SCOUTING: AN EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM World Organization of the Scout Movement Organisation Mondiale du Mouvement Scout S STRATEGY THIS DOCUMENT IS A PART OF THE IMPLEMEN- TATION OF THE STRATEGY © Copyright 1998, World Scout Bu- reau. Reprinted 1998. Reproduction is authorized to national Scout associations which are members of the World Organization of the Scout Movement. Others should request per- mission from publishers. World Scout Bureau P.O. Box 241, 1211 Geneva 4, Switzerland
[email protected] CONTENTS INTRODUCTION page 1 WHAT IS SCOUTING? page 3 WHAT DOES SCOUTING SEEK TO ACHIEVE? page 7 WHAT IS SCOUTING’S APPROACH TO EDUCATION? page 11 WHAT IS THE SCOUT METHOD? page 13 THE SCOUT LAW AND PROMISE page 15 LEARNING BY DOING page 21 THE TEAM SYSTEM (OR PATROL SYSTEM) page 25 A SYMBOLIC FRAMEWORK page 33 NATURE page 41 PERSONAL PROGRESSION page 47 ADULT SUPPORT page 57 CONCLUSION page 61 “Scouting: An educational system” is intended help Scout leaders in their work, as well as INTRODUCTION to help everyone interested in gaining a greater the kind of support they are likely to need. understanding of how Scouting works as an Finally, this section examines how each of the educational system. It is intended for use by elements translates from the theoretical level those responsible for ensuring that the Scout- into the practical level in the Scout unit1. ing offered to young people is the rich and multi-faceted learning experience that it is For detailed information on a step-by-step ap- meant to be. It has been written as a tool for proach to Youth Programme development the Youth Programme and Adult Resources (whether your Scout association is in the proc- teams at national level, but it is hoped that it ess of developing a Youth Programme for the can be of use for all those at other levels who first time, or whether the Youth Programme is do their best to provide support to Scout lead- being reviewed), the World Scout Bureau has ers.