Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings

Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15

The following table provides a summary of the historic resources' rankings and designations. Resources are ranked according to their historical significance and integrity (see key at the end of this document for a descriptions of each ranking). This document is intended to be used with the University of Oregon's Historic Properties Map. For further information on a particular resource, please refer to the associated survey forms.

Prior to performing work on campus (repairs, alterations, etc.), refer to this document and the associated University of Oregon Historic Properties Map. Also, refer to the Summary of Historic Preservation Regulations, which describes the steps required to ensure the UO meets all city, state, and federal historic preservation requirements.

NOTE: This list does not include all individual landscape features such as educational and memorial trees, plaques, memorials and sculptures. Please contact Campus Planning, Design and Construction.

NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date

OPEN SPACES 13th Ave. Axis 13th Ave. Pre 1900 Primary CHLP 2006 15th Ave. Axis 15th Ave. Post 1914 Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 Amphitheater Green 1950-1998 Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 U of O Campus, Campus Plan 1914 1914 Plan 1914 Lawrence & Holford Primary Lawrence Survey 1989 OSBHE Ranking: Mentioned. 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt. Oregon Dads' Lawrence, Holford & National Register Dads' Gates Axis Gates 1940 Cuthbert Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 2004 National Register (part ) - Dads Gates; source: A. Lawrence/O.B. Dawson. National Historic Deady Hall Walk Axis 1896 Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Deady Hall.

Emerald Axis Emerald Street Pre1900-22 Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 listed with Women's Memorial National Register Gerlinger Entrance Green Quad 1921 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 National Register (part) - Women's Memorial Quad; OSBHE Ranking: Primary. listed with Women's Memorial National Register Gerlinger Field Green Quad 1921 Lawrence & Holford Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 National Register (part) - Women's Memorial Quad; OSBHE Ranking: Primary. Lawrence, Holford & National Register 1990 National Register (part) - , Memorial Quad, and Women's Memorial Johnson Lane Axis 1940-50 Cuthbert Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 Quad. Education North Lawrence, Holford & Kincaid Green Entrance 1921 Cuthbert Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt. Listed with Knight National Register National Register (part) - Knight Library, Memorial Quad, and Women's Memorial Knight Library Axis Library 1932-1937 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1990 Quad. Listed with Knight Library, Kincaid Lawrence, Holford & Memorial Quadrangle Field 1921-1940 Cuthbert Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1990 Millrace 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt. c1876- National Historic National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Deady Hall/; 1980 His Con Old Campus Quadrangle Condon Oaks 1913 Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 Rpt.

Onyx Axis Onyx Street Pre1900-28 Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 c1921- Lawrence, Holford & National Register National Register (part) - Women's Memorial Quad; OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1980 Women's Memorial Quad Pioneer Axis 1950 Cuthbert Primary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt. Promenade 1950-74 Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 c1921- Southwest Campus Axis 1924 Lawrence & Holford Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 Southwest Campus Green 1921 Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006

Straub Hall Green Stafford House (?) 1951 Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt. National Register University Street Axis University Street Pre 1876 Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 National Register (part) - Women's Memorial Quad. National Historic Villard Hall Green 1886 Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Villard Hall. Women's Memorial Quad (see Pioneer Axis)

Map No. TREES of Special Significance (not including Educational Trees) CHLP Survey and National Historic 1 Black Walnut Dads' Gates Axis Campus Plan 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 Class tree (class of 1894). National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Villard Hall. Dads' Gates Axis CHLP Survey and National Historic One of the two dawn redwoods planted on the campus from the original shipment of 2 Dawn Redwood (nearby) Campus Plan 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 seed from China. National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Villard Hall. National Register 3 Ponderosa Pines Villard Hall Green CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1977 Two large pines from Inception Era.

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15 University Of Oregon Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15 NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date National Register 4 Douglas Firs Villard Hall Green CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1977 Three large firs from Inception Era. Old Campus CHLP Survey and National Register Only remaining pre-campus tree (originally two). Adopted as class of 1897 class 5 Condon Oak Quadrangle Campus Plan 2006 (part) 1977 tree. Old Campus National Register 6 Sequoia Quadrangle CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1977 Class tree (class of 1892). Old Campus CHLP Survey and National Register 7 European linden Quadrangle Campus Plan 2006 (part) 1977 Class tree (class of 1895). CHLP Survey and National Historic Class tree (class of 1880). National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Deady 8 Giant Sequoia Dads' Gates Axis Campus Plan 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 Hall/Villard Hall. CHLP Survey and National Historic Class tree (class of 1879). National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Deady 9 Japanese Cedar Giant Cryptomeria Dads' Gates Axis Campus Plan 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 Hall/Villard Hall. Dads' Gates Axis CHLP Survey and National Historic Class tree (class of 1883). National Historic Landmark (part) - area near Deady 10 Smoothleaf Elm (nearby) Campus Plan 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 Hall/Villard Hall. CHLP Survey and National Historic Two formal rows define original campus entrance. National Historic Landmark (part) - 11 Douglas Fir Alle Deady Hall Walk Campus Plan 2006 Landmark (part) 1977 area near Deady Hall. Old Campus CHLP Survey and National Register Sole survivor of the Inception Era "dollar tree" planting. Original campus planting of 12 Big Leaf Maple Quadrangle Campus Plan 2006 (part) 1977 1884? Or 1900? University Street CHLP Survey and 13 Pin Oaks Alle Axis Campus Plan 2006 Alle of pin oaks define northern portion of axis. CHLP Survey and Eugene Tree Foundation heritage tree. It is one of two dawn redwoods planted on 14 Dawn Redwood Onyx Green Campus Plan 2006 campus from the original seed shipment from China. UO Landscape 15 Ohio buckeye Dads' Gates Axis Survey 2006 Planted in 1958 after the UO lost to Ohio State in Rose Bowl. Chishio Niceform Japanese Threadleaf Japanese Old Campus CHLP Survey and National Register 16 Maple Maple Quadrangle Campus Plan 2006 (part) 1985 Notable size and unique character. Eugene City 17 Sitka Spruce 13th Avenue Axis CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark (part) 1976 Likely planted by the Collier family. CHLP Survey and Grew from a seed that was among four fir seeds carried to the moon aboard Apollo 18 Douglas Fir Emerald Axis Campus Plan 2006 XIV in 1971 by Astronaut Stuart Roosa. Weeping Lawson False Eugene City 19 Cypress Port Orford Cedar Collier House CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark (part) 1976 May be last remnant of row planted in Inception Era. University Street Eugene City 20 Grand Fir Axis CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark (part) 1976 Planted by Mrs. Collier (c.1886). University Street National Register 21 Sitka Spruce Axis CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1977 Spruce on 13th Avenue most likely planted by Collier family (c.1886). University Street National Register 21 Sitka Spruce Axis CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1977 Two spruce planted by Mrs. Collier (c.1886). Memorial CHLP Survey and National Register 22 Eight Pyramidal English Oaks Quadrangle Campus Plan 2006 (part) 1990 Notable size, define quad, and memorial to class president of 1939. Women's National Register 23 Scarlet Oaks Quadrangle CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 Planted during Lawrence/Cuthbert Era to reinforce the quad. Knight Library CHLP Survey and National Register 24 European Beech Axis Campus Plan 2006 (part) 1990 Notable size and unique character. May have been planted around 1900. Knight Library National Register 25 Black Walnut Axis CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1990 Dates back to the Inception Era. 26 Big Leaf Maple Straub Hall Green 2006 Tree remains from before the construction of Straub Hall (may be others). 27 Coast Redwoods Straub Hall Green CHLP Survey 2006 Tree remains from before the construction of Straub Hall (may be others). 15th Avenue Axis, Onyx Axis, Straub Some at the Onyx intersection likely date back to the Inception Era. Others planted 28 Douglas Firs Hall Green CHLP Survey 2006 during Lawrence/Cuthbert Era. Gerlinger Field National Register 29 Douglas Fir Green CHLP Survey 2006 (part) 1992 From Inception Era. Campus Plan and 30 Douglas Firs Kincaid Green CHLP Survey 2006 Notable Size. Southwest CHLP Survey and 31 Ponderosa Pine Campus Green Campus Plan 2006 Notable size. Dates to the Inception Era.

STRUCTURES OSBHE and Dads' Gates Dads' Gates Axis 1940 Abbott Lawrence Primary National Register National Register 2004 Constructed by O.B Dawson. OSBHE Ranking: Primary. Dads' Gates Axis National Register Normal Gate (nearby) 1885 (part) 1977 Howe Field, Gates, and The gates, fence, and wall are designated Secondary. All other portions are Non- Associated Wall and Fence 1601 University St. 1935 Secondary CHLP Survey 2014 contributing.

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15 University Of Oregon Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15 NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date Bldg No. BUILDINGS 568 AAA 1479 Moss 1479 Moss St 1924 Non-Contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Roosevelt Junior High; S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 147 AGATE HALL Condon School 1787 Agate St. 1924 F. Manson White Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 1987 S. Univ/Fairmount. 148 AGATE HOUSE 1795 Agate St. 1925 Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Associated with Agate Hall. Lawrence Holford/Church, Lawrence 17 ALLEN (ERIC W.) HALL Journalism Building 1020 University St. 1922/1953 Newberry and Roehr Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. Gilbert (James J.) Hall; Lawrence 3 ANSTETT HALL Commerce Hall (East) 965 E 13th Ave 1925 Lawrence & Holford Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 68, Wilmsen, Endicott, 69 BEAN COMPLEX 1416 Columbia St. 1963 Unthank Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 (see Frohnmayer Music BEALL HALL Building) 608 BROWN HOUSE 1511.5 Moss St. 1513 Moss St. ca. 1940 Non-Contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 MNCH Storage. Lawrence 76 CARSON HALL Women's Dormitory 1450 E. 13th Ave. 1949 Lawrence & Lawrence Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. SHPO Date of Construction: 1944. Press Building/Tech Lawrence 28A CASCADE ANNEX (west wing) Services 1254 Franklin Blvd. 1925 Lawrence & Holford Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. SHPO Address on Record: 1230 Franklin Blvd. Physical Plant Shops Lawrence 1989 Lawrence Survey. SHPO Date of Construction: 1945 SHPO Address on 28B CASCADE ANNEX (east wing) Bldg 1264 Franklin Blvd. 1946 Lawrence & Lawrence Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Record: 1230 Franklin Blvd. 561 CASL HOUSE 1801 Moss St. 1930 Non-Contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Purchased from Foundation/Berg in 2004. Archie Tirrel and S.Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 83 CHANCELLOR'S RESIDENCE Church/Hampton House 2237 Spring Blvd. 1910 Lawence Huter Primary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Primary Fairmount 1987 OSBHE Ranking: Secondary. Off campus. Lawrence, Holford & Lawrence Point of 6 CHAPMAN HALL Humanities Building 990 E 13th Ave. 1939 Allyn Primary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Interest 1989 Lawrence Survey . SHPO Date of Construction: 1935. CPDC's Historic Fairmount Christian Asssesment of Ranked as "Secondary" in 1987 S. Univ/Fairmount survey. Reassessed in 2015 by Schoo, Church of Christ the Church S. Univ/ S. Univ/ the Unviersity of Oregon and ranked as "Tertiary." SHPO and 1987 S. 157 CHURCH WAREHOUSE Educational Plant 1745 E. 17th Ave 1947 Tertiary Warehouse 2015 EC Fairmount 1987 Secondary Fairmount 1987 Univ/Fairmount Survey date of construction: ca. 1930. Balzhiser, Seder & 29 CLINICAL SERVICES BUILDING 901 E. 18th Ave. 1967-69 Rhodes Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Eugene Faculty Club, President's Eugene City Lawrence City OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1920 North Porch by Lawrence & Holford, 1976 H Zoning 81 COLLIER HOUSE House 1170 E. 13th Ave 1886 Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark 1976 EC Survey 1989 Landmark 1976 Ord.-17805. Lawrence, Tucker 36 COLUMBIA HALL Geology Building 1215 E. 13th Ave. 1960 &Wallmann Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 39 COMPUTING CENTER 1225 Kincaid St. 1967 Morin & Longwood Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Lawrence Point of 4 CONDON HALL Science Building 1321 Kincaid St. 1925 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Interest 1989 Lawrence Survey. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Vacant. 1987 Contributing ranking is equivalent to Tertiary ranking. Property not 520 CREW/CLUB SPORTS 1757 E. 17th Ave 1910 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 included in 2011 Fairmount Survey. National Eugene OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1989 H Zoning Ord.- "The State University National Historic Register City 17736. National Register of Historic Places1972, Eugene City Landmark 1976, and 5 DEADY HALL Building" 1201 Old Campus Ln 1876 W.W. Piper Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark 1977 ES Nomination 1972 Landmark 1976 National Landmark 1977. SHPO Date of Construction: 1873. EARL (VIRGIL D.) HALL Church, Newberry & 73 COMPLEX Virgil D. Earl Hall 1333 E. 15th Ave. 1953-55 Roehr Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Lawrence 7 EDUCATION (A) (EAST) Education Building 1580 Kincaid St. 1921 Lawrence & Holford Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Open Space-1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1989 Lawrence Survey. Lawrence 7 EDUCATION (B) (WEST) University High School 1571 Alder St. 1921 Lawrence & Holford Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. Gift Campaign Building, Lawrence 48 EDUCATION ANNEX TAG Program 922 E. 16th St. 1923 Lawrence & Holford Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. Lawrence Tucker & Lawrence 33 ERB MEMORIAL UNION Student Union 1222 13th Ave. 1950 Wallmann Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey . SHPO Construction Date: 1948. ESSLINGER (ARTHUR A.) Physical Education Lawrence, Holford & Lawrence 23 HALL Building 1525 University 1936 Allyn Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. SHPO Construction Date: 1935. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ SHPO Construction Date: ca. 1930. 1987 Contributing ranking is equivalent to 593 FAC. SVS. EXTERIOR TEAM Lee C. Ball House 1670 Columbia St. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Tertiary ranking. CHLP Y.D. Hensill/Lawrence, Survey/Lawrence 2006/ Lawrence 19 FENTON HALL The Library Bldg 1021 E. 13th Ave. 1907/1938 Holford & Allyn Secondary Survey 1989 EC Survey 1989 OSBHE Ranking: Noted.. Point of 9 FRIENDLY HALL East Hall 1161 E. 13th Ave 1893/1914 Whidden & Lewis Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Interest OSBHE Ranking: Secondary. School of Music Building, Lawrence Beall Hall is designated Secondary; All other portions are designated Non- 25 FROHNMAYER MUSIC Beall Hall 961 E. 18th Ave. 1920-1924 Lawrence & Holford Secondary Lawrence Survey 1989 EC Survey 1989 Contributing. 62 GERLINGER ANNEX 1484 University 1969 Morin & Longwood Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15 University Of Oregon Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15 NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date Women's Memorial Hall - Lawrence National OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1989 Lawrence 11 GERLINGER HALL Women's Quad 1468 University 1921 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1992 ES Survey 1989 Register Survey. GILBERT (JAMES H.) HALL (see Anstett Hall) 534 GREEN HOUSE 1533 Moss St. ca. 1945 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 MNCH storage. HAMILTON HALL COMPLEX Church, Newberry & 85 EAST 1364 Columbia St. 1960-1 Roehr Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 HAMILTON HALL COMPLEX Church, Newberry & 84 WEST 1365 Agate St. 1960-1 Roehr Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 EAST Lawrence 12 GRANDSTAND 1580 E. 15th Ave. 1925 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. Women's Dorm - Lawrence National 71 HENDRICKS HALL Women's Quad 1408 University 1918 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1992 ES Survey 1989 Register OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1989 Lawrence Survey. Skidmore, Owings & 40 HUESTIS HALL Science III 1425 E. 13th Ave 1973 Merrill Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Eugene Lawrence, Holford, Lawrence City OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1989 Lawrence 24 SCHNITZER MUSEUM OF ART Museum of Art 1430 Johnson Lane 1930 Allyn & Bean Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1985 ES Survey 1989 Landmark 1988 Survey. JOURNALISM BUILDING (see Allen Hall) Eugene Lawrence City 16 JOHNSON HALL Administration Bldg 1098 E. 13th Ave 1915 W.C. Knighton Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1985 ES Survey 1989 Landmark 1988 OSBHE Ranking: Secondary. JOHNSON HALL Administration Bldg 16 (alterations)** alterations 1098 E. 13th Ave 1915/1919 E.F. Lawrence Secondary Lawrence Survey 1989 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt. Skidmore, Owings & 38 KLAMATH HALL Science II 1370 Franklin Blvd. 1967 Merrill Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 University Library & Lawrence, Holford & Lawrence Point of OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1989 Lawrence 18 KNIGHT LIBRARY Quad 1501 Kincaid St. 1937 Allyn Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1990 ES Survey 1989 Interest Survey. Architectural Hall; Commerce Hall; Sociology Hall; The Old Powerhouse is designated Tertiary by the 2006 CHLP Survey. The 1901 and Mechanical Hall; Old Lazarus/Knighton; Lawrence 1941 sections and 1924 east wing were designated Secondary by the 1989 1 LAWRENCE HALL Powerhouse 1190 Franklin Blvd. 1901-1941 Lawrence & Holford; Tertiary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Lawrence Survey. All other portions of the building are non-contributing. (see Education (A) (East), Education (B) (West), and Education LOKEY EDUCATION COMPLEX Annex) Lawrence Point of 1989 Lawrence Survey. SHPO Date of Construction: 1925. 1989 Survey 20 McARTHUR COURT Mac Court, The Pit 1601 University 1928 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Interest Construction Date: 1926. Wilmsen, Endicott & 30 MCKENZIE HALL Law Center, Grayson Hall 1101 Kincaid St. 1970 Unthank Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 80 MCMORRAN HOUSE President's House 2315 McMorran St. 1924 Roscoe Hemenway Primary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Primary Fairmount 1987 OSBHE Ranking: Secondary. Off-campus. 87B, S. Univ/ 87C MILITARY SCIENCE Army ROTC 1679 Agate St. Non-Contributing Fairmount 1987 S. Univ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ MNCH Research. 1987 Contributing Ranking is equivalent to Tertiary ranking. Not 607 MOSS HOUSE CCDC - Child Care #1 1511 Moss St. 1920 Tertiary /Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 included in 2011 Fairmount Survey. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Ranked Non-Contributing in 1987 Survey. Property not included in July 2011 619 NILI 1629 Moss NILI. Svarverud House 1629 Moss St. ca. 1900 Secondary Fairmount 1987 NC Fairmount 1987 NC Fairmount 1987 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of Construction: ca. 1885. Science Building East Lawrence, Tucker & 37 ONYX BRIDGE Wing 1230 Franklin Blvd. 1962 Wallmann Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Zimmer, Gunsul & 42 OREGON HALL 1585 E. 13th Ave. 1974 Frasca Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Lawrence, Tucker & 35 PACIFIC HALL Science I 1210 Franklin Blvd. 1952 Wallmann Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Gilbert Hall (West), 22 PETERSON HALL Education Building 955 E. 13th Ave. 1916 Lawrence & Holford Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 1989 Lawrence Survey. PRESIDENT'S HOUSE (see McMorran House) PRINCE LUCIEN CAMPBELL Staton, Boles, Maguire 8 HALL 1415 Kincaid St. 1963/1968 & Church Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Lew Williams Dealership; Fac. Serv. Romania Balzhiser, Seder, and National Register National National Off-campus. SHPO Date of Construction: ca. 1949. Currently used as a warehouse 180 ROMANIA Warehouse 2020 Franklin Blvd. 1960 Rhodes Tertiary Nomination 2011 National Register 2011 ES Register 2011 Register 2011 (11/14). ROBINSON THEATRE University Theatre 1109 Old Campus Ln 1948-49 Annand & Kennedy Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 Straub Courtyards, The Lawrence OSBHE Ranking: Secondary. Courtyards-1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1989 72 STRAUB (JOHN) HALL Men's Dormitory 1451 Onyx St. 1928 Lawrence & Holford Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 Lawrence Survey. Women's Dorm- Lawrence National 75 SUSAN CAMPBELL HALL Women's Quad 1431 Johnson Lane 1921 Lawrence & Holford Primary CHLP Survey 2006 National Register 1992 ES Survey 1989 Register OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1989 Lawrence Survey.

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15 University Of Oregon Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15 NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date Lloyd Denslow House. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Surveyed S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 613 TAG (Youth Enrichment) Upward Bound 1859 E 15th AVE ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Site Fairmount 1987 Construction: 1930. UNIVERSITY HEALTH, New Infirmary, Univ. Balzhiser, Seder & 14 COUNSELING & TESTING Health Center 1590 E. 13th Ave. 1966 Rhodes Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 OSBHE Ranking: Primary. 1980 Historic Continuity Diagnosis Rpt, 1976 H Zoning Ord.- National Historic National City 17737. Also individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 1972 and 31 VILLARD HALL (East End) New College Building 1109 Old Campus Ln 1886 W.H. Williams Primary CHLP Survey 2006 Landmark 1977 ES Register 1972 Landmark 1976 designated as a Eugene. SHPO Date of Construction: 1884. Lawrence, Holford & Lawrence 15 VOLCANOLOGY Infirmary 1255 E. 13th Ave. 1936 Allyn Secondary CHLP Survey 2006 EC Survey 1989 1989 Lawrence Survey. 77, WALTON (JOSHUA J.) HALL Men's Dormitory No. 2 & Church, Newberry, 78 COMPLEX No. 3 1593 E. 15th Ave. 1957-59 Roehr& Schuettle Non-Contributing CHLP Survey 2006 National Historic National Skyline Blvd. SW, Landmark National Historic Register Off campus. Also individually listed in the National Register of Historic Places in 818 WATZEK HOUSE Aubrey Watzek House 1061 Portland 1937 John Yeon Primary Nomination Landmark 2010 ES Nomination 1974 1974. SHPO Date of Construction: 1936.

EAST CAMPUS HOUSING 532 1823 E 15th AVE 1823 15th Ave. E. 1924 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 1841A and 1841B E 620 1841 E 15th AVE 15th 1841 15th Ave. E. 1944 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 632 1873 E. 15th AVE 1873 15th Ave. E. ca. 1930 Tertiary Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 No survey documents on City of Eugene website, only indicated as surveyed 601 1660 E 17th AVE 1660 17th Ave. E. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 property. 1704- 611 1704-1706 E 17th AVE 1706 17th Ave. E. ca. 1950 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 Original building demolished ca. 1983. Building at 1460 Villard relocated here ca. 1996 (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO Campus Planning, Design and 586 1744 E 17th AVE 1744 17th Ave. E. 1941 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Construction. 09/29/2014). 590 1758 E 17th AVE 1758 17th Ave. E. 1932 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 591 1764 E 17th AVE 1764 17th Ave. E. ca. 1935 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Slated for demo/sale (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO Campus Planning, 614 1830 E 17th AVE 1830 17th Ave. E. 1954 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 Design and Construction. 09/29/2014). S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 531 1857 E. 17TH AVE 1857 17th Ave. E. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 578 1858 E. 17TH AVE Henry O. Quam House 1858 17th Ave. E. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Inactive. Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 511 1727 COLUMBIA ST 1727 Columbia St. 1927 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Construction: ca. 1920. S. Univ/ 553 1728 COLUMBIA ST 1728 Columbia St. 1929 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1925. 598 1737 COLUMBIA ST 1737 Columbia St. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 627 1748 COLUMBIA ST 1748 Columbia St. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1920. S. Univ/ 569 1786 COLUMBIA ST 1786 Columbia St. ca. 1910 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1922. S. Univ/ 524 1798 COLUMBIA ST 1798 Columbia St. ca. 1915 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 630 1800 COLUMBIA ST 1800 Columbia St. ca. 1910 Non-contributing Fairmount 1987 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 560 1804 COLUMBIA ST 1804 Columbia St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1922. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 554 1491 MOSS ST 1491 Moss St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. 594 1617 MOSS ST 1617 Moss St ca. 1940 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Upstairs, corner house. Not included in 2011 Fairmount Survey and 1987 S. 628 1686 MOSS ST 1686 Moss St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 University/Fairmount Survey. Associated with 1690 Moss property. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Downstairs, corner house. Not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood 628 1690 MOSS ST 1690 Moss St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Survey. SHPO Date of Construction: ca. 1930. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 610 1709 MOSS ST Harold T. Graves House 1709 Moss St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Construction: ca. 1935. 525 1736 A-B MOSS ST 1736 Moss St. ca. 1925 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Associated garage demolished fall 2003 (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO 509 1741 MOSS ST 1741 Moss St. 1937 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2009 NC Fairmount 2009 Campus Planning, Design and Construction. 09/29/2014) Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey; SHPO Date of Construction ca. 1920. Original building demolished ca. 1992. Building at 1456 E S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 18th relocated here (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO Campus Planning, 623 1763 MOSS ST Peter J. Loken House 1763 Moss St. ca 1910 Tertiary Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 Design and Construction. 09/29/2014)

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15 University Of Oregon Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15 NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date 559 1787 MOSS ST 1787 Moss St. ca 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 573 1790 MOSS ST Walter L. Valentin House 1790 Moss St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Construction: ca. 1925 moved from 1824 Agate S. Univ/ Moved from 1824 Agate St., ca. 199 (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO 588 1795 MOSS ST St., ca. 1991 1795 Moss St. ca. 1925 Non-contributing Fairmount 1987 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Campus Planning, Design and Construction. 09/29/2014). Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 530 1802 MOSS ST 1802 Moss St. ca. 1930 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Construction: ca. 1925. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 557 1822 MOSS ST 1822 Moss St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Construction: ca. 1925. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 565 1823 MOSS ST 1823 Moss St. ca 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 Construction: ca 1910. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of 529 1838 MOSS ST 1838 Moss St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Construction: ca. 1925. S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ 589 1848 MOSS ST 1848 Moss St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 1987 Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. 574 1470 VILLARD ST 1470 Villard St. 1944 Non-Contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 575 1480 VILLARD ST 1480 Villard St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 563 1498 VILLARD ST 1498 Villard St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1937. 587 1510 VILLARD ST 1510 Villard St. 1947 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 503 1528 VILLARD ST 1528 Villard St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 539 1542 VILLARD ST 1542 Villard St. ca. 1947 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 542 1560 VILLARD ST 1560 Villard St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 515 1572 VILLARD ST 1572 Villard St. ca. 1925 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1933. 576 1584 VILLARD ST 1584 Villard St. ca. 1920 Non-contributing S. Univ/ 1987 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: ca. 1925. 556 1598 VILLARD ST 1598 Villard St. ca.1905 Tertiary S. Univ/ 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 2011 Survey Date of Construction: 1922. Henry Mitchell House; 1602 and 1602.5 Ranked Contributing in 1987 Fairmount Survey. Converted from two units into one. Villard; 1602 Villard and (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO Campus Planning, Design and 548 1602 VILLARD ST 1601 Villard Alley 1602 Villard St. ca. 1910 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Construction. 09/29/2014) S. Univ/ 571 1618 VILLARD ST 1618 Villard St. ca. 1890 Secondary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 551 1630 VILLARD ST Thomas Gredvig House 1630 Villard St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 No survey documents on City of Eugene website, only indicated as surveyed 544 1678 VILLARD ST 1678 Villard St. Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 property. S. Univ/ 604A 1692 VILLARD ST 1692 Villard St. ca. 1920 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 Downstairs. SHPO Date of Construction: 1925. 604B 1694 VILLARD ST 1694 Villard St. ca. 1920 Upstairs. Associated with 1692 Villard. 618 1708 VILLARD ST 1708 Villard St. 1946 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 S. Univ/ 549 1734 VILLARD ST 1734 Villard St. ca. 1910 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 617 1746 VILLARD ST 1746 Villard St. ca. 1910 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 Ranked Contributing in 1987 Fairmount Survey. MAJOR ALTERATIONS SINCE 1985 SURVEY. Property not included in July 2011 Fairmount Neighborhood Survey. SHPO Date of Construction ca 1920. Associated Theophilus Albrecht S. Univ/ S. Univ/ S. Univ/ addresses of 1743-1745 Moon Lee Ln, 1761 Moon Lee Ln, 1777-1779 Moon Lee 162 1760 VILLARD ST House 1760 Villard St. ca. 1910 Tertiary Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 EC Fairmount 1985 Ln, and 1783 Moon Lee Ln. Vacant - East Campus S. Univ/ 609 1778 VILLAARD ST Task Force 1778 Villard St. ca. 1915 Tertiary Fairmount 1987 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 Vacant

577 1800 VILLARD ST 1800 Villard St. 1938 Tertiary Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 EC Fairmount 2011 No survey documents on City of Eugene website, only indicated as surveyed property 583 1838 VILLARD ST 1838 Villard St. 1956 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 516 1848 VILLARD ST 1848 Villard St. 1947 Non-contributing Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011 NC Fairmount 2011

NOT SURVEYED PROPERTIES - OLDER THAN 1974 (not a complete list) CAMPUS OPERATIONS 616 RECYCLE STORAGE 1495 Villard Alley NOT SURVEYED. 521 HEP MAIN OFFICE 1685 17th Ave. E. NOT SURVEYED. 536 HEP CLASSROOM 1695 17th AVE E. NOT SURVEYED. NOT SURVEYED. EC Staff room (cf. #629 1680 Moss) (Campus & Local Inventory by 629A 1759 E 17th AVE EC Staff Room 1759 17th Ave. E. Address. UO Campus Planning, Design and Construction. 09/29/2014). 215 1691 COLUMBIA ALLEY 1691 Columbia Alley NOT SURVEYED.

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15 University Of Oregon Summary Table of Historic Rankings and Designations for Landscapes, Structures, and Buildings NAME OTHER ASSOCIATED ADDRESS SUMMARY OF HISTORIC DESIGNATION (key at end) ADDITIONAL DATA Campus Planning, Design and Construction - 11/18/15 NAMES State Historic Preservation City of Eugene Designation Notes Date of Official Office (SHPO) Designation (key at end) # Street Consruction Architect UO Ranking Reference Date Designation Date Ranking Reference Date Ranking Reference Date NOT SURVEYED. Relocated from 1456.5 E 18th (Campus & Local Inventory by 625 1735 MOON LEE LN 1735 Moon Lee Ln. Address. UO Campus Planning, Design and Construction. 09/29/2014). NOT SURVEYED. Relocated from 1470 E 18th (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. 624 1792 MOON LEE LN 1792 Moon Lee Ln. UO Campus Planning, Design and Construction. 09/29/2014). 596 1844 MOON LEE LN 1843.5 Moss 1844 Moon Lee Ln. NOT SURVEYED 547 1724 MOSS ST 1724 Moss St. NOT SURVEYED. Oregon State Museum of Anthropology? NOT SURVEYED. Downstairs. Inactive. Space Committee assignable. (Campus & 1739 Local Inventory by Address. UO Campus Planning, Design and Construction. 562A 1739A MOSS ALLEY 1736.5 Moss A Moss Alley 09/29/2014) 1739 NOT SURVEYED. Upstairs. (Campus & Local Inventory by Address. UO Campus 562B 1739B MOSS ALLEY 1736.5 Moss B Moss Alley Planning, Design and Construction. 09/29/2014) 629 1680 MOSS ST 1680 Moss St. NOT SURVEYED.


OSBHE - Oregon State Board of Higher Education-Report is considered part of the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) State-wide inventory, 1974. CHLP Survey - Campus Heritage Landscape Plan: Building and Landscape Survey, University of Oregon Planning Office 2006. Lawrence Survey - Oregon Inventory Of Historic Property-Ellis Lawrence Building Survey- (University of Oregon Historic Preservation Program, Michael Shellenbarger), 1989. S.Univ./Fairmount - South University and Fairmont Neighborhoods Cultural Resources Inventory, City of Eugene, OR, 1987. SHPO - State Historic Preservation Office

CHLP Survey Ranking Levels: Historic Rankings were determined by evaluating two factors: the resource's historic significance and its integrity. Primary - Resources that have a high level of historic significance and excellent or good integrity (likely to be eligible for listing in the National Register) Secondary - Resources that have a reduced level of significance and good or excellent integrity. Also, resources that have a high level of historic significance but fair integrity (possibly eligible for listing in the National Register) Tertiary - Resources that have a reduced (medium) level of historic significance but compromised (fair) integrity. Also, resources that have integrity, but lack noteworthy significance at this time as an individual resource. These resources could contribute to the historic significance of a large grouping or district, though they are likely not eligible for listing individually in the National Register. Non-Contributing - Resources that lack noteworthy significance or have severely compromised integrity. They do not contribute to the historic significance of a large grouping or district and are not eligible for listing in the National

South University and Fairmount Survey & SHPO Ranking Levels: ES - eligible/significant - the resource currently is over 45 years old, retains historic physical materials, and/or design and architectural features, and appears to be of a notable architectural style, architect-designed, or if the surveyor knows of a significant event or person associated with the resource. EC - eligible/contributing - the resource currently is over 45 years old and retains historic physical materials, and/or design and architectural features. NC - not eligible/non-contributing - the resource is currently is over 45 years old but does not retain historic physical materials, and/or design and architectural features.

National Park Service Designations: National Historic Landmark - Listed as a landmark on the National Register of Historic Places National Register - Listed on the National Register of Historic Places. (part) - the historic resources is within the boundary of a National Historic Landmark or a National Register resource

City of Eugene Designations: Eugene City Landmark - City of Eugene Historic Landmark status identifies local sites, buildings or structures that are significant to the history and development of Eugene. The City of Eugene regulates alterations, moving and demolition of all Historic Landmark properties in Eugene. Point of Interest - Places of historic interest in Eugene which may or may not be on the National Register or designated City Landmarks.

Architects: Cuthbert; Frederick A. Cuthbert Dept. of Landscape Architecture 1933-1971 Lawrence & Holford; Lawrence, Holford & Allyn; Lawrence, Holford, Allyn & Bean; and, Lawrence & Lawrence - Chief Designer Ellis. F.. Lawrence Lawrence & Tucker and Wallmann - Chief designer H.A. Lawrence (son of E.F. Lawrence)

Highlighted Fields refer to ranking discrepancies

**Some properties are listed twice because they have multiple City and/or National Register listings.

HistAllIndex_11-18-2015.xlsx 11/18/15