Memorandum #17-079 TO: WIC Regional Directors WIC Local Agency Directors FROM: Amanda Hovis, Director Nutrition Education/Clinic Services Unit Nutrition Services Section DATE: August 4, 2017 SUBJECT: Revised Formula Approval Resources Posted The formula approval resources have been revised to reflect the recent clinic formula table changes and will be posted to the DSHS WIC website. You will be able view them at the following link under “Formula Approval Resources” once they are posted. The following documents have been revised for July, 2017. Presently, they are attached to this memo as PDF files. 1. Texas WIC Formulary 2. Formula Code List 3. Texas WIC Formula Maximum Quantity Table 4. Nutrition Assessment Requirements Guide If you have questions or require additional information, contact Pat Koym, Formula Specialist, at
[email protected] or 512-341-4578. This institution is an equal opportunity provider TEXAS WIC FORMULARY AND MEDICAL REASONS FOR ISSUANCE JULY 2017 Formula Category Description Qualifying Conditions Staff Instructions - May issue for 1 cert Manufacturer Name period unless otherwise indicated Alfamino Infant Elemental 20 cal/oz when mixed 1 scoop to 1 oz 1) Malabsorption syndrome Formula history required. Nestle water; hypoallergenic amino acid 2) GI impairment When requested for food allergy - a failed trial of a protein based elemental. 43% of fat is MCT 3) GER/GERD hydrolysate (Extensive HA, Nutramigen, Alimentum, or oil; Similar to Elecare DHA/ARA, 4) Food allergies (cow's milk, soy or Pregestimil) is recommended before issuing unless medically Neocate DHA/ARA and PurAmino.