1947 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 877 PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS H. R. 1802. A bill for the relief of the Stiers ACTING PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE Bros. Construction Co.; to the Committee on Under clause 1 of rule. XXII, private the Judiciary. Under the designation made by the bills and resolutions were introduced and President pro tempore on Wednesday, severally referred as follows: February 5, 1947, Mr. KNOWLAND took PETITIONS, ETC. By Mr. AUGUST H. ANDRESEN: the chair as Acting President pro H. R. 1779. A bill for the relief of the Wi­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions tempore. nona Machine & Foundry Co., a corporation, and papers were laid on the Clerk's desk THE JOURNAL of Winona, Minn.; to the Committee on the and referred as follows: Judiciary. · On request of Mr. WHITE, and by H. R. 1780. A bill for the relief of the Can­ 81. By Mr. CHIPERFIELD: Petition of citi­ unanimous consent, the reading of the non Valley Milling Co.; to the Committee on zens of Quincy, Ill., urging tax-exemption Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ the Judiciary. · base be set at $2,000; to the Committee on day, February 5, 1947, was dispensed By Mr. BLAND: Ways and Means. with and the Journal was approved. H. R. 1781. A bill for the relief ~ Annie L. 82. By Mr. HEFFERNAN: Petition of Mor­ Taylor and William Benjamin Taylor; to the ris Park Council, No. 566, Knights of Colum­ MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT Committee on the Judiciary. bus, Richmond Hill, N. Y., in protest of trial proceedings in Yugoslavia of Archbishop Messages in writing from the President By Mr. COURTNEY: of the United States were communicated H. R. 1'782. A bill for the relief of' Albert Aloysius Stepinac, other clergy, and their (Jack) Norman; to the Committee on the associates; to the Committee on Foreign to the Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his Judiciary. Affairs. · secretaries. By Mr. <iROW: 83. By Mr. HOLMES: Petition of a num­ MESSAGE FROM TliE HOUSE H. R. 1783. A bill for the relief of the L. J. ber of citizens of Pasco and Grandview, Houze Convex Glass Co.; to the Committee Wash., opposing advertising of alcoholic bev­ A message from the House of Repre­ on the Judiciary. erages; to the Committee on the Judiciary. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its By Mr. D'EWART: 84. By Mr. KUNKEL: Petition of Arthur reading clerks, announced that the H. R. 1784. A bill authorizing the Secretary B. Smith, Camp Hill, Pa., for streamlining House had passed the joint resolution of the Interior to issue a patent in fee to and consolidating War Assets Administration <H. J. Res. 27) proposing an amend­ John Wesley Milliken; to the Committee on operations; to the Committee on Expendi­ tures in the Executive Departments. ment to the Constitution of the United Public Lands. States relating to the terms of office of H. R. 1785. A bill to authorize the Secretary 85. By Mr. LYNCH: Petition of Bronx Unit, of the Interior to sell certain lands in the No. 24, New York State Hairdressers and the President, in which it requested the State of Montana to Stanley Rensvold; to the Cosmetologists Association, Inc., New York concurrence of the Senate. Committee on Public Lands. City, favoring immediate repeal of the re­ LEAVES OF ABSENCE By Mr. DORN: tailer's excise tax; to the Committee on H. R. 17~6 . A bill for the relief of Jesse A. Ways and Means. Mr. JENNER. Mr. President, t ask Lott; to the Committ ee on the Judiciary. 86. By Mr. SMITH of Wisconsin: Resolu­ unanimous consent to be absent from the By Mr. FEIGHAN: tion adopted by the American Association of Senate on Monday ·and Tuesday of next H. R. 1787. A bill for t h e relief of Mrs. Alice Stat!'! Highway Officials at annual meeting week because of a death in my family. Dalton; to the Committee on Veterans' held in Los Angeles in December, calling for The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Affairs. extension of time for availability of funds H . R. 1788. A bill for the relief of the estate under .Federal-Aid Act of 1944; to the Com­ pore. Without objection, the request of of John F. Hopperton, a minor, deceased; to m ittee on Appropriations. the Senator from Indiana is granted. the Committee on the Judiciary. 87. By the SPEAKER: Petition of Francis Mr. CAIN. Mr. President, I ask to be By Mr. HENDRICKS: J. Reuter, petitioning consideration of his absent from the Senate on Monday next. H. R. 1789. A bill for the relief of Buster resolution with reference to the case · of Air The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Gray; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Corps against Francis J. Reuter; ,to the Com­ pore. Without objection, the request of By Mr. HINSHAW: mittee on the Judiciary. H. R. 1790. A bill for the relief of the estate 88. Also, petition of the Northwest Public the Senator from Washington is granted. of William Walter See; to the Committee on Power Association, petitioning consideration Mr. ROBERTSON of Wyoming. Mr. the Judiciary. of their resolution with referencf' to the Mc­ President, I ask unanimous consent to be By Mr. JACKSON of California: Nary Dam site on the Columbia River and absent from the Senate from the lOth to H. R. 1791. A bill for the relief of Dr. Theo­ the transmission lines of the Bonneville the 20th of this month. dore A. Geissman; to the Committee on the Power Administration; to the Committee on The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Judiciary. Public Works. By Mr. KEARNEY: pore. Without objection, the request of H. R. 1792. A bill for the relief of Erich the Senator from Wyoming is granted. Ernst Plohs; to the Committee on the Judi­ Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, I ask ciary. unanimous consent to be absent from By Mr. LANE: SENATE · the Senate next Monday and Tuesday. H. R. 1793. A bill for the relief of Vincent The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ or Vincenzo Tripoli; to the Committee on the FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1947 Judiciary. pore. Without objection, the request of H. R. 1794. A bill for the relief of John P. The Chaplain, Rev. Peter Marshall, the Senator from Kentucky is granted. Reilly; to the Committee on the Judiciary. D. D., cffered the following prayer: EXECUTIVE COMMUNICATIONS, ETC. By Mr. LUCAS: Forgive us, 0 God, for all our boasting H. R. 1795. A bill for the relief of D. c. Hall The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem­ Motor Transportation; to the Committee on and our presumptuous sins of pride and pore laid before the Senate the following the Judiciary. arrogance, for these are days that letters, which were referred as indi­ By Mr. LYNCH: humble us. cated: H. R. 1796. A bill for the relief of George By Thy grace, we become more and SUSPENSION OF DEPORTATION OF ALIENS Dimitri Harocopos, also known as Georgios more aware of our limitations and our Demetriou Harokopos or Charokopos; to the weaknesses. A letter from the Attorney General, trans­ Committee on the· Judiciary. mitting, pursuant to law, a report reciting By Mr. MARCANTONIO: Let us not mistake humility for an in: the facts and pertinent provisions of law in H. R.l797. A bill for the relief of Giovanni feriority complex, but help us to under­ the cases of 215 individuals whose deporta­ Foti; to the Committee on the Judiciary. stand that with the proud and the self­ tion has been suspended for more than 6 By Mr. MILLER of Connecticut: sufficient Thou canst do nothing until months by the Commissioner of Immigration H. R. 1798. A bill for the relief of Anthony Thou hast brought them to their knees. and Naturalization Service under the au­ Satas; to the Committee on the Judiciary. We need Thy help, our Father, and we thority vested in the Attorney General, to­ By Mr. PETERSON: gether with a statement of the reason for seek it humbly. We want to do right, such suspension (with an accompanying H. R. 1799. A bill for the relief of Eva L. and to be right; so start us in the right Dudley; to the Committee on the Judiciary. report); to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. PLOESER: way, for Thou knowest that we are very REPORT ON AUDIT OF GORGAS MEMORIAL H. R. 1800. A bill for the relief of David hard to turn. Shed forth Thy grace upon LABORATORY , Hickey Post, No. 235, of the American Legion; us, 0 Lord, that each man here may say, A letter from the Comptroller General of to the Committee on the Judiciary. "I can do all things through Christ which the United States, transmitting, pursuant to H. R. 1801. A bill for the relief of Mose Alt­ strengtheneth me." We ask it in His law, a report on the audit of the Gorgas Me­ man; to the Committee on the Judiciary. name. Amen. ' morial Laboratory of the Gorgas Memorial 878 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE FEBRUARY 7 Institute of Tropical and Pr·eventive Medi­ of sugar is now being diverted from American cessor to the Combined Food Board, antici­ cine, Inc., for the fiscal year ended June 30, sources for consumption by people abroad. pates the continuance of a serious sugar 1946 (with an accompanying report); to the The continuing shortage of sugar is a matter shortage until 1947 crops are harvested, and Committee on Expenditures in the Execu­ of deep concern to the American people. It expects to recommend allocat ions of sugar tive Departments. is imperative that vigorous and fruitful at­ through the calendar year 1947.
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