Wild Turkey Federation in Edgefield, S.C. According to the Federation’s website, “conservation partners and grassroots members have raised and spent more than $258 million upholding hunting traditions and conserving more than 13.1 million acres of wildlife habitat.” Once proposed as the national bird by Ben Franklin, the average American ate 16.9 pounds of turkey in 2006. Turkey consumption has increased 108 percent since 1970. The turkeys produced in 2005 weighed 7.2 billion pounds and were valued at $3.2 billion. This earmark makes taxpayers feel like big fat turkeys .

$148,950 by Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and John Tester (D-Mont.) for the Montana Sheep Institute. According to the organization’s website, “The Montana Sheep Institute (MSI) is a cooperative project between Montana Wool Growers Association and Montana State University . The MSI is dedicated to developing and implementing non-traditional adjustment strategies that will increase the competi - tiveness of Montana's lamb and wool in the world market. Our goal is to explore opportunities to increase the utilization of sheep in weed management programs and improve the profitability and competitiveness of the Montana Sheep Industry. ” This is a b-a-a-a-a-d earmark. Since 2002 , CAGW’s Pig Book has identified $2.8 million in pork for this research.

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In 2006 the once -named “Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations Act” was renamed the “Science, Departments of State, Justice , and Commerce , and Related Agencies Appropriations Act (SSJC) .” In 2008, the name has been changed yet again , and now it is known as the Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Act (CJS). With all of these name changes, appropriators may have grown tired of spending as much money on pork as they did in the past. The number of projects decreased by 13 percent , from 1,987 in fiscal year 2006 to 1,7 31 in fiscal year 2008. The dollar amount decreased by 47 percent from $1.9 billion to $1 billion .

$146,708,000 for 6 3 projects by CJS Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Richard Shelby (R-Ala.), including: $5,640,000 for the Marshall Space Flight Center; $470,000 for a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Maritime Museum in Mobile ; $329,000 for American Village Citizenship Trust Montevallo for character programs in at-risk areas (the group ’s website boasts that its mission is to “ strengthen and renew the foundations of American liberty and self-government through citizenship education.” In addition to these lofty goals, young lovers can rent out the chapel and the barn to get married for $2,650 .); $235,000 for the Foley Police Department for communications upgrades; and $235,00 0 for West Alabama Marine Shrimp and Fish Aquaculture to develop new methods and find efficiency in the development of marine shrimp and fish aquaculture using ponds and the salinic water of West Alabama .

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CJS (continued)

$56,259,000 for 21 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), including: $11,280,000 for the Stennis Space Center; $7,520,000 for the Center for Marine Aquaculture (according to the senator’s website, “Funding will be used to create, develop, and commercialize new technology to meet America’s demand for warm water marine seafood. This program will lay the basis for the development of a new industry for Mississippi and the Gulf of Mexico region .”); and $1,175,000 for Jackson State University for computer software and mapping .

$19,035,000 for 19 projects by Senate CJS Appropriations Sub - committee member Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) , including : $3,478,000 for the harbor seal and stellar sea lion protection program for management measures to protect harbor seals and stellar sea lions in partnership with the National Marine Fisheries Service and the Alaska Sea Life Center; $2,820,000 for the Native American/Native Alaskan Liaison Office ; $1,128, 000 for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Alaska Eagle River for an at-risk youth mentoring program ; $188,000 for monitoring and restoration of salmon stocks to allow the monitoring and restoration of depressed salmon stocks under the management of one organization, the Bering Sea Fishermen's Association .

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CJS (continued)

$11,972,075 for 1 7 projects by Senate CJS Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman Barbara Mikulski (D-Md.), including : $2,350,000 for Teach for America, , to engage teachers in science, technology, engineering and mathematics through the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA ); $893,000 for the National Aquarium in Conservation and Education Programs for conservation and education programs of the marine environment National Aquarium of Baltimore; $178,600 for Johns Hopkins University Baltimore for the Johns Hopkins Prisoner Career Re-Entry Program to provide job training and placement .

$4,638,900 for 24 projects by House CJS Subcommittee Chairman Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.), including: $846,000 for a distance learning program at Fairmont State University ; $540,500 for an independent verification and validation research program through NASA; $282,000 for the Micronauts Education Simulator at Wheeling Jesuit University; and $188,000 for the Glenville State College Anti-Recidivism Prisoner Education Program .

$2,820,000 for four projects by Rep. Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.): $1,880,000 for the Educational Advancement Alliance Math, Science , and Technology Program; $846,000 for the Father's Day Rally Committee Inc. Men United Program in Philadelphia; $47,000 for the Grands As Parents Very Important People (VIP) Program in Philadelphia; and $47,000 for a mural arts program for at-risk youth in Philadelphia . Rep. Fattah started securing the funding for the four projects in the middle of a heated battle to win the Democratic nomination for mayor of Philadelphia. Both he and the taxpayers lost.

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CJS (continued)

$2,726,000 by House appropriator James Walsh (R-N.Y .): $1,598,000 for the Monroe County drug analysis module and $1,128,000 for an Onondaga County records management project .

$2,350,000 for 10 projects by House appropriator Jose Serrano (D- N.Y.), including: $940,000 for Bronx River restoration; $282,000 for Latino Pastoral Action Center programs for at-risk youth in the Bronx; and $94,000 for El Museo del Barrio educational programs in the Bronx for at-risk youth. This museum had net assets of more than $3.6 million at the end of 2006.

$1,648,850 for the Shedd Aquarium by Senate appropriator Richard Durbin (D-Ill), Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.), House appropriator Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) and Rep. Danny Davis (D-Ill.). The aquarium’s website says the facility was a “gift to the people of from John Graves Shedd, president and chairman of the board of Marshall Fields & Company.” This aquarium receives 2 million visitors per year and has 3 6 corporate benefactors. At the end of 2004 (the last year for which information is available), the aquarium had a fund balance of approximately $200 million. Those are some liquid assets.

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CJS (continued)

$1,339,500 by Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y .) and Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) , and Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) for the Abyssinian Development Corporation. According to a January 24, 2008 article, “Clinton teamed with senior New York Sen. Charles Schumer and New York Rep. Charles Rangel, both Democrats , to provide three earmarks for the Abyssinian Development Corporation (ADC). The ADC is a separate non-profit community development organization … that focuses on increasing quality housing, delivering social services, and boosting economic and educational opportunities in Harlem. Clinton accepted credit for the Abyssinian earmarks and other earmarks in a statement released in December saying, ‘I am proud that these funds will help support critical investments in New York City – from strengthening community programs for our children to supporting the city’s colleges and universities to cleaning up our waterways.’”

$1,081,000 for six projects by Rep. Nydia Velazquez (D-N.Y.), including: $282,000 for Brooklyn Bridge Park Conservancy at-risk youth programs; $235,000 for the Project for Public Spaces for preservation and revitalization of the Moore Street Market ; and $188,000 for Brooklyn Arts Council at-risk youth programs.

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CJS (continued)

$705,000 by House appropriator and CAGW 2007 Porker of the Year recipient John Murtha (D-Pa.) for Concurrent Technologies Corporation Corrections Learning Environment. According to a January 14, 2008 article in , “ In 1991, Mr. Murtha used a $5 million earmark to create the National Defense Center for Environmental Excellence in Johnstown to develop anti-pollution technology for the military. Since then, it has garnered more than $670 million in contracts and earmarks. Meanwhile it is managed by another contractor Mr. Murtha helped create, Concurrent Technologies, a research operation that somehow was allowed to be set up as a tax-exempt charity, according to The Washington Post . Thanks to Mr. Murtha, Concurrent has boomed; the annual salary for its top three executives averages $462,000.”

$446,500 by Sens. Blanche Lincoln (D-Ark.) and Mark Pryor (D- Ark.) , and Rep. John Boozman (R-Ark.) for the Arkansas World Trade Center (AWTC). Funding will support efforts to develop international trade initiatives in Northwest Arkansas at the University of Arkansas. Created in 2006, the AWTC was established to “promote international trade throughout the state and region.” As an investor level contributor ($5,000), one is entitled to “ [F]ull business support , with free use of conference rooms up to four hours, use of fax machine , copy machine and local phone usage, free domestic video conference and 5 meetings per year at no charge up to 4 hours per event (max audience 75) .” Needless to say, with their “contribution” of $446,500 , taxpayers should be able to use this conference center for free.

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CJS (continued)

$263,200 by Senate appropriator Jack Reed (D-R.I.) and Sen . Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I .) for American Sailing Training Association Newport for after-school programs for at-risk youth to reduce truancy and delinquency .

$188,000 by Sens. Olympia Snowe (R-Maine) and Susan Collins (R-Maine), and Rep. Thomas Allen (D-Maine) for the Lobster Institute. The group’s website says, “The LOBSTER INSTITUTE is a cooperative program of research and education with the lobster industry at the University of Maine …” Not only has the Lobster Institute been working on its “Lobster Cam ( ,” one its major accomplishments has been lobster dog biscuits : “Your dog can now be a lobster connoisseur. Blue Seal Feeds, Inc. has launched the newest addition to its dog biscuit line – Blue Seal Lobster ‘Bisque-its ’ – based on a concept devised by the Lobster Institute at The University of Maine, and their commercialization partner Saltwater Marketing LLC. ” That isn’t much of a treat for taxpayers.

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Former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.) is in jail because of bribes he accepted from defense contractors in exchange for earmarks ; on February 27, 2008 House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha (D-Pa.) received a standing ovation at a fundraiser for defense lobbyists . On February 11, 2008, Roll Call noted, “Every private entity that received a special project from the Pennsylvania Democrat in last year’s defense spending bill had given him political money at some point since 2005” There are no two better examples to illustrate the problems with defense earmarks. When members of Congress gorge themselves on defense pork, America’s fighting men and women are not getting the proper equipment that they need to fight the war on terror around the globe. While every penny of defense funds should be wisely spent, at least there was a reduction in the number of pork- barrel projects by 19 percent from 2,6 18 in fiscal year 2007 to 2,10 8 in fiscal year 2008, while the total cost decreased by 32 percent, from $1 0.8 billion in fiscal year 2007 to $7.3 billion in fiscal year 2008.

$173,200,000 for 25 projects by Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii), including: $25,000,000 for the Hawaii Federal Health Care Network; $23,000,000 for the Maui Space Surveillance System operations & research; $10,000,000 for the National Defense Center of Excellence for Research in Ocean Sciences ; $5,000,000 for the Maui High Performance Computing Center; $3,500,000 for Army conservation and ecosystem management; $3,000,000 for the Hawaii National Guard Counter-Drug Program ; and $2,000,000 for Brown Tree Snakes .

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DEFENSE (continued)

$165,700,000 for 22 projects by Senate Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), including: $44,200,000 for the Access to Joint Tanana Training Complex; $11,000,000 for the Intermodal Marine Facility – Port of Anchorage ; and $3,200,000 for the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). While the official stated goal of HAARP is to “further advance our knowledge of the physical and electrical properties of the Earth's ionosphere which can affect our military and civilian communication and navigation systems,” conspiracy theories abound from it being a weapon of mass destruction to it being able to manipulate weather conditions around the globe. The truth is that the project has received $11 1.3 million in pork since 1995.

$144,624,000 for 26 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), including: $54,000,000 for the ABL Facility Restoration Program (according to an October 3, 2006 article in the Cumberland Times News , “Alliant Techsystems, also known as ATK, as the primary leasee of the Navy’s ABL facility , will benefit most from the improvements to the facility, … ‘ATK is very pleased that Senator Byrd has continued to support the facility restoration program at [ABL ]…. The upgrades ... have allowed us to expand our business and offer the Department of Defense a wide range of quality products for our war fighters.’”); $18,000,000 for the AFIP Records Digitization Program; $5,600,000 for the Joint Interagency Training and Education Center; $4,800,000 for the Autonomous Maritime Navigation Program; $2,400,000 for economic production of coal-to-liquid fuels; $2,400,000 for research to reduce the environmental impact of coal-to-liquid fuels; and $900,000 for the Electronic Commodity Program .

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DEFENSE (continued)

$121,400,000 for 44 projects by House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman John Murtha (D-Pa.), including $23,000,000 for the National Drug Intelligence Center (NDIC) . Rep. Murtha became infuriated by Rep. Mike Rogers’ (R-Mich.) motion to remove the NDIC earmark. According to Rogers, Rep. Murtha warned, “I hope you don’t have any earmarks in the defense appropriations bills because they are gone and you will not get any earmarks now and forever. … That’s the way I do it .” Since 1992, more than $509 million has been used to fund NDIC, which is administered by the Department of Justice (DOJ.). But DOJ has asked Congress to shut the NDIC down because its operations are duplicative. This project helped Rep. Murtha win CAGW’s 2007 Porker of the Year award.

$92,800,000 for 47 projects by House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Bill Young (R-Fla.), including: $4,500,000 for comprehensive maritime domain awareness; $3,000,000 for multi-jurisdictional counter-drug task force training ; $1,200,000 for the Advanced Dynamic Optics Program; $1,000,000 for atmospheric water harvesting ; and $1,000,000 for advanced battery technology .

$86,000,000 for 32 projects by House appropriator Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.), including: $5,000,000 for the Center for Innovative Geospatial Technology; $2,400,000 for the National Eye Evaluation and Research Network for clinical trials of orphan retinal degenerative diseases ; $2,400,000 for National Center for Research on Evaluation , Standards, and Student Testing skill set analysis; $2,400,000 for the Lewis Center for Education Research (The center is described on its website as “a unique educational facility designed to improve educational effectiveness and scientific literacy among American schoolchildren.”); $1,600,000 for the Technology Commercialization and Management Network ; and $1,600,000 for microsatellite serial manufacturing .

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DEFENSE (continued)

$35,200,000 for 17 projects by House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee member Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), including: $4,000,000 for an enhanced detection adjunct processor; $2,400,000 for the Center for Solar Electricity and Hydrogen; $2,000,000 for the Northern Ohio Integrated Command Operations Program ; and $1,000,000 for internal base facility energy independence – wind/turbine .

$26,800,000 for 14 projects by House Defense Appropriations Subcommittee member Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), including: $4,000,000 for the Northwest Maritime Information and Littoral Operations Program; $1,600,000 for the Open Source Naval and Missile Database Reporting System ; $ 1,200,000 for the National Bureau for Asian Research (according to the Bureau’s website, it is “a nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution dedicated to informing and strengthening policy in the Asia-Pacific .”) ; and $1,000,000 for the Puget Sound Navy Museum .

$4,800,000 by Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) for the Jamaica Bay Unit of the Gateway National Recreation Area. The Gateway National Recreation Area’s website describes the Jamaica Bay Unit as “a wealth of history, nature and recreation, from New York City's first major airport and coastal fortifications to a wildlife refuge and pristine beaches.” A nice place to swim away with defense dollars.

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DEFENSE (continued)

$3,000,000 by House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) for The First Tee, whose purpose, according to its website, is “To impact the lives of young people by providing learning facilities and educational programs that promote character development and life- enhancing values through the game of golf. ” If The First Tee wanted money to spread its teachings to the military, it could ask its numerous corporate sponsors, who would likely respond with at least $3 million. Rep. Clyburn told CNBC on November 27, 2007 that the program will help “make generals and colonels. ” Apparently , after hundreds of years of military operations without having such a program, it was critical to add The First Tee in conference, in the middle of the war on terrorism.

$1,600,000 by Rep. Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) for the Allen Telescope Array. This project first appeared in the 2005 Congressional Pig Book and has received a total of $5.6 million. It is part of SETI (Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), which describes the telescope as “cutting-edge astronomical research and a simultaneous search for signals of intelligent, extraterrestrial origin .” The Pentagon should classify this as an Unidentified Fiscal Object.

$1,600,000 by Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan .) for the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program (PRISP). According to the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA ), “ PRISP provides monetary incentive to college students who pursue studies in critical language specialties, area studies, and technical and scientific specialties. A 2005 article in the Chronicle of Higher Education noted that, “This pilot project – the Pat Roberts Intelligence Scholars Program – is seen by some observers as a long-overdue effort to remedy the federal government's collective ignorance about foreign lands. Other scholars, however, view the semisecret program as a profound threat to universities ’ integrity and to the ethical norms of social science.”

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DEFENSE (continued)

$800,000 by Rep. Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) for extended shelf life produce for remotely deployed forces. This sounds suspiciously like a 2007 Congressional Pig Book project: $1,650,000 by Senate appropriator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) to improve the shelf life of vegetables.

One of the more astounding aspects of the 2008 Defense Appropriations Act is the 62 projects worth $2.3 billion that were undisclosed, including :

$588,000,000 to accelerate the building of a second Virginia Class Submarine. Even though the earmark was technically undisclosed, Rep . Joe Courtney (D-Ct.) took credit for it in a press release dated November 13, 2007. According to an article in The Hill , “In a report to Congress, the Navy said boosting the production of submarines early would disrupt its overall shipbuilding plan by shifting $5.1 billion from other important programs.”

$9,800,000 for the Space Fence. According to a February 5, 2008 Aerospace Daily & Defense Report article, “The Air Force plans to delay the fielding of its revamped Space Fence – a distributed group of ground-based sensors designed to track objects in space as they orbit. Initial operational capability is now set at 2015.” reported on December 23, 2006 that “The funding cuts to the so-called ‘Space Fence ’ program are included in an internal Pentagon budget document known as program decision memorandum IV, signed by Deputy Defense Secretary Gordon England earlier this month, according to the Air Force. While the memo itself is not intended for public release, details about the cuts were included in a ‘future year funding ’ document posted on the Hanscom Air Force Base ’s Space Fence business opportunities Web site.”

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While totals are down elsewhere, pork skyrocketed in the fiscal year 2008 Energy and Water Appropriations Act. The number of projects increased 89. 2 percent, from 942 in fiscal year 2006 to 1,78 2 in fiscal year 2008, while dollar amounts increased a whopping 142 percent, from $1.6 billion in fiscal year 2006 to $3.8 billion in fiscal year 2008. The Army Corps of Engineers program has long been a bastion for pork, and this trend continued in fiscal year 2008.

$92,033,216 for 25 projects by Senate appropriator Mary Landrieu (D-La.), including $1,850,000 for the removal of aquatic growth and $1,180,800 for materials and energy research at Tulane University in New Orleans.

$82,164,000 by Senate appropriator Patty Murray (D-Wash.) for Columbia River fish mitigation in Washington, Oregon, and Idaho. This project funds bypass facilities for migratory salmon and steelhead fish at the multiple dams along the Columbia River.

$57,655,568 for 31 projects by Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), including: $3,444,000 for Tar Creek cleanup; $984,000 for the University of Oklahoma in Norman for the large scale application of single-wall nanotubes; $201,720 for restoration of Joe Creek; $21,648 for Bartlesville water supply; and $246,000 for the Oklahoma Comprehensive Water Plan.

$48,807,560 for 25 projects by Senate appropriator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), including: $5,904,000 for research at the Institute for Molecular Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles; $492,000 to deepen Anchorage Harbor; and $214,512 to combat erosion at Kenai River Bluff.

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ENERGY AND WATER (continued)

$45,677,328 for 24 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), including: $27,643,472 directed to the Yazoo River and Basin, a plan long derided as wasteful , with an estimated cost of $200 million, which would drain thousands of acres of wetlands and forests in order to increase useable farm land; $1,968,000 for bioengineering research training at Jackson State University; $590,400 for the University of Mississippi Medical Center for research in the areas of increasing efficiency by reducing the amount of contrast media needed for certain procedures; and $3,936,000 for the Center for Advanced Vehicular Systems at Mississippi State University.

$33,382,200 for 16 projects by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), including: $2,681,400 for the Center for Materials Reliability at the University of Nevada, Reno; $1,968,000 for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering for continued expansion of the James E. Rogers and Louis Weiner Jr. Large-Scale Structures Laboratory at the University of Nevada, Reno; $984,000 for the University of Nevada, Reno, for a Fire Science Academy at Elko; $738,000 for a technology transfer initiative at the University of Nevada, Reno; and $590,400 for operations and maintenance at the Atomic Testing Museum in Las Vegas.

$22,716,664 for 18 projects by Senate appropriator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), including $1,574,400 for a cooperative agreement between the Department of Energy and Inyo County and $107,256 for long term sediment management at Humbolt Bay.

$787,200 by House appropriator Betty McCollum (D-Minn.) for advanced green design at the Museum of Natural History in Minneapolis. Admission to the museum is free to University of Minnesota faculty, staff, and students, while adults are charged $5.

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ENERGY AND WATER (continued)

$770,472 by Sens. Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.) for oyster revitalization in the Delaware Bay. In its heyday, Delaware Bay provided a world-class source of oysters. However, due to disease and over fishing, oyster populations have been on the decline. This shell planting and seed transplant project is an effort to revitalize the supply of oysters in the New Jersey and Delaware waters of Delaware Bay.

$738,000 by Senate Energy and Water Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Pete Domenici (R-N.M.) for the National Museum of Nuclear Science and History site in Albuquerque. According to the museum’s website, it is the nation’s only congressionally chartered museum of nuclear science and history, and attempts to “convey the diversity of individuals and events that shape the historical and technical context of the nuclear age.” Admission is $6 for adults.

$492,000 by Sens. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) and George Voinovich (R-Ohio) for Rolls-Royce Fuel Cell Systems (US) Inc., to develop a solid oxide fuel cell at the Fuel Cell Prototyping Center at Stark State College of Technology in Canton. Rolls-Royce Group reported a net profit of £600 million, or more than $ 1.2 billion in 2007, meaning the company could take .041 percent of its profit and pay for the research itself.

$492,000 by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio) for bulk production of metallic glass. Produced by cooling metals from liquid to solid while preventing crystallization, metallic glass is much stronger and more elastic than traditional metals. These unique characteristics have scientists predicting a multitude of possible uses, including an armor piercing projectile, electric transformers, and even golf clubs; industries that may benefit should fund this research.

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ENERGY AND WATER (continued)

$492,000 by Senate appropriator Wayne Allard (R-Colo.) for the Rocky Flats Cold War Museum. The intention of this proposed museum is to highlight the role of Rocky Flats in manufacturing nuclear weapons during the Cold War. After production at Rocky Flats ended in 1992, it was discovered that the area suffered from environmental contamination associated with nuclear weapons. After a period of remediation, the idea is to create a museum on an adjacent piece of land. According to its website, the Rocky Flats Cold War Museum will include artifacts such as “glove boxes, storage containers, photographs, building diagrams, respirators and protective suits, radiation measuring instruments, hand scanners, gloves, signs and the Tepee from anti-nuclear demonstrations, and a security station.”

$196,800 by House appropriator Ray LaHood (R-Ill.) for green building technologies at Lakeview Museum in Peoria. A February 2, 2008 Rockford Register Star article provided a glimpse into the mind of appropriators when it quoted Rep. LaHood as saying, “The reason I went on the Appropriations Committee, the reason other people go on the Appropriations Committee is they know that it puts them in a position to know where the money is at, to know the people who are doling the money out and to be in the room when the money is being doled out.”

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Created this year, the fiscal year 2008 Financial Services Appropriations Act does not have a historical comparison for most of the agencies in the bill. However, one exception is the Small Business Administration (SBA). SBA earmarks increased 21 percent , from 157 in fiscal year 2006 to 190 in fiscal year 2008, while dollar amounts decreased 23.7 percent, from $91 million in fiscal year 2006 to $69.5 million in fiscal year 2008.

$19,942,000 for four projects funding presidential libraries, including: $8,000,000 by Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) for the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library in Boston, Massachusetts; $7,432,000 by House Financial Services Appropriations Subcommittee member Gary Miller (R-Calif.) and Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) for the Richard Nixon Presidential Library in Yorba Linda, California; $3,760,000 by Senate appropriator Kay Bailey Hutchison (R-Texas) for the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library in Austin, Texas; and $750,000 by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) for the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library in Hyde Park, New York.

Presidential libraries are constructed with private funds donated to nonprofit organizations set up for the purpose, and then are managed by the federal government under the National Archives and Records Administration, receiving annual operating subsidies. The JFK Library receives $3,883,000 annually, the LBJ Library receives $2,935,000 annually (and is the only presidential library that does not charge admission), and the FDR Library receives $1,640,000 annually. The Nixon Library is privately funded – except, apparently , for earmarks.

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$2,400,000 by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) for renovations to Haddad Riverfront Park. On February 1, 2008 The Charleston Gazette quoted Chairman Byrd as saying, “Maintaining and improving Haddad Riverfront Park is a top priority for the city of Charleston.” If it is so important, the 51,342 residents of Charleston could each pay $46.75 to the city instead of forcing the price tag on the hundreds of millions of who probably will never visit the facility.

$625,000 by House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) for the Congressional Cemetery in Washington , D.C. The cemetery is supposed to be a historic landmark, but according to the website of the organization established to preserve the cemetery, a “prominent U.S. Senator” said that he “had never heard of it.” Locally, the cemetery is best known as an open space where, for an annual membership fee, Capitol Hill residents can let their dogs run free.

$500,000 by House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) for unspecified upgrades to Barracks Row, an upscale neighborhood eight blocks from the U.S. Capitol Building. Rep. Lewis felt it necessary to appropriate funds even though the Barracks Row website claims “business is booming.” Lewis stated, “…the return on the federal investment is difficult to measure , but it’s truly immeasurable in my mind’s eye.” The picture becomes clearer when one learns that Rep. Lewis’ wife, who is also his chief of staff, owns a residence four blocks from Barracks Row.

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One of the two appropriations bills passed in fiscal year 2008 that can be compared with fiscal year 2007 is the 2008 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Appropriations Act. While the threat of terrorism and natural disasters has not disappeared, Congress’ appetite for homeland security pork has diminished. The number of projects went from 40 in fiscal year 2007 to 124 in fiscal year 2008, while total dollars dropped by 87.8 percent from $2.4 billion in fiscal year 2007 to $294.8 million in fiscal year 2008. Nonetheless , every penny of pork in the homeland security bill reduces the ability of the government to defend the nation.

$51,131,119 for 95 projects airdropped into the conference report for Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Predisaster Mitigation by 72 members of the House of Representatives, spread among 31 states. That equals 76.7 percent of the number of projects and 17.3 percent of the dollar amount in the bill. According to FEMA’s website, the purpose of the Predisaster Mitigation Program is to provide funds to states, territories, Indian tribal governments, communities, and universities for hazard mitigation planning and implementation of mitigation projects prior to a disaster. The recipient of the grant decides based on applications what is most deserving within its jurisdiction. In fiscal year 2008, the program had a budget request of $100 million. Many members of Congress have criticized FEMA for its mismanagement of numerous programs over the past several years. However, they are making the agency’s job harder by forcing staff to administer projects that may not meet the competitive program’s criteria and usurping the agency’s authority.

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$50,000,000 for REAL ID grants. The REAL ID Act, which set federal minimum standards for authenticating and securing driver’s licenses supposedly to thwart terrorism, was buried in an $82 billion supplemental military spending bill and passed without congressional debate in May 2005. While the proposal to use radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology in the state-issued driver’s licenses was dropped by DHS in February, 2007, the REAL ID program remains a burden on taxpayers, at an estimated cost of $23 billion .

Passed as an unfunded mandate, the REAL ID Act stipulated that a state would not receive any future federal funds designed to help offset the cost of the program if it did not follow the minimum federal standards for updating licenses. Bringing state driver’s licenses systems up to date with adequate security provisions will be a costly endeavor; adding further requirements such as developing a new database to store information will be technologically challenging and add to the cost. Ultimately, taxpayers will be forced to both pay more for their driver’s licenses and be subject to tax increases to help offset the expenditures that are not covered by the higher license fees.

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$3,000,000 by House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) for the South Carolina Adjutant General’s Office of Emergency Preparedness, for projects in Santee and Manning. With ground - breaking made possible by the $1.5 million directed toward Santee in this project, the town will receive the convention center it has long sought. The Times and Democrat on January 26, 2008 noted that Santee Mayor Silas Seabrooks had previously called Rep. Clyburn about the possibility of funds for a conference center. According to the article, that is when the eight-term representative got an idea : “The light went off in my head. What’s wrong with having a conference center which could also serve in the case of an emergency as an evacuation center. So, we wanted this facility that will not only accommodate conferences, but one that could be here … to save lives .” The new facility is being cited for its role as a conference center, not as an evacuation center. Gregg Robinson, executive director of the Orangeburg County Economic Development Commission, explained in the same article, “…we will see the opportunities and spin-offs in retail and commercial development that come with it and all of the benefits of tourism dollars that come to Santee.” Rep. Clyburn managed to pull the wool over the eyes of his colleagues and the taxpayers to secure money for a conference center that would have otherwise gone unfunded, at least with federal dollars.

$150,000 by House Homeland Security Appropriations Subcommittee member Jose Serrano (D-N.Y.) for the Citizens Advice Bureau (CAB) in New York. Using a “holistic approach to community development,” CAB’s mission, according to its website, is to improve the economic and social well-being of individuals, families and communities who are most in need. This has nothing to do with protecting the country from natural disasters or the threat of terrorism.

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The fiscal year 2008 Interior Appropriations Act is once again a mixture of resource management, National Park Service (NPS) and wastewater earmarks . The Save America’s Treasure (SAT) Program in the NPS continues to exemplify the problems with pork. President Clinton established SAT in 1998. The program requires that funding from the federal government be matched by other sources of funding , such as state, local, and/or private. While all funding was intended to be awarded competitively, that process has been hijacked by members of Congress , who earmark half of the money for projects that were not requested by the NPS. The good news is that the number of projects in the bill decreased by 25 percent from 737 to 556 from fiscal year 2006 to fiscal year 200 8 and spending decreased by 40 percent, from $669.5 million in fiscal year 2006 to $403.8 million in fiscal year 2008.

$32,391,682 for 10 projects by Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chairwoman Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), including $9,844, 000 for the San Joaquin Valley and South Coast Air Quality Management Districts for targeted emission reduction grants and $7,875, 200 for Hunter's Point Naval Shipyard cleanup . According to a January 12, 2007 article in The San Francisco Chronicle , Hunter’s Point may be an option for a new football stadium: “Feinstein has also been involved in renewed stadium talks between the 49ers and Mayor Gavin Newsom ’s administration, which recently offered an alternative stadium site at the former Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.”

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INTERIOR (continued)

$16,833,240 for eight projects by Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee member Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), including: $3,937, 600 for the Tongass Timber Supply Pipeline ; $3,937, 600 for the United States Geological Survey Volcano Observatory; $2,953,200 for the Alaska Conveyance Program; and $492 ,200 for the Craig Recreation land transfer .

$16,058,517 for 15 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Chairman Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.), including: $2,953,200 for the Mingo County Redevelopment Authority for water and sewer improvements; $1,646,901 for the Wood Education and Resource Center (one of the center’s workshops, “Helping the Wood Products Industry Profit From the Next 10 Years,” explains exactly why taxpayers would be better off not funding wood research); $1,830,984 for Monongahela National Forest Road improvements; and $123,050 for a Mother's Day Shrine in Grafton (population 5,489, with a land area of 3.8 square miles).

$8,204,973 for 13 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), including: $1,525,820 for the Town of Flora for a drinking water and wastewater construction project; $984,400 for construction at the Okhissa Lake Recreation Area; $689,080 for the NASA Stennis Space Center to fund healthy forest restoration data; and $147,660 for the Immanuel Church in Winona .

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INTERIOR (continued)

$5,906,400 by Rep. Heath Shuler (D-N.C.) for Great Smokey National Park, North Shore Road Settlement . Taxpayers thought they would be a getting a break when North Carolina porker extraordinaire Charles Taylor lost the 2006 election to Rep. Shuler. While campaigning, Rep. Shuler criticized Taylor’s use of earmarks , and upon election, in a December 31, 2006 interview with US News & World Report, Shuler said, “We have to find a much better way to balance our budget and use tax dollars much more wisely…And if we don't have the money, then we don't need to spend the money.” It did not take long for Rep. Shuler to catch “Potomac Fever” and renounce his pledge to spend money wisely.

$4,872,780 for five projects by House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Norm Dicks (D-Wash.), including: $1,968,800 for Mason County for wastewater infrastructure improvements for Belfair; $1,476,600 for National Fish and Wildlife Foundation endangered species grants; and $246,100 for Bremerton Public Library restoration .

$3,051,640 by Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Larry Craig (R-Idaho): $1,575,040 for Gold Creek Ranch; $984,400 for Idaho’s strategic plan for managing noxious weeds; $295,320 for the Chesterfield Schoolhouse; and $196,880 for the Wilson Theatre in Rupert. According to Idaho Public Television, “In 1998 the citizens of Rupert listed as their top priority the restoring of the Wilson building. ‘We have set a tentative date of April 2006, which is the Centennial of the founding of the city of Rupert ,’ says Earl Corless, a member of the board of directors overseeing construction. ‘We would love to have it finished and opened by then.’ By January of 2005, the town folks had raised a million dollars. They need a million and a half more.” Just not from their own pockets.

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INTERIOR (continued)

$2,362,560 for six projects by Senate appropriator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), including: $836, 740 for land acquisition at Shawnee National Forest; $344, 540 for City of Chicago GreenStreets Tree Planting Program (according to Sen. Durbin’s website, “The GreenStreets program focuses on improving the quality of urban life through tree planting and care, recycling and open space revitalization. This fifteen year old initiative serves as a successful model of how an investment in urban natural resources conservation can restore deteriorated neighborhoods and enhance public open space .”); and $295,320 for Knox College in Galesburg. Home of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, Knox attracts a large group of politicians including former Attorney General John Ashcroft, and former Secretary of State Madeline Albright. A college of only 1,300 undergraduates, Knox has a $66 .2 million endowment, in addition to an annual tuition bill of nearly $30,000.

$1,698,090 by House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.): $1,181,280 for the city of Sedan, Rural Water District Number 4 Chautauqua County for water and wastewater infrastructure; $295,320 for the Butler County Courthouse; and $221,490 for the Brown Mansion in Coffeyville . The mansion is believed to be a site of paranormal activity and has recently been popular for ghost hunters looking for a scare.

$393,760 by Senate appropriator Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) and House appropriator Tom Latham (R-Iowa) for the City National Bank Building. The privately -owned building was designed by Frank Lloyd Wright and is currently undergoing renovations for the creation of a hotel consisting of 26 guest rooms.

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INTERIOR (continued)

$246,100 by Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee member Tim Johnson (D-S.D.) for the Grand Opera House in Dell Rapids. In 2006 , the Argus Leader in Sioux Falls noted that after an upcoming fundraiser, the building was going to be renovated to be a bar and restaurant.

$246,100 by Sens. Joe Biden (D-Del.) and Thomas Carper (D-Del.) for the Grand Opera House in Wilmington. On June 25, 2007 , the Opera House announced its 2007-2008 season , featuring perform - ances from artists such as comedian Lewis Black and rock and roll legends David Crosby and Graham Nash. Ticket prices, not tax dollars, should be raised to pay for additional work on the facility.

$246,100 by Senate Interior Appropriations Subcommittee Rank - ing Member Larry Craig (R-Idaho), Sen. Mike Crapo (R-Idaho) , and House appropriator Mike Simpson (R-Idaho) for the Idaho sage grouse. According to a February 26, 2008 Associated Press report , “ Federal officials will again start gathering information to help determine whether the sage grouse should receive full or partial protection under the Endangered Species Act. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced the new review Tuesday, two months after a federal judge in Idaho condemned the agency for botching its initial study. ”

$196,880 by House Interior Appropriations Subcommittee member John Doolittle (R-Calif.) for the Oroville Historic State Theater. According to the theater’s website, “The Historic State Theater of Oroville is located at 1489 Myers Street, in Downtown Historical Oroville, and is available for Plays, Bands, Movies, Fashion Shows, Musicals, and even Pageants and Meetings.” Along with your tax dollars.

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INTERIOR (continued)

$172,270 by Rep. Jerry Weller (R-Ill.) for the Scottish Rite Temple in Bloomington. The Temple was originally constructed in 1921 as a ballroom and theatre. However, in 2000, it was in need of preservative construction; as a result the City Council of Bloomington approved a ¼-cent sales tax increase to fund the project. This sales tax increase was extended in 2003 until 2025 to ensure funding (apparently not sufficient) for the Temple.

$147,660 by House appropriator Ben Chandler (D-Ky.) for the restoration of Merchant’s Row, a surviving nineteenth century town adjacent to the Perryville Battlefield. Sites included in the preservation project are a mill, a building referred to as “the Opera House” (which never housed an opera ), several homes, and a cave.

$98,440 by House appropriator Chaka Fattah (D-Pa.) and Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.) for the Philadelphia Art Museum. At the end of 2004 (the latest available ), the Philadelphia Art Museum had net assets in excess of $300 million.

$98,440 by House appropriator Chet Edwards (D-Texas) for the Granbury Historic Opera House Theater. Shows slated for 2008 include Annie Get your Gun and The Music Man . Trouble, oh we got trouble, right here in River City ! With a capital “T” That rhymes with “P” And that stands for Pork.

$98,440 by House appropriator Peter Visclosky (D-Ind.) for St. Joseph ’s College Theatre renovation in Rensselaer. One of the theatre’s fundraising campaigns is “Name a seat,” in which different contribution levels have different naming potentials. For example, $15,000 gets your name on one of four entrances/aisles. For $100,000 you get a stage named after you. The main stage should be named “Porky.”

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The fiscal year 2008 Labor/HHS Appropriations Act had more projects but less spending than in fiscal year 2006, the last year such a bill was passed by Congress. In fiscal year 2006, the then- chairman of the Senate Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee, Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) told his colleagues there would not be any earmarks in the bill. Nonetheless, CAGW uncovered 51 earmarks worth $1.8 billion. In fiscal year 2008, Sen. Specter showed no restraint whatsoever in regard to his earmarks, bringing home 11 6 projects, or 302 percent greater than the next largest amount (35) by an individual lawmaker. His bounty helped increase the number of projects by 4,300 percent, from 51 in fiscal year 2006 to 2,244 in fiscal year 2008, while the cost decreased 40.1 percent, from $1.8 billion to $1 billion.

$93,416,000 for 35 projects by Senate appropriator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska), including: $33,907,000 for the Alaska Native Educational Equity Education Act; $6,875,000 for the Denali Commission for job training activities under the Denali Commission Act of 1998; $243,000 for the Alaska Native Heritage Center in Anchorage for a partnership with Koahnic Broadcasting for a Native Values project; $243,000 for a marine ecosystem education program at the Alaska Sealife Center in Seward; and $243,000 for the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District to expand the PLATO learning program.

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LABOR/HHS (continued)

$42,672,000 for 25 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), including: $4,875,000 for the University of Mississippi for Phase II of the National Center for Natural Products Research; $487,000 for workforce training in Marine Composite at the University of Southern Mississippi in Hattiesburg; $975,000 for Mississippi State University for digital conversion at the Wise Center-Broadcast Facility; and $195,000 for an international study abroad program at Tougaloo College, which has an endowment of $4.7 million.

$40,430,050 for 44 projects by Senate Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa), including: $6,337,000 for two earmarks for the Iowa Department of Education to continue the Harkin Grant Program; $1,500,000 for the AFL- CIO Working for America Institute (dedicated to creating jobs and strengthening communities); $731,000 for the Presidential Time - line Project at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Foundation in Austin (which provides digitized information from presidential libraries); $390,000 for the support of the residency program at Cedar Rapids Symphony Orchestra; $316,000 for a best practices initiative on lower back pain at Palmer College of Chiropractice in Davenport (giving taxpayers a big pain just below the back); $146,000 for the Italian-American Cultural Center of Iowa in Des Moines for exhibits , multimedia collections, and displays; and $97,000 for Iowa Games in Ames to continue the Lighten Up Iowa Program, which instructs individuals on how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Sen. Harkin has long been a determined crusader for pork. In a November 25, 2006 New York Times article, he claimed, “I happen to be a supporter of earmarks, unabashedly. But I don’t call them earmarks. It is ‘Congressional directed spending.’” This proclamation earned Sen. Harkin CAGW’s Porker of the Month award for December, 2006.

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LABOR/HHS (continued)

$13,419,000 for 11 6 projects by Senate Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee Ranking Member Arlen Specter (R-Pa.), including: $853,000 for 25 projects for organizations in Pennsylvania for abstinence education and related services; $87,000 for job training programs at Women Work! in Pittsburgh; $87,000 for a supercom - puting facility at Duquesne University of the Holy Spirit in Pittsburgh ; $87,000 for a fuel-cell coalmine vehicle demonstration project at United Mine Workers of America in Fairfax, Virginia; and $73,000 for a truancy reduction initiative at Community Empowerment Association, Inc., in Pittsburgh.

$9,089,000 by Senate Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee member Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) and Rep. Jo Bonner (R-Ala.) for construction, renovation, and equipment at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa. A press release appearing on Sen. Shelby’s website on June 21, 2007 specified that a “70,000 square foot interdisciplinary health services building” would be constructed at his alma mater using Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) money. A 2005 assessment of HRSA earmarks found that they “are not subject to a competitive or merit-based process to ensure higher priorities are funded first” and “divert people and associated financial resources from HRSA's core mission activities.” While this project earned Sen. Shelby CAGW’s Porker of the Month award for October, 2007, taxpayers can hope that Rep. Bonner, the newest member of the House Appropriations Committee, can avoid having his name adorn a similar award in the future.

$8,012,000 for 39 projects for museums, including:

$341,000 by Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-Ga.) and Rep. Jim Marshall (D-Ga.) for educational programs at the Museum of Aviation Foundation in Warner Robins.

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LABOR/HHS (continued)

$292,000 by Senate Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee Chairman Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) for exhibits, education programs, community outreach, and/or operations at the Figge Foundation. The V.O. Figge and Elizabeth Kahl Figge Charitable Foundation contributed $13 million of the $46.9 million necessary to create the privately run Figge Art Museum. The rest was received from private donors ; Vision Iowa, a state program that funds recreational, cultural , educational, or entertainment facilities ; and River Renaissance, a redevelopment program in Davenport, the location of the museum. After receiving funding from private interests as well as from city and state governments, the museum was ultimately reliant on pork as well. The Figge Foundation should have completed this process without involving federal taxpayers.

$206,000 by Senate appropriator Robert Bennett (R-Utah) for the Museum of Utah Art & History in Salt Lake City to improve technology and exhibit preparation.

$146,000 by Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) for exhibits and educational programs at the College Park Aviation Museum.

$126,000 by House Labor/HHS Appropriations Subcommittee member Ralph Regula (R-Ohio) and Sen. George Voinovich (R-Ohio) for the Bibliographical Society of America in New York for the First Ladies Museum in Canton and for the First White House Library Catalogue. The museum was founded by Rep. Regula’s wife, Mary Regula, while his daughter, Martha Regula, is the director.

$82,000 by Senate appropriator Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), and Rep. Diane Watson (D-Calif.) for education and outreach at the Los Angeles Craft and Folk Art Museum.

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LABOR/HHS (continued)

$1,950,000 by Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) for a library and archives at the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service at The City College of New York. This “Monument to Me” has caused some problems for the 19-term representative. The project was challenged on the House floor on July 19, 2007 by second-term Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.), who said, “You don’t agree with me or see any problem with us, as members, sending taxpayer funds in the creation of things named after ourselves while we’re still here?” Rep. Rangel responded, “I would have a problem if you did it, because I don't think that you've been around long enough that having your name on something to inspire a building like this in a school.” Ego and taxpayer dollars clearly do not mix.

$438,000 by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) for education activities at the In Tune Foundation Group. According to a December 10, 2007 Washington Post article, the director, other current and former employees of In Tune, and their families have donated at least $31,000 to Rep. Hoyer’s political action committee from 2004 to 2006. In the same article, Rep. Hoyer stated, “If you support something…either through legislative language or verbal support or appropriated dollars, what happens is the proponents of those objectives wind up saying they want to support you.” He added, “Sometimes it's a question of which is the chicken and which is the egg.” Sometimes you can be both.

$390,000 by Sens. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) and Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.), and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.) for Jazz at Lincoln Center in New York. The center’s website states: “Jazz – we play it, we teach it, we write it, we dance it, we sing it, we present it, we photograph it, we film it, we produce it, we archive it, we record it, we broadcast it, we commission it, we celebrate it, we love it, we share it.” Perhaps they should pay for it, too.

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Earmarks in the Legislative Branch Appropriations Act do not tend to make headline news. But, there is still no bill too big or too small for appropriators to insert at least a few morsels of pork . The number of projects decreased by 71 percent, from 14 in fiscal year 2006 to 4 in fiscal year 2008. The amount of pork dropped by 98 percent , from $ 19.8 million in fiscal year 2006 to $ 400,000 in fiscal year 2008.

$150,000 by Senate Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee member Richard Durbin (D-Ill.), House Legislative Branch Appropriations Subcommittee member Ray LaHood (R-Ill.) , and House appropriator Jesse Jackson , Jr. (D-Ill .) for the Bicentennial Commission, which seeks to inspire Lincoln observances until his bicentennial birthday in 2009. In Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, he said “ all men are created equal. ” When it comes to earmarks, appropriators are not equal to other members of Congress . Since 2001, $2. 5 million in pork has been spent at the federal level for Lincoln’s birthday celebration. In addition, eight states have created commissions honoring the former president with countless millions in state tax dollars.

$125,000 by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.) and House appropriator Roger Wicker (R-Miss.) for the University of Mississippi music archives .

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While funding for the war on terrorism remains a priority, so too does Congress’s penchant for pork. The fiscal year 2008 Military Construction, Department of Veterans Affairs, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act saw an increase of 32.6 percent in projects, from 144 in fiscal year 2006 to 191 in fiscal year 2008, while dollar amounts increased 13.1 percent, from $1 billion in fiscal year 2006 to $1.2 billion in fiscal year 2008.

$36,900,000 for four projects funding chapels, including: $11,600,000 by Rep. Nancy Boyda (D-Kan.) for phase I of the chapel complex at Fort Leavenworth; $10,400,000 by Rep. Ike Skelton (D-Mo.) for a chapel at Fort Leonard Wood; $9,000,000 by Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee member Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.), House appropriator Zach Wamp (R-Tenn.), Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Rep. John Tanner (D-Tenn.), and Rep. Edward Whitfield (R-Ky.) for a chapel center at Fort Campbell; and $5,900,000 by Rep. Randy Forbes (R-Va.) for a unit chapel at Fort Lee.

$6,700,000 for two projects funding fitness centers: $5,800,000 by Rep. Mike Conaway (R-Texas) for an addition to a fitness center at Goodfellow Air Force Base and $900,000 by House Military Con - struction Appropriations Subcommittee member Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.) for a fitness center at Naval Station Newport.

$5,200,000 by House appropriator Ciro Rodriguez (D-Calif.) for a student activity center and library at Laughlin Air Force Base.

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$4,800,000 by House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) for air conditioning at Vista Del Sol, Twentynine Palms.

$1,500,000 by Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) for a dining facility at Camp Rudder.

$750,000 by Senate Military Construction Appropriations Subcommittee member Jack Reed (D-R.I.) for a bachelor quarters addition at Naval Station Newport. According to its website, Newport’s Bachelor Housing is a “Zumwalt Award winning 5-star facility with a state-of-the-art waterfront Conference Center.” In December, 2005 the facility received the Performance Plus Gold Pineapple Achievement Award for excellence in training and guest satisfaction from the American Hotel and Lodging Association Educational Institute.

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Although the House and Senate certified this section of the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2008 to be “earmark free ,” there are 10 earmarks worth $ 76.3 million lurking in the report. State and Foreign Operations Appropriations pork spending decreased by 29 percent, from $107.7 million in fiscal year 2006 to $ 76.3 million in fiscal year 2008. The number of projects decreased by 37.5 percent , from 16 in fiscal year 2006 to 10 in fiscal year 2008.

$16,700,000 added by the Senate for the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC). The IBWC’s mission is “to provide binational solutions to issues that arise during the application of United States-Mexico treaties regarding boundary demarcation, national ownership of waters, sanitation, water quality, and flood control in the border region.” One particular project, a proposed sewage treatment plant in Tijuana, raises questions about the IBWC’s effectiveness. According to an op-ed in The San Diego Union Tribune on February 14, 2007, “Formed in 1944, the IBWC in 1999 built a treatment plant in San Ysidro. But it was late and over-budget, and its discharge still violated the Clean Water Act. This created an opening for Bajagua, a group of North County investors with a bold proposal to build a larger, better and cheaper plant in Tijuana. The IBWC quickly rejected the idea, because the agency wanted more money from Congress to upgrade its new plant.”

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$14,878,000 added by the House for the International Fund for Ireland (IFI). IFI, established in 1986, is an organization whose objectives are to promote economic and social advance and to encourage contact, dialogue and reconciliation between nationalists and unionists throughout Ireland. Despite the fact that peace has broken out in Ireland and the Irish economy is the strongest in Europe, U.S. taxpayers continue to fund Sesame Workshop, a shorter Northern Ireland version of Sesame Street; Ben & Jerry’s; a “conference to highlight development opportunities for chefs ;” and two three-star hotels, one of which is no longer in business. CAGW has identified $2 49.6 million for this project since 1995.

$3,000,000 added by the Senate for the Kimberly Process. According to the Global Policy Forum (GPF), the Kimberly Process was initiated in 2000 to set up “an internationally recognized certification system for rough diamonds and establishing national import/export standards . In November 2002, 52 governments ratified and adopted the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme, which was fully implemented in August 2003.” The GPF called the system “flawed from the beginning ” because it is voluntary and self-regulated. Both the Word Diamond Council and governments that signed on to the certification process have failed to monitor and regulate the diamond trade, according to the GPF.

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The fiscal year 2008 THUD Appropriations Act saw a 56 percent decrease in dollar amounts, from $3.6 billion in fiscal year 2006 to $1.6 billion in fiscal year 2008, while projects decreased by 25 percent, from 2,707 in fiscal year 2006 to 2,031 in fiscal year 2008. Despite this progress, all earmarks adversely impact an agency’s ability to carry out its mission. A September 7, 2007 report by the U.S. Department of Transportation Inspector General that studied the earmarks in the fiscal year 2006 Transportation Appropriations Act stated, “Many earmarked projects considered by the agencies as low priority are being funded over higher priority , non-earmarked projects.” The report continued, “Funding these new low priority projects in FY 2006 added to the already substantial backlog of replacement projects from earmarks in prior fiscal years and caused FAA [Federal Aviation Administration] to delay the planning of its higher priority replacement projects by at least 3 years.”

$37,681,000 for 23 projects by Senate Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Thad Cochran (R-Miss.), including: $2,940,000 for bus and bus facilities at the Coast Transit Authority; $2,940,000 for expansion of a section of Highway 9 to four lanes; $1,470,000 for the Statesman Boulevard and Trail; $196,000 for the Southern Cultural Heritage Foundation in Vicksburg for renovation of the Southern Cultural Heritage Center Auditorium; $196,000 for construction of a multipurpose facility in Marietta; and $196,000 for the Taylor Hall Renovation Project in the city of Grenada.

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THUD (continued)

$33,005,420 for 35 projects by Senate appropriator Christopher “Kit” Bond (R-Mo.), including: $1,470,000 for statewide bus and bus facilities; $551,250 for the Heart of America Bicycle/Pedestrian Bridge; $367,500 for improvements to Downtown Square Street in Grant City; $367,500 for redevelopment of the 11th and Grand neighborhood in City; and $183,750 for restoration of the Poplar Bluff Historic Depot .

$18,071,200 for 17 projects by House appropriator John Olver (D-Mass.), including: $5,880,000 for development and construction of the MBTA Fitchburg to Boston Rail Corridor Project; $1,470,000 for downtown streetscape in Pittsfield; $784,000 for the Franklin Regional Transit Center; $735,000 for MART bus and commuter facilities; $269,500 for the Barrington Stage Company for the renovation and buildout of the Berkshire Music Hall and Octagon House in Pittsfield; and $196,000 for the Massachusetts Landscape Connectivity Study.

$5,735,940 for 29 projects for museums, including:

$490,000 by House THUD Appropriations Subcommittee member Lucille Roybal-Allard (D-Calif.) for construction and buildout of the Los Angeles County Fire Museum in Bellflower.

$196,000 by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for the city of Las Vegas to complete renovation and transformation of the historic downtown Post Office to a museum on local history.

$147,000 by Rep. Jim Matheson (D-Utah) for the Western Mining and Railroad Museum in Helper for construction and renovation of an addition to the museum to improve accessibility.

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THUD (continued)

$98,000 by Rep. Ralph Hall (R-Texas) for construction of a memorial building at the Audie Murphy/American Cotton Museum in Greenville.

$49,000 by Rep. Michael Ferguson (R-N.J.) for Woodbridge Township for construction of a Woodbridge Historical Museum.

$2,450,000 by House appropriator Hal Rogers (R-Ky.) for two earmarks for the construction of Interstate 66 in Kentucky. In the early 1990s, I-66 was conceived as a coast-to-coast highway. However, the 1994 Transamerica Transportation Corridor Feasibility Study found that it was not worth the cost. While most states abandoned the project, Rep. Rogers has not been deterred from his mission of building this boondoggle. Of the entire I-66 project in Kentucky, only two short sections that are 120 miles apart have reached the planning stage. Those portions, approximately 61 miles total in length, are expected to cost $3.5 billion. Government officials cannot say how or if the entire project will be funded.

$686,000 by House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.) for the Cambridge-Isanti Bike/Walk Trail. After Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) unsuccessfully attempted in September, 2007 to pass a moratorium on earmarks in the wake of the 35W bridge collapse in Minneapolis, Chairman Oberstar defended the Isanti Trail, saying “Eliminating important projects that promote tourism and recreational travel will not make up for years of underinvestment in our nation's infrastructure, it will just slow down other segments of the economy.” Of the $76,841,800 in pork Minnesota received in the fiscal 2008 THUD bill, $57,085,000, or 74.3 percent, was added by Chairman Oberstar.

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THUD (continued)

$490,000 by Sen. John Cornyn (R-Texas) and House appropriator John Carter (R-Texas) for lane expansion of RM 1431 in the city of Cedar Park, Texas. Speaking of this project, Rep. Carter said, “I’m very proud of all of the earmarks that we do… It’s the ones that people use to line their own pockets or other people’s pockets that are bad.”

$328,300 by Sens. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and (D-Mont.) for the Big Sky Economic Development Authority, for historic preservation of the Cobb Field facility in Billings. Home to the Minor League Billings Mustangs, Cobb Field was built in 1948 and is currently undergoing modernization, including a new score - board – all paid for by taxpayers. A September, 2006 article in Satisfaction Magazine noted that owning a Minor League Baseball team can be quite profitable: “But a well-run baseball operation can turn a net profit of 5 percent to 10 percent a year, according to interviews with team owners and consultants. Then there is the equity play: Minor league teams have been appreciating in value by 3 percent to 5 percent annually in the past decade, with some instances – albeit rare ones – of owners selling for 10 times their original investment after holding the team for just five years.” According to the Mustangs’ website, 95,309 people attended a game at Cobb Field in 2007. An increase of $3.45 per ticket would have removed the burden to the taxpayers.

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THUD (continued)

$295,470 by Senate appropriator (D-N.D.) and Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) for renovations to the International Peace Garden in Dunseith. Spanning the border of North Dakota and Manitoba, the International Peace Garden boasts 150,000 flowers, terraced walkways, and the 120-foot Peace Tower. In September 2007, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) offered an amendment to eliminate this earmark from the Senate version of the transportation bill. Sen. Coburn argued the money would be better spent on road repairs , calling it “morally wrong” to spend money on wasteful projects while citizens are dying on the nation’s roads. Unfortunately, the amendment failed by a vote of 32-63.

$245,000 by Senate appropriator Patty Murray (D-Wash.), Sen. (D-Wash.) , and Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.) for construction of the Walter Clore Wine and Culinary Center in Prosser, Washington. According to its website, the Culinary Center’s purpose is to educate and promote the areas of viticulture, enology and culinary practices, showcase the quality of Washington’s wine industry, and increase the state’s tourism industry. The website also states that wine in Washington is a $3 billion industry. Taxpayers should not be soaked for a new wine center.

$147,000 by Rep. Walter Jones, Jr. (R-N.C.) for completion of construction of the Graveyard of the Atlantic Museum in Hatteras. The Graveyard of the Atlantic documents the plethora of shipwrecks off the coast of North Carolina’s Outer Banks. This Titanic waste of booty is a fishy way to keep a sinking economy afloat.

$98,000 by Rep. John McHugh (R-N.Y.) for renovations to the Wakely Lodge Resort, the site of a nine-hole public golf course in Indian Lake. The $19 greens fee charged at Wakely Lodge Golf Course is apparently not enough to cover renovations to the lodge.

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THUD (continued)

$98,000 by House appropriator Virgil Goode (R-Va.) to develop a walking tour of Boydton. The town has a population of 474, and covers .82 square miles. That’s a lot of money for a short walk.

$49,000 by Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon (R-Calif.) for construction of a National Mule and Packers Museum in Bishop. Defending his earmark, Rep. McKeon stated, “One thing we forget is the people in Bishop pay taxes…they have gotten very little back from the federal government.” There are 3,575 people in Bishop. If they each pay just $13.71 to a local museum fund, all of the other Americans who pay taxes would not be forced to support a museum few are likely to visit.

This booklet was written by David E. Williams, vice president, policy, and Sean Kennedy, research associate. It was edited by Thomas A. Schatz, president.

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Recognizing Dogged Perseverance in the Mad Pursuit of Pork

The French Kiss Off Award to Representative Mike Thompson (D-Calif.) for $211,509 in olive fruit fly research in Paris, France .

The Taxpayers Get Teed Off Award to House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-S.C.) for $3 million for The First Tee in the defense appropriations bill.

The Cold Hard Cash Award to Senator Ted Stevens (R-Alaska) for $165.7 million in defense pork.

The Tax Dollars on Drugs Award to Representative John Murtha (D-Pa.) for $23 million for the National Drug Intelligence Center .

The Pantheon of Pork Award to Senator Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.) for $386 million in pork .

The Narcissist Award to Representative Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.) for $1,950,000 for the Charles B. Rangel Center for Public Service.

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The Pig in Sheep’s Clothing Award to Montana Senators Max Baucus (D) and Jon Tester (D) for $148,950 for the Montana Sheep Institute.

The Unidentified Fiscal Object Award to Representative Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) for $1.6 million for the Allen Telescope Array.

The Money Doesn’t Grow on Trees Award to Senator Richard Durbin (D-Ill.) for $344,540 for the city of Chicago GreenStreets Tree Planting Program .

The Porky and Bess Award for $7.9 million for 36 theaters in 21 states .

The Pacific Fleeced Award to Senator Daniel Inouye (D-Hawaii) for $173.2 million in defense pork.

The Taxpayers Get Steamed Award to Maine Senators Susan Collins (R) and Olympia Snowe (R), and Rep. Thomas Allen (D-Maine) for $188,000 for the Lobster Institute.

This Pork Was Made for Walking Award to Representative Virgil Goode (R-Va.) for $98,000 to develop a walking tour of Boydton, Virginia .

The Return to Sender Award to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) for $196,000 for the renovation and transformation of the historic downtown Post Office in Las Vegas .

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Pork Per Capita by State (National Average: $33.77 Per Person)

2008 Rank State 2008 Pork Population Pork/Capita 2006 Rank Change 1 Alaska $379,699,715 683,478 $555.54 10 2 Hawaii $283,149,151 1,283,388 $220.63 20 3 North Dakota $132,883,420 639,715 $207.72 52 4 West Virginia $325,799,541 1,812,035 $179.80 40 5 Mississippi $449,883,378 2,918,785 $154.13 61 6 $70,631,915 621,254 $113.69 12 6 7 South Dakota $89,241,281 796,214 $112.08 10 3 8 New Mexico $205,220,434 1,969,915 $104.18 91 9 Montana $86,749,151 957,861 $90.57 7 -2 10 District of Columbia $46,126,719 588,292 $78.41 3 -7 11 Arkansas $204,151,772 2,834,797 $72.02 36 25 12 Louisiana $291,193,790 4,293,204 $67.83 19 7 13 $70,848,807 1,057,832 $66.98 14 1 14 Delaware $55,605,307 864,764 $64.30 24 10 15 Nevada $158,779,895 2,565,382 $61.89 8 -7 16 Iowa $184,625,783 2,988,046 $61.79 37 21 17 Alabama $280,071,372 4,627,851 $60.52 15 -2 18 Kentucky $237,504,148 4,241,474 $56.00 16 -2 19 Kansas $143,744,440 2,775,997 $51.78 39 20 20 Idaho $68,026,924 1,499,402 $45.37 13 -7 21 Utah $117,671,306 2,645,330 $44.48 18 -3 22 Maryland $240,356,990 5,618,344 $42.78 22 0 23 Virginia $326,488,200 7,712,091 $42.33 32 9 24 Missouri $244,170,488 5,878,415 $41.54 25 1 25 Washington $268,294,892 6,468,424 $41.48 17 -8 26 Minnesota $199,847,089 5,197,621 $38.45 38 12 27 Connecticut $134,387,293 3,502,309 $38.37 35 8 28 New Hampshire $42,159,826 1,315,828 $32.04 11 -17 29 Wisconsin $174,816,697 5,601,640 $31.21 41 12 30 Nebraska $54,252,725 1,774,571 $30.57 26 -4 31 Massachusetts $186,992,813 6,449,755 $28.99 46 15 32 Wyoming $14,294,522 522,830 $27.34 23 -9 33 Tennessee $167,805,330 6,156,719 $27.26 34 1 34 Oklahoma $98,306,642 3,617,316 $27.18 48 14 35 Pennsylvania $332,534,975 12,432,792 $26.75 40 5 36 Illinois $327,333,197 12,852,548 $25.47 31 -5 37 South Carolina $111,630,689 4,407,709 $25.33 42 5 38 Indiana $158,296,422 6,345,289 $24.95 49 11 39 North Carolina $216,408,374 9,061,032 $23.88 33 -6 40 Texas $558,967,383 23,904,380 $23.38 47 7 41 Maine $29,521,553 1,317,207 $22.41 28 -13 42 Florida $382,964,232 18,251,243 $20.98 50 8 43 New Jersey $180,531,502 8,685,920 $20.78 30 -13 44 Georgia $196,628,305 9,544,750 $20.60 51 7 45 Oregon $75,943,902 3,747,455 $20.27 29 -16 46 Michigan $196,478,810 10,071,822 $19.51 45 -1 47 $94,039,035 4,861,515 $19.34 21 -26 48 Ohio $211,698,486 11,466,917 $18.46 44 -4 49 California $666,398,576 36,553,215 $18.23 43 -6 50 New York $323,390,913 19,297,729 $16.76 27 -23 51 Arizona $89,790,175 6,338,755 $14.17 20 -31 TOTAL* $10,186,338,285 301,621,157 $33.77 * This figure differs from the $17.2 billion total for pork. Pork projects earmarked for multiple states or projects that cannot be attributed to a specific state are not included in the pork per capita calculations.


1301 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 400 Washington, D.C. 20036 1-800-BE-ANGRY Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Senator Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Akaka 59 $185.0 Alexander, Lamar 60 $120.6 Allard 75 $95.7 Allen 31 $36.8 Barrasso 5 $12.5 Baucus 92 $124.0 Bayh 87 $125.0 Bennett 89 $156.2 Bingaman 150 $280.9 Bond 142 $309.8 Boxer 100 $120.0 Brown, Sherrod 59 $95.7 Brownback 81 $89.6 Bunning 21 $23.6 Burr 89 $117.1 Byrd 111 $386.0 Cantwell 174 $163.0 Cardin 145 $236.4 Casey 165 $176.6 Chambliss 108 $127.0 Clinton 281 $296.2 Coburn 0 $0.0 Cochran 245 $892.2 Coleman 94 $180.9 Collins 69 $81.3 Conrad 77 $118.3 Corker 12 $33.9 Cornyn 75 $121.9 Craig 88 $97.3 Crapo 83 $83.1 DeMint 0 $0.0 Dodd 75 $129.2 Dole 110 $133.6 Domenici 168 $259.8 Dorgan 91 $178.5 Durbin 136 $256.3 Ensign 34 $92.6 Enzi 3 $10.3 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Senator Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Feingold 0 $0.0 Feinstein 189 $294.0 Graham 59 $99.2 Grassley 154 $321.4 Gregg 63 $93.8 Hagel 53 $73.6 Harkin 194 $302.8 Hatch 67 $103.5 Hutchison 145 $255.6 Inhofe 99 $144.4 Inouye 131 $385.5 Isakson 78 $119.7 Johnson, Tim 100 $130.1 Kennedy 124 $192.1 Kerry 124 $138.8 Klobuchar 99 $178.4 Kohl 121 $148.4 Kyl 27 $69.0 Landrieu 161 $458.5 Lautenberg 223 $288.9 Leahy 96 $163.3 Levin, Carl 255 $301.4 Lieberman 101 $149.4 Lincoln 107 $230.0 Lott 74 $242.7 Lugar 113 $128.0 Martinez 80 $115.8 McCain 0 $0.0 McCaskill 0 $0.0 McConnell 69 $194.9 Menendez 207 $286.4 Michaud 23 $17.7 Mikulski 179 $289.9 Murkowski 21 $56.2 Murray 208 $327.8 Nelson, Ben 67 $75.4 Nelson, Bill 96 $161.3 Obama 53 $97.4 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Senator Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Pryor 105 $223.8 Reed 96 $130.7 Reid 160 $259.5 Roberts 47 $54.2 Rockefeller 2 $6.2 Salazar, Ken 112 $111.9 Sanders 21 $10.2 Schumer 306 $298.3 Sessions 47 $158.0 Shelby 206 $464.5 Smith, Gordon 117 $130.8 Snowe 67 $70.0 Specter 315 $220.2 Stabenow 220 $232.5 Stevens 150 $469.4 Sununu 36 $69.4 Tester 78 $93.0 Thune 49 $22.8 Vitter 104 $231.5 Voinovich 110 $130.8 Warner 122 $251.2 Webb 121 $254.1 Whitehouse 52 $46.7 Wyden 117 $140.3

Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Senator Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Cochran 245 $892.2 Stevens 150 $469.4 Shelby 206 $464.5 Landrieu 161 $458.5 Byrd 111 $386.0 Inouye 131 $385.5 Murray 208 $327.8 Grassley 154 $321.4 Bond 142 $309.8 Harkin 194 $302.8 Levin, Carl 255 $301.4 Schumer 306 $298.3 Clinton 281 $296.2 Feinstein 189 $294.0 Mikulski 179 $289.9 Lautenberg 223 $288.9 Menendez 207 $286.4 Bingaman 150 $280.9 Domenici 168 $259.8 Reid 160 $259.5 Durbin 136 $256.3 Hutchison 145 $255.6 Webb 121 $254.1 Warner 122 $251.2 Lott 74 $242.7 Cardin 145 $236.4 Stabenow 220 $232.5 Vitter 104 $231.5 Lincoln 107 $230.0 Pryor 105 $223.8 Specter 315 $220.2 McConnell 69 $194.9 Kennedy 124 $192.1 Akaka 59 $185.0 Coleman 94 $180.9 Dorgan 91 $178.5 Klobuchar 99 $178.4 Casey 165 $176.6 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Senator Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Leahy 96 $163.3 Cantwell 174 $163.0 Nelson, Bill 96 $161.3 Sessions 47 $158.0 Bennett 89 $156.2 Lieberman 101 $149.4 Kohl 121 $148.4 Inhofe 99 $144.4 Wyden 117 $140.3 Kerry 124 $138.8 Dole 110 $133.6 Smith, Gordon 117 $130.8 Voinovich 110 $130.8 Reed 96 $130.7 Johnson, Tim 100 $130.1 Dodd 75 $129.2 Lugar 113 $128.0 Chambliss 108 $127.0 Bayh 87 $125.0 Baucus 92 $124.0 Cornyn 75 $121.9 Alexander, Lamar 60 $120.6 Boxer 100 $120.0 Isakson 78 $119.7 Conrad 77 $118.3 Burr 89 $117.1 Martinez 80 $115.8 Salazar, Ken 112 $111.9 Hatch 67 $103.5 Graham 59 $99.2 Obama 53 $97.4 Craig 88 $97.3 Allard 75 $95.7 Brown, Sherrod 59 $95.7 Gregg 63 $93.8 Tester 78 $93.0 Ensign 34 $92.6 Brownback 81 $89.6 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Senator Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Crapo 83 $83.1 Collins 69 $81.3 Nelson, Ben 67 $75.4 Hagel 53 $73.6 Snowe 67 $70.0 Sununu 36 $69.4 Kyl 27 $69.0 Murkowski 21 $56.2 Roberts 47 $54.2 Whitehouse 52 $46.7 Allen 31 $36.8 Corker 12 $33.9 Bunning 21 $23.6 Thune 49 $22.8 Michaud 23 $17.7 Barrasso 5 $12.5 Enzi 3 $10.3 Sanders 21 $10.2 Rockefeller 2 $6.2 Coburn 0 $0.0 DeMint 0 $0.0 Feingold 0 $0.0 McCain 0 $0.0 McCaskill 0 $0.0

Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Abercrombie 29 $153.6 Ackerman 13 $20.9 Aderholt 41 $45.7 Akin 17 $37.4 Alexander, Rodney 43 $64.5 Altmire 24 $16.6 Andrews 15 $22.3 Arcuri 27 $28.9 Baca 13 $9.6 Bachmann 7 $3.8 Bachus 12 $7.3 Baird 30 $43.1 Baker 25 $28.1 Baldwin 19 $16.4 Barrett 10 $8.6 Barrow 21 $20.9 Bartlett 20 $35.2 Barton 10 $8.8 Bean 27 $26.7 Becerra 20 $3.8 Berkley 28 $46.7 Berman 19 $10.1 Berry 54 $105.8 Biden 70 $119.7 Biggert 16 $22.9 Bilbray 9 $4.7 Bilirakis 17 $17.7 Bishop, Rob 26 $49.5 Bishop, Sanford 68 $74.9 Bishop, Tim 16 $32.0 Blackburn 7 $12.0 Blumenauer 41 $34.8 Blunt 22 $46.1 Boehner 0 $0.0 Bonner 17 $27.9 Bono 14 $10.6 Boozman 29 $29.7 Bordallo, Madeleine 5 $7.4 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Boren 11 $10.5 Boswell 27 $33.1 Boucher 19 $14.6 Boustany 15 $25.1 Boyd 51 $86.2 Boyda 48 $37.3 Brady, Kevin 10 $8.0 Brady, Robert 28 $24.0 Braley 26 $27.5 Broun 0 $0.0 Brown, Corrine 21 $40.1 Brown, Henry 17 $31.5 Brown-Waite 5 $5.3 Buchanan 21 $14.9 Burgess 14 $25.4 Burton 13 $6.9 Butterfield 17 $14.4 Buyer 10 $8.1 Calvert 31 $25.7 Camp 12 $6.3 Campbell 2 $2.7 Cannon 18 $21.1 Capito 13 $6.0 Capps 18 $13.3 Capuano 30 $29.8 Cardoza 16 $7.4 Carnahan 13 $8.6 Carney 31 $24.7 Carper 66 $85.0 Carson 13 $9.9 Carter 28 $36.7 Castle 36 $55.4 Castor 17 $19.8 Chabot 14 $10.7 Chandler 22 $14.7 Christensen, Donna 5 $2.4 Clarke 9 $4.3 Clay 12 $8.2 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Cleaver 20 $17.2 Coble 15 $17.2 Cohen 14 $13.9 Cole 15 $13.2 Conaway 16 $19.5 Conyers 30 $30.3 Cooper 19 $39.9 Costa 13 $4.4 Costello 16 $17.9 Courtney 40 $69.0 Crenshaw 27 $38.0 Crowley 13 $29.8 Cubin 17 $9.6 Cuellar 11 $6.4 Culberson 19 $38.1 Cummings 39 $91.9 Davis, Artur 18 $75.6 Davis, Danny 23 $12.2 Davis, David 13 $42.8 Davis, Geoff 22 $51.0 Davis, Jo Ann 12 $18.7 Davis, Lincoln 6 $8.5 Davis, Susan 17 $16.8 Davis, Thomas 29 $54.9 Deal 5 $8.4 DeFazio 26 $31.6 DeGette 14 $18.9 Delahunt 19 $16.7 DeLauro 65 $61.7 Dent 32 $77.8 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln 11 $11.0 Diaz-Balart, Mario 8 $5.3 Dicks 77 $104.8 Dingell 36 $64.9 Doggett 15 $7.8 Donnelly 22 $18.7 Doolittle 21 $22.0 Doyle 35 $29.4 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Drake 23 $30.4 Dreier 17 $19.8 Duncan 19 $15.9 Edwards 74 $42.4 Ehlers 16 $10.4 Ellison 14 $93.9 Ellsworth 25 $39.7 Emanuel 21 $22.3 Emerson 50 $60.7 Engel 16 $9.8 English 20 $15.2 Eshoo 30 $90.5 Etheridge 29 $38.3 Everett 24 $35.6 Faleomavaega, Eni 1 $0.6 Fallin 13 $5.5 Farr 35 $40.4 Fattah 24 $18.5 Feeney 7 $20.5 Ferguson 19 $12.1 Filner 10 $3.6 Flake 0 $0.0 Forbes 18 $18.5 Fortenberry 20 $30.4 Fortuno, Luis 9 $8.2 Fossela 0 $0.0 Foster 0 $0.0 Foxx 10 $12.4 Frank, Barney 21 $20.1 Franks 10 $30.2 Frelinghuysen 42 $86.8 Gallegly 10 $5.7 Garrett 15 $12.3 Gerlach 33 $25.6 Giffords 19 $25.1 Gilchrest 21 $18.7 Gillibrand 30 $23.8 Gingrey 20 $29.6 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Gohmert 10 $6.0 Gonzalez 17 $13.4 Goode 41 $21.7 Goodlatte 11 $2.3 Gordon 22 $32.2 Granger 26 $43.9 Graves 10 $6.7 Green, Al 13 $43.3 Green, Gene 10 $23.7 Grijalva 27 $31.9 Gutierrez 8 $3.2 Hall, John 25 $20.4 Hall, Ralph 14 $9.0 Hare 19 $113.6 Harman 23 $22.8 Hastings, Alcee 14 $13.6 Hastings, Doc 35 $23.5 Hayes 44 $48.6 Heller 20 $31.8 Herger 8 $4.2 Herseth Sandlin 43 $90.1 Higgins 23 $23.7 Hill 20 $17.6 Hinchey 41 $43.7 Hinojosa 12 $7.8 Hirono 47 $58.9 Hobson 58 $88.0 Hodes 35 $35.5 Hoekstra 21 $10.8 Holden 22 $36.4 Holt 23 $21.4 Honda 38 $31.8 Hooley 46 $45.1 Hoyer 98 $149.1 Hulshof 13 $19.5 Hunter 15 $26.7 Inglis 10 $13.9 Inslee 24 $33.3 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Israel 27 $16.2 Issa 12 $12.2 Jackson Jr. 40 $36.6 Jackson-Lee 10 $5.4 Jefferson 14 $21.4 Jindal 26 $100.4 Johnson, Eddie Bernice 11 $15.4 Johnson, Hank 17 $15.2 Johnson, Sam 6 $7.0 Johnson, Timothy V 16 $8.4 Jones, Stephanie Tubbs 15 $10.4 Jones, Walter 15 $30.1 Jordan 3 $3.2 Kagen 26 $25.4 Kanjorski 20 $16.6 Kaptur 69 $77.3 Keller 10 $9.1 Kennedy 56 $61.5 Kildee 17 $48.3 Kilpatrick 28 $17.6 Kind 17 $43.9 King, Pete 20 $21.3 King, Steven 13 $9.8 Kingston 80 $101.3 Kirk 19 $30.4 Klein 20 $13.3 Kline 0 $0.0 Knollenberg 36 $37.3 Kucinich 9 $8.1 Kuhl 21 $23.5 LaHood 52 $58.9 Lamborn 8 $17.2 Lampson 23 $40.7 Langevin 31 $36.7 Lantos 15 $16.8 Larsen 45 $55.6 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Larson 27 $31.0 Latham 63 $67.0 LaTourette 16 $12.8 Latta 0 $0.0 Lee 26 $21.9 Levin, Sander 19 $14.4 Lewis, Jerry 80 $139.9 Lewis, John 30 $17.6 Lewis, Ron 14 $5.7 Linder 4 $2.1 Lipinski 12 $7.2 LoBiondo 25 $43.0 Loebsack 27 $53.5 Lofgren 22 $26.7 Lowey 47 $27.9 Lucas 24 $17.2 Lungren 10 $16.7 Lynch 22 $26.1 Mack 11 $6.7 Mahoney 26 $20.3 Maloney 19 $13.6 Manzullo 12 $6.1 Marchant 5 $6.5 Markey 26 $21.3 Marshall 56 $50.1 Matheson 20 $16.4 Matsui 18 $81.3 McCarthy, Carolyn 21 $23.1 McCarthy, Kevin 20 $18.7 McCaul 19 $18.4 McCollum 22 $25.2 McCotter 8 $2.8 McCrery 22 $44.3 McDermott 24 $30.6 McGovern 26 $27.7 McHenry 10 $16.8 McHugh 15 $18.9 McIntyre 31 $37.9 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) McKeon 22 $26.3 McMorris Rodgers 22 $17.7 McNerney 23 $20.4 McNulty 19 $17.2 Meek 18 $10.4 Meeks 9 $6.2 Melancon 23 $49.1 Mica 21 $17.0 Miller, Brad 19 $47.5 Miller, Candice 11 $5.5 Miller, Gary 11 $12.7 Miller, George 23 $83.5 Miller, Jeff 13 $13.7 Mitchell 19 $34.7 Mollohan 51 $65.5 Moore 20 $8.9 Moore, Dennis 24 $7.8 Moran, Jerry 19 $40.4 Moran, Jim 66 $64.5 Murphy, Chris 38 $48.5 Murphy, Patrick 33 $30.4 Murphy, Tim 17 $11.7 Murtha 73 $159.1 Musgrave 29 $26.6 Myrick 13 $20.9 Nadler 18 $14.0 Napolitano 21 $10.5 Neal 16 $10.5 Neugebauer 20 $19.1 Norton, Eleanor Holmes 17 $7.8 Nunes 6 $2.1 Oberstar 33 $88.4 Obey 65 $97.5 Olver 63 $71.3 Ortiz 23 $49.3 Pallone 24 $13.7 Pascrell 24 $33.3 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Pastor 40 $63.2 Paul, Ron 8 $22.7 Payne 21 $23.1 Pearce 16 $19.0 Pelosi 51 $91.2 Pence 10 $6.7 Perlmutter 19 $22.8 Peterson, Collin 21 $14.4 Peterson, John 39 $37.4 Petri 9 $13.0 Pickering 25 $49.2 Pitts 0 $0.0 Platts 16 $9.4 Poe 9 $3.9 Pomeroy 47 $60.7 Porter 28 $19.0 Price, David 71 $91.4 Price, Tom 7 $2.7 Pryce, Deborah 24 $18.1 Putnam 20 $16.0 Radanovich 11 $9.4 Rahall 28 $77.6 Ramstad 13 $12.5 Rangel 20 $11.0 Regula 34 $28.6 Rehberg 41 $45.1 Reichert 35 $11.0 Renzi 24 $52.8 Reyes 26 $8.2 Reynolds 33 $20.9 Richardson 5 $0.9 Rodriguez 34 $46.7 Rogers, Harold 43 $80.7 Rogers, Mike 21 $22.9 Rogers, Mike D 28 $20.5 Rohrabacher 9 $16.6 Roskam 10 $12.0 Ros-Lehtinen 16 $23.5 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Ross 26 $47.3 Rothman 49 $71.4 Roybal-Allard 43 $22.9 Royce 8 $7.0 Ruppersberger 40 $104.7 Rush 13 $5.2 Ryan, Paul 2 $4.0 Ryan, Tim 40 $24.6 Salazar, John 21 $26.3 Sali 10 $10.4 Sanchez, Linda 10 $4.0 Sanchez, Loretta 18 $16.3 Sarbanes 31 $74.9 Saxton 16 $26.2 Schakowsky 12 $4.4 Schiff 36 $12.0 Schmidt 14 $4.4 Schwartz 21 $16.0 Scott, David 14 $18.1 Scott, Robert 31 $69.1 Sensenbrenner 2 $0.9 Serrano 32 $13.8 Sessions 9 $2.9 Sestak 29 $31.9 Shadegg 0 $0.0 Shays 32 $67.3 Shea-Porter 29 $41.9 Sherman 18 $10.9 Shimkus 11 $10.7 Shuler 30 $28.8 Shuster 20 $17.5 Simpson 55 $62.3 Sires 29 $47.3 Skelton 10 $45.9 Slaughter 28 $26.2 Smith, Adam 25 $8.9 Smith, Adrian 3 $2.8 Smith, Chris 19 $14.0 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Smith, Lamar 21 $26.1 Snyder 26 $58.1 Solis 20 $4.6 Souder 18 $18.5 Space 25 $12.4 Spratt 26 $27.7 Stark 13 $9.8 Stearns 16 $34.9 Stupak 28 $33.9 Sullivan 15 $42.3 Sutton 20 $16.3 Tancredo 10 $17.6 Tanner 9 $16.0 Tauscher 29 $40.4 Taylor 21 $56.8 Terry 0 $0.0 Thompson, Bennie 5 $1.6 Thompson, Mike 27 $28.4 Thornberry 4 $11.3 Tiahrt 61 $76.4 Tiberi 3 $0.9 Tierney 23 $23.6 Towns 16 $11.6 Tsongas 2 $0.6 Turner, Michael 19 $22.1 Udall, Mark 24 $27.6 Udall, Tom 42 $52.9 Upton 18 $15.8 Van Hollen 26 $35.3 Velazquez 16 $3.7 Visclosky 67 $113.6 Walberg 17 $16.6 Walden 30 $21.6 Walsh 58 $51.4 Walz 21 $9.6 Wamp 30 $53.8 Wasserman Schultz 25 $15.7 Waters 20 $8.5 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Alphabetical)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Watson 19 $8.9 Watt 28 $28.5 Waxman 18 $12.9 Weiner 14 $8.6 Welch 19 $19.9 Weldon 7 $12.4 Weller 18 $21.7 Westmoreland 11 $5.0 Wexler 13 $10.5 Whitfield 15 $55.2 Wicker 43 $176.3 Wilson, Charles 16 $5.4 Wilson, Heather 43 $86.8 Wilson, Joe 13 $17.9 Wolf 17 $47.6 Woolsey 19 $20.1 Wu 41 $63.6 Wynn 25 $24.7 Yarmuth 27 $13.1 Young, Bill 87 $169.5 Young, Don 18 $10.3

Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Wicker 43 $176.3 Young, Bill 87 $169.5 Murtha 73 $159.1 Abercrombie 29 $153.6 Hoyer 98 $149.1 Lewis, Jerry 80 $139.9 Biden 70 $119.7 Hare 19 $113.6 Visclosky 67 $113.6 Berry 54 $105.8 Dicks 77 $104.8 Ruppersberger 40 $104.7 Kingston 80 $101.3 Jindal 26 $100.4 Obey 65 $97.5 Ellison 14 $93.9 Cummings 39 $91.9 Price, David 71 $91.4 Pelosi 51 $91.2 Eshoo 30 $90.5 Herseth Sandlin 43 $90.1 Oberstar 33 $88.4 Hobson 58 $88.0 Frelinghuysen 42 $86.8 Wilson, Heather 43 $86.8 Boyd 51 $86.2 Carper 66 $85.0 Miller, George 23 $83.5 Matsui 18 $81.3 Rogers, Harold 43 $80.7 Dent 32 $77.8 Rahall 28 $77.6 Kaptur 69 $77.3 Tiahrt 61 $76.4 Davis, Artur 18 $75.6 Bishop, Sanford 68 $74.9 Sarbanes 31 $74.9 Rothman 49 $71.4 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Olver 63 $71.3 Scott, Robert 31 $69.1 Courtney 40 $69.0 Shays 32 $67.3 Latham 63 $67.0 Mollohan 51 $65.5 Dingell 36 $64.9 Alexander, Rodney 43 $64.5 Moran, Jim 66 $64.5 Wu 41 $63.6 Pastor 40 $63.2 Simpson 55 $62.3 DeLauro 65 $61.7 Kennedy 56 $61.5 Emerson 50 $60.7 Pomeroy 47 $60.7 Hirono 47 $58.9 LaHood 52 $58.9 Snyder 26 $58.1 Taylor 21 $56.8 Larsen 45 $55.6 Castle 36 $55.4 Whitfield 15 $55.2 Davis, Thomas 29 $54.9 Wamp 30 $53.8 Loebsack 27 $53.5 Udall, Tom 42 $52.9 Renzi 24 $52.8 Walsh 58 $51.4 Davis, Geoff 22 $51.0 Marshall 56 $50.1 Bishop, Rob 26 $49.5 Ortiz 23 $49.3 Pickering 25 $49.2 Melancon 23 $49.1 Hayes 44 $48.6 Murphy, Chris 38 $48.5 Kildee 17 $48.3 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Wolf 17 $47.6 Miller, Brad 19 $47.5 Ross 26 $47.3 Sires 29 $47.3 Berkley 28 $46.7 Rodriguez 34 $46.7 Blunt 22 $46.1 Skelton 10 $45.9 Aderholt 41 $45.7 Hooley 46 $45.1 Rehberg 41 $45.1 McCrery 22 $44.3 Granger 26 $43.9 Kind 17 $43.9 Hinchey 41 $43.7 Green, Al 13 $43.3 Baird 30 $43.1 LoBiondo 25 $43.0 Davis, David 13 $42.8 Edwards 74 $42.4 Sullivan 15 $42.3 Shea-Porter 29 $41.9 Lampson 23 $40.7 Farr 35 $40.4 Moran, Jerry 19 $40.4 Tauscher 29 $40.4 Brown, Corrine 21 $40.1 Cooper 19 $39.9 Ellsworth 25 $39.7 Etheridge 29 $38.3 Culberson 19 $38.1 Crenshaw 27 $38.0 McIntyre 31 $37.9 Akin 17 $37.4 Peterson, John 39 $37.4 Boyda 48 $37.3 Knollenberg 36 $37.3 Carter 28 $36.7 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Langevin 31 $36.7 Jackson Jr. 40 $36.6 Holden 22 $36.4 Everett 24 $35.6 Hodes 35 $35.5 Van Hollen 26 $35.3 Bartlett 20 $35.2 Stearns 16 $34.9 Blumenauer 41 $34.8 Mitchell 19 $34.7 Stupak 28 $33.9 Inslee 24 $33.3 Pascrell 24 $33.3 Boswell 27 $33.1 Gordon 22 $32.2 Bishop, Tim 16 $32.0 Grijalva 27 $31.9 Sestak 29 $31.9 Heller 20 $31.8 Honda 38 $31.8 DeFazio 26 $31.6 Brown, Henry 17 $31.5 Larson 27 $31.0 McDermott 24 $30.6 Drake 23 $30.4 Fortenberry 20 $30.4 Kirk 19 $30.4 Murphy, Patrick 33 $30.4 Conyers 30 $30.3 Franks 10 $30.2 Jones, Walter 15 $30.1 Capuano 30 $29.8 Crowley 13 $29.8 Boozman 29 $29.7 Gingrey 20 $29.6 Doyle 35 $29.4 Arcuri 27 $28.9 Shuler 30 $28.8 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Regula 34 $28.6 Watt 28 $28.5 Thompson, Mike 27 $28.4 Baker 25 $28.1 Bonner 17 $27.9 Lowey 47 $27.9 McGovern 26 $27.7 Spratt 26 $27.7 Udall, Mark 24 $27.6 Braley 26 $27.5 Bean 27 $26.7 Hunter 15 $26.7 Lofgren 22 $26.7 Musgrave 29 $26.6 McKeon 22 $26.3 Salazar, John 21 $26.3 Saxton 16 $26.2 Slaughter 28 $26.2 Lynch 22 $26.1 Smith, Lamar 21 $26.1 Calvert 31 $25.7 Gerlach 33 $25.6 Burgess 14 $25.4 Kagen 26 $25.4 McCollum 22 $25.2 Boustany 15 $25.1 Giffords 19 $25.1 Carney 31 $24.7 Wynn 25 $24.7 Ryan, Tim 40 $24.6 Brady, Robert 28 $24.0 Gillibrand 30 $23.8 Green, Gene 10 $23.7 Higgins 23 $23.7 Tierney 23 $23.6 Hastings, Doc 35 $23.5 Kuhl 21 $23.5 Ros-Lehtinen 16 $23.5 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) McCarthy, Carolyn 21 $23.1 Payne 21 $23.1 Biggert 16 $22.9 Rogers, Mike 21 $22.9 Roybal-Allard 43 $22.9 Harman 23 $22.8 Perlmutter 19 $22.8 Paul, Ron 8 $22.7 Andrews 15 $22.3 Emanuel 21 $22.3 Turner, Michael 19 $22.1 Doolittle 21 $22.0 Lee 26 $21.9 Goode 41 $21.7 Weller 18 $21.7 Walden 30 $21.6 Holt 23 $21.4 Jefferson 14 $21.4 King, Pete 20 $21.3 Markey 26 $21.3 Cannon 18 $21.1 Ackerman 13 $20.9 Barrow 21 $20.9 Myrick 13 $20.9 Reynolds 33 $20.9 Feeney 7 $20.5 Rogers, Mike D 28 $20.5 Hall, John 25 $20.4 McNerney 23 $20.4 Mahoney 26 $20.3 Frank, Barney 21 $20.1 Woolsey 19 $20.1 Welch 19 $19.9 Castor 17 $19.8 Dreier 17 $19.8 Conaway 16 $19.5 Hulshof 13 $19.5 Neugebauer 20 $19.1 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Pearce 16 $19.0 Porter 28 $19.0 DeGette 14 $18.9 McHugh 15 $18.9 Davis, Jo Ann 12 $18.7 Donnelly 22 $18.7 Gilchrest 21 $18.7 McCarthy, Kevin 20 $18.7 Fattah 24 $18.5 Forbes 18 $18.5 Souder 18 $18.5 McCaul 19 $18.4 Pryce, Deborah 24 $18.1 Scott, David 14 $18.1 Costello 16 $17.9 Wilson, Joe 13 $17.9 Bilirakis 17 $17.7 McMorris Rodgers 22 $17.7 Hill 20 $17.6 Kilpatrick 28 $17.6 Lewis, John 30 $17.6 Tancredo 10 $17.6 Shuster 20 $17.5 Cleaver 20 $17.2 Coble 15 $17.2 Lamborn 8 $17.2 Lucas 24 $17.2 McNulty 19 $17.2 Mica 21 $17.0 Davis, Susan 17 $16.8 Lantos 15 $16.8 McHenry 10 $16.8 Delahunt 19 $16.7 Lungren 10 $16.7 Altmire 24 $16.6 Kanjorski 20 $16.6 Rohrabacher 9 $16.6 Walberg 17 $16.6 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Baldwin 19 $16.4 Matheson 20 $16.4 Sanchez, Loretta 18 $16.3 Sutton 20 $16.3 Israel 27 $16.2 Putnam 20 $16.0 Schwartz 21 $16.0 Tanner 9 $16.0 Duncan 19 $15.9 Upton 18 $15.8 Wasserman Schultz 25 $15.7 Johnson, Eddie Bernice 11 $15.4 English 20 $15.2 Johnson, Hank 17 $15.2 Buchanan 21 $14.9 Chandler 22 $14.7 Boucher 19 $14.6 Butterfield 17 $14.4 Levin, Sander 19 $14.4 Peterson, Collin 21 $14.4 Nadler 18 $14.0 Smith, Chris 19 $14.0 Cohen 14 $13.9 Inglis 10 $13.9 Serrano 32 $13.8 Miller, Jeff 13 $13.7 Pallone 24 $13.7 Hastings, Alcee 14 $13.6 Maloney 19 $13.6 Gonzalez 17 $13.4 Capps 18 $13.3 Klein 20 $13.3 Cole 15 $13.2 Yarmuth 27 $13.1 Petri 9 $13.0 Waxman 18 $12.9 LaTourette 16 $12.8 Miller, Gary 11 $12.7 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Ramstad 13 $12.5 Foxx 10 $12.4 Space 25 $12.4 Weldon 7 $12.4 Garrett 15 $12.3 Davis, Danny 23 $12.2 Issa 12 $12.2 Ferguson 19 $12.1 Blackburn 7 $12.0 Roskam 10 $12.0 Schiff 36 $12.0 Murphy, Tim 17 $11.7 Towns 16 $11.6 Thornberry 4 $11.3 Diaz-Balart, Lincoln 11 $11.0 Rangel 20 $11.0 Reichert 35 $11.0 Sherman 18 $10.9 Hoekstra 21 $10.8 Chabot 14 $10.7 Shimkus 11 $10.7 Bono 14 $10.6 Boren 11 $10.5 Napolitano 21 $10.5 Neal 16 $10.5 Wexler 13 $10.5 Ehlers 16 $10.4 Jones, Stephanie Tubbs 15 $10.4 Meek 18 $10.4 Sali 10 $10.4 Young, Don 18 $10.3 Berman 19 $10.1 Carson 13 $9.9 Engel 16 $9.8 King, Steven 13 $9.8 Stark 13 $9.8 Baca 13 $9.6 Cubin 17 $9.6 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Walz 21 $9.6 Platts 16 $9.4 Radanovich 11 $9.4 Keller 10 $9.1 Hall, Ralph 14 $9.0 Moore 20 $8.9 Smith, Adam 25 $8.9 Watson 19 $8.9 Barton 10 $8.8 Barrett 10 $8.6 Carnahan 13 $8.6 Weiner 14 $8.6 Davis, Lincoln 6 $8.5 Waters 20 $8.5 Deal 5 $8.4 Johnson, Timothy V 16 $8.4 Clay 12 $8.2 Fortuno, Luis 9 $8.2 Reyes 26 $8.2 Buyer 10 $8.1 Kucinich 9 $8.1 Brady, Kevin 10 $8.0 Doggett 15 $7.8 Hinojosa 12 $7.8 Moore, Dennis 24 $7.8 Norton, Eleanor 17 $7.8 Holmes Bordallo, Madeleine 5 $7.4 Cardoza 16 $7.4 Bachus 12 $7.3 Lipinski 12 $7.2 Johnson, Sam 6 $7.0 Royce 8 $7.0 Burton 13 $6.9 Graves 10 $6.7 Mack 11 $6.7 Pence 10 $6.7 Marchant 5 $6.5 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Cuellar 11 $6.4 Camp 12 $6.3 Meeks 9 $6.2 Manzullo 12 $6.1 Capito 13 $6.0 Gohmert 10 $6.0 Gallegly 10 $5.7 Lewis, Ron 14 $5.7 Fallin 13 $5.5 Miller, Candice 11 $5.5 Jackson-Lee 10 $5.4 Wilson, Charles 16 $5.4 Brown-Waite 5 $5.3 Diaz-Balart, Mario 8 $5.3 Rush 13 $5.2 Westmoreland 11 $5.0 Bilbray 9 $4.7 Solis 20 $4.6 Costa 13 $4.4 Schakowsky 12 $4.4 Schmidt 14 $4.4 Clarke 9 $4.3 Herger 8 $4.2 Ryan, Paul 2 $4.0 Sanchez, Linda 10 $4.0 Poe 9 $3.9 Bachmann 7 $3.8 Becerra 20 $3.8 Velazquez 16 $3.7 Filner 10 $3.6 Gutierrez 8 $3.2 Jordan 3 $3.2 Sessions 9 $2.9 McCotter 8 $2.8 Smith, Adrian 3 $2.8 Campbell 2 $2.7 Price, Tom 7 $2.7 Christensen, Donna 5 $2.4 Citizens Against Government Waste 2008 Congressional Pig Book Member List (Dollar Amount)

Representative Project Total Dollar Total (millions) Goodlatte 11 $2.3 Linder 4 $2.1 Nunes 6 $2.1 Thompson, Bennie 5 $1.6 Richardson 5 $0.9 Sensenbrenner 2 $0.9 Tiberi 3 $0.9 Faleomavaega, Eni 1 $0.6 Tsongas 2 $0.6 Boehner 0 $0.0 Broun 0 $0.0 Flake 0 $0.0 Fossela 0 $0.0 Foster 0 $0.0 Kline 0 $0.0 Latta 0 $0.0 Pitts 0 $0.0 Shadegg 0 $0.0 Terry 0 $0.0