Application No Address Proposal Applicant 1 16/00691/REM Proposed Residential Development Land North Of, Nobold Lane, Shrewsbury
Shrewsbury Town Council List of Planning Applications Registered between 3 - 23 February 2016 A B C D E Application No Address Proposal Applicant 1 1 16/00691/REM Proposed Residential Reserved matters application Mrs E Holdsworth (Yew Development Land (appearance, landscaping, layout Tree Cottage, Longnor , North Of, Nobold Lane, and scale) pursuant to Outline Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Shrewsbury, Shropshire, application 14/03050/OUT for the SY5 7PP, United Kingdom) erection of two dwellings. 80 2 16/00516/FUL 49 Oak Street, Erection of single storey extension Mr Robert Johnson (49 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, to rear. Oak Street, Belle Vue, SY3 7RQ Shrewsbury, Shropshire, SY3 7RQ, United Kingdom) 81 3 16/00747/TCA Land Adjacent To , 29 Reduce crown height and spread Shropshire Council (.) John Street, by approximately 3m of 1no. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Norway Maple within Shrewsbury Conservation Area. 82 4 16/00679/FUL 16 Wendsley Road, Erection of single storey rear Ms Sandi Orwin Shrewsbury, Shropshire, extension. SY1 3PE 83 5 16/00678/FUL 20 Broadway Close, Conversion of garage and single Mr And Mrs Chris Shrewsbury, Shropshire, storey extension to front with Robinson SY2 6HY pitched roof over. 84 6 16/00671/COU 19G Vanguard Way, Change of Use from B1 B2 and B8 Mrs Elizabeth Lowe Battlefield Enterprise to D1 non residential and training (Welsh Bridge, Park, Shrewsbury, centre. Shrewsbury, Shropshire, Shropshire, SY1 3TP SY3 8LH, United Kingdom) 85 7 16/00669/FUL 4 Meole Walk, Erection of two storey rear Mr J Mcvittie Shrewsbury, Shropshire, extension. SY3 9EU 86 8 16/00666/ADV Currys, Unit 4, Meole Erect and display replacement (Mayland Avenue, Hemel Brace Retail Park, fascia signage (1 x internally Hempstead, Herts, HD2 Shrewsbury, Shropshire, illuminated and 2 x non 7TG) SY3 9NB illuminated).
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