Drone Sightings and Close Encounters This is a Center for the Study of the Drone Research Document. For more information, email
[email protected] Distance from Drone Altitude Drone-Aircraft Manned Aircraft Manned Aircraft Manned Aircraft Date Time Location City Location State Report Narrative Airport (Miles) (Feet) Proximity (Feet) Incident Category Model Owner Class Drone Description During Air Operations on the fire, a media small helicopter drone was launched in front of Big Sur Station. Fortunately, with the heavy media coverage a PIO witnessed the drone and was able to quickly convince the media involved to bring the drone down to the ground so as not to interfere with Incident aircraft. A TFR was in place and Air attack and Helicopters were in the airspace and had no conflict with the 12/17/2013 14:00:00 Big Sur California low flying drone. Sighting Multirotor Pilot reported near miss. A Helicopter departed and at 750 FT had a near miss with a UAV painted white and very difficult to detect against the background. UAV was reported as a fixed Fixed-wing, 5 ft. 2/11/2014 Picayune Muni Mississippi wing aircraft, with a wingspan of approximately 5 FT 750 Close Encounter Helicopter Helicopter wingspan Reported for domain awareness. Both pilot and right seat non-pilot occupant observed what appeared to be an unmanned aircraft and tracked it from our 11 o'clock to our 4 o'clock for approximately 45 seconds. We were level 10,000 MSL at the time and altitude of unidentified aircraft estimated 9,000 and under power.