Europe and Social Democracy SOCIAL DEMOCRACY READER 4 SOCIAL DEMOCRACYREADER4 Social Democracy Social Europe and Cäcilie Schildberg etal. ISBN 978-3-86498-844-8 2nd, updated edition, 1st English edition Published by Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung German edition: Political Academy, Bonn, February 2014 English edition: Division for International Cooperation, Berlin, May 2014 The fi rst (German) edition was supported fi nancially by the Erich-Brost-Schenkung. »One of the advantages of democracy that no other form of state can substitute is discussion; only that enables the voters to take their bearings. That alone forces them to take a position.« (Erich Brost 1951) Editing: Jochen Dahm, Tobias Gombert, Christian Krell, Cäcilie Schildberg, Martin Timpe, Anne Wagenführ Contact:
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[email protected] Printing: Mauser + Tröster GbR, Mössingen Layout and typesetting: DIE.PROJEKTOREN, Berlin Title photo: Sven Hopp, The authors of the individual sections of this publication are responsible for the views it contains. The opinions expressed are not necessarily those of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in all instances. SOCIAL DEMOCRACY READER 4 Cäcilie Schildberg et al. Europe and Social Democracy CONTENTS Foreword to the First English-language Edition 4 1. Introduction 6 2. Social Democracy – A Compass for Europe 10 2.1. Basic Values 12 2.2. Fundamental Rights 16 2.3. Europe and Social Democracy: Three Connections 20 2.4. Five Principles of Policy on Europe 24 2.5. Social Europe 32 3. Europe Today: How It Came into Being – What It Is 40 3.1. Democracy: Institutional Construction of the EU 48 3.2.