NAMUZIGA “The Rotary Wheel” THE ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA Theme 2013- 2014 “Engage Rotary Change Lives” Magazine Month Vol. 3 Issue 38, 17th April, 2014 Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A E:
[email protected] @: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear members of the Rotary club of Kampala, welcome to our meeting today. At the weekend we joined Rotarians country wide in the Ro- tary Health days by holding a health camp at Wakiso centre IV hospital. Join me in thanking Rtn Herbert Kakiza and our Administrator Winnie for a job well done. Our Wakiso outreach was very well attended and a few of the clients i spoke too were very grateful and appreciative of the service to the extent that they wanted us to be there for a few extra days. Please also thank PE David and the PN Edward for doing a job as kanyama’s for crowd control, Rtns Flavia,her ladyship Patricia, Sheena, Doris, John, Fred, Semuga, Shem and his lovely princesses, PP Andrew, PP Mudoola,PP Godfrey, Aida and our guests Sheila, Diana, and Rev David and Rotaractors President Robert of MUBs, Noor of Kampala city, Dixon of MUK , Stephen from Kyambogo and Irena from Nairobi Central. We also thank the Rotary Uganda team led by Rtn Dr Carol Abeja who ensured for the first time we had free drugs from the Ministry of health which were received by the district and dispensed on that day many were actually left over. We also acknowledge receipt of 3 t-shirts and 9 aprons plus cash 350,000 shs as contribution towards the facilitation for the health workers.