TARIFFS AND TRADE Special Distribution

Committee on Technical Barriers to Trade

NOTIFICATION • The following notification is being circulated in accordance with Article 10.4.

1. Party to Agreement notifying:

2. Agency responsible: National Council

3. Notified under Article 2.5.2 [X], 2.6.1 [], 7.3.2 [], 7.4.1 [], other:

Q. Products covered (HS or CCCN where applicable, otherwise national tariff heading):

Telecommunication terminal equipment

5. Title: Rules and Regulations of the National Telecommunications Council (STN) Concerning the Technical Design of Equipment to be Connected to Televerket's Data Connection Equipment (DCE) for X.20 Bis and X.21 Bis in the Circuit Switched Data Transmission in the Public Telecommunications Network

6. Description of content: Equipment to be connected to Televerket's (Swedish Telecom) DCE for X.20 bis and X.21 bis in the circuit switched data transmission in the public telecommunications network may be connected to the public telecommunications network if it fulfils the technical requirements set forth in the following standards :

Swedish Standards (SS): EN 60 950 regarding mains power _ 447 20 22 Class B regarding radio interference (corresponds to CISPR 22 with m Swedish deviation).

Televerket's Standard (TVT-Standard): 8211-A 108 Rev. B 1983.

SS is issued by the Swedish Standards Institut?. TVT-Standard is issued by Televerket (Swedish Telecom). > Equipment that meets the requirements according to the previous Statute (STNFS 1991:2) may be connected to the public telecommunications network if it. has been registered before the end of 1992.

7. Objective and rationale: Protection of the public telecommunications network

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8. Relevant documents: Telecommunications Act STNFS 1991i2

9. Proposed date of adoption and entry into force: Entry into force: 1 April 1992

10. Final date for comments: 6 March 1992

11. Texts available from: National enquiry point [X] or address of other body: