“The Rotary Wheel” THE ROTARY CLUB OF - CLUB NO. 17287

Theme 2014- 2015 “Light Up Rotary” Rotary Foundation Month Vol. 4 Issue 18, 6th November, 2014 Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A RCKLA Rotary Club of Kampala Web: www.rotarykampala.org President’s Message Fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors and As we looked on, I couldn’t help but wonder about friends of Rotary, the countless other people who have been knocked down by reckless drivers, or who have been involved Welcome to November, the in serious accidents but never get the right attention month in which we emphasize in time, and they end up dying from something that giving to the Rotary Foundation could have been solved. This young man was lucky because when you give to The to have been in Kampala and was able to access a Rotary Foundation, you support hospital almost immediately, but what about all those Rotary’s work across the world along Jinja Road, Masaka-MbararaHighway, Gulu and help ensure our future, and Highway, and others? Every day we get horrifying our children’s future. stories of how people are taken into roadside clin- ics or run-down hospitalsalong these highways, but As the charitable arm of Rotary, because these health centres do not even have the the Foundation taps into a global basic equipment likex-ray machines, or even com- network of Rotarians who invest petent attendantsthe injured end up dying miserable their time, money, and expertise and painful deaths. into Rotary’s priorities, while Foun- dation grants empower Rotarians It is scenarios like this that reaffirm our intention to to approach challenges such as build a hospital in Mukono, a place we all know has poverty, illiteracy, and malnutri- had its fair share of catastrophes of all sorts. Imagine tion with sustainable solutions that the number of lives that will be rescued once that leave a lasting impact. hospital is up and running; the mothers who will not have to die giving birth, the children who will be At the local level, the need for saved from treatable diseases, and the nursing stu- this spirit of giving is demon- dents and doctors who will acquire invaluable skills to strated almost on a daily basis. contribute to their Nation! On Tuesday this week, I led a del- egation of Rotarians to Nakasero This my dear brothers and sisters is our motivation. Hospital to congratulate Rtn. Ste- This is our« raison d’être »;the reason we get up in the phen Semuga on the addition of mornings; to bring change to this world through our twins to his and our Rotary family. vocation and our service to Rotary. What is your mo- While we were in the hospital tivation? Why don’t you join hands with us and work lobby waiting, a lady came rush- with us in bringing this project to fruition my friend? ing in, wailing and shouting for Together, we can change the world by lighting up help because her son had been Rotary. knocked down by a bodaboda cyclist and was unconscious. The young man was immediately rushed into the emergency ward to be attended to.

1 NAMUZIGA Buddy Group in charge of Fellowship: The Object of Rotary PP KARUHANGA - Leader: Rtn. Phiona Barungi Call Fellowship to order The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster Hosting of both National & RI flags: the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enter- National Anthem prise and in particular to encourage and foster: Grace: Rtn. Mutaawe Robert Loyal toast: Rtn. Kasiita Herbert First: 4 Way Test: Rtn. Prof. Emmanuel Tumusiime The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service Object of Rotary: Rtn. James Ssebugenyi Mukasa Apologies: Second: Ambassadorial Reports: High ethical standards in business and professions, Guest Speaker: Mr. Simon Peter Kasyate the recognition of the worthiness of all useful Topic: The issue of Image and the basic decorum of how occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s one should present themselves-if they must be taken seriously occupation as an opportunity to serve society. Vote of Thanks: Rtn. Edward Kaddumukasa Sergeant at Arms: Rtn. Shem Nnaggenda Third: Club Song: The application of the ideal of service in each Final Toast: Rtn. Tugume James Rotarian’s personal, busines and community life. Welcoming Guests and Registration: Rtn. Doris Mitti Kimuli, Rtn. Kwesiga Ida May Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through Club Anthem a world fellowship of business and professional We the Rotary Club of Kampala persons united in the ideal of service

Let us join our hands The 4 way test And raise one banner together 1. Is it the truth? We shall all reach our goals 2. Is it fair to all concerned? We pay homage to our cultures 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? Thoughts,deeds, unite us all 4. Will it be benefitial to all concerned? let us ever toil in unity The Grace Gracious Lord, We thank you For what we have recieved and are about to recieve, may God make us truly thankful and Composed by ever mindful of the needs of others. PP James Galabuzi Mukasa Amen.

Club President: Secretary: Club Treasurer: David Kasingwire Nakayima Flavia Miiro Rosemary Mutyabule Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: 0793 327 147 Tel: 0772 506 386 Tel: 0757 515 290

NAMUZIGA 2 Below is an update on the status cash collected from members as at 27 October, 2014. Out of the Ushs. 200 million we set out to collect in August, 2014 when we launched the Mukono Hospital project, Ushs. 100, 638,400/= (50.3%) has been collected in cash. We are looking for the balance of Ushs. 99,361,600/= (49.7%). Please make your pledge to the Treasurer of Buddy group leader.


LAUNCH OF ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA HOSPITAL PROJECT PROGRAM TIME ACTIVITY ACTION 8.00am- 5.00pm Health Medical outreach Rotarians and medical workers on ground 12.00-2pm Lunch All members present 1.00pm Invited guests arrive 2.00pm Guest of Honor arrives 2.00pm-2.15pm Guest of honor tours the clinics 2.15pm Guests assemble in the tent 2.15-2.20pm National Anthem 2.20-2.25pm Buganda Anthem 2.25-2.28pm Rotary OurSong Rotary Hopsital project THEN SPEECHES 2.30pm-2.35 LC 1 Chairman Speech 2.35pm-2.40pm Project coordinator Rtn Gabriel Hatega 2.40-2.45pm Land donor Rtn Kassede Mukasa 2.45-2.50pm President 2.50pm-2.55pm LC IV Chairman 2.55pm-3pm Guest of honor speaks and launches 3.20pm-5pm Guests leave at leisure and medical outreach continues.

SERVICES TO BE OFFERED. Eye Clinic, ENT, Cancer Screening, Blood donation, HIV Testing and counseling, Dental clinic, General clinic, OurImmunization Rotary and Hopsital Family Planning. project NOW

3 NAMUZIGA ------About the Guest Speaker Prior to his appointment at Eskom Mr. Simon Peter Kasyate Limited-an electricity generation company- Simon worked as Press and Information officer at the European Union Delegation in Kampala. He also boasts of experience as a private communications and PR consultant and trainer.

Aside his fulltime employment with Eskom Uganda Limited, Simon is still active in mainstream media as a host and moderator for Morning@NTV and Desert Island Discs on 91.3 Capital FM. Simon also writes a weekly column on male grooming in the Friday edition of The Observer newspaper.

With an illustrious career in multimedia journalism spanning 15 years, Simon has previously worked for the top private media in the country in various capacities; with major local and international awards to his belt. The most prestigious so far being the CNN Africa journalist of the year Award 2004, A seasoned Public relations practitioner, Radio. Simon holds a Bachelor’s degree in Social Sciences and a Master of Art in Simon is blissfully married and blessed International Relations and Diplomacy with 3 adorable children - so far! from Makerere University.

BUDDY GROUP IN CHARGE OF NEXT FELLOWSHIP 13th November, 2014 Buddy Group name LEADER PP SERUGO DIANA N. KIBUUKA RTN Gimara Francis RTN Sheena Ntege RTN Alice Namuli RTN Samantha Mwesigye REGISTRATION AT THE COUNTRY RTN John Walugembe ROTARY OFFICE RTN Phenny Birungi FEE: USD 325 RTN Stephen Musisi

NAMUZIGA 4 ------Remarks from the tion of poverty. Buddy Group Leader The Rotary Foundation helps fund our humanitarian activities, from local service projects to global initiatives. Your club or district can apply for grants from the Foun- dation to invest in projects and provide scholarships. The Foundation also takes the lead on worldwide Rotary campaigns such as the “End Polio Campaign”.

The Rotary Foundation transforms your gifts into projects that change lives both close to home and around the world. Strong financial oversight, a stellar charity rating, and a unique funding model mean that we make the very most of your contribu- tion. Give and become a part of Rotary’s life-changing work!

Here, I would like to add my voice to that of our President, and thank all those who have contributed towards our Hospital Dear Rotarians, this month is a Rotary Project. I am encouraging and reminding Foundation month therefore, let’s come those who have not thought about con- together and light up Rotary. tributing please do so, because it is critical and essential. The greatest part of Rotary involvement is individuals who give their time, talent I also would like to remind you dear Rotar- and energy to advance Rotary ideals. ian’s, about Rtn Rosemary’s suggestion The mission of The Rotary Foundation is that we can also fundraise through our to enable Rotarians to advance world associates, relatives and friends who not understanding, goodwill, and peace Rotarians. through the improvement of health, support of education, and the allevia- Rtn. PhionahBarungi


ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA - CURRENT YEAR ATTENDANCE RI President’s MessageMessage(07/2014 to 27-08-2014) October, November, 2014 2014 Name Attendanceevents,tary’s PolioPlus from club program meetings our to Rotary efforts institutes,to eradicate from Agwaru Silvester 4/8 50.00% Rotarywas born, Days withMusisi to aFoundation simpleRashid polio.dinners. Call1/8 your govern12.50%- Ahimbisibwe Robert 4/8 goal:50.00% to immunizeMusolini every Ethan ment officials4/8 and50.00% let Ayebare Geoffrey 7/8 childEvery87.50% underevent Mutaawe ageis memorable. five Matovu Ithem feel Robert especiallyknow 8/8 that honoredpolio 100.00% Bakojja Edward 4/8 againstwhen50.00% I am this invited Mutyabulecrippling to share Rosemary ineradication club celebrations.8/8 matters 100.00% Barungi Phionah 8/8 disease.To100.00% me, taking Thanks Muwanga part in large in aHarriet Rotary toRobinah you.club Go celebration 7/8 to endpo87.50% as- Basaza Wasswa Patricia* 5/8 partRotary62.50% to Internationalthe initialMwesigye suc -president Samanthalionow.org is like being6/8 for inspiring invited75.00% to Birungi Phenny 4/8 cessa 50.00%family of PolioPlus, eventNambuya as in an 1988 honored Enid stories guest. about 8/8Indeed, Rotary’s 100.00% Rotary Flavia Flat* 4/7 theis 57.14%the 166 biggest memberNamitala family states inNtege the world. work,Sheena and 7/8 share them87.50% Galabuzi James 6/8 of75.00% the WorldNamuli Health Alice As- on social 2/8media. And25.00% Gimara, Francis 2/8 semblyYou25.00% could unanimously sayNantongo that Rotary setWabwire ismake built Jane* ofthe service:1/7 best invest Each14.29%- project is another brick in the big building that is Hatega Gabriel 8/8 the100.00% goal of Nnaggendaglobal polio Shemment you’ll4/8 ever make,50.00% Rotary. If our service forms the bricks, then there Jjingo Micheal 4/8 eradication.50.00% Nsubuga Godfreyby donating3/8 to polio37.50% is no question that friendship is the mortar that Kaddumukasa, Edward 8/8 100.00% Nsubuga Samueleradication Herbert 2/8 right on25.00% holds those bricks together. I see this every day, Kakembo Godfrey 7/8 At87.50% the time, the idea the endpolionow.org but nowhereNtegeka more clearly Andrew than at some7/8 of the87.50% KakiizaIn October Herbert* 1914, Jonas 5/8 was62.50% breathtakingly website and earning a Four months into this year of most specialNyanzi Rotary Frank club events: their3/8 centennial 37.50% Salk was born – a man who ambitious, and many two-to-one match on workingKakitahi Johnto Light Up Rotary,3/8 celebrations.37.50% Ogang Martin* 4/7 57.14% would change world history called it impossible. your contribution from IKalibbala am more Mariatte excited about3/8 37.50% Okot-Okidi Ayole 4/8 50.00% by inventing the first effec- Today, we are closer the Bill & Melinda Gates RotaryKamya thanFredrick ever before. 7/8I’ve Being87.50% presidentOwor of Esther Rotary International 6/8 in its 110th75.00% tive vaccine against polio. to this goal than ever Foundation. beenKaruhanga to 22 Ellycountries, visited2/8 year,25.00% I’ve beenOwori lucky Samuel to take F. part in 3/8a number 37.50% of When the vaccine was intro- dozensKasede ofMukasa cities, George and met 7/8 these.before,87.50% It withis natural,Owor-Okot only a when few Teddy visiting long-serving5/8 clubs,62.50% duced in the United States hundred cases of polio When we eradicate Kasiitathousands Herbert* of Rotarians. I’ve4/7 to57.14% want to knowRugamba what Henry their secret is –6/8 because 75.00% I in the 1950s, polls indicated reported per year, and polio – and we will – Kasingwireseen amazing David projects and8/8 have100.00% always Semuga noticed Stephen that the longest-serving5/8 62.50% clubs that polio was one of the just three remaining we’ll have brought Kasomabeen inspired TINAH over and over6/8 are75.00% also someSerugo of the James most productive. 7/8 They are87.50% nation’s two greatest fears, large,endemic they countries. are active, We and thethey world do great into awork. better Not Kayongoagain by Ronniethe terrific work5/8 Ro - 62.50% Ssebugenyi Mukasa James 2/8 25.00% second only to the fear of onlyare on that, track but to they achieve have a greatfuture, time and doing Rotary it. into Khiddutarians Makubuyado all over Edward the world. 5/8 62.50% Ssekabira David 4/8 50.00% atomicAnd I’ve war. been And privileged with good to full eradication by 2018 a better future as well. Kibuuka Diana 8/8 100.00% Ssekimpi Sheila 5/8 62.50% reason:be part Inof theall kinds 1952 ofU.S. Rotary polio –Of if course,we can that keep is uptheir the secret: We In will Rotary, have strong proved Kikomeko Jalia 4/8 50.00% Ssentoogo Henry 7/8 87.50% epidemic, 58,000 cases momentum that has ourselves, as an organi- Kimbowa Nalongo 6/8 75.00% Sserwadda Rhona 2/8 25.00% were reported, with 3,145 brought us this far. zation, capable of great Kirabo Jacent 6/8 75.00% deaths“The Rotary and 21,269 Foundation instances is not to build Tinkamanyiremonuments Joseph ofthings. And6/8 we will75.00% have Kwesiga May 5/8 62.50% ofbrick permanent, and stone. disabling If we workAnd upon this marble, month,Tugume weit will Rugasirawill per - given James our 5/8 children 62.50% and Kwesigaboparalysis.ish; if we Globally, Johnsonwork on polio brass, 0/8 time mark 0.00%will Worldefface TumusiimePolio it; if Day we Mutebile rear grandchildrenEmmanuel 6/8 a gift75.00% that Lwangaparalyzedtemples K Stephen or they killed will up crumble to half7/8 intoon87.50% 24 dust; October, butTwahirwa if and we workDavid will endure5/8 forever: 62.50% a Mavumirizi Kinalwa Aidah* 2/7 28.57% aupon million immortal people every minds, year. if we celebrateimbue them theWaira 100thwith Hope the * full polio-free 5/7 world. 71.43% Mitti Kimuli Doris 6/8 75.00% Walugembe John 4/8 50.00% meaning of the spirit of Rotaryanniversary as expressed of Dr. Salk’s in our SoonMudoola after Christopher the Salk vaccine 5/8 62.50% Wanyana, Daisy Sarah 7/8 87.50% Objects and with the just fearbirth. of God and love of ourGary C.K. Huang wasMuhwezi created, Katugugu Albert Jim Sabin 0/8 0.00% Yahya Sharifa President 7/82014-15 87.50% fellowmen, we are engraving on those tablets some- developedMukasa Jackie an oral version,5/8 I ask62.50% you all to Light Up thing that will brighten all eternity.” allowingMuramuzi tremendous Kagoro Lucy num 7/8- Rotary87.50% this month* Denotes by doa member- who is currently bersMusinguzi of children Jotham to be im-2/8 ing25.00% whateverexempted you can from meeting attendance. munizedMusisi— The Stephen Rotary quickly, Foundation, safely, and7/8 THEto 87.50% ROTARIAN,shine a spotlight April on 1929 — inexpensively. In 1985, Ro-


WHEN & WHERE CLUBS MEET! friendships and great service go hand in Mondays Venue Time Kampala North Nommo Gallery 6:00pm hand.AUGUST When we enjoy our work, we want Kampala South Hotel Africana 6:00pm Kasangati Kasangati Resort 7:00pm to do it. We want to work harder, and Mengo Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pm we want to work better. We look forward Mityana New Highway Hotel 6:00pm Kampala Munyonyo Green Valley Hotel 7:00pm to Rotary meetings. Even when our lives Kampala Naguru Kati Kati 7:00pm Rotaract are busy, we make Rotary a priority – Mulago Galloway Hostel 6:00pm because we want to see our friends, and Tuesdays Bukoto Kabira Country Club 7:00pm we want to serve. Bweyogerere Hotel Mamerito 6:30pm Ibanda M&B Executive Hall 6:30pm 1. Nakayima Flavia-4th Iganga Mwana Highland Hotel 6:00pm That is why Rotary is still here, after more Kampala-Impala Kati Kati 1:00pm than2. 109 Muwanga years. In Harriet-9thChinese, we say: Kampala Nsambya Mukwaya Hospital-Nsambya 8:00pm Kasese Margherita Hotel 6:30pm 3. REGISTRATION Sheila Kiconco Ssekimpi-12th Kololo Hotel Africana 6:00pm Kyotera Colombo Hotel 7:00pm 4. Musisi Rashid-15th Lubowa Grace’s Restaurant 7:oopm A lifeAT without THE a friend COUNTRY is a life without sun. Makindye Shanghai Restaurant 6:00pm 5. Ntegeka Andrew-15th Masindi Masindi Hotel 6:00pm Mbale Mt. Elgon Hotel 5:30pm Our Rotary friendships give light to our Mbarara West Pelican Hotel 5:30pm 6. ROTARY Nsubuga Godfrey-17th OFFICE Nkumba Araba Hotel 7:00pm 7. lives, and Muhwezi it is Rotary Jim-23rd friendship – as well Rubaga Pope Paul Social Club 1:00pm as service – that lets us Light Up Rotary. Sunrise Club Shanghai Restaurant 7:00am FEE: USD 325 Rotaract 8. Kikomeko Jalia-23rd Kampala City Chinese Rest. Cent. Park 6:00pm Wednesday Gary9. C.K. Christine Huang Kasoma- 24 Arua Heritage Inn Hotel 6:00pm President 2014-15 Bushenyi Bushenyi Guest House 6:00pm Entebbe Windsor Lake Victoria 7:00pm Jinja Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pm Kabale White House Inn 5:00pm Kabarole Tororo Guest House 5:30pm Humour Kajjansi Dreams Guest House 7:00pm Kampala Central Hotel Africana 6:00pm Kampala West Shanghai Restaurant 1:00pm Wale stands up and tells the teacher, “I saw Kiwatule Kabira Country Club 7:00pm the strap of your bra.” Kyambogo Sports View Hotel 6:00pm Lugazi Scouts Office Club 6:00pm 1. Nnaggenda Shem Isaac- 3rd Masaka Masaka Sports Club 6:00pm Teacher Janet reacts angrily: Wale!! Get Mubende The Club 6:00pm Muyenga International Hotel 6:30pm 2. out!, no class Nsubuga for u Sam-22nd for a week! Port Bell Silver Springs Hotel 7:00pm Tororo Crystal Hotel 7:00pm 3. Birungi Phenny-23rd Wobulenzi Networth Hotel 5:30pm Johnbull started laughing at the back. Nansana Ivory Hotel 7:00pm 4. Kwesigabo Johnson-25th Rotaract Teacher Janet: Why did u laugh? Makerere University Guild Canteen. 6:00pm Thursday Bugolobi City Royal Hotel 7:00pm “The Rotary Foundation is not to build monuments of Johnbull: I saw both straps of your bra Gaba Green Valley Hotel 7:00pm Gulu Acholi Inn 5:30pm brick and stone. If we work upon marble, it will per- Hoima Hoima Members’ Club 5:30pm Teacher Janet: Get out, no class for you for Kalisizo Tropical Gardens 6:00pm ish; if we work on brass, time will efface it; if we rear 1 month!.. .. Kampala Grand Imperial Hotel 12:45pm Kampala Day Break Grand Imperial Hotel 7:00am temples they will crumble into dust; but if we work Kampala East Hotel Africana 7:00pm Teacher Janet bent down to pick a piece of Kampala Ssese Nommo Gallery 6:00pm upon immortal minds, if we imbue them with the full chalk. Immediately, Akpos started walking Kayunga Katikoomu Soc. Cen. 6:00pm Lira Margarita Hotel 5:30pm meaning of the spirit of Rotary as expressed in our out of the class. Mbarara Rotary Peace Chn.Cen 5:30pm Objects and with the just fear of God and love of our Namugongo ABBA Hotel 7:00pm Teacher Janet: Rukungiri Rukungiri Inn 6:00pm fellowmen, we are engraving on those tablets some- Akpos, why are you going Seeta Ridah Hotel 7:00pm out? Source of the Nile Crested Crane Hotel 6:00pm thing that will brighten all eternity.” Registration at the Country Nateete Kampala Ivy’s Hotel Wakaliga 7:00pm Fridays Akpos: MadamRotary , with whatOffice I’ve seen, I Kampala City - Makerere Makerere staff club canteen 6:30pm think my school days are over. Kampala Kibuli Hotel Africana 6:00pm — The Rotary Foundation, THE ROTARIAN, April 1929— Kampala Muyenga Breeze Hotel Int. Muyenga 6.30 p.m FEE: USD 325 NOB View Hotel 7:00pm Kyengera Rose Gardens 7:00pm Rwampara Zana Complex Hall 7:00pm 7 NAMUZIGA Did you know August is Rotary Member- started? Here’s an easy three-step plan to Humourship and Extension ROTARYMonth? Here are CLUB some bringOF toKAMPALA your next club meeting. Inideas an onalcohol membership factory building the regular from rotary. taster died and the director started look- org. 1. Start with Rotary Basics ing for a new one to hire. A drunk, with a ragged, dirty look came to apply 1.The EMPLOYMENT colorful Rotary Basics guide (pub-  forAllOPPORTUNITIES Rotarians the position. are ambassadors The director FOR: of Rotaryof the factorylished wondered in the August how issue to ofsend The Rotarianhim and their clubs. This is especially relevant 2.and B USRotaryINE regionalSS magazines) gives an duringaway. MembershipThey tested and him... Extension Month overview of what Rotary clubs do. Order inHe August, was given when athe glass focus with is on abuilding drink. He triedcopies it fromand shop.rotary.orgsaid, “It’s red forwine, members a Muscat,strong,The Rotary vibrant three Club clubs years of Kampalaby old,inviting grown(RCK) prospec has on secured -a northto a share Grantslope, withof maturedUSD prospective 459,500(Approx. in steel Rotarians contain UGX and 1.2- tivebillion) members from theto join Rotary Rotary. Foundation Interested to implin ementclub Water, guests. Sanitation Include andyour Hygieneclub’s contact (WASH) growingers.”Projects “Correct,” your in Aloiclub (Alebtongsaid but not the sure Distboss. rict)how Another andto get Barlonyo glass.information (Lira “It’s District); red with wine, the both guide locatedcabernet, or direct in Northern eight pro- yearsUganda.The old, a Project’s south western components slope, include: oak barrels.” “Correct.” The director was astonished. He(1) winked Use of atsolar-based his secretary systems to to suggestextract water something. from underground She brought and in a glass of urine..distribute The alcoholic the same throughtried it. gravity; “It’s a blonde, 26 years oldX_X , three months(2) pregnant, Constructing made latrine inside stanc esthe for work schools/institutions; office:O . And if you don’t (3) Creating systems for using bio-gas for cooking; give me the job,(4) I’ll Extending also tell micro-finance who the father to the local is.:x community; ” The director and collapsed. ------(5) Carrying out behavioral change campaigns before, during and after Happiness!!!!!!! physical project implementation. When1. POSITION: I was 5 PROJECT years old, MANAGER my mother always told me that happiness was the key Theto life. Job involves managing complex relationships between diverse stake-holdersand Whenensuring I went that to theschool, project they is implementedasked me what in time, I wanted within budget to be and when relevant I grew reports up. provided on a timely basis. You will work closely with the beneficiaries on the ground, I wrotewhile down liaising “˜happy’. with the implementing agencies and designated Members of the Rotary Club Theyof told Kampala me andI didn’t Rotary understand Club of Lira. the assignment, and I told them they didn’t understandSuccessful life. candidate should hold a degree from a recognised Institution of Higher Learning and, at least, three years hands-on experience on a similar assignment. He/she should have strong communication and inter-personalSummary skills and from demonstrate last week’s full grasp in the use of modern IT tools. You are expected to live in the project location. fellowship Attendance 23/10/2014 Initial contract term is one year. Successful candidate will be offered a competitive package. (a) Visiting Rotarians: 24 (b) Rotaractors: 22 2. MICRO CREDIT MANAGEMENT (c) Guests: 8 The Grant includes an amount of approx. UGX 67,500,000 to be lent, using the micro- credit model, to the communities in the two locations(d) with Members: the objective 50%, of 8 improving apologies their income and living standards. The selected institution(e) Sergeant will demonstrate Collections experience – 161,000/= and capability to operate in an area with limited infrastructure.

Pleasesendyourapplication(No1)/indicationofinteresttotheaddressbelow. Deadlineis31November2014. RotaryClubofKampala,P.OBox,3278Kampala. Website:www.rotarykampala.orgEmail:[email protected]