'snl-ttuoicl4 Wrr$ sJeFeJeqccDSouBBrp ,{uuru sereqs1eq1 salceds 'snue8 ruelse^\-qlnos ,{leu euo roJ'(6/6I ueeJc) ueeJc la'[ uaqluDuttoc crd,{louoru " lceJe plp 'pelelduoc '(166I aq lnq Je^au eJe^t ?qu.usnv Iuelse,11\-qtnosur snue8 el{l Jo sepnls s,ueeJC uosIIiN 1966I 'lo p retunH :qg86l 3086I ueer9 :966I uBag) svo,\\ Jnuouo)("lrerDo ro suorsr^eJul pel€all '086I ueeqe^"q ErI?IsnV uels?e puup'quec luo4vl\\oa4snvKwoteryg;o selceds97 eqlo IIE aJurs

'ueer9 'd[I uowal.soanDltr snue8 .,rreusrq olw serJedsl€cld.{1e moJ erll peJreJslre.u(3€861) ueeJC ueq.{ Peperuer wA\ ruolqold srqJ (0g6I) e^eFC ? IIDIceIg uI ^Durof pefel ue,r zreue8 o,^$ eql lueql el?Jedeso1 suearu {puer '(906I) e Jo ecuesq?eql uI (026I) srool{ pus (t06I le4lrd 3 slerc ur) Iezlud plereSzlld,{q ?leueE qloq m euo u! pec?ld eJe,{\selceds pcrd,{1e rno; ueq,^apesnJuoc su.^l\auawoldtql pue snl'LtuotJry4l uee,{leq drEpunoqaql (1t61) reuprs0 pu€ (006I) ,{aIIuSse qcns suoll€tllqnd cFrlouoxq relel IrI 're^a.{{oH 'auauodtuw pe,{\olloJ lou s?,r slql JePurr?x4 ,\eu pequcsap ,{lluenbesqns pu€ ueql oq,4a '(gL8I) JelIenW,(q lqg auawordtuWJo uolces u ol pernpu su,t snuaEaq1 q8nor4lz'snu(wo.tc17y u1 'aee? perrr€uueeq e^€q sdnorS cuauaSs{ul reqlo ro suopcesprrrJoJ oN u,{I { eql Jo (616I uosutlof ? s33ug Jc) eou?rlle xunlrngpwDqJ aqt ol SuFuoleq snueE u?ll?{snv cFrepue Im sr swt(wotJlw


',{1pouduope,uesuoc 'snueE 'euo e^?q uaql Jo lnoJ prl? eql JoJpeprocer ,t1sno1,r.ud ,{ue ueql re.to1 Jo requmueF^o u€ e.l.?qsolceds ?trau eserlJo eenlJ pal?.Ilsnl or€€,{u rytorun'71pue af,[xeueeJ}'1t\'lya8o[w'e(d 'w 'aid '741'at6 xeuealo'lA'f ,,sollldDd slsuauoqSuru slmtouoww selcads1||leu eql pus peplsuler 'selceds 'selceds ryprneH !!u?srl}!.tasnuKuotclw pasl^ereJE .r6u e^lJ aulpnlcul uelse^\-qlnos 'dnoJE lqareeqt puu srrl Jo sraqueuruErl€Isnv uletselAtl eql ol ue^lEsl ,{eI V [ueer9 ld I Czcml) ow^oqo 'W =f'[radns 'wou'r+uegltpuowwntp snt.ttlltarJi],t/'snue8 eql roJeJeq pelcelss ed,&ol3e[ eql 3upn1cu1',&oEepc.retpl eql ol Auoleqselcads tso4 seuosnoptedFlrp ou lnq sqlrsnopdesnue 3ul^3l{ ,{q re4o eql 'seuosnopdespu? osl€ fllensn prr€squ snoptedqueEul^eq ^q pesuepeJuqceuo 'Sulqqu ul qlrpdf,qJo srseqeqt uo eJeqpeqslnEulslp eJB selro8elsc ur€Ix or\tl "qlueg sflrrKwo.trtw wpap\)ur '(ZOOZ) .(puermcserceds ar4 ?uouly ZU-lOl :(l9I DlsttuN'urnqrwd,{qeql uo squ snopdesuue "I 'e,{U e^rJqtr,r (a?ec€Uf]{) sn1.t(wo.tct1t11o sorceds u€llE.lsnv uJelse.{t-qlnosJo uolsl^er V g


'e.!ue] 'tol 9869?rp.qsnv u$lsotA ,CIo^lloO,{enueg 3?g p.Ico'I lueue8BuBl,{pus.I pu! uoF?^resuoCJo }uauluEdec\unlr€qJaH u?llE{snv urEs6rlA

a'(U'1 'g

ulnHlusd{q aql uo sqlr snol8des.rluBa^U qlpr (a€aruildtr l) snytl orclw lo salradsuellB4snv urelselr-qlnos Jo uols|^a.IY

IOI (ZO0Z)ZZI-W1\E I Dlsttl/.v lvuJtuldVol. 15,No. I (2002)

"The Green( 1979:373) stated ovary of Corynantherqclosely resembles that of a group of species of Micromyrtus having 10 stamensand two ovules, suggestinga very close relationship." Stong evidencefavouring this opinion is providedby unpublishedmolecular data, in which the l0-staminate and2-oyulateMicromyrtus elobata(F.Muell.) Benth.formed a sistergroup with Corynantherarather than associatingwith the five other Micromyrtus speciesthat were sampled(Peter G. Wilson pers. comm.).The latter five species,M. cil,4/4 (Sm.) Druca,M. delicataA.R.Bean, M gracllls A.R. Bean, M. hexamera(Maid. & Betch) Maid. & Betch. and M. erichsenii,formed a clade.

Two main categoriesbased on hypanthiumribbing car be distinguishedamotg the Micromyftus species,and thesecoincide with the two groupsdelimited by the moleculardata. Most Micromyftus species,including the five speciesforming a clade,have less than ten ribs, usually with one rib opposite eachsepal, on the .This largespecies group extendsacross the Ausfalian mainlandand has variablenumbers of stamens(5-12) and ovules(1-10) per flower. In the other category,the one with closeraffinities to Co4tnanthera, thehypanthium is usually 10-ribbedwith one rib oppositeeach and . This group, comprisedof M. elobata and its rclatives, is restrictedto the south-westof WesternAustalia and consistentlyhas ten stamensand two ovules.

Most ofthe speciesincluded in the genusMicromynus when it wasoriginally describedby Bentham (1865, 1867)belong to the more widespreadand more speciosecategory lacking antipetalousdbs on the hypanthium. The purposeof the cuffentpaper is to nominateone of the membersofthis group as the lectotypeof Micromyfius andto completethe Australia-widecoverage of the group by revising the south-westernspecies, all of which have a 5-ribbed hypanthium. A d€scriptionapplicable to this group throughoutits range,and a key to the WesternAustralian species,are also given.


All measurementswere liom dry herbariumcollections, with leaf andbracteole measurements taken from the largestofthese structureson eachspecimen. Petal length and most other floral measurements weretakenfrom well pressedmature flowers. Peduncleand style measurements were taken frommature flowers andfrom fruits. Fruit measurementsinclude the adnateportions ofthe hypanthiumand disc but do not include the length of the l'reeportion of the hypanthlumand the pe$istent ,

Distdbutions were plotted on maps showing the interim biogeographicregions of Thackway & Cresswell(1995) and the following abbreviationsare usedhere for theseregions. Botanicalprovinces are as defined by Beard (1980).

AW COO Coolgardie ESP - EsperancePlains GS - GeraldtonSandplain JF - JarrahForest MAL - Mallee MUR - Murchison YAL - Yalgoo


Micromyrtus Benth.ln G. Bentham& J.D. Hooker,Gen. Pl. 1, 700 (1865).- Thryptomenesect. Micromyrtus(Benth.) F. Muell.,Fragm. Phyt. Austfal.8, 13(1873). Type: Micromyrtus drummondii BelJth.nom. supetl. l= Micromyfiusobovqta (Turcz.) J.W. Greenl, lectotype here nominated. 'l( 01 stltJiutolltWJosarJodsuurlu:lsnyulelsel&loJequnuletolcqts8ur:qsrq;elle,Ilsllvulstsed\Jo1sa,\\ 'untqluud,{q 'setlcds -qtno:^eql ol crLuepuesr 1eq1 paqq!-0 t t ,{q pasI.IslceJeqc lo ,{:o8eltc utnu reqlo eql Jol HJdgd lt?pesruSocer f1lue.unc eJE sclJecls peutuun xts puu setcedspeuEu lnoJ.laq nJ v

'DiTBISnVuJcli-ar\\.+o lse,\\-qlnos eql UI punol sr scroodsJ(r uorlc,lluecuol JelJeurs c puPpurlsueena) urelsce qtnos ur sI solcedsJo uorBruocuo:t tselrer8eq1 (VI ern8rC)puBluruLu aql lo eprsuretsl]e eqt uo roqto oql pult lso'\\-qlnoseql ot cIll?ltsllv 'oJuo.LrnJro:lo IBJlucJulo.4 flurpuelxeeuo suort uruul o,trl stq dnor8 sercedsstql sctcedsuurlurlsnv 'urnrqltn:d,{q uielsey'Atl Surpnpur paqqr.F^AeJoql qtr^\ oraq pest,ler,{roieltt eql ruorl pestuSolcr e.lf;serceds it,{Jtu3.r.n1J ulls.rtsnv nullLulntu ol JlulJpuJ\t \tlJ.t\!lt)tn uollnqulslpPutl a:]s

'peipolsrp,(pseepuu 'uos '.IcJnqoJB csool,{.ra,r sr lrql edole,\uesnouuJqttlcul Kurqs u ,(qpapunor;ns lsouilr ol JIuoi ^lMo-r-tl]tl {1pnsn'esuqcqt sp-m,\\olpo^\oj-mu ueuo'tm.q,lo osuq oqt os{u ^llllnsn pun ditl Sutqcuel'f13utp.toccr; '{reqlrelro pcdrqspur lrnJlrlr oJudi^ elqulre^tr SurllrJ (rr2ras lJtqt ,(.te^1ou snocrrlsnrtIlll,$ :111U ssal 'pepees 'JcA\oLI .rooJour lnulurls 3 ,{1e.rur.ro papoos- I ur urql uello,\\se;out Suttuoceqlnq Sutucqt8uol ,4lac;ucs.rolou unrqturcl,{qoql qlA\'luaostqapuUr/?.lJpcr ot 1utd,{luoruuroo',{JtAo lo ltLttLun:- sso.rJl7 'pccldnl pur urntprn:dfqeer;Surur1 ro c,rnluoo,( ldeep o1 tu1 I tsourlu,)r'.ig uutitl"^ ollltdno cldrttts t tpt,lt '(uorsr^crclcp p ur l(nl) Icurnr.rol'lertuao.rT'tlgsnolnpuod oq ()1Sutpuat put? olpptttl aqt e^oqr pctlJtll'ln 'pa8uurre ,{1prpu.ruorll c.rolu.() t ucq,\\'luiatulloJ'01-l scln^o:llprus "{1t^pt otl'l ult0t^\ lllJatrl put? 'lrutLuJ?l Illurulrclqns- I Ill].roLroix]uoor]lcl :onss rt ,{iuods qlr,\\pollr I lloc oLDI o rePU[]Luor aql si^cl.() o-()tu 'pcllco- uo:l.lopurl clpprtu cqt c,roqr ,{1r,lu:r Bu r.weq-oln^o IluLus 11 rltrM I .lrrrrO slloo.roqlucLuo.r1 posrele.r 's11c:r.rcqluu sr uolloclsr c.rodIrJrdr uu urA "-lLlclLro:r Sursuelo.r crll pr(){cq^llolttlsrp i^p.n,trur Stttpllr:lorcl 'ntli) scLr|louroi^PL[].rori\ol-l lo cPlsur sP-nr^\ol pcloo.IP Puu co.Ll xochr oql'.-oqol lf.lclr--l z \lrtl Lti)ll(\ Llllq,{\ 'lrLr[Lu?l'a8.n] Ir)srqlc oArlrouLr()ool polrur'r l sulsoullu ()1 lloo qoro uuql JclluLus qonLU pmlS :o^rlJoLruoa 'llci cql ol Lrorlrlo.rur ?nbrlqo.rolrurpntSuol 1rn cqt orDlo a""pooql Surqotc.lspuo rpoq qltm ttls 3uo1 'lr1clr 'p?llaJ-Z'elrlt?s.ro^ 'poxtlts.toll r: ,(qlucesrqcp s11o;r eq 11c-fiuo1qo.ro8uo1qo sscl .ro c.ri)ru ,v2rl/uy 'do1aqllr 1.ro,ro.mructl?rol ot oloicltuourr llt :LunrrlluDCL{q aLIl 1o1.tcdco;;cq1ur.tc,tol ^ltiullsrp pollasur ro scuosnoll,'tctlrlLnr su le^al aurrs aql lnoql?lll .rcLllrcPcuosul (lue:-a.td uaq,\\) souo snoludosllu? pLru unnpur:d{q.1oIrururns tr pelresuIseuo srrolcledtln: rpt,t'g 1.() 0l-E si/.rrrt7,f,gsraqlo ur,r,ro11e,{.to tltttcl 'rxnl 's1r:dcs lsonrur erq,r crllsc.roclurnrr cunri- eql r/rrl2a|suriieu otl rclLu t.l ot cll?lnirluopqtr^\.() airlue 'cur1u,{q lsoruluo1 parnoloo plm snor.nrJsJrq,lrouros'ser3eds )sotu ur:^Jcled aqt utql .rc1lttus,{plurlsrp 'g 1nq e1r1lctccl pur o3.rn1o1 paJnpar,{letrterxa uo.q 8ut{.n.r .ro E r/t./2S peuorttsod,{Uuln8ei-tl '1cdos '(6)U pun6 ol dn sqrraq1 sercods on1 ur qle e soddoeuo setJeds tsout ul g'lrurLunsoqt ot.resolJ JOC:^liq spru,'!\ot SurqJUrlq sett]rleuos lnq osEqlP ^\o:lsqri :poPrueqio eso3m,{11ueututo.td ol asolltclcd 'sledcs 'c^oqr oslusaurleuros cql clrsoddose13ut S rl1r,\\ ro sqrJJeurpnltBuoy lucu turold qtr,ll uorl.!odee'4 'pesserdoroc peru11,{1apr,n o1 ,{11q8r1s u qtr^\ }nq qtiuel s]l llt?lsoorrr rollttl uEqtcJoru JoJ ,{Ju^o ol otuupt, 'palSur-g {11r:r1ua,rr.-.rop ,{-re,r ol {llqBIJS.Io 01cloJol pup.ruoJqo f l,$olluu ol elDUIqJ n1nq1rc wnnputttllill 'sauo uBrlPrlsrlvuJats-ne lsour put: sarcedsuelltJlsnv urolsay'ALII snoreurPlued s.ra,r'to7y cueqdsruterJ 'ecB1.tns xadr qtr,rsprfl lnrocllunrur.rcl e ro uorsnr]oldprxuqu lturrurelqnst qtl\\ lBlXequuo lucurtuoJd ,{Jlrnsnurc^prul peuellrql eql 'se^tal aql ueql snoLItJSa.rotu puu rellrtus 'snonptceplo sllo]npDc ,{llunsn'pnq ur Jel\og Sursopua,{11n1o1,{11uqrud put eleJrtqrulraf)al)D)g scsscourda1t1-rn:q oqs 'pe1 'pele,lrop- ,(.rJ^,{q pelnuruJal Surpuelqnseqt SurpccJxo,{[luer8 o] pe.nper ,{re^ tuoq 8ur8ut;r I 'sleopad salounpocl:urnrpodoqlur tn: qlrrn,(1ere,r ro seloellerqSurpuctqns Z urqlr^\alrssas la,to11qJl?e 'lelqouuJq SurlqueseJselcunped ,{.rr11xr ,{.rr1r1os qlr^\ eutf,seql uo u,\\op re^\ol soulorer ltruortrppll 'leJqJUDJq qtr,{\ seofrleuos qcE?uo ourcopJalll-elrds -to e{Il-,IelsnlcIEUItrIJelqns E Jo a)uns2toLlul 'olorled 'sur8;euralrrurorl ot eleln3rluspqll\\ ro eJltue'pellop puelS'snololo.uor uoqs fle,l. lo lioqs € qtr,{\'In?rusraira1 snoJqtlS'llrt ot o]trtso:d lsotulu sgnr4g ito1alot paqqter'tal aqllo ttntttltLtsag

'a,tu 't sqll snolud:sDor qrM !,?rtrrrrrtrrr^/ lo r.r.ids uDrter]snVu:ts.^\-qlnos lo uorsr,\eiV g Nrrytri.iVol. 15.No. I (2002)

I [;i



Figue 1. A l)islribulion ol the lew-ribbed Mlo?flr'flrr species(black). wilh addilional arcasofdistribution wherc only 1(! fjbbedtaxaareknown(spotted).lndthcdistributionofC.rrtrdr./dGhaded)alsoshown:B Distfibutionof Mirrrrlr),rtls eri(hst'|ii a, M. ninghatrc sii f ^nd M. unnvulu t: C Distribution of M imbtu:.xu a . A.,1.obordtd a, M. ]no ota\i\ O, M. p piLLosaL a\rl M. tugeti f . 6111o p1o1e 3ur,lr8 luled puc ludesqcee etrsoddo ueruels euo e,leqsetleds Surururuer eq1 lv1edqcea alrsoddoeuo'sueu;els (9,(l?rr) g,{luo e,ruqsetceds uJels?,t\ eulos puEserJads urelsEe lsohtr sle,t\olJ snoreuetued,{luotsrsuor e,tcq sarceds.reqto IIV u?ag U V,llolipunlot Np::r':tr;ag 6y ttltttotl 1,yur snorerurluedro snoJeurxoqreqle pu€ l?.ratuDr)4 s^nlt{aoJ)lW ur snoleuuxeq eJDSJe.,lroU oqJ srloN

'eJntBtuslrrul eql eloleq peqseJe seloalf,Brq cql pu? Jueqdsroleq 'elqtlJe^ s,{u,ulr sr xedt; pnq aqt tnq o.I€ srequrnu oln^o pue ueun:ts'dno;8 pctd,(1 peqqu-lre1 'xedu 'peqs fllersn cqt u1 cruo:ro1 cuaqdsrrueq uroJ.l sor.rc^ q:)tq,\\ pnq eqt uI puB oJsslrru.+ eql le u IDUn 'soloalJo:q luqd eqt o1poqcypu Sururpulel

'olqol eql uo petsII osIEeJB snuiutoDll,4l :u:oJJD"laLlnvut-to) Surqstn8uostp "^:c1*:uqo ueupls snor,\qoeJotll cqJ spdes aql lo aeJqlalrsodclo squ luautruo-tdosltz putz 1u1ed lelxEqr] ?q] c1rsoddoqti snor,\qoue qlr,r ,(luoururo:r's^ltled puu sledoseqt ettsoddosqt: "^not,tqolotequnu elquulll '"^nutlu]onry,l E 1UJ^eq ,1oset.to8elrc $oq ulo{ Surqqu unrqturd,{q stl ur s.rJllp n.tqtunrrt.tttJ

'sqlr ou e^l?q(, s.rceddcseru4euros puu olqrsr^ sqrJ snor?tednue g oq '(1uosuq,{[lPnsn qJtq,\\'utl'ltrpuucl,{q pessoJclttto: 'ioAoA\oH ,{JaAe qlrl\ sarcedspourcuun ouo ur parJtpou auroceqsuq srql lnlod putr ludes qcue 'sqr.r etrsoddoqr: ouoqlr,r g 1Sur,ruq {q pcsr-rc1ou-n:t1c sI dnolS setceds 1cltd,{luoql untqlund,{qpoqqtl 'Jo^o,\\oq -(6)g g,(liulnSo.rJruc ur Surtln:^ar'.ro,roLIeqlro os0qcqt o'l osolo,{Jo^ ept^tp squ eql lo euros sarJodsul?rll]JlsnV uJotsce od\:l ul scqout.rqojout -ro I olurelppru eql a^oqn ^1.|t1Jn8o.ur aptAtp {ru sqt.t eqt q8noqllc (i^no.ra[uxoqoJr s.red\ol-]eqr jr poqqr.r-9lo) poqqu-9 se poqlJcsoplssq st untqluld,{q cql 'dnorB sosuoti^orlr ul lrdasqapo o:lrsoddo e18rn ro qu e suqurnrqtn:d{q eq1 1ucrd,{1eq11o s.requreut 11c u1 'Surqqrr '.dnoJB unrqtwd{q 3qlur Suraq u^\oqs oruoral lrp luelsrsntto trpn oqtqtl,tr ltctd,{1c,orp sc tatpo eql puu .dnoi8luord,(t, orp su o1 pe.r.ra;e.r srs^arcods ed,{l eql Sutpnlcutput 3utqqt..tsnolutadnur lnoqlt,lt ,{-ro8elu;rsll.i,(rao"rlil,tr/ aql olqrl srll rrO tl.ta4tuDutrJoOsnrlo8 ctd{louou popler ,{losoll eq prn:sarracls stlltiLuo.t)rWloset.toSoiuJ urnu o,,rrtotltlo {""o1oqdroutpunuorlnqtllstpaqt soicduot 1a1qu1 s,ttltut.lly

'snuef eql rol ad,{1olce1erp sr poloclcs a.ta\lsr tlpLxnwu lp \'nt.1tiLLto.!)ttr4!dno.r8 slql lo sJaqucu cql Suoull?uril.rl ad,{p1ce1eql osooqJol cterrdorddnsuaes 1 Surqqu,;ood,(t srql cruq osp sarcadspeutuu {1tuo.t.tno cql .1o{1t.toftru r aoutspuu 'urnrqluudtrq 'satcacls eql uo sqr:snolndesrlul; a,lr.l o^r?q polsrl inol tscl eqt xrs leur8tJocqt lO 8-9 Jo 'setceds requnu a1n,loreq8rq B qtl.r' qtuaBxii/r,)oirla1 71 qtuc^osu oplllJu r ol srluei aq lo uoqducsap srq pcpuaurnpur'tltuagutolfttttuttu W pu\,.11allt1r.)u qluag ( Suardsxo qors) r/i,i4./r./)lLLt W sr-l 'l 'DtDJtJ 'W ' 'DlDqold'W DtDllp W ltaLlns luou tlpLtotLtLLtn.tptr4Jsgl DlDtotlo W qrut tllueg DS)LUaJDJW 'Jorlrre ol paxe]ejsarceds xrs oqt poqr.rJsop(/ggl) ruuqtuag')Jo^\tuql ul !,srsuJrln.Dstlv t?JolC,,Io I 'uoql curnlonur snuei eq11o uo4eollqnd Sururo. srq ol prelsulSuIreJeJ tsrltou p rp lnq snu (tu ttt:tt ptr 1o serJedsxrs crcmo.roql luqt pallrcrpureH p ro T sesnuc8 aql .rotJaqtrn]u eln^o aql a^83( S981 ) Lupqtuog 'en8olo1ordeql uI snua8aql rol peluurtuouseeq seq od,{toloelou '(uoucnpollul ees) snLl{utoi)t4 ;o soroedsupr[l?-qsny uJelsue puc IEJluocJo suorst^ejluecer fle,lqeler eq1olrdscq uotlttctlid{to1ta7

'6 ol 9 ruo4 a8urr eJtrErIIEultlDnDl)u .213oqt ur n:eue8:eqlo Jo sraqrueuletulnlorun ur pcpJo.oJ sreqrunueuroso[roJqc proldtq oqJ st1].t.\tuo.t)lhlurExBt JtcLn^orun Jqlro sJequnueuosoruolqc aql '(2661 oururelep ()1tseretur Jo aq plno,{\ lr sau|Dl?g e,{U) srequru aln^o ^\ol qtr,{\rlxul ur purlo-}eq ol erecey,{1qeqt ur s:equnu aulosouo.IqJ,\\ol.IoJ pucr] aql Io ,lrar^ul I I = u qll\\ ploldtp eresetoods rcqto eql pu€ zz = u qlr^\ proldurletsr rasrolis.rnLlsnutraonlw (0961allq,ld-qlrus) selcedsuJalsee euo puE (6161?^U) serJedsu€rtertsrlv uJolso/{ I,Jo^asro] u,\\ou{ e.I€sJequnu euosoruoJtlJ I t - x.+orequnu eruosoruoJqcos?q p surlsnJtwoJJtry 'eEece1.r,{141eq1ut ureua8Joqlo lsout e>ll.1 slaqrunuaaosoruotqJ

'efu 'l sqlr snol?disqm qtr.{\srr-r,!r./o./rr./,V Jo sar..ds uelt?nsnv ur3rs..^.\qtnos Jo uolsl^:i V g Nr',r.r;dVol. 15. No. I (2(102)

Table 1. Comparisonofthe distdbution andmorphology of Cor\vul1the ra antlthe two main groupsof speciescunently placedMicromytus with a primarily few-ribbedor l0 ribbedhypanthiun respectively.

Inseltion is describedas equal where antipctalous and antisepalousstamers (when prcsent) arise at the samelevel andunequal when the antisepalousones are inscrted distinctly lower than antipetalousones.

Corynanthera Micromyrtus Micromyrtus typical group atypicalgroup distribution south-w9stof widesprcadon south-westof Westem Ausffalia Australianmainland Western Australi.r bracteoles persistent caducousor deciduous caducuousto persistent bud apex hcmispheric hemispheric hernisphericto conic number of ribs antlsePatous usuallyseveral 5or6 5 or absent rntipctalous usuallyI absent .5 unalignecl irbscnt absenlof several absent total valiable s-8(9) usuallyl0 androecium stamenno. t0 5 l0 or 12 l0 insct1i0n eclual equlor unequ uncqurl dehiscencc ccntflll pore slits sllts gland Iong-stirlkcd scssllc scssllg ovule no. 2 l- l0 2

staDens,exccpt lbr tlle hexamerollsA4. ltexuneru, which has l2 stllmens.ll4icrofl)'rtu,\ eri(hrutii is remarkablein showingvariation in stanrcnnumber l'rom 5 to 10,with the numberof stamensin the antisepalouswhorl vrryingfiorn 0 k) 5 betwecnor within populationsand oltcn alsovarying bctwccn diflerentI'lowers on thc samcplant.

Most eastenand central Australian species of M/r'rr.rlrlrrlshavc 4-10 ovulospcr llowcr andthc lemainingtwo specieshavc (wo ovulcs. ln contrastmost south-westem species have two ovules,arnd threenew speciesdescribed hcrc havc only oneovule, a new recordlbr thegenus. Normallyonlyone sccdis produced,regardless of thenumber of ovulesprcsent. Being dry, indehiscentancl 1-scedccl, thc tiuit is a nut. Whilemany other genertotthe Chamelalclrlltl alliancealso haveanut, reduction 01'ovule number down to one in thesegenera is rarc, having beenrecorded only in a few speciesbelonging to Ac:tinoditrmSchauer and Vartiutrditt DC.

lr M i(:ronl),t,l,Lts, the nut is enclosedin the adnatcportions of the hypanthiumand disc, and is capped by the l'rcc pofiion of the hypanthiun and the persistentsepals. Usually the petalsclose to an erecl positionafter anthesis and are shcd bcfore the tiuit natures. Micromyrtusimbric.rtd is unuslralin having persistentwidely spreadingpetals, which presurnablyassist in the dispersalof thr: ftuits. T

'sueul]]lssnolnledque eql utql JSIpeql uo J?A\oIpauesul Jo luesqesucull]ls snoledc--uuy '8uol ruru Z-t l spted puu 3uo1utu 9 T 1J0 urnrqlued.{qL{lr,'ll sJe,trolC Zl sJxBlouorrrN ( elpJB8looJol alt^ leuoJ ol e8urg fluuutt6 11,t1)cslp .JollLt]ums l? pelesul stloumlssnoledastluy '8uolururtr7 6 T slBtodpue Suol Lutu SZ I I urnlqlurdlqqlr,\\ sJe,\\olc Zl 'stseqluurolt uoqrsod ',lttl:ruu ' lcere ,{ptu,1u o1Sutsop s1qe4 pclFut ,(ldreqs sqr.rrunlqlutrd.{H I I 'n sfEJIJqul ( ):Ilrd l?uolllrN puy edu3 o1adroqlsuc'rtx) ]II]IJ ur tlsrpper Surutoceqputt Sutprords,{1ept,n slvlod popurlo:pua p€oJqs^qtj unlqrued,{g 11 '8uol 'otB^o u[u l-[ 0(2 0) pesseJclepol elu,r.osledrs 'squ 'pesserduto:r lucuruur,tdg qtt,t 1ou'3uo1uru I Z 8 0 tunrqluudtrH0l 'l " 'c1t1ultt x,{leJouals l ( uc.o eeleopurlJol elr?-] uosPU) 3uo1uru 7 6-1 q stuclesPaqqu ,{leclecs'po"-serdutol'8uol LUtu 9 g-9 7 untqturdfp1 61 'ul?lll?ltsllv 'Z .l]c.meoleapultJ tt1 pttulut Stttpuelxc tl.l0lsa^\-qrnos seln^O L " euauouau,{q'hl ( o8tlrd uosurt,{\Puo1 oclocptlllJ) sclJr-rnPelclnJuucp 'olll^oqo Illlttts qll^\ slude5 3utl1uul i-! ^l^\o-Lnluol lc?ull i^oAPo'I 6 eludasl.rqrug'N ( lrrlr'qsnvqlnos lo 1s?^\.tll.lo1 u?soc uo:^qtD)tttnlqluud^q oql Suuncsclo"-clollnc 'elr^o,{lptorq cpuqurl c3.n1qtr,t s1uc1o53tto1 rurtt 7 I ol arldllloso^rc] 6 'cl]t,l^ 'pc^lnoel,{18rto-t'ls ut8.llltu qltA\ sltdos uLLlt 0 ic^o'olclol sluoull?llC 8 'I " ( llsulaq I uo!nq.m^&lo lsl|g) 'po^inca.r ssol'Ltl.lolllll slusulullc lou ul.a.mLuqlt,{\ sllldos cPl^\tllLLl I u,'!r,'n.',v0lrcql f]. .r::]:'il,iil ;i]ii?, ' 'rV LesLl.,.t,r ur 0l g suotttl?'ls sqrJ g otl'lLt()JIlilldr qltxltus {1rn1 untqlulcl{H I ''' eroul^Blf'lN ( r?rlr?.r'ls11vllr.rluoo ol IIlllly'Al saln^O ir-uoltuu S 0 .)ol'{lS lnoqfnolql csoinl ,{lluautuotdLtrnrqlurd^H 9 Blsqreq .N (lrcscc uos^qrD)Z solrl^O 1)l / '3uo1 uturg 7 .r c1,{15,uo1cq pop.nnq ,{lcsuep PuD {llulslP oso8nJ runlqlurd,(H 9 'I suauels esoftu,(lluourtttotd.I()/PtIllpaprcoq {losuop ttrntqtucd{g I '01-9.ro Z scln.rg pa18tm9 ro squ pcotcls,{lut,rollun 'PosscidLuoJ g Lltt,{\ lDq,\\cLuos(1-!l)).)rrA /,Vul) lo cleJelnrnlqlulcl,{;1 1 " slsuauBq8uFl'N ( l)emuollcls utq8utN) luour[torcl1ou qtl ll)txepr:qll,{\ eJejlnsIVlxuqD uo 1]ll.l]soalle 'tnoqinolqt qtPr,lrsulEs oql urntqluDcl^qJo uourod ctrupv ale^oqose,\ue'I t " eln^olun 'IAl ( va.rnsiultd5 celql) 'tueututord {.te,l qtr Ftx:pl LIll,\\'oonl.IllsIl?Ixllqll uo pepn]oJ'osDqsplu,{\ol pe,tolcu utntqluud,{qlo ttotl.todclnupy ct1dtl1c-3uo1qosa,lucl 't 'l olrl^o :luulutJcl,{I,luc ,4le,tg elque sltdcg elDuasulSJulu Jlle'l '14i ( DaJBouuv) scln^o:l[qtlJJ (1tu: (tu rg 1ra3o.r Z 't 'aterut?uIo] etellttr]uepspde5 eptutcrl ,{leurl pue ,{losuepsutS;eut 1:c1 '7 TruITJH:,:il1ijff:',:,l'j::il""i,T.9l:::il:l:z uso111ded.61 'Z (i-la8.).i,t,y ur) Jo I satn^O 'squ 'Ptxllqu 'pessardruoc lEralrrtZ pu€ prxrpt I Z qll{\ fra,r urnrqltl€dfH I

tunHlued,{q aql uo sal8ueJo sqlJ snoledaspuea^g qtl.^\snufwoJcl4 lo salJadsusll€llsnY uJalsol\ aql ol ,toy

'e{d sqrr snolrdasuueqrl^\ r?4.itidt.r.rrrtrlo sar..dr urllDrlsnv urelsi,\\ qlnos Jo uorsr,\ir V I g 7

NattsrrrVol l5. No l (2002) r08

i3. Peduncles0.5 1.5mm )ong Starnens10. Style0 35-0 8 n]m long M, obovata l\\ trbinto Litk: Ctu. e.) ... 13. Peduncles1.3-2 lrrm long. Stanens5 10. Style0 1 0 25 nln long (Merrccljrrto Coolgardieto Newdcgateto Kr.rmall) " . " NI' erichsenii

Previously rcvised sPecies

W Green" Six Westcm Australianspecics. Mir:rotr-rvtits btrbatQ J W Green,M linl:triseptltt J M. /rclllsilJ.W. Gleen, M. h\'nrcnonenrt(F. Muell') M. J|ttl,i||ont(F. Mucll.)F. MueIl.cX J'M'Black' Botar]ical C.,q.Gardner ancl M . stctlo(:.1[!r(F. Muell ) i.W. Gleer' occurprimarily in the Erenrean from provinceancl havc ah eacly been clescribcd ancl illusttatcd in GLccn( I 9130).Forrr o I thesclaxa difllr Tllc othef thesouth western sllccies in havingsix ot tlloreovules ttdially auangedaround lhe plnccnta hypanthiurnthat two specics.M. ltttrbattttncl M. r/r'rto.rtlvr.hlve a 5 anglcclot only slightly5-tibbed eithcf is rot ot only modcfatelycomprcssecl. whereas the southwestcln spccies havc the hypanthium prolniDcntly5-r'ibbetl or very conrprcssed

24 nrilcs Micromyrtus erichseniiHetnsl., l?orrkz r's l<:rtnPl. Scf.4,8.t'2780(1905)' 7\lx': Dcclari' 43 (.httlo:B n t' f39 knl wcst o1'Coolgarclic,Wcslcrn Aus(titlir.G.H Thi\llcton-Dlcr llossibly dcstroyccl;llr.,: PERTH (cx B) 0163071J4).

lllL!strdion. Flcmsley(1905: Platc 2780).

lifly s/rrrrlrr.cr.cct.0.3 2nthigh.0.3 l.2ntcliaru.I-trtt,r,s widcly alllfofsc to alnloslliPPfcsscd, vcry clcrrsclyutiurgccl on thc stntllct branchlcls.I'ctlrlar 0.3-{)5 nrn lotg l'e( bludct oboviltcto (illrl'lost scctiorl), br.otcllyobovatc itr ou{linc. 1.2 2.4 x 0.ll-1.2 mnr, vcty thick tliiulgulilrill cfoss nrnldii'Ltlr'; btoacllyobtusc, cnti[c: lowcf slrrl cc str.t)nglykcclcd. with 3-7 pronrinentglitnds up to 0 2 l lowcfs tultpcr.surlitcc shallowly conclvc to corrvcx./iacd,rr,,r mostlycxtcnding li)f 3 9( I 5) nodcs.thc sCalious. widelyitnllofso or patcnt;pcdunclcs L3-2 ntrl long.13rrrrtcr.,/r'r caclucous ot- clecidLlotls. IathCl Iilpcx. 0.6- I ntm lorrg,golclen-br.ow n oI r'ccldish-brown,stfongly li)ldccl w ithr glancluIII liecl.iDcLlfvcd wiclctt entire. lilow.'rf 3-4 ntnrtliant.; hyPa|thiunl nol comprcssed.08 l 6 Inm long'0 3-0 5 tum ribs'the midpoint,0.6-l tutll widc 11sututllil. l'rec in distal.. 0 2 nltn'with 5 pfominentnrffow itcute r.ibsoccasionally clivicling into 2 bfanchesncrr sunrnil,conc ve bctweenthc Iibs. scP.li.fl:iilly cfcct whiteor in llowerand fiLrit, vety broildly or dcprcsseclovilte,02 06 nrr long,03 06 nrtuwide' tnd whitish,broaclly obtlrsc, etrtire or. r.trelysornewhlt denticulatc. Pckl/.r witl] cllw faifly erect lcnlindcr.wiclelySp|eaclinginl'lclwet'crectitliitlit'verybroadlyobovate.l.ll'6nllllong,wl'tito()r cream,somctimes rcd-tingccl on outelsur.(lce, b|oaclly obtuse, clltire. .s/./,7r.,/1.!5 10, thc antipctalous ones onesinsertecl insiclc the summit ol cliscand with I lilanrcni0.2-0.35 mm long,llle antisepa]ous usuallyabsent or.reclucccl in nurnber',inserled distinclly wilhin thc rltarginof the disclnd somewhdl glanclbroad sholtelthan antipctalous ones. Artth0r c. 0 2 rrnl long;slits oblique or rrrely subpalallel; nole at bascwith 2 largebasal lalcral lobcsancl a more elongatcapical portion. oi,ar]! witll 2 ovulesin !l l-seedcd; of lesstenrinal cavity. Sl}tc0.I 025 mm long.Frail IJ-I7 mm long'07 I mm wide' hypanthiurr5 ribbecl. .leeultruncate-obovoicl, I l 14 nrn 1org 06 08 mm widc: enveloping membrane5-angled, golden browo

May Selectedspecinens errarlnerl. WESTERN AUSTRAI'IA: 36 nrilcs158 kml S of Norsernan'l5 1968.E.i. Bennett2154 ( MEL rr.r'.,PERTH); 2 miles [3 km] E of Chooli, 7 Oct 1953'HR & MtNee M. Brotrtbent(BM); 65.2km NE o1'MukinwobertRock. 7 Sep'1983, M A l)urgnun 2211& S (PERTH):Coolgadie goldfielcl, Oct. 190i'E A'ir:el863 (PERTHerB):c 1klnSWof DiggcrRocks' I I I 'lluas\Jua snlJ{un.url1lul uoqguc^ eql el€plcnlaJequnJ ot pop?ouo.I17 sorpnls pterg I I 'serieds petcterf lesolc I I sseleuros ur puu ( uruoc ved do1sr111q) sNDlouoLu n u pegode.rueeq osp suquret:tud qt,tror8.+o ed{l '*^l:rl srql punorSeqt a,loql?Lu Z -1ounrurxeut e o1dn Surpuelxe seq:luulqlJeJe JI[1 ,$eJ E qJlq,t uro.U I 'q8lqruZ0.recleqsqnrqsuSuruuolpuppaqJu€.Iq-qcnrusuro:lso^oq(ggzl7,t?jrli:/S3 e) sueullJeds 'stueld uJoquoueqtlo etuos luucgnr8rseq {uru luauodruoclqeue3 u lnq aq11o,(rotsrq e.rrl puu e8t eql ol I 'seroeds peluleJeq tsntu qJrq,r 1o oruos aql UIuees osF sr uJellEdql,{\ol8 ul uoDclff,\ alqeleplsuoJ I I '8uol Lurut0 7 g spdespuu rcteurlp ul g t E sre,togscq sercacls eql']uBuB^ uJ?]sco l qnos pere,,rrog-c8reloql Surpntlxg seeruluecufpu ul uouuloJ sr ltql lulr,rL?,\1uctd,4t erout eq1qltm sepr:rBlalurlurrrt:,r srql scrJadseqllo Jllsuelctrcqf,sI luql el{ls troqs,{ loruo:lxa eql pun:^ueuuls oqsg '3uo1 '8uol o^tlq llus oseqttnq uru 9 g ot dn sluclcsput releututput uttu y ot clnsre,trou ruru E 0 o1dn selortedqtrM'([0LE uos|,14gpD,1 3'al suerurcedsporc,nog-43]ul pup pe^pel-aflr 1,(1e,tqrle.r eruos eru I 'Ill?d 'e8uur cicqt Ieuoul:NurrrH lutlrc Jo {lrurcr^eql ur fllurJedso eq] lo lrDduiclsrJ-qlnos aqt ul I i '"'uol 'sro^\ou ruru t 0-2 0 cJr:lqorq,t ollrttttulrls-SJo esoql ucql I 'sJa,roLI I (ururgt0 SZ0) ra8Lrol eq ot puctstucrur tr.l s^nolu'ted quu eW etuurrlruls-olcql uI sucurl?]s/()1E tuoJI,{it:^.rosuaurls g f1.ru1n8ele,reqsucrurcccls lsour'odaup-l seneds eql utaJeq,treslA suoulels 0l qlr,ll I 'gl esorp1o euo Suroquouroed"- od,{l eq1 ot S uoil .roqLunuucruuts ut {.nr,le8twJ setoeds etp 1o quou i rP,loql uroil sueruroecl5solJodi^ clqtr-nr^ ,(lclueJlxa pw uoLULUoclr st ttu)s'tlztJar^n-t lluot )t I,/1! saJoN j

'sclcioqr'r1 ,\\olot.ml qI^\ peurallud,{11ueututo.tdput 1n1unz1.tot1 IIo^llnloJ cstp ,{.o\t oql e,tuqseroeds oorql llV (sJlooG^ll?ql ioplrn solouoos) r'A-olouotu lTll sotoads oq1st'DlDAoqoW ' .ropurlpcplrlaLU ^lsnorAorcl osll? i-l?,{ rlorq^\ uasLp!.1)st1t.tILtn.t.)!lN K) aADuloresolJ .raqlouV

'lsuc to,rc uep,{g ol urpo.LrchJcql ur dupa,lo saiutl itottl lnq oql ur tlu)sqitl) l,,1tpul? lsol\ aql ul 'petu.ndas Sur.unooo,lrar,rrio 7.1 Xlluorqdn.rSoe8^lo3.ml a.o sor)ad.^o^\1 eql stlll.tl alnra1ocnpo.td o1 ,(ouoptrclrclucr8 qlnLrrpLru 'sllaJ.reqluc onbtlqo o.tout ueqo '.tcqunu uoulrls .ra,{\o1,{11cnsn puc sueutul"^ .ra1.roqs'e;,{1s goqs {loluoilxc 'sluclcs rouoqs ,(llrnsn 'solf,unped ;e8uo1 's.rc,nog pul? i^c^pcl rclll?uls str ul 3u a11rplnq'olr,rrrrJo su.ttubl)ll/,1'-lo vr.(uou^s-u ol paJnPeipuu'qlr,{\ pasnluoo x1snot,tc.r.1 s;rril,i/-j'y

'(61,61 a,(U)01091 ,{y ? g JoqJno^'l.upllolulLtnJprnu[unr)IW srl ll = u raqLunu2utos(,uprqJ

'spnq puu sre,roJJuedo eluq osp pqt s1ur1duo luesardLIeUo ait slnu:le.mtrut pur Suuonog s,no11o; ,{1eso1oSugrn.rg reqolJo ot f1n1 fllutccdso 'ioqura^oN ol ,{-nlnjqeCpeploJet ste,llolC iilolonrl.I

(gl ernSrC) seroeds,/rrrry Jo DuuDn"^D)ollv'(snldtrlD)ng) 'u,lrorq sccllnur,(quello peluuuuopspuelpoo,r uodo {.rcr ro spuulqnrqsur ro,r olle,{uego Jnolocllos oql 's1u11,{e,{e1c 'orp.rc8looJ erorupuu surulclpuu.-strqrqul (ouutesroNJoqtnos) IJEurn) pup o}p3op.{\oN 'urpo.r.rali1,tr -lvl 'dSA'OOl',^[V ,{q papunoqrerc a;unbsflq8noJ E ur paproo?d l :ecul^o.IdlElluEtog lse^Aqtnos cql.lo suud urelspepulr auozJelulrrtelso,tr-qlnos oqt ur sJoJaOtDltqDq puLl uornclLtlsle

'(HIUAd) '286T '3ut11nqt11ng glL I DtS7, des 1 3o ,14url t 0Z :(HJUAd) SEZI. 'j 'at!\t\I 'tnftls 'I961 'ssorJ ',{e,$q8rg bDj U sdl\t\J E D y deg 69 u.reqtnosJo g UDI4T ureqrro5l 'gL6l 'dnJ ' IBoIC:(HJUgd) 0I09L aid I g tco l uortrllnos :(HIUAd ,1?DqJ) 6Z8lsnDd r'I L6I 'deg 'ecrrg y1 cry1 ol alr8ap,{eN LUo-IJ[ur,l LT] sollul S 0l :(HIUgd) 7961 suotT t\l 6' uosqlg N 't661 'e8ue6 '^BC '9661 des 77 .reruarg tt\ .+oN :(HJUgd) gtLt urliotg X T' uosqlD N dos 9

'aIU 'I sqD snolrd:sDox qtr^\ srrtrixrtrrrlv to s.b:ds uDrtr?rsnVrr:rse,{\-qlnos lo uorsr,\i.rv g Y

Nrltrid Vol. 15, No. I (2(Xl2)

Nlicromyrtusimbricata Bcnfi., Fl. Austral.3,64 (l867). Ilpe. sardyplaces, Tcnnination Granite, [c. 53 km north-eastof IsraeliteBay, WesternAustra]ial. G. McrxtLell(holo: K n.v.).

IllL!.\trcnion.Bhckall & Crieve(19ti0: 43).

Shrub0.2 | m high, erectancl slender to il'rh'icatelybranched and widely spreading.fu:aves widcly to fnir)yclosely antlorse, densely arlanged clistally on thebranchlets. Petlole.r 0.4-0.6 mm long. Lcn/' blrrrlcsbroadly to depressedobovate, 1.5 3 x L3 2 mrn. broadly obtuse,entire, with a prominentkeel at leastin clistalhalf and incurvedat apcx;lower surlaceshallowly lbldcd-convcx, with usually4-6 pronrinentglands Up kr c. 0.2 rnm cliarn.in eachlongitudinal row; uppersurlirce slightly concave. /ldccrrr mostlyextending tbr 3 20 nodes,the flowerswiclely spreading lrnd sometirnes becorning pendulousin fruit;peduncles L2 3 mm long.Br-aclcolcs caducous, with a herbaceouskeel and narrow scariousinculvcd margins and vcry inculvcdlpcx, nalowly obovilc lo almostovate,0.6-2 mm leng, oiien brownorreddish, entire,with prominent glands. Flou,ars4 5 mm diam.:hypanthium narrowcd irt brsc to ir usullly distinctitntl]opodium. top shapcd(broadly conic) abovc but cunrmonlywith ir sorDewhirtrounded base. not corrpfessed. Lri-2 mrnlOng (incluclirrg an anthopodiLlm up to I mm long). 0.6-0.8nrnr wicle at midpoint,1.4-1.5 Innr wide at surnrnit,fiee in djstal0.3-0.4mm, veryplorrincntly 5 ribbcd,sometimcs with aclditionalintelmecliate ribs partially clcvclopcd (aL basc or on l'rccportion of hypanthiLrrr)or vc|y ra|clywith sorncol thc livc |ibs branchingtowdrds thc top,smooth betweeD the ribs.olten glossy, the ribs lrsually very obtuse. Sqral,r efect to spreadingin llower,erect in l'ruit,broadly to clcprcsscdovllc,0.5 0.ll mrnlong,0.6 I rrm widc,ollcn pink-or rcd-tingecl,bloadly obtLrse, entile or sonretimesrninulcly t(x)lhcd. P(,/.r1,! with chw crecttnd lanina wiclelyspleacling in flowcrand i-uit, vcry broacllyobovale or alrnos(circular, 1.5-2.3 mm long,clistinctly clawcd at basc,oltcn pinkishor' rccl-tingcdoutsiclc, whitc or-sornctirncspalc pink insiclcat Iirst,bccoluing molc pink anclthen redclish in liuit. broatllyobtLrsc, cntirc. S/.r,r(,,ir 10, thc antipchlousoncs inscrtcd on insideol slrmmilol clisc, thc antiscpalousoncs distinctly lowcr ncarmiclcllc ol'lj'cc tubc; Iilarncnl 0.3-0.5 mm long.A/?/l.,r,r (. 0.3 mrn long;slits vcly oblicluc(about hilll wiry bctwccrrlorrgitLrclinril and transverse); gland comprct andbro der thrn long.with rrultipleclensely packecl lobes sunountling thc vcfy shortapical portion. Oy.//'fwilll 2 ovulcs in a tcnrliniilciivily. .S/.ry'c0.5- I nrm long. Ffllt bloacllycon ic with a pinchedin base,I . I I ..1nrrn long. I I .3 nrrnwitlc, l-seeded;hypanthiurr plorrinently 5-ribbecL. glossy. Secrl ol' appfoxirnatelythe sarneshape as the f|uir includingless pro[]inent ribs,0.9-l mrr long.0.7-0.1.]rnrll wicle;enveloping rnernbrane golden brown with reddishl'lecks.

Seletted qtecintense:antined (all PEIITH). WESTEI{N AUSTRALIA: cornor ol'Melaleuca Rd and West PointRd, 9 Sep. t992, G.F. Craig 2026;26.5 km SE of Scrddan,4 Oct. 1995,R..1. Cranfiekl 10456;Mt Burdett,Wittenoom Hills NatureReserve. 8 Nov. 1992,A.M. Lyne 1090,L. Crqven& F.Zidt(exCBG)|35kmEof Ravensthorpe,l6Nov. 1981,KR. Newbel'.)41 I ; 7 krnN of MtBaring, CapeArid NationalPaIk. l2 Oct. I984,K.R. Newbey 9'753, N of Howick Hill, 3 Oct. 1982,I).L. Rye 82026;9 nriles| 14.5kml N o1'ThonrasRiver, Oct. 1933.H. Stecrhran:5km N ofDunnSwamp, .. 80 km NEof Ravensthorpe,2lSep. 1979.J.I-uylttr14l,M.D. Crisp& R..lttckson(ex CBC).

Distribttion und holtil.t. Extendsfl'olr) the Ravensthorpearea easL to Cape Arid National Park in the south-eastemportion ofthe SouthWest Botanical Provincc: ESP, MAL. Comrnonlyrecorded on flat, rclativclylow-lying ground, in a varietyof sandysoils, sometines over granite,in shrublanclsoftcn domirated by nallees (Eucalyptus).(Figure lC)

Phenologl'. Flowers and fruits: maidy Augnst to November. Y

'dnJAI'OOJ :aqrre31oo3o11sr:r-qtnos pur allrAteluoJ ot tsreeiuu1,(pie11 arg;ceu utoq Sutpuclxc 'elrozielul Lr,lslsa,\\qlnoS puu aJuI^ojd Iellulllog ulTcllLLrelEeLli tll :-,lnJJOl1)11qD4 Pltt) LtoUnqulstO

'(DIIJ xo) sd!lt!ltd !1t!'8961 'clc;^ g'sso-rJu.rorllnos sp,rlr,\\ot alpftn-looJ tlro.U Irul 8l l sclrurIl :0668,(r.1']laNU) 1861 des tZ '11111 'l86l 'lllH urqp8unglo EN ru) f l :qtt6,(a.in.W U) roq I utqpiung1oqN tu{ 9l :10/8 'l86l 'erp.uriloo:) 'lro .i;tt1,.1a111y;1 inv 9Z .loy' NlAtulE/..)'t.nr^\ctsloA\NLul 6:.rr1r):1 0061 'arpiu;loo:) 'g '.nl 'e.Qucu :ga I ! l as\oa g g y ygr1 l L | n-uurn:15 11,9 puu eiiuull {preg orq uoc.\\1cqi6,E '3ur11nqr11nB '.gtOL r.)/,rr(/l/'!661 8ny 97 loE urI0l pl,rl.li!D.t)Il/'88613un[9J'elu1touroJ.loN 'lr1ro.r LU)I rrrtorlo LINtu)l t l- :VI-lVllISllv NdEhgA\ (l IJUgd lllN/tru?irrr? \'1t.)tut))(lr P)1.))l)r

(Cl VZ oinirC) 'Ll^\o.rqLriploa-'pcl;lrug-aur.rcltrattrSrrrclolo^Lrc:cPr,{LLrLu61).);r-LrolLLrLLrEl.)'(,\\o.r.l1]u,{.toAo:-rqq]rA\) |lo^oqo /r).7S'poc1t1n-g Ltrnrqlurcl,{q:fcpcis I'epr,\\arttr l l )'8llol rir(r8l .rtrrr.r-4 iuol ruurqg-g1; ,lr/S ,{lrAl-'ilnlttr.lol sscl .ro ll-(nu u Lrrscln^o Z rllr^\,\J/7,rOLrorl.rod porch: olrSttolc o.rotu l-'Lllr,\\'saqol 1r.rop1oi.nr1 I qlr,nosrq lr l)rx).rclprrrl;- :(cs.rc^sLIrit uuqt Iuurlnlriuol o1.roso1r qrnLtr tnq onbr 1qo,{1tqir 1s) ;01;r.llrclclnsstr1.-:;luol [rLLr ga 0 .)\r/.)i//l/y Suol urru 6 0 9 01uaruulr.l:osrp aLll cprs tno ,{11rur1s rp {11rnsn 'rsrll.lo sctrosnolrlcdrlulr crlt trLULlrrsoql r() .rooprslr'ro iLll uo lq;rcq ctul,'saq1 lr ssal.ro ciotu l)ol.rcslrl '01 ':rtrq,n'.ouo1 'irrAoclo r1/.)rr4S ill-'lr'rJrluop.()i.rlrri'csntqo,{;pro.rrl rurtrg; 6'l {1ptlr.rq{.ro,r .11ll.I|i.ll11t]tlItllo.l.Jpiqs,{11l:n1tto,lo1-lttt;ro.loiLllLtt()Joq,.lo,to1';Ltt3trrptlo.tc|s(1lpt'lr'li)l)LIIl](1o'll)u]].i.lJ 'olrq^\ 'iprA\ ,{1.||rlmrlr qlrA\r'lrlr.1 Jlr lnrrllri)p .ro Jrrluc osnlqo ,{1pr:o-rq LuLug ; c.)1f iuol tuLttI g 0 'oluro 1-rosso.rclopo1:r.ntnl)s lso[lll]'snor-lris ltLlt\otltos'1.rl pur ii,{\oll ur laJio,{l.Irl rlzl.),! sqr.roq] Lraal\loqaAlrrlrot s(lri olnlr A\o.r.lluluoltttuil.tcl g qlr.lr'trttug 0 .) lrlsrp Lr to.rl lr!!rarnsllr Jpr,{\llrLu t l ) .1ttttlclptttt1:o1lt.lrtttttti,11;..l.ii-ttil1t!|lrt!'Z9.l.l]i]sso'tdu|()i]()l|ll]|Ll]u]]Ll^Ll:.(ll]ll)L 'o.rrltro xoclulu pi^-rnlrrrr'3uo1Lurrr g 1 o1 cln 1:ro1.ru1rt1'lut:13 u rllrA\ plrplol ,{ln-Lro.rls'srlor.lris.rotllu.r .ttlos{1o.ttt.t1lrttlsnoinl)l]i!,/1),,',r/{/...tl1)|tu(lg'z1s:r1rttnporI:1urpd.ttl:rs.til.t1ttl:'{1o1lts.llmo1.1ol11 'siporr il a iol Surpuolxr,{11soQr\,)rrlr.rr}/ xa^ooJ ol oAIouoi,{1,\\olll]Llsoilrl.[']s iodcln : rr rlI rLrLlrZ 0 'prl..I o1dn syllrl;- )uourruo.rcl9 [ rl]r,r {1;-uo.r1srlr;.rns.rcmol :lllrlrllrluol).() o.u[ro'osr])cl(J,{lllco.rq '(Lro 'rrrrLr '.Lr rt.os-sso.r.rll .lrlriullr.rl lsourlr ) Iilll] {iol Sl tlxgt L l rlt no Lrr Jtr^o(lo ,{1puojc1 ,{.r:r.l i4 7]|,'^|.)(||,|)|)])|q|b,rI3tto1ttttLI1r.1;t.0\,|o1DJ'Sloltlittl]'lc]'1iIl]]tlIsiq]utlp;rirtl:'n:,{1osuo1l.os.ttl't1ul 'lii],rc ,{lisolJ 01 ,{loprl\ rr,1rr? L[nrf ru r.t1 o1 cln qa-rq[r 9 I L 0(! 0) isucl),{lo)ricl)our \'./r./r./S

'(-]flI,,{'BNV.) o.r?:(r0stztE0 Hfuad r.)/.)ii)90/l 'a;urU \Lr),i'th! i rn)rr/?,N'966I i1n1g1trr1r:.0snyu-r.ls.y'11 Lrontts rll.mlrf tLrnFl.raorrq ll4l lo ls-or\\ 'soloLI)Jo,r -qtioLr-LlliolrtrI Z'l I .) urn.rodso11r.1fuu n-uoftr.r.li) rr..,{\t.q jJu.rt .lo Jprs qt.rru uo ;r'rrl,{;

'I.lil.lrp rrorAJ.rqclrunsrp srtu.LLnlrIol,{ts IJsrl)cJrd?:-nJasur.rlxe la^ rrrrhr u.rrlnssrltr.resrull slrrullls sltLllotput:.tflstltt:tttttpcd lc snqr.()llpas srur.l.lrr arut\()qo oLt,ituoi)tr!

',rol r1s c,{; slxBlouoru sn1l,{ruolr1y41

'dnori 'puclS p/p4r: /,{ eq]Jo rrql elrlun paqolrllnrrr lredruor ,{re,r u 'selJLrnped srq osFrlrllr.r.i-l.1i1l? /,,V sJln^o i puu sueools S ]roqs ,{re^slr iurpnlf,ur sJalJtJLIJJJorequnLr 1rur srellrpdnori rrlr4rll{ oqt .r3^c^\oH DtDll!)t! Surpnpursarreds Lmrlurl:-nv uletsre lo dnolS 'pcuq n ur plmol sqii eql o).nlpurlsreqltlJ en] tuql runtqlued{qJqt rtosqu pcpunttr,{1ptr.-n {:o,r o,rnq o1sarocds ulrlr:1sny u.rcyse11,i1uoeqt sr ll .melJUnerr serlrLu.+Il:sl1 suortrlndodsnoreurnu slr i-uoure sptre.qcLqdrrSoei snor,rqo ,{uu lnoqtr,r lnq scr::rcdsl1qur.n,l Lsar'r, st o1o:tt-ttltLrtsnlt,Qurx:11,11 saytl'1

',t q r.tCrrrr .\ '/.r l,tI r !l r"r'r'\ r. ..vrt||r\ J,! r\r \ 'iU tg Iy'u]rsidvol. 15,No. I (2002) Ec ,@@ p@ M W^J W* K fr Wffi W ' J6nrJ* ow

Figure 2. A-D. klictumlrt s tnonata s.A-leaves,B side view of flower, C - rop view of flower, D - fruir (wirh TS); E M. ninqhanensis,^daxial view of1ruit (with TS): F-H. lll. papillosa.F leaf, c - top view offlower, H - adaxialview of fruit(withTS);I K.M.rogeti. I-leafwithmarginenlarged;J-adaxialviewofflower,K-stamen;L O. M. uniovuta. L - leaf, M - abaxial view of lwo flowers, N - stamen.O ada,\ialview of fruit with TS showing immarureseed. Scalebars 0.5 mm for stamens(K,N), I mm elsewhere.Drawn by Loo.aineCobb from C.A. Gadnet 13469(A,D), R.J' Cranfieldj036 (B,C), R.J. Cranfed 8619 (E), R.J. CranfieLd'741(F,G), D.1E' Whible! 4580 (H), M.A. t'lngley & l.K. Haney 1875 (r-K), L. Polomka & S.J. Pattick 3307 (I-N) and R.l Cranjietd 7903 & P.J. Spencer (M,O). 'ec€jrns pu? lelJ ol elecuoc I€rxeqp uo spu€13IIo iueuruloJd qtr,lalnq qloorus ,4lJre;flensn pue xe,tuoc 'sqrr 'squ 'tslxuq? raqlo eql ueql peurJepreueq eq ol Supuel sqrJI?raFI er{l IEToIBIz pue IsIxPpu I z qll,t\ 'peqqu-g, .Ixur 'epr,4^ llueururord,{re,r1ou 1 g-g 0Ielsp ur ee4 u[u'Z l e'3uo1unug 1 ,'esEqpepuno.t e qll.r cuoc-pesserdep 'uedo eJou uoluod eu; eql 'ued eluupe ur pesserdtlroc .(lp]1ue^rsJop ,&e^ unqlrr€dfq: ur?rpIIIIJ g'E t sDMoltr eJrlua'elnJ?'uraoJq-per1mprequ.r,{1unsn'3uoluIuII,'el€^o 'snouEJS'snonproep ro snocnppc"raloarazg Suol urru 8 0-/'0 selsunped:lueled ot esrortuesre.tou 'eAEJuoc eql'sepou 91-6 ro; Surpuelxe,(llsorx sarraJru ecegrnsJeddn :^aoJ luulprut8uol qcee uI ruulp 'xe^uoc 'es$qo ruur 1 g r o1dn spuelSlueuuroJd 9-' qlr.r ec€Ins Je,{oI :erDuessel Jo eJou ^lp€otq 'uturv'I-l'Ix 'e1e.toqo,{peorq '8uol L t-z'7 o1tluotmusapqqloaT urul 9 0-t 0.salopad slelqcusrq 'estoJT:ue 'SulpuaJds aqt uo ,{ll€lsrp pe8uz.uv ,4yesuep sa^Da1 qBIq uJ t'0 ot dn prm ttrol qruLlS

'( ,1a .IghI :os!tLtvzzvzo Hlicad :oloq zEt6 'g 'vg6l 'ulleJtsnv 'lpleqql!\\ )tr!.tro) w Jaqolcotz uretsel& ,&I3rolesrJerd] ueJe u?q8urN .sfld(l

'ueJJIprtueururoJd snulu qerx€p€elsoJ '€lppunloJsl8€ru 'snt€^oqo rseq rnlwd,{q le snquomuet snqunt€ursllloJ pes slulJp ollnw oln^olun ou{uolll4

'aou dr 'e,{d slsueu?q8ulusnlJfurorJ!trAl

'0I l€ruroueql usql raqlu sueulslsI I e^uqotr pe^r3sqo sE/ gt\Lna{uDrJ Ty uo sje^\ouoql Jo euo'suerrctssnol€ledllw eql ul s3rslp eqt eprslno ,{llcupslp uu ql JerltPJ'peqol .{t,rollEqs s.rB6dd3 qclq,{ 'csp eqlur dpego lrrxuns eql 1e 'suerruts snopledque aq1 uror; ,4puaraggp ,{pqEgs pauesuJ aq ot rueddz ueuosueur€ls snopdesque eql lnq lunqlusdfq eqlJo tluuns eqt13 Peuesur eJs sueuPls [v szloN

'serceds o,r1req1oaql op u?qtIIos ,{11anuE ul pues111q uo.{lluanbe{ eroul 'seJueJeJeJd JnJcoot sreedderJr^oqo W qEnoqllE uJoJpu?lpue [Ios ur sacuereJJlpl€e$ ou pusau[ 'ptp^oqo 'uro4pelumdes Eu1ra.,',roguydzlre,ro elqereprsuoc ,toqs salceds een{l eql W ,41pcqdu;3oe8 sr pus'puelurreqlJnJ sJrnco slrorcuou W u,\\oDIeJ? sel€Ipeuljelu oN oBUEJul del,le,to1qE1s e ^\oqsBxEt o,^$ eql lnquuasquta 7,t1tro e?ueJ eqlJo ts?e-quou,(lumur sJnJro,9firrouow snuKwolclw

'stmpuow y'tlu[ suslueupllJ er{] uBql ra oqs{llJurlsrp tou 'sluau?lueql ot qfuet ul J€llulsaJoru puEJe8uot al,qs sll pu€'sJe,rou snoJeunu eJour 'salcunped Je oqse^uq ot spuetopt'oqo y1 enbqqo eJorxsllec Jeqluu aql qluA sueu€ts Je,^A4 seq flpnsn put'sueuElspue Jl^ls Jolioqs s]lI'l] slmpuow W 'sauo uro{ sJeJJposp ilaasqc1ta snlttwo"rcM snopledDureq1uo.4 uonrsod luere;;lp e ul peuesulIo 'sJe,rou luesqBJeqlre eJp sueuels snoPdesnu€ eql selceds o^! eseqluI Jell€ruspue se^€et ,{{lnq ssel ro Jeuoqse^eq ot puetrlalql\\ JoLltoq'D|D^oqow prIEnuasqJln srytttuotcgTg o1pe1u1et tr1eso13 sautur{lg

'seAIIPler lsasolr o1rr1slr rxo4 sercedseqt seqsrn8uqstprep€J?IIt sql seuosnopledque eq1 ueql uorlrsodre,,no1 ,(pcurlsrpe 1epagesur seuo snoledeslue eqt Bur^equ€qlJeqlEJ'urnrquud?iq eqryo lfiuruns eql lDsueu?ls ' - - eql IIE Jo tuerue8ueJ-ruaql ol SurrJeJe.rtr\oJ slxzl puu el8urs soto?r IeeJC eql ruotg tSo1otu(lg

'JIEA tJuroJ u,to.t1reqruatda5 ,{yrua ut 'V'C) pelJallo. se.r lI lruasqrya Wursztespees poo8 puq srqtpue'lrluJ ejnl?u uI s€/ (69rtl nuptDD 'JequreJeq '(8qouaq4 uerurcedseuo ,{luo raqotco ol tsn8nv flprcedse ot TIJJEII :sn,'l'oyg

(OI eJnSrJ)'rlsstatd slJtlllD) 8u1pn1curserceds;o ,ftaIJB,r e ,{q pa]uunuopspuelqnJqs 'surcldpues uL'elu1 lauoJ lEJu lros qsrppeJuo4 pJpJoJaJosl€ ,tro11e(u,to.t1 ,(1uruu paproraX

'a,{U trI squ snolEdasquEqrr^\ s,].r{&oJtll,1/ Jo saltods uele4snv uraNa^\-enos lo uolsl^er V 1 g -

4 Nart'i.r Vo 5. Nn. | (2n02) usuallyminutely papilloseon adaxialsurlace, the papillae less thar 0.05mn long. Sepds erectin tlower and fruit, scarious,r'ery deprcssedovate, 0.2-0.35 mm long, 0.5-0.6 nn wide, pale brownish throughoutor darker and with a pale margin, very broiidly ubtuse,entirc. P"ld1,rwidely spreadingin flower, becomingelect then shedin fruit. bloadly or very broadly obovate,L 3 1.6 mm lorg, distinctly clawedat base,whjte, broadlyobtuse, er]lirc. Stanrcns 10, all aboutequal, the artipetalousones inserted on sunnit of disc and somewhatexserted. the antiseDalousones inserted near middlc ol' licc tube and included;filament 0.3-0.,1lrm long. Antlurs0.3 0.35mmlong; slitsoblique (otien almost transverse): gland very broad ard extendinglaterally beyond the cclls. 3Jobcd, Lhe2 largelateral lobes of a sinilar sizeto apicalportion. Ovdry with a solitalyovule in a mor-eor lessterminal cavity. Sl-r/cc. 0.35mnl long. Frult verycompressecl, rcctangular with roundedbase, c. 1.3x 0.9 I mm; hypanthiumc. 2 mm long.adaxial surface usually papillose. Seed very conrprcsscd,c. 1.1x 0.7 mm, with surrnit lairly truncatcand base rounded; erveloping nembrane medium brown. (FigLrIc 2E)

Other specinrcnsevrninetl. : type locality, 7 Sep. 1973,J.S. Baud 6452 (PERTH);type locality.2l Nov. 1992,R..1. Cranlickl8619 (PERTH).

Distributiontuttl habixtt. Apparentlylestricted to the Ninghanarea in the ErcmaeanBotanical Province;YAL. Occurson a grccnstonc-granitchill, in reddishor brownclay, in a low openwoodland ol'A..r(i1ritnd Casualinaceae. (Figure IB)

Phettology. Flowcl's:Scptgmbcf to lato October. Flr.ritsrccorcled lilte Octobef t{) N0venrbcr.

Con:ier\,ttiofi ,\t.ttu.\. Consefviltion Codes lof Westcn Auslrtli n Flofil:Priority Onc. Knownlionr only one locrlily.

Iitvmoktgt. The specilicepithct rclbrs to thc occuffcnccol thc tlrxonin the Ningllrn Stationlrcl.

N.r.,,r.Previously known inlilmally asMicrorryrlas sp. Niltgllu't ( 14.C.Cor ckc)332).Thedil'ltrences bctwcenthis speciesand its c losestlelativ e M. tutktvttlu ttrcnotccl Lr ndcr lhc Ialtgl spccics.Mfu rr.urt'rris nitryhutrcnsishas been conl'usecl with A4.ptLltilhtsu, another spccics with only onc ovLrlcin thc ovary. l\4.pupillo.so clill)crsin its Iongel peclicels, nore narrowlyclawed petrls, flore papillosehypanthium and l'ivestilmcns, appar(]ntly llso tendingto be a moreerect plamt with narrowerlellves.

Micromyrtus obovata (Turcz.)J.W. Grcen,Census Vasc. Pl. W. Austrai. 2 edn, 6 ( 1985). Thrtptonteneobot tttaTurcz.., BulL. Cl. Phys.-Moth.Attttl. Inp. Sti.Suint-Petersbourg l0:322 (1852). nJ).rr soufh-westernAustrrlia, lwestern Australia], 1847-18,19, J. DrLuwnnd coll. 5 sr.rppl.,n. 23 (lnLo: KW n.v.,photograph PERTH; lsr,,;K ii.v.,PERTH 018295,18,0182856,1).

Mk:ronyrttrs dnnntnontliiBenth.nom. supcfil., Fl. Austral.3:64 65(1867). Tlrypttrnene tlrtnnrondii (Bendr.)F. Muell., Syst.Census Auslral. Pl. 53 (1882).Il?e. south-weslernAustralia, fwestern Australial,1847 1849,J. Drunrnondcoll.5 suppl.,n.23 (hokt: K ar,.; l.rorKWn.r. (photograph PERTH),PERTH 01829548,0182856,1).

IlLustration.Blackall & Glicvc (1980:,13).

Shrirl.rserect,0.,1 1.6 m high, up to at least I m diam., otien with numer-ousstems fiom the base 'ialJrlcqJ qll^\'ttltasll)lJa ulrq} srql lleqc o1 pepeeu eie suollll^lesqo iljolr] lnq'llulullls lepuolq I] l'{Jo lEql pedrqs-dol elou;^r lPql lIuJ r:lorulq ol s tu.ttJtlt',ttltt,ttttyt /.4/'pe^lssclo ucocl e]\uq lrql sllll-q 3'lllllltu '{\cJ 'Sulpeerqlno ,{.1e,\iqt uro,rd Fltpunrel pecnpcr s1t o1 pelrlcr cq ,{cnt tloit1.u :tll uoquldepp :clne't8 u Jo uorluJrpur ur aq ,{r:u sc,rqtle.t s1trpt'lr uosrlrdl[oJ Lll seLcedsstql,ltl a1,(ts.teiuol aq1 truirls pcsodxe 'sallunped oJoru r? prtl] sJc^\ol+ sllolournu e:ortt leuoqs e^l?q ol spuil Dll11.).r, /d'sclJecls od\'l csoqj 'st:.olloLtqu qlr.r\ uosupciuror LtI I/\J pull 11tz\'t'l)t.!,)/V se^llelilJ lscsolJ sll lcPun selou ee5 saalll/]'y

'pot-oqr elul {ltuc.rrddl spces str purl\1rn.rl elntuLu ulllo'\\s qlt,\\ ( 19117p.tolntr1 1 :1) uelurJcd:^.reqlo ^luo iqJ 9t9 i'r"i:tdf I)tro Fluo peuesqo crom sPoescintrrLrr puc (ucllo.{\slotl o l) p.dole,\apLns,(u^\1t,{lrueu c.lr,n cseqt'luoscld sllrlr1 .r3plo Lllr.r suclultcds Jo .lcqlunLl eilul crp olrdseq .rcqLLralda5ol ,{lnf :s.le,trol'{ ,i|olou')qa

'\ 'D 'DtttJ y pclluttuop (Jl iinirC) t) lDH -tnt).)t t)lt)l.t IN ttt(l'ilDJtig t)D.)V DntD)(17 .1osorlcds {q {luotuurilo sPurlpot),\\ol sltrllllqr'l.rLlsd\o1 rrr'ptrntlri ttl1.;uo-() seflslllq.() slllq uo',{rli LlllM:-ottllli(()s 'lVl'^,1'OOJ'lAV '1eN:.riqtrm uot.lo'sltos,{l)ut:s qstumojcl.to,{\o11c{ ul s-.rnr.O :(\-sor.)Lrioql[os ol Lllnosulqllr^A ttlo.ll iulpuolxo .lo qlnos) iSurd.rcl.lrd rtou ot Purltrr lllnl toJ[ ai)lll[) olll'l oll] l:-uo .cuoTJaltlIu.li]lsJ/\\L|l11()sPtn]ootll^o.ldlll:)ltn]lo[|lsi^Aqlnosoqluls]|'|J7()'l])11(|l)l||,llDu|)ll].](|1.llsl(]

'(i1 i1CV oslll) u)nl,Lt.l,"l llllut)sl1A4 Dlttl1d'lr)61 cb),-17'tttttrpuo;1t)N(r)lll:(,1'l/'ltlt\')'DBJosllr)lztl n 'IW'gL6l Ltr\l :ggf itrrtll f ."ny 1g':|lrtr.r1r ittoltr 35 lttl t0 ttoqlllnl trrllr.tl'lg.loS S() 7.; '1661 'oilr.rl) rlcs g'util)t:tun1,1.yo N ttt) i t):(,1 ii DtlJ osllr)\ZL,i.)t)l( 7.)'1661 do)-Z .)ll-l .lo 'll(16l 'ptl 'Pll :(IASN xi) )^ or) a 9:El!9 r/,rr(/ l/ Stly 1;'tro.ttl ulclnA\ llllltltrt\.lo lA utl I .r.tlrrlofl '.()r)Q roltlrrqqlsnCuoPtl t!tnJ ) * L()aauto^) l g )1.\tt(l /'866I ""nVtI lrotlr)lJoU c.nr0'ftl c.)'Ltop{p.1o5 ura-prtol.lo li\ rrrl t tuulrttri.rs.aurIlrrli\-:(il ii gNVJosllr) zll tttrt)-1(llal l'1861 clos^ or)0z'91/llai^.roso>l o. rlrrN :vl'lvuJsnv N)lsJs:I,14 ( HJllSd Ilu) 2rrl//1/t)\') \'tt)tttt))ds lDt',11.C

'tu,no.tc1 Ltoploi P.litm-9 lllLl'\\ittlos .Llr.rclurcluii'Lr(lolJ^uo:tLltu L0x Z l .) proAoqoolllJtlll-ll lrrr( 1loc1c1tt-g tttnrqlrtccl{q:olll.lcl uiLI,\\ Strolutlu80-g'0(St0) Pcloos-l'Pccslo!r)tiLUlrc1{1prn.-n'opr^\tlrtual-6'0'n'uol tttttr t l t li?,r./J .l7.tl5.{1t,rul1uutut'Ii1utll:.3|n^().tl]l^\i\'l]).l.).u()|].l()dluJlcI]lJ]u3UoIoijoLLll]tl]I'{\.sarl()lIll.Ii)]l]lo.ll]lz ,{lltlSlls) qtr^\ e:-uq r Pro.rqpullla- :(os-1.^sur.ll ullLll 1rttt1'ltlltit-rttl1 o1.te"-o1:r qlnLLt tnq enbtlqo lallll.ludclns cql strls:3rlol ruur SZ0.)r'./2qltty Jstp tlo u^\oP.lar\\olPclicstll .le).lous,{1tqir1sseuo sllolrdi)"-lluD 'iiLrol ruu il 0-g'0(f 0) tu.anilt t ll tlll.{\ PLlllJslll.lo ltLLlLLlnsaql uo.lo aplstll uo PcllosLllset(l snollllJdllln, 'esnlqo 'ettq,t 'iuol ttltu orlt 0l 1r/rurls aptlqttttl {1cttt1 put: {1l.tot1sol cillllJ '{1prlo.rq Z E l 'op,loqo ,(lpucuq,{.ra,l paqs Flp:ttltte,ra ucql llll-l+Lll liolc'i.'\\oll Lll"ullluclcls,{IeplmlcpLlnlLllai pulllJctc 'osn1c1o,(lpli)lq'ellq'\\ 'aPI/lr ,{prr.lMrlJ Lllr,nts/tr,l.rot olulncquop,{1cu11,to artlult LLlLtlI E 0'iuol ttlttl L 0 pul] sPdr5 -f0 elu^o Plssejdep t1 rtlclt11e;octrr^o'sllolluos lPqMeLttos'1lnl.l le,\\oll ut 1ra-te,{1rtu-1 'sqtl 'sqrJ.Ll]uee,trlaq l^uJuoJ itrrim,\\oj,tttulttotttuto.td g tpt,n'tuLllt 0 U 0lclslpulae{ltLuunsluapl,\ 'turodpL[l 'passi.rdluoJ : trlttP tuur q LuurI l I lu ipr,\\ LLrLtt1g g6 3uo1urur9l-Z I lou unlq]ulld(q y 'locl -nr t qlr,{\ I sr.)r\ol.l c.rrluefllulstp poiuD pal uil,lo xeclt:lt Po.'r:nruL'iuolurLu I 6 0 tnPnllS 'luclsrsred pep1o1,{lSrro.qs 'srouuJs ieLlltl {1rtr.1o1 snocnpur sa/1al)DJ€[ SuoI urLu E 1 9 9 solrtrnped :luel[d Jo i)s.I(xlul] ,{1cpr,t s.re,no11cqt sepou eJoul .lo 0Z 9 Jo.l Sulpuelxe ,{1]sout saur.r'ray xo,lutlc 'peJacl ot o^nJlro:r acll-ttts .racldn : utrrp Luu 7 9 o1 dn spttllii lueulLttold 9 1' qll,lr '{iSuolls e:lr'JJns '(uort.es 'Luttr re,t\ol:orriue'asnlqo,{tpuolq ssoJJur J?lniLIEI.Illsoutn) IJI[0 ,{ic^ f, l 8 0 x (8 t)t S I 'iuoluurE0 'eurpno ur ctu,roqo,{lpeoJq ,{ie^ ot olr^oqo sapo1t1!oa7 tOeloued slelqJullrclJll[l]Lus 'pcsse:dcle eqt uo pe8ue.uu ,{lcsuep ,{ptt.1 ol os-rollue ,{1cpr,t sa,uraT llqrq ql,troJS csuep t Sulurol

sqrr snolrdrsrru| qlr,\ r,rr./ ir(2/.)r/,t' lo s.r.i.ls utLlrrrlsnV(rr.ls.^\ qlnoslo uorsr.\.r Y .,(d I g Nrlr.lrz Vol. 15,No. I (2002)

Noler. Bentham (1867) describedthe stamensas five for this species (under his Micromyrtus drummondii) although it regularly has 10 stamens. PerhapsBentham was including 5-staminate material of M. erichsenii tnder this taxon althoughhe did not cite any collectionsother than the type of M. oboyatq.

A greatmajodty of the specimenshave a style 0.5 0.8 mm long. In the centralwheatbelt there are also a few specimenswith a style 0.35-0,45 mm long, intermixedwith specimenswith a longer style.

Micromyrtus papillosa J.W. Greenex Rye, sp. rou.

Bracteolaedeciduae. Alabastri apexhemisphericus. Hypanthium c. 2 mm longum, parte infedore do$iventraliter compressum,pagina adaxiali papillata. Sepalaerecta, petalis multo breviora,integra. Petalaanguste unguiculata, alba, in liuctu decidua. Stamina5, brevia. Ovulum 1.

Z)pnri BeaconHill, Norseman,Westem Australia, 4 September1968, M,E. Phillips (/rolorPERTH (ex CBG) 01630822;isor CBG 025387n.v.),

Srr&Derect but often low and spreading,0.4-1.2 m high, 0.4-1.5 m wide. Leavesantrone, densely arrangeddistally on the branchlets.Petioles 0.44.6 mmlong. LeaJblodes obovate,broadly obovate, or occasionallyobcordate, 1.5-3.5 x I .4-1 .7 mm, broadly obtuseor occasionallyemarginate, entire or almostso; lower sudaceconvex, with 8-12 prominentglands up to c. 0.1 mm diam. in eachlongitudinal row; upper surfaceconcaye. Racemesmostly extendingtbr 5-20 nodes,the flowers usually widely antrorse;peduncles 0.4-0.6 mm long. BracteoLesdeciduous, scarious, ovate or broadly ovate, 0.6- I mm long, usualfypale brown, acute,entrLre, Fktwers 34 mm diam.; hypanthiumvery dorsiventrally compressedin adnatepart, the free portion more open,depressed-conic with a roundedbase, c. 2 mm long, c. 1.2mm wide, tiee in distal 0.4-0.5 mm, scarcelyribbed or somewhat5-ribbed, with 2 abaxial, I adaxial and 2 lateral ribs, glossy, abaxial surfacefairly smooth but with the prominent oil glands sometimesprotruding as shortpapillae, adaxial surfhce concave and prominently papillose, the papillae c. 0.I mm long. S€palserect in flower, erectto closedinwards in fruit, somewhatscarious, very broadly or depressedovate, 0.3 0.5 mm long, 0.5-0.7 mm wide, greento deepred-brown with a white margin, broadly obtuse,entire. Pelah widely spreadingin flower, becomingerect then shedin fruit, broadly or very broadlyobovate, 1 .3-l .6 mm long, distinctlyclawed at base,white, broadly obtuse, entirc. S/aryslxr 5, insertedat summit ofdisc:filament 0.35-0.5 mmlong. Anthers0.24.25 mm long;slitsvery oblique; gland simple.Ovary with a solitaryovule in a more or lessterminal cavity. StyLec.0.5 mmlong. Fruit compressed,with a roundedbase, not seenat matudty; abaxialsurface ofhypanthium smooth,glossy, prominentlygland-dotted; adaxial sudace of hypanthiumprominently papillose, glossy. (Figure 2F H)

'l0 Selectedspecimens examined (all PERTH). WESTERN AUSTRALIA: Mt Norcott, km E' [c. 20 km ENEI ofNorseman,22 Sep.1918, R.J. CranJield741 lJimberlana Hill, NE ofNorseman,20 Apr. 1997, R. Davis 3056; summit of JimberlanaHill, 15 Apr. 1995, B.J. Lepschi & T.R. Lctlly 18O91 JimberlanaHill,2 Oct.1979,K.R. Newbey 6163 (alsoCANB n.v.);nearbase ofJimberlana Hill,20 Aug. 1980,K.R. Newbeyl l84; 5niles[8km] Nof Norseman,8Aug. l95l,R.D. Royce3473; c. 8 km NE of Norseman,29 OcL 19'74,D.J.E. Whibley 4580 (also AD n.v.).

Dtstribution and hdrilat Restdctedto the Norsemanarea in the SouthWest BotanicalProvince: YAL. Occurson hills, from nearthe baseto the summit, in sandyor clay soil with ironstoneor graniterocks or slabs.(Figure 1C) '{Jolcl 'p}I luurpuno slrPpv tl,{ :(HJUEd) 9l IgLllllt.tD V ;I'0661 ^oN t I puElprtJ cql puEp11 uulooy tsciN lo LroDJulfruo{ seeJiapE l T te UDI!-.i :yl'IVUJSnV NUIIJSE,^Npaunuor) sloLutt)dsr)11161

() IZ arnird) esollrducl{lluoururord c1 'soJl', tl]ll,'\\i)ruos pns o,rl eq}uo lueprAe.ia8uoJou sqIl qtr,\\puu pcssa.rdtuol{.re,r unrqluDd,{q :ettloe]Jn ',(lrrnluur pesse;chuor tl uccslou //r./!, ittol uut g g : .r7ii5 ,{1rrcr1u.tlucr lsorulr ur ur salnlo Z ql r^\ '.ll?lnqolf 'suJnruts .1./n^Or uoqrodlucrdr a8rul eqt sno[rdosrlul]uo saqol[r?le]Dl lueututo,rd eloru q1t,t pue ;e3.ru1pur13 :(is.ro^sLnril o1 urq pLtrpnltiuolol rosoli ]cq,\\cruos)cnbtlqo s1t1s :s^ucunrts snolrdasqut] ur 3uo1urur gg g .r puc sno|ltodrlur ur iuol ruLUgt 0 J i',/.,r/lrv .reqluuoql su oauolsu Jo ueqt rct-()qs ';r-uolLuLU EZ0 Z 0 lueulxlr] :souosnoludcs qrru pcpn l:ru r E:rtpLrtql reqitq ,{1}cu r}s rp purl llroiq} aql tlr seuo '0 'e1t '8uol ';)'alrr\oqo snoplcdrlrn g er11qlrrt I uDnrrls e.ulucssol .ro ciolu osntqo,{pco:q q,u LuLu g l 'trnil '.rol\oJ.l ,(lprorq {rer ro {1plo.rc1 ur pcrls^ucql tJeJaSuturoceq ut iiuqrr:ords{1opr,t JlpurLrtllil.l 'esntqo,{lproJq'epr,\\ prnrtoc.la asrrl tlltl('slDp.l olulurJulot ctrlllJrlLroll{lluautrtur.td tutu 90 al) '""uo1 'snot.turs'tnr.l rLrrug g-y 1yollrAo ^lpto.rq ,{ioA,l(l ,{lplorq puuic,{\ol.l ut 1lc.to,{gnr1 sit2rla,g 1tn.ty 'eJlr.l.rrs 8uno,{ur esollrch:clIrLI^\cLuos 1-[rr.ro11np 3urLtroooq,{ltua.ocldc lnq ls.ru llr,{sso1"" pur qtoou]s 'llrxuqu 'lloqqr.r-9 |rxrPr LrooAcJUoo lrrlA\3(ros scll.r lriclrl z PLnrlurxrPu llr.nuoJ I z qlr,{\ tPq,\\atuos 'ttr(1 'lltLrLurls 'i)sllcl I L 0 lrtsrpur ooil lr ttttu t l .) pllll lreu lu opr,\\LlrLLr l .) uJlloMs^.lollllodprlu '3uo1 'o1r1oo;rn-posscrclrrroo'uodo 'urd 11,'eprA\ttrr g 1 .r LrrluS Z-z olou uorl.roclee.r.1 eql olur.rprur l]os^soldLLloi{lll,'.lltlc^ls'l()P^li^lLInIL|]Lll]d{q:c.Lnll3t].lIlul]]lLlll,{\.,tLll]lpLtlLtl9''..)r.i')J1/)/J''o1]Il]]llL|op {llLrctrrttro.rcl'ollrrrtunJtolilllJu'Ltl\o.tqo1t:d'8tto1ttrttt7.r'c1rAo.rocllrAo{lMo.r-nusrlor.rltJs'snonprJol) 'sopoLr s.rlt),)t)t).t .oLro1Rrtu g 1-1j11srlnnpocl :os.ro.rlLnrs.ra,\\ol.l iql lJ t.l()l iurpuctxo {llsou r.rir.r.)l7ll:r^liuor oor.lrnsroclcln :,\\o.r luurpulr.auol qruc Lr LulrllntLr I'0 ol clnspu:l luournrorcl111 -ll Ll)r^\'xo^Lro.o.)rl.Irs.ri^\ol :osrq oql sp.-',{ 01 luclsr\-.]cd 3.rotu tnq sc^uclioplo ut pcqscq o1Sutpuol Lrr.a.nrrraIq,r iqt'ts.Il.]ll] LI.a.nrLLrollrurilrl ,{1orrr.; pur,{losrrop'olrLlA\ r qtrl\'os-nlcl0 {1pr:o.rc] trrLLr g 7-; x 'orr^oclo g t U vpD1t1l)n'1 iuol [rLrr91;-g'1y ra/o.rt.).1 suro]s ollt u0,(11r1srppo;-ur.Ur {losuop {un:.1 'llosso.rdchr ol os.ro.rlull!.),r/7r'l .roclntolrii-rlc uro.r.l srlrots 1ro.ro c1dr11ntr qlr,n'qirq ur 1'1y-;11r'riniq5

'(t,l t9l0 HJltgd "1 ii llu,IASN)'8NVJ./rJ/ :90 t9t0 HJd-,tdj1)i1)v) 610(x)il '0861 'urlu.usnv 'oLlLuv.lo I tt llDu H ll {ln I zz u.rotsolA 1si,\\-rlt.rou-tsa,{\I ur) zl-62I s-clrLU 0z-8 I irr./.i,/,

'a rln^o .^i).rqlr.rolllln urnluoo rll lll^J,rqcll|lxl]Llr 1)J rrultUutsrnPrJcf lltol'l.rl urrqllr ululi.l r1r:rur;rr1onbsn r1r:1n.rtLr.p.lsJlrLrrLLr lriorAoiq ollnur srltled tloo.ro ulpclas srlqrluralrl 'snqrlllxlrqt 'rtrniuol Z lJ snqrllrxlrpllI 7 stlscxltunsso.tcltur)..rilr1r.rlLr.Ar:_.rop..ror.r:rJurol.ncl urrrrg 7 ; runrqtrn:d,{gsurrroqclsrLLrcrl xcdu ulsrqtlV ulrrla e:-uopuruo^nl urloC curlplJcpculoclruig

',1/rr|r/r 'a,{11 xe ueerD lA I lJaiior sn ,{urorJIIN

'snuai aql ur lr?nsnuntuaas t)st)lltt[Dtl ,{.lo sp:toclp:r,nu1r ,{13uo.t1s eq1 :^l]rtadpe^\rl. flSuo.rtss:-el 'suotuuls pur urlr rrpur]d{q cqt uo aullrdldlueu r uro.rd :-seJ 0l Sut,luqut.to,11tp qotq M.lo qlog'Dlntu)|utl t! '\crJicls pJ\1,\'itu,uDrliiutu snt.t,itLn,t)t I,lJ c]rrln^oruno,{\l relDo aLli J.m se^rlulel lsesolJ sll xaii)N

'runrqturd,{qcsollrdrd oql ol s-re1e:leqlrde JrIrJeds eLlI tSoldLt,\tll

'se,\Jesei uorllllresuoc ,{uuuro.r,1 u/rou) tou pur:ruI 0t urqt ssc11oeSun: r urqtrmsllrq ecrql uro.rlp3p-nJed 'euo,lluor,rd :llroJcrrLrJrrlsnv ur?tsoiA.r0.1 scPoJ uorlu^Jcr^uoJst1llll' Lbllll^-t)sl.toJ

'raqolcg 'JcqotJC)ur peprorer :slLn-rJpjdy peproceroslu ,{puaot tsn8nv :srcmolg ,L9oioria4.7

.lg sq'.' snoprr.s'lur qtr'\\ r,rr./.urr)/.rrl,1rto s:nads uEilrrlsnv uralss^\-qrnosJo uorsr^erv .r{ N&),rsidvol. 15,No. I (2002)

13, 1.2km W of Natta Rd, 3.7 km S of CareyRd, Shire of ThreeSprings, L4Ocl1998, M.A. lnngky & J.M. Hat'vey 1875 (PERTH).

Distribution and habta, Endemicto the SouthWest BotanicalProvince, recorded from the Mt Adams area(west of Arrino) and from near Koojan: GS, JF. Recordedfrom the upper slopesof breakaways, one record in yellow-brown sandysoil, the other two recordsin heaviersoils with lateritic gravel. The vegetationwas recordedeither as open heath (two records)or very open shrub mallee over open low scrub.(Figure lC)

Phenology.Flowers: July to October. Fruits recordedin October and November.

Conservalionstatus. ConservationCodes for Westem Australian Flora: Priority One, Known from only threecollections, at leastone of them on privateproperty. Two arein closeproximity in the nofih and the other locality is well isolated,c. 170 km further south.

Etymology. Named in honour of Roger Hnatiuk, a biologist who was the first known collector of this specles.

Not€s. A very distinctive species,with a hypanthiurnsimilar to that of the threeunivoluate species of Micromynus inbeing papilloseand very compressedbut differing in having a constrictiontowards the summit.M rogerl is readily distinguishedfrom other south-westernspecies by its white laciniateleaf margins,and it has extremely short stamenswith the very reducedfilament usually shorterthan the length of the anther.

More material is needed,particularly in mature fruit, to descdbethe speciesfully. The largest immature seedobserved in the material availablewas c. 1.4 mm lons,

Micromyrtus uniovula Rye, sp. rxov.

Bracteolaecaducae vel deciduae.Alabastri apex hemisphericus. Hypanthium 2-2.3 mm longum,ex parte infedore, dorsiventraliter compressum,costis 2 abaxialibus, 1 adaxialibus et 2 lateralibus, interdum minute papillatum. Sepalaerecta, petalis multo brevioribus,integra. Petalaalba, in fructu decidua. Stamina 10, obdiplostemona,brevissima. Ovulum l.

Typus:on both sidesof Bunny Rd, 4 km N of NebruRd, WestemAustralia, 2l October1999, L Polomkn& S.J.Patrick 3307 (lzolo; PERTH 05541719;lsor CANB, K, MEL).

S/rraDlow and spreadingto fairly ercct,up to 0.4 m high. ae4v€santxome to almostpatent, rather denselyarranged distally on the branchlets.Petioles 0.3-0.5 mm long. Leaf blades narrowly to very broadly oblong-elliptic, 1.5 4.5 x 1 2 mm, thick, broadly obtuse,entire or almost so; lower surface convexand sometimes indented alongmidvein, with 5-8 prominentglands up to c. 0.1mmdiam. ineach longitudinalrow; upper surfaceconcave. Racemes exterding for up to c. 30 nodes,the flowers usually widely antrorse,tending to becomepatent orpendulous in fiuit; peduncles0.5-0.7 rw\lolg. Bracteoles caducousor deciduous,scarious, ovate, 0.7-1.2 mm long, pale brown, acute,entire. Flowers c. 3 mm diam.; hypanthium somewhatto very dorsiventrallycompressed in adnatepar1, somewhat narrowed towardsbase, 2-2.3 mm long, c. 1.3mm wide at summit,free in distal 0.6-0.7 mrn, distincdy 5-ribbed, with 2 abaxial,I adaxialand 2lateral ribs, the adaxialsudace with its cental db more or lesslevel with sra^\oll J :slll:ts 3ull.^\ou g:luetd.loqN V l.Irlxd S fq firlu.otcd'(l iql ln u:IPl rlTlrrtlt snuil|ri)trr?rv]o sqdedopqd ! .ln;lJ

'(ii '€INVJ i/ ) osn?)00ZZ MiiPnrJ Z W'8161 'clcg111'uqqr:eLrgotpnoruosiur,rdgcc;qJ.lo^ASlLrrl8tIIsaltur9ll:L6tt1r/.uDd ISpllrlu.,,.'pd7 '6(16l ',lxo 'px '6661 zz'Pu rK)i^urqoulo 5 rsnl njqep ;o N tu) t t'pu {uun8 K):6stt l,rt.ttndls 'rcCI '|861 Z'pU n.lqaNlo N tu1 I'pg {cuung :( n , BNVJoslt) tL

(t 'O .IZ seJnBrC)osolldEd tEq^\cnrosuel1o urnlqluud,{q :Suolornr8Jrueasornlpurtsorua\lt'stsu)uDLlSLtlLrsultirro.r.)ll,{ursBpcssc.tduroo"^r1ou,(pueluddrpq {1r.rlr1crutu ueeslon ,irr-r,./3no1 n[u y 6 J ,/,ils {]r^rJ trurrurelssel .lo eroor e ur eln,lo ,&utqosu qlru 'paqol-[ 's[4. ,t-rrag uorlrodlrrrdu ot azrs.rrl[ursE-]o seqoJ 1u;e1el o8lr:|1 7 qr,u eql puo,{eq,{llcieltl Sulpualxepw puorq,fua,lpur:13 :(csic^suD.rt tsolulu ue o) enbllqo,{ie^stlls :8uol tutu gt0 ) t^Drpuv '3uo1 ruruy g r tuolul?lrJ:re,trol} Jo luolp eqt Surqceerpuc cqnl oo4 oql u,llop,{s'\\ llnq tnoql?petJesul 'pcuo.-xo '1y sauosnopdesnur oql ,{ltqFrls puuJs Ip Io lluruns uo perosul !-ouosnolxloduun eqt 1 suar.rrtrT5 'oJlluc'asnlqo,{tpDorq'elrq,r'esuqtEpe^\elc,{pluusrp'8uo1ururg1r'e1u,r.oqoflpuojq,fie,tro,(1peo.rq 'trn{ ur pcqsuoqtlrere Suruoceq 're,$oTJrrr Surpeo.rds .(lopr^\ q/rlrd ei rlue'asnlqo ,(tpuolq ,{le^ 'uISluuI 'ul3rnru epd u q1r,ure{.r?p Jo qsru^\oJqelud'epr,r mor g0 E0'3uo1 ruu gg t0'ot?^o pcssoldop 'tnuJ 'ssJ?JJns Qqtuo lsPellP snouEls prrBJc,{\ou ur tJaJas/r./.rs' 3uo1ruu gg 6 r etlltded aql qloq '(pa^rncur uo (sprrelSIro Surpn-qordluq,teuros q1t,n tnq) Woorustsourlt; o] a.-o11rdcd,{1e1nurur ,{t8uoJts uego runqluud,{qaqtJo surSrtlutoq]) squ eqt uee,\\taquI petueput,{13uo.r1s ot teq,teuros tnq sqIJIt?Jo.lBl

6 squ snopd:sDux qr,r srrtrirtu.ri?./,Vlo seneds unrtllrsnv uralss,\\-qtnosJo uorsr^ary :,(d I g t20 Nr)trid Vol. 15,No. I (2002)

Distribution and hctblt4l.Endemic to the SouthWestBotanical Province, rcstdcted to a small areawest of Three Springs:AW, GS. Occurson lateritic rises,in sandysoil over laterite.(Figure 1B)

Phenology. Flowers: Septemberto November. Fruits: October to December.

Conservationstatus. Conservation Codes for Westem Austalian Flora: Priority Three. This taxon is known from about eight collectionsover a geographicalrange less than 15 km long.

Etymology.FromLbeLatjlr unus one andotum - egg,this apparentlybeing the mostcommonof three new taxa describedhere that have only one ovule in the ovary. All previously describedspecies of Micromynus have 2-10 ovules.

NoreJ. Previouslyknown by two informal tl'ames,Micromyrtus sp. Arrowsmith R.ner (L.A. Craven 68'73 & C. Chapman) and Micromyrtus sp. Three Spdngs (R.1. Cranfield 1885).

This speciesis very closely rclatedto Micromynus ninghanensis,differing in its oblong-elliptic rather than obovateleaves and longer flowers, with the hypanthiumless compressed, more na[owed at the baseand with a more prominentadaxial rib. Its fruit andseed are apparcntly muchless compressed but good fruiting materialis neededto confirm this differencebetween the two species.The two taxa areallopatric, withM. uniovuh occunrngin lateritic habitatsand M. ninghanensisoccurring c. 150km further inland on volcanic rocks.

Micromyrtus uniovula is also closely relatedto M, papillosa but differs in its shorterpedic€ls, less strongly clawed petalsand ten stamens.


The easternspecies of Micromyr"tushavebeenclassified informally asbelonging to the' group' (revisedby Green 1983b),'M. leptocalyx group' and'M. hymenonemagroup' (seeBean 1996). Theseare all subgroupsof the few-ribbed categoryof speciesrevised in this paper. The first two of thesesubgroups a.re restdcted to eastemAustralia, while the third extendsto the arid zone of Westem Australia. Fudher subgroupscould be recognisedin Westem Australia,including one for the three very closely relatedspecies that were previouslycombined under the nameM, obovata. rJnlike the eastemsubgroups, this westem subgrouphas a constantovule number of two.

Green( 1983b:317, 329) indicatedthat therewas greaterdiversity amongWestem Australianthan eastemspecies of Mi cromyftus, and rccognisedfour informal sectionsfor the westernspecies, two of them with five stamensand two with ten stamens.One of his 5-staminatesections comprised the two speciesMicromyrtus flaviflora and M. barbata, and the other consisted of a single unnamed speciesthat is describedhere as M. papillosa. Greendid not list any speciesfor his 10-staminatesections, which "a he describedas having narrow-cylindricalfloral tube", althoughthe 1O-staminatespecies show a much greatervariation in their hypanthiumshape than this suggests.A strict division into 5- and 10- staminatesections is not suppofiedby the presentstudy, in which the 5-staminateM. papillosa is 'fhe consideredto be closely relatedto three other new speciesthat are all lo-staminate. M. obovata subgroupalso precludesa stfict division into 5- and 1O-staminatesections in Westem Aushalia, since it includesthe 5-I0-staminate M erichsenii. 'tLg-Lbg :LZ^uotog 'I 'e,(d [o lounol uDllvasnv suor]errldur rlluouox€l sll pus e€o.eu,{t{ eql q uoll?F!^ reqrunusnlosotuorqJ (6/61) g Caumoqlal,^l irotu!-rdtuoruua^oD) 9I-gI dd'8 IoA .. eErlu4snvesrqd€$ofqd ?1ualu8erJ,,.uI eeo.eutrW (ga8l) g'rellenw '{.iaDos '(0261) 'eroot{ '677.-.691:Ey ,{uzrog uDaDuut1aqt h lurrol erpllsnv Jo proueql ot uoqnquluorV IN al S '18-LL tL ozaolal 'sole/d '(e!€reu{I 'lqruS 'uulno 'I 'relunH qtnos ^\aN tuorJ salcedsd\eu ? ) srrrrJt i4rkuorclw (9661) fI ? J C I 'OBLZ ',{etsureH ! tBZutlr'lu'ld sauoxls.ralooH lsweH'ltuas,ipuasnurwo.t11w 1906I ) g td Iee-LI€ ti olcttnN Drolttnulw N Jo uollaxrjrdltolral pus erl?4snv ]|ll€$eeEJorJ snu{uotrtw Jo sepeds^\ou eaql Sulpnlculselceds peIF pue (3eer€u,{I{)DtDllp tnu{uoDlw lo f,ruouox?J (qt86l) idt'ueerD '9It-962 tl DlstoN ell?rtsnviuotserd 'e€aploru€dsolel -qlnosuro{ (e!6rrlrlliulrq] .ql'll ,{ltusJqns)eeeie trI I Io sr,ue8,.,'eua uowalsoalTril 1ltt86l) /A I'uooro '6OZ-tBl tt. ttts$nN elprsnv plr?-lluespup pue ur (eeer!u,{ht)s'lr.r(uo.txlw ps'. auawo trw (0861) / t'uearD 'tLt-8gt ta ,!st(rN (e?ercruleu&q3aqul'otoprourndsolde'ltrIuqqns)aeocautrWlosnue8/..eue'tuallluD!&or'(6/61)nAt'uoorC 'rouprDD (quad:roluldluoruuro^o9),,slptueplc.Ooprl€rlsnvunrelreldorlglournug,,'(l€61)V J ' It-tz tz 'pp:e3zt1U KtalcosfuotslH prnt,N uollotsnv $al4lary lo lourrol stu?lduellslsnv Na^\Jo sapeds^\eu euos 1966114 16 'ttt86t tgt alqdo.tSod8uetuflfupun aqtqrsaSuazao{d'\uowa$(S 'slolq l$ D1.pnql1.!D[apsluqtog slFluaplccoeerrelsnv oerqdlfol{qd eluouiSuC a?ocDu{I,'{(t061) A'leaud ? 1 992-t9l :ZOIel0l1^ qtnrs $dNlo &dtros t'oduu!1aql lo s'ulpaaoordarnlculs ocuecsorouul uo.{ ocuopr^a- oror?u,{t{oql uluollnlo^g (6t61) SVT'uosuqot? Dg's33ug 'spuDlpeN (?llerlsnv ureNe/A :sserdertsrtsnv uelso/A Jo ftrsro^ru11)6^orrC I B ,(qupo puz pasl^al pu? pemlcrulseu !! sre.rogplly'dusllgrtsnv ul6lsoiA ^\ou) ol ^\oH.,(0861) f E'o^alrDd' A/A'll?)lcBlg CuopuoT: oC ? a^oeu) € lo^ ,! slsuolls4snverolg" (/98I) C'ueqluog _ cuopuo'I :oJ?e^eou) 00/ d'Zu?d'i lo^. unrelueldej6uoD,, C I'ralooH? D,u?q]|.leg:utcnu{wontn 19981)D't!?qlueg '89-Le tE sarcNqrrDasaY wnu'qraH uoltortsnvuratsaA sllErlsnv urolso,rAJodglu tlqdldoe8ol,{qd ^\ouV (086I) SI'pJlag 'gLf-ggf 'u?og il orblloq tsry purlsueenour (oeocru,{t{)Wuog sr!,{uorrlr1l Jo uolsl^6rV (9661)U V '.{elrcg ( oulqsu8 : oJ d, sru?pplc) z wd ,, urolcpullsueeno,, (0061) !,{ g


'uorlsl]snllr eurJaql roJ qqoJ eulEJJo'Ipue'sqdzrSoloqd puu ,{luoud uonu,rresuoJqll^( selsedsuo 'snutwoJJrw uoneru:oJur Surprrojd roJ {crflud ens ur strtx\l selceds SulpJBBeJecl.rpr sq :o; ua8pnrl urloclEl I'unp'I olul sesou8Erpeql SurFlsu€.rtroJ uosllld lnud'?Jaua8 peFIeJ pue snutworrlw uo el€p JulnceloursrqJo s8upurJ,fteuu.rqerdeql;o syulepSurpl^ord JoJ uoslll[ Jeladot InJo]EJBIU€ I


'pauurJelepeq ol la,{ seqxeldruoc srrp ur stuuu€AJeqlo ,{uetrreqlJo s$ets eqllnq'salcads eteJedes e o18uo1eq,(1me1c' sruueeJg l& [ r:llofyl m^osowazorry 'r4l'saDeds pu" srlrueeJ0 lA'f,lDultDc'm^DsowaoDr slqlol peqdd"ueeq eAEq teql serueu tducsnusuj 'tqtueqpsoruaJDt I?lerJ€^arl Jo o,\{ snufu,uotctygSurpnltut euo eq1 sr xeldruocsercads llncugrp lsoru eqJ pesuSoceJeq ppoqs umqtued,{qpeqqu-uet " qtl^\ EXstIIJetse,r-qlnos ,4rJEur ,^Aoq prJe '?qur}snv uJalsed!ul pesruSoceJeq pFoqs sdnoJ8tueueS€4ul{u?ur ^\oq eutuuelepol pepeeusr >lJo^\ elo1i{

'e,{d 'I squ snopdasfue qll^1 sx![ o-Dll,1/Jo sa].eds u?ll?qsnv trlatse/a-rl]nos Jo ro$r^er V g N&)tsd Vol. 15,No. I (2002)

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