PA Trout Spring 2019
Spring 2019 Publication of the Pa. Council of Trout Unlimited Coldwater Heritage Partnership distributes $75,000 in grants The Coldwater Heritage Partnership has announced that more than $75,000 in grants have been awarded to local organi- zations to protect and conserve Pennsyl- vania’s coldwater streams. Grant funds for the Coldwater Heritage Partnership are provided by Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources Community Conservation Partnerships Program Environmental Stewardship Fund, the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission, the Foundation for Pennsylvania Watersheds and Pennsylva- nia Trout Unlimited. Kelly Williams Photo The purpose of the CHP is to provide Fishery surveys revealed that native brook trout are present in many areas of the Potts Run watershed. Once AMD restoration activities are complete, these popula- leadership, coordination, technical assis- tions should be able to expand as they utilize restored habitat. tance, and funding support for the conser- vation and protection of Pennsylvania’s coldwater streams. The program awards Perseverance pays off in See , page 5 GRANTS the Potts Run watershed Annual PATU By Rachel Kester find a stream that had at least a few tolerant TU Project Coordinator macroinvertebrate species present despite award nominations the AMD influences. As a college intern at the Clearfield I remember thinking that if any streams due by July 31 County Conservation District, I first sam- in the Clearfield Creek watershed could Pennsylvania Council of Trout Unlim- pled Potts Run in the summer of 2002 as be restored, Potts Run was one of them. ited will present its annual awards during part of an assessment of Clearfield Creek, a It had relatively good water quality, intact the fall meeting at the Shavers Creek Fire- tributary to the West Branch Susquehanna habitat, and at least some aquatic life.
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