'snl-ttuoicl4 Wrr$ sJeFeJeqccDSouBBrp ,{uuru sereqs1eq1 salceds 'snue8 ruelse^\-qlnos ,{leu euo roJ'(6/6I ueeJc) ueeJc la'[ uaqluDuttoc crd,{louoru " lceJe plp 'pelelduoc '(166I aq lnq Je^au eJe^t ?qu.usnv Iuelse,11\-qtnosur snue8 el{l Jo sepnls s,ueeJC uosIIiN 1966I 'lo p retunH :qg86l 3086I ueer9 :966I uBag) svo,\\ Jnuouo)("lrerDo ro suorsr^eJul pel€all '086I ueeqe^"q ErI?IsnV uels?e puup'quec luo4vl\\oa4snvKwoteryg;o selceds97 eqlo IIE aJurs 'ueer9 'd[I uowal.soanDltr snue8 .,rreusrq olw serJedsl€cld.{1e moJ erll peJreJslre.u(3€861) ueeJC ueq.{ Peperuer wA\ ruolqold srqJ (0g6I) e^eFC ? IIDIceIg uI ^Durof pefel ue,r zreue8 o,^$ eql lueql el?Jedeso1 suearu {puer '(906I) e Jo ecuesq?eql uI (026I) srool{ pus (t06I le4lrd 3 slerc ur) Iezlud plereSzlld,{q ?leueE qloq m euo u! pec?ld eJe,{\selceds pcrd,{1e rno; ueq,^apesnJuoc su.^l\auawoldtql pue snl'LtuotJry4l uee,{leq drEpunoqaql (1t61) reuprs0 pu€ (006I) ,{aIIuSse qcns suoll€tllqnd cFrlouoxq relel IrI 're^a.{{oH 'auauodtuw pe,{\olloJ lou s?,r slql JePurr?x4 ,\eu pequcsap ,{lluenbesqns pu€ ueql oq,4a '(gL8I) JelIenW,(q lqg auawordtuWJo uolces u ol pernpu su,t snuaEaq1 q8nor4lz'snu(wo.tc17y u1 'aee? perrr€uueeq e^€q sdnorS cuauaSs{ul reqlo ro suopcesprrrJoJ oN u,{I { eql Jo (616I uosutlof ? s33ug Jc) eou?rlle xunlrngpwDqJ aqt ol SuFuoleq snueE u?ll?{snv cFrepue Im sr swt(wotJlw uo,qJnpoJluI ',{1pouduope,uesuoc 'snueE 'euo e^?q uaql Jo lnoJ prl? eql JoJpeprocer ,t1sno1,r.ud ,{ue ueql re.to1 Jo requmueF^o u€ e.l.?qsolceds ?trau eserlJo eenlJ pal?.Ilsnl or€€,{u rytorun'71pue af,[xeueeJ}'1t\'lya8o[w'e(d 'w 'aid '741'at6 xeuealo'lA'f ,,sollldDd slsuauoqSuru slmtouoww selcads1||leu eql pus peplsuler 'selceds 'selceds ryprneH !!u?srl}!.tasnuKuotclw pasl^ereJE .r6u e^lJ aulpnlcul uelse^\-qlnos 'dnoJE lqareeqt puu srrl Jo sraqueuruErl€Isnv uletselAtl eql ol ue^lEsl ,{eI V [ueer9 ld I Czcml) ow^oqo 'W =f'[radns 'wou'r+uegltpuowwntp snt.ttlltarJi],t/'snue8 eql roJeJeq pelcelss ed,&ol3e[ eql 3upn1cu1',&oEepc.retpl eql ol Auoleqselcads tso4 seuosnoptedFlrp ou lnq sqlrsnopdesnue 3ul^3l{ ,{q re4o eql 'seuosnopdespu? osl€ fllensn prr€squ snoptedqueEul^eq ^q pesuepeJuqceuo 'Sulqqu ul qlrpdf,qJo srseqeqt uo eJeqpeqslnEulslp eJB selro8elsc ur€Ix or\tl "qlueg sflrrKwo.trtw wpap\)ur '(ZOOZ) .(puermcserceds ar4 ?uouly ZU-lOl :(l9I DlsttuN'urnqrwd,{qeql uo squ snopdesuue "I 'e,{U e^rJqtr,r (a?ec€Uf]{) sn1.t(wo.tct1t11o sorceds u€llE.lsnv uJelse.{t-qlnosJo uolsl^er V g perlsqY 'e.!ue] 'tol 9869?rp.qsnv u$lsotA ,CIo^lloO,{enueg 3?g p.Ico'I lueue8BuBl,{pus.I pu! uoF?^resuoCJo }uauluEdec\unlr€qJaH u?llE{snv urEs6rlA a'(U'1 'g ulnHlusd{q aql uo sqlr snol8des.rluBa^U qlpr (a€aruildtr l) snytl orclw lo salradsuellB4snv urelselr-qlnos Jo uols|^a.IY IOI (ZO0Z)ZZI-W1\E I Dlsttl/.v lvuJtuldVol. 15,No. I (2002) "The Green( 1979:373) stated ovary of Corynantherqclosely resembles that of a group of species of Micromyrtus having 10 stamensand two ovules, suggestinga very close relationship." Stong evidencefavouring this opinion is providedby unpublishedmolecular data, in which the l0-staminate and2-oyulateMicromyrtus elobata (F.Muell.) Benth.formed a sistergroup with Corynantherarather than associatingwith the five other Micromyrtus speciesthat were sampled(Peter G. Wilson pers. comm.).The latter five species,M. cil,4/4 (Sm.) Druca,M. delicataA.R.Bean, M gracllls A.R. Bean, M. hexamera(Maid. & Betch) Maid. & Betch. and M. erichsenii,formed a clade. Two main categoriesbased on hypanthiumribbing car be distinguishedamotg the Micromyftus species,and thesecoincide with the two groupsdelimited by the moleculardata. Most Micromyftus species,including the five speciesforming a clade,have less than ten ribs, usually with one rib opposite eachsepal, on the hypanthium.This largespecies group extendsacross the Ausfalian mainlandand has variablenumbers of stamens(5-12) and ovules(1-10) per flower. In the other category,the one with closeraffinities to Co4tnanthera, thehypanthium is usually 10-ribbedwith one rib oppositeeach sepal and petal. This group, comprisedof M. elobata and its rclatives, is restrictedto the south-westof WesternAustalia and consistentlyhas ten stamensand two ovules. Most ofthe speciesincluded in the genusMicromynus when it wasoriginally describedby Bentham (1865, 1867)belong to the more widespreadand more speciosecategory lacking antipetalousdbs on the hypanthium. The purposeof the cuffentpaper is to nominateone of the membersofthis plant group as the lectotypeof Micromyfius andto completethe Australia-widecoverage of the group by revising the south-westernspecies, all of which have a 5-ribbed hypanthium. A d€scriptionapplicable to this group throughoutits range,and a key to the WesternAustralian species,are also given. Methods All measurementswere liom dry herbariumcollections, with leaf andbracteole measurements taken from the largestofthese structureson eachspecimen. Petal length and most other floral measurements weretakenfrom well pressedmature flowers. Peduncleand style measurements were taken frommature flowers andfrom fruits. Fruit measurementsinclude the adnateportions ofthe hypanthiumand disc but do not include the length of the l'reeportion of the hypanthlumand the pe$istent sepals, Distdbutions were plotted on maps showing the interim biogeographicregions of Thackway & Cresswell(1995) and the following abbreviationsare usedhere for theseregions. Botanicalprovinces are as defined by Beard (1980). AW Avon Wheatbelt COO Coolgardie ESP - EsperancePlains GS - GeraldtonSandplain JF - JarrahForest MAL - Mallee MUR - Murchison YAL - Yalgoo Formal taxonomy Micromyrtus Benth.ln G. Bentham& J.D. Hooker,Gen. Pl. 1, 700 (1865).- Thryptomenesect. Micromyrtus(Benth.) F. Muell.,Fragm. Phyt. Austfal.8, 13(1873). Type: Micromyrtus drummondii BelJth.nom. supetl. l= Micromyfiusobovqta (Turcz.) J.W. Greenl, lectotype here nominated. 'l( 01 stltJiutolltWJosarJodsuurlu:lsnyulelsel&loJequnuletolcqts8ur:qsrq;elle,Ilsllvulstsed\Jo1sa,\\ 'untqluud,{q 'setlcds -qtno:^eql ol crLuepuesr 1eq1 paqq!-0 t t ,{q pasI.IslceJeqc lo ,{:o8eltc utnu reqlo eql Jol HJdgd lt?pesruSocer f1lue.unc eJE sclJecls peutuun xts puu setcedspeuEu lnoJ.laq nJ v 'DiTBISnVuJcli-ar\\.+o lse,\\-qlnos eql UI punol sr scroodsJ(r uorlc,lluecuol JelJeurs c puPpurlsueena) urelsce qtnos ur sI solcedsJo uorBruocuo:t tselrer8eq1 (VI ern8rC)puBluruLu aql lo eprsuretsl]e eqt uo roqto oql pult lso'\\-qlnoseql ot cIll?ltsllv 'oJuo.LrnJro:lo IBJlucJulo.4 flurpuelxeeuo suort uruul o,trl stq dnor8 sercedsstql sctcedsuurlurlsnv 'urnrqltn:d,{q uielsey'Atl Surpnpur paqqr.F^AeJoql qtr^\ oraq pest,ler,{roieltt eql ruorl pestuSolcr e.lf;serceds it,{Jtu3.r.n1J ulls.rtsnv nullLulntu ol JlulJpuJ\t \tlJ.t\!lt)tn uollnqulslpPutl a:]s 'peipolsrp,(pseepuu 'uos '.IcJnqoJB csool,{.ra,r sr lrql edole,\uesnouuJqttlcul Kurqs u ,(qpapunor;ns lsouilr ol JIuoi ^lMo-r-tl]tl {1pnsn'esuqcqt sp-m,\\olpo^\oj-mu ueuo'tm.q,lo osuq oqt os{u ^llllnsn pun ditl Sutqcuel'f13utp.toccr; '{reqlrelro pcdrqspur lrnJlrlr oJudi^ elqulre^tr SurllrJ (rr2ras lJtqt ,(.te^1ou snocrrlsnrtIlll,$ :111U ssal 'pepees 'JcA\oLI .rooJour lnulurls 3 ,{1e.rur.ro papoos- I ur urql uello,\\se;out Suttuoceqlnq Sutucqt8uol ,4lac;ucs.rolou unrqturcl,{qoql qlA\'luaostqapuUr/?.lJpcr ot 1utd,{luoruuroo',{JtAo lo ltLttLun:- sso.rJl7 'pccldnl pur urntprn:dfqeer;Surur1 ro c,rnluoo,( ldeep o1 tu1 I tsourlu,)r'.ig uutitl"^ ollltdno cldrttts t tpt,lt '(uorsr^crclcp p ur l(nl) Icurnr.rol'lertuao.rT'tlgsnolnpuod oq ()1Sutpuat put? olpptttl aqt e^oqr pctlJtll'ln 'pa8uurre ,{1prpu.ruorll c.rolu.() t ucq,\\'luiatulloJ'01-l scln^o:llprus "{1t^pt otl'l ult0t^\ lllJatrl put? 'lrutLuJ?l Illurulrclqns- I Ill].roLroix]uoor]lcl :onss rt ,{iuods qlr,\\pollr I lloc oLDI o rePU[]Luor aql si^cl.() o-()tu 'pcllco- uo:l.lopurl clpprtu cqt c,roqr ,{1r,lu:r Bu r.weq-oln^o IluLus 11 rltrM I .lrrrrO slloo.roqlucLuo.r1 posrele.r 's11c:r.rcqluu sr uolloclsr c.rodIrJrdr uu urA "-lLlclLro:r Sursuelo.r crll pr(){cq^llolttlsrp i^p.n,trur Stttpllr:lorcl 'ntli) scLr|louroi^PL[].rori\ol-l lo cPlsur sP-nr^\ol pcloo.IP Puu co.Ll xochr oql'.-oqol lf.lclr--l z \lrtl Lti)ll(\ Llllq,{\ 'lrLr[Lu?l'a8.n] Ir)srqlc oArlrouLr()ool polrur'r l sulsoullu ()1 lloo qoro uuql JclluLus qonLU pmlS :o^rlJoLruoa 'llci cql ol Lrorlrlo.rur ?nbrlqo.rolrurpntSuol 1rn cqt orDlo a""pooql Surqotc.lspuo rpoq qltm ttls 3uo1 'lr1clr 'p?llaJ-Z'elrlt?s.ro^ 'poxtlts.toll r: ,(qlucesrqcp s11o;r eq 11c-fiuo1qo.ro8uo1qo sscl .ro c.ri)ru ,v2rl/uy 'do1aqllr 1.ro,ro.mructl?rol ot oloicltuourr llt :LunrrlluDCL{q aLIl 1o1.tcdco;;cq1ur.tc,tol ^ltiullsrp pollasur ro scuosnoll,'tctlrlLnr su le^al aurrs aql lnoql?lll .rcLllrcPcuosul (lue:-a.td uaq,\\) souo snoludosllu? pLru unnpur:d{q.1oIrururns tr pelresuIseuo srrolcledtln: rpt,t'g 1.() 0l-E si/.rrrt7,f,gsraqlo ur,r,ro11e,{.to tltttcl 'rxnl 's1r:dcs lsonrur erq,r crllsc.roclurnrr cunri- eql r/rrl2a|suriieu otl rclLu t.l ot cll?lnirluopqtr^\.() airlue 'cur1u,{q lsoruluo1 parnoloo plm snor.nrJsJrq,lrouros'ser3eds )sotu ur:^Jcled aqt utql .rc1lttus,{plurlsrp 'g 1nq e1r1lctccl pur o3.rn1o1 paJnpar,{letrterxa uo.q 8ut{.n.r .ro E r/t./2S peuorttsod,{Uuln8ei-tl '1cdos '(6)U pun6 ol dn sqrraq1 sercods on1 ur qle e soddoeuo setJeds tsout ul g'lrurLunsoqt ot.resolJ JOC:^liq spru,'!\ot SurqJUrlq sett]rleuos lnq osEqlP ^\o:lsqri :poPrueqio eso3m,{11ueututo.td ol asolltclcd 'sledcs 'c^oqr oslusaurleuros cql clrsoddose13ut S rl1r,\\ ro sqrJJeurpnltBuoy lucu turold qtr,ll uorl.!odee'4 'pesserdoroc peru11,{1apr,n o1 ,{11q8r1s u qtr^\ }nq qtiuel s]l llt?lsoorrr rollttl uEqtcJoru JoJ ,{Ju^o ol otuupt, 'palSur-g {11r:r1ua,rr.-.rop ,{-re,r ol {llqBIJS.Io 01cloJol pup.ruoJqo
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