Volume 54 | Issue 2 Article 4

9-2011 Reference Revitalization and : Are the and Print Reference Sources Passé? Tami E. Robinson Whitworth University, Spokane

Bob Triplett Palm Beach Atlantic University, West Palm Beach

Linda Lambert Taylor University, Upland

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Recommended Citation Robinson, Tami E.; Triplett, Bob; and Lambert, Linda (2011) "Reference Revitalization and Roving Reference: Are the Reference Desk and Print Reference Sources Passé?," The Christian Librarian: Vol. 54 : Iss. 2 , Article 4. Available at: http://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/tcl/vol54/iss2/4

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Tami Echavarria Robinson Librarians who have been in the profession for declining numbers of some types of reference Coordinator of some time have surely noticed the shift in usage queries (Applegate, 2008, p. 181-182). Fewer Instructional Services patterns, particularly in the format of reference students may be coming to the reference desk, Whitworth University sources students prefer. But their professors are yet often the questions librarians encounter are Spokane, Washington not necessarily pleased with the results of this less simple and require more complex thinking Bob Triplett shift. Professors are often displeased that their and searching than Google or general multi- Learning Resources Consultant students’ work fails to demonstrate the quality subject will satisfy. As students struggle Palm Beach Atlantic University of research and synthesis of thought they desire at applying higher order thinking skills to West Palm Beach, Florida (Mahaffy, 2006, p. 324). While undergraduate research assignments, librarians guide students students seem to do fine using lower order in learning to evaluate and interpret scholarly Linda Lambert thinking skills such as rules and techniques to sources in the peer reviewed literature, and Instructional Services Librarian find research information, they have difficulty synthesize and apply information to generate Taylor University using higher order thinking skills, that “involve new constructs. Patrons still need help finding Upland, Indiana interpreting, synthesizing, and creatively knowledge, authoritative information, unbiased manipulating abstract concepts to generate information, and sorting out that information new constructs” (Head and Eisenberg, 2010, (Anhang and Coffman, 2002, pp. 52-53). ABSTRACT p. 37). While teaching faculty encourage more Print reference sources and in-depth and critical exploration of subject As successive generations grow up using references desks are still vital matter than Google or Wikipedia searches Wikipedia and Google web searches as parts of reference service in some provide, librarians guide students to the peer- their everyday sources of information, it is , while in others innovative models such as roving reference reviewed literature to encourage them to do important for educators to teach the value of and learning commons thrive. better scholarly work. As educators, librarians’ vetted information (Myerson, 2008, pp. 16,18). While undergraduate students’ responsibility to encourage development of Librarians at Whitworth University and Taylor preferences and usage has shifted higher order thinking skills is articulated in University work deliberately with students from print to electronic, students still need to learn the application the Competency Standards for in an ongoing effort to disabuse them of the of metacognitive thinking skills Higher Education. The objectives encourage the notion that convenience and form is more in research. Updating use of metacognitive thinking skills in library important than substance. Students want easily how reference is delivered to accommodate students’ emphasis research, iterating core competencies that accessible information, instantly and online. on mobility and expectation of information literate students should develop But information is not enough. Connections access to information has led to as part of a college education (Information must be made that require higher order revitalizing reference collections, reconfiguring space as learning Literacy Competency Standards, 2006). thinking skills. Students learn to apply higher commons and roving reference as order thinking skills, such as interpretation solutions at Taylor University and Students’ Changing Needs and synthesis, and acquire information literacy Palm Beach Atlantic University, skills as they grapple with scholarship. Online while Whitworth University Many libraries, including Whitworth University retains a more traditional information is fragmentary, while the usefulness configuration to meet student and Taylor University, have experienced lower of reference and peer reviewed literature research needs. reference statistics in recent years. Data shows derives from their organization, connections, there has, in fact, been a quantitative decline of context, authoritativeness, and even style reference transactions per week on a per library (Broccoli, 2008, pp.1-2). Both are necessary basis across all institutional types. Students in today’s scholarship. Digitization has added go to the Internet as a first source for self- value to some reference books essential to help information and access electronic library library collections, but has not replaced many resources remotely from dorm rooms and other subject encyclopedias that provide valuable study areas rather than coming into the opportunities for librarians to teach for basic research needs. Teaching students to be students information literacy. While some self-sufficient information finders does result in publishers are beginning to move aggressively 58 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 in offering high quality publications in more drastic reexamination. Other responses aggregate collections at reasonable prices, it is to changing user needs may be reconfiguring likely that publishers and librarians have not space to provide a learning commons. With moved fast enough with realistic fiscal models changing user preferences, how reference is to provide vetted more reliable information in delivered and what makes up the Reference digital format. Collection in libraries may require some reexamination. Online databases do not contain the content of high quality subject encyclopedias in a reference Taylor University’s Reference collection. As electronic resources abound Revitalization reference usage would drop were it not for the diligent work of reference librarians What is the state of your library’s reference who connect students with these valuable collection? Have you noticed a shift in the subject encyclopedias. Some universities have number and kind of reference queries? How seen usage of subject encyclopedias drop in does your library respond to the transition from spite of librarians’ best efforts, while other print to online reference sources? In a search for universities such as Whitworth University a collection that is usable/functional what print continue to see consistent usage as librarians resources do you keep and what do you toss? guide students to these sources. “There is These might be questions considered in the past often a disconnect between the information or for consideration in the near future. Taylor sources librarians use and recommend and the University librarians observed a significant information sources researchers and students shift in students’ usage patterns, prompting use” (East, 2010, p. 163). Subject encyclopedias reexamination of the reference collection. are core to a reference collection, synthesizing and presenting knowledge in a clear, As we looked at our reference collection understandable, intelligent manner, readily the overarching assumption is that we are accessible to undergraduate students. The supporting the curriculum and the mission content of electronic encyclopedias that are of the university in the best possible way that available needs to be made more accessible, we can. It means being responsive to student while print encyclopedias continue to remain curricular needs but it also means being core resources of reference collections. Yet responsible fiscally by providing resources online resources remain the most popular with within our budget that best support what students. students need. We surveyed our students with a library satisfaction survey (LibQual+) to The Millennial generation’s preferred mode obtain user feedback. LibQual+ was useful in of communication is a drastic change from gaining student perceptions about information those of previous generations. Their emphasis resources. We were found wanting. From those on mobility and expectation of access to surveys we were able to explore what library global information 24/7 requires differences improvements our constituents (students and in delivery of service to meet their changing faculty) would like to see as well as aspects of needs (Moore and Wells, 2009, pp. 77). We library services and resources for which they have not yet begun to see the fuller effects are satisfied. of mobilization. Our web sites, databases, e-books, e-journals must be compatible with One side of the picture was a reference mobile computing. While some libraries, such collection that needed an “extreme makeover.” as Whitworth University, Taylor University The reference collection hadn’t been seriously and Palm Beach Atlantic University, weed their weeded in many years. Items had been added reference collection on an ongoing basis to but few had been withdrawn. For example: maintain relevancy in a high functioning and there were 6-8 years of annual almanacs, ancient well used collection that is well integrated with and dusty volumes of older encyclopedias and proprietary databases, other libraries may need out of date directories. We decided to develop 59 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 a plan for a complete, item by item, review of The process involved two reference librarians the Reference Collection. examining small chunks of the reference collection over a six month period. All librarians First, we began by asking ourselves what could review what had been done. The The Millennial were we trying to achieve in our reference librarians coordinated with technical services generation’s collection? What is the purpose of the as to work flow and cooperated with all staff in print collection? What are our assumptions the process. We used standard reference guides preferred mode of as reference librarians? What are student when we were unsure. Faculty members were communication is a perceptions? What does “reference” mean to consulted as needed. We allowed no room for our users in light of electronic access to much sentimentality. drastic change from of the same information? We examined our those of previous reference policy. We The added benefit to our process was that it generations. had to ask ourselves difficult questions about opened up dollars for future online reference our favorite tools in light of diminished usage purchases, especially through cancelled or Their emphasis patterns. Our objective was a much tighter, modified standing orders, and gave us better on mobility and leaner reference collection based on what is knowledge of the collection, such as: used, not on some possible future potential of expectation of • Use, or lack thereof being used. • Comprehensiveness of the information access to global included We rolled up our sleeves and began the • Relationship of the subject to information 24/7 portion of this project with the following appropriateness of the curriculum requires differences steps. First, we reviewed all standing orders and dramatically cut standing orders, many of • Level of readership in delivery of which had outlived their original purposes or • Content duplication of other titles service to meet their value. Then we went to the collection itself, regardless of format changing needs. examining every item or series, and began to • Condition/age of material deselect based on the following criteria: • Timeliness and currency • Cost • Reliability of the information • Changed frequency from annual to biennial for some titles As we looked to electronic reference sources • Identified obsolete and unused, we examined Credo Reference which duplicated items included several hundred reference resources. • Updated newer editions for some titles We did not want to duplicate those titles. And we began to look at other online sources • Eliminated titles inappropriate to our that were available. Did we want to purchase collection, no longer relevant or not directories that are quickly out of date or where supportive of curriculum the information is easily found online, such as • Withdrew bibliographies, subject zip code directories? Those were the kinds of dictionaries and directories no longer resources we discarded. Our justification for purchased; items older than 1-2 years doing so was that for most students the Internet were withdrawn with a few rare is the first line for seeking information. While exceptions Taylor University is primarily a residential • Addressed changes in the curriculum campus these online reference resources • Identified and filled gaps are convenient and available 24/7 and more • Pulled some items for repair, removal and frequently updated than print sources. With relabeling for circulating collection less emphasis to be placed on print sources in • Considered online availability or the future we looked to the wealth of sources availability of comparable information available online. Government documents are an example of this. Information contained • Reviewed reference collection policy in the Washington Information Directory, statement, revising as we went along Congressional Yellow Pages, and other statistical 60 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 sources is available online. In some cases we dynamic and useful reference collection. We eliminated the resource entirely, in other cases have been through similar format questions we went to less frequent standing orders and from print to microform to digital. So this in other cases we did keep the resource yearly problem isn’t a new one. Librarians need to be (Statistical Abstracts). We asked ourselves the wise consumers and careful teachers to guide question, “If the core purpose is to connect students learning scholarly research. users with information, does it really matter that the information is in electronic format A Learning Commons as long as it is current, accurate, authoritative, etc.?” In fact, in electronic format the resource As with most projects there is another side of is likely to see more use. Some suggestions for the picture. We were looking to free up some a successful weeding project are: real estate with an eye for an information commons area. “With a Learning Commons, • Plan ahead library gate counts soar as students flock to • Work in small blocks of time but develop use computers and one-stop services and to a project timetable see and be seen by their friends while they • Use your existing collection development collaborate in an environment in which the policy social and academic are merged” (Moore and • If it doesn’t fit the curriculum …toss it Wells, 2009, p. 75). Weeding the reference • Keep the reference collection current collection in conjunction with shifting the • Look for high quality reference materials circulating collection was one small part of that are free and promote them planning for an information commons area. This information commons area enables • Coordinate bookmarks and cataloging students to have more collaborative learning free websites with weeding print titles space, more computer access in an atmosphere having comparable information. of comfortable seating, good lighting, places • Prepare for more e-books; compare titles where students could work together. Over with Net Library, ebrary, or other online the past few years we have seen, as many of book system products, especially reference you have seen, a need for more collaborative e-book aggregations workspace in the library. Many students see the library as their “living room” or “den.” The These changes are hard. We had to begin to library has become a place for community, for develop new ways of thinking about reference socializing and for studying. that was foreign to some of the traditional methods. There needs to be a more peaceful Libraries and learning commons are examples coexistence between print and electronic of third places both traditionally and virtually. resources. We realized that instruction plays a Third places, places apart from home and work/ major role in making students aware of what school where people hang out, are necessary exists online as well as in print. We realized for a sense of community. “They are distinctive that we need to make the transition to a digital informal gathering places where people feel reference world. We realized that less emphasis at home. Third places nourish relationships will be placed on print sources in the future and a diversity of human contact by helping and we were trying to look to the wealth of to create a ‘sense of place’ and community” sources that are available online. (Lawson, 2004, p. 125). Communal gathering spaces such as churches and libraries are also We know from our experience that students where values are shaped and moral habits prefer the flexibility of online resources. The developed. For Christians, education shapes tide is shifting to an online world that will minds, but also hearts and souls (Diekema and only increase. With the advent of Wikipedia Caddell, 2001, pp. 182, 184). and other similar websites, the authority of the “reference resource” has been questioned. Education involves much more than the Librarians can and should still develop a simple, efficient transfer of information. 61 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 The cultivation of hard-earned higher order tradition and “that’s the way we’ve always done thinking skills necessary for analysis and it” mentality. However, we would do well to synthesis of information are the hallmark of every now and then ask ourselves whether we a good education. Face-to-face interactive are in fact doing library services simply out of contact between students and with faculty habit and custom, or if there might be a better and librarians cultivate the life of the mind plan or procedure to consider. and the ethos of hard work. (Diekema and Caddell, 2001, pp. 171,175-176). Libraries The truth of the matter is that roving reference have historically been centers of intellectual, isn’t necessarily suited for every library. There cultural, and even social life, and learning are obviously a number of considerations that commons serve the same purposes both in enter into the equation. Learning Resources terms of traditional and virtual ambience. Consultants (Reference Librarians) at Palm Beach Atlantic University have had the Students seek information, but they also want experience in the new Warren Library of a sense of community. They are interested in doing roving since early 2007. The literature meaningful communities. The most meaningful on roving reference provides additional insight. communities for students are not virtual communities, rather they are communities Anyone doing a literature review on roving that exist both online and in the communities reference will invariably encounter a number in which they live (Lawson, 2004, p. 128). of writers who allude to an article published in Dynamic learning commons can fulfill both RQ in 1972 entitled, “Why Don’t They Ask needs by deliberate design of spaces to provide Questions?” written by Swope and Katzer. quiet spaces as well as collaborative spaces, Even then a number of important questions various one-stop services such as writing were being asked concerning reference services. centers and technology assistance, and frequent In a study at Syracuse University’s Carnegie staff presence to provide opportunities for Library they found that 65% of those who had librarians and technology support staff to questions would not ask a librarian (Swope support users while they are researching. A and Katzer, 1972, p. 163). Three major reasons survey from the UMass Amherst Learning surfaced including dissatisfaction with the past Commons clearly shows students still need and service of a librarian. The second identified expect face-to-face assistance from experts. reason was because students felt the question They have high expectations for library and was too simple and the third was that they technology services. The librarian’s role is didn’t want to bother the librarian. According important because they value expert assistance to the authors, “Obviously, a message has to navigate complex information seeking gotten through to a large group of potential (Moore and Wells, 2009, p. 84). Students want users. It isn’t the message the librarian wants assistance at their point of need and this study to communicate, but through words or actions concludes that librarians need to move out librarians are reinforcing the user’s feelings from behind the reference desk to connect that he is either a bother or he is stupid” with students effectively. (Swope and Katzer, 1972, p. 164). Among the conclusions of that study was that perhaps The question is worth asking ourselves: how the worst barrier was the reference desk and does the reference collection relate to reference that it was imperative for the library staff to services? circulate among the users. They recognized that a librarian cannot afford to be chained to Palm Beach Atlantic’s Perspective a reference desk and that there was a need to on Roving Reference change the image of the preoccupied librarian (Swope and Katzer, 1972, p. 165). It would be utter foolishness to imply that every library that is not practicing roving Evidently the situation has not changed reference is guilty of slavishly following dramatically in the years from 1972 through 2010. 62 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 Based on a case study done at the University of the print reference collection on the other end. Rochester and reported in “Studying Students,” 79% of students when asked “Did you think of How do you know just whom to talking with a librarian?” indicated that they had approach? not talked to the librarian (Burns and Harper, This is an important question. Barbara Pitney 2007, p. 10). in her article says that “experienced rovers develop their own sixth sense about identifying So where did the practice of roving reference patrons to approach” (Pitney and Slote, 2007, originate? Some have suggested that reference p. 57). A good bit of it is simply common roving probably has been around in some sense. Common sense compels us to go up form or another since the beginning of to the student gazing closely at the Library reference service. Every reference librarian of Congress classification scheme hanging on has had occasion to get up from a reference the wall. Common sense also tells us to keep desk and move around and in the process walking past the student typing attentively on a ended up helping a library patron. The Word document in the Information Commons Many students see concept of reference roving very closely area. However, there is a broad murky area in the library as their parallels the business concept of Management between. One rule of thumb is if someone by Wandering Around (MBWA). This was is wandering around and looks the least bit “living room” or developed by executives at Hewlett-Packard in bewildered I approach them. Also if they look “den.” The library the 1970s and was described as “the business of up from their work and we make eye contact has become a place staying in touch with the territory all the time” we will say “Hi.” My experience has been that and by “being accessible and approachable” I initiated most transactions although there are for community, for (Lorenzen, 1997, p. 52). times when patrons flag me down. socializing and for The PBA library staff does not have an How do you approach a patron and studying. abundance of comparative reference statistics what do you say to them when you since from day one in our Warren Library we approach them? initiated roving reference. We had a reference First of all, and most importantly, smile and help desk in the old library facility but we be friendly. I will often ask, “Are you finding have never had one at all in the new facility. everything that you need?” or one of its many So the bottom line is that we cannot say with variations such as, “Can I help you with authority that we have objective statistical data anything?” or “How is your search going?” to prove that our reference transaction count or “I am the roving librarian on duty right has increased simply because of the fact that we now. Is there anything I can help you with?” now do roving reference. However, our hunch Reference roving encourages librarians to is that the number of reference transactions has be more personable. Some rovers will often increased not only because of the new facility shake hands when they greet a patron and but also because of roving. A description of our will introduce themselves and ask their names. roving reference experience at PBA follows by Our goal is to build helping relationships answering some frequently asked questions. with students. As reference rovers we strive to have a genuine servant’s heart and not be How is roving reference scheduled? condescending. Each one of the four Learning Resources Consultants is scheduled and does an equal There are three floors in the Warren Library amount of roving reference time. Reference at PBA. When I am on duty I always plan to librarians are on the floor and rove for a shift rove the two upper floors at least once each of 2-3 hours. We typically spend most of our hour. Whenever I see someone in the stacks time in the Information Commons area on the I will invariably ask them if they are finding first floor. This area has a total of 69 computers everything that they need. My experience has available for patron use and is located next to been that at least a third of the time they will the service desk on one end of the floor and accept my offer of assistance. Many times their 63 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 initial reaction will be that they are fine but successful and that it has met our original then after a second or two they will often say expectations. There is no doubt that we have something like “well on second thought, yes, I reached students that we would not have could use some help.” So their initial response reached otherwise. is not always their final response. There have been obvious advantages. Roving Some of the things we try to avoid include has allowed us to be more visible and more looking at student’s screens so they don’t feel proactive in seeking out people who are that they are being spied upon. We endeavor to in need of assistance. We are more aware of be sensitive about invading a patron’s personal what’s happening in the building and can space. There have been virtually no instances monitor things like noise levels and equipment of students being rude to us or taking offense problems. We often notice guests who come in by our asking them if they need assistance. and greet them. Roving helps us to be more flexible and perform a variety of duties, as How can we stay out on the floor, make needed. Roving also eliminates the barrier of ourselves available, and feel useful? the desk. Patrons are taught at the point of use. Some of the other activities we do include pushing in chairs, picking up trash, pushing in Roving reference is a relatively new service book ends, and checking to see that computers model for many libraries but it provides Education are logged out. None of the roving librarians unique opportunities to encounter students. involves much more is actually standing or moving around for Spontaneous user contact where we engage the entire shift. Even though there is not a our patrons at their point of need multiplies than the simple, reference help desk, in essence the reference our chances of contributing positively to efficient transfer librarian makes one when he/she sits down the lives of students in the overall teaching/ at a designated computer in the Information learning process. After all, isn’t that our calling of information. Commons area during slow times. We have as information service professionals? The cultivation of a large colorful, eye catching sign which says, hard-earned higher “Got Questions?” and “We are here to help!” There are numerous examples in the library This sign is on a tall stand at the computer we literature of successes and failures at roving order thinking use if and when we sit down. On the same reference. A number of public libraries have skills necessary table is another reserved computer which is had a good measure of success with roving used in helping patrons. notably the King County Library System in for analysis and Seattle, Washington. Utica College in Utica, synthesis of How do people in general find you N.Y. has also been quite successful with roving when they want you? reference. Obviously, there are a number information are the There is a small flip sign at the service desk of considerations and ways at looking at hallmark of a good to indicate which Learning Resources providing quality reference service. However, Consultant is on duty and the sign includes his it is the overall view of the Learning Resources education. or her phone number. Each rover has a portable Consultants at PBA that the advantages of phone so that he or she can be reached at all roving definitely outweigh any disadvantages. times. It is not uncommon for someone at the service desk to call the rover on duty while Reference Desks are not Passé that person is roving upstairs to alert them that he/she is needed on the main floor to answer Not everyone agrees that roving reference is a reference question. such a great idea. Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton experimented with it for only What is our overall evaluation of the two months during the summer of 2005 and roving reference experience? gave it up. The very brief amount of time spent To characterize it as a smashing success would at it and the time of year may well have been be a bit of a stretch. However, the librarians contributing factors. Whitworth University has are agreed that overall the experience has been not adopted roving reference nor eliminated its reference desk. The reference desk is staged 64 The Christian Librarian, 54 (2) 2011 at different heights allowing students to sit remain highly achievable. Roving reference or Fitzpatrick, E.B., Moore, A.C. & down with a reference librarian to work at moving out from behind the reference desk to Lange, B.W. (2008, May). Reference librarians at the reference desk in the desk, or to stand where a librarian may reach students at their point of need are being a learning commons: A Mixed spread out materials such as maps or atlases. used to good effect in some libraries. There is Methods Evaluation. Journal of The desk is open at both ends so movement not a single solution for all libraries and that Academic Librarianship, 34(3), 231- 238. in and out is easy and librarians jump up to remains the challenge for each library. The go over to students working on computers, in reference desk is not passé. Neither are print Head, A. J. & Eisenberg, M. B. the reference stacks or needing help locating reference sources. Technology and electronic (2010, November 1). Truth be told: How college students evaluate and items in the circulating stacks. The community resources may be preferred by users but are not use information in the digital age. atmosphere of the university is such that enough in and of themselves for students to (Project Information Literacy librarians chat with and interact with students use in learning higher level thinking skills and Progress Report). Retrieved from passing by all the time, so they approach one information literacy skills. As has been seen in University of Washington iSchool website: http://projectinforlit. another naturally and often. Other students previous decades, as more types of capability org/pdfs/PIL_Fall2010_Survey_ see librarians in conversation with students become available, patrons want to use all FullReport1.pdf and realize librarians are approachable. It also types. Reference librarians continue to teach Lawson, K. (2004). Libraries in helps that faculty routinely send students to multiple formats and continue to be creative the USA as traditional and virtual librarians and encourage them to consult with in how to reach students whether in libraries “third places.” New Library World, librarians on their assigned research. or learning commons. 105(3/4), 125-130.

Lorenzen, M. (1997). Management The reference desk can still serve as a main REFERENCES by wandering around: Reference focus point where reference librarians meet roving and quality reference American Library Association. (2006, September 1). Information and greet the daily. “By constantly offering service. In C. Hales-Mabry (Ed.), literacy competency standards for higher education. Retrieved Philosophies of reference service (pp.51- services to patrons, even if no formal reference from ACRL website: http://www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/ 57). Philadelphia: Haworth Press. interview is occurring, the library will gain divs/acrl/standards/informationliteracycompetency.cfm a reputation for being friendly and helpful” Mahaffy, M. (2006, Fall). Andeen, S.R. (2001). Selling the library from the reference Encouraging critical thinking in (Andeen, 2001, p. 285). Accessing information desk: Service points as advertisements. The Reference Librarian, library research: An application of is not enough. When students know where 73, 281-292. national standards. College Teaching, 54(4), 324-327. to find librarians, ready access to service, on- Anhang, A. and Coffman, S. (2001, March). The great demand research help, and a welcoming face reference debate: Abe Anhang and Steve Coffman offer Moore, A.C. and Wells, K. A. (2009, greets them. The opportunity of a teachable predictions on the future of traditional reference librarians. January). Connecting 24/5 to moment occurs. That goes a long way toward American Libraries, 33(3), 50-54. millennials: Providing academic ensuring patrons the highest level of service. support services from a learning Applegate, R. (2008, Winter). Whose decline? Which commons. The Journal of Academic At UMass Amherst Learning Commons, “the academic libraries are “deserted” in terms of reference Librarianship, 35(1), 75-85. library entrant survey of 3/14/06 showed that transactions? Reference & User Services Quarterly, 48(2), 176- library entrants overwhelmingly preferred to 189. Myerson, J. ((2008). The good, the go to the desk for reference interactions. Face- bad and the ugly. In The necessity of Broccoli, M. J. (2008). Research libraries without reference reference books in the digital age (pp. to-face reference interactions were strongly books. In The necessity of reference books in the digital age (pp. 15-19) [Booklet]. n.p.: The Print preferred” (Fitzpatrick, Moore, and Lang, 1-5) [Booklet]. n.p.: The Print Conservancy. Conservancy. 2008, p. 235). In our increasingly online and Burns, V. & Harper, K. (2007). Asking students about their Pitney, B., & Slote, N. (2007). impersonal society, reference desks still have research. In N. Foster & S. Gibbons (Eds.), Studying students: Going mobile: The KCLS roving an important place in libraries and learning The undergraduate research project at the University of Rochester reference model. Public Libraries, (pp. 7-15). Chicago: Association of College and Research commons. 46(1), 54-68. Retrieved from Libraries. OmniFile Full Text Mega .

Conclusion Diekema, D. and Caddell, D. (2001, Winter). The significance Swope , M. & Katzer, J. (1972, of place: Sociological reflections on distance learning and Winter). Why don’t they ask We’ve seen that focusing on serving Christian higher education. Christian Scholar’s Review, XXXI questions? RQ, 12, 161-166. (2), 169-184. students and teaching them to be competent researchers is still the priority for librarians. East, J.W. (2010). The Rolls Royce of the reference Revitalizing the reference collection may be collection: The subject encyclopedia in the age of Wikipedia. Reference & User Services Quarterly, 50(2), 162-169. needed in some libraries so that relevance and accessibility to scholarly information

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