Maehle Gregor | 290 pages | 06 Dec 2013 | Kaivalya Publications | 9780977512638 | English | Innaloo City, Australia Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra, Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom by Gregor Maehle A curated journal on art, culture and . Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom you value this knowledge please consider donating towards its production and dissemination worldwide in Sutra Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra. Be part of the effort to bring this knowledge to the world. Donations go towards the operating costs and promotion of the Journal. Tip: additional words make your search more restrictive. However if there are no results with all words used, then will return partial matches. Hatha Yoga is the physical dimension of yoga, its two main disciplines being posture and breath work. But Hatha Yoga is not — or at least historically was not — a style of yoga that reduced it to the physical aspect. In the beginning there was only the one yoga, sometimes referred to as Maha Yoga, the great yoga. Before the one greater yoga broke apart into small factions, Hatha Yoga was the physical school through which all yogis had to pass. No yogi, however, remained at the level of Hatha Yoga or even reduced yoga to this level. In a similar fashion Raja Yoga was the meditation school of Maha Yoga, which all yogis attended during some part of their journey. In the ancient days you did not start this level of yoga without the primary education. Similarly we can look at Bhakti Yoga, the devotional discipline of yoga, as the tertiary education level. It was attended after proficiency in Raja Yoga had been gained: you would never go there straight from primary school or without any prior education. It is only in modern history that the link of these disciplines has been fractured and people practise one or the other exclusively. Such self-hypnosis or belief can easily collapse in the next crisis. Yogis are not satisfied with belief; they want to know. For, if you believe, how do you know that your belief is not wrong? Deep knowledge, or vijnana as yogis call it, holds even in moments of crisis. Such knowledge has to hold even if it is tested in the difficult moments of life. For this reason, to attain the total transformation of the human being it is not enough just to change your mind by sitting down and meditating. This will not lead to lasting change. The body and the breath have to be included in the change as well. The higher yoga of meditation is a seed that can sprout into the blossom of spiritual freedom, but for that to occur the seed has to be sown into Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra that has undergone preparation through Hatha Yoga. While today on the one hand we face the problem of meditators who do not adequately prepare the body for meditation, on the other hand we have Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra yogis who get stuck in the meaningless drudgery of mere physical yoga. If the yogi does not go beyond the practice of posture and breath work, and does not graduate to and include formal meditation, then Hatha Yoga is not what it purports to be. It is then mere body-building, body-beautifying and gymnastics. There is nothing wrong with those, as long as the label clearly states that we are doing only that. And it is so only if it merges into the mental and spiritual disciplines of yoga. The great Shankaracharya declares in his text Aparokhsanubhuti that Raja Yoga i. To counteract such tendencies, the Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra Yoga Pradipika states that, as long as prana has not entered the Sushumna central energy channelall talk of knowledge is nothing but the rambling of fools. In yoga this component is called siddhi power of attainment. Yogis Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra that it is not enough just to talk about jnana knowledge. Siddhi means that attainment of true knowledge must also involve transformation of the body and breathing pattern. Otherwise knowledge is relegated to the sphere of belief or just consists of bold statements. Hatha Yoga is the discipline that deals with the physical and respiratory component of true knowledge. It is the foundation of all yoga, and it prepares the yogi for the practice of the higher limbs. Hatha Yoga also guarantees that we always remain firmly grounded and safe. The yogic idea of personality disorders such as schizophrenia and megalomania is that certain higher energy centres s have been opened before some of the lower ones. The result may be mental disorders. Hatha Yoga guarantees that the body and the breathing patterns are prepared to Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra the large amounts of energy that spiritual insight brings. It makes sure that one does not get ahead of oneself in a very literal sense. Sultan Parviz with an Ascetic, Mughal, c. Today there is a great preoccupation with the physical side of yoga, the Hatha Yoga. But the Hatha Yoga Pradipika states that to remain at the level of Hatha Yoga and not graduate to Raja Yoga yoga of meditation is nothing but a waste of energy. What he wished to express was that central to yoga is the path of concentrating the mind to such an extent that the world and only later the self can be seen as it truly is. To understand why concentration is necessary to achieve this we need to take recourse to the light-bulb-versus-laser metaphor. A conventional source of light, such as a light bulb, sends out light rays of different frequencies in all directions. Even if light from such a source is focused into a beam, Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom little packets of light that Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom it jostle each other so that it spreads out and any shadows cast are not sharply defined. A laser is different. For this reason a laser can be used to transfer information accurately over long distances at a very high speed; it can also be used to cut into objects that are not penetrable by conventional sources of light. The path of Raja Yoga deals with making the mind laser-like. It concentrates thought waves to such an extent that information from the object of meditation gets precisely transferred to the mind rather than only a vague interpretation of it. Imagine how great it would be to utilize such a mind? Most problems in our lives are caused by errors of perception. These may range from causing an accident by pulling into oncoming traffic because we underestimated the speed of another car, to complex cases were we wrongly judged another person because we projected onto them our needs, fears or desires rather than saw them for who they really are. Similarly, the mind can be transformed through Raja Yoga so that it has the laser-like capacity to penetrate objects and see or download their deep reality or essential blueprint. These methods are used during objective samadhiand Patanjali and other sages used them to contribute to sciences such as psychology yogamedicine Ayurveda and science of sound Sanskrit. This is a simplified exposition of Raja Yoga, a significant part of which consists of practising objective samadhi on objects Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom us with the intention of gaining Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom knowledge to further human society. This aspect of Raja Yoga has been only lightly touched on here. Image from a manual of Haya Yoga postures from the Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra, cca It is important for the Bhakti yogi to prepare Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra the Hatha and Raja . If you believe in a particular form of the Divine what will you do if you meet others who believe in another form? You either doubt and become converted or you have a strong belief and, in order to prove it, try to convert others, which often leads to conflict. True Bhakti leads you to an experience or view darshana of the Divine. When you then meet others who have other beliefs you will never be threatened. Instead of that there arises in you the wish to support them and lead them to an experience of the Divine, not according to your beliefs but according to theirs. And this is exactly what the difference is between a religious believer and a bhakta a practitioner of Bhakti Yoga. A true bhakta knows that there is only one Divine. This one Divine has spawned all sacred traditions and therefore can be reached effectively through every single sacred tradition. The question is not which tradition Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom right or wrong, for there is none. The question is, how can the Divine be reached quickly? The fastest way of enabling somebody to have a mystical experience is to create it within their tradition, within their context and not by destroying their beliefs beforehand. Hatha Yoga is the motor of all yoga, whereas Raja Yoga is its intelligence. Both together make a formidable combination and can enable one Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra attain the mystical aspects of yoga. Due to having been charred by religion, modern students often baulk at the devotional aspect of yoga. They cannot relate to a Divine outside of themselves. That is no problem. In this case just look at Lord Krishna, Jesus Christ or the Buddha as being a representation of the noblest within you, as a representation of your inner sacred being and of your highest aspirations. If you begin in this way you will gravitate towards the sacred within you and may get a confirmation of the Divine outside of you later on. The velocity of your spiritual evolution is determined by several factors, foremost amongst which are:. Your karmic load is determined by the totality of your past thoughts, emotions, communications and actions. There are three forms of , of which is the one that has formed your present body and situation. Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra is difficult to change this Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra, as it has come to fruition already. If you want to change it you need to take extraordinary measures such as very advanced pranayama practiceand there needs to be a significant benefit for Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra environment for such a practice to succeed. For most people, Prarabdha karma is what we need to come to terms with and accept. Because of Prarabdha karma some people will progress faster than others. If Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra obstacles to your spiritual practice become apparent, they are due to past actions. You need to accept the results of your past actions and proceed with your spiritual practice undeterred. Sanchita karma, the second type, is Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom karma that you have produced by your past actions but has not yet come to fruition. It has not yet become active because the opportunity for its fruition has not yet arisen. But do not doubt that just because it has not become active your karmic storehouse karmashaya is brimming with karma that is waiting to come into action. The difference between us is that Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom do remember my past embodiments, you do not. The only reliable way of dealing with Sanchita karma is to intercept it before it comes to fruition. This is done by attaining spiritual freedom before it fructifies. When attaining spiritual freedom, the seeds of karma become scorched and cannot fructify anymore. Note that this approach works with Sanchita karma but not with Prarabdha karma. This means that, from the total amount of Sanchita karma in your storehouse, the part that needs to be attended to most urgently, converts itself into Prarabdha karma to form your new Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom. Yoga Meditation by Gregor Maehle

Gregor Maehle. This book Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom not only give a precise step-by-step description of the meditation technique at the heart of yoga but also put it into context with all other yogic techniques and how they contribute to the breakthrough to spiritual freedom. Yogic meditation derives its power from the fact that it systematically suspends the entire processing capacity of the subconscious mind and diverts it towards Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom. The processing power of the subconscious mind is a multiple of that of the conscious mind. Simply watching breath or watching awareness involves only your conscious mind. For quick and effective concentration the entire power of the subconscious mind has to be harnessed. This is the secret of yogic meditation. You will also find information on the importance of Kundalini as support for meditation and the factors that make it rise, such as chakra and Sushumna visualization, mantra and breath. The text then explains how the chakras represent evolutionary stages of brain and mind development. Chakra meditation, if done in a sophisticated, high-powered way, will propel the evolution of the brain and mind of the practitioner and the awakening of higher intelligence.

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Preview — Yoga Meditation by Gregor Maehle. This book will not only give a precise step-by-step description of the meditation technique at the heart of yoga but also put it into context with all other yogic techniques and how they contribute to the breakthrough to spiritual freedom. Yogic meditation derives its power from the fact that it systematically suspends the entire processing capacity of the subconscious min This book will not only give a precise step-by-step description of the meditation technique at the heart of yoga but also put it into context with all other yogic techniques and how they contribute to the breakthrough to spiritual freedom. Yogic meditation derives its power from the fact that it systematically suspends the entire processing capacity of the subconscious mind and diverts it Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra meditation. The processing power of the subconscious mind is a multiple of that of the conscious mind. Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra watching breath or watching awareness involves only your conscious mind. For quick and effective concentration the entire power of the subconscious mind has to be harnessed. This is the secret of yogic meditation. You will also find information on the importance of Kundalini as support for meditation and the factors that make it rise, such as chakra and Sushumna visualization, mantra and breath. The text then explains how the chakras represent evolutionary stages of brain and mind development. Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom meditation, if done in a sophisticated, high-powered way, will propel the evolution of the brain and Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra of the practitioner and the awakening of higher intelligence. Get A Copy. Paperbackpages. Published March 12th by Kaivalya Publications first published March 1st More Details Other Editions 3. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Yoga Meditationplease sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Community Reviews. Showing Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Feb 01, Anthony rated it it was amazing Shelves: In my opinion this is the best book on meditation ever written. Everything Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom explained in great detail and a step by step fashion system. The most important thing while reading this book is not to let your ego drive your p In my opinion this is the best book on meditation ever written. The most important thing while reading this book is not to let your ego drive your progress and stay at each step until you master it and then going to the next maybe reading the book as whole once will also give you a general understanding if you return to the Yoga Meditation: Through Mantra technique for you. Apr 29, Adam Centurione rated it really liked it. A compilation of the yogic techniques based on the study of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, and his student Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois compiled by the advanced Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom Gregor Maehle, who is certified by Pattabhi Jois. Like other of Gregor's books, Yoga Meditation is well written, well compiled and insightful. One can see from reading it that Gregor has decades of experience and study, Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom a true devotion to the practice. While this book is advanced material, and generally only the study of peo A compilation of the yogic techniques based on the study of Sri Tirumalai Krishnamacharya, and his student Sri Krishna Pattabhi Jois compiled by the advanced practitioner Gregor Maehle, who is certified by Pattabhi Jois. While this book is advanced material, and generally only the study of people well set in an asana and pranayama practice, the book gives time to each major concern of yoga that would give anyone a better understanding of its purpose. Fabiola Rivera rated it it was amazing Aug 30, Jorma Rusanen rated it it was amazing Jul 17, Maxi Meissner rated it it was amazing Mar 09, StudioSteffanie Haggins rated it it was amazing Jul 19, Amber rated it it was amazing Nov 11, Ian Cattanach rated it it was amazing Jun 18, Joey rated it really Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom it Mar 31, Haley Roblez rated it really liked it Nov 04, Emil Rehnberg rated it it was amazing Nov 13, Jimmy Wilson rated it it was amazing Aug 06, Linda K. Graham rated it it was amazing Dec 25, Larkapples rated it did not like it Oct 23, Eric rated it really liked it Chakras and Kundalini to Spiritual Freedom 28, Heidi M. 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