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Ghost Hunters Ed Warren , Lorraine Warren , Robert David Chase

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Ghost Hunters

Ed Warren , Lorraine Warren , Robert David Chase

Ghost Hunters Ed Warren , Lorraine Warren , Robert David Chase Ghosts know no season, respect no boundaries, and offer no mercy.

Ed and Lorraine Warren, the world’s most famous and respected demonologists, have devoted decades to exploring, authenticating, and conclusively documenting countless cases of otherworldly phenomena.

Bestselling books and hit motion pictures, including , in Connecticut, , and , have been inspired by the Warrens’ extraordinary real-life experiences with the .

From the grounds of the United States military academy at West Point, New York to the backwoods of Tennessee, Ghost Hunters chronicles their first-hand confrontations with the unknown, the unholy, and the unspeakable.

Here are the accounts of teenage girls who trifled with Satanism and séances, only to fall victim to the most horrifying of spirits… A village terrorized by a murderous, unstoppable force too evil to be anything but Hell-born… A family’s home besieged by the relentless, destructive fury of … The real facts behind the house of horrors in Amityville.

In all, fourteen terrifying tales… all the more spine-tingling because they’re true!

Books by Ed & Lorraine Warren also include Graveyard, The Haunted, In a Dark Place, Werewolf, and Satan's Harvest.

Ghost Hunters Details

Date : Published October 3rd 2014 by Graymalkin Media (first published October 1989) ISBN : Author : Ed Warren , Lorraine Warren , Robert David Chase Format : Kindle Edition 240 pages Genre : Horror, Nonfiction, Fantasy,

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From Reader Review Ghost Hunters for online ebook

Jacqueline Smith says

Do not read this book before bed.

Daniela says

Well... it was entertaining, at least...

Delainie Bullis says

The book Ghost Hunters is a book written by paranormal investigators Ed and Lorraine Warren with Robert David Chase. This is a non-fiction book and is quite creepy. Yet again, this is a spine chilling book which includes many stories of Ed and Lorraine’s experiences with the paranormal. It also informs the reader of some things that are involved with being a paranormal investigator. To summarize it, Ed is a non-ordained demonologist, and the only one that is recognized by the Catholic church. His wife, Lorraine Warren, is a gifted clairvoyant and medium who can come into contact with spirits. She also has visions that can help her and Ed with solving these cases and saving another family. All of their experiences with the paranormal are all real. Well, to those who are believers and not skeptics. I definitely recommend this book to those who enjoy reading about scary and creepy things. Especially real things that have actually happened in real life. This is good for people who are interested in this topic because they can gain more information of this kind of thing and how dangerous the paranormal world can be. I really enjoyed it personally, just because I’m really into things like that. I also do some paranormal investigating and not just this book, but all of Ed and Lorraine’s books have given some kind of inspiration even if this is quite dangerous.

Kathy says

I was very disappointed with this book. I was expecting to be scared, and creeped out, but every story fell short. They were dry case files. There was no suspense at all. I was expecting and hoping for so much more!

Sarah Ricard-Walton says

Every chapter in this book is an individual case file, so it's more like a book of short stories than one cohesive story. This is a big reason why I didn't find this book as enjoyable as The Haunted, another Warren book. Both books have a certain level of dryness to them, even if the dramatics of some of the events were maybe (I don't know! I wasn't there!) punched up for entertainment value. However, this book, Ghost Hunters, was MUCH dryer and I don't think that style helps when you're also not given much time to connect with the victims of these paranormal events. This book contains a lot of "in their own words" stuff, but THAT doesn't help, imho, when the entire tone of the book is conversational to the point of mundane. Credit

PDF File: Ghost Hunters... 3 Read and Download Ebook Ghost Hunters... where credit is due, because you might be wondering so far where the 3 stars come from if I hate this book: well, I don't hate this book, and the STORIES ARE VERY HIT AND MISS, which was my big takeaway. Most of them WERE entertaining enough, just through compelling premise alone. A handful actually used pretty good storytelling techniques. Which stories you personally like might come down to how believable vs outlandish you find various paranormal phenomena- e.g., if you can buy ghosts but not Big Foot. Overall, I don't think this book is very good at making you suspend your disbelief, particularly if you're a skeptic about these kinds of things in general. If you open up this book determined not to believe anything you're reading, I don't know how this book would scare you at all. I went in with an open mind and a few chapters registered as creepy- but only barely creepy. The stories are fun, for the most part, but the tone is not scary.

Terrance Zepke says

This is the name of a great book written by Ed and Lorraine Warren with Robert David Chase. I was excited to get this book as I had already read THE DEMONOLOGIST (also written by Ed and Lorraine Warren), which was a most intriguing book. Most of us in the paranormal arena are all too aware of this dynamic duo. But for those of you who aren’t familiar with the Warrens, they are the only non-clergy approved by the Catholic church to perform . The Warrens have been all over the world and all across the U.S. investigating supernatural events, as well as performing church-sanctioned exorcisms.

GHOST HUNTERS shares fourteen of their cases, which involve some well-known places and people, such as West Point, Amityville, and Actress Jane Seymour.

Your first thought when you read these extraordinary stories is “I don’t believe any of this.” This just sounds too fantastic to be true. You may not want to believe such things exist or happen. But if you do a google search and read about some of their cases, you will soon realize that the Warrens are a credible team. First and foremost, they are deeply religious and faith and prayer is a big part of their process. They often bring a priest with them on their investigations. Also, they have helped law enforcement solve many cases, thanks to Lorraine’s abilities. Furthermore, some of their cases have become quite renowned and the end result is hard to dispute. Examples include The Haunting in Connecticut, Annabelle, and The Conjuring (all have been made into major motion pictures).

This book gives us a glimpse into a world that most of us are seldom exposed to (thankfully). For those who think that evil doesn’t exist or that there is no such thing as poltergeists, think again! If you prefer not to be knowledgeable about such things then I recommend you don’t read this book. Although parts of the book were shocking and scary, it was an interesting and educational read. I am looking forward to reading more books by and about the Warrens, who founded the New England Society for Psychic Research.

Note: Ed Warren died on August 23, 2006. Lorraine is still alive (at the time I wrote this review), residing in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

To read my review of their book, The Demonologist, on This is the name of a great book written by Ed and Lorraine Warren with Robert David Chase. I was excited to get this book as I had already read THE DEMONOLOGIST (also written by Ed and Lorraine Warren). Most of us in the paranormal arena are all too aware of this dynamic duo. But for those of you who aren’t familiar with the Warrens, they are the only non- clergy approved by the Catholic church to perform exorcisms. The Warrens have been all over the world and all across the U.S. investigating supernatural events, as well as performing church-sanctioned exorcisms.

GHOST HUNTERS shares fourteen of their cases, which involve some well-known places and people, such as West Point, Amityville, and Actress Jane Seymour.

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Your first thought when you read these extraordinary stories is “I don’t believe any of this.” This just sounds too fantastic to be true. You may not want to believe such things exist or happen. But if you do a google search and read about some of their cases, you will soon realize that the Warrens are a credible team. First and foremost, they are deeply religious and faith and prayer is a big part of their process. They often bring a priest with them on their investigations. Also, they have helped law enforcement solve many cases, thanks to Lorraine’s psychic abilities. Furthermore, some of their cases have become quite renowned and the end result is hard to dispute. Examples include The Haunting in Connecticut, Annabelle, and The Conjuring (all have been made into major motion pictures).

This book gives us a glimpse into a world that most of us are seldom exposed to (thankfully). For those who think that evil doesn’t exist or that there is no such thing as poltergeists, think again! If you prefer not to be knowledgeable about such things then I recommend you don’t read this book. Although parts of the book were shocking and scary, it was an interesting and educational read. I am looking forward to reading more books by and about the Warrens, who founded the New England Society for Psychic Research.

Note: Ed Warren died on August 23, 2006. Lorraine is still alive, residing in Bridgeport, Connecticut.

Click on this link to read my review of their book, THE DEMONOLOGIST, on

Heather says

A quick Halloween read. Not scary. I read the kindle edition, and the amount of typos was criminal.

Denise Sault says

Horrible book

This is one of the worst written books I've ever read, the format was awful. The stories themselves seemed like nothing but self serving pats on the back. The chapter about Jane Seymour was about Lorraine sort of meeting her...... had no relevance as a ghost story of any kind. Skip this one, it's not worth the read. ?

Irene says

Case #1: West Point Case #2: Murder Most Violent Case #3: Bigfoot Case #4: Jayne Seymour Case #5: The of a Teen Girl Case #6: Killer in the Mist Case #7: Demonic Infestation Case #8: The Unspeakable Case #9: The Darkness After Case #10: The Terrified Minister

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Andrew C says

Ghost hunters This book is written by ED and Lorraine Warren the book is called Ghost hunters. The lexile level for this book is not included but it seems to be in my range. I picked this book because i am intrigued by how they do these things and how they know what to do and all there jobs they had to do. The book is telling us about how a couple of there envegestion and how and what they did to help the people in need. When in the first chapter lorraine is telling us where and what they are doing at west point New York. when at west point lorraine kept getting these visions (she gets these often when there is a malevolent spirit around) of a man in this one room she asked (“did by any chance a president stay in here”) the reply was (“yes it was JFK how did you know that”). After helping the people at west point they moved on to a family with a possession of Stacy. One day the warrens got a call from the Collins asking to come help with are daughter. Two weeks later they were at the collins trying to find out how this possession happen when looking around the room they found all these demonic books around her room. When looking around more they looked under the bed and found an board box under her bed but no board when they went to the hospital and looked under her bed and found the board but could not grab it because everytime they tried to she freaked out. When they tried to get a priest the first time they didn’t get one but the second time they tried they got one. When about to start the excerisom she started to speak but it wasn’t her it was someone was controlling her. After about two weeks after the excerisom it did work but only for a few weeks and the demon was back it was like it took a break and then came back. I thinks that most people that like this sort of type of stuff and know how or they know what's going on they and if they don’t it is really not that hard to if out what's going on. I like all the info they give us and how they tell it it. One of the best parts is when they are doing the excerisom on stacy it tells us how and what they did to help a girl they didn’t even know. When reading the book i thought to myself that ED and Lorraine are really nice people because they get these calls about a possession or a hunting and they go out of there way to help people that they never meet before. I didn’t have a bad part in this book at all.

Michael says

I don't really know why this edition has been published, the original first coming to light in 1989. It wouldn't have been very interesting to the majority of thinking people then, even less now, and there is a 'dated' feeling (if it's possible to say so about 'ghosts') not only in the presentation but in the incidents it purports to present.

According to this book: demons cause mental illness and murders; reading about the can invite possession; pornography leads to necrophilia and possession by the Devil; poverty, especially if accompanied with alcoholism, adultery, and child abuse, will all welcome in demons: people possessed by demons, more often than not 'bring it on themselves'; that a woman can be almost responsible for her own murder; demons can cause air turbulence to affect an aircraft on which one of the 'ghost hunters' is travelling; 'Bigfoot' is just a mind projection; that demons are really the result of a last ditch stand of pagans to try and combat Christianity; and

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Christianity is the only 'cure' for demons.

And that last in the list is the reason for this book. The Warrens are staunch Roman Catholics and everything they see is in the light that shines from Rome. Anything that goes wrong in people's lives is down to the fact that they have lost the true path. Return to it and things might (they don't make any guarantees) get better.

Even with this super faith not all the cases get resolved. It seems that when the publicity dies down and the Warrens were no longer in the spotlight sometimes those demons that had tormented an individual or family were allowed to continue to do so. The Warrens and the priests had done their best but when faced with too determined an adversary were all quite happy to admit defeat and leave the victims to their fate.

Often there are few specifics and therefore making any cross referencing difficult; perpetrators of heinous crimes turn out (once Lorraine had used her 'psychic powers') to be the stereotypical villains from Christians' worst fears, down to body odour and bad teeth; at times something is made of nothing and they seem to play fast and loose with historical facts at times.

Not for anyone with a critical mind.

Rebecca McNutt says

Oh lord, it's these two again. Ed and Lorraine Warren, dragging along this Amityville Horror thing WAY further than it ever needed to go, and introducing even more ridiculous stories where they end up rambling on more about themselves than the actual ghosts. I have no problem with people who believe in ghosts or the supernatural, and I myself think that there are a lot of mysteries in the world that sometimes just don't get solved. We all grow up (I assume) hearing these stories in films, around the campfire, from relatives and from our parents. I loved some of the ghost stories my dad told my brother, sister and I when I was a kid. And hey, if people want to publish a ghost book, I'm all for it! My issue with the Warrens specifically though is that they take all the fun, mystery and everything else that is usually left up to atmosphere, history, vocabulary and our imaginations, and they leave behind only a dried-out bunch of nonsense. This book came off to me as really dull and lifeless, and Ed Warren especially as a very pretentious man who takes his "career" way too seriously.

Shasta Seagle says

It was an entertaining book, as far as fantasy goes. I do not put much validity in people who think that demons take the shape of human entities and harm the living. Their investigation of the Amityville House has been debunked by many investigators.

Sabrina Rutter says

I havn't read one book by the Warrens yet that I don't enjoy! This book definantly had me spooked! Ed and Lorraine Warren are/were (Ed is with God) demonologists, so naturally everything paranormal is going to be a demonic infestation to them. I can see where they might get the impression about the demonic on the hauntings they talked about in this book, but they even included a way to make the big hairy man shaped creature, better known as bigfoot, a demonic force.

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I would not read this one if I had to sleep alone at night! No matter what you believe this book will give you the creeps! I read these kind of books to get scared, and I'm pleased to say this one did the job. As I write this I keep looking behind me. Of course nothings there, but this just goes to show how creeped out I am! Ed and Lorraine Warren are better known for their works with popular hauntings such as The Amityville Horror, The Haunted, and also for giving lectures at Universities all over the country on the paranormal. This book is about some of their most memorable cases.

Steve Wiggins says

While the stories of Ed and Lorraine Warren are fascinating, the "ghost writing" of this book leaves something to be desired. It is over-dramatized a bit. The stories are generally well told, however, and inherently fascinating. It's difficult to decide about the Warrens' interpretation of events since they have a strong Catholic bias. There's nothing wrong with that, of course, but it does color their interpretation of what may be happening in the realm of the hereafter.

A collection of stories about several of the Warrens' investigative cases, and some interviews with them, Ghost Hunters is part of a series of reissued books published by various houses, that told the story of this original couple over the years. There's probably not much that will scare the experienced reader of scary material here. The picture of Bigfoot holding a hawk on his wrist like a medieval falconer is unfortunate. Even those who may be legitimately clairvoyant do occasionally make errors. This is not be belittle Lorraine Warren's gift, but it does take away from the seriousness of the stories told.

This is an enjoyable collection. Nothing too profound here, which, of course, didn't prevent me from writing about it on my blog: Sects and Violence in the Ancient World.

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