Volume 1, Issue 4 October 2014


A Newsletter of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

SAUNVAD CENTRE FOR MUSIC AND HEALING October 2014 Volume 1, Issue 4 SAUNVAD (सं वा द ) A Dialog to connect souls From Editor’s Desk

„Enlightenment‟ The word speaks for itself. Enlighten means to light up our inner path. The path as well as the goal are contained in the word, enlightenment. Many fig- ures come to our mind when we come across this phe- nomenon. The story of Gautam Buddha tells us his awak- ening about self. Sant Dnyaneshwar, Sant Tukaram, Ramkrishna Paramhans and many others also experienced enlightenment with their own ways to it. They achieved this in form of sanjeevan samadhi, social service, spreading awareness worship, etc. Today we are in need of such great thinkers, philosophers and their teachings too. The power of such thoughts is easily accessible to us in form of books, case studies, spir- itual discourses and also, akashic records. The current plight of our society reflects social evils such as inequality, injustice, atrocities on weaker section and greed of power. Healing techniques and energy transformation methods if practiced in masses, can prove beneficial to ignite the power of inner soul. In this disturbed physical world, let us take time to look inside where we can find a true friend who can advice us with wisdom. May the blessings of Maa Durga and lights of Diwali enlighten our lives and show us the righteous path to achieve salvation.

Wish u all a very Happy Diwali !!! - Sumant Sambrey Editor, Saunvad Newsletter Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing

Special points of interest:

 Law of , Pg.4-5

 Power of Mudras, Pg.6

 ला्म, ऩंचकोऴ ल मोग, Pg.7-10

 Know your Tarot… , Pg.11-13

 Make INDIA , Pg.14

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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Members of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing

Board of Directors for the year 2014 (formed in April 2014) President – Dr. Manjiree Gokhale Secretary – Ruta Gokhale Treasurer – Dr. Manjiree Gokhale Other Board Members - Dr. Anita Patil, Dr. Anuradha Gawade, Suhas Kulkarni Advisory: Advisor - Vikas Gokhale Internal Auditor - Ruhi Gokhale Accounts Advisor - Sanjeevani Johari Foreign PR and Donations Advisor—Nupur Khare

Sr. Committees Members No. 1 Past Life Regression Manjiree Gokhale, Sanjeevani Johari 2 Voice Culture Dr. Manjiree Gokhale, Rishabh Gokhale 3 Reiki Manjiree Gokhale, Sanjeevani Johari 4 , Other Alternative Therapies Dr. Manjiree Gokhale 5 Trust Property Rishabh Gokhale

6 Promotion and PR Rishabh Gokhale, Sanika Chavan, Surekha Limaye

7 Research Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

8 Publications and Newsletter Rishabh Gokhale, Aparna Marathe, Sumant Sambrey

9 Website Dipti Kawale

10 Library Dr. Manjiree Gokhale, Ruta Gokhale and Ranjana Kashikar

11 Dance Ruta Gokhale

12 Music Dr. Manjiree Gokhale

13 Ecommerce Kuhoo Gupta 14 Administration Ruta Gokhale, Sanika Chavan, Reena Williams

Trustees: Dr. Manjiree Vikas Gokhale, Rishabh Vikas Gokhale, Ruta Gokhale.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 4 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4 President Speaks… - by Dr. Manjiree Gokhale LAW OF KARMA ‗Karma‘ means action. Karma is the process of cause and effect, associated with our thoughts, emotions and behaviors.

The Law of Karma works in the 3-dimentional plane, in the world we normally experi- ence.

This law helps a person in the process of learning and evolution of soul in each life time. It operates as a Universal Law, to create justice in totality. It is neither good nor bad. Karma teaches us lessons. It is not punishment. It is a self correction mechanism. It is a feed back system. It helps us to understand the inter-connection of energy and matter. It teaches us oneness between the different religions, nations, race, creed, caste, sex, etc. It teaches us to take the responsibility of all our actions in every situa- tion.

Understanding Law of Karma is a major stepping stone in our spiritual evolution.

Different types of Karma

Sanchita Karma: This is the sum total of all our , from all lifetimes. It can be manipulated and transformed.

Prarabdha Karma: This Karma is the Karma selected for the present lifetime. It is ripened Karma and cannot be easily manipulated or transformed.

Agami or : This includes the recent additions in the Sanchita Kar- ma made by our present actions. This Karma affects the future. The formation of this Karma can be stopped by using our free will rightly.

Once we realize the continuity and eternity of our soul through many lives, we can understand that our present life character, environment, health conditions, family, etc. are all rooted in our past lives. Past life habits, traumatic experiences, thought patterns, emotions, relations and death situations all together make up our present life structure.

Misconceptions of Karma

Karma is Punishment: As stated earlier Karma is not punishment. It is a self cor- rective mechanism. It is a measure taken by our Higher Self, to teach us different lessons in different life times.

Karma is Fate or Destiny: This fatalistic approach leads us to believe that we are not

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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in control of what happens and that some higher authority plans our future. Hence, Karma is normally used as a negative term. We should however remember that always we have freedom to use our free will to let go of our attachments and thought pat- terns. This is difficult to believe initially because of our conditioning. But, it is one of the greatest universal truths that we are the writers of our life story.

Shrikrishna has said in the Bhagwat Gita: ‗Karma gets burnt and destroyed in the fire of Wisdom‘. We create ‗samskaras‘ or impressions of all our good and bad experienc- es. This creates the Karma. If by using our free will with wisdom we can erase these samskaras, we can erase all the Karmas. This understanding happens in spiritual growth.

Resolving Karmic Issues: We have Karmic ties with many people which continue for many lives till all the debts are paid off. But, we should remember that Karma can affect us only in the conditions of our ignorance. Ignorance leads to Karmic traumas. By understanding and shouldering the responsibilities of our Karmas we can resolve the Karmic issues.

Law of Karma at a glance:

Past Life make Present Life

Helpful Actions Good Environment Hurtful Actions Evil Environment Desires and Aspirations Capacities Sustained Thoughts Character Successes Enthusiasm Experiences Wisdom Painful Experiences Conscience Will to Serve Spirituality

Free Will v/s Destiny: The Universal Laws have created short cut paths of evolution by granting man ‗Free Will‘. But, the hitch also lies in the substance. It is because of this free will that man gets entangled in the complexities of the Karmic Laws. This is because we are allowed to use our free will as we like – either with wisdom for evolu- tion or with ignorance for getting trapped in the cycle of Karmas. Usually we tend to use it to get trapped.

Now, by understanding the concepts of Karma we can easily understand the role of Free Will in our life. We can use the free will in either ways – to create more and more complex Agami or Kritaman Karmas or even to erase, transform and/or manipulate the Sanchita and Prarabdha. We can even use free will with wisdom to exhaust the , i.e. the Karmas in total. When free will is activated rightly in the ma- terial realm (aihik jagat) we can change our future or Kriyamana Karma. If we can use our free will rightly to learn the spiritual values, morals and ethics, we can change our present and our past i.e. our Prarabdha and Sanchita also.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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Power of Mudras - Prithvi Mudra

The segment ―Power of Mudras‖ speaks about information and benefits of various Mudras. We would come across ‗Prithvi Mudra‘ this month. Prithvi Mudra is the most common yogic mudra used in meditation. In Sanskrit, the word ‗Prithvi‘ means earth and ‗mudra‘ means sign or gesture. This mudra re- stores the balance between agni and prithvi tattvas. Prithvi Mudra is supposed to equilibrate the elements of earth. This Mudra actu- ates the root , which houses our vital energy. Benefits of Prithvi Mudra  Stimulates the Root chakra, and restores the equilibrium and trust of human mind and soul.  Increases energy, fosters a sense of inner stability and self-assurance.  It removes chronic fatigue and strengthens the weak and tired organs of body.  Narrow mindedness and prejudices are significantly reduced by the practice of this mudra.  Helps to elevate tolerance and patience.  Prevents inexplicable weight-loss, hair-loss and premature greying of hair.

How to do Prithvi Mudra?

Formation of Prithvi Mudra Gesture : Join the tip of the thumb and tip of the ring finger and other three fin- gers are kept open. ( See Figure)

Quote of the Month “You have to grow from the inside out. None can teach you, none can make you spiritual. There is no other teacher but your own soul.” ~Swami

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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ला्म, ऩंचकोऴ ल मोग

- वलकाव गोखरे (थाऩत्म वल्रागाय, एभ.् ए (फपरोवोपी), मोगशळषक आणण वंकृ त अभ्मावक) svaasqyaacaa ivacaar krtanaa p``qama vyaaiQa mhNajao kaya ho samajaUna GaoNao AavaSyak Aaho. yaaoga vaaisaYzamaQyao vaisaYz maunaIMnaI ramaalaa idlaolaa ]pdoSa pahNao Aga%yaacao zrto. yaaoga vaaisaYzamaQyao saaMigatlyaap`maaNao maaNasaacyaa vyaaiQacao daona p`kar Aahot. 1) AnaaiQaja vyaaiQa 2) AaiQaja vyaaiQa. AnaaiQaja vyaaiQa yaa baa( karNaaMmauLo Jaalaolyaa Asatat. ]da: saMsaga-janya raoga, p``duYaNaamauLo ]%pnna Jaalaolao raoga, ba^@Toiryaa, ApGaat vagaOro. qaaoD@yaat baa( karNaamauLo AalaolaI vyaaiQa hI AnaaiQaja vyaaiQa yaa p``karamaQyao maaoDto. yaalaa ]pcaar mhNauna maNaI, maM~ va AaOYaQa %yaaMnaI saaMigatlaI Aahot. yaa vyaaiQalaa karNa mhNajao AaplaM p``arbQa. AaiQaja vyaaiQacao karNa maa~ AapNa svat:ca Asatao Asao vaisaYz maunaIMcao mhNaNao Aaho. yaacao prt daona p`kar saaMigatlaolao Aahot. 1) saar 2) saamaanya. saar vyaaiQanao javaL javaL sagaLoca laaok ga``asalaolao Asatat. saar vyaaiQa mhNajao janma marNaacaM duYT cak/ , marNaaba_lacaI BaItI ikvaa AhMkar. yaalaa ]pcaar mhNajao Aa%ma&ana. Aa%ma&anaI maaNaUsa yaa sava- @laoYaapasaUna mau@t Asatao. AaiQaja vyaaQaIcaa dusara p`kar mhNajao saamaanya vyaaiQa. hI vyaaiQa doKIla kaozlyaahI baa*ya karNaaMnaI haot nasaUna Aamacyaaca manaaomaya kaoYaacyaa ibaGaDlaolyaa AvasqaocaI AiBavyai@t Asato. yaalaaca manaaokaiyak raoga (psycho somatic diseases) mhNatat. ]da: maQaumaoh, Asqamaa, r@tdaba, la{pNaa, A^isaiDTI, vagaOro. Aajacyaa pirisqatIt f@t 10 T@ko raoga ho AnaaiQaja vyaaiQa yaa p`karat maaoDtat va 90 T@ko raoga ho AaiQaja vyaaQaItIla saamaanya yaa p`karat maaoDtat.

varIla itnhI p`karcyaa vyaaiQaMmaQyao yaaoga AapNaalaa puYkLca idlaasaa dotao. AnaaiQaja vyaaiQa jarI baa*ya karNaaMmauLo yaot AsalaI trI vyaaiQalaa saamaaoro jaaNyaasaazI yaaoga saaQanaa maanaisak baL na@kI doto. %yaahI pirisqatIt jaIvanaakDo baGaNyaacaa sakara%maak dRYTIkaona yaaoga saaQanaotUna sahja Sa@ya haotao. AaiQaja vyaaQaIcao mauLca mauLI manaaomaya kaoYaat Aaho. %yaamauLo yaa raogaaMvar yaaogaaopcaaracaI jaaoD AaQauinak vaOVkalaa idlaI jaa} Sakto. yaa vyaaQaIlaa yaaogaaopcaar kaya pirNaama k$ Saktao ho samajaNyaasaazI AapNaalaa pMca kaoYaa%mak dohacaI saMklpnaa samajaavaUna GaoNaM AavaSyak Aaho.

Aaplaa doh ha pMca kaoYaa%mak Aaho Asao ]pinaYadacao spYT mat Aaho. Aaplyaa DaoLyaalaa idsatao tao Annamaya kaoYa. yaa kaoYaapoxaa ivarL pNa ivastRt Asaa p`aNaayaama kaoYa. %yaapoxaa ivarL pNa ivastRt Asaa manaaomaya kaoYa. %yaa baahorIla AjaUna ivarL pNa ivastRt Asaa manaaomaya kaoYa. yaa baahorIla AjaUna ivarL pNa ivastRt Asaa iva&anamaya kaoYa va sarto SaovaTI AanaMdmaya kaoYa. jasao jasao maanavaI vyavahar AiQakaiQak saUxma ASaa kaoYaaMcyaa patLIvar hao} laagatat, tsatSaI baMQanao kmaI haotat. kaya- krNyaacaI svaatM~ta vaaZto AaiNa %yaacabaraobar AiQakaiQak AanaMd imaLu laagatao. AanaMdmaya kaoYaat kovaL AanaMdacaI p`aPtI haoto. hIca prmaaocca Avasqaa haoya. Aaplyaa sagaLyaa [Mid``yaadI halacaalaI Annamaya kaoYaat caalatat. %yaalaa laagaNaarI p`aNaIk Sa@tI hI p`aNaamaaya kaoYaat vaasa krto. Aaplyaa sagaLyaa BaavanaaMcao trMga ho manaaomaya kaoYaat ]zt Asatat. raga, WoYa, [-Yaa,- vaasanaa, AsaUyaa, p`oma yaa sagaLyaa Baavanaacao p`kTIkrNa Aaplyaa manaaomaya kaoYaat trMgaaMcyaa $paMnaI haot Asato. bauWIcyaa stravar jaI ivacaaraMcaI spMdnao haotat tI iva&anamaya kaoYaat haotat. pap – puNya, caaMgalao - vaa[-T, yaacao spYT ]

iva&anamaya kaoYa jar naIT kama krt nasaola tr BaavanaaMcaa ]d``ok haoNao AgadI svaaBaaivak Aaho. raga, WoSa, [-Yaa,- AsaUyaa, vaasanaa yaa sagaLyaa BaavanaaMmauLo inamaa-Na haoNaaro taNa manaaomaya kaoYaacao svaasqya par ibaGaDivatat. ho taNa daona p`karcao Asatat. ek ta%purta yaoNaara taNa kI jaao

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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kahI kaLapurta yaotao va naMtr jaatao. yaalaa Eustress mhNatat. yaacaa sqaayaI sva$pI pirNaama maa~ Aaplyaa dohavar haot naahI. ikMbahunaa Eustress jaIvanaatIla AaMnad ]pBaaogaNyasaazI, Aaplyaa xamatocyaa varcyaa payarIvar jaaNyaasaazI AavaSyak Asatao. ]dahrNaca VayacaM JaalaM tr paikstana TosT ma^camaQyao yaoNaaro taNa. ho %yaa saamanyaatIla AanaMd lauTNyaasa ]pyaaogaI pDtat. tr prIxaocyaa AaQaI yaoNaaro taNa ho prIxaot caaMgalao maak- imaLvaayalaa karNaIBaUt zrtat. ho sagaLo taNa ta%purto Asatat va %yaacaa kaozlaahI kayama sva$pI pirNaama Aaplyaa dohavar idsat naahI. prMtu jar ho taNa mayaa-dopoxaa jaast kaL iTklao, ikMvaa varcao var yao} laagaola tr maa~ %yaacaa pirNaama Aaplyaa SarIravar vyaaQaIcyaa $panao idsatao.yaalaa Distress mhNatat. yaa Distress mauLo manaaomaya kaoYaacao svaasqya par ibaGaDUna jaato. ha ibaGaDlaolaa manaaomaya kaoYa p`aNaayaama kaoYaatIla p`aNavaahk naaDyaaMmaQyao ADqaLo ]%pnna krtao va hI p`aNaSa@tI Ainayaimat rItInao vaahavayaasa laagato. AaplaI hI p`aNaSa@tI Aaplyaa sagaLyaa saMsqaa caalaivaNyaamaagaIla caotnaa Asato. hI caotnaa jar saMpUNa- SarIrBar AitSaya inayaimat p`vaahI haot Asaola tr Aaplyaa sagaLyaa saMsqaa ]da. pcanasaMsqaa , ]%saja-na saMsqaa, Svasana saMsqaa, r@taiBasarNa saMsqaa, majjaasaMsqaa, vaOgaro vyavaisqat kaya-rt Asatat. P`aaNaSa@tIcaI Ainayaimatta Annamaya kaoYaavar pirNaama krto va %yaacaa pihlaa p`har pcana saMsqaovar haotao va %yaamauLo AjaINa,- AitjaINa- va kujaINa- yaa samasyaaMnaa taoMD Vavao laagato. yaa samasyaaMmauLo hLuhLu Annamaya kaoYaatIla [tr saMsqaaMvar pirNaama haotao va jaao Baaga jaast ASa@t Asaola toqao tao raogaacyaa $panao p`kTtao.

varIla ivavaocanaava$na ek gaaoYT na@kI laxaat yaoto kI svaasqyaacaI saMklpnaa f@t Annamaya kaoYaapurtI mayaa-idt nasaUna tI sagaLyaa kaoYaaMnaa laagaU Aaho. %yaap`maaNao sagaLyaa kaoYaaMcao ekmaokaMbaraobar saMtulana ho hI mah%vaacao. mhNajao yaa sava- kaoYaaMcaa sqaayaI Baava ha saai%vak gauNaa%mak Aaho. jaovha yaa kaoYaaMcao svaasqa pUNa-pNao eki~t ir%yaa pirpUNa- haoto tovha maga Aaplaa p`vaasa AanaMdmaya kaoYaakDo sau$ haotao. Aata yaaogaacyaa maaQyamaatuna yaa p`%yaok kaoYaavar ksao ]pcaar krta yaotIla to qaaoD@yaat pahU.

Annamaya kaoYa : Aaplaa Annamaya kaoYa saudRZ rahaNyaasaazI Aahar, ivahar AaiNa ivaEaaMtI yaa tInahI gaaoYTIMcaa AByaasa k$na yaa tInahI gaaoYTI Aa%masaat krNao AavaSyak Aaho. yaaogaamaQyao Aaharavar BarpUr cacaa- Aaho. pNa qaaoD@yaat saaMgaayacao tr Aahar saai%vak, saMtuilat va saIimat Asaavaa. ivahar yaa Sabdat AaMnad Barlaolaa Aaho. svaasqya p`aPtI va saMvaQa-na yaasaazI kolaolyaa SarIracyaa halacaalaI mhNajao vyaayaama prMtu ivahar yaa SabdamaQyao f@t vyaayaama Apoixat naahI tr %yaacabaraobar %yaacaa AaMnad lauTNyaacaI Baavanaa pNa Aaho. ha ivahar AasaMnaacyaaWaro saaQalaa jaatao. karNa AasanaacaI vyaa#yaaca mauLI ‘isqar sauKma\ Aasanama\’ ASaI Aaho. yaamaQyao isqarta va AanaMd daonhI gaaoYTI saamaavalyaa Aahot AaiNa mhNaunaca AasanaaMmaQyao kYT naahIt, vyaayaama naahI tr ivahar saaQatao. SauiQdik/yaaMWaro SarIratIla inarinaraLyaa paokLyaat saazlaolaa maL AapNa baahor kaZtao va SarIr SauQd va hlakM krtao. Annamaya kaoYa saudRZ zovaNyaasaazI itsarI mah%vaacaI gaaoYT mhNajao ivaEaaMtI. ivaEaaMtImaQyao SaarIirk iSaiqalaIkrNa maanaisak iSaiqalaIkrNa daonhI Apoixat Aaho. ho AapNa SavaasaanaaWaro saaQau Saktao. ASaap`karo Aahar, ivahar AaiNa ivaEaaMtI yaa itnhI gaaoYTI AapNa yaaogaaWaro saaQaU Saktao va Aaplaa Annamaya kaoYa saudRZ k$ Saktao.

p`aNamaya kaoYa : p`aNaamaya kaoYaat Asama%va inamaaNa- Jaalyaanao ‘AaiQa’cao $paMtr ‘vyaaiQa’t haoto ho AapNa paihlaoca Aaho. p`aNaayaamaamauLo Ainayaimat caalaNaarI hI p`aNaSai@t Aaplyaa SarIrat prt saMcaar k$ laagato va Aaplyaa ivaivaQa saMsqaanaa kaya- krNyaasa caotnaa doto. P`aaNavaahk naaDyaaMmaQaIla ADqaLo kaZNao va p`aNaSai@t sava- SarIrBar saMcaairt krNao, p`aNaayaamaamauLo Sa@ya haoto.

manaaomaya kaoYa : Baavanaacyaa ]d``okamauLo manaaomaya kaoYaat ivaivaQa trMga ]zt Asatat. %yaamauLo manaaomaya kaoYaacaoo svaasqya par ibaGaDUna jaato. ASaa manaalaa SaaMt krNyaasaazI pUNa- ivaEaaMtI doNyaasaazI AYTaMgayaaogaatIla SaovaTcyaa tIna AMgaaMcaa mhNajaoca QaarNaa, Qyaana va samaaQaI yaacaa ]pyaaoga haotao. QaarNaa mhNajaoca p`ya%napUva-k kolaolaI ekaga``ta. saaQaarNapNao manaamaQyao ekaca vaoLolaa AMnat gaaoYTIcao AMnat ivacaar caalaU Asatat. %yaat kaozohI layabaQdta nasato va %yaamauLo manaalaa kQaIca ivaEaaMtI imaLt naahI. QaarNaomauLo manaamaQyao ekaca ivaYayaacao ivacaar yaotat. hLUhLU yaa ivacaaraMmaQaIla ekca ek ivacaar ica

jyaaMcyaa Baavanaa trla Aahot %yaaMnaI Bai@tyaaoga Aacaravaa. Bajana, kIt-na , sa%saMga yaat vaoL Gaalavaavaa mhNajao manaaomaya kaoYa saSa@t hao[-la.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

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Bajana, kIt-na yaamauLo manaatIla ]d``ok kmaI hao}na manaalaa saai%vak Aahar imaLtao. ik/yaaSaIla manaacyaa maaNasaaMnaI flaaSaaivarhIt kama k$na kma- yaaogaat Aaplao mana rmaivalao tr to SaaMt haoNyaasa madt haoto.

ASyaap`karo manaaomaya kaoYaacao Aaraogya AapNa rajayaaoga, kma-yaaoga, Bai@tyaaoga, &anayaaoga yaaWaro ]

iva&anamaya kaoYa : manaaomaya kaoYaatIla ‘AaiQa’ inamau-lanaasaazI ho jao ]paya AapNa paihlao %yaa savaa-maagacao t%va mhNajao svat:cyaa sva$pacaI AaoLK pTNao. hI AaoLK pTlaI kI jagatIla vyavaharakDo AilaPtpNao vaa ~yasqapNao pahNyaacaI klaa saaQya haoto. svat:cyaa sva$pacao ho jao &ana to iva&anamaya kaoYaacyaa patLIvar haoto. gaIta, ]pinaYado [%yaadIMcyaa AByaasaanao va %yaavarIla icaMtna, mananaanao AapNa Aaplaa iva&anamaya kaoYa saudRZ banavaU Saktao. manaaomaya kaoYaacao svaasqya ibaGaDvatat ASyaa Aaplyaa AavaDI inavaDI yaakDo baGaNyaacaa Aaplaa dRiYTkaona badlatao. karNa na@kI AanaMd kSaat Aaho yaacaa baaoQa Jaalaa kI AapaoAapca AavaDI inavaDI va %yaamauLo ]zNaaro manaaomaya kaoYaatIla raga, WoSa, AsaUyaa, hYa- yaaMcao trMga pNa kmaI haotat. caagaMlao kaya, vaa[-T kaya yaacaa p@ka baaoQa icaMtna, manana, svaaQyaaya, sa%saMga yaamauLo iva&anamaya kaoYaat haotao. iva&anamaya kaoYa jar saxama nasaola tr sagaLo vyavahar Baavanaocyaa stravar caalatat. Baavanaot caaMgalao, vaa[-T, pap, puNya AaoLKNyaacaI xamata nasato. ivacaar, ivavaok va saMyamaacao sagaLo vyavahar iva&anamaya kaoYaat haotat. iva&anamaya kaoYaat caaMgalao, vaa[-T, pap, puNya yaacao ivaSlaoYaNa haoto va caaMgalao kaya, puNya kaya yaacaa baaoQa haotao. iva&anamaya kaoYa jar saxama Asaola tr sagaLo vyavahar bauQdIcyaa sqaravar haotat va hIca inaScayaa%maka bauQdI saMyamaacaI kasa Qa$na caaMgalao vaagaNyaasa, ‘sat\’ vaagaNyaasa Baaga pDto. Baavanaovar saMpUNa- inayaM~Na AaNaUna ‘sat\’ kaya yaacaa baaoQa JaalyaamauLo yaaogya tIca kRtI GaDvaUna AaNato. ha iva&anamaya kaoYa saudRZ krNyaasaazI svaaQyaaya, icaMtna, manana yaacaI kasa QarNao AavaSyak Aaho.

maaNaUsa marNa pavalyaavar Annamaya kaoYa va p`aNamaya kaoYa naYT haotat va ]rlaolao 3 kaoYa mhNajaoca manaaomaya kaoYa, iva&anamaya kaoYa va AanaMdmaya kaoYa eki~tpNao karNa dohalaa icakTlaolao Asatat. gaBa-QaarNaonaMtr saaQaarNapNao caar maihnyaat maatocyaa ]drat Annamaya kaoYa va p`aNamaya kaoYa Aist%vaat yaotat. prMtu yaamaQyao svatM~ Aa%myaacaa p`vaoSa Jaalaolaa nasatao va ho daona doh pUNa-pNao maatocyaa dohavar paosalao jaatat. caar maihnyaanaMtr kQaItrI Aaplyaalaa AnaukUla Asalaolyaa dohat ha Aa%maa karNa dohacyaa$pat p`vaoSa krtao. %yaanaMtr yaa dohacaM svatM~ Aist%va jaaNavayaalaa laagatM. Aata pacahI doh Asalaolaa jaIva Aa[-cyaa gaBaa-t vaaZt Asatao. %yaapOkI Annamaya va p`aNamaya kaoYa ho maatocyaa SaarIirk svaasqyaap`maaNao vaaZtat. manaaomaya kaoYa va iva&anamaya kaoYa ho gaBaa-var saMskar k$na ivakisat krta yaotat AaiNa mhNauna gaBaa-vasqaomaQyao jar baa( vaatavarNa AapNa saai%vak va AanaMdmaya zovalao tr %yaacaa gaBaa-var caagaMlaa pirNaama haotao.

ASaap`karo ho caarhI kaoYa jar Aaplyaa sqaayaIBaavaavar Aa$Z Jaalao va %yaaMcaM ekmaokaMmaQyao saMtulana Asaola tr saMpUNa- svaasqya p`aPtI imaLUna AamhI AaMnadmaya kaoYaacyaa Waravar ]Bao rahU Saktao. varIla ivavaocanaava$na ek gaaoYT na@kI laxaat yaoto kI AaiQaja vyaaQaItUna svaasqaakDo jaaNyaasaazI va svaasqaakDUna pUNa-%vaakDo jaaNyaasaazI yaaogaacaI kasa QarNao AavaSyak Aaho. yaaoga ha kaozlaahI vyaayaama p`kar naahI tr tI jaIvanaSaOlaI Aaho. yaaogasaaQanaa hI 24 tasa kravayaacaI saaQanaa Aaho. dudO-vaanao Aasana p`aNaayaamaapurtoca mayaa-idt AsaNaaro AsaM#ya laaok yaaogaacyaa xamatocaa puropUr laaBa ]zvaU Sakt naahIt va jaIvanaatIla Kra AanaMd na caaKtaca SaarIirk svaasqyaacyaa strapurtaca ivacaar krtat. prMtu saMpUNa- svaasqyaasaazI [trhI kaoYa A%yaMt mah%vaacao Aahot ho varIla ivavaocanaava$na spYT haoto. jaagaitk Aaraogya saMGaTnaonao sauQda svaasqyaacaI vyaa#yaa krtanaa f@t SaarIirk stravarcaa ivacaar na krta maanaisak va saamaaijak straMcaahI ivacaar kolaolaa Aaho. %yaaMnaI vyaa#yaa krtanaa mhTlao Aaho kI ‘raogaacaa ABaava mhNajao svaasqya navho, tr SaarIirk, maanaisak, va saamaaijak sauisqatI mhNajao svaasqya haoya’. saamaaijak sauisqatIcaa ivacaar ha AitSaya yaaogya Aaho karNa jyaa samaajaat AapNa rahtao tao jar p`xaaoBak, ]d``okI, ASaaMt Asaola tr svaaBaaivakca %yaa samaajaatIla maaNasaaMcao maanaisak svaasqya naIT AsaNaar naahI.

qaaoD@yaat, yaaoga saaQanaomauLo Aaplaa p`vaasa BaaogaI AvasqaokDUna svasqa maaNasaakDo, svasqa maaNasaakDUna mahamaanavaakDo, mahamaanavaakDUna pUNa-%vaakDo haot Asatao. AapNaa savaa-naa yaaogasaaQanaocao gaaomaTo fL laaBaao hIca p`BaUcarNaI p`aqa-naa.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 10 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4

अनुबंध A mass healing on Family constellation

Human race has evolved from the times of battle to a community living. Earlier only a group of few people came together for the basic needs of food, shelter and protection. Later, a sense of companionship, emotional connects and social harmony led to the formation of a community and eventually it led to Civilization. A form of living of a civilized society was later called as Culture and this revolu- tion was all over the globe. Every culture has an overlapping layer of the word ‗religion‘ that was an expression of acceptance to the Supreme. We have an underlying belief that a power exists which is responsible for the game of life & death. Many saints, gurus and scientists have also concluded that our heart beats due to existence of this cosmic power. Our society finds this power in idols; nature and even human beings. We also consider our ancestors as teachers from the past. Recently, in the month of Bhadrapada, Lord Gane- sha was worshipped in the ळु啍र ऩष and वऩत ृ ऩष was dedicated to remembrance of our ancestors. Saunvad centre deals in healing many issues related to our day to day life. But connect of souls is beyond life and death. Many twists and turns are inherited from our family which later becomes a part of our genetics. A free Mass Healing session was conducted on the day of 'Sarvapitri avas ' by Saunvad - Centre for music and healing along with Lions club of Kopri (Thane). It was a beautiful session attended by people from various walks of life, irrespective of age. The session was introduced by Sanika and Sumant who are active members of the Saunvad Trust. It was inaugurated by Shri.Vikas Gokhale who started by leading the audience with 'omkar' which sent positive vibrations among the audience. After a brief introduction by Sanjeevani Johari about the workings and upcoming projects and workshops of Saunvad, Dr. Manjiree Gokhale, President – Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing started the healing session with a presentation where the audience got a gist of what Constellation Healing is all about. Time and again we are told that 'we choose the family we are born into in our soul life". Every family has problems and issues and they will keep on repeating until we heal them. This is a golden opportunity for us to heal our loved ones, heal ourselves and any future problems which might arise in our family, thereby improving our family relations. Dr. Manjiree went on to lead the audience into deep meditation / healing, soothing our fears about emotions rising in our minds about parents, grandparents, our children etc. The session was based on the concept of healing of our family chain and changing the negative patterns to positive ones. The physical, mental and emotional problems can find a solution through this technique. A major issue of relationship crisis among any family is the communi- cation gap between generations which can find a constructive solution through Family constellation. The theory is built on the concept of Macro to Micro. Human body comprises of the whole universe in a वूक्ष्भ form. Thus even the smallest element can be healed by practicing such healing for oneself. Such healing does not require any will of the other person as we have a connect within us. It was a truly rejuvenating session for all present followed by a short question-answer session which cleared the doubts of many i am sure. Saunvad Centre is looking forward to organizing many such events for the masses as awareness about the subject is the need of the hour. Today, society is running through much emotional and mental instability and healing techniques that work on a large scale can provide a breathing space for every individual to rejuvenate his/ her life and try to make this world a better place to live. This session reinforced in us the importance of healing - ourselves and our loved ones and also every person we come in touch with. A wonderfully organized session. Looking forward to many more. - Aparna Marathe Member , Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing

Word Corner D : Dhāraṇā

Dhāraṇā (from Sanskrit धारणा dhāraṇā) is translated as "collection or concentration of the mind (joined with the retention of breath). It is the sixth stage, step or limb of eight elucidated by Patanjali's Ashtanga Yoga or Raja Yoga. For a detailed account of the Eight Limbs, refer to the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 11 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4 Know your Tarot...

- By Manasi Pandey (Tarot Card Reader, Spiritual Counselor, Mentor, Personality Groomer, Life Coach, Anchor) Company : Life N More This section gives a monthly Tarot Reading as per Solar Zodiac sign

Aries March 21 - April 20 The losses in the past have sunk in deep, now it is time to move away from that space and look towards the what you haves – Lamenting on loss creates further losses. The depressive, re- morseful attitude has developed into a habit because, the grieving was not done -Cross over the bridges of emotional and mental instabilities to get yourself grounded and stable practically – Turn around someone, something awesome waits for you – Something wonderful is about to happen, look at it. Key word – „Renewal‟ Taurus April 21 -May 20 You have enough light to light up the stairs – Look and trust the guide within - Already full of knowledge and experience yet one more degree or diploma will do – it will help you perk up the enthusiasm which has just dimmed because of monotony – The desire to turn away from the hula Ballou? May be you need a short break J Well when was the last time you planned a trip for yourself? Key word – „Rejuvenation‟ Gemini May 21 – June 20 Time to take risks, partnerships and collaborated ventures to another level – Allies will be help- ful – Have trust and faith in your intuitive abilities – Time to begin afresh and accept and acknowledge the power of imaginations and work hard to realize them – Health will be good but be careful of extreme temperature changes – chances of respiratory infections. Key Word- „Alliance‟ Cancer June 21 – July 22 This month – material stability – Reliable experiences – This month‘s hard work and invest- ments will show results and last year long – Reaping benefits of what you have sown – Prosper- ity and abundance with Maa‘s grace – New openings and avenues too on the card – Health good. Key Word – „Grounded‟

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 12 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4

Leo July 23 – Aug 22 The card for Leo says – utilize your skills and management skills to the best of your creative capacity – The grace and charm you have will help you excel and give you a niche above others as well – There is no limitation as such in financial, health or love life but the need to retain balance is still there – It will be very helpful if you could incorporate a lifestyle change, as health shows signs of imbalances in the system – Better late than sorry – Happy walking Key word – „Balance‟

Virgo Aug 23 – Sep 22 This month is in with lots of fresh and vibrant, young energy in your life - Friendships, romantic alliances or just simple healthy flirting – Beware of developing deep feelings for someone is about to ring the bells of your heart with high speed, commitment issues !! Key Word –„Emotions‟

Libra Sep 23 – Oct 22 Librans need to be prepared and grateful as results of their past efforts is about to come – You may experience changes at full speed but you have worked hard to invite them – Now is the time to reap what you have sown – Opportunities wait and chances to move abroad on the cards – health good – Some may go through a higher spiritual experience which will establish their faith in whatever happens is for the better. Key Word – „Rewards‟

Scorpio Oct 23 – Nov 22 Dear Scorpios – You need not be ready with that defense mechanism of yours all the time – You might feel offended and want to be on guard but a few things in life are more superficial than real – Fear will lead you to be on guard and that is good but beware of developing judg- ments and assumptions as tools of your mechanism – Take charge and stand guard but rest assured no one is going to harm you – Take rest and calm down as health is under scanner for a while now – Use aroma oils or aloe vera for that frequent headache and heaviness. Key Word – „Smile‟

Sagittarius Nov 23 – Dec 21

The powers of the universe collectively take responsibility and charge – The nurturing feelings, taking care or the qualities of a mother may rise – Pay attention to what your mother says or has taught you as this is the time to use them in real – Take care and be alert of your mother‘s health – Maa Durga showers special blessings , receive. Key Word – „Unconditional‟

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 13 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4

Capricorn Dec 22 – Jan 19 This month comes with support, stability and trust – Your prayers are being heard – manifest your desires with full faith in him and watch them come true – The mind may flicker and fluc- tuate but keep calm and rooted where you are – Asking for help or advise from someone elder- ly is also good and fruitful this month – Let go of fear and ego – invite possibilities and appre- ciate – try to be flexible and not rigid as loosening the noose around your heart will help you feel lighter and better and resolve old issues and problems. Key word – „Faith‟

Aquarius Jan 20 – Feb 19 The persistence and patience you have been working with is about to give you recognition and appreciation – Keep on with your efforts with diligence and focus on finishing your job with finesse – Clarity of choices and persistent efforts have built up your reputation as a very fo- cussed and trustworthy person – The future is secured rejoice – A warning though, remember not to spill the beans before the formalities – Health good. Key word – „Diligence‟

Pisces Feb 20 – Mar 20 Don't let the things you are worried about overwhelm you. Take it one day at a time, one hour at a time, if you must. October comes with a little worry, anxiety but it is also time to check whether it is real or imaginary - This is a good time to get yourself whole emotionally, so that when you are ready for a new relationship, that the person that you attract into your life is also whole. Don't be in too much of a hurry – Give some breathing space to your already commit- ted relationship – At work things may seem tense but need to be discreet and prepared – Han- dle things with calm and look out for your options is a good way to be armed. Key word – „Preparedness‟

Your queries, our answers Q :- During a Past life regression session what is the role of healer and does it have any impact his life?

A :- In a PLR session, a healer acts as a guide for the client to solve his issues. The process starts with a protection shield of the healing light, Masters and the supreme power. The healer can assist the client to understand the connect between is past lives and current issues. He helps the client as a parallel support system throughout the session. Alternate therapies like Reiki, tapping, acupressure, etc. are helpful and can be used in PLR session. Any kind of negative impacts for both, client and healer is avoided with assistance of healing light and presence of Masters. The session deals in transformation of negative patterns to positive patterns, healing the inner souls of client as well as healer. Do write your queries at [email protected]. We will definitely try to throw some light in upcoming issues.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 14 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4


- By Trupti Sagar



Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 15 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4

प्रदषू ण अन उ配सव - डॉ. भंजियी गोखरे

वालिव ननक उत्वलांभध्मे, प्रदऴू णाची ऐका फांग धभाव楍मा ये नालाखारी, अधभव शा घारतोम टांग

श्रीगणेळाचा भोठा उत्वल, आि झाराम रोकभान्म शुल्रडफािीरा वांगा ऩाशू, माशून मो嵍म िागा अन्म

णखवेकाऩू अन टलाऱ मेती, वलविनव ा शे आभच े भदव ढोरा लय楍मा तारालयती, नाचलतो भग त्मांना गदव

शळलफांचे ऩोलाडे गाती, त्मां楍मा वामाव ळौमव गाथा शळलिमंतीरा भात्र, ऩोऩट भैनाच पोडती भाथा

शवशं ा셂ढ दगु ाव ननघते, म्शीळावुयाचा लध कयण्मा शल्री भात्र नलयात्रीरा, आभचाच िील घेतो कण्माव

फोऱाफोऱात फोकाऱराम शा, डडको दांडडमाचा पेव बालुक फकती? ळंकाच आशे, रा굍डले ाल्मांचीच चारते येव

शनुभाना楍मा िमंतीचा, एकदा उत्वल शोता तेव्शा वागते भी काम गम्भत झारी, वलश्लाव भात्र न啍की ठेला

ख楍ु मा車च े ते शात अन ऩाम, दळनव ारा त्मां楍मा गेरे गदा ठेलुन शनुभानिी शी, त्मांना तेव्शा ळयण गेरे

तन, भन, धन, ध्लनन, वाऱमांच े शे प्रदऴू ण उत्वलांच े आि ऩशा, शेच झारंम आबूऴण

धाशभवक िय उत्वल शोतीर, अवे अधभावचे प्रांगण शनुभंिीच काम? तेशतीव कोटी, देल घारतीर रोटांगण

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 16 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4 Memory Collage

Vikas Gokhale taking OMKAR sadhana Lion Puneet Kundra, President of Lions Club of Kopri, Thane

Dr. Manjiree presenting a lecture on Family Sanjeevani Johari explaining Constellation Mass Healing session about Saunvad Centre

Audience at the Family Constellation Free Healing session Massive response to the occasion organized by Saunvad and Lion’s Club, Kopri-Thane

Attendees of September PLR Workshop Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 17 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4 Saunvad Members Manjiree Gokhale Kishori Godbole Rishabh Gokhale Suhas Kulkarni Ruta Gokhale Dipti Kawale Sanjeevani Johari Sumant Sambrey Sanika Chavan Reena Williams Surekha Limaye Kuhoo Gupta Supriya Hardas Sarang Nandedkar Sangeeta Shembekar Dr. Anita Patil Vikas Gokhale Harshada Borkar Ranjana Kashikar Ruhi Gokhale Shriyank Salunkhe Dr. Geeta Dalal Sanila Suhas Limaye Madhura Limaye Tatkar

Our Donors

Donors :-  Sanjeevani Narnawar - Rs. 2100/-  Rohini Ghanvatkar - Rs. 1000/-  Surekha Limaye - Rs. 201/-  Kiran Telang - Rs. 100/-

◄Thanks everyone for their support - Team Saunvad.►

APPEAL for Saunvad e-Newsletter To Authors, Healers, Therapists and Members... Please send your articles, case studies, book reviews and other related information to [email protected] and become a contribu- tor to Saunvad e-newsletter.

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 18 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4 Mass Appeal Membership Details : We invite one and all to become a member of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing. Be a member and help this organization to work towards fulfilling its Mission. Membership Fees (2014-2015): For 1 year – Rs. 1200/- For 2 years – Rs. 2200/- For 3 years – Rs. 3200/- Membership Privileges: • Free e-newsletter of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing • Eligible to be in the Board of Directors. • Eligible to be a Volunteer for any of our Events and Programs. • Eligible to send articles, book reviews, news and other related information for the e-newsletter of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing. • Special benefits while arranging our workshops and events. • Free Member Listing in the referrals sections of our official Website. • Admission for Free and/or Discounted healing and meditation based programs and workshops especially for members. • Exclusive access to a lot of Reference Material and Resources like Videos, Research Papers, Articles, etc., would be made available.

Donation Details : LETS GROW TOGETHER Donate Generously and Wholeheartedly Donate for a Cause - For financial assistance for those who wish to take healing sessions from us • Towards Individual Healing Sessions Fees • Towards Workshop Fees • Towards Library Expenses • Towards Awareness Program • Towards Training Program Fees • Towards Saunvad Trust Property, Products and Activities (like projector, books, audios, videos, programs, seminars) • Towards our social service activities - you may mention your choice (like for children, for women, rehabilitation, police, jail, etc)

News, Schedule and Reviews

“Doctor Tumchya Bhetila” Lecture Series An Program arranged by Dr. Dayanand Kumbla, Thane on Bhakti and Yoga for awareness of Health and Welfare. by Vikas Gokhale A lecture with audio-visual demos on At Chavan Datta Mandir, Naupada, Thane. "Music Therapy' Assisted (Bhajan Recital) by Manjiree Gokhale. by Dr. Manjiree Vikas Gokhale Starting from 9thOct,2014 up to Diwali 2014 Venue: Sahayog Mandir, Ghantali, Thane . Timings : 4:30 pm to 6 pm Daily. Date: Sunday, 12th October 2014 Time: 10-30 am to 12 noon

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul

Pa ge 19 S A UNV AD (वं ला द ) Volume 1, Issue 4 References Websites :  http://www.eclecticenergies.com/mudras  http://www.indianetzone.com/38/prithvi_mudra.htm  http://mudraguide.com/index.php/mudras/basic-mudras/29-prithvi-vardhak-prithvi-mudra  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharana  http://www.patanjaliyogasutras.net/  http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/authors/s/swami_vivekananda.html


Regd.Trust: E - 8545/Thane Activities at Saunvad Centre : C/o Dr. Manjiree VikasGokhale Workshops, training programs, Individual 13, Anupam CHS, Ravi Industries Compound, Panchpakhadi, Thane - 400602 Healing, group revival sessions on the subject Contact : +(91)-9987764609 related to Reiki, Past Life Regression, Breath E-mail: [email protected] work, Yoga, Voice Culture, Music......

We r on web! Website : www.saunvad.org Disclaimer : The opinions and interpretations expressed within are those of the author only and may not represent or reflect the views Fb : www.facebook.com/groups/saunvad/ and opinions of Saunvad Centre for Music and Healing or their To subscribe or unsubscribe please mail us at: affiliates. [email protected]

Harmony of Body, Mind and Soul