
Possiblepitfallsintheprocedure forpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysis



1DepartmentofGeology,UniversityofPretoria,Pretoria0002,SouthAfrica 2addressforcorrespondence:P.O.Box7333,RostovnaDonu,344056,Russia; email:ruban[email protected],ruban[email protected] *correspondingauthor 3InstituteofGeology,AdamMickiewiczUniversity,MakówPolnych16,61606Poznan,Poland; email:[email protected]


Thechangesinthediversityofspecifictaxaduringcertainpartsofthegeologicalpast(paleobiodiversity dynamics)can,inprinciple,beestablishedbycountingthenumberofthetaxapresent(worldwideorina specificstudyarea)inrocksdatedforthetimeintervalunderstudy.Numerousobstaclesarepresent,however, forinstanceintheformoflackingfielddata,disappearedcollections,ambiguousidentifications,temporary ‘disappearence’oftaxa,anddatingproblems.Onemajorproblemisthefactthat,particularlyinregionalstud ies in some countries, a local, regional or national chronostratigraphic terminology is used rather than the chronostratigraphyrecommendedbytheInternationalStratigraphicCommisionoftheInternationalUnionof GeologicalSciences.Thishampersinternationalcorrelationandmakespreciseglobalpaleodiversitydynamics analysesextremelydifficult.Areliableinsightintothetruepaleodiversitydynamicsrequiresnotonlythatthe various problems are recognized, but also that their consequences are eliminated or, if this is impossible, minimized.Thisisparticularlyimportantiftheeffectsofmassonfaunaandfloraareinvestigated. Eachanalysisofpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysisofphenomenarelatedtomassextinctionsshouldthere foretrytoquantifytheimpactthatmissingdataorinaccuraciesofanykindmayhaveonthefinalresults;such ananalysisshould,inaddition,trytofindasolutionforthemajorproblems,soastoavoidsignificantinaccu raciesofthecalculatedvalues.Largeelectronicdatabasescanhelp,sinceaboutadecade,todiminishpossible errorsindiversityestimates.Paleobiodiversityshouldpreferablybeexpressedintheformofvalues with a certainbandwith,indicatingtheinaccuracy,ratherthanintheformofexactvalues. Keywords :biodiversity,taxonomy,biostratigraphy,geochronology,Lazarustaxa

Streszczenie ZmianywzróŜnicowaniugatunkówwpewnychprzedziałachczasuprzeszłościgeologicznej(dynamika paleobioróŜnorodności)sązzasadyustalanepoprzezzliczanieliczbytaksonówskamieniałości(naświecielub nawybranymobszarze)wskałachdatowanychnabadanyinterwałczasowy.Tymniemniejproceduratana potykawieleprzeszkód,np.wpostacibrakudanychzjakiegośobszaru,zagubionychkolekcji,niejednoznacz nychidentyfikacji,czasowego„zaniku”taksonówczyproblemówdatowania.Jednymzgłównychproblemów, 38 DmitryA.Ruban&A.J.(Tom)vanLoon zwłaszczawbadaniachregionalnychwniektórychkrajach,jeststosowanielokalnej,regionalnejlubkrajowej terminologiichronostratygraficznej,aniechronostratygrafiirekomendowanejprzezMiędzynarodowąKomisję Stratygraficzną przy Międzynarodowej Unii Nauk Geologicznych. Utrudnia to międzynarodowe korelacje iczyniniezwykletrudnymprzeprowadzenieprecyzyjnejglobalnejanalizydynamikipaleobioróŜnorodności. WiarygodnywglądwprawdziwądynamikępaleobioróŜnorodnościwymaganietylkorozpoznaniaróŜnych problemów,alerównieŜwyeliminowaniaichkonsekwencji,agdytoniemoŜliwe,zminimalizowaniaich.Jest toszczególniewaŜnewprzypadku,gdybadanesąnastępstwamasowegowymieraniafaunyiflory.Dlatego kaŜda analiza dynamiki paleobioróŜnorodności zjawisk związanych z masowym wymieraniem powinna zawierać próbę ilościowego oszacowania wpływu, jakie brakujące dane lub niedokładności jakiegokolwiek rodzajumogąwywieraćnakońcowewnioski.Takaanalizapowinnapróbowaćznaleźćrozwiązaniedlagłów nychproblemów,aŜebyuniknąćznaczącychniedokładnościwobliczonychwartościach.DuŜeelektroniczne bazy danych, dostępne od około 10 lat, mogą pomóc w zmniejszeniu moŜliwych błędów przy szacowaniu róŜnorodności.Najlepiej,gdybypaleobioróŜnorodnośćbyławyraŜanawformiewartościwpewnymzakresie, wskazującymnaniedokładność,aniewformieprecyzyjnejwartości. Słowakluczowe: bioróŜnorodność,taksonomia,biostratygrafia,geochronologia,taksonyŁazarza

Introduction themuchlesscompleteknowledgethatisavail able nowadays about ancient terrestrial floras Sincetheendofthe1970s,hundredsofarti thanmarinebiota.Attemptstoestimatechanges clesandbookshavebeendevotedtochangesin inthediversityoffossilplantassemblageshave globalbiodiversity,massextinctionsand–more been undertaken by, particularly, Niklas et al. in particular – the changes in biodiversity pat (1985),Boulter etal. (1988),Nishida(1991),Wing terns of numerous fossil groups. Regional pat & DiMichele (1995), Tiwari (1996), Boulter terns were also established for numerous re (1997),andPhilippe etal. (1999).Theinfluences gions worldwide. The studies by Sepkoski of mass extinctions on plants, including their (1993,1997)andhiscoworkers(Sepkoski etal. diversity, were discussed by, among others, 1981; Raup & Sepkoski 1982) are of great im Tschudy & Tschudy (1986, Retallack (1995), portance in this context, as they have initiated Tiwari(2001),McAllisterRees(2002),andWing new developments in historical geology and (2004). Data about changes in paleobotanical . This type of work coincided in diversityarestilltooscarce,however,tobereli time, to mutual benefit, with multidisciplinary able for statistically significant analyses. For studies that have led to the insight that excep instance, the highly interesting hypothesis of tionaleventsintheEarth’shistoryhavegreatly Guexetal. (2001)andMorardetal. (2003),later affectedbiodiversityintime(e.g.,Alvarez etal. verifiedbyRuban(2004)andRuban&Efendi 1980),butthereexistsnogeneralagreementyet yeva (2005) – which explains the endLias an aboutextraterrestrial(e.g.impactofabolide)or oxia with the preceding plant growth – could Earthrelated(e.g.globalenvironmentalchange) not be supported by quantitatively sufficient causes that must be held responsible for the dataonchangesinplantdiversity,sothatonly variousevents(e.g.,Courtillot2007). qualitative and the simplest semiquantitative Mostresearchonpaleobiodiversityhascon datahavebeenused.Mostproblemsregarding centrated on faunas, commonly marine ones, the analyses of changes in paleobiodiversity probably because of their higher preservation (often referred to as ‘paleobiodiversity dynam potential and because of the commonly lower ics’)aresimilarforfaunasandfloras,although number and the commonly shorter interrup both groups have also theirown specific prob tions (hiatuses) in their record. Diversity lemsbecausetheevolutionandpreservationof changes in terrestrial floras have, in contrast, bothgroupshavetheirownspecificaspects. beenstudiedinmuchlessdetail,andpaleobo Some other aspects of paleodiversity tanical evidence for biotic crises is still scarce, dynamics analysis have been reviewed and dis which may be ascribed – at least partially – to cussed by, among others, Benton (1995), Alroy Possiblepitfallsintheprocedureforpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysis 39

(2000, 2003), Foote (2000, 2007) and Hammer & butthedatafoundinthemshouldbecomple Harper(2005).Severalotherworksdealwiththe mentedwithdatafromothersourceswith„dis influence of differences in preservation potential persed” information (in exceptional cases, andofthe(in)completenessofthefossilrecordon namelyifthesourceswithcompileddataseem diversitymeasurementsandontheinterpretation neither incomplete nor outdated and if they ofthefindings(e.g.,Benton1995;Peters&Foote seem sufficiently representative for the current 2001;Smith2001,2007;Twitchett2001;Crampton knowledge, such basic sources may be used etal. 2003;Vermeij&Leighton2003;Bush&Bam without additional search for complementary bach2004;Boucot2006;Peters2006;Foote2007). dispersedinformation); The present contribution is meant to present a (3)ifthereisonlyonesourcewithpreviously brief overview of the more general problems re compiled, but outdated information, it is neces latedtothecollectionandcompilationofdata. sarytosearchnotonlyforcomplementarydatain the literature that is devoted to the taxon/taxa underexamination,butalsoforpublicationsthat Collectionofdata might,asa‘byproduct’,containinformationthat might help to avoid shortcomings in the initial data(i.e.,missingdata,duplicatedata). The first problem, met immediately when Apart from carrying out the required lit starting an analysis of taxonomic diversity dy erature search with great scrutiny, it is of ut namics,ishowandwhereinitial data (in their most importance to decide carefully which of most simple form data regarding the strati thethreeaboveapproachesshouldbefollowed, graphicrangeofaparticulartaxon)have to be as the choice of initial data is one of the most collected. This information should, obviously, important factors that determine whether the beascompleteaspossible;inaddition,itshould inventoryofdatawillresultinacompleteand berepresentativeandscientificallycorrect. reliable set of data that can form an adequate Data from literature can be found in two basisfortherestoftheprocedure. forms:(1)asdispersedinformation,spreadover numerouspublications,eachofwhichishighly incomplete; and (2) as already compiled, fairly complete information on the stratigraphic dis Compilationofdata tributionofthetaxabeingstudied. It is evident that – if sources of the second The compilation of data, which have com typeareavailable–theyshouldbechosenasa monlytobecollectedfromnumeroussources,is starting point. Their disadvantage is, however, one of the most difficult, timeconsuming and thattheyarecommonlyoutdated.Thisimplies bothersome activities when preparing a quan that,evenifsuchcompilationsexist,additional titative analysis of paleodiversity dynamics. collection of data from ‘dispersed’ sources re Thisholdsforbothglobalandregionalstudies. mainsessential.Thus,thesearchfordatacanbe Among the problems that are met during realizedinthefollowingthreeways: data compilation, one of the most important is (1)if there are no sources with compiled taxonomicalsynonymy.Incorrectidentifications dataatall,asearchforallpossiblepublications of taxa, which are sometimes obvious (Sohn and unpublished reports with „dispersed” in 1994; Benton 1995) but which are more often formationshouldbecarriedout[asanexample: difficult to find out, strongly influence the re when the diversity studies of the Phanerozoic sults of diversity analysis. If the problem of megaflorafromtheNorthernCaucasus(Ruban synonymyisignored,onetaxon(e.g.a, 2003) was started, thousands of potential genus or family) may be counted for two or sourceswerechecked,whichtookaboutayear]; evenmore,suggestingatoolargediversity;on (2)if there are several sources with com the other hand, that may represent dif piled, but evidently incomplete or outdated ferent taxa may have been identified errone data, they should be chosen as the basic ones, ouslyasidentical,thusgivingrisetoanappar 40 DmitryA.Ruban&A.J.(Tom)vanLoon entlytoosmallnumberoftaxa,andthustoan 1966). The ‘Late Pennsylvanian’ (i.e., Kasi unduly low diversity. It is interesting in this movian and Gzhelian stages) assemblage con contextthatDNAanalysisbecomesincreasingly sists of 34 genera, whereas the Permian flora applicable to the establishment of taxonomic contains only Walchia (Ruban 2003). An ‘out relationships [not only for fossils from the sider’mightconcludethat–afterthedisappear Pleistocene (see, among others, Rohland et al . anceoftheentire‘LatePennsylvanian’flora–a 2007) but also for fossils that data back from newgenusappearedinthePermian.Theactual tens of millions of years (see, among others, situation is, however, a sudden degradation of Wibleetal .2007)],thussuggestingthataDNA the floraat the end of the Carboniferous, with based taxonomy may become feasible, as has onlyonegenussurvivingintothePermian.This been predicted already several years ago (Van impliesthatacalculationoftherateofdiversity Loon1999).Thismighteventuallyhelpsolving dynamics on the basis of the disappearance of problems like those of synonyms and homo Walchia and the appearance of Lebachia would nyms.Insomecases(e.g.,inthecaseofplank yield an incorrect value. Unfortunately, the tonic foraminifers), however, genetic explora name Lebachia still is found in recent publica tionsdemonstratedthattheavailabletaxonomic tions, sometimes being even ascribed to the classifications require fundamental reconside typical Permian Walchia , among others by ration, which makes it difficult to measure di Davydov & Leven (2003) who attempted, al versity (Kucera 2007). The problems with syn thoughtheyarenotpaleobotanists,topresenta onymy should, indeed, be solved precisely, al comprehensive overview for all kinds of though sometimes (especially when „old” data stratigraphers/paleontologists. are used) this cannot be realized due to a low quality of the initial information (e.g. the ab sence of the original fossil collections, of de Anexampleofaproblemraisedbylack scriptionsusedforthetaxonomicidentification ofcorrectdataregardingdistribution and/orclassification, orof figures); it might in intimeandspace many cases even be better not to include such fossilsinapaleodynamicsdiversitystudyatall. Another significant problem is the frequent absence of clear indications regarding the exact positionoftaxaintimeandspace.Forexample, Anexampleofsynonymy the presence of a particular taxon may be indi catedforaspecificstudyarea,withoutexactdata Acharacteristicexampleofaproblemraised about the precise site or the age of the rocks in bysynonymyistheconfusionabouttwowide whichthefossilsunderstudywerefound;orthe spread Late Paleozoic plant genera, namely occurrenceofaparticulartaxonmaybeindicated Walchia and Lebachia . According to Meyen without information about its distribution in (1987), Lebachia and Lebachiaceae areinvalidtaxa, zonesorevenstages.Itis,asarule,highlyques whichshouldbe replaced by Walchia and Wal tionable whether such data could be used, as chiacae ; but he also states, remarkably enough, diversity dynamics should based on “stageby thatthesenamesmaycontinuetobeused“due stage”or“zonebyzone”data. totradition”.This‘taxonomicflexibility’iseven Acomparableproblemisencounteredifre more remarkable if one realizes that Carbonif gional correlations become almost impossible erousspeciesarecommonlyindentifiedas Leba bytheuseofdifferentnamesforthesamefor chia , whereas Permian remains with the same mation in sites far apart, or if different chro characteristics are commonly classified as Wal nostratigraphicframeworksareusedfordiffer chia . This ‘tradition’ is also followed in the entregions.Aproblemthatisinmanyrespects Northern Caucasus: Lebachia species are found similar, but much more severe is posed by the in the Pennsylvanian (Novik 1978), whereas frequent revisions of the geological time scale Walchia hasbeendescribedfromEarlyPermian under the supervision of the International strata (MiklukhoMaklaj & MiklukhoMaklaj CommissiononStratigraphy(ICS)oftheInter Possiblepitfallsintheprocedureforpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysis 41 national Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) process. The commonly not very clear original (see,asan example, Gradstein et al .2004). Ina sourceofdatafromelectronicdatabases–and case of stage boundary redefinition, it may thisholdsevenmorefordatafoundoninternet becomeuncertainwhetherthestagenamehasa –can,however,poseaproblem;inaddition,the formerorpresentmeaning. reliability of data from not precisely known sources that cannot be trusted on the basis of peerreviewisdubious.Compilationofdataon Possiblesolutions thebasisofnotgenerallyrecognized electronic sourcesisthereforenotadvisable. The above problems for data compilation may be (though sometimes only partly) solved infourways: Applicationofthecompileddata (1)byrevisingtheoriginaldata,forinstance byreexaminingthefossilcollections; Evenifdatacompilationhasbeensuccessful (2)byrecalculatingdata„asis”,takinginto and a range chart for the various taxa under considerationthepossibleimpactoftheinsuffi studyhasbeenprepared,theapplicationofthe ciently unambiguous data when interpreting compileddata–foranalysisofthefossildiver theresultsofthefossildynamicsanalysis(butit sity dynamics – can meet severe problems. shouldbeemphasizedthatsucharecalculation Someoftheseproblemsmaybeexemplifiedon almostinevitablyreducesthescientificvalueof thebasisofasimplehypotheticalchartwiththe the analysis!); this type of recalculation of data stratigraphicdistributionof5species(belonging wasfollowedby,amongothers,Ruban(2005)in to 2 genera) in the Triassic of an imaginary his discussion of paleontological data gathered studyarea(Fig.1).Thedataarecomplete,and, th inthemiddleofthe19 century; therefore, represent the actual situation. If the (3)byadaptingtheobjectivesoftheproject, diversity dynamics (as defined on the basis of i.e. lowering the resolution of the analysis in species)withintheEarlyMiddleTriassicistobe time and/or space; as an example, the above analyzed, first the number of species present mentioneddiversityofthePhanerozoicmacro during each stage must be calculated. This is floras from the Northern Caucasus was, as a simple, but the calculating the diversity dy result of such an adaptation, studied by esti namics is less simple as will be shown here, matingthenumberoftaxanotperstage(ashad because some new species appear for the first been originally envisaged), but per series only time,whereasotherspeciesbecomeextinct. (Ruban 2003); other examples have been pro To calculate the rate of the origination of videdbyMcGhee(1996); newspeciesinthelowermostpartoftheinves (4)byusingpurposelydevelopednumerical equations to predict or to minimize the errors linkedtothecompilationproblems;theseequa T r i a s s i c tionsaresimilartothoseusedforevaluationof Early Middle Late thepreservationbias. Which of the above approaches should be A followedinordertoobtainanoptimumresult, B dependsonthespecificsoftheinitialdataand genus 1 genus of the project targets. Sometimes, however, the C problemsmaybesolargethatthebestsolution D may be to postpone the analysis until more genus 2 genus E and/or more reliable and unambiguous data become available. It is worthwhile mentioning Fig. 1. Example of hypothesized ranges of taxa in the in this context that the increasing number of Triassic(seetextforexplanation) electronic paleontological databases provides Fig. 1. Przykładhipotetycznychzakresówtaksonówwtriasie ever more data for a successful compilation (objaśnieniawtekście) 42 DmitryA.Ruban&A.J.(Tom)vanLoon tigated stratigraphic interval, it is necessary to rangeoftaxa.Thereappearanceofataxonafter know how many taxa, absent in the previous an interruption is called the Lazarus effect, and stage,arepresentinthisone.Commonly(asin taxa showing such interruptions are known as thishypotheticalcase:Fig.1)nodataonfossils Lazarus taxa. These terms became widely used from the underlying strata are available. This afterthestudiesbyFlessa&Jablonski(1983)and implies that it is impossible to calculate the Jablonski (1986). Although the Lazarus effect is origination rate for the Induan stage, because linked by some workers to reappearances after the origination rate is the ratio between the mass extinctions only, it is more logical to con number of new taxa in a chronostratigraphic sideranyreappearanceafterinterruptioninthe unitandthenumberofnewtaxaintheimmedi fossilrecordasaLazaruseffect(assuggestedby atelyolderchronostratigraphicunitofthesame Rickards&Wright2002;andbyRuban&Tyszka rank.Moreover,astherateofchangecannotbe 2005), even though the Lazarus effect seems, determinedfortheInduan,itisnotpossibleto indeed, most commonly related to mass extinc comparethisratiowiththatoftheOlenekian. tions (Jablonski 1986, Fara 2001). Several ques In the example of Figure 1, the species A, B, tions related to the Lazarus effect and its influ andCbelongtogenus1,whereasspeciesDandE ence on the calculation of fossil diversity have belongtogenus2.Genus2isrepresentedbyspe been discussed extensively (Flessa & Jablonski cies during the Early, Middle and Late Triassic, 1983; Jablonski 1986; Urbanek 1993, 1998; Se butintheCarniantheearlierpresentspecies(D) nowbariDaryan & Stanley 1998; Wignall & wasreplacedbyanewone(E),notpresentearlier. Benton 1999, 2000; Arz et al. 2000; Basov & Data analysis of the Early and Middle Triassic Kuznetsova2000;Fara&Benton2000;Twitchett should,obviously,takeintoaccountspeciesA,B, 2000; Fara 2001; Rickards & Wright 2002; Wat C, and D. Species E should, however, also be kins2002). taken into consideration: a calculation of the ge The temporal interruption of the strati neric diversity on the basis of the above graphicrangeofataxonmaybeduetooneof mentioned EarlyMiddle Triassic chart requires thefollowingcauses: alsoanevaluationoftherateforthelast –recurrence, i.e. the appearance of a mor stage, i.e., for the Ladinian. It is therefore neces phologically similar taxon during evolu sarytodeterminewhetherspeciesthatwerepres tion (this implies that the interruption is entintheEarlyMiddleTriassicsurvivedintothe only apparent, as the original taxon is re Late Triassic. In addition, it must be checked placedbywhatis,infact,anothertaxon); whether the other species belonging to genera 1 –preservationofthetaxoninrefugia,forin and2thatdidnotexistearlier,appeared for the stance at times of a global environmental first time in the Carnian. Without such a check, crisis (a widely accepted concept; see, conclusionsabouttheextinctionofgenus2(asin amongothers,Fara2001); thisexample)willbeincorrect. –an extreme decrease of the taxon’s abun This example shows that even well danceduringamassextinction,sothatthe prepared data may be insufficient for a correct quantity of specimen became too low to analysis,becauselackofdatafromolderand/or trace them in the paleontological record younger stages can induce errors. Before start (Wignall&Benton1999);ifthetaxonwas ingaquantitativediversityanalysis,itisthere preserved in refugia, the case is identical fore necessary to look for such potential errors tothepreviousone,butitisalsopossible andtotrytoeliminatethem. thatthetaxonsurvivedinnumerousareas worldwide,butwithfewindividuals; –temporaldisappearanceofthetaxonfrom TheLazarustaxaproblem thestudyarea,forinstancebymigrationto theadjacentareas; Aspecificproblemisformedbythesocalled –incompletenessofthepaleontologicalrec Lazarus taxa. The geological record shows fre ord due to hiatuses as a result of non quent interruptions in the chronostratigraphic depositionorerosion,areducedpreserva Possiblepitfallsintheprocedureforpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysis 43

tion of fossils, or errors in sampling (see similar taxon from before and after the inter thereviewbyFara,2001); ruption is erroneously considered as the same –taxonomic errors, i.e., incorrect identifica taxon, this is considered as a ‘false Lazarus tionofataxonthatappearsaftertheinter taxon’, and the identification should simply be ruptionasthesametaxonthatwaspresent considered wrong. The fundamental paleon beforetheinterruption(suchtaxaarealso tologicalprobleminthiscontextisonwhatba referredtoasElvistaxa:Erwin2006). sis species and genera should be distinguished None of the above possibilities should be from one another (see also Van Loon 1999; ignored, and pros and cons for each of these Kucera2007).Thisquestioniscloselyrelatedto possibilities should be weighted in each par anotherone:canconvergencebesoclosethatit ticularcase.Discussionsonhowtohandlethis becomesimpossibletodistinguishbetweendif arestillgoingon(Wignall&Benton1999,2000; ferent species (or genera) on the basis of mor Rickards & Wright 2000; Twitchett 2000; Fara phology alone? This question is still under 2001). Ecological models explaining long sur muchdebate,andananswertothisquestionis vival of rare taxa (Yoshida 2002) support the badlyneeded,ifonlytoconcludehowtheLaza conceptofWignall&Benton(1999).Meanwhile, ruseffectshouldbedealtwithwhendetermin refugiaseemtoplayanimportantrole,assug ing the fossils’ diversity. This is an important gestedbypaleoenvironmentalstudiesofbothof keytothesystematicpaleontology.Fortunately, thegeologicalpastandthepresent(see,among it seems that application of genetic and other others, Hladil 1994; Hladilova 2000; Riegl & new approaches (such as microarchitectural Piller 2003). Possible other explanations for an analysesandinvestigationsatevenamolecular apparent temporal interruption of the strati scale)mayprovidesolutionsforthiskeyprob graphic range of a taxon are a reduction in lem(see,e.g.,Kucera2007). population size (resulting in less individuals thatmaybefoundinfossilizedform)andare duction in body size (resulting in less easily successive time intervals foundfossilspecimens)(Twitchett2001). usual taxon FalseLazarustaxa OR EX true ItispossibletodividetheLazarustaxainto LE Lazarus two groups: true and false (Fig. 2). The true taxon Lazarus taxa are those the evolution of which OR EX OR EX was really interrupted for a particular time in false LE terval. In contrast, a false Lazarus effect is ob Lazarus tainedifthecollecteddataareincompleteorif taxon OR AP EX taxonomicerrorsaremadewhilethetaxonun DA der study was actually present during all the geologic time timespanduringwhichitsoccurrencewasonly OR = origination seeminglyinterrupted.Bothsurvivalinrefugia EX = extinction andextremedecreaseinnumberareessentially AP = appearance thesameinthiscontext:thestudiedtaxadidnot in the regional really disappear, only no fossil remnants have record beenfound. DA = disappearance in the regional A fundamental problem with respect to record Lazarustaxaishowtodeterminewhetherspe LE = Lazarus effect ciesorgenerabeforeandaftertheinterruption areactuallythesame,whichwouldimplyatrue Fig.2. TrueandfalseLazarustaxa Lazarus effect. If, however, a morphologically Fig. 2. PrawdziweifałszywetaksonyŁazarza 44 DmitryA.Ruban&A.J.(Tom)vanLoon

Interruption of the stratigraphic range of a successive time intervals taxon increases the (apparent) extinction rate during the interruption interval and thus di stratigraphic minishesthe(apparent)totalfossildiversity.In ranges of taxa contrast,the extinction rate during the next in terval will be relatively low, because the ‘ex documented diversity (curve 1) 4 5 5 5 4 4 4 tinct’ taxon (re)appears (Fara 2001). A false Lazarus effect thus introduces a difference be taking Lazarus tweenthedocumentedandthe‘real’diversities, effect into account and therefore introduces erroneous values for diversity thediversitydynamics.Thefossildiversityand corrected for the diversity dynamics can therefore be esti HPV of Lazarus 4 5 5 6 6 5 4 matedcorrectlyonlyiftheconsequencesoffalse effect (curve 2) Lazarus taxa are taken into account, and if the interruption of true Lazarus taxa is ignored. real diversity 2 DealingwithafalseLazaruseffectmeansthatit lies between curves 1 and 2 is necessary to analyze the palaebiodiversity 1 during the stratigraphic range as if the occur renceofthepertinenttaxonortaxahadnotbeen geologic time interrupted. AllLazarustaxainthe global geologicalrec Fig. 3. Highest probable value (HPV) of the Lazarus ordare,followingtheabovementionedcauses, effectandtheestimationofregionalfossildiversity. falseones,exceptforthecaseofrecurrence,but Fig. 3. Najbardziej prawdopodobna wartość efektu Łazarza eveninthatcaseonehastoconsiderthepossi ioszacowanieregionalnegozróŜnicowaniaskamieniałości bility that there is only strong morphological resemblance of two different taxa. It seems thereforethattheinfluenceoftheLazaruseffect Tyszka 2005). In other words: the HPV repre cannot be neglected when evaluating global sentsthejointeffectfromboththetrueandthe paleobiodiversity. Fara & Benton (2000) and falseLazarustaxa.Whenananalysisofregional Fara(2001)haveindicatedhowtohandlethis. paleobiodiversity is made, the real diversity If paleodiversity dynamics are analysed for must be somewhere between the observed di a relatively small region , more complications versity curve and the curve corrected for the arisethanifacontinentalorevenglobalanaly HPV(Fig.3). sisismade.Thereasonsarethat(1)theLazarus effect occurs much more commonly at a small scale thanat a large scale (but note that this is Geochronologicalproblems truealmostexclusivelywhenfalseLazarustaxa areinvolved),and(2)itismoredifficulttodis Ahighlyimportantaspectwhenpreparinga tinguishbetweenLazarustaxathatmigratedfor quantitative analysis of fossil diversity dynam sometimetocomebacklater(forinstanceasa ics is the choice of an appropriate geological result of shifting environments due to climate timescale.Thecalculationsmustbecarriedout fluctuations),andtaxathatarenotdocumented for specific chronostratigraphic units, but the duetoanincompletesedimentaryrecord. ‘translation’ of lithostratigraphic units into It is, obviously, possible to recalculate the chronostratigraphicunitsremainsagreatprob fossildiversityforthepossiblepresenceoftaxa lem. Recently a great step forwards has been during the intervals corresponding to their madebecausetheInternationalCommissionon temporal absence in the fossil record. Only the Stratigraphy (ICS) has provided an excellent highest probable value (HPV) of the Lazarus frameworkforchronostratigraphy(Gradstein et effect, which suggests the maximum possible al. 2004),sothat–inprinciple–the same geo extentofthelatter,isthusobtained(Ruban& logicaltimetablecanbeusedworldwide.This Possiblepitfallsintheprocedureforpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysis 45 does not imply, however, that is has become stages”, representing a regional time scale, easier to ascribe rock units to the correct chro should be avoided whenever possible, and (2) nostratigraphicunit.Byfarmostdatingsofrock that,morethanwasdonepreviously,attention unitsare based on paleontological correlations, should be paid to defining the boundaries be butiffossildiversitydynamicsareinvestigated, tweenchronostratigraphicunits,sothatatleast itwouldbeaviciouscircleifthestudywould a reasonable correlation is established with the bebasedonlyonsuchpaleontologicaldata.Just recent ICS „International Stratigraphic Chart” likesedimentaryfaciesshiftinspacewithtime, (the most recent version is to be found at many fossils may show comparable diachro Obviously, the nousoccurrences.Thefirstorlastoccurrenceof decisionsandrecommendationsoftheICSand aparticulartaxonatacertainplace,wherethis its subcommissions should be followed. The occurrencecoincideswithachronostratigraphi presentation of data according to the Interna cally defined boundary, may therefore have a tional Stratigraphic Chart is, however, not yet differentageelsewhereintheworld.Obviously, alwaysthecaseinafewcountries(oneofthem areas that are situated far from one another beingRussia),whichshouldberegretteddeeply commonly are correlated through a number of as the use of any diverging stratigraphy pre intermediate correlations; the resulting inaccu ventspreciseglobalpaleodynamicsanalyses(or racy of the correlation may be significant (Van atleastmakesthemmoredifficultandlesreli Couvering2000). able). An entirely different problem is posed by the fact that the various chronostratigraphic units of one rank (e.g., stages) do not have an equallylongduration.Astagethatlaststwiceas longasthepreviousone,has,obviously,agreat The term ‘geochronology’ is often consid chance to contain more species (and higher ered as a synonym of ‘dating’ (particularly ra order taxa) than its predecessor. It would be diometric dating) or another kind of absolute unjustified,however,todeducethatthelonger timeestimation,butthisisbasedonmisunder stage is characterized by a higher biodiversity: standing (Walsh 2001). It seems, at first sight, at any given moment the biodiversity in both that several of the problems sketched above stages may be the same (within some band wouldbesolvedifallstratigraphicobservations width),butthebiodiversityinthelongerlasting were complemented with data about their ab stage may, at any given moment, also even be soluteages.Itistruethatsometypesoffossils lowerthanthediversityatanygivenmomentin evolvedsorapidlythattheycanbeconsidered the shorter stage! Biodiversity and the rate of torepresent(geologically)veryshorttimeinter fossildiversitydynamicsshouldthereforepref vals. This is, for instance, the case with Late erablybedeterminedforsuccessivetimespans Carboniferous fusulinids. Only few of such of approximately equal duration (Van Couver ‘timespecific’ taxa have been dated precisely, ing2000). however, by radiometric or other means, but Such an approach may in practice turn out this does not imply that welldated taxa can (almost) impossible with our presentday alwaysbeusedaschronostratigraphicmarkers. knowledge of correlations. Most areas are still Imaginethatamarinesuccessionisinterrupted described following a local or regional bytwolevelsofvolcanicashesthatcanbedated lithostratigraphicsubdivision,andtheduration precisely,andwhichdiffer1,000yearsinage.If of the timespan during which they were a species is present in the entire interval be formedcanoftenbeestimatedonlyroughly;in tween the two ash layers, but neither under many cases attribution to an ‘official’ chro neaththelowerashlayer,norabovetheupper nostratigraphic units is not even certain. This one,thisdoesnotimplythatthespeciescanbe problemhastobesolved,however,beforereli used as a precise time marker: it may well be ablediversitydynamicscanbedetermined.This that the conditions between the deposition of implies (1) that the use of socalled “regional thetwoashlayersweresodifferentfrombefore 46 DmitryA.Ruban&A.J.(Tom)vanLoon andafterthatthespeciesfoundagoodhabitat varve countings and the C14 datings for Late in the region during the 1,000 ‘interashes’ Pleistocene and early Holocene glaciolimnic years, but neither before nor afterwards. Else deposits in Scandinavia (e.g. Schove 1977) and where,however,thespeciesmayhaveoccurred forcomparabledatingselsewhere(e.g.Grayson earlierorlater.Usingthewelldatedtimerange &Plater2007).Andthenecessitytouseseveral oncefoundforaparticulartaxonforallsubse types of C14 dating, is proof in itself that this quent finds, is therefore in most cases without method has to deal with numerous ‘internal’ anydoubtincorrect. problems(cf.Buck&Bard2007). Inaddition,radiometricdatingisnotsoab solute as sometimes believed. Much effort has been put by the ICS in establishing absolute Influenceofchanging ages for the boundaries between chro nostratigraphicunits(seethe‘goldenspikes’in astronomicalparameters the International Stratigraphic Chart), but new absolute ages for the various stages Of academic interest only is the fact that (Kaufmann2006)werepresentedlessthantwo paleodiversity dynamics is commonly calcu years after the publication of the International latedonthebasisofdiversitychangesthatoc Stratigraphic Chart of Gradstein et al. (2004). cur in intervals of (usually) millions of years. This is not amazing, as dating techniques be These‘years’are,however,yearswithpresent come ever more refined, as expressed already day length: ~ 365 days of 24 hours each. One much earlier by the successive editions of the should realize, however, that these parameters Elsevier Geological Time Table [compare, for have changed in the course of the geological instance, the 4 th edition (Haq & Van Eysinga history.IthasbeencalculatedthatintheEdia 1987) with the recently published 6 th edition caran (the end of the Neoproterozoic) a year (Haq, 2007)], where boundaries were changed lasted444daysand20.4hours(Nesterov1999) sometimesfortensofmillionsofyears.Acom withtheresultthat,forinstance,the88million parisonofthedatingsfortheboundarieswithin years that are attributed to the Ediacaran (ac theMesozoicbetweenthecurrentInternational cordingtotherecentInternationalStratigraphic Stratigraphic Chart (ICS, 2006) and the 1999 Chart it lasted from ~ 630 to 542 million years GSAGeologicTimeScale(Palmer&Geissman, ago) lasted only 72 million years according to 1999)alsoshowsthatboundariesshiftedinage the astronomical years of the Ediacaran itself. sometimes more than the timespan of a stage. As it is apparent that many organisms repro This means that the inaccuracies in absolute duceonthebasisofyearlycycles,andthatthe datingaresometimeslargerthanthedurationof rateofevolutiondepends(partly)ontheveloc thechronologicalunitsthemselves;itseemsthat ity of reproduction (one of the reasons why suchlargechangesdonot–andwillnot–occur Drosophila melanogaster is such a good ‘guinea frequentlyanymore,butitshouldbeawarning pig’forgenetic research), it is obvious that the thatadaptationsofradiometricdatingsstilltake outcome of paleodiversitydynamics analyses place. An example is the boundary (which is forEdiacaran(andotherold)timeintervalswill mostimportantfromapaleodynamicspointof giveundulylowvalues.Thechangeinthedu view because it is based on the largest mass rationofayearhadbeendeducedalreadymuch extinction in the Earth history) between the earlier, for instance for the Devonian (Wells PermianandtheTriassic,whichisindicatedon 1963;Scrutton1965).Morerecently,ithasbeen theInternationalStratigraphicChart(ICS,2006) concluded from the frequency modulation as251.0(±0.1)Ma,butwhichhas,shortlyafter analysisofcyclicsedimentarysuccessionsthata thepublicationofthe2004ICS,beenfoundtobe year had a duration intermediate be 252.6Ma(±0.2)(Mundietal .2004). tweenaDevonianandarecentone(Hinnov& Similarconclusionshavebeendrawnforother Park 1998), and this confirms that a year on typesof‘absolutedatings’.Thereis,forinstance, Earth has gradually become shorter. The grad agapofseveralhundredsofyearsbetweenthe ualdecreaseinthenumberofdaysperyearwas Possiblepitfallsintheprocedureforpaleobiodiversitydynamicsanalysis 47 probably compensated – at least in part – by number of biodiversityaffecting events (this lengtheningofthedays.Thislengtheningmay, extends the purpose of event stratigraphy as indeed, have had an adverse influence on the explained, particularly, by Walliser (1996) and reproduction velocityand thus on the value of Brett&Baird(1997).Apossiblealternativeeco paleodiversity dynamics, but the net result is logicalapproachinthiscontexthasbeenintro still far from clear. It is certain, however, that ducedbyMcGhee etal. (2004). evolution goes faster with geological time; it even seems likely that more new species are formedperunitoftimenowthaneverbefore, Conclusions andprobablyevenatahigherratethanspecies becoming extinct (Van Loon 2003). In contrast, The abovementioned problems concerning the paleodiversity dynamics must have been the quantitative analysis of paleodiversity dy lowintheProterozoic(lackofsexualreproduc namics (for both animals and plants) are pre tionwillcertainlyhaveplayedaroleduringthis sentedinFig.4.Allproblemscancommonlybe era, but this cannot explain the acceleration of solved,thoughoftenonlyinatimeconsuming evolution during the Phanerozoic). The reason way. It is not uncommon, however, that the fortheapparentlyongoingaccelerationofevo problemscanbeovercomeonlypartly,because lution is not well understood, but it means in ofinsufficient,ambiguousand/orinsufficiently factthatequalvaluesofpaleodiversitydynam accuratedata.Insomecasesthelackorinaccu ics calculated for two time units indicate that racy of information may be even so significant the rate of change in the younger unit is rela thatadetailedpaleodiversitydynamicsanalysis tively lowerthanthatintheolderunit. is not worthwhile; in other cases the problems canbeminimizedortakencareofinonewayor another. Typesofunitsforwhich Fortunately, ongoing work in this field, thepaleodiversitydynamics supported by large electronic databases (e.g. NMITA,PaleoTax,ThePaleobiologyDatabase, canbeanalysed

Paleodiversitydynamicscanbedetermined PROBLEMS forfivetypesofunits: regarding quantitative analysis –nondiachronous lithostratigraphic units of palaeodiversity dynamics (resultswillbeenforcedbypaleoenviron mentalspecifics); problems related to how to find –stagesorepochs(resultswillbeinfluenced the collection and initial data? compilation of data by the uncertainties regarding the current how to compile synonyms the data? chronostratigraphy); distribution –biozones (appropriate for particular fossil of taxa in problems related to time and space groupsonly); the analysis proper how to use the compiled internal –beds(appropriateonlyfortheanalysisofa data? lack of data givensection;thisisacommonprocedure how to chose numerous problems related to an adequate stratigraphic particularlyformicrofossils); the interpretation geological scales of results time scale? subdivision of –millionsofyears(nottrulymeaningfulfor Earth’s history in chronostra- fossils; moreover, fossils can rarely be tigraphic units dated within geologically restricted time absolute boundaries). time scales It seems to us that events that affected Fig. 4. Schematic overview of the problems related to biodiversity significantly, such as mass extinc thequantitativeanalysisofchangesinpaleobiodiversity tionsandsuddenfaunalexplosions,canbeused Fig. 4 .Schematycznepodsumowanieproblemówzwiązanych to establish time units that comprise the same zilościowąanalizązmianwpaleobioróŜnorodności 48 DmitryA.Ruban&A.J.(Tom)vanLoon

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