[LB298 LB390 LB472 LB608 LB610] the Committee on Judiciary Met at 1:30 P.M. on Thursday, February 28, 2013, in Room 1113 Of
Transcript Prepared By the Clerk of the Legislature Transcriber's Office Judiciary Committee February 28, 2013 [LB298 LB390 LB472 LB608 LB610] The Committee on Judiciary met at 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, February 28, 2013, in Room 1113 of the State Capitol, Lincoln, Nebraska, for the purpose of conducting a public hearing on LB472, LB608, LB610, LB298, and LB390. Senators present: Brad Ashford, Chairperson; Steve Lathrop, Vice Chairperson; Ernie Chambers; Mark Christensen; Colby Coash; Al Davis; Amanda McGill; and Les Seiler. Senators absent: None. SENATOR LATHROP: (Recorder malfunction)...Judiciary Committee. My name is Steve Lathrop. I am the Vice Chair of this esteemed committee. We are going to hear, it looks like, five bills today, beginning with Senator Karpisek's...oh, flying lanterns. SENATOR McGILL: Oh, boy, been here before. (Laugh) SENATOR LATHROP: It will be like Groundhog Day today. Pardon me? When you go up the page will take it from you. Thanks for filling it out. Yeah, so for those of you that haven't been here before let me start with a couple of ground rules. First, turn off your cell phones or put them on vibrate so they're not interrupting the hearing. Second, we will take the bills in the order indicated outside. As we take the bills, the senator will introduce the bill, followed by proponents, followed, thereby, by opponents, then neutral testimony, and then the senator closes. Here's the thing about Judiciary Committee: If you haven't been here before, we use the light system. You'll have a green light when you start talking which should begin with your name and spell your last name.
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