The Daily Iowan WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2020 THE INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER OF THE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA COMMUNITY SINCE 1868 DAILYIOWAN.COM 50¢ INSIDE Trial date of man accused Faculty plan for catastrophic-leave policy of killing JoEllen Browning to be moved The dates for the trial and case Faculty Senate discussed a second phase of updates to the catastrophic-leave program, which aims to management conference of Roy Browning — the create a central donation pool and to organize the ways in which leave is donated and received. man accused of killing his wife, BY RACHEL SCHILKE University of Iowa Faculty and and improve how do- He said the second phase will in- UI Health Care
[email protected] budget official Staff Disability Services Director nations are received. clude a total review of the program, JoEllen Browning Nathan Stucky provided an update “We want to create exploring how donations are request- — will be reset to The University of Iowa Faculty on the next step in the catastroph- a centralized pool of ed and where they come from. One of different dates. Senate on Tuesday planned for the ic-leave policy at the shared-gover- sorts that anyone in the review methods included updat- Roy Browning The case second phase of the catastroph- nance branch’s Tuesday meeting in the catastrophic-leave ing the website so that it presents the management ic-leave policy, discussing how va- the Old Capitol Senate Chambers. program can pull out program’s stance on confidentiality conference was set for Friday, and cation-leave time is donated and re- Sick leave cannot currently be Stucky of,” Stucky said.