24 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Wednesday. Mar. 22, 1989

STORE AND HELP WANTED HELP WANTED I MORTGAGES OFFICE SPACE ■■■■EaHHHnaWEHGaivNnwMR o f f i c e Manager for OFFICE space In Man­ r e c r e a t i o n v e h i c l e small company. Self % Spccioti^D^fif! I SAVE YOUR chester. 3 rooms. To- Joe’s World starter and organiza­ New looks Career man SERVICE PERSON • 9* HOMEII follng 900 square feet ------y ...... tional skills a must. If you are In FORECLOSURE, on Spruce Street. Park­ Full or part time. Will Some bookkeeping and ing, one year lease Let’s Impose ban train. Apply Blonstein other diversified re- I VIDEO ICARPENTRY/ LEAKY ROOF? I MISCELLANEOUS BANKRUPTCY or DIVORCED $700. month. 643-6712 - Spring fashion '89: •46 years in military service, Camping Center. Route sponslbllltles. 646-1464. TAPINB REMODELING Mott rooft cm bt rtpairtd; SERVICES or "falling behind," ask for 647-0069.______83, Vernon. CARPENTER’S Apprent­ In p ite t ol totti rtrooflng mpmstl NO PAYMENT PR08RAM up but no ‘super-duper patriot’ /5 on military guns /II Complftt rtrooflng o^ til typtt. MANCHESTER. One a supplement inside ice - Sunroom In- WEDDING Videos by FARRAND REMODELING to 2 years!! Buckland Square, 1075 RESTAURANT. Line stollers need assistant. FREe ESriMATES HAWKES TREE SERVICE A Royal Wedding Con- Room addltlona, decks, roof­ Tolland Turnpike, up Bucket, truck a chipper. Stump cook, pantry cook, and Learn a trade with real ceots. 649-3642. ing, aiding, windows and gutt- Manchester Roofing THE SWISS GROUP to 4225 sq, ft. Available dishwasher. Full or lob satisfaction. Some are. All types of remodeling and 645-8830 removal. Free estimates. 454-4404 April, 1989. Coll Mr. part time positions experience and tools Get the Want Ad habit... repairs. Call Bob Farrand, Jr. Special conaldaration for Lowrence, 643-2161. available. Apply helpful. 646-1464. reod and use the little ads elderly and handicapped. within; The Gallery, Bus. 647-8509 STORES or offices. Dl RECTOR/Teocher. In Classified regularly. Rentals Ground floor. Good tor 141 New London Turn- Experienced early edu­ 643-2711. R b $. 645-6849 647-7553 plke, Glostonbury. lELECTHICAL professionals or retail. cation teacher to fill 10% SprlUftlaie Olsceeirt Call Max Grossman, A POOL Attendant, 18 years duo role In daycare Quality work, fully Insured, DISTRIBUTION 647-9223 or 649-5334. or older, for position, center. Full or part reatonabla ratsa, free astl- DUMAS ELECTRIC I APARTMENTS 40 hours a week min­ time. Responsible for UWNCARE mata, no job too small. Re­ Service changes, addi­ LABELS FOR RENT pairs, Oacka, Baaemanta. tional wiring and repairs on Tired of mtnutify iiddressinp I imum. Please call 528- staff and school work. Any carpentry work you I MISCELLANEOUS 1300 to set up an ap­ Work directly with existing homes. Quality distribution msll — we ctn MANCHESTER. Room In HaMarO lawn mainte­ need...we do. Trim, framing, work at affordble prices. eutomate this process providing pointment tor on owner. Call 649-9228. aiding, garagaa, roofing, ate. quiet rooming, house. IFOR RENT Interview. nance, spring clean up, Entirely owner operated. 27 quality service for a reasonable coLTAiTCAiiKeTeT e»-te8e years exp. Call Joseph price. Call 644-6191. Oft street parking. $80 mowing, fertilizing, per week. 646-1686 or GARAGE - One car with parking lot cleaning, Dumas B4e-52S3. extra space. Hlllstown lianrl}patpr lUpralb 569-3018.______DAY CARE HELP gutter cleaning. CARPENTRY WORK Road. Call 643-9776. Needed mature woman to Certified M ANCHESTER. Attroc- 649-7593 All Phases VINYL SIDING & care lor Toddlers. Mon.-FrI. 1- Framing, Roofs, Siding, Trim. HEATING/ tlve 6 room duplex. 1 Vi e pm.; 3 years old 7-1 pm. Call: Nurse Aide Registered & Fully Iniured PLUMBING REPLACEMENT WINDDWS baths, first floor Vary Ressonab/a Pr/caa laundry, large yard. Merchandise The Childrens Place Inc. Immediate open­ SPRING Clean Up Expertly installed. Thursday, March 23, 1989 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm 30 Cents 643-5535 Dethatching. Bush Quality Work / Free Eatimalea Security, references. ings on all shifts Trimming^. Edging. M&M OIL Please call Paul Ryder $750 plus utilities. Call 742-1579 ___ PLUMBING A HEATING F U L L T IM E Office sales for full & part-time Mowing. Commercial at 742-0018. 647-9353.______Including Saturdays. positions. equipped. Consclent- • OH Burner Service A Sales M ANCHESTER. Second ous and dependable. Call S.R. BLANCHARD, FURNITURE We need a dependable, • Automatic OH Delivery floor, 2 bedrooms, Every other weekend Ray Hardy. 646-7973 MC. for alt your Busines- heat, and appliances. organized person who • Wall Pumps Salaa 8 Service enlovs working with required. s/Homeowner needs LANDSCAPING No pets. $600 plus se- I w o piece living room GOP objects, from new construction • Water Haatara (»ntiie a o m ) curlty. 646-3979.______set. Good condition, people. Paid training. Aek ebout our child with custom seat cov­ Plan seeks BOOKKEEPING/ to altering & remodel­ $5.50 per hour. Call • Bathroom & Kitchen PHIL’S LAWN CARE Apartment tor sublet 1 ers. Coll 646-0216. 643-2171. care re-imbursemant INCOME TAX ing. Price competitive RamodsHng bedroom $575 per $ 110. 00. and non-benefit rata of and quality is a must. • Senior Citizen Discounts Spring Cleanup. month plus utilities. but bailout bill BURGER KING IS TWIN bed set. Padded pay program Coreplete accounting services Several references • Electric work by Weekly services. Call 651-8893, ask for available. Call 742-1082 Precision Electric head board. Good con­ LOOKING FOR: Including A/R, A/P, P/B. Q/L, Call for free estimates John or Gail. Or 875- Night porter experienced for immediate response. F REE ESTIMATES 5006 ask tor John. dition. $125. Coll 649- For more informa­ PAL Statement and quarterly 4154. preferred. Third shift up tax returns. Can design 742-7476 , ONE OF THE good habits moves to vote Phone: housing on tion please call di­ 649-2871 to $7.00 per hour. additional applications DON’S LAWN SENtnCE AND thrifty people hove deve­ Day time. Starting at rector of Nursing tailored for your business loped Is dolly reading of ITV/STEREO/ GOOD USED furniture Is P J’e Plumlilng, HeatinB 6 OANOCMNO $5.50 per hour. Various needs. Call 644-61S1. Air Conditioning Call now for; the ads In classified. APPLIANCES Bv Peter Vlles Crestfietd In demand. Why not ad­ Yard clean-up I hours to fit your schedule. vertise the furniture you Boilers, pumps, hot water TWO apartments for The Associated Press tanka, new and Shrub & hedge trimming K EN M O RE Washing ma- Various positions open. Convalescent E JJ. MANAGEMENT no longer use in classi­ Rototllling and mowing rent. First 2 bedroom, P le a se a p p ly at; SERVICES fied? Call 643-2711. replacements. appliances, carpetted. chlne. Good condition. HARTFORD — With an April 1 deadline looming, 10% Stniar CHIzin ditesuni $125. General Electric Great Lawn Home Tax Return FREE ESTIMATES Second 3 bedrooms, Burger King dryer $125. Call 646-9760 the state Senate will meet today to vote on a $247 Preparatlon/Payrolls 643-9649/ 228-9616 646-7011 appliances, carpetted. million deficit bailout plan that passed the House of 467 Center 643-5151 Bookkeeping Call Carol at 646-1712 Manchester PAINTING/ between 9 and 5pm. Representatives despite the long-winded objections By Nanev Concelman family units and conversion of Mark P. Momeault ^ A U T O [MISCELLANEOUS PAPERING IMI8CELUNE0U8 T H REE room apartment. FOR SALE of Republicans. Manchester Herald existing single-family homes into EN ERG ET IC Individual 280-4573 I SERVICES SERVICES Convenient location. The bailout bill, calling for $95.4 million in higher multi-family units. Planning Di­ needed part time for Real Estate Lease and security taxes or accelerated tax collections, passed late The owners of the Cheney Great rector Mark Pellegrini said today busy medical practice. deposit. $495 per Wednesday night by an 81-to-65 vote, with all 60 INCOilAETAX GCF PAINTING Screened loam, gravel, TIERINNrS E N D R O L L S Lawn want to change the zone the town staff had not reviewed Duties Include; filing month. Call 649-4820. Republicans and five Democrats voting against. and retrieving medical PREPARATION Painting, Staining, Home Automotlva Enginsaring. Inc. 27'/>" width 25(C from Residence AA to Historic the proposed amendment. Repair. Large Jobs, Small processed gravel, IMMACULATE. Plea­ records, assist prepar­ ■hom es In Your Homs 276 Hartford Rd.. Manchsatsr ?. The package calls for higher taxes on businesses and have proposed a zoning The architecture, color and Jobs, Done with Care. sand, atone, and fill for sant, quiet, tour room 13" width — for 25rao projected increase of 400 to 600 overall .school budget, but the “ If the job isn’t necessary now. said, would be a “ place for The $40.5 million school budget Attorney John D. LaBelle Jr., A P R IL «, 1989 — SO D DIN G 8, M AN CHESTER $265,900 1450.O______first and last month. No 87 Hyundai QLS •5495 elementary school children school board decides in which we would have layed the person pigeons.” 5-ipd, ElfC Sunroof proposal is not "sacred” and IRRIGATION — MORIARTY RU RAL location In An­ utilities. Adults pre­ within five years. specific areas those cuts are off. We don’t let unnecessary jobs district legal counsel, said Wed­ BASEBALL FIELD, MT. ferred. No pets. Coll 85 Honda CRX *5995 could be reduced by not reopen­ dover but with conve­ 5>ipd, A/C, Sunroof hang around.’ ’ Deakin said. nesday that Sleeves had given N E B O PARK (SPRING 754-7494 or 742-8161. ing Highland Park School or by There is $881,000 in the school made. STREET) nient access to main 85 VVy Q TI *6495 ” I hope they would revisit the Osella also suggested that the him a copy of the petition, but that 8-apd, A/C cutting staff, Republican Direc­ budget proposal for the Highland The Town of Manchester Is BOLTON $149,900 roads. Bring your number of teaching positions," school board start a list of he had not yet determined ISTDRE AND tor Ronald Osella says. Park reopening. TODAY on equal opportunity em­ plans to build or pur­ 345 CENTER ST. possible cuts in case the directors whether it was valid. He said he ployer, and requires an affir­ IDFFICE SPACE Mayor Peter P. DiRosa Jr. Osella said. MOVE RIGHT IN chase this acre lot now MANCHESTER "We’ve come a long way on told Sleeves to submit the petition mative octlon pallcy for all of to build sometime In today called Osella’s statements But DiRosa. a Democrat, said. vote to reduce the education Its Contractors and Vendors Cozy, neat 5 room Ranch situated on huge lot. 3 bed­ that,’’ Deakin said today. Index to Mary Beth Litrlco, the district the future. Lots of trees EAST HARTFORD. New 647-7077 "irresponsible.” Wilson E. Dea- "I think that’s an irresponsible budget. Deakin said the school os a condition of doing busi­ rooms, hardwood flooring, fireplaced living room, gar­ "Y ou ’re going to need that clerk. Sleeves did so. ness with the Town, as per rolling land In a com­ office space In restored kin Jr., assistant superintendent statement at this point and tim e” board has not done that yet since 20 pages, 2 sections age. Beautiful private park-llke yard. Just settle right In. fortable neighbor­ house, spectacular building.” The petition calls on the district Federol Order 11344. inoJAUTDSFOR of schools, said he was upset. He said the statement was it has not received any direction Bid forms, plans and specifi­ SOUGHT AFTER AREA hood. Call for Barbara cathedral celling, “ It will open ... as scheduled,” irresponsible because if arbitrar­ from the town on whether cuts Business. .9 Obituaries. directors to appoint a commis­ cations are available at the Weinberg to show you Burnside Avenue. 3800 lyoiRENT/LEASE Osella said Wednesday, “ If Say Qood-bya to that email houaa. ThIa large home haa a lovely DiRosa said today. ily suggested staff reductions will be necessary. Classified _ 19-20 Opinion______8 sion to revise the district charter General Services' office. t D. F. REALE, INC. the Information that Is square feet with base­ push comes to shove, why should C o m ic s_____ 16 People_____ 15 living room, dining room and ultra modern kitchen with all iha Osella said that if the school without knowledge of whether DiRosa said the school board to provide a pension plan in next TOWN OF MANCHESTER counter apace and cablnata daaired. Faaturaa Include a apa- r K u i m n available and a tour of ment. Can be divided. FREE Mlleoge on low we keep the Board of Education Robert B. Weiss, I7B Mein $L, Manehislw the property. RE/max, Terms negotiable. For cost auto rental. VII budget is reduced by the Board of that would hurl programs. could not withstand a proposed Focus______IS Science____ 18 year’s budget and to report to the General Manager cloua family room with a fireplace, 4 badrooma, 2Vi bathe and a .sacred?” Local/State Sports___ 11-14 electorate within two months 2 car garage. 6464S2S east of the river. 647- Information, call Ruth lage Auto Rental, 643- Deakin and DiRosa said it was Directors, cutting staff is another Deakin, who is in charge of $661,000 reduction in state aid, but 0454)3 1419a FIske, 282-0651. 2979 or 646-7044. ______2-5.10 Television___17 too late to consider the cost­ option that should be considered. per.sonnel. said all vacant posi­ See EDUCATION, page 10 NatlonAMorld j B-7 Weather______2 See PENSIONS, page 10 cutting suggestion that Highland That could be accomplished by tions would have to be filled. Out MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Mar. 23, 1989 - 3 2 - MANCHESTER HERALD Thursday, Mar. 23 1989 RECORD LOCAL & STATE Shelter budget About Town Adopt a pet: Carmen featured Public Records $70,000 asked Development boom in town falls far short, Library hosts kite day Warranty deeds By Barbara Richmond week’s featured pet of Aid to for manager Booth and Dimock Library and St . Mary’s Church Manchester Herald Helpless Animals Inc. Kelly MultiTech New England Inc. to Irene M. King, prompts request for staff will co-sponsor a Kite Day Saturday, April 1, from 1 was born early this month and Oak Grove Farms Condominium, $122,900. MACC reports to 3 p.m. at St, Mary's Church in Coventry. All ages Carmen, a cute little Chihua­ when her picture was taken by Harold J. and Jeanette M. Orfitelli. five parcels. By Nancy Concelman By Nancy Concelman for erosion control and treatment Peter P. DiRo.sa Jr. said today. South Main Street area, conveyance tax. $376.20. are welcome to bring their kites, Prizes will be given hua, is this week's featured pet volunteer. Chris Yustinich, she By Andrew J. Davis Manchester Herald Manchester Herald of wetlands, he said. The mall is scheduled to open and refreshments will be served. The rain dale will at the dog pound. In fact, she was very content to curl up in a Malcolm Barlow, conservator for the estate of “It’s difficult (for him) to be next spring. Dorothy L. Johnson to Thomas E. Landers Jr. and Manchester Herald A be Saturday. April 8 from I to 3 p.m. was the only dog at the pound, big blanket. The town manager’s recommended budget Employees in the Engineering able to carry out his responsibili­ “There’s on ongoing demand Ellen B. Landers. East Center Street, $128,900. for inspection at the mall site.” he as of Tuesday. Carmen is 2 or 3 Kelly is one of quite a few The 1989-90 budget proposed by Town Manager for 1989-90 includes $70,000 for the new town and Building Inspection divisions ties,” Belval said Weight room hours posted years old and was found roam­ kittens the organization has. Eric M. and Melinda A. Elman to Richard L. manager’s salary, but Mayor Peter P. DiRosa who are struggling to keep up Planning Director Mark Pelle­ said. Highter and Diana 0. Beaulieu, 17 Ardmore Road, Robert B. Weiss for the Samaritan Shelter run by The Engineering Division had ing on Pioneer Circle on March Anyone interested in adopting the Manchester Area Conference of Churches will Jr. said today that may change. with Manchester’s rapid develop­ grini agreed that the extra The Manchester Park and Recreation Depart­ 18. one, when they are ready to $140,000. “That number is purely speculative,” he ment will get some relief if Town position is needed because of the requested $.571,497 for 1989-90 and ment announces that effective March 27 through Loretta R. and George A. Sfiridis to Robert G. not go far in reducing the shelter’s $50,000 deficit, Weiss recommended $556,966. She has a sweet disposition leave, can call and reserve one. said Nancy Carr, MACC executive director. said. Manager Robert B. Weiss’s 1989- increasing number and size of May 26, the hours of the Fitness-Weight Room at the and is a quiet little dog that The group also has a number of Helme and Elizabeth F. Ratjaski, Oak Forest The figure is the result of discussions by the 90 budget recommendations for projects and the complexity of Also included in the recommen­ YWCA. 78 North Main St . will be4 to9 p.m. Monday Condominium, $120,000. Weiss has proposed to the Board of Directors that dation is $4,000 for a consulting loves attention. She would be an bigger cats in need of good the town increase its contribution to the shelter and manager search committee, which has been those divisions are approved. each application. through Friday. A recreation or “Y” card is excellent house pet. homes. Linda A. Levasseur, Leo G. Sirois and Yvette S. looking for a replacement for Town Manager Weiss has included funds for “It’sa very demanding job. “ he engineer who will update the required to use the room. Parent to Kenneth J. and Laurie P. Meek, soup kitchen from $16,000 to $17,886. town’s public-improvement spec­ Gidget, the loveable female All of the cats put up for But MACC had requested a $50,000 contribution Robert B. Weiss since October. Weiss plans to two new employees in the Build­ said. terrier, featured last week, was artontion are neutered or Clairmont. $115,000. retire*June 30. ing Inspection and Engineering The Planning and Zoning Com­ ifications. The town staff has Claude and Louise J. LaRose to Wah Lung Wong, from the town to make up the deficit, Carr said. The tried to update the standards but MARC meeting siated claimed by her owner. spayed and given their shots, if shelter also receives state and federal money to help After several discussions, members of the divisions in his recommended mission made 22 percent more The dog pound is located on old enough when taken. They Twin Oaks Manor, conveyance tax, $238.70. committee agreed that the salary should be budget to relieve the burden of the decisions last year than in 1987. other projects have kept the Derekseth Corp. to Annalisa and Stafano cover its $204,000 budget, she said. division busy. Weiss said in his The MARC Education Committee will be held town property off Olcott Street also are usually tested for feline The town directors are to vote on Weiss’s $73 $68,000 to $70,000 to attract candidates who development boom. Pellegrini said. Approvals often Wednesday at 7 p.m. in the MARC auditorium. 57 near the landfill area. Dog leukemia. Macchiarella, McKee Place, $160,900. Weiss approved the Building have a variety of requirements recommendation Fairkey Associates to Tavco Associates, several million spending plan in May. meet the town’s requirements. Hollister St. Richard Cormier, director of Pupil Warden Richard Rand is at the To adopt a cat call any of the Members of the Board of Directors have said Division’s request for $28,106 for attached to them for parking, Wei.ss also recommended $4,080 parcels on Meadowbrook Drive, $4,589.20, convey­ “Clearly that’s not going to be sufficient money to to pay an engineering student to Personnel-Special Education, will present the plan pound weekdays from noon to 1 following numbers, which are continue staffing the shelter,” Carr said. “I’m $70,000 is probably the minimum the town the salary of a full-time assistant landscaping and other details, he of action for integrated education in Manchester. p.m. There is also someone at in the homes of volunteers: ance tax. zoning enforcement officer, who said. help with design of the Tolland Carmen Blanchard and Rosetto Construction Inc. to surprised the recommendation was so little. I should offer. Turnpike reconstruction project the pound from 6 to 9 p.m., 242-2156; 232-8317; or 623-0489. understand the town is up against it. Aren’t we all?” The town is seeking people with a master’s would “relieve the zoning en­ “There are an awful lot of Monday through Friday. and the new owner must have Rosemarie E. Koch, Rosetto Drive, $159,900. forcement officer of some of the site-specific requirements.” Pel­ in the summer while employees Sign up for “Y” ciasses □ □ □ Theodore M. and Theresa P. KasektoPaulE.and Last year, Carr predicted a $50,000 deficit in the degree in public administration and a are on vacation. The extra help The phone number at the the dog licensed. Before being shelter’s $185,000 budget. MACC was able to survive minimum of 10 years’ experience at the senior overwhelming duties that have legrini said. pound is 643-6642. Those wish­ licensed the dog must have its The Glastonbury unit of Pro­ Cheryl A. Kasek, Hilliard Estates, $95,900. evolved with greater workload Projects under construction will allow the division to keep the The YWCA. Nutmeg Branch has begun registra- Leo R. and Mary Lou Kallinger to Ozro H. and without asking the town for more money by being management level in a town close to project on schedule. Weiss said. toin for its spring classes. Adult fitness. Yoga. ing to get in touch with the dog rabies shot. tectors of Animals is also understaffed most of the year, she said. Manchester’s size. and more complex zoning regula- include the 115-acre Pavilions at warden can also call the police seeking good homes for the Joan E. Hunt, 38 Morse Road, $143,500. tions,” Weiss said in his Buckland Hills and surrounding The Building Inspection Div­ Youth Crafts. Gymnastics, Preschool programs are □ □ □ Charles L. Saunders, executor for the estate of This year, though, the shelter is fully staffed, Carr Weiss earns $68,000. but he would be making development and conversion of ision’s budget recommendation just a few of the programs being offered. For a free department, 646-4555, if there is dogs and cats its members are said. The shelter has four full-time employees and $72,000 if a $4,000 proposed salary hike had been recommendation. no answer at the pound. Kelly, a tiny black and white boarding. To adopt a pet, or for Lucy M. Saunders to John A. and Maria A. The Building Inspection Div­ the former Cheney Bros, mills includes $20,116 for contractual catalog, and more information, call the YWCA. DeBartlo, 120 Branford St., conveyance tax, $126.50. two part-time workers, she said. included in the current budget. The directors services. $4,940 for equipment 647-1437. There is a $5 fee to adopt a dog newborn female kitten is this more information call, 633-2164. ision requested a total of $454,230 into apartments and stores. Beverly M. Sidway to Mario D. Thivierge and “It’s (being understaffed) a terrible way to keep a rejected the salary hike last May because of for 1989-90. Weiss recommended “The size of the projects is very and $49,411 for a chief building Swim iessons pianned Virginia M. Russell. Hilliard Estates. $139,500. program going.” she said. “I don’t know what we’ll Weiss’s role in the troubled 1987 revaluation, $441,168 for the division in his $73 large in many cases,” Pellegrini inspector at the mall site. William G. Carney to Somphong and Vikham do,” which was eventually set aside. million town budget. said. The town appropriated $46..541 The Manchester Parks and Recreation Depart- ^ ^ Senthep, Orford Village, $123,500. Despite the deficit, closing the shelter is not an DiRosa has said members of the search Chief Building Inspector Leo Weiss also included $28,518 for for the inspector this year. The ment will hold a final swim lesson class for children M a if S o ia MultiTech New England Inc. to Vici J. Amoroso, option, Carr said. She said MACC will go back to the committee, composed of directors and two Belval said today the zoning the salary of a construction position is paid for by unantici­ under 52” tall at the Instrutors of Handicapped Pool Frank R. Amoroso and Blanche E. Amoroso, town for more money, if necessary. former mayors, and the Board of Directors enforcement officer’s duties in­ inspector for the Buckland mall pated revenue from building- at Manchester High School beginning Tuesday and Stoneybrook Condominium. $140,640. If MACC is unable to raise more money, Carr would meet tonight behind closed doors to clude reviewing development and site in the Engineering Division inspection fees for construction at Thursday nights for five weeks. The classes will run estimated the shelter would run out of funds in 10 review 13 or 14 applications from the most building permit applications, in­ budget, but that cost will be fully the mall and surrounding area. form 6 to 6:30 p.m. and 6:30 to7p.m. The pool will be Boyd Barksdale ford. Burial will be in Veteran’s after moving to that state in 1961. Quitclaim deeds months. promising candidates and narrow the list to vestigating complaints and moni­ reimbursed by the Homart Devel­ Permits for mall-area con­ closed during school vacation, April 17 through 21. Memorial Field, Hillside Ceme­ During World War II, he served five or six people. toring construction and renova­ opment Co. of Chicago, the mall struction are expected to gener­ Classes will end Thursday. May 4. Registrtion will Boyd “Jim ” Barksdale, 66, of tery, East Hartford. Calling in the U.S. Army as a military David Ruff to Sandra Ruff. Woodland Manor Hanna Marcus, town human services director, The directors may begin interviewing people ate $135,000 in 1989-90, in addition Condominium, conveyance tax, $13.20. tion projects. developer. be taken the first night of class, March 28. The fee is East Hartford, father of Pamela hours are today from 5 to 9 p.m. policeman. said the town would try to help MACC during a next week. DiRosa has said he hopes to hire a The enforcement officer checks The position was included at the to $495,000 from regular permits. $4 plus a recreation membership card. For more B. Hatem of Andover, died Memorial donations may be He is survived by his wife, Leo V. Diana to Thutam Le. Ridgefield crisis. “Their budget is goingtobe under a crunch.” The cost of mall inspection is Condominium, no conveyance tax. new manager by April. for compliance with zoning regu­ mall developer’s request to keep information, please call the recreation office, Tuesday (March 21, 1989) at St. made to the Fidelco Guide Dog Marion (Reid) Roberts of Fil­ she said. Weiss’s recommended budget for the gen­ lations. including requirements up the pace of the project. Mayor estimated at $72,.500 in 1989-90. 647-3084. Francis Hospital and Medical Foundation, 1332 Blue Hills Ave., lmore; three sons, Raymond G. The shelter allocation is only one part of the eral manager is $242,614, $38,053 higher than Center, Hartford. Bloomfield 06002, or to the Con­ Roberts of Cocoa Beach, Fla., human services budget proposed by Weiss. If the current budget. The figure includes the Learn to handle stress Besides his daughter, he is necticut Traumatic Brain Injury Emmett Roberts Jr. of Salt Lake approved, the human services budget would salaries of Assistant Town Manager Steven R. survived by his wife, Brady Scout News Manchester Memorial Hospital will sponsor a Association, 1800 Silas Deane City, Utah, and Robert Roberts of increase from $1,601,880 to $1,721,519. Werbner; Robert Huestis, budget and research (Medugno) Giudice Barksdale of Highway, Suite 224, Rocky Hill Fillmore; and six grandchildren. officer; a budget analyst; and secretaries. six-session course called “Personal Stress Manage­ East Hartford: six sons, Boyd R. 06067. Other recommended increases include an in­ ment Skills.” beginning Wednesday. April 5. from 7 crease from $58,476 to $61,985 for the Community Weiss’s request also includes $18,275, 75 Barksdale of Atlanta, Ga.. Nicho­ Cub Scout Pack 144 percent of the salary for a secretary who now to 9 p.m. The course will teach new ways of las A. Giudice of Danbury, Henrietta Dupre Child Guidance Clinic: an increase from $40,951 to managing stress. Program cost is $75. For more Emmett Roberts works for the Board of Directors. Richard A. Giudice of East Lyme, Henrietta (Russell) Dupre, 84, On Ma rch 17, Cub Scout Pack 144 of Keeney Street $44,293 for New Hope Manor-Crossroads; and an information, and to register. , call Manchester Paul E. Giudice of Colchester, School held its annual Pinewood Derby. Small increase from $100,195 to $104.20^ for Visiting Nurse The move of the Board of Directors secretary Memorial’s Community Health Education Depart­ Emmett Thomas Roberts, 72, of Colchester, fomerly of Boston is necessary to handle an increased workload Robert J. Giudice of East Hart­ of Bardsdale, Calif., a former Hill Road, Andover, widow of pinewood cars were built by the scouts and raced on & Home Care of Manchester Inc. The visiting nurses ment, 643-1223 or 647-6600. ford, and Steven L. Giudice of a 25-foot track. also received a $15,750 appropriation in October, at the town manager’s office, Weiss said in his police officer in Manchester, died Irving J. Dupre, died Wednesday recommendation. OPEN EASTER-SUN 8-6 York, Maine: two other daugh­ Feb. 19 at the Fillmore Convales­ The results of the race in each division are: said John Post, an analyst for the town Human Catch the biggest fish (March 22, 1989) at the Norwich SAVE * 2 “ E 60C ters. Joanne Rutherford of York, cent Center, Fillmore. Calif. Backus Hospital. ■ Tiger Cubs: Chris Georgiades, Patrick Sulli­ Services Department. The Manchester Coon and Fox Club will be Maine, and Brady A. Giudice of He was born Nov. 8. 1916 in The funeral will be Friday at 2 van. Chris Heneghan. East Hartford: and eight Hartford. He was a construction ■ Wolf: Jason Reid. Sean MeSweegan. Brian A U NATURAL holding its annual Trout Fishing Derby at the club p.m. at the Holmes Funeral %uwiLEfiC,Stev£;L INGREDIENTS pond Saturday. April 1 from 10 a.m. to4 p.m. Cash grandchildren. worker and police officer in Home, 400 Main St. Burial will be McCaffrey. CPEC boss to be U.S. envoy to Vatican prizes and trophies will be awarded for the largest The funeral will be Friday at 10 Manchester for many years. He in Lynwood Cemetery, Colches­ ■ Bears: Adam Bycholski, Brian Rio, Andy ^ C A N D I E S * Mursko. WASHINGTON (AP) - Tho­ However, they would not offi­ pointed,” U.S. Rep. Chris Shays. SOLID trout caught. There is no limit nor is a fishing license a m. at the Callahan Funeral also worked as a maintenance ter. Calling hours are Friday CHOCOLATE Home, 1602 Main St.. East Hart­ manager in Camarillo, Calif., ■ Webelos: Christopher Nash, Joey Salerno, mas P. Melady, the president of cially acknowledge the appoint­ R-Conn., said on Wednesday. • CHOCOLATE EGGS • BUNNIES • required. The cost is $10 for adults. $5 for children from noon to 2 p.m. Shays said he was unable to get RABBIT under 16 years of age. The club is located on North Anthony Salerno. the Connecticut Public Expendi­ ment of the 62-year-old Fairfield • MARSHMALLOW EGGS • River Road. Coventry, off Route 44A. ture Council and former presi­ resident. official White House confirma­ dent of Sacred Heart University, Melady, council president for tion of Melady’s appointment, FULL 12oz. Booster dance scheduled Public Meetings is expected to be named U.S. two years, did not return calls “but I can’t think of a better one. Births Ambassador to the Vatican, seeking comment. It’s a very coveted post and if in $ 1 9 9 The Bolton Booster Club is sponsoring its second sources said. “We and others have been fact he has the assignment, it’s a White House sources said Wed­ assisting with (Melady) getting a real credit to him.’’ annual Booster Club Dance. Saturday. May 6. from Meetings scheduled tonight. 8 p.m. to 1 a.m. at St. Bernard Church in Rockville. Quinlan. Allison Frances, daughter of Neil F. and Albert, Jessica Lynn, daughter of Russell E. and nesday that Bush would select high appointment in Education or Melady, born in Norwich, was Phyllis O’Connell Quinlan of 24 Herbert Drive. Nancy Tyler Albert of 23 John Hand Drive. Melady, a former ambassador to the State Department and felt president of Sacred Heart in 2 nMUU JELLY BIRD it ox. Music will be by Steve Zavarelli. Tickets are $15 per EGGS R«g. *1» couple. B.Y.O.B. For tickets or information, call Coventry, was born March 12 at Manchester Coventry was born March 9 at Manchester Manchester Uganda and Burundi, for the post. fairly sure he would be ap- Bridgeport from 1976 to 1986. beq.»3*' Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Memorial Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are EASTER Becky Grose. 649-9566. Cheney Hall Building subcommittee, Municpal S A V E *3°° SAVE Herbert O’Connell of Simsbury and the late Louise John and Grace Medeiros of Pawtucket, R.I. Her Building coffee room, 7 p.m. O’Connell. Her paternal grandparents are Ed and paternal grandparents are Alvin J. and Evelyn BASKETS sgoo Attend pancake breakfast Barbara Quinlan of Fairfield. She has two brothers. Albert. She has a brother. Christopher James, 19 FULL WITH Neil. 7. and Kevin. 2: and a si.ster. Mary. 5. months: and a sister. Stephanie Shannon. 3. Coventry • CANDY EGGS UNICO of Manchester is sponsoring a pancake Stockwell, Scott Nilsson, son of Bruce and Shattuck, David Richard, son of Charles A. Economic Development Commission, Town Of-' • RABBITS breakfast Sunday, April 2 at the Knights of Lorraine Roberts Stockwell of 275 Parker St., was Shattuck Jr, and Lea Gagnon Shattuck of Rowe. fice Building, 8 p.m. • TOYS Columbus Lodge. 138 Main St. from 8a.m. to 1 p.m. born March 12 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Mass., was born March 7 at Manchester Memorial • STUFFED CUDDLY The cost will be $2 for children. $3 for seniors, and $4 BUNNIES ami for adults. Tickets are available at the door or by His maternal grandparents are Douglas and Hospital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and • Q U AU n . - ; . calling A1 Kargl. 646-4051 or Nick DiPietro, 646-6467. Jacqueline Roberts Jr.. Old Lyme. His paternal Mrs. L.W. Gagnon, 198 Parker St. His paternal CNOCOUTES by grandparents are John and Nancy Stockwell. grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Shattuck Thoughts BUSSEU STOVEB La Leche League to meet Center Sandwich. N.H. He has a brother Robert. of East Hartford. He has five brothers, Charles III, 5‘/>: and a sister. Jill. 3'/i. 16: Joseph. 15; Andrew, 13; John-Paul, 6; and Today is Maundy Thursday of Holy Week. On this > C D so f $ 3 9 9 The Manchester Evening La Leche I^eague will LaBrec, Sarah Anne, daughter of Gary and Michael. 3; and the late Peter; and six sisters. day Jesus contrasted God’s idea of leadership with;'< meet Wednesday, April 5 at 24 Locust St., South Barbara Flannery LaBrec of 337 Oakland St., was Bernadette. 19; Michelle, 18; Theresa, 14; Anne our idea of leadership. His disciples had recently;^ $ 1 2 * 9 5 Windsor, at 7:30 p.m. The topic of the meeting is born March 9 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Marie. 11; Janice, 10; and Maryrose. 4. fought over who was to get the biggest office with the * "Nutrition and Weaning.” All mothers to be. Her maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pellerin, Chantel Lyn, daughter of Daniel S. and best view (at least that might be today’s nUED EASTER BASKETS mothers, grandmothers, babies and toddlers are Flannery of Springfield. Mass. Her paternal Lisa St. Pierre Pellerin of Vernon, was born March equivalent), Jesus, their leader, began to wash their INFUTABLE 5 FOOT WITH NANO PUPPETS welcome at the meeting. For more information, BOSLEY BUNNY Each basket filled with hand grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Paul LaBrec. 5 11 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her maternal feet. The disciples saw the Last Supper as a “power - Durabla, non toxic, 8 puppet, treat!, and Eaatar cut directions or breastfeeding questions, call Barbara, Hawthorne St. She has a brother. Nicholas. 2. grandparents are Robert and Arlene St. Pierre of 75 lunch,” but Jesus’ idea of leadership power was gauge vinyl outr 646-8171, Carol, 644-4109, or Kathy. 646-7277, Trudon, Taylor E., daughter of Theodore C. Essex St. Her paternal grandparent is Herve very different. In word and in deed he let us know^ the week $ 3 9 9 $ 7 9 9 Trudon III and Kri.stin Begin Trudon of 74 Summit Pellerin. Ellington. that a real leader is a servant. I don’t know if such an ^ REG. •«" REG. *15** St., was born March 9 at Manchester Memorial Steele, Christopher James, son of Richard and idea has any chance in the business world but the^' S A V E »4°° to *6°° Holiday Closings Hospital. Her maternal grandparents are Guy and Christine Webster-Steele of218ParkerSt., was born servant leader is just as rare in the home or the Our One Year Certificate of Deposit Barbara Begin of Niantic. Her paternal grandpar­ March 14 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. His church. Have you ever asked yourself what is'* ents are Theodore Trudon Jr. and Dorothy P. maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Reigh today’s equivalent of foot washing? What are the ! m m im Friday is Good Friday, a state holiday. Trudon of 20 Summit St. She has a brother. Webster. Chicago, 111. His paternal grandparents practical menial tasks of our day and age? They ^ Municipal and state offices: All arc closed Alexander Guy. 1. \ are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Steele East Hartford. He could also include high profile but very risky jobs ^ " PLUSH Friday. Federal offices are open. Peterson, Erica Anne, daughter of Robert T. and has a brother, Alex, 2‘/i. 9.75% 10.20% Lop-eared furry friends that everyone likes to be part of when they succeed annual interest rate effective annual yield to hop their way into Post offices: Will be open. There will be delivery. Donna Mageau Peterson of 152 French Road. Hildebrand, Chanel CrystI, daughter of John and but few want to take the risk of initiating. A ,; your child 5 heart in Libraries: The Andover Public Library will be Bolton, was born March 9 at Manchester Memorial Deidre Hildebrand Harris, 64 Regent St., was born Christ-like leader will stick his neck out for the This is an annual rate, subject to change at renewal. Interest is assorted colors open. In Manche.ster. the Mary Cheney and Whifon Hospital. Her maternal grandmother is Irene P. March 10 at Manchester Memorial Hospital. Her mundane or the risky if it will help lead people to . compounded monthly from day of deposit. FDIC regulations allow Memorial libraries will be clo,sed. The Booth & Struff of Deerfield Beach. Fla. Her paternal maternal grandparents are Frances Hildebrand. follow God’s will. you to withdraw the principal from a time savings account Dimock Library in Coventry will be closed Friday grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Manchester, and David A. Hildebrand Sr., New Port before maturity but with substantial penalty. $ 4 9 9 and Saturday. Pefterson. 400 We.st St.. Bolton. She has a brother. Richie. Fla. His paternal grandmother is Willene Capt. Gary Asperschlager -Z- MAKE YOUR OWN Andrew Robert. 3. Banks, East Hartford. 1 Retailers: Most will be open Friday. The Salvation Army Schools: All will be clo.sed Friday. BASKETS AND SAVE TO Banks: All will be closed Friday. Our 91 Day Certificate of Deposit Liquor: Package stores will be open Friday. EMPTY BASKETS ...... f r o m *3^^ Department of Motor Vehicles: Offices and Weather iJIanrhpatpr Hpralii emissions testing stations are closed Friday and GRASS ...... 59 c *9®® ' a ll on SALE Monday. The Danbury emissions testing station USPS 327-500 CELLOPHANE WRAP ...... 59

B»g SAVE »2« High 45 to ,50. Chance of rain 80 Manchester Publishing Co„ tS Bralnard Place, Manchester, more. Do it tod;iy. USP(9^ percent. Conn. 08040. Second class postage paid at Manchester. Conn. Lottery Postmaster; Send address changes to the Manchester Herald, AMERICA'S West Coastal, East Coastal: P.O. Box SQ1. Mancheater. Conn. 08040. REG. »12*> #1 ANTACID Cloudy tonight. A 60 percent If you don't receive your Herald by S p.m. weekdays or 7.-30 a.m. Saturdays, please telephone your carrier. If you're unable Maaioi* 1602 Winning numbers drawn Wednesday in lotteries chance of drizzle or rain. Low in -GREAT SELECTION- Bonus Pack the mid 30s. East wind 10 to 15 to reach your carrier, call subscriber service at 847-9046 by 6 INSULIN Special- around New England. p.m. weekdays for delivery In Manchester. • Quartz Electric • 1 yr. guarantee FREEI Connecticut daily: 513. Play Four: 0493. mph. Periods of rain Friday. Suggested carrier ratea are $1.80 weekly. 17.70 for one Where your friends are. by Massachusetts daily: 3583. Megabucks: 2-14-19- High 40 to 45. Chance of rain 90 month. $23.10 for three months, $48.20 for six months aitd • Automatic Wind • Shockproof percent. $92.40 tor one year. Oinceii in Manchchier, Bail Hutfurd. Boltun, 23-29-35. The Manchester Herald Is a member of the Assoclalad Press, Andover, South Windtur, Eatl WindMir, Ashford, • Water Proof • Divers Squibb Tri-state daily: 921, 0536. Northwest Hills: Increasing the Audit Bureau of Circulations, the New England Praes Eistford. Mansfield,Tolland,Glastonbury and Today's picture was drawn by Meredith Walsh, 9, a Association and the New England Newspaper Association. Vernon. Phonc6^-17lX)or^ieLlnc,6^*802U. • Sports • Nurses Limit 2 REG. »4*» Rhode Island daily: 1197. Grand Lottery: 959, cloudiness tonight. Low in the20s. Member FDIC. Equal Housing Lender. Umtt2 1670, 35617, 629603. Light southeast wind. fourth-grader at Washington School. 4 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Mar. 23. 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD Thursday, Mar. 23, 1989 - 5 Senate vote kills Defense rests in Wells Fargo trial LOCAL HARTFORD (AP) - The de­ fense attorney for a Puerto Rican nationalist accused of master­ Meotti’s plan for minding the $7.1 million Wells Defense aicfe: Trial is ‘exciting’ & S T A T E Fargo robbery concedes that his HARTFORD (AP) - Sitting quiptly at the Torresola, opened fire on Blair House, where client knew beforehand about the Truman was staying while the White House was CBIA plans program 1983 robbery, received the loot defen.se table during the Wells Fargo robbery after the crime and helped the trial is a young woman whose presence provides being renovated. Students interested in attending the Interstate banking a vivid reminder of the long, sometimes violent Truman was not injured, but Collazo’s Connecticut Business and Industry Associ­ robber escape. struggle for Puerto Rican independence. companion and a White House policeman were ation's Business Week '89 program from HARTFORD (AP) - After will also designate up to three But Leonard Weinglass told Her grandfather, Oscar Collazo Lopez, was killed. July 16 to July 21 must apply by March 31. withdrawing an amendment that animal welfare coordinators who jurors during closing arguments, convicted of trying to assassinate President Collazo was sentenced to die in the electric The program is open to students who will would have permitted full inter­ will be able to take complaints in U.S. District Court Wednesday Harry S. Truman nearly 40 years ago in a crime chair, but Truman commuted his sentence to life state banking next year, the state and help coordinate the response. that the government failed to have completed their sophomore or junior offer any physical evidence or carried out in the name of Puerto Rican in prison in 1952. A The Senate also amended, and years by July 1. Students must submit an Senate voted to study a proposal testimony to prove that his client. independence. President Carter granted Collazo clemency in application and essay on why they want to to allow nationwide interstate thus sent to a conference commit­ "It’s more like a personal interest, since I grew 1979 along with three other Puerto Rican attend the program to their principals by banking in Connecticut. tee, a bill requiring employers to Juan Segarra Palmer, was re­ up in the independence movement.” Loarina nationalists convicted in a 1954 shooting attack on March 31. Students must also be nominated “There was just not enough offer 30-minute meal breaks for sponsible for the robbery itself, as DeJesus Collazo. 23, said Wednesday during a the U.S. House of Representatives. Five by their schools. support,” said Sen. Michael P. anyone working 7‘/i or more charged. break in closing arguments in the Wells Fargo congressmen were wounded in the attack. The program will be held at Connecticut Meotti, D-Glastonbury, after the hours consecutively. “He knew what was going to trial. “It’s history and politically speaking, it’s Collazo, now 75, was freed from federal prison occur. He wanted the robbery to at Leavenworth. Kan., and is now living with his College in New London. 32-3 vote Wednesday. The House and Senate couldn’t succeed, but he was not there and pretty exciting.” Meotti, one of the amendment’s agree on provisions regarding The government claims that the $7.1 million daughter in Vega Baja. Puerto Rico. the government has not proven he “Surely I am proud of her,” Collazo said of his three sponsors, said he doubted workers covered by union con­ took steps to help it succeed,” Wells Fargo robbery was carried out by Los Kennelly names aide another attempt would be made tracts. and a compromise will be Weinglass said. Macheteros. a violent Puerto Rican independ­ granddaughter in a telephone interview from to get full interstate banking this sought by the conference Segarra and four other men ence group, to finance its revolutionary Puerto Rico. U.S. Rep. Barbara B. Kennelly, D-Conn.. session. committee. have been on trial since Oct. 11. activities. “There is no similarity except ... for the fact recently hired Wendy Benjaminson as her Also Wednesday, the Senate 1988, on charges stemming from DeJesus put her life on hold and volunteered to that we are fighting for the same cause,” he said press secretary. passed a bill that would require In the House Wednesday, a bill come to Hartford in May to work as an of the two cases. “I was (involved) in a violent designating Aug. 14 of each year the robbery. Segarra faces 150 action. This case is more a political action than Benjaminson had worked for United out-of-state mail-order compan­ years in prison if convicted on all interpreter and legal aide to the attorney Press International covering Capitol Hill ies to collect sales taxes on most the day to commemorate the end representing Carlos M. Ayes Suarez, who is violent action.” of World War II was unanimously 16 counts against him. He declined to discuss the attempt on before joining Kennelly’s staff. She was Patrick Flynn/Manchaatar Harald purchases by Connecticut resi­ Weinglass spent much of his accused of using $20,000 from the 1983 robbery to also an editor for UPI on the Washington- dents. The state Department of approved. finance a toy giveaway in Hartford as a Truman’s life. He said after his arrest that it was EASTER BASKETS — Kerry Tedford, left, secretary of the llling Junior The Senate vote on the mail­ four-hour summation attacking part of a plan to shock Americans into turning politics desk and covered the District of Revenue Services has estimated the testimony of two key govern­ Macheteros publicity stunt. Columbia for UPI’s local report. High School Student Council, prepares Easter baskets along with Erin that the measure could raise order sales tax bill was 25-10, Her grandfather was 36 years old on Nov. 1, attention to conditions on the island. divided roughly along party lines. ment witnesses: a friend of “That belongs to hi.story,” Collazo said. Before joining UPI, she worked for The Green, president; Leslee DuPont, vice president; Angel Foster, treasurer; more than $10 million a year. Segarra’s with a long criminal 1950. when he and another nationali.st. Griselio Washington Times. and Betty Lou Nordeen, adviser. They were making the baskets Under a law that took effect in Sen. William A. DiBella, D- record for shoplifting who 1983, interstate bankinjg is now Wednesday for the Elderly Outreach program. Hartford, said out-of-state mail claimed Segarra recruited him to dropping charges against her, he to. Gerena overpowered two with about $20,000 of the stolen permitted in Connecticut only order companies have an unfair PATRIOTIC CAREER — Sgt. Walter A. Von Hone participate in an aborted robbery said. co-workers on Sept. 12, 1983, then money. among banks based in New advantage over Connecticut com­ fled in a car stuffed with a half ton Defendants Roberto Jose Mal­ RHAM pupils compete England. conducts an inspection whiie serving with the U.S. Coast attempt two weeks before the “One witness bought, one wit­ panies because they don’t collect Guard Reserve. The former Manchester resident retired heist and Segarra’s former lover, ness intimidated,” Weinglass of loot from the nation’s second- donado Rivera, 52. and Antonio HEBRON - Three RHAM High School Sen. Steven C. Casey, D- the state’s 7.5 percent sales and largest cash heist Camacho Negron. 43, are attempt to curb a growing crack problem, Bristol, co-chairman of the Banks March 3. who te.stified that Segarra told said. “Take tho.se two witnesses students recently competed in the All-New police said. Fishing area to reopen use tax. her he helped plan the robbery. out of the puzzle and all the pieces Gerena has never been cap­ charged with transporting the England Music Festival in Waterford. Committee, said the so-called During the undercover operation, a STAMFORD (AP) — Stamford’s largest The law currently says taxes Weinglass noted that Kenneth crumble. ... tured and is believed to have fled stolen money. Norman Ramirez The music festival concert was held on “New England experiment” has to Cuba with some of the loot. Talavera. 33. and Carlos M. Ayes Waterbury police officer bought crack, a non-commercial shellfishing area closed been “a wonderful success and are owed to the state on merchan­ Cox. who gave Segarra a part- “Pretty desperate. Would the March 18. Only 120 of 312 students were highly addictive form of cocaine, from time job as a street vendor .selling government of the United States Nine other defendants are to be Suarez, 30, are charged with chosen for the festival. for more than five years due to pollution now it’s time to turn our sights to dise bought through the mail for street sellers, officials said at a press likely will be reopened this summer, use in Connecticut, but the burden Former resident flowers in Bo.ston. admitted he stoop to that if they had a case tried later and two. including using some of it to buy toys for the Anne Fleischhauer played piccolo in the the future.” Segarra’s wife, have pleaded giveaway. All four are also conference Wednesday morning. officials say. The Senate also unanimously is on the state to collect them. occasionally lied to police and without it?” he said of Cox’s All-New England Band. Dawn Loftus, “Spring Break” was thethirdmajordrug that he received money from the testimony. guilty to reduced charges. Only a charged as conspirators after the clarinet, and Shannon Henaghan, oboe, also Levels of coliform, shown in water approved a bill exempting the undercover operation in the past 18 months. samples taken in recent months from 17 Senate Minority Leader, Regi­ FBI for implicating Segarra. The government contends the small portion of the money has fact. performed in the band. location of shelters for domestic nald J. Smith of New Hartford been recovered. In outlining what he contended Police staged the “Blue Lightning” opera­ testing sites around Westcott Cove, have violence victims from disclosure ‘proud to serve Weinglass akso claimed Anne five defendants are members of tion in the fall of 1987 and another dubbed fallen to acceptable limits established by said he and other Republicans Gassin’s testimony was unrelia­ Los Macheteros, a militant group Segarra. 39. a Harvard gradu­ is the “fatal gap” in the govern­ under state freedom of informa­ ate. is accused of planning and ment’s case, Weinglass told the “Encore” last summer. Both earlier federal environmental officials and en­ tion laws. believe the state should wait for ble because she was a spurned seeking independence for Puerto City to lay off 50 operations concentrated on the South End forced by the state. the courts to decide the constitu­ lover who herself was initially Rico, and that proceeds from the organizing the robbery, helping six men and six women on the Another bill, also approved tionality of a similar law in North country and state’ charged with helping launder robbery were used to finance the Gerena escape, transporting and jury that Segarra helped trans­ BRIDGEPORT (AP) — The city of and included street sales of heroin and "I feel confident it will be open by unanimously in the Senate, is powdered cocaine. Dakota. some of the stolen money. Author­ organization. laundering stolen money, and port some of the stolen money Bridgeport could lay off 50 employees as it summer,” said Ruthann Fulton, chairman designed to make it easier to because Gerena was a friend who begins to address a potential $5.2 million of the Stamford Shellfish Commission. Bv Maureen Leavitt the Navy in 1946, Von Hone went ities intimidated her into testify­ Both sides agree that former organizing a holiday toy givea­ report incidents of animal The U.S. Supreme Court ruled ing again.st Segarra in return for way in Hartford and Puerto Rico needed help. budget gap in the current fiscal year, a city Under a forthcoming agreement with the cruelty. in 1967 that a state couldn’t Manchester Herald to school to learn civil engineer­ Wells Fargo security guard Vic- official says. Connecticut Department of Environmental ing. He later applied that training It also changes the titles of dog impose its use tax on sales to to his work in the military. For 36 The layoffs will begin as soon as Monday Play benefits center Protection, the city could open the cove to wardens and canine control offic­ residents by an out-of-state mail­ Sgt. Walter A. Von Hone served as the city finds itself under increasing amateur fisherman on condition that the ers to animal wardens and 45 years in the U.S. military, but, years. Von Hone worked as an Tickets are available now for the Mark order firm that was not doing in his own words, he’s “not a engineer for the former Hartford Testimony continues in Steiger’s murder triai pressure from the Bridgeport Financial Twain Ma.squers’ May 11 performance of beds be closed temporarily after rainfalls animal control officers and business in the state, defined as of a half-inch or more, when pollution levels super-duper patriot.” Electric Light Co., which became Review Board, a nine-member state “Guys and Dolls.” which will benefit the makes them responsible for ad­ having no office, representative, HARTFORD (AP) - A state faked schizophrenia and fooled cause of its methodology. Zeman suffers from a mental illness and oversight panel, to keep the city’s budget in increase. ministering and enforcing laws Von Hone, 62, lived in Manches­ part of Northeast Utilities. Transitional Living Center of Manchester, property or phone listing in the ter for 30 years until he married in Von Hone enjoyed applying his prosecutor has accused a defense doctors who diagnosed them. She said that Steiger could not fake is insane, balance. a home for teen-agers who can’t live with related to animal cruelty. They state. said that the doctors shaped symptoms of a paranoid- “We’re in negotiations still with some 1958 and moved to Vernon. He work at Northeast Utilities while psychiatrist of using the family Steiger, 26, is one of four people their families. Nathan Hale accredited moved recently to South Dennis, he trained younger personnel as a history of Eric K. Steiger to information about the patients’ schizophrenic. arrested in connection with the department heads,” said David J. Dunn, The show is scheduled for 8 p.m. at the families to fit the diagnosis. “He’s too ill to persist in that the city’s labor negotiator. Mass. combat engineer in the National create a “schizophrenic stew” to July 11, 1987 slayings of Daniel Roberts Theater on the campus of Nathan Hale School has been accredited Von Hone, who served for many Guard. support a defense claim of When Creamer asked Dr. Peter kind of behavior.” Zeman said. Seymour. 25. of Suffield. and He declined Wednesday to identify the Kingswood-Oxford School, West Hartford. by the New England Association of Schools Legislature at a glance insanity in the murder trial. Creamer attacked the basis of positions targeted so far for elimination. years as chairman of the Per­ In 1950, when the Connecticut Zeman, a psychiatrist with the William Price. 26, of Monroe. The donation is $20. Checks should be made and Colleges Inc. manent Memorial Day Commit­ Army National Guard was called Institute of Living, whether he Zeman’s evaluation, saying that out to the Mark Twain Masquers. Donations NEASC is concerned that renewed HARTFORD (AP) — Here are ANIMAL CRUELTY - The State’s Attorney Rosita M. many of Steiger’s statements Steiger, the great-grandson of highlights of action in the state Senate unanimously approved a tee in Manchester, reminisced to duty during the Korean con­ Creamer used the term Wednes­ had done the same with Steiger’s the founder of Steiger depart­ are tax deductible. interest in quality education has been recently on the career he held so flict, Von Honejoined the Connec­ symptoms and family history. might not have been true yet Operation nets arrests Tickets are available through any TLC focused on high schools and at times, House and Senate on Wednesday: bill designed to make it easier to day in Hartford SuperiorCourt as Zeman used them to formulate a ment stores, is charged with two report incidents of animal close to his heart. ticut State Guard. It was acti­ she referred to a study that Zeman said no. counts each of murder, conspi­ WATERBURY (AP) - Twenty-four board member or may be reserved by elementary education is deprived, Samuel DEFICIT BILL - The House “More than anything else, I feel vated so that the state could diagnosis. calling the Youth Services Bureau at cruelty. It also changes the titles questioned the work of some racy to commit murder and people have been arrested and 104 warrants G. Sava. NEASC executive director, said in voted 81-65 to pass a $247 million rather proud to have been able to maintain a certain number of psychiatrists. Zeman testified that several Steiger’s attorney. F. Mac have been issued for sale of drugs in an 647-3494. a letter to Nathan Hale Principal Leo F. deficit reduction plan to close the of dog wardens and canine psychiatrists had disputed the Buckley, is trying to persuade a capital felony, which carries the control officers to animal serve the country and the state,” troops. He served with the state death penalty. undercover operation police are calling The TLC Foundation could raise up to Diana. estimated deficit for the fiscal Van Hone said in a telephone guard in its engineering unit in The study discused people who study Creamer referred to be­ three-judge panel that his client “Operation Spring Break.” officials said. $11,000 from the performance, enough to Sava congratulated Diana and members wardens and animal control year ending June 30. The plan officers and makes them respon­ interview. "The military is some­ the Manchester headquarters Detectives and uniformed officers fanned buy a new van. TLC Executive Director of the school staff and Board of Education calls for $95.4 million in increased thing that’s given me a lot, and until 1964. out across the city earlier this week in an William DiYeso said. on the accreditation. sible for administering and en­ taxes effective April 1, $149 forcing laws related to animal given many other people a lot. I When Von Hone joined the million in budget shuffling, and cruelty. They will also designate feel pretty darn fortunate to do Coast Guard in 1973, he noticed a $2.2 million in spending cuts. It up to three animal welfare what I could.” change in attitude among the now goes to the Senate. coordinators who would be able to His time in the service included younger people joining the mil­ EASTER WINE SALE Committee favors public autopsy reports INTERSTATE BANKING - take complaints and help coordi­ an adventure with the U.S. Navy itary, which he attributed to the The Senate voted 32-3 to study a nate the response. aboard a transport ship during country’s oppsition to involve­ INGLENOOK GALLO BLUSH, CHENIN B L, FR. COLOMBARD KORBEL proposal to allow nationwide World II and concluded with him ment in Vietnam. HARTFORD (AP) — Backers Autopsy disclosure bills have Under the bill now pending, if a ise,” Mitchell W. Pearlman, as a first-class sergeant in the “It was a very serious, trau­ interstate banking in Connecti­ 3 UTERS BRUT of a bill making autopsy reports been around the General Assem­ reporter or someone else sought executive director of the state cut, after three Democrats with­ MEAL BREAKS - The Senate Connecticut Army National matic period for young people public say that eight years after bly for more than five years, access to an autopsy report, the Freedom of Information Com­ amended and thus sent to a Guard. knowing they faced uncertainty ALL TYPES EXTRA DRY the battle started, this is the year drew an amendment that would ROSE spawned by a sensational Nor­ medical examiner’s office would mission, said after the commit­ have permitted full interstate conference committee a bill In between, he managed to and even death,” Von Hone said. ^ 3 . 9 9 the bili will become law. wich case in 1981 in which a black have to notify the family of the tee’s 14-0 vote. "It’s a balancing banking next year. requiring employers to offer serve in the Navy Reserve, the “There seemed to be no winning The bill “looks like it’s going to youth was shot to death by a white request and explain the family's act between the interests of the 30-minute meal breaks for U.S. Coast Guard, and the now- in it.” fly” this year, said Rep. Richard police officer. right to object to disclosure next of kin and the public’s right DOMESTIC VIOLENCE - The anyone working 7'A or more defunct Connecticut State Guard. In recent years. Von Hone has PLUS A Sl.SO Reb. 1.5 LITER D. Tulisano, D-Rocky Hill, co- Proponents this year have tried within 21 days. to know.” Senate unanimously approved a hours consecutively. The House Van Hone retired from the noticed a change in attitude chairman of the Judiciary Com­ to meet the privacy concerns of If the family objects, the person “We have to be sensitive to the bill exempting the location of and Senate couldn’t agree on Connecticut Army National toward the military, for which he mittee, after his committee un- members of a dead person’s seeking the report could then go sensibilities of the individuals shelters for domestic violence provisions regarding workers Guard March 3, on his 62nd credits former President Ronald DOMESTIC ^OUR SFECIAI RiCOMMENDATIONS' FRANCE animousiy approved the proposal family as well as protect the to court asking that it be made CARLO ROSSI (4L) ...... 5.69 who are being traumatized” by victims from disclosure under covered by union contracts, and a birthday. The mandatory retire­ Reagan. He said Reagan helped DULONG ...... 4.99 Wednesday and sent it to the public’s right to access to infor­ public. the death of a loved one, said state freedom of information compromise will be sought by the ment age in the U.S. military is by expanding the military, and CHRISTOFHE $AUV. 8 L 87 Senate. mation in cases of public interest. “It’s much moreofacomprom- Tulisano. laws. conference committee. 60. But Von Hone still felt capable increasing pay and benefits to GALLO (4 L )...... 6.99 CHANTEFLEUR ...... 4.99 of serving and he was granted a military personnel. JACOBS CRI8K Of ARDONNAY 87 .,*8.99 two-year extension. “He gave the military back its GLEN ELLEN TABLES (1.5L) ....5.99 ISTAMCIA CHAiDONNAY 87 -----6.99 LOUIS TETE ...... 5.49 "I said to myself, at such time sense of pride,” Von Hone said. Keep abuse files shut, when I could no longer carry my “He took quite a few occasions to ALMADEN (3L)...... 6.49 CN. STS MICH8US CHARD. 87 ...... 8.99 PAPILLON ...... 4.99 weight, I would seek a dis­ acknowledge the military and make it something to be proud PAUL MASSON (3L) ...... 6.49 INOtCNOOK ORAVION 87 9.99 VALB O N ...... 5.49 DCYS boss tells panel charge,” Von Hone said. “But as nn « fi.it nun long as I could do that, I wanted to of.” AIDERBROOK MUSCAT 87 6.99 RENE JU N O T ...... 5.99 stay a part of it.” Some of Von Hone’s awards and SEBASTIANI TABLE (4L) ...... 6.99 OurEaster&ats Like millions of other young honors include the Army Com­ INGIiNOOK RIESUNG 7,99 DUBOUEF TABLES ...... 5.99 HARTFORD (AP) - The case in Vernon last month in Hop over to men eager to go to bat for the U.S. mendation Medal, the Daughters SEBASTIAN VARKTALS (1.5L) ...... 6.99 state’s confidentiality law should which a woman and her boyfriend =5 DROUHIN MACON VI1LA6ES 87 ...6,99 not be changed to alloW disclo­ in World War II, Von Hone of the American Revolution Me­ were charged in the beating of the enlisted at age 17. He joined the dal of Honor, the Victory Medal MONDAVI TABLE (1.5) ...... 7.49 ITALY sure of the agency’s child-abuse woman’s 3-year-old daughter, our place for AteAhead^Decxiiated. CH. M lllET, GRAVIS 8 5 ------9.99 Navy in 1944 after graduating and the Occupation of Japan investigations. Department of who remains hospitalized. CELLA (3 L )...... 7.99 Children and Youth Services from Manchester High School. Medal. PETRI (4L) ...... 4.99 €H. PIRON, GRAVES 86 9.99 nts 1 ti,st nun Commissioner Amy B. Wheaton The bill would require DCYS to EASTER SAVINGS Aboard the USS Runnels off the He received the Army Meritor­ CANEI (3L) ...... 8.49 says. notify local police departments coast of Japan, Von Hone con­ ious Service Medal just before VINTNERS CHOICE (4 L )...... 5.99 MONMOUSSEAU VOUVRAY 85 .....5.99 retirement. RIUNITE (3L) ...... 8.49 In a written statement to the within 24 hours of receiving a trolled a 5-inch main battery gun HUGEL PINOT 81ANC 85 ...------6.89 complaint about possible child Come to the and performed maintenance on Von Hone said he enjoyed the CALIF. CELLAR (3L) ...... 6.69 General Assembly’s Human Ser­ Bernie's Newmark & Lewis military lifestyle. BOLLA (1.5L) ...... 8.99 vices Committee, Wheaton said abuse. Current law requires only Parkade with Blockbuster Video the ship’s electric and hydraulic lADOT BEAUIOUIS VHUGES 87 ....6.99 “I enjoyed the regimentation, M tu the department questions the that police notify DCYS. the kids to meet Casual Lady systems. FOLONARI (1 .5 L)...... 5.99 CBT One time, a landing craft for one thing,” Von Hone said. “I BOUCH. BEAUJOIAIS VRIAGES 87 ....5.99 1 appropriateness of disclosing TEPUSQUET WH. C A B ...... 2.99 The bill also would allow the Easter Bunny. CVS Drugs carrying ammunition blew up enjoyed the comradeship that V ' t u m n ^ whether it has investigated a D&L RUFFINO CHIANTI (1 .5 L )...... 8.99 physicians to perform a diagnos­ next to his ship and tossed him goes along with being in the particular child or family, tic test without parental consent Diamond Showcase military.” SEBASTIANI WH. Z I N ...... 3.99 “We do not believe that the Dress Bam from one deck down 12 feet to SPARKLING WINE ' on children they suspect have Jo Ann Fabrics another. Von Hone hurt his left He said his wife, Elizabeth, has GERM. LIEBFRAUMILCH public has a right to this informa­ been physically or sexually Kinney Shoes X GALLO WH. GRENACHE ...... 2.99 tion any more than they have a SATURDAY leg and hip in the incident. fully supported his military ca­ COOKS BRUT, XTRA D R Y ------3.99 abused. Current law requires Le Deli Bakery And he will never forget the reer. He said it is imperative for SCHM in SOHNE ...... 5.99 right to review the records of a parental permission for such a MARCH 25th Lee Jay, Inc. SUnER HOME WH. ZIN...... 4.99 BAllATORE SPUMANTE ....------3.99 patient at one of the state’s Liggett Pharmacy horrifying sights of British and spouses to support the military FRANZ REH ...... 5.99 test. Marshalls Australian prisoners of war while lifestyle if they are to succeed. hospitals,” she said, adding that 11 am - 3 pm Northeast Savings PAPILLON BL C A B ...... 3.99 6.49 the state must meet strict federal his ship transported them to U.S. 'Tve really had a good, healthy WEBER ...... 6.99 One Price Shop hospital ships. existence, and the military was a KORBEL BRUT, XTRA DAY, ROSE ...8.99 confidentiality regulations or risk ; CHOICE Papa Cino's NAPA RIDGE WH. ZIN ...... 4.49 Parade of Shoes After being discharged from big part of that,” Von Hone said. BLUE N U N ...... 7.99 losing federal funds. MARTINI 8 ROSSI ASTI....------....8.99 nts A li.it nun Featuring: Parkade Barber Shop Under current laws, DCYS is J ■ Parkade Cleaners Donuts, brownies, cookies, turnovers, tarts and rolls. MONDAVI WH. ZIN ...... 4.99 prohibited from discussing any MUMMS CUVEE N A P A ------— .14.99 • FREE Candy Parkade Health Shoppe What a great way to make someone’s day. aspects of a child-a buse investi­ Parkade Lanes Our professional stylists CHRISTIAN BROS...... 4.99 gation with anyone outside the • FREE Coloring Books Parkade Package will recommend the POMMERY XTRA DRY ------...... 18.99 BLACK TOWER ...... 8.99 Pearle Vision nil A fi.it ntAn department. 4 ) L I : N I N e Prague Shoes EasterAt MsterDonitS NC^US Conditioner LANCERS BLUSH (LITER) ...... 3.99 PERRIER JOUST BRUT ...... ----- 21.99 Legislators said a bill that Radio Shack IWIMr forinulated to bring your The Manchester Parkade would allow information con­ Huge ielection of adult tapet! Record Breaker Domitf hair to life! • PRICIS IFFICTIVi THRU 3/ 25/89 • NOT RiSPONSMlI FOR TYPOGRAPHICAL [RRORS tained in DCYS reports to be (prices 50% less than anyone Merchants Association Record World East of the River) Reeds shared with several other state Red Wing Shoes 1 0 agencies as well as legislators •20% Ott All Purchases w/Thls Ad tiltimate 1 Sears rD O T u fS ■ Unisex Hair Design ‘Free Lltetlme membership w/Thls Ad would strengthen child- Shady Clen with protection laws and increase the {•LImllod lime only) Moto Photo MANCHESTER DISCOUNT LIQUORS department’s accountability. Unadvertlsed weekly specials Supercuts 311 Green Rd. Hours: 10:00-8:00 M-F. 10:00-0:00 Sat. Thom McAn 1032 Tolland Turnpike, Manchester, CT 646-2607 But Wheaton told legislators W. Middle Tpke./ Broad St. Weathervane FOR n.25 Manchester Lwalrd off of 1H4, txil 3 - Main SI. N€$US Tuesday it could involve too ' . (accross from Army & Navy Club! Manchester (LIMIT 2 OOZ. PER CU8T.| many people and increase the 643-2103 Conveniently Located in Heartland Plaza chance of confidential informa­ K ' " i l M l Mats Straet [| ' I AT THE CORNERS OF WEST MIDOLE TPKE. ANO BROAO I Maackesttr, CT II mifitsr tion leaking out. STREET. MANCHESTER. CT D o r u C b ' Genuine NEXxUS Products nre sold only in professional hair stylins salons. The bill was proposed after a (203) 040^3322 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mar, 23, 1989 — 7 6 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Mar. 23, 1989 NATION & WORLD NATION Genetic tests vetoed in baby swap case LAKELAND, Fla. (AP) - A If Wednesday’s ruling holds, the Kimberly would be severely dis­ 10-year-old girl cannot be forced to “Children are not Twiggs will have to file a new motion turbed if she were forced to visit the & W O R L D have genetic tests to determine her explaining why they want to know if Twiggs or undergo genetic tests. parentage just because a Pennsylva­ property, but individuals Kimberly is their daughter. And their The ruling is the latest twist in a Drug smuggling, Bush stresses family ties nia couple says she is their natural whose needs and reason cannot be “merely to satisfy case which began more than a decade Fawn Hall details document destruction daughter lost in a baby swap, an their curiosity,” according to the ago in Hardee Memorial Hospital. WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush says appeals court has ruled. physical and mental appeals court ruling. The girl the Twiggs brought home By Pete Yost his character well, ... knew religious faith and family togetherness are the "The ruling Wednesday by the well-being find protec­ Attorneys for boths sides agreed from the hospital, Arlena, died of a The Associated Press there was a reason he was doing best antidotes to thj drug threat in America. Second District Court of Appeal here tion in the law.” that the Twiggs’ next step would be to congenital heart condition last this” killings, bribery During visits in Pennsylvania with Amish was a major setback in the legal battle seek custody of Kimberly, or the right summer, and the couple now believes WASHINGTON - Oliver When she asked North what and Mennonite leaders and young people. Bush Ernest and Regina Twigg of Langh- to visit the girl. Arlena was actually the child of North’s former secretary, to do about duplicating the wove much of his philosophy about proper orne. Pa., are waging to provethe girl thrilled about it.” If the court rules that the Twiggs Robert and Barbara Mays, who died Fawn Hall, says he directed her handwritten checkmarks at the lifestyles- into discussions surrounding drug is their daughter. Kimberly was also happy with the don’t have those rights, the question of seven years ago. A to alter documents outlining his bottom of some of the original traced to cartel abuse. The Twiggs contend the girl was decision, Ginsburg said. genetic tests would become Blood tests performed before deep involvement with the memos, “he said ‘Check it.’’’ The president listened sympathetically swapped in the hospital days after her But the Twiggs’ attorney, John irrelevant. Arlena died proved she could not have Nicaraguan Contra rebels dur­ She said her work was JACKSONVILLE, Fla. (AP) - percent of the cocaine imported Wednesday as Mennonite' leader Elmer birth for a sickly child who later died. Blakely, said: “The court seems to “Admittedly, natural parents have been the Twiggs’ biological daughter. ing a period in which U S. aid to interrupted at one point be­ Leaders of a Colombian drug into the United States. Burkholder wondered aloud whether his But the court ruled that genetic have totally ignored the anguish that certain presumptive rights of custody Last fall, Blakely said the Twiggs them was against the law. cause “Col. North was in the cartel bribed Nicaraguan offi­ The indictment accuses re­ 4-year-old son would “be able to say no, to testing of the Sarasota girl, Kimberly Mr. and Mrs. Twigg have, knowing as to their offspring,” the court said. would seek custody of Kimberly, in In testimony Wednesday, Ms. room with the shredder” and cials for use of a military base as puted cartel leader Pablo Es­ maintain his values.” Mays, would deny her “privacy and they have a child somewhere in the “Those rights, however, are not part because they believed Mays had Hall also acknowledged that she went to help him. The a way station for 3,000 pounds of cobar Gaviria of organizing the Bush, who traveled to southeastern Pennsyl­ freedom from unjustified humiliation world that they have never seen.” absolute. Children are not property, participated in the baby swap. North joked about going to jail volume of shredding was so cocaine before smuggling it into 1984 assassination of Colombian vania as part of his anti-drug campaign, called and psychological damage.” Blakely said he plans to ask the full but individuals whose needs and But recently they softened their in 1985 when she typed false heavy that the shredder this country, according to a Justice Minister Rodrigo Lara the religious and tradition-minded Amish and “They ruled with me every which panel of judges to reconsider the physical and mental well-being find position, saying they would like to get letters to Congress denying that jammed. federal indictment. Bonilla. Escobar and Fabio Mennonites of the area “a shining example of way,” said Arthur Ginsburg, attorney opinion. If they refuse, he plans to protection in the law.” to know Kimberly but wouldn’t seek to North was involved with the North was destroying 15 Leaders of the Medellin cartel Ochoa Vasquez also directed the what family and faith can do.” for Kimberly and the father who take the case to the Florida Supreme Ginsburg filed testimony from take her away from the only father Contras. North now is charged months worth of internal office masterminded the slayings of the 1986 slaying of former Drug raised her, Robert Mays. “I’m Court. mental health experts who said she has ever known. with lying to Congress. system computer notes. Colombian justice minister and a Enforcement Administration in­ 130 boat people killed “Col. North made jokes and Hall said she had long wanted U.S. drug informant, according to formant Barry Seal, the indict­ TOKYO (AP) — About 130 Vietnamese boat there were jokes made about” to get rid of a growing stack of the federal District Court indict­ ment charges. people apparently drowned after a Japanese going to jail. Hall testified. “He telephone logs kept in the same ment unsealed Wednesday. After the minister’s slaying, tanker collided with their overloaded 30-foot Teen back home after winning court case is one to jest often. ... He had a drawer of a safe as the The indictment accuses 30 cartel leaders fled the South boat in the South China Sea, Japanese officials great sense of humor.” computer notes and when she people, including an associate of American country and eventually reported today. ZEPHYRHILLS, Fla. (AP) - A and Staci was kicked out of her the small subdivision are retirees in and school. Hall described how at North’s asked if she could destroy them, the Bahamian prime minister, of traveled to Nicaragua, the indict­ Authorities said first reports of the March 8 14-year-old girl is back home today family’s home Jan. 31 after Pasco their 60s, 70s and 80s. Other residents violated deed res­ instructions on Nov. 21, 1986, “he said yes.” participating in a ring that ment said. They stored 3,000 accident did not emerge until Monday, when 35 after winning an age discrimination Circuit Judge Wayne Cobb threatened The long court battle left bitterness trictions governing placement of the day before the attorney She agreed with prosecutor imported 22 tons of cocaine — $1 pounds of cocaine at Los BrasileS survivors of the accident on the high seas battle but says she can't forgive the to jail her parents for contempt. The on both sides. clotheslines and propane tanks, she general’s aides began combing John Keker that the phone logs billion worth — into the United Air Force Base in the leftist-ruled between Vietnam and Malaysia arrived in the elderly neighbors who forced her teen-ager went to live with a married “I just feel we’ve been taken,” said said", so she didn’t think Staci would be National Security Council files were a record of messages from States. country before flying it into the port of Yokohama. eviction from a mobile home brother several miles away, coming Arlene Murray, who lives across the a problem when the family moved in for evidence of the Iran-Contra incoming calls, such as from “This is an encompassing in­ United States, the indictment The refugees said their wooden ship was community. home to visit on weekends. street from Beverly and Thomas in November 1987. affair, she altered several North’s courier to the Contras. dictment that talks about the said. carrying 165 people when it struck the “I’m glad to be home,” Staci Elmer But Cobb ruled Wednesday that the Elmer. "We bought here 20 years ago Neighbors said they weren’t sure classified memos. Rob Owen, and from a fund­ whole system of importing co­ propeller of the 239,000-ton Japanese tanker said Wednesday after a judge allowed ban was rendered illegal by a federal with the idea of peace and quiet. We whether they would continue their The documents described raiser for the Contras, retired caine from Colombia through the In May 1984, Lehder and other Nissei-Maru, said Nagasaki refugee center her to return to her parents’ home in housing law that took effect March 12. raised our family. fight. Most live on a pension and don’t North’s recommendations to Army Gen. John Singlaub. Bahamas to the United States cartel leaders arranged to pay official Masanami Nakatsukasa. The boat had this rural central Florida town. “This court cannot continue an “It isn’t that we are against have the funds for a long legal battle, his superiors on how to help the She said that on Nov. 25, 1986, beginning in about 1974 and Nicaraguan officials large sums left Long An in southern Vietnam for Malaysia “But my family was separated. I injunction in violation of the law. The children,” she said. “Out of 17 and carrying on the dispute may be Contras, including providing the day North was fired over the continuing into 1989,” said Jack of money to allow them to remaih on March 4, he said. don’t care if the neighbors got down on federal act now makes these deed families, it comes down to the fact too stressful for those who are in frail aid to Guatemala after military secret diversion of Iran arms Hook, a DEA spokesman. in the Central American nation their knees and apologized. I don’t restrictions unlawful and I’m going to that 16 don’t have any rights — I don’t health, Mrs. Murray said. officials there supplied phony sale proceeds to the Contras, Those indicted are tied to and to use it as a base for PLO won’t end violence think I could look them in the eye and dissolve the injunction,” Cobb said at think that’s fair.” Staci will turn 15 on April 7 and end-user certificates for arms two NSC aides came in to seal Carlos Lehder Rivas, the Colom­ smuggling cocaine to the United TUNIS, Tunisia (AP) — The United States forgive them. It hurt that much.” the end of a brief hearing. "I really don’t care if they like me or would be allowed to stay then anyway. shipments to the Contras. The the office. bian drug kingpin who was States, the indictment said. In has asked the PLO to ease the violence in the Neighbors waged a court battle for The federal housing law is contro­ not,” said Mrs. Elmer, 45. “There are Still, she said she was surprised by the addition, in July 1984, a Piper memos also referred to third- As Hall sorted through docu­ convicted in Jacksonville last Israeli-occupied lands, but the PLO vows the more than a year to enforce a deed versial in many retirement communi­ some gray-haired monsters here.” judge's ruling and didn’t think her country assistance to the Con­ year of smuggling cocaine into Navajo owned by Lehder was Palestinian uprising will not let up until Israel restriction on the Elmer’s property ties, where some residents say they’re Mrs. Elmer, who sells real estate, battle had ended. ments that North’s successors given to the Nicaraguan governr tras and the possibility of would need to do their work, she the United States. withdraws from the territories. and other homes in the two-block entitled to live quietly and without admits she knew about the age “For the most part I was shocked. I seizing an arms shipment “This prosecution will further ment as a gift, the indictment U.S. Ambassador Robert H. Pelletreau and subdivision. The deed banned child­ children. restriction before buying the prop­ don’t think it's over — maybe for the found minutes of McFarlane’s said. headed for Nicaragua. secret meeting the previous dismantle the Medellin cartel and Yasser Abed-Rabbo of the Palestine Libera­ ren under age 15. All of the Elmers’ neighbors who erty, but liked the area because it was judicial system, but not for the Former national security ad­ May in Tehran on arms sales its distribution network in the Also indicted was Everette tion Organization smiled and chatted amiably They won an injunction in January. occupy the 16 other mobile homes in affordable and convenient to work neighborhood, " she said. viser Robert McFarlane had and freeing U.S. hostages held United States,” U.S. Attorney Bannister, a close associate of for a few minutes over a cup of coffee, then raised questions about those Robert W. Genzman said of the in Lebanon, she said. Bahamian Prime Minister faced each other over green baize-covered 2S.OOO PRICED VOLUMES, ALL memos with North in 1985, latest indictments. SUBJECTS She said she also found Lynden 0. Pindling. Bannister tables. Art shortly before McFarlane computer notes and packages The cartel, named for the was accused of taking money On that note Wednesday began the first Artillery blasts Beirut Humor signed the letters to Congress of the documents she had Colombian city where it is based, from the cartel to allow the island formal meeting under the administration of M uflc containing denials of NSC as­ is considered the world’s largest Woman altered four days earlier. nation off Florida’s shores to be President Bush between Israel’s biggest BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — Syrian forces Christian heartland, where 1 million Grant sistance to the Contras. cocaine trafficking ring. It’s said used as a way station for drug supporter and the principal organization today helped Moslem militias launch Christians are trapped in a crescent­ Ms. Hall said she made the She put the Tehran meeting to be responsible for up to 80 Movlaa imports. struggling to create a Palestinian state. artillery and rocket attacks on Christian shaped enclave. Natura BOOKS changes and shredded the origi­ minutes in one of her boots, put AP photo In d lin i Pelletreau said U.S. concerns about terror­ regions, witnesses said. Police said nine Residents in Aramoun, seven miles National Search for Out-of-PrInt Books nals, adding that “it was the the altered documents in the ism were discussed as well as “practical steps people were killed and 26 wounded in the M ytlary other and told NSC aide Robert southeast of Beirut, said they saw the Natura logical thing to do." FINISHES TESTIMONY — Fawn Hall, former secretary that can be taken in the occupied territories to ■ctFIc Earl to go through the compu­ fighting. Syrian army firing from several positions Featuring This Week Asked if she had any qualms, to Oliver North, leaves court in Washington Wednesday Americans warned reduce tensions.” Police said more than 5,000 shells and A nilquai she said, “There was a moment ter notes. near the village. The witnesses, insisting Rallglon with her attorney, Plato Cacheris, after testifying in rockets hit the capital, the Christian- on anonymity, said the Syrians suffered an when I paused, but I worked for “It was a very stupid thing Toxic treaty endorsed dominated region to the north and Thaatar Col. North ... four years. I knew that I did that day,” she said. North’s trial. unspecified number of casualties in Eric Sloana SCIENCE FICTION about hijack plans BASEL, Switzerland (AP) — More than 100 Druse-held territory to the southeast shelling from Aoun's forces. Naw England during nine hours of bombardments by the Harltiga Pratt countries have endorsed a proposed U.N. Christian army, the Syrians and Syrian- In Washington. State Department spo­ Wallaca NuHIng BOOKS treaty that supporters say will slow the kesman Charles Redman said all foreign Thornton Burgatt LONDON (AP) — American which centers on U.S. airlines. alarming and unregulated rise in toxic waste backed militiamen. The Christian enclave Jotaph C. Lincoln They were advised to alter was hit with 40 rockets a minute before the forces except U.N. peacekeepers should Qana Stratton Portar. Ruling leaves in disarray military personnel, diplomats shipments across international borders. leave Lebanon. BOOKS & BIRDS and their families have been routine plans to return home from firing subsided at 3 a m. OH S tik, Prop. The treaty, immediately signed by 34 Asked if that included the withdrawal of warned of a possible plan by Europe for Easter.” countries after its approval Wednesday, The new casualties raised the toll to 75 Ste E. MIddIa Tpka NEW YORK (AP) - A U.S. It also has partial authority for district half the size also elect one voting system reduces Staten Palestinian extremists to hijack a But the news agency quoted the requires signatories to provide detailed people killed and 237 wounded since March Syria, the main power broker in Lebanon Mtnchaalar. CT FAA spokesman as saying he 8, when the latest fighting broke out with 40,000 troops, Redman said: “That i (203) 649-3449 Supreme Court ruling that de­ the city’s $25 billion budget. representative.” Island’s participation in govern­ U.S. airliner in Europe on Easter information on intended toxic shipments and to o0 i n could not confirm anybody had between Christian troops of Gen. Michel would be all those non-Lebanese armed 00 I HOURS; Tuatday-Ssturday clared the city’s government Its powers are greater than The ruling left city government ment to that of a “spectator,” he weekend, British news media ensure that importing nations can handle them : O’ been told to change travel plans. Aoun and Syrian-backed fighters of Druse elements and organizations currently on . c 11-4:30 pm unconstitutional prompted an im­ those of City Council, a lawmak­ in disarray before November’s would give serious consideration reported today. in an “environmentally sound” way. sg 2 V) mediate threat of secession from ing body whose 35 representa­ elections, in which all eight to seceding. The London tabloid the Daily Another British tabloid. Today, Signers of the convention also pledge to warlord Walid Jumblatt. Lebanese soil, with the exception of (the ir S THURSDAYS UNTIL S P.M. U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon), whose w > t n . Platta call for Sunday & Staten Island, to which Mayor tives are elected from propor­ positions on the board will be The mayor said he’s concerned Express said the possible hijack said the FAA warning was issued A statement by Aoun's command \ • 3 5 forbid the shipment of hazardous wastes to 9 .0 ) Monday hours. Edward I. Koch replied, “I’ll tional districts citywide. decided. It also renewed calls about the problem, adding: threat was detailed in a Friday- after a plot was discovered by countries that have banned their import. accused Syrian troops of involvement in mandate ... is renewed every six months at the specific request of Lebanon.” UJ protect it.” The board is made up of the five from the smallest borough that it “We'll find a way to protect dated secret memorandum from agents who infiltrated terrorist the bombardment of the 310-square-mile : 0 4u— The Board of Estimate, a body borough presidents, each with leave the city. Staten Island. I'll protect it.” the U.S. Federal Aviation Admin­ cells in Europe. It gave no other unique to , is “a one vote, and three citywide Staten Island “would be better After the lower court ruling, istration and that it had been details. substantial departure from the elected officials — the mayor, off back under the rule of George Koch appointed a Charter Revi­ given a copy. one-person, one-vote ideal,” Jus­ comptroller and City Council III,” said state Sen. John Marchi, sion Commission, which he said The British domestic news The Daily Express said the tice Byron R. White wrote in the president — each with two votes. who is sponsoring a bill in Albany would now move “full speed agency Press Association quoted FAA memo “warns all airlines unanimous ruling Wednesday. It was created in 1898 when the to have his borough leave New ahead” with a new governing an unnamed FAA spokesman in and security forces in the U.S., EASTER PLANTS The justices upheld a U.S. Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, York City. plan in time for a November Washington as saying the alert Britain and the rest of Europe. I t, Queens and Staten Island joined The ruling “ drops 400,000 referendum. was sent out to American airlines was passed to the Department of OUR USUAL BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY OF Court of Appeals ruling requiring Transport in London ...” a plan that meets that standard. to form New York City. Staten Islanders into a colonial Koch said he expects the high and airports worldwide. SPRINGTIME BEAUTY. Currently, the borough of Staten White said the under­ state by effectively separating court will allow the board to The news agency quoted the It quotes “security sources” as The Island, with fewer than 400,000 representation on the board for them from the governance of the function until a substitute can be spokesman as saying the alert “is saying a copy of the memo HUNDREDS TO CHOOSE FROM residents, has the same voting the city’s largest boroughs is larger community in which we authorized. He also said that very, very urgent. It is coded arrived at the London offices of power on the board as Brooklyn, severe, and he rejected argu­ live,” said Marchi. while he favored continuing the ‘information credible though not International Aviation Security, ALL PLANTS ARE FOIL WRAPPED AND MOST with 2.2 million. ments that the make-up legiti­ The borough’s president, Ralph board, “I never believed we could confirmed from a reliable a company owned by Trans World . how-to-go-banking- The board governs everything mately balances regional Lamberti, said: “I will not stand win it” in court. source’, but I can’t go into Airlines’ POTS HAVE BOWS from iand-use decisions to setting interests. up as a representative of 400,000 details.” sewer and water rates, negotiat­ He said a voter is shortchanged people and lead them in a colony The city population is more The Department of Transport COME IN AND SEE OUR NEW ing city contracts and awarding “if he may vote for one represen­ state.” than 7 million, with wide dispari­ In Washington, FAA officials said in a statement: “We don’t DISPLAY OF even-though- franchises and leasing property. ties in the size of the boroughs. declined comment on the report. discuss security matters. We PANSIES tative and the voters in another But he added that if a new But other officials, who de­ would automatically have any­ manded anonymity, confirmed thing like this assessed and take FURRY ANIMALS A SURE SIGN that the memo had been issued. any necessary action.” we’re-dosed-for- The Daily Express said: FAA officials reached in Wa­ LAWN ORNAMENTS OF SPRING Get your refunds Nussbaum struggling “American military personnel shington declined to comment on CHOOSE FROM SHEEP, BEAUTIFUL GIANT WASHINGTON (AP) — Taxpayers whose and diplomats and their families the reports of the possible hijack the-holiday card. 1985 federal refunds were shortchanged or lost have been told of the threat. plot. ' DUCKS, DEER, SKUNKS, FLOWERS because they forget to subtract taxes already to start her new life RABBITS, DOGS AND CATS withheld have only 25 days to file a claim with 2m s) the IRS. KATONAH, N.Y. (AP) - As her former At first, Ms. Nussbaum was charged ANNALEE DOLLS Sw ings Bank After April 15, the refunds will be lost companion, Joel Steinberg, awaits sen­ along with Steinberg in the beating death of ofMandiesier forever. tencing in the death of their illegally 6-year-old Lisa Steinberg in November FOR EASTER The Internal Revenue Service on Wednesday adopted daughter, Hedda Nussbaum is 1987. tte A IT H B S OURCE •CARD outlined a procedure for filing such refund A REAL NICE WAY TO SAY preparing to leave a psychiatric hospital At the time, Ms. Nussbaum’s lips were 0123456789 claims, one day after acknowledging that an and rebuild her life. AT MANCHESTER HAPPY EASTER TO SOMEONE old policy had prohibited IRS employees from split and swollen, her broken nose had an MEMCKtIAL HOSPITAL Since November 1987, doctors have ulcer on the bridge and a clump of hair COME IN AND SIGN UP FOR OUR FREE' notifying taxpayers who neglected to take a worked to repair physical and mental CONNIBANKS credit for withheld taxes. appeared to have been snatched from her Valid through 12'99 1 wounds she said she incurred during the 11 COMMUNITY HEALTH DRAWING ON THIS ELECTRICAL The agency indicated that most people who head. She was bruised and wounds on her years she shared a New York City legs were badly ulcerated and infected. got squeezed by the old policy probably were apartment with Steinberg, a disbarred EDUCATION SERIES ANNALEE MAYPOLE SET. taxpayers who in 1985 received lump-sum She walked with a stoop and her hair was CONNI Lucations: lawyer. matted and gray. presents DRAWING SAT. MARCH 25th The Savings Bank of Manchester pension payments from which some taxes were She underwent surgery for physical wishes you a nice, long holiday week­ Manchester-Spciiccr St. at Shop Rite Plaza; withheld. Most such payments were reported Caldor’s Shopping Center; injuries and was kept for a time in a locked Charges against her were dropped when end! And reminds you our offices will to the taxpayer and the IRS on Form 1099R. unit with the criminally insane. prosecutors determined she was too RADON IN CONNECTICUT EASTER WE HAVE A REAL Manchester Memorial Hospital; “Taxpayers should review their 1985 re­ Now, “she’s about ready to go out on her physically and mentally incapacitated to POTTED NICE ASSORTMENT be closed Friday lor the holiday. AuioBank,'" Corner W. Middle Tpke. & Broad St.; turns, especially if tax withholding was own,” said Dr. Samuel Klagsbrun, execu­ NOVELTIES OF But don’t w orry-in case you Main OlTiee, I’urnell I’lace liniranee. be responsible for the girl’s death. presented by reported on a Form 1099,” the IRS said tive medical director of Four Winds BULB PLANTS need cash, or want to make deposits or E. Hartford- Putnam Bridge Plaza; Burnside Offiee. Wednesday. “If taxpayers find that they have Hospital in suburban Westchester County, Ms. Nussbaum, 46, testified under LARGE SILK FLOWERS East Windsor-Sophia’s Plaza (Ries. 5 & 140). not claimed all their withholding for 1985 they immunity as the star prosecution witness ALAN SINISCHALCHI AND READY MADE transfers, our Conni^" Automatic Andover-Andover Shopping I’laza. where she has been living since March ASSORTMENT OF Ashford - Jimction Routes 74 & 44. should file a special claim.” 1988. in Steinberg’s trial, during which defense Coordinator of the State Department DAFFODILS • HYACINTHS Teller machines will be doing business The IRS also announced that after additional attorneys contended she was responsible WOODEN • GRAPE HYACINTHS SILK MansHeld - 6 Siorrs Rd. (Rte. 195). “We’re doing discharge planning for her as usual. Open 24 hours a day, too, at South W indsor-97.4 Sullivan Ave. review, it will issue instructions on how to now,” he said. “There are details to work for Lisa’s fatal beating. of Health's Radon Program BUNNIES AND CENTERPIECES handy locations all around the area. apply for refunds that were not made for the Tolland-Rome 195. out.” A jury convicted Steinberg in January of MANY OTHER ALL PLANTED IN 3" POTS If you don’t have a Conni card, Glastonbury Buckingham Village (Rie..S3). same reason on returns filed in 1987. The actual release could occur within a AND manslaughter, rejecting a murder charge Wednesday, March 29 LITTLE TO PLANT IN come in and apply for one. So next Vernon Shops at 30 (ilanford I'pke.). The new policy — which Acting Commis­ month, but Klagsbrun said she must still because, as one juror said, Ms. Nussbaum WINDOW BOXES OR $1 98 DOOR sioner Michael J. Murphy says simply restates decide how to resume her life, including could have saved Lisa’s life. 6 p.m. ORNAMENTS IN THE GROUND - each DECORATIONS lime we say “we’re closed,” you can the basic IRS position that “taxpayers pay only where she will live and what kind of job she Steinberg’s sentencing is Friday. He say, “who cares.” the tax due — no more, no less” — affects wants. He said Ms. Nussbaum was not H. LOUISE RUDDELL AUDITORIUM returns fifed in 1988 and later years. could receive a maximum prison term of OPEN 7 DAYS — SUNDAY UNTIL 4:00 available for an interview. eight to 25 years. Murphy announced Tuesday night that IRS “Right now, release depends on the MANCHESTER MEMORIAL HOSPITAL employees were no longer barred from practical matters,” said Klagsbrun. “She During the past year, Ms. Nussbaum has informing taxpayers who forgot to consider undergone individual and group therapy,' VITTNER’S GARDEN CENTER has to look for some work to support Free and Open to the Public withheld taxes when they calculated what they herself, just like the rest of us.” psychodrama therapy and what Klags­ 1 TOLLAND TURNPIKE 649-2623 owed. Ms. Nussbaum had worked as a brun called “expressive therapy.” YANKEE Where your friends are. Claims should be sent to the Problem “She’s done a lot of photography and For further information, call 647-66(X3 MANCHESTER - VERNON TOWN LINE U'lcplionc (>4(t 17'Hl children’s book editor, a job from which S M ciiiK t l‘ l)U l*qual Mousing I .ciuJlt t£) Resolution Officer at the IRS service center to she was fired after repeatedly missing artwork.” he said. She will need to which the 1988 tax return is being mailed. work. She has a $3.6 million civil lawsuit participate in outpatient support groups pending against Steinberg. once she is released, Klagsbrun said. J 8 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mar. 23. 1989 MANCHESTER HERAI^D. Thursday, Mar. 23. 1989 - 9 OPINION BUSINESS

50N£MEM / 1 CREAIAOF Union foe New things g t t THINGS A5 00NPO5 THAT COULD Deli satisfies cravings of connoisseurs EE 50LDAND3W THH ARE AND formidable quantity of the food. m ; m ! " 'UT'mRiP!" Pic A Dilly “ It’s all my responsibility,” she in budget said. “ I don’t have someone who will back me up. If I don’t order enough, in Mexico goes gourmet it’s my fault. If I mess up on something, then we’re short that item By Jack Anderson on the menu.” A aren’t new ■/ on Thursdays and Dale Van Atta Young, 27, came to this job prepared for challenge. By the time WASHINGTON — Joaquin Hernan­ By Nancy Pappas she entered her freshman year at The Manchester Board of Directors will dez Galicia, the fat-cat leader of Manchester Herald East Catholic, she knew that she face a difficult task in the next few weeks Mexico’s 200,000 oil workers, may wanted to cook professionally. She r ^ reducing the budget request of Town Manager have met a canary he can’t swallow. You wouldn’t think of ordering went to work for Imperial Catering in Mexico’s new president, Carlos Sali­ sauteed shrimp and scallops, steak au Springfield, Mass., first as a dis­ R obert B. Weiss. nas de Gortari, as one of his first poivre or chocolate mousse at a hwasher and waitress, and later as a Weiss has recommended a General Fund presidential acts, had Hernandez 1 delicatessen. cook. budget of $73 million which, on the basis of arrested in January. That is, unless the deli was the Pic A She applied for early admission to present revenue estimates, would require a The story of Hernandez, known as Dilly Deli at 697 Main St., which the culinary institute and was ac­ “ La Quina,” is one we can teii tax-rate increase of 4.74 milts. features the cooking of Tracy Young, 1- cepted during her junior year of high firsthand. Daie Van Atta traveled to a graduate of the Culinary Institute of Despite the proposed spending increase, the school. This was a relief, she said, Mexico in 1986 to investigate La America in Hyde Park, N. Y. because “ even after you’re accepted, budget recommendation does not seem Quina. He uncovered evidence of Young, a Manchester native and / there is always a waiting list until they possible fraud, embezzlement and extravagant, and there do not seem to be 1980 graduate of East Catholic High have space for you. I didn’t want to featherbedding by La Quina and the places in the budget recommendation that ■ School, works for her mother at the wait around.” union leadership and tracked a restaurant which her family opened in present obvious opportunities for major history of violence and murder After two rigorous years in culinary July. By day, she fries e,ggs and reductions. against La Quina’s critics. school, including several months of potatoes, or puts together chicken working in an “ externship program” Before the budget becomes final, the state Successive presidents of Mexico, since 1962, were afraid to take on La AP photo salad and cold-cut sandwiches. in professional kitchens. Young found may increase the amount coming to the town But on Thursday evenings. Young 01989 SEAniE POST INTELLIGENCER Quina and the union. In the meantime, CHECKING CHIPS — Technologist she was in great demand by employ­ above the conservative estimate used in NORTH AMERICA SYNDICATE calls on her years of culinary training, billions of dollars were diverted by the Marie-Noelle Chambre checks disks ers. She said she was lucky to land a serving up dishes like medallions of position with La Colline, because the preparing the proposal. union while Mexicans were starving. containing Motorola’s new microcon­ But in light of the state’s budgeting Van Atta met with one Mexican pork with marsala sauce for 20 to 60 chef there was willing to teach her Cabinet minister who appeared to be troller chips to be used in “smart card" people. many skills. problems, the directors cannot count on more unafraid of La Quina — Salinas, who integrated circuits on electronic credit Priced between $11 and $15 each, Over the next year or so, the Youngs state money. was then the secretary of program­ cards. Europeans are using the cards for these gourmet meals have found would like to increase their dinner Most of the new programs called for in Trickle-down Republicanism’ ming and budget. Salinas was cau­ money transfers, portable health re­ growing acceptance among custo­ business and bring attention to their Weiss’s recommendation are not new at all. tious at first. He acknowledged the cords and pay TV. mers over the past eight to 10 weeks, Saturday breakfast specials, which need to reform the union and oust La she said. have included eggs Benedict and The policy decisions that bring them about spreading down the ballot. He said reapportionment will shift - 18 House seats in 1992, and most of Quina, but said the time had not yet “ The type of crowd that we’re fancy omelettes. They would also like have already been made by the directors, By W alter R. M ears Galston said that “ could well turn come. Salinas then urged Van Atta not out to be the harbinger of our party’s them will move from Democratic to hoping to get in here, in which we are to bring in a few more ambitious largely in response to public demand. A crew Republican states. Galston said Re­ to visit La Quina alone. succeeding, I think, is the kind of luncheon dishes to join the chicken WASHINGTON — One Democrat national fate” It would have to be a A few days later. Van Atta went to IN BRIEF of three in the Highway Division to make publican candidates won nearly two- people who would want to go to eggrolls, broccoli and cheese turnov­ calls it “trickle-down Republica­ very early harbinger — Democrats Ciudad Madero, a flyspeck town on much-needed sidewalk repairs is an example. nism.” Another warns of the "McDo- dominate the House 258 to 174. thirds of the open seats — contests Cavey’s, but can’t afford it, or who ers, meat pies and other homemade with no incumbent running — the last the Gulf of Mexico, and the home of La want to go out to some of the nicer dishes that are featured daily. Besides the $70,000 for the crew , the spending naldization" of American politics, Whatever the pull of party, the power Quina. He picked up an interpreter — MCC sponsors seminar time reapportionment took effect in a restaurants in town, but who don’t But both mother and daughter know plan contains $100,000 to pay contractors for which is a mouthful. of incumbency is greater, and the the first person he met at the airport presidential election year. “ It could Businesses faced with spiraling costs for want to dress up,” Young said. Their message is the same: the overwhelming majority of members who spoke English — an elderly man they need to bring in the changes sidewalk repairs. well happen again,” he said. employee health-care benefits can attend That may sound ambitious for a assumption that Democrats can count who run for re-election win it. So any who turned out to be an oil worker and gradually. It took customers awhile to A provision of about $55,000 for overtim e to on remaining a powerful party out of significant change in political align­ Galston said the Democratic out­ ‘How to Control Health Care Costs by delicatessan. But Young has been accept tarragon in the chicken salad, ar reverent fan of La Quina. Negotiating the Sy.stem.” The seminar will pay for better maintenance of parks and power is shortsighted politics. After ment probably would take years. look is riskier in the Senate in 1992, cooking professionally since her jun­ or alfalfa sprouts and avocado in the Many of Mexico’s petroleros would take place in the Program Center of the Lowe losing four out of five presidential In the Senate, Democratic 55 to 45, suggesting that a weak presidential ior year of high school, and has turkey sandwiches. Now, the tar­ recreation facilities is another. make pilgrimages to La Quina’s home Building of Manchester Community College on elections, the party could see the change could come more rapidly, not ticket could cost the party the control worked in highly rated French Reginald PInto/Mancheater Herald A large part of the proposed $9.5 million and wait for days to see him. On some Wednesday from 8 to 11:30 a.m. The cost is $75 ragon chicken and turkey with trend trickle down and threaten in the next election but possibly in it regained from Republicans in 1986. restaurants such as La Colline in sprouts are the most popular menu The terms of 20 Democrats and 14 evenings, the godfather would grant for advance regi.stration and $85 on the day of increase in spending, a 15 percent rise, comes Democratic dominance in Congress, 1992, according to Galston. Washington, D.C. YOUR SERVE — Tracy Young serves up a portion of corned beef items, and patrons are willing to try Republicans will expire with the 1992 audiences and bestow favors. Men the program. in the Board of Education budget too. Those arguments got a sympathetic pleaded for work or a loan. Women With these credentials, it was only at a special St. Patrick’s Day dinner at the Pic A Dilly Deli. Young anything Tracy and Barbara suggest. Sen. Bob Graham of Florida used hearing at the Democratic Leader­ elections. Eleven of the Democrats William Shaw, seminar presenter, has more has been whipping up gourmet dinners on Thursday nights. recommendation of $41.5 million. And most of are freshmen first elected in 1986, five with unfaithful husbands asked La than 20 years of experience in the health-care logical that Young be recruited when Barbara Young said that opening a the McDonald’s analogy. He said ship Council, a moderate-to- Quina to punish the philanderers. her uncle, Walter Gleason, and her deli with an ambitious menu in that comes about as the aftermath of the state conservative counterforce to the of them by razor margins. industry at companies such as Upjohn. Kidde. people are getting political messges Children delivered gifts. mother, Barbara Young, decided to have made the young woman some­ determined that the deli should serve Manchester has been scary, but Education Enhancement Act, which set the the same way they hear about party’s liberal wing. The prevailing The Travelers and Cigna. He is now a principal Nor is the Democratic outlook But La Quina had no time for open their own place. what overqualified for a job in a deli. primarily homemade foods. So, the rewarding. Regular customers have hamburger chains, on television. view there is that Democrats must in William M.Shaw& As.sociates.a health-care pattern for increases in school salaries. promising in 1992 electoral votes, he journalists. He despised reporters “ We wanted to do something as a But Young said those people don’t breakfast muffins are baked in the Graham said that goes double for move to the middle in order to field a consulting company. become friends, she said, inquiring Because a cursory inspection of the budget said. Galston figures that reappor­ unless they were on his payroll. One The seminar is sponsored by the Business family, and we wanted to really do it realize the tremendous challenges back, the tarragon chicken salad is about the state of the business, or people who move from one stale to presidential candidate who can win. tionment will add 12 electoral votes to journalist who criticized La Quina does not suggest any easy way to cut it, the another — with the Sun Belt trend When that group met recently in Services Network at Manchester Community right,” said Barbara Young, who was involved in opening a restaurant — put together from chicken poached in leaving anonymous plants and floral states that have become the Republi­ was beaten and kicked by his College For reservations, contact Eileen working as a classified advertising any restaurant — and setting up an the shop, and even the cole slaw bouquets. directors will have to work harder at the task, taking most of them toward Republi­ Philadelphia, Sen.. Sam Nunn of can base in presidential elections, bodyguards while La Quina shouted, Stern, business services coordinator, at sales manager when she decided to efficient, comfortable kitchen. dressing is created on the premises. “ This is Manchester, and these are scrutinizing and setting priorities. can areas. Georgia, the chairman, said some bringing the strength of those states to ” I don’t have any obligation to tell 647-6065. switph careers. “ You have to set a pace, you have to But the biggest hurdle, said Tracy our friends and neighbors,” she said. One hopeful note is that as commercial In that situation, he said, the notion Democrats find solace for national 231 of the 270 electoral votes it takes to journalists anything. You are swine.” Customers sometimes have said develop a plan,” she said. Young, is that she is the only one “ This truly is the city with village that there can be two Democratic defeat in congressional dominance. elect a president. Van Atta bluffed his way past the development in Buckland goes forward, the “ But a congressional majority that Tracy Young’s background may She and her mother were also accountable for the quality and charm.” parties, one of presidential losers and gun-toting guards outside La Quina’s Grand List will increase. The next budget Unless the Democrats have policies Plenty of gas for holiday the other of congressional winners, is cannot set the nation’s agenda; only a home, called, “ The Bunker.” He president can do that,” Nunn said. and a nominee who can compete should reflect much of that increase. one that can’t last forever. found La Quina at a small desk WEST HARTFORD — Although the price of William A. Galston, a University of “ Until we regain the White House, we everywhere and crack that GOP base, gasoline has gradually increased over the past The key to reducing the budget increase for Galston said, the odds against them surrounded by pictures of Don Quix­ Maryland political scientist and an will be able to block, modify and ote and legendary Mexican peasant year, motorists can expect excellent fuel the coming fiscal year may be in postponing amend, but not to challenge, inspire will be overwhelming. In poker NU files buyout proposal, adviser to former Vice President heroes. The small man was soft- availability throughout Connecticut over the some accomplishments until that Grand List terms: Walter F. Mondale in the landslide and lead. spoken, until Van Atta began asking upcoming three-day holiday weekend, the “ We will be the mechanics of “ The Republican nominee would growth makes the financial burden easier to Democratic defeat of 19iJ4, supplied about skimming union money. La Automobile Club of Hartford reported. national policy, but not the architects start with two pairs while his bear. the theory of trickle-down GOP Quina was insulted. The nervous The club’s most recent price survey shows competes with PSNH plan of national purpose,” he said. Democratic counterpart would be strength. translator, sweating profusely, re­ unleaded gasoline selling for an average of This Sunday is Easter Sunday That will mean a lowering of public Nunn also said it was nothing drawing to an inside straight.” He said that is more likely than a fused to translate any more until La $1.05 a gallon at self-service pumps and $1.20 a expectations in some cases, like continuing to personal — “ I have no plans nor any MANCHESTER. N.H. (AP) - Bank­ matching inflation for five years, again, permanent, split-level realignment in Quina ordered him to. gallon at full-service pumps. inclination to run for president in rupt Public Service Company of New plus or minus adjustments for fuel costs. put up with bad sidewalks or a work overload which there’s a congressional party About 10 minutes into the tense Other grades and price ranges were: and a presidential party. Galston 1992.” Walter R. Mears, vice president and medium grade. $1.10 to $1.32 a gallon: Hampshire’s most ardent suitor has taken Public Service’s 36 percent share of in social service program s. columnist for The Associated Press, interview, several of the guards stood a step it hopes will get things moving in the Seabrook, completed in 1986 but idle for W o o d l a j ^ Galston warned that “ ...the conti­ pointed to Texas as an example of up, one pointing an Uzi submachine premium unleaded. $1.24 to $1.36 a gallon; and The capital improvements budget of about nuation of presidential failure will has reported on Washington and 14-month old case. lack of a federal operating license, would what could happen nationally — rising gun at Van Atta. Again and again. La diesel. $1.17 to $1.23 a gallon, $1.2 million includes replacing a num ber of relentlessly threaten every bastion national politics for more than 25 In U.S. Bankruptcy Court on Wednes­ be spun off into a separate company owned Republican strength beginning at the Quina answered questions by saying The Eternal Symbol of Easter old vehicles. It may be necessary to keep presidential level and gradually we still possess.” years. day. Northeast Utilities. New England’s by the utility’s unsecured creditors — his affairs were not the business of an P&W reports engine order largest power company, formally filed a principally owners of unsecured bonds some of them in service longer. American. EASTER LILIES _ EAST HARTFORD (AP)- Pratt & Whitney buyout proposal to compete with a called debentures. If Seabrook operates. When the public hearing on the budget is Van Atta stood and reminded La financial restructuring plan Public Ser­ Northeast would buy some of its power at Quina why the treachery of a Mexican has received a jet engine order from an 5 large held April 4 at Waddell School, Manchester Open Forum Indonesian airline potentially worth $250 vice filed in December. predetermined prices. If it doesn’t oper­ union boss is indeed the business of The plan is the first filed since Judge flowers taxpayers will have the opportunity to say million, the company announced. ate. owners of the company would get Americans. He said Mexicans were James Yacos opened the door to compet­ Garuda Indonesia would use the jet engines about $160 million for the 1,150-megawatt which services they want and which they are needlessly starving while the union ing plans Friday. plant, whose pricetag has reached $5.9 opportunity to discuss these issues in lease homeowners’ lands back to to power up to eight McDonnell Douglas MD-11 willing to pay for. They should take that squandered money and he reminded The ruling “ changed the landscape” in ‘Uninformed’ folks a public meeting instead of a court of them. Lease payments are to be based trijets, Pratt & Whitney said Wedne.sday. billion. La Quina that Mexico had a foreign the case and should give Public Service’s V opportunity to give the directors guidance. law. All of us are going to bear the on market value. The engine order, including options and debt of $100 billion. He concluded that creditors, including some who earlier Public Service continues to consider the had chance earlier brunt of their procrastination in spares, would supply Garuda with 29 PW4460 La Quina sold jobs to incompetent termed the Northeast’s buyout proposal plan, but expects to receive others, dealing with this issue early in the Thus, if a homeowner’s land was at propulsion systems. workers who invariably botched their woefully inadequate, “ sufficent impetus spokesman Nicholas Ashooh said. Those To the Editor: any time' washed by tide, the underly­ The aircraft, which is expected to be planning stage. work and caused oil spills in the (to) seriously consider” it. Robert Busch, expressing interest in buying some of 4 flowers *4.44 ing value of the land would be claimed delivered in 1991, would fly routes between Public Service include the New England I was dismayed when I read of the The Main Street merchants and ocean. In 1979, for example, the Ixtoc senior vice president for finance for by the DEP and then put up for lease. Indonesia and Europe, Australia and the Electric System in Westborough. Mass., pending lawsuit which is being professional people offer that unique offshore oil well blew and went Northeast. said at a news conference after The bill says very little about the way United States. the New Hampshire Electric Cooperative personal service that can’t be found in uncapped for 294 days, creating the the filing. Northeast announced the buyout brought by a few “ uninformed” leases would be computed, but a Pratt & Whitney is a division of Hartford- a mall. Let’s get on with the largest oil spill in history and ruining plan in January, but couldn’t file it in in .Plymouth and a pairing of Central business people on Main Street in market-value lease on $100,000 of based United Technologies Corp. Maine Power Co. and Central Vermont Manchester against the town and the reconstruction project as it was Texas beaches. court. property amortized over 25 years at 10 Public Service Co.. Ashooh said. Tulips state over the Main Street reconstruc­ planned. We have delayed it long La Quina was furious, and his The plan includes proposed annual 6.95 percent cost of money would require guards were waiting for an order to tion, namely the access road. enough! payments of $11,016.81 annually. Wage bill heads for vote electricity rate increases of 4.5 percent for Northeast, New England Electric and Daffodils 7.95 I have to call these people “ unin­ silence the American columnist. two years, plus or minus adjustments for the co-op already own part of Seabrook formed” of their own choosing be­ Betty R. Sullivan The lease would run for no more Before La Quina could weigh the WASHINGTON (AP) — Legislation to fuel costs, followed by annual increases directly or through subsidiaries. mm Hyacinths 7.95 20E Esquire Drive, Manchester than five years, and at the end of that options. Van Atta left with the cause there were many public infor­ increase the minimum wage moved closer to a Primrosos mation meetings held to discuss the time the state would have no obliga­ terrified translator in tow. House vote after a largely partisan debate, 3.95 i When Salinas got word of the plans for the Main Street recon.struc- tion to lease the property again to that with supporters arguing help for the working Geraniums encounter, he wrote to Van Atta and 1.99^ tion project. person. If property is sold to a new poor was long overdue and opponents saying Eastern unions get seats As a former chairwoman of the Bill would allow owner, the DEP is given the power promised that someday someone too big of a boost would hurt those it is designed Azaleas 1 under the bill to refuse to transfer the would do something about La Quina. Mayor’s Downtown Coordinating to help. Violets Committee, we actively solicited seizure of lands lease to the new owner. Similar leases Salinas was inaugurated president “ We are not arguing against an increase in on committee of creditors input from the local businesses so that are to be written for public works last Dec. 1. Then 45 days later, he sent the minimum wage, our concern is the size of 1.49-3.49 the Army to raid La Quina’s home for the plan would be acceptable.to the To the Editor: projects (such as municipal sewer the increase,” Rep. William Goodling, R-Pa, NEW YORK (AP) - Officials of creditors under Chapter 11 of the federal outfalls, public docks and the like), a cache of weapons. A federal officer said Tuesday during debate on a bill that would + many more majority of the members of the Main Eastern Airline’s striking Machinists bankruptcy code on March 9. If you have an interest in property but public works leases could extend was killed in the shootout and La raise the minimum wage to $4.65 by 1992. Street community. union and pilots union will sit on a The Eastern pilots are owed more than Cut Flowers near the shore, on a lake or river, or if for as much as 99 years. Even safety Quina now stands accused of the The House was scheduled to vote on the Much time and effort on the part of creditors committee that will review any $500 million in back pay and other claims, • daffodils you use docks for boating or swim­ buoys and channel markers would be killing. measure today after considering amendments, // the staff of the town of Manchester, bankruptcy reorganization plan the said Ron Cole, a spokesman in Miami for • tulips the state of Connecticut, the Board of ming, there is a very important covered under this leasing program, including one that would scale back the bill’s • spring bouquets except federally maintained crippled carrier proposes. the Air Line Pilots Association. • roses Directors, the chamber of commerce, hearing coming with which you should Mini-editorial final target to $4.55 an hour and add a provision Flight attendants also have honored the Groonvlsw the downtown coordinating commit­ attend. markers. allowing employers to pay new entrants into The union representing the airline’s • centerpieces Congress didn’t get a pay raise, but flight attendants didn’t get a seat on the Machinists’ picket lines. Groonpowar tee and others too numerous to This is a very important bill with the job market a sub-minimum wage for 60 This hearing is in regards to Senate don’t assume the lawmakers have committee. However, the creditors’ panel The creditors’ committee has the right Acre* ol Evargreene, 20,000 sq. ft. (’A acre) (0 >989 p, NfA if.L mention was spent on making infor­ important ramifications for all citi­ days. Rhododendron*, Bill 901, which has been written by the given up. There is talk of an allowance does include a representative of non-union to review any reorganization plan pro­ mation available to the community. zens of the state of Connecticut. It will Azaleas, landscaping •‘Remember that big seal I had you make up Department of Environmental Pro­ of $88 a day to compensate them for employees, most of whom were laid off a posed by Eastern and can propose its own Dr. Fish and his followers must have tection and was transmitted to the change the way the public is allowed plan to the bankruptcy judge. The unions avargraans, fruit and for me awhile back? Well, I want to return it." the high cost of keeping two house­ *Blg-ticket’ orders decline few days after the Machinists’ walkout Ornamental Trees, ^9.95 had their heads in the sand during this Senate by the commissioner of the to use the waterfront all over the have opposed Eastern’s plans to sell ^ n g Lawn Food time. holds. That looks like a $12,000 annual began and are demanding back pay. Barries, bulbs, vines, DEP, Leslie Carothers. state, and it will seize large amounts WASHINGTON (AP) — Orders to factories assets, including its agreement to sell its parannlals. Tools, 19,000 sq. It. This suit will end up costing us. the raise, tax free, but maybe they figure Harold Jones, the federal trustee SpOClai Under provisions of this bill, the of land now considered to be private. for “ big-ticket” durable goods dropped 3.6 Northeast shuttle to developer Donald Insecllcldas, pots + taxpayers of the town of Manchester the taxpayers won’t notice. The supervising Eastern’s bankruptcy reor­ state would claim ownership to all percent in February, the biggest decline in Trump. L m o r a . and state of Connecticut, money I urge you to come to this public people who will notice are underpaid ganization, appointed the 15-member uri ^ _ land now or formerly washed by tides, seven months, the government reported Jones told a gathering of 400 creditor *24.95 which could be used in a better way hearing and make your feelings workers who won’t get a living committee Wednesday. In addition to the rebates avaTlable and also land along the shorelines of allowance. They lost their chance at a Wednesday. representatives, financial analysts and iHanrIiPBtrr Hrrali'i because a few self-serving individuals known. The first hearing was sche­ The Commerce Department said total orders employee representatives, the members tmB Momi mmMS fnmmwLin«aiT tun-kMun it rivers and lakes in the state. The DEP pay raise because Congress was reporters the role of the creditors’ panel is — fpjn. did not take the time to make their duled March 21 in Norwalk, and a fell to a seasonally adjusted $123.7 billion last are mainly from aircraft and engine would then establish a leasing pro­ greedy enough to consider a SO “far more expansive” than his. 643.Hr4 Founded In 1881 comments known when the opportun­ second hearing will be March 28 at 7 month after dropping 2.9 percent in January. makers, banks and bondholders that have gram under which persons could lease percent increase in the first place. Eastern says it has $5.9 billion in assets ity was available. p.m. at the Branford House at Eastern The last time back-to-back declines occurred claims against Eastern. ^oodland UROBK PENNY M. S IE F F E R T ...... Publlther such lands for fees of $250 and up. and $4.5 billion in liabilities. Unsecured GEORQE T. CHAPPELL ...... • Editor If you, the reading public, are a Point in Groton. was when orders dropped for four straight The Machinists struck the airline on Jack Anderson and his associate, creditors such as ticketholders and travel DOUGLAS A. BEVINS ...... Executive Editor customer/patient of these "unin­ The intent of the bill is to lease back months from February through May 1986. March 4 after 17 months of contract agents are the most likely to lose money in MARIE P. G R A D Y ...... • • • ^Hy Editor Dale Van Atta, are syndicated colum­ formed” people, please question their to present owners that land under Clarence Drisklll February’s decline was the biggest monthly wrangling. The pilots’ support for the ALEXANDER GIRELLI...... Editor nists. a bankruptcy reorganization because they whereabouts when they had the piers, groins and the like, and also to 37 Sunset Ave., Niantic drop since a 7.4 percent decline in July 1988. walkout virtually grounded Eastern and have no collateral from the debtor in case forced it to file for protection from its of default. wia 10 - MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday, Mar, 23, 1989 Pensions Semi-automatic weapons should be banned Bailout bill Housing when this “ dude” showed up in combat boots, I’m going to stick my neck out on a controversial Now the argument I get, is that the people who From page 1 camouflage britches and shirt and a pistol-grip From page 1 From page 1 subject among sportsmen today. And that is the want to keep these assault weapons, want to u.se shotgun. He joined our squad to shoot, and banning of .semi-automatic weappns and assault them for hunting. And the other argument is that informed us that he was just getting his “ weapon rifles to the general public. No waiting periods, but they want to use them for target practice. Wednesday night. But the House dwellings would have to measure after the submission of the It doesn’t take too much work to change a sear on all tuned up. Because you never know when you debate lasted so long the the at least 18,000 square feet with a petition. an absolute ban on the sale of these mostly military weapons. And while I’m at it. I’m dead set against a semi-automatic to make it full, and with the full might need it” Senate went home at 10:30 p.m. minimum front yard of 40 feet, a LaBelle declined to comment Joe’s World After getting around to station five and only the sale of pistol-grip shotguns to the American clips a lot of rounds can be poured out of one of without acting on the bill. minimum rear yard of 30 feet and on the petition, which cites the breaking one bird, my good buddy Fred Simmons public. Joe Garman the.se rifles in one heckuva short time. “ It’s late,” said state Sen. a minimum side yard of 15 feet. state’s Home Rule Act, Section (now deceased) said to this joker, “ Hey. you Kevin Sullivan. D-West Hartf ord. First off, before the sportsmen get all up in the If a man has to go into the forest to hunt, and The proposed amendment 7-188 of the General Statutes. In couldn’t hit a bull in the butt with a snow shovel “ We didn’t think it was seemly to the past, however, LaBelle has air, let me say this; I am a gun owner. I’ve had bang off more than three shots in a hurry, then he would limit new multi-family with that thing. Now put it away, and get off the make this kind of a decision in the said the district had not adopted guns since I was 16, and that’s going back a "fur sure doesn’t belong in the woods in the first place. buildings to three stories. Each field. All you’ve done is point that all four points of late hours of the night or the wee. unit would have to be at least 1.250 the Home Rule Act and changes piece.” I now owns guns, all shotguns. I hunt. I three-shot firearm If it takes 10 or 15 shots to bring down a deer, or the compass, and never out on the field ” wee hours of the morning.” square feet and have two parking in its charter had to be made by shoot skeet. I shoot trap. And I enjoy all three Which brings us to the assault rifles, Uzis and whatever, then the hunter is in the wrong sport. A He. the short shotgun owner, and the other three The Senate planned a 2 p.m. spaces, one of which would have the General Assembly. sports. And I will defend my right to own these others of that ilk. Those weapons were made for Now don’t get me wrong. If these assault rifles types I met, who came out to our field to practice session today to take up the to be enclosed in a garage. Steeves said the signatures of .shotguns. killing. Killing humans They are weapons of war. were not so readily available to the wrong people, with those shotguns, looked on them as weapons, package. The applicants want to extend only 10 voters were needed to Sporting rifles, sporting shotguns, sporting and their origins in whatever country they and were kept at a semi-automatic phase, and were not sporting instruments. If you want to shoot Several Democrats in the Se­ the Historic Zone east to the petition the district directors. A pi.stols and revolvers, are all just that. Sporting originated, were for a strictly military u.se. used strictly on a limited (cartridge) basis for both skeet, or trap, use skeet or trap guns, but don’t give nate said they had reservations Great Lawn. state special act setting up the armament, and that’s the purpose for which they Most people do not realize what such weaponry hunting, and target shooting, I would not be against about the so-called employee the rest of the sportsmen in this country a bad One of the applicants. Urba- district requires the district pres­ were made. can do. During World War II, I carried a them. But with all the massive use of these rifles as furloughs, and Gov. Will’iam A. name. netti, is a member of the Cheney ident or the district clerk to call a A hunting rifle was made to hunt with, a target semi-automatic rifle and a Thompson sub-machine weapons on a city streets all over this country, I O’Neill also voiced concern about If the weapons aren’t available, then the National Historic District special meeting of the district rifle for target shooting, and shotguns for both gun during my time in the southwe.st Pacific area. I say enough is enough. If it can’t be controlled, do the proposal, which would apply when at least 10 voters petition for criminals can’t get ’em. So we don’t need them. Commission. hunting and skeet, trap, or sporting clays. Some of know firsthand what a semi-automatic can do, as without. only to state workers who make A proposal by Gryk and Mi­ such a meeting. the shotguns are plugged, for only one in the well as what a Thompson can do to a human being As for the pistol-grip shotguns. That’s another $30,000 per year or more. chael Lynch to change the zone of District Director Joseph Tripp, Joe Garman, a Manchester resident for many chamber and three in the tube. These are when on full automatic. We altered our weapon made to be used against people. It’s easily “ You’re talking about supervi­ eight acres of the lawn from fire commissioner, said Wednes­ semi-automatic weapons to be able to fire as full concealed. Let me tell you a quick story. years, is a recognized authority on the subject of sory personnel and I’m not sure Residence AA to Planned Resi­ day that while the question of a semi-automatic, and though they can hold five autpm'’ *’'' I was shooting skeet one day on a squad of four, bamboo fly rods and the sport of fly fishing. who’s going to be around to dence Development to build 26 pension for firefighters had been shells, the plugs are state mandated. So it’s a Reginald PInlo/Manchester Herald supervise.” O’Neill told condominiums was rejected by, discussed in the past, it had not reporters. the Planning and Zoning Com­ been discussed within the last HAVE A CHERRY — Leo Diana, cream social that was one of several “ It also penalizes those who are mission in July 1983. Their 1984 couple of years. fflaiirbfBtrr Hrrali'i principal of Nathan Hale School, gets a Wednesday activities celebrating the not (union) organized ... because proposal to build 18 condomini­ Tripp said, “ I think some of the cherry to top off his ice cream sundae school’s accreditation by the New those who would be penalized are ums was also defeated. firefighters deserve something Section 2, Page 11 England Association of Schools and those that are not repiresentated Attempts to preserve the Great for their years of service, but to from Jessie Hovey, teacher of the year at by labor.” the governor said. Colleges. Lawn in its present state have pay for it is something else.” Thursday, March 23, 1989 the school. The two were enjoying an ice The Democratic package also failed. In 1984 there was talk of a Steeves said he believes there calls for increased “ si n taxes” on bond issue to buy the lawn from are only about 12 communities in SPORTS beer, wine, liquor and cigarettes, its owners, but the consensus was Connecticut that do not provide effective April 1, to raise a total of that the bond issue would not win some kind of pension for volun­ Directors Education Economy $19.4 million in three months. public support. teer firefighters. State taxes on beer and wine From page 1 From page 1 From page 1 would be doubled, taxes on liquor Inspired UAB blazes would increase 50 percent, and cigarette taxes would rise from 26 Naab agreed that cuts are in said he was not sure how that on inflation in January and cents to 40 cents per pack. order. would affect the school budget February that sent the stock The House package also calls ‘T m sure that it will be reduced vote. market plunging, many analysts for: Whitham — how much I don’t know,” he Last week. Town Manager believe that growth is slowing and — Accelerated collection of past Huskies in NIT said today. He said that the idea Robert B. Weiss recommended the central bank does not need to capital gains taxes, to raise $25 of no tax hike would nut be funding the full education budget. do more in its anti-inflation million. full practical this year. Weiss said that Gov. William A. efforts. — Accelerated collection of Bv Len Auster I Werkhoven and Naab said the O’Neill’s proposal to cut state First word on the GNP perfor­ insurance premium taxes, to Manchester Herald Republicans would put together education funding was one reason mance for the first three months raise $16 million. bloom for their own budget proposal, rather he was recommending full of 1989 will be released in April. — Adding a !i5 percent sur­ STORRS — If there’s going to than a joint one with the funding. An inflation index tied to the charge on the state corporation Easter be a Cinderella team in the NIT Democrats. "I really don’t know,” said GNP rose at a sharp annual rate tax. to raise $35 million. this year, it’s not going to come ■-V A Democratic Director Barbara DiRosa of the need for cuts. of 5.3 percent in the October- — Adjusting the state’s esti­ Choose from from the state of Conneci'cut. B. Weinberg said today she “ Education makes up half the December quarter, up from a 4.7 mate of the earning power of the Alabama, perhaps. hadn’t had a chance to look at the budget (but) there are other percent rate of increase in the teacher’s retirement fund from 8 our large Emotionaliy charged after a budget yet. But she said she needs.” third quarter. percent to 8.5 percent, which road win at Richmond Monday assumes that Weiss has held the The decision on whether to Since the index, known as the would allow the state to contrib­ f night, the University of Alabama- line on spending, even though she reduce the education budget will GNP deflator, has been rising at ute $20 million le.ss to the fund. selection of Birmingham carried that over to thinks that cuts will have to be depend on how much the direc­ annual rate of 3.8 percent or less — Transferring $30 million Wednesday night to unseat de­ made. tors want to raise the tax rate. for the past three years, analysts from the transportation fund, flowering plants. fending National Invitation Tour­ “ Obviously, it’s going to be a ' DiRosa said. He would not say said the uptick over the 5 percent which is running a surplus, to the nament champion Connecticut. very difficult year,” Weinberg how high taxes would have to go mark indicated that inflationary ailing genera'l fund. A 3-cent Come and see! 85-79. before a partisan sellout said. “ And until I see the exact before he would recommend pressures have increased. per-gallon increase in the state crowd of 4,604 at the Field House. proposal, I don’t have any com­ cutting the education budget. In a look at how U.S. businesses gasoline tax. effective July 1, “ UAB reminded me of a team ment to make, other than that Weiss’s $73 million budget performed, the Commerce De­ would repay the transportation that wore blue and white last we’re going to have to make proposal would require a 9.5 partment said corporate profits fund. year.” UConn Coach Jim Calhoun additional cuts in the proposal, as percent tax hike, from 49.84 to after taxes shot up 14.6 percent in — Taking $99.4 million from the said after the Blazers (21-11) we always have done.” 54.58 mills. The directors are 1988, aided by a 2.8 percent rise in reserve or nainy day fund, which earned the trip to New York’s She didn’t have a figure on how scheduled to vote on the town and the fourth quarter. The annual holds $130 million. W hitham Nursery AP photo Route 6. Bolton — 643-7802 Madison Square Garden for Mon­ much money should be school budgets in May. increase was the best perfor­ Although powerless to stop the Wednesday night at the Civic Center. day night’s NITsemifinal. “ Emo­ eliminated. mance for corporate profits since Democratic package from pass­ 9 A.M. to 5:30 P.M. REACHING OUT — Whaler rookie tionally, they played like you Democratic Director Kenneth Alexander Hamilton was ap­ a huge 22.4 percent jump in 1983, ing, Republicans countered with netminder Kay Whitmore reaches for a Whitmore had 23 saves as the Whalers have to win on the road in pointed Secretary of the Treasury the year after the end of the steep a steady and lengthy flow of won, 4-2. r N. Tedford withheld judgment on Open Easter Sunday 9 AM-1:00 PM shot as Boston’s Randy Burridge looks tournament play. They came and whether cuts should be made or in 1789. 1981-82 recession. anti-tax rhetoric. for a rebound in their NHL game conquered. They played hard, by how much. played hungry. Even with our But he said, “ The mill-rate crowd, that didn’t deter them.” increase of 4-plus mills is some­ “ They (UAB) came in and just thing I’m not pleased with. We’re blacked everything out,” said going to have to look at the Whitmore wins in debut Willie McCloud, one of three expenditure and revenue side seniors the Huskies will be losing. also and see what we can do about “ They were more hungry (than the mill-rate increase.” us). 'They came out in the first He described Weiss’s recom­ half and we knew we were in a mendations as “ pretty much a as Whaiers top Bruins fight. They lust had no die in AP photo hold-the-line” budget. them” JUMPER — UConn’s Cliff Robinson fires over UAB’s Fogarty, DiRosa and Weinberg H*lanchester State Bank The game marked several Larry Rembert in the first half of their NIT quarterfinal said that this would be the firsts. It was Connecticut’s first toughest budget year for them so “YOUR LOCAL HOMETOWN BANK" Hartford trails Buffalo by two home loss in Storrs since Jan. 26. Wednesday night at the Field House in Storrs. UAB far. Fogarty has been on the 1985, when Boston College beat eliminated the defending NIT champion Huskies, 85-79. board since 1981, DiRosa and ★ ★ ★★★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ ★★ By Jim TIernev the Huskies, 78-77, in overtime. Weinberg since 1979. Manchester Herald UConn had won 26 in a row at the half on a Gamble 3-pointer, but left. The Huskies did trim it to There’s always been a lot of “I was surprisetd (to start). I thought, if I was facility scheduled to be replaced they could never get in front. “ I three points (79-76) on a John state aid, and this is shortened YOUR LOCAL HOMETOWN BANK FEELS ITS CUSTOMERS ARE HARTFORD — Kay Whitmore by the new Sports Center. It was think we had some real firsts Gwynn 3-pointer, his only points up,” Fogarty said. going to get a start at all, I was going to be UConn’s first loss to a non-Big of the night, but they never had a didn’t expect to start his first tonight.” Bartow said. “ I think But Tedford said that the East team in the Field House shot to tie it up. Kennedy swished IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO OPEN EVERY SATURDAY! National Hockey League game in here for awhile. I guess sometimes it's better this was our best game all year, directors’ budget review this since St. Peter’s beat them in the two free throws and, after three goal for the Hartford Whalers the and we’ve beaten some good year would be the same way as it to get thrown right in there.” 1980 NIT. teams. We played with the mental Husky misses. Howard iced it for day after he was called up from has been in the past. ★ ★ ★★ ★★★ ★ ★★ ★★ “ I believe in the law of toughness that you’re supposed to the Blazers with two more from ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Binghamton. — K ay W h itm o re Democratic Director Mary Ann averages,” said UAB Gene Bar­ have on the road.” the foul line with 10 seconds left. Handley said today she had not In the home stretch of the tow, who said he wasn’t con­ Every time Connecticut tried to “ I don’t know if we fulfilled all looked at Weiss’s budget and **Customer Hours Not Banking Hours* regular season and in themidst of cerned with UConn’s streak be­ close. UAB had an answer. And the promises everyone else had of would not comment on it. Demo­ a dogfight for third place with forehand. “ You just can’t go out the Blazers were multi­ us. but we felt we did fulfill what cratic Director Stephen T. Cas- Buffalo. Whaler Coach Larry up. 2-0. with 44 seconds left in the “ It’s the best feeling I’ve ever and win 50 in a row in your own dimensional as they got their we wanted (to accomplish),’’ sano could not be reached for Pleau gave the 21-year-oId his first when his bad-angle wrister had in hockey so far,” he said. building. I’m saying that partly in offense from several sources, Calhoun said. comment this morning. first shot in the net in Wednesday from the right circle found the far “ Once the game started, the jest, but I do believe it” including long-range bombing HUSKY NOTES - The loss was night’s game with Boston. side of the net. pressure kind of went away. At The Blazers also sent Husky Andy Kennedy (22 points, 6-for-ll the first for UConn against a Sun Friday Branches Whitmore, who made 23 saves, “ They really embarrassed us first you look around and see seniors Cliff Robinson (23 points) from 3-point range), Reginald Belt club. It had won six previous Police Roundup Main Office Saturday and the Whalers responded with here the last time,” Francis said, you’re playing against Cam and Phil Gamble (20, including Turner (18 points), Dylan How­ meetings. . . UConn is now 9-7 in 185 Spencer Street an intense defensive effort and referring to the Bruins’ 9-1 win in Neely and Ray Bourque. But, you 6-for-7 from 3-point range) out as ard (11) and Alan Ogg (11). And NIT. The Huskies saw a seven- March 25lh March 2 Ltli utilized two goals from Kevin Hartford on Feb. 25. “ We want to can’t let that affect you. If that losers for the first time ever in they received a lift from seldom- game NIT winning streak end. . . 1041 Main Street and Dineen to hold off the Bruins, 4-2, get on a roll heading into the happens, you’re already a goal or Storrs. The pair had participated used freshman Elbert Rogers, Gamble moved past Toby Kim­ City man arrested Main Office CLOSED before a sellout crowd of 15,223 at playoffs” two behind” in 21 consecutive wins at the Field who chipped in with nine points. ball on the all-time scoring list. Heartland Plaza WHALER NOTES - Whit­ House before being gunned down He finishes at No. 8 with 1.371 after drugs found . the Civic Center. Just 30 ticks into the second “ We had three guys with four and Brandies LEGAL Coupled with the Sabres’ 2-1 period. Dineen’s slapper de­ more, drafted by the Whalers 26th by the fourth place finisher in the fouls so I was forced to go with points. Robinson finishes as the loss to St. Louis, the Whalers flected in off the stick of Bruin overall as an underage junior in Sun Belt Conference. Elbert.” Bartow said, “ and he No. 4 all-time scorer with 1.664 A 27-year-old Hartford man is Open HOLIDAY defensman Ray Bourque for a 3-0 the 1985 NHL entry draft, was the UAB held a 45-41 halftime bulge responded. He hadn’t played in points. . . Husky freshman Chris 1 (34-35-,5) have moved to within facing charges that he was most active goalie in the Ameri­ after a see-saw first half that saw Smith had a rough final two two points of Buffalo (34-33-7) Whaler lead. four or five games, but he’s been planning to sell four ounces of can Hockey League posting a eight lead changes and four ties. games. He was 7-for-26 from the 9 a 111-Noon with six regular season games “ We made a conscious effort to practicing hard” cocaine worth $45,000 at a local (Good Friday) 21-29-4 record this season with a UConn (18-13) sliced it to a single A Kennedy 3-pointer gave UAB field against California and UAB, left for each team. play tight defense,” Dineen said. McDonalds Restaurant Monday “ He (Whitmore) is an emotional 4.5! goals-against-average. He digit at the outset of the second its biggest lead at 66-55 with 9:27 3-for-lO Wednesday night. “ I was surprised,” Whitmore night, police said. goaltender. He gets out there and was named Binghamton’s most said of his quick entry into NHL Members of the Tri-Town Nar­ gets fired up. He came up with a valuable player. . Whaler goalie Of course, the waters. “ I thought, if I was going big effort tonight” Mike Lint did not dress and cotics Task Force arrested Lin­ to get a start at all, I was going to coln P. Mierez in the parking lot Instant Banker HOME Late in the second. Enfield watched the game from the Rozelle ends 29-year tenure be here for awhile. I guess of McDonalds, 70 W. Center St., native Craig Janney got the trainer’s room. Lint’s record this provides 24 hour sometimes it’s better to get season is 13-19-1 with a 4.25 about 10:30 p.m. and charged him Bruins on the board when his shot tional. Only Clarence Campbell, Our holiday hours are for the thrown right in there.” from the side of the net deflected goals-against-average. The By Dave Goldberg who knew. with possession of cocaine with service. A few hours later, most still who ran the National Hockey As for the sellout crowd? In off the the skate of Joel Bruins lead the season scries with The Associated Press the intent to sell, and interfering OF didn’t, pot even A1 Davis of the League from 1946-78, was in “ It was so loud, it was deafen­ Quenneville. the Whalers, 4-3. The Whalers with a police officer, police said. Over 800 locations convenience of Los Angeles Raiders. Rozelle’s charge longer. ing,” Whitmore continued. “ In Keith Crowder brought Boston have won the last two meetings.. PALM DESERT. Calif. — throughout Connecticut. When Pete Rozelle strode to the longtime adversary who em­ “ We’ve got the greatest sports Binghamton, we had about 4,000 to within 3-2 when he took a carom The two goals and assist by Woman arrested YANKEE Manchester State Bank braced the commissioner as he league of all time and that makes SATURDAY off the boards and blasted a Dineen gives him a club-leading podium, all but a half-dozen of the (people) at the games.” left the meeting room after his him the greatest commmissioner slapshot past Whitmore just 81 points (43 goals. 38 assists), 50 or so people in the meeting in larceny case Hartford, which had only four room thought he was doing no resignation. of all time,” said Dan Rooney, customers only. shots in the opening period and a inside the left post at 5:28 of the which is also a career-high point total for the 2.5-year-old... Bo.ston more than opening a routine “ I feel emotionally drained,” president of the Pittsburgh Police served an arrest war­ total of 15 tying a Whaler home third. Steelers, Lemelin was pulled with 31 is the only NHL team which is business session. Davis said. rant Monday for a 32-year-old BANKING record for least shots in a game, The tear-laden announcement Rozelle said he was in good seconds left and Dineen broke over .500 on the road (19-13-6) and A few seconds later, when the Hartford woman on charges she CIRRUS. took a 1-0 lead at 8:45 of the first. commissioner with the second- Wednesday by the 63-year-old health “ except for the 20 pounds free to score an empty-net goal under .500 (14-15-8) at home. . . stole three credit cards in Vernon Rookie Scott Young crossed the Rozelle that he was stepping I’ve added since I’ve quit smok­ with three seconds remaining. The sellout was the ninth of the longest tenure of any chief last October, police said. blueline and sent a powerful down three years before his term ing a year ago," and said he was “ There was a lot of intensity in year for the Whalers. All four executive in sports history an­ From all of us at Manchester State Bank ALL DEPOSITS 50-foot slapshot whizzing by expires ended a 29-year tenure in quitting primarily for family Lee Schiraldi, of 103 Franklin that hockey game.” Pleau said. Whaler-Bruin games in Hartford nounced his resignation, there INSURED BY FDIC Bruin goalie Rejean Lemelin. which the league expended from reasons and will move from the Ave., was charged with three please have a safe and Happy Holiday. “ He (Whitmore) played well. this year have been sellouts. . . was stunned silence. “ I came down and happen to 12 teams to 28 and less than $1 New York suburb of Rye to the counts of possession of stolen He’s enthusiastic. That’s his The Whalers will face the Nor- “ It was as if they didn’t believe CqiMl Houtlng Und*r beat him up high,” Young ex­ million a year in television San Diego area. credits cards, sixth-degree lar­ game, quickness.” diques tonight in Quebec and then it,” said Wellington Mara of the plained. ’I don’t know if I caught revenue to a $440 million TV ceny by possession, and failure to Whitmore was also enthusias­ return home to host St. Louis New York Giants, the NFL’s him sleeping or what.” senior owner and one of the few extravaganza about to go interna­ See ROZELLE, page 12 keep narcotics in an original Ron Francis put the Whalers tic off the ice. Saturday night. container, police said. MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Mar. 23, 1989 — 13 1 2 - MANCHFSTKR HERAI.n. Thiirsd;iv M;ir 23 l!m!i Rozelle New NFL boss SPORTS NCAA foes 1 From page 11 '• i IN BRIEF eye revenge Rozelle said he made the not easy choice \ decision last October to make the AII-COC hoop team named Bv Owen Canfield announcement now. But those Bv Dave Gotberg Yale graduate and member of the The Associated Press close to him said it probably Baltimore Orioles' board of direc­ Coventry High, the Class S state champions, The Associated Press placed both 6-2 senior guard Jack Ayer and 6-4 gained impetus by thedeath of his tors: Bob Wallace, general coun­ LEXINGTON, Ky. — Although staying alive in stepson — the son of wife Carrie sel to the Phoenix Cardinals and a senior forward ScoU Lucas on the All-Charter PALM DESERT, Calif. - For Oak Conference basketball team for the 1988-89 the NCAA tournament should serve as incentive — two days before last January’s NFL owners, finding a successor former Yale running back; and enough for Virginia and Michigan to play well Super Bowl Bill Walsh, who stepped down as season. Also, Cheney Tech’s 6-7 senior center ./ ; to Pete Rozelle is like a boxing fan Terrance Phillip was named to the team. tonight, each has added reason to win. “I want to enjoy free time — trying to determine who will San Francisco coach after win­ It’s called revenge. stress free-time — with Carrie." succeed Mike Tyson as heavy­ ning his third Super Bowl in Others on the All-COC squad were: Craig A In each of the past two seasons, Michigan has lost he said. January. Winslow of Bolton. Derrik Jerman of Bacon weight champion. There just Academy, Peter Francis of Rocky Hill, Rob to North Carolina in the tournament. The Unlike most major develop­ don’t seem to be any leading Hill and Wallace are black — Wolverines lost 109-97 two years ago, then were ments in the NFL. this one was earlier this week Rozelle strongly Monnes and Shelby Jones of Cromwell, Dave candidates. Milardo of Vinal Tech and Van Tate of beaten 78-69 in the regional semifinals last season. top secret. “We have to turn over every urged the owners to hire more Virginia, meanwhile, lost 109-61 to Oklahoma in a The first to learn were Mara minority employees. Portland. stone.” said Edward DeBartolo Phillip and Ayer were chosen by the holiday tournament last season. In that game, the and Leon Hess of the New York Jr., owner of the San Francisco Schramm, whose role with the Cavaliers were outscored 27-0 in the opening nine Jets, whom he told last week. Cowboys is likely to be dimin­ Connecticut High School Coaches Association 49ers. after Rozelle’s shocking to participate in the 14th annual boys’ minutes of the second half. When he arrived here Sunday, he announcement Wednesday that ished with the sale of the team to Fifth-ranked North Carolina, 29-7, and 10th- told four other league fixtures — Arkansas oil man Jimmy Jones, basketball festival on April 1 at Branford High he is retiring three years before School. Phillip and Ayer will be members of the ranked Michigan. 26-7, play in the Southeast Rooney. Tex Schramm of the his contract expires. said he wasn’t interested. But Regional semifinals tonight. Oklahoma, 30-5 and Dallas Cowboys. Art Modell of the Schramm hedged when asked if Class S-M East All-Stars which will face the “This guy isn’t coming into any West All-Stars in the opener at 6:30 p.m. ranked fourth, plays Virginia. 21-10. in the other Cleveland Browns and Lamar day at the beach. This man will be he might be interested in taking semifinal. Hunt of the Kansas City Chiefs. succeeding a legend.” the job on an interim basis. "We can’t help but remember we’ve been beaten And it wasn’t until a few The first and most obvious “I’m older than Pete,” the Coventry five to be feted by them twice,” Michigan’s Loy Vaught said. “The minutes before the announce­ name that surfaced was Jack 68-year-old Schramm said of the revenge factor will hype us up. It will put fire in our ment that he broke the news to Kemp, the former NFL quarter­ 63-year-old Rozelle. “But the COVENTRY — The Coventry High School eyes.” three of his four top aides — back, congressman and now league is No. 1 with me. If there is boys’ basketball team, which recently cap­ Said Virginia’s Richard Morgan: “The attitude of communications director Joe Secretary of Housing. anything I could do to help, I tured the state Class S championship, will be everybody on this team is we’re not going to lose by Browne, executive director Don But there are others who might would.” recognized at a victory celebration Tuesday 48. It’s just a whole different situation.” AP p ho to Weiss and director of broadcast­ AP p ho to fit the description set forth by Tex I^ss likely are two who were night at 7 at the high school cafeteria. Michigan’s interim coach, Steve Fisher, and ing Val Pinchbeck. A fourth, Schramm. president of the Dallas hot candidates half-a-dozen years Refreshments will be served. Admission is Oklahoma coach Billy Tubbs downplayed the role BODY BLOCK — New York Rangers’ Gotaas Wetdnestday night in their NHL counsel Jay Moyer, was away Rose, however, refused to talk about MEETING THE PRESS — Cincinnati Cowdoys, and seconded by other ago but whose luster has dimmed free but it’s requested you call the school today revenge might play. goalie John Vanbiesbrouck attempts to clash at Madison Square Garden. The with his ailing wife. Major League baseball’s investigation of Reds’ manager Pete Rose talks with owners: a man in his 40s or early because of their involvement in or Friday between 8 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. to let "We haven’t talked about revenge at all,” said block a shot by the North Stars’ Steve Rangers won, 3-1. the NFL’s recent legal and labor them know how many in your party will be ‘‘We talked about the agenda.” members of the press before the start of him. 50s, knowledgeable about the Fisher, who assumed the Wolverine coaching duties Wednesday’s game in Plant City, Fla. NFL and communications. troubles: Michael McCaskey. attending. prior to the NCAA tournament when Bill Frieder Browne said “And he kept saying Among them: president of the Chicago Bears took the job at Arizona State. “I don’t think that will ‘what’s first?’ I told him the — Paul Tagliabue. a former and nephew of George Halas, one have a whole lot to do with it.” management council was making of the league’s founders, and Jack Local chapter wins title a presentation and he said ‘No. Georgetown basketball player “There’s a lot of characters missing,” Tubbs said. Flyers finally clinch berth who is now a lawyer with Donlan. executive director of the The John Mather DeMolay chapter of "The guys that were there remember that, but it’s a I’ve got something to say.’ That’s NFL Management Council. when he told us. Rose putting on a froht Covington and Burling, the pres­ Manchester won the Connecticut DeMolay new game. I find that what’s happened in the last tigious Washington law firm. “It was like it was in the room. The new commis.sioner will be Volleyball Championship tournament held game rarely has a bearing on the next game.” Tagliabue has repre.sented the picked by a committee headed by March 12 at East Windsor High. The local entry In Vaught, Glen Rice and Terry Mills, Michigan with rare comeback victory We were stunned for a second, NFL before Congress and has Wellington Mara of the New York then he broke into tears” was undefeated this year in a field of 14 presents one of the strongest, and most efficient, been deeply involved in two Giants and Lamar Hunt of the chapters. frontcourts in the country. Vaught leads the nation Bv Ken Rappoport minute left in regulation. It was He broke into tears again half major lawsuits — the antitrust Kansas City Chiefs, president of with 68 percent field goal shooting, while Rice is an hour later, after he was while under investigation Team members were Michael Krueger, The Associated Press the Penguins’ 112th power-play suit filed against the league by the the NFC and AFC. respectively. Mike Morasco. Jamie Jarvis, Sean Jarvis, shooting 57 percent and Mills 56 percent. NHL Roundup goal, breaking the NHL record applauded by reporters at a USFL and the current antitru.st North Carolina will have forward J.R. Reid back hastily called news conference — Bv Joe Kov To hear Rose, the storm of issues, including income Rose Three more members will be John Bender and George Wales. By now, the Philadelphia Fly­ the New York Rangers set last The Associated Press allegations hasn’t affected him may have derived from the sale of suit filed by the players union at named today. Boys age 13 to 17 are elgible to join the local again following his one-game suspension for ers are used to making the year. more than one media member the end of the 1987 strike. showed up in bathing attire after much. personal memorabilia, the new.s- Several owners, led by Art chapter by calling Sean Jarvis (282-1155) or breaking curfew. He will join Steve Bucknall, Pete Stanley Cup playoffs. It’s making a personal five-game streak for Blues 2, Sabres 1: Peter Zezel having been plucked from the PLANT CITY. Fla. - If Cincin­ “I don’t have any problems paper said. — Neal Pilson. the president of Modell of the Cleveland Browns, Scott Custer (649-0104). Chilcutt and Scott Williams up front. comebacks that have been a North Stars goalie Jon Casey. For set up St. Louis’ first goal and pool by members of the public nati Reds manager Pete Ro.se is sleeping.” he said. “Not the way D. Michael Crites. U.S. attor­ CBS Sports, who has worked suggested a two-headed job — a problem for them this season. the Rangers, the win was only scored the game-winner at 18; 11 relations staff. worried about his future in my team played yesterday (in ney for the southern district of closely with the league for a commissioner to handle market­ They managed to do both with a their third in 10 games. of the second period in a game baseball, he’s not showing it. heating St. Louis). The only thing Ohio, declined comment. decade. Several owners were ing, television and other public Soccer league Is forming 3-2 victory over the Chicago “Vanbiesbrouck won this game marred by a bloody injury to Then the tributes started pour­ Rose cracked jokes, talked that creates problems for me The New York Post also said in impressed with Pilson’s testim­ aspects, and a president tohandle HARTFORD — The Hartford Soccer League Knight puts on Blackhawks Wednesday night. for us because Minnesota played Sabres goaltender Clint ing in for the man who forged a baseball and sidestepped ques­ sleeping is the way my team Wednesday’s editions that Rose’s ony during the USFL trial. the football operations and per­ is looking for teams for the 1989 season to be “It was the best 60 minutes of well, but Beezer played better.” Malarchuk. consen.sus that made the NFLone tions about gambling allegations plays.” activities have the attention of — Joe Bailey, Dallas’ vice haps legal matters. held Sundays at Colt Park and Dillion Stadium, hockey we’ve played in a long Rangers defenseman Ron The crowd of 14.448 at Memor­ of the nation’s preeminent sports during a 4.5-minute session with Rose even had a hand in a little Crites’ office and the Internal president for administration. In any ease, it will take 19 of the from May to November. a good show time,” Philadelphia coach Paul Greschner said. ial Auditorium was silenced with organizations despite the ten­ reporters Wednesday before an skit by his players making light of Revenue Service, plus the Fed­ Bailey is a former North Carolina 28 owners to elect the new The league plays in accordance with United Holmgren said after the Flyers Maple Leafs 5, Canucks 3: Todd 4:43 left in the first period when dency of 28 owners to pull it in exhibition game. the media mob Pitcher Danny eral Bureau of Investigation and quarterback and Cowboys bal- commissioner — two-thirds of the States Soccer Federation (USSF) Laws of the made the playoffs for the 17th Gill and Dan Daoust scored in the Malarchuk .suffered a bloody different directions. “All I worry about is my team.” Jackson put on a Rose jersey and the Cincinnati police. Iboy who is considered to have teams. That’s not always easy. Game, with one exception: number of DENVER (AP) — Bobby Knight as a jolly old elf? straight year. ‘It’s especially third period as Toronto prevented neck wound that halted play for 10 Elected in 1960 as a comprom­ Rose said. “All I worry about is strutted around the field during Schramm’s knowledge of football Most other policy matters need substitutions. “You remember when you were a kid growing up noteworthy because we’ve had the Canucks from clinching a minutes. Two onrushing players the Cincinnati Reds You find that The New York new.spaper without the abrasiveness that has three-quarters, or 21. and you believed in Santa Claus?” Knight trouble coming from behind this playoff spot in the Smythe ise candidate at age 33. Rozelle batting practice while about a quoted an unnamed source as Any team or players interested in participat­ — Buffalo’s Uwe Krupp and Sf. emerged from a background in hard to believe?” dozen players with “PRESS” antagonized .some owners toward In 1960, when Rozelle was ing should write to: Hartford Soccer League. responded when asked if he had mellowed. “There’s year.” Division. Louis’ Steve Tuttle — collided Rose still refuses to discuss saying Cincinnati police e.stimate the Cowboys president. elected, it took 11 days and 23 not much difference between Claus and me today, Before Wednesday night, the John Kordic, Gary Leeman and public relations and as general taped on their caps followed him the Reds manager owes book­ P.O. Box 9313, Wethersfield, Conn., 06109, or with Malarchuk and the goalie manager of the Los Angeles allegations that have linked him around. Other, more speculative candi­ ballots to decide on the then call 527-9868 after 5 p.m. Deadline for you know. We’re two overweight, lovable guys that Flyers were 2-19-2 in games A1 lafrate also scored as the Leafs fell to the ice bleeding profusely. with gambling and could jeopard­ makers between $.500,060 and dates. might include former little-known general manager of kids really enjoy.” they’ve trailed after two periods. ended a two-game losing streak. Ramstobuildthefirst leaguethat “He (Jackson) asked for per­ $750,000. Police officials were not regi.stration is April 20. * Malarchuk skated off the ice shared revenue as a matter of ize his future in baseball. mission (to wear the jersey).” Dallas running back Calvin Hill. a the Los Angeles Rams. Knight was in top form Wednesday as he talked to But against the Blackhawks. they Capitals 5, Penguins 4: Dave under his own power, leaving a One of the allegations under commenting on that report. the press gathered for tonight’s NCAA West scored three times in the third course. Rose said. “Did it fit him? I wish I WLWT-TV in Cincinnati said it Christian and Geoff Courtnall pool of blood in the crease. A “He was able to get people in investigation is that Rose may looked like him.” Connors wins in net play regional semifinal matchup between his eighth- period to pull out a dramatic scored 1:41 apart in the third spokesman at Buffalo General have bet on baseball, possibly his spoke with Michael Fry. who was ranked Hoosiers, 27-7. and No. 11 Seton Hall, 28-6. victory. New York. Los Angeles and Rose also said he's getting tied to Rose’s gambling in a KEY BISCAYNE. Fla. (AP) - Fourth- period as the Capitals won their Hospital said Malarchuk had a Chicago to share television re­ own team, a baseball source told support from his players — even seeded Jimmy Connors won a first-set No. 1-ranked Arizona. 29-3. plays No. 15 While the Flyers were making sixth consecutive game. five-inch gash in his neck but was The Associated Press. Sports Illustrated story this NFL votes to limit Nevada-Las Vegas, 28-7. in tonight’s second the playoffs, the Minnesota North venue equally with people in those he cut from the squad week The station said that Fry. tie-breaker and beat Arnaud Boetsch of France The Penguins are 3-8 in their listed in good condition Doctors Green Bay and Buffalo.” said Art “That’s what they’re looking Wednesday. 7-6. 6-1. 6-1 Wednesday night in the second semifinal. Stars and Vancouver Canucks last 11 games and have lost six of were conducting exploratory into. Nothing has been proven who is serving a pri.son term for The winners meet Saturday with a berth in the both missed opportunites to Modell. owner of the Cleveland “My players pat me on the cocaine trafficking and income- round of the International Players their last seven home games. surgery to determine if there was Browns. “That was his genius yet.” said the source, who asked back.” he said. “I had three pat training camp list Championships. Final Four at stake. clinch a berth. The North Stars They are third in the Patrick additional damage, not to be identified. tax evasion, told it that Rose bet Knight spoke out on subjects including his own were beaten 3-1 by the New York and that made us what we are me on the back today — they got up to $40,000 on football Connors joined top-seeded Ivan Lendl in Division, seven points behind Canadlens 8, Nordlques 0: today.” If proven true. Rose would be optioned out (to the minors) approved, if for no other reason advancing on the third day of the two-week future, the recent rash of coach resignations and Rangers and the Vancouver Washington and three in back of Shayne Corson scored three goals suspended or even banned for weekends. By Dave Goldberg firings and the fact his Wednesday practice, under Canucks lost to the Toronto Maple “Pete Rozelle dominated his That’s not funny, being optioned The Associated Press than as a going-away present to tournament, winning the tie-breaker 7-3 and the New York Rangers. and goaltender Patrick Roy profession.” said Davis, to whom life back to the minor leagues. I said. The Plain Dealer of Cleveland Rozelle. then dominating Boetsch the last two sets. NCAA rules, had to be open to the public. Leafs 5-3. Christian broke a 3-3tie at 15; 04 broke a 45-year-old team record Knight flirted with moving to the head coaching Dave Poulin scored with 1:54 Rozelle barely spoke during the Baseball Commissioner Peter ‘I wish you luck.’ They said, ‘Hey. reported today that Fry flunked PALM DESERT. Calif. - NFL “Pete really wants it.” said one Mary Joe Fernandez, the women’s ninth of the second period with his 31st for the longest unbeaten streak at 10-year period that began in 1978. Ueberroth and Commissioner- I wi.sh you luck.’ ” an FBI lie-detector test last year seed, also won a night match at the job at New Mexico last season, but he said he figures remaining to climax the Flyers’ goal, his 400th point with the the Forum. owners, attempting to cut costs team official. “I think he’ll get he’s at Indiana for good now. Asked if he’d be three-goal third period. The Fly­ when Davis first proposed mov­ elect A. Bartlett Giamatti an­ Federal officials as well as while working as a government and even competition, are limit­ it.” International Tennis Center, beating Cathy Capitals. Courtnall got his 39th at Roy remained unbeaten in 26 ing the Raiders from Oakland to nounced in a statement Monday baseball authorities are investi­ informant, and federal prosecu­ Caverzasio of Switzerland 6-2, 7-5. Beth Herr interested in any of the jobs openingup now, he said. ers. blanked in the first two 16:45 to give the Capitals a 5-3 starts at home this season and his ing all teams to 80 players in “No, I’m done. Take a look at me. I just barely get periods, finally broke through as Los Angeles, and ended two that Major I^eague Baseball was gating allegations about Rose’s tors said that “severely limited training camp. That left Wedne.sday as the day upset No. 14 Catarina Lindqvist of Sweden 6-7 lead and help them withstand a 24-0-2 record broke the club mark weeks ago. when the law.suit looking into “seriousallegations” gambling, according to published the value” of his use as a witness. that the same owners who are (7-2), 6-4, 6-3. by here. I finally decided.” Ron Sutter and Terry Carkner late goal by Mario Lemieux. of 25 consecutive home games Under new rules approved As for all the coaches who have lost their jobs in scored three minutes apart. against the league that was won about Rose. The statement didn’t reports Rose has acknowledged mak­ Wednesday on a day that all giving six-figure signing bonuses Lendl won in straight sets, but said his mind The NHL scoring leader got his without a loss set in 1943-44 by by the Raiders was settled for $18 mention the nature of the allega­ The Dayton newspaper said ing legal bets at tracks, but has to unprotected free agents wandered as he swept Jim Pugh, 6-3, 6-1, 6-1. recent weeks. Knight said. “I think it’s a sick Rangers 3, North Stars 1: Jason 74th goal on a power play with one Hall of Famer Bill Durnan. activities were overshadowed by Lafreniere scored in the game’s million. tions. and gave no indication federal investigators in Cincin­ denied betting on college the announcement of Commis­ elected to cut costs by trimming Most of the highest seeded players in the $2.1 thing.” “He had a commitment to his when the commissioner might nati were scheduled to meet basketball. rosters. million tournament had the day off. No. 8 The other three head coaches in Denver were first minute and goaltender John sioner Pete Rozelle’s retirement, equally, if not as eloquently, distressed. Vanbiesbrouck turned in one of profession and the NFL that I act. today with investigators from the Sports Illustrated, in its March the owners also extended the time Miloslav Mecir, the 1987 champion, withdrew greatly admire and a commit­ In a copyright story today, the commissioner’s office about the 27 issue, quoted an unidentified In the past, there was no Seton Hall coach P. J. Carlesimo seemed about to his best efforts of the season, a player must spend on injured limitation on the number of because of a back injury suffered in the lose his job two years ago. Now he’s a two-time Big making 36 saves. ment to build a better league.” Dayton Daily News reported that widening probe into Rose’s al­ source as saying Rose “ex­ reserve from four weeks to six tournament he won last week at Indian Wells, said Davis, who was commis­ Ueberroth probably would an­ leged gambling activities. changed signals somehow relat­ playears a team could take to East coach of the year with his school in the “Sweet The loss snapped a three-game and set up a six-player develop­ camp. The Denver Broncos, for Calif. winning streak for Minnesota and ACURA sioner of the old AFL when the nounce his decision today. The John M. Dowd, the special ing to baseball betting” from the mental squad of rookies and 16” for the first time. coun.sel hired by Ueberroth, and dugout at Riverfront Stadium. SI example, had 140 in camp last leagues merged in 1966. newspaper quoted an unnamed first-year men. year. “He had the unique ability to source as saying. “Pete will get a Kevin Hallinan. baseball’s secur­ also reported allegations that But Rozelle’s retirement an­ ity chief, also are .scheduled to baseball’s all-time hits leader “We found out we couldn’t find New 1989 get people all on the same page in minimum suspension of a year, if nouncement postponed debate on the nuggets we thought we could a business where you could he’s lucky.” meet with the attorney for Ronald placed bets on baseball through the long-awaited renewal of in­ Peters, a Franklin. Ohio, bar friends. find.” said Patrick Bowlen. the depend on 28 different people all However, a source with major stant replay. It will be voted on team’s owner and member of the SAVE 10% NOW Something to going in different directions.” league baseball told the APit was owner who has emerged as a Under Major League Rule 21-d. Acura Integra today, the final day of the finance committee that deve­ said Hunt, another AFL owner. “unlikely” any action would be central figure in the investigation if Rose bet on games in which his meetings and is likely to be on all Four Seasons “If you needed a consensus, you taken today. into Rose’s alleged betting activi­ team was not involved, he would loped the new plan. went to Pete.” said Hugh Culver- Rose has been left to issue “no ties. the newspaper said. be suspended for one year. If Solariums, Shading Systems, Ride Home About house of Tampa Bay. comment” when asked about the The Dayton Daily News said Rose bet on games involving the Hunt and Mara, presidents of allegations, and to wait for a the investigation had nothing to Reds, he would be banned for life. Products and Accessories* the AFC and NFC respectively, ruling by the commissioner. Rose do with gambling initially, but Such a penalty could hurt his will head a five-man search team said Wednesday he had no grew out of drug probe that chances for the Hall of Fame. > *s t V n c m r wiVsKrV ^ 2 Weeks Lett — Ssle Ends Msreh 31st that will seek a successor. The information about when it might focu.sed on Peters and a major Rose assumed a serious tone other members are expected to come. cocaine dealer in Cincinnati. Wednesday when asked whether kvr.ri'a.iH.iw BT>f3B; be named today. “No idea. No more idea than Ro.se wasn’t a target in the drug he was concerned about his place TREASURE HOMES The search couldbedifficult. In you do.” Rose said. investigation, but authorities in Cooperstown. fact. Modell. Schramm and other His dugout meeting with about found betting slips in Peters’ bar “4,2.56 hits. 2.200 runs. That’sall owners suggested that the league 75 reporters before an exhibition that led them to Rose, the I did.” Rose .said. After a pause, REMODELING CONTRACTOR might need both a commissioner game against St. Louis was the newspaper said. he added “I’m a Hall of Famer. OO* and president to run the myriad of first time he’d made any com­ The federal investigation of It’s every player’s dream to go to tasks undertaken bv Rozelle. ment about his situation. Rose involves tax and gambling the Hall of Fame.” per month 1 Specializing In: 199 Boggs is striking out ROOM STX30 Lawn Tractor fin d ihz T.ggs •6.5 Bushel Rear Bagger optional ADDITIONS N O MONEY DOWN! Come join our Magic Bunny for p p • 1 5 9 9 on the trade market Large Selection Available * our Easter Egg Hunl REPLACEMENT The John Deere STX30 lawn tractor spells quality right down to the let­ WINTER HAVEN, Fla. (AP) - a trade and other major league WINDOWS • ter. You get John Deere quality at a price comparable to top-of-the-line For Immediate Delivery Wade Boggs. 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Each Come see the STX30 today. Also available STX38 12.5 HP 38 inch cut rity deposit or capitalized cost reduction re­ Bunnies, gets a free quired at beginning of lease $ None Secu­ with Shoele.ss Joe Jackson for rarely. • MEMBER BETTER BUSINESS BUREAU available with exclusive shading systems, Pow-R-Vent® rity deposit is not refundable Purchase op­ third place alltime. Ty Cobb is “Maybe they feel they’ll break chiidren s video rentai. cooling and venting, and flat or curved Heat Mirror"* Glass. tion is available. Total of payments equa^ • FREE ESTIMATES number of months x monthly payment. first with .367. followed by Rogers us down.” Gorman said. Taxes and registration is additional. k Coioring bunnies avaiiable ^ Hornsby with .358. Reports of possible deals with ENTER OUR BEFORE AND A R E R DESIGN CONTEST. Nothing Runs Like a Deere® Boggs is arguably the best the New York Mets. the New York at front desk. ^ "Do Business with the man who Grarid Prize: Win up to $15,000.** hitter in the major leagues, the Yankees, the KansasCity Royals, works on the job!" -V ® East of the River only player since I900toget 200or the Houston Astros and the SCHALLEB New England's Most Exciting Video Superstore 330 Adams Street UWN A LEISURE more hits in six consecutive Seattle Mariners were shot down. FOUR SEASONS Manchester seasons. “All trades are a possibility.” GREENHOUSES 646^1464 'Sales, Service & Sharpening MANCHESTER Now. only 30, he is at a career Gorman said. “They’rethere. but GET THE JUMP ON SPRING! l)i'sli)ii(4 K c iik m Ii 'I im ii ( ciili'i-. 2 WMki l«ft — Salt End! Rt. 44, Coventry • 742-6103 they’re not there. You can talk to March Slat. 345 C«nter. St. (Rt. 6), ManchBStar crossroads. His off-field love life 3 MMm East of BoHon Notch 647-7077 has damaged not only his reputa­ doomsday and still not be able to SUPERSTORE Outdoor Living. . . Indoors^ «,m«R~.s».o»sou,p~i«,.con. Hours. M-Sat. B-4 / T, W, Th. 9-5:30 / FrI do it .CALL 657-8666 TODAYJ 9-7 Exit 60 Off 1-64 MlnutBB from Hartford tion. but also that of teammates 171 Spencer St., Manchester 646-5546 Ovar 250 Indapandantly ownad and oparatad franchlaad locatlona natlonwida. and the Red Sox, “If things stay as they are. Open Daiiy Till 10 PM Weekends Till Midnight So the best hitter is available in there will be no trade.” 14 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mar. 23, 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD, Thursday. Mar. 23. 1989 — l.S SPORTS SCOREBOARD FOCUS/Advice

Missouri, 29-7, vs. Syracuse, 257,30 minutes IN B R IEF otter first gome Championship Hockey At Minneapolis Sunday, March 21 Malarchuk listed as stable Illlnols-Loulsville winner vs. Mlssourl- Disorder considered physicai disease WITH 10 Svrocuse winner, 1:15 p.m. '■ 'E SCv :E"S BUFFALO. N.Y. (AP) - Buffalo Sabres NHL standings WEST REGIONAL DEAR ABBY; You providing me with this information so expect the children to be respectful of goalie Clint Malarchuk was rushed to a First Round were right to tell Count hospital Wednesd^.y night after his neck was At Boise, Idaho I could publicize it. Those who are the uniform and turn to the police WALES CONFERENCE Thursday, March 16 Dracula that compul­ interested may write to the OCD when they are lost or need help. cut during a collision in the first period of the A d am DIvhlon Arizona 94, Robert Morris 60 sive counting is fairly Sabres’ game against the St. Louis Blues. v-Mantreol 51 18 7 109 303 211 Clemson 83, St. Mary's, Callt. 70 Foundation, P.O. Box 9573, New Being a police officer is one of the x-Bostan 33 28 14 80 268 239 Nevoda-Los Vegas 68, Idaho 56 common. Some people Haven, Conn. 06535. This is a non­ Malarchuk. obtained March 6 in a trade with x-BuTtala 34 33 7 75 271 282 DePaul 66, Memphis State 63 are always counting Dear Abby most frustrating jobs in the world. the Washington Capitals, was struck in the x-Hortford 34 35 5 73 273 271 At Tucson, Ariz. profit group, so please enclose a long, Half the time we are the good guys; Quebec 25 42 7 57 249 322 Friday, March 17 something — the Abigail Van Buren self-addressed, stamped (25 cents) A crease by two on-rushing players — Buffalo Patrick Division Evansville 94, Oregon State 90, OT number of stairs they go half the time we are the bad guys. And defenseman Uwe Krupp and St. Louis forward W L T Pts OF GA Seton Hall 60, Southwest Missouri Stote 51 envelope. all the time we are in danger of being x-Wo*hlnoton 38 26 10 86 278 235 up or down, the number m u M Steve Tuttle — and immediately collapsed, x*NY Rangers 37 30 8 82 296 280 Indiana 99, George Mason 65 of posts in a fence, cars shot or attacked in some way — if not bleeding profusely. x-PIttsburgh 36 32 7 79 320 325 Texas-EI Paso 85, Louisiana Stote 74 by the criminal element, then by the x-Phlladelphlo 34 33 7 75 285 261 Second Round on the highway, light DEAR ABBY: You missed the boat A pool of blood about three feet in diameter 62 254 297 courts, the press or public opinion. It’s New Jersey 25 37 12 At Boise, Idaho bulbs in a sign, etc. It on the letter from the “ Savanah Cop” lA tO A u -s g formed in the corner of the crease. NY Islanders 24 45 5 S3 241 305 Saturday, March I I ironic that most people become police CAMPBELL CONFERENCE can be harmless, or carried to the try. Today, this national non-profit who appealed to you to help bring Malarchuk skated off the ice toward the Nevoda-Los Vegas 85, DePaul 70 officers to help others, yet seldom get Norrlt Division Arizona 94, Clemson 68 point where a person thinks he’s going OCD Foundation offers advice, infor­ back the saying, “ The policeman is Sabres’ locker room and was taken by W L T Pts OF GA At Tucson, ArIz. the help or support they need from x-Detrolt 32 30 12 76 293 293 insane. Doctors call it “ Obsessive mation, newsletters, referrals to your friend.” Whether or not his IWAJI SMANOON ambulance to Buffalo General Hospital. Sunday, March 19 others to do their jobs well. St. Louis 29 34 12 70 260 271 Seton Hall 87, Evansville 73 Compulsive Behavior Disorder” or treatment centers and “ phone pals” police department has a public The head nurse at the hospital emergency MInnesoto 26 33 15 67 246 264 Indlona 97, Texas-EI Paso 69 Chicago 25 38 12 62 281 312 “ OCD.” to OCD sufferers and their families in Abby, please remind parents that room said doctors were working on closing the Semlllnals relations division to give talks in Toronto 26 43 6 SB 242 322 At Denver An estimated one in every 40 men, all SO states. schools is not the issue. First, if the what they teach their children about wound and said Malarchuk was in stable Smvttio Division Thursday, March 23 women and children has some form of law enforcement stays with them condition. v*Calgarv 49 16 9 107 329 210 Seton Hall, 256, vs. Indiana, 77-7,8:09 p.m. It’s not just a compulsion to count; it officer is a uniformed patrolman, he AP photo x-Los Angeles 38 30 6 82 354 317 OCD. I know, because I am an OCD includes saving things until there is no probably has no say in department forever. x-Edmonton 36 32 8 80 311 292 Arizona. 753, vs. Nev.-Los Vegas, 757, 30 Voncouver 72 232 229 sufferer. For years I thought I was the more space to accommodate the policy or programs. Second, it’s not RUSSIAN COVER — Soviet film star 32 35 8 Rec photo minutes otter first gome ANOTHER COP IN NEW YORK King, Carlesimo honored Winnipeg 24 38 11 59 281 329 Championship only person in the world who couldn’t collection, and the uncontrollable the schools or the department he is Natalya Negoda makes her Playboy x-clinched playoff berth; v-ctlnched div­ At Denver stop counting everything. habit of pulling one’s own hair or appealing to, it’s the parents. If ision title MEN'S VOLLEYBALL CHAMPS — Spike captured the Rec Department’s Saturday, March 25 debut on the cover of the May 1989 ST. LOUIS (AP) — Oklahoma center Stacey Wednesdov's Gomes Arlzono-UNLV winner vs. Seton Holl- The good news is that doctors now eyelashes out. The list goes on and on. parents have already instilled fear of DEAR COP: Thank you. A rap on Hortford 4, Boston 2 Men’s Volleyball League American Division crown. Team members, from left, Indlana winner, 4:05 p.m. issue. Negoda, named Best Actress at King and Seton Hall coach P.J. Carlesimo have St. Louis Z Buffalo 1 realize that OCD is a physical illness Thank you, Abby, for giving this policemen in their children, then the knuckles with a billy club for been given top honors in college basketball this Montreol 8, Quebec 0 front row: Dave Timbrell, Don Kelsey, Rene Leveille, Ed Braga. Back row: THE FINAL POUR — and there is medication that can hidden disorder national exposure so giving talks to schools isn’t going to Abby. Chicago’s 24th International Film Festi­ season by The Sporting News. Washington 5, Pittsburgh 4 Steve Hedge, Stu Wolf, Ed Hille, Ray Lata. At SMttle bring it under control. those who have it will not feel so alone New York Rongers 3. Minnesota 1 Semifinals help change that. val for her performance in “Little Vera," King. wholedtheSooners to a regular-season Toronto 5, Voncouver 3 Saturday, April 1 Three years ago, many of us who and can seek the help they need to Many departments do work with will grace the pages of Playboy in a Big Eight title and helped them maintain a No. Phlladelphio 3. Chicogo 2 East champion vs. West champion were being treated in the Yale Clinic control this disorder. schools in this area, but it’s not DEAR READERS: Have a heart. A Thursday’s Gomes Southeost champion vs. Midwest champion 10-page pictorial that few of her 1 ranking nationally for part of the season, was New Jersey ot Boston, 7:35 p.m. Leals 5, Canucks 3 3Polnl oools—Maxwell, Lolmbeer, OCD program in New Haven, formed FRAN SYDNEY, enough. Abby, you should help edu­ living creature is not a toy, so this H ortford of Quebec, 7:35 p.m. Thomas. Fouled out—None. Rebounds— countrymen are ever likely to see. named College Basketball Player of the Year Son Antonio 47 IBrIckewskI 7), Detroit 61 Championship an organization to educate and offer NEW HAVEN cate the parents. They cannot use the Easter, do not give a furred or MInnesoto ot New York Islanders, 8:05p.m. Monday, April 3 (Lolmbeer 10). Assists— Son Antonio 74 by the St. Louis-based weekly publication. Voncouver 2 0 1—3 Basketball Semifinal winners, 9:08 p.m. support to the estimated 5 million image of the "cop” to threated their feathered pet to a child who is too Joining King on TSN’s All-America first Winnipeg ot Edmonton, 9:35 p.m. Toronto 2 1 2—5 (Robertson 8), Detroit 78 (Thomas 10). young to care for it properly. Los Angeles at Calgary, 9:35 p.m. First Period—1, Vancouver, Sutter 17 Total fouls—Son Antonio 76, Detroit 73. OCD sufferers throughout the coun- DEAR FRAN; Thank yon for children, and then turn around and team were Danny Ferry of Duke. Lionel Fiidoy’s Gomes (Butcher). 0:52. 7, Toronto, Kordic 1 Technicols—Rodmon, Son Antonio Illegal NIT glance Simmons of La Salle. Sean Elliott of Arizona Vancouver at Buffalo, 7:35 p.m. (Shonnon, Solming), 2:46. 3, Voncouver, defenses. A—71,454. Toronto at Detroit, 7:35 p.m. G.C.Adoms 6 (Smith, Nordmork), 11:18. 4, NBA standings PEOPLE and Chris Jackson of Louisiana State. Philadelphia ot Woshington, 8:05 p.m Toronto, Leemon 31 (Osborne. Ham­ Heatl 97. Knicks 193 First Round Carlesimo led Seton Hall to a surprising 11-5 Calgary ot W'^nipeg, 8:35 p.m. mond), 11:51. Penalties—Kordic, Tor EASTERN CONFERENCE Wednesday, March 15 (roughing), 3:03; Butcher, Van (rough­ Connecticut 67, N.C. Charlotte 62 Car thieves often out smart Attantic DIvKIon Big East Conference season this year. The ing), 6:48; Clark, Tor (roughing), 6:48; St. John's 70, Mississippi 67 Actress was lazy NHL results w L Pet. OB NEW YORK (103) Pirates finished second to Georgetown and Morols, Tor (roughing), 13:55; Butcher, New York 44 22 .667 _ Newman 9-717-1176,Ooklev 5100410, Ewing Penn State 89, M urray Stote 73 Von, double minor (roughing), 13:55; Villanova 76, St, Peters 56 CHICAGO (AP) — Natalya Negoda, who ranked in the top 15 for nearly the entire PMIodelphIa 36 30 .545 e 9-195774, Strlcklond517?-714,G.WIIklnsl-71-7 Domphousse, Tor (holding), 17:11; Clork, Boston 33 32 .508 10'/3 3, Oeen 7-4548, Myers 18784, Tucker 1-31-14, Ohio State 81, Akron 70 thinks her latest exposure may be a bit much Whalers 4, Bruins 2 Tor. molor (fighting), 20:00; Butcher Von, Wisconsin 63, New Orleans 61 season. Woshlncrton 30 35 .462 13>.6 Vondeweghe 38 OO 6, Walker 57 51 0, the best anti-theft devices for her comrades in the Soviet Union, says she molor (fighting), 20:00. New Jersey 23 44 .343 21V? E.WIIkIns 37574. Totals39-97 7334103. St. Louis 87, Southern Illinois 54 Second Period—5, Toronto, lofrote 12 Charlotte 17 49 .258 27 Richmond 70, Temple 56 became an actress because she was lazy and Boston 0 1 1--2 (Fergus, Reid), 7:33. Penalties—Benning, Thursday, March 16 news is that 80 to 90 percent of all Hartford 2 1 1—4 Central CMvItlon M IA M I (107) By Peter Bohr wasn’t good in foreign languages and math. Von (holding), 1:28; Nordm ork, Van v-Detrolt 47 17 .734 — Thompson 7-7 1-7 5, Long 514 58 18, Michigan State 83, Kent State 69 Probert may be deported Rrst Period—1, Hartford, Young 17 (holding), 3:50; Sondlak, Von, m olor Alobama-BIrmlngham 83, Georgia South­ Road & Track Magazine vehicle thefts are what we call v-Clevelond 48 18 .727 — Selkolv 1-3 28 4, Edwards 11-70 48 76, “ But, of course, I have a big ego and a lot of (Quenneville). 8:45. 2, Hortford, Fronds 28 (fighting), 9:31; Richardson. Tor, m olor Mllwoukee 42 22 .656 5 Sporrow 582-2 l2,Grav5145818, Sundvold3-5 ern 74 Keeping Your 'transportation thefts.” For in­ DETROIT (AP) — A lawyer who specializes (Somuelsson, Dlneen), 19:16. Penalties— (fighting), 9:31; Bruce. Vonm, double m inor Wichita State 70, UC Santa Barbara 67 pride,” she said. “ I’d love to be famous all Martin, Har (Interference). 3:11; Hartford Chicago 39 26 .600 8Vi 2-7 9, Woshington 18 7-7 4, Shoskv 51 58 5, After tracking down escaped stance. some kids win decide they in immigration law said Wednesday that Bob (high-stteking, roughing). 10:40; Donv Atlonto 39 27 .591 9 Hostings 782-76. Totals 37-8737-40107. Nebraska 81, Arkansas State 79 over.” bench, served by Ferraro (too many men on phousse. Tor (roughing), 10:40; lofrote, Tor Pepperdine 84, New Mexico State 69 car thieves for 21 years, Califor­ Car Alive want to go to the mountains, so Probert. formerly of the Detroit Red Wings, Ice).10:00 Indlona 20 46 .303 28 The 25-year-old actress appears in a 10-page (holding), 12:51; Clork, Tor (roughing), WESTERN CONFERENCE New York 79 78 71 25—103 New Mexico 91, Santa Cloro 76 Second Period—3, Hortford, Dlneen 42 18:18. California 73, Hawaii 57 nia Highway Patrol investigator they steal a four-wheel-drive pictorial in May’s Playboy magazine and talks could be deported if he’s found guilty of trying (Fronds, Somuelsson), :30. 4, Boston, MMwest DIvIdon Mloml 29 30 74 24—107 Third Period—6, Vancouver, G.C. w L Pet. OB 3P olnt goals—Newman, Tucker, Sund- Friday, Morch 17 Bob Bedoya has come to one truck. They drive it around for a to import cocaine into the United States. Jannev 14 (Bouraue, Neely), 13:46 (pp). Adams 7 (Bridgmon, Reinhart), 6:33(pp). Oklahoma State 69, Boise State 55 about her film, “ Little Vera,” for which she Penoltles—Quenneville, Hor (holding), Utah 41 25 .621 _ vold. Fouled out—Ewing. Rebounds— inescapable conclusion: Profes­ the alarm, and continues on his few days, and then abandon it, A federal grand jury indicted Probert on a 7. Toronto, Gill 6 (Morols), 11:18 8, Toronto, Houston 36 29 .554 4V? New York 58 (Ewing 13), M iam i 59 (Long 11). was named best actress at Chicago’s 24th 4 :9 ; B.Sweeney, Bos (trippino), 10:20; Dooust 7 (Reid), 11:58. Penoltles—O lavk, Denver 36 30 .545 5 Assists—New York 17 (Newmon 5), M iam i 23 Second Round sional car thieves can swipe any way. If onlookers wonder what’s and it’s often not much worse for felony charge of drug importation Tuesday, MacDermId, Har (Interference), 12:27; Tor (holding), 5:48; Bruce, Von (crofs- Mondoy, March 30 International Film Festival last year. Ferraro, Har (tripping), 19:43. Dallos 31 35 .470 10 (Sporrow 8). Total touts— New York 20, car they want, and there’s not going on, he just tells them to the wear.” nearly three weeks after he allegedly tried to checking), 19:16; Kordic. Tor (roughing), Son Antonio 18 48 .273 23 Miami 27. Technicals—Grov, Miami Alaboma-BIrmlnoham 64, Richmond 61 “ Playboy is pretty fast for us in Russia,” she Third Period—5, Boston, Crowder 14 19:16. Villanova 76, Penn State 67 much we can do to stop them. mind their own business, and they “ I suppose the chances of smuggle cocaine through a tunnel linking (Bouraue), 5:28. 6, Hartford. Dlneen 43 Mionnl 11 55 .167 30 lllegoldefense. A—15,008 said. Shots on gool—Vancouver 11-7-13—31. Pactnc Division Connecticut 73, Calltamlo 77 That’s a disturbing thought, usually do.” having your car ripped off depend (Fronds), 19:57 (en). Penalties—Neely, Toronto 12-1^6—33, Ohio State 85. Nebrasko 74 Detroit and Windsor. Ontario. Bos (roughing), 14:04; Dlneen, Har L.A. Lakers 45 20 .692 — Power-plov Opportunities—Voncouver 1 of Phoenix 42 24 .636 3'/? Bulls112.Suns111 St. Louis 73, Wisconsin 68 especially to those of us with “ But don’t the little red lights on what you drive,” I said. If convicted. Probert. a Canadian citizen (roughing), 14:04. 5; Toronto 0 of 4. Michigan State 79, Wichita State 67 Shots on goal—Boston 9-7-9—25. H art­ Golden State 38 77 .585 7 fancy cars and fancy notions of you see in cars with alarm "Corvettes, Mercedes and Neuharth resigns board living in Detroit, could be banned from the Goolles—Vancouver, McLean, 20-15-3 Seattle 38 27 .585 7 Tuesday, March 71 ford 4-4-7—15. (33 $hots-2B saves). Toronto, Reese, 2-6-1 CHICAGO (117) having some control over our Porsches are probably stolen Portland 32 33 .492 13 St. John's 76, Oklahoma State 64 systems act as a deterrent?” I United States, according to Roman Rewald. a Power-ploy Opportunities—Boston 1 of5; (31-28). Grant 11-19 3-3 25, Plppen 6-15 2-3 U, Socromento 19 47 .288 New Mexico 86, Pepoerdlne 69 possessions. most often." WASHINGTON (AP) — Allen H. Neuharth Hortford 0 of 1. 26W Co rtw right 4-123-411. Hodges 5^13(M)14, Jordan wondered. Detroit lawyer who specializes in immigration A—16,355. ^ L.A. Clippers 14 Goalies—Boston, Lemelln, 17-14-6 (14 51 .215 31 10-20 12-12 32. Poxson 1-4 1-1 3,Sellers3-42-2 “ But what about the $400 “ Visual deterrents only deter “ You’d be surprised,” Bob will resign from the board of directors of and international law. Referee— Denis M orel. Linesmen—Jerry v-cl Inched plovoff berth Quarterfinals shots-11 saves). Hartford, Whitmore, 1-(M) Potemon, Leon Stickle. 8, Vincent 2-41-25, Corzine 0-1OOO. Totals 42-92 Wednesday, March 22 noted. “ Right now in Southern Gannett Co. Inc. on April 27, a move that (25-23) WtdneMtav’s Gomes 24-27112. high-tech electronic alarm sys­ novice thieves,” replied Bob. Probert. 23. also faces up to 20 years in prison Phllodelphia 100, Ctevelond97 Alaboma-BIrmlnoham 85, Connecticut 79 A —15.223. PHOENIX (111) tems — the ones that promise to “ OK, then,” I said, “ how about California, the most-stolen vehi­ follows his retirement as chairman of the and a $1 million fine, but under federal Referee— Kerry Froser. Linesmen— M iam i 107, New York 103 Chambers 11-25 8-8 31. Corbin 0-2 0^ 0, West Detroit 115, SanAntonlo94 Michigan State 70, Villanova 63 do everything but clap the hand­ those $25 bar locks that interlock cles are mini-pickups — espe­ media giant at the end of the month. sentencing guidelines, he would serve less than Gord Broseker, Mark Pore. Capitals 5. Pengulns4 3-5 0-0 6, Hornacek 4-8 0-0 9, K.Johnson Thursday, March 23 IndianolOI. Woshlnoton92 9-17 12-13 »,E.Johnson13-M 1-2 29, Long 0-0 cuffs on the crook?” I asked Bob. the brake pedal and the steering cially four-wheel-drive Toyotas “ I am convinced that when a retired former two years in prison. Chicogo 112,Phoenix 111 St. John's, 17-13, a t Ohio State, 1514, 8 p.m. 7-2 2. GIIMom 0-2 0-0 0,Molerle2-30-04,Dunn “ I mean, they have sirens that wheel? They seem sturdy." — as well as Toyota MR2s, CEO remains on the board of directors of a CanadiensB.NordlquesO WosMnolon 2 3 0—4 L.A. Clippers 116, Oollos 112 (K) 0-0 0. Totols 42-88 23-25 111. TTiurttfoy’s Games SI. Louis, 25-9, ot New Mexico, 759,9:35 PlttdHiroh 1 3 1—4 p.m. will wake the dead. They have “ Accomplished thieves laugh Camaros, Hyundis, VW Beetles corporation, his-her mere presence is often an First Perlott—1, PIttsburoh, K.Sfevens 0 Washington at Charlotte , 7:30 p.m. Chicogo 35 25 31 21—113 Quebec 0 0 0—0 Milwaukee atClevelond,7:np.m. motion detectors that sense when at locks. It only takes a tool called and Honda Preludes. Mercedes inhibiting factor,” Neuharth said Wednesday PItIno looking for work Montreal 3 1 4—8 (Brown), 8:17. 2, WasMnoton, Plvonko 8 Phoenix 34 20 77 30—111 Semifinals (Lonoway, Rouse). )0:S). 3, Wos)itnoton, L.A.ClIppersotSeottle, 10p.m. 3-Polnt goals—Hodges 4, E.Johnson 2, the car is jacked up. Some even a ‘slam-hammer’ to unlock and Porsches tend to be stolen by in a statement released from corporate First Period—1, Montreal, Skrudland 11 Phoenix ot Golden Stote. 10:» p.m. AAondov, March 27 Dr. Gott NEW YORK (AP) — New York Knicks coach (Cheilos, MePhee). 2:58 (sh). 2 Montreal, M iller 16, 15:30. Pertoltles—Froncesohettl, Chambers, Hornacek. Fouled out—None. At New York have microphones that sense the them,” said Bob. professional thieves.” headquarters in suburban Arlington, Va. “ I do Was (Interference), 1:15; Sheehv, Was L.A. Lokersof Sacramento, lOrXp.m. Rebounds—Chicago 46 (Grant, Jordan 10), Rick Pitino. who admitted earlier this season Skrudland 12 (Cheilos, Keene), 9:29. 3, Frktov’s Gomes Teams and times TBA Peter Gott, M.D. sound of a breaking window. “ The best anti-theft device I “ That’s ironic,” I observed. not wish to risk bridling either my successoror Montreol, Lemleux 27 (Cheilos, Smith), (rouoMno), 2:33; Lemleux, Pit (rouohino), Phoenix 55 (Chambers 11). Assists—Chicogo 2:33; Busl

DILLON by Steve Dickenson SNAFU by Bruce Beattie KIT 'N' CARLYLE by Larry Wright

^ w t v A coupije c^V AND t -fOOKM U 6 W Puzzles TV Tonight vm AND \of IMUJN&

ONtIN'fHB V f t ? R ‘ Allied spy in World War II London. Tom ACROSS 7 0pp. of syn. Answer to Previous Puzzle 5:00PM [ESPN] 1980 NCAA Final look at survival techinques of plants and 1 1 :00PM Ca3 (223 (30) (40' fs?) N e w s ^Us'i^ercfF anim als. (60 min.) Selleck, Jane Seymour. Lauren Hutton 8 Brandy type Four C53 B en n y H ill V A p O R A L L E E 1984 Rated R -die WR^Mfi W M t s | V [ H B O ] M O V IE : O n a C le a r D ay Y o u C a n [ESPN] Drag Racing: NHRA Superna­ 1 Titled women 9 Needle case 'l l) C h e e rs (CC) [USA] Search for Tomorrow fAEdW IK£0 A D R Q 1 G Q 1 S T See Forever' A woman lives several lives tionals From Houston (60 min.) (Taped) 6 Called T E \\''N 10 Accomplish­ in a romantic triangle where her compoti i18i You Can Be Successful [M AX] MOVIE: Dark Eyes' D E E L N E W E S T [LIFE] Cagney & Lacey 1 :40A M m > v m i , 11 Loan shark ment tion IS herself Barbara Streisand, Yves (20) All in the Family An aging Italian recalls his brief affair and [MAX] MOVIE: 'Harry and the Hender­ • 13 Contribute E S P E L 1 N Montand, Jack Nicholson. 1970 Rated G. ongoing romantic obsession with an un­ 6 i» je 12 Romulus' sons' (CC) A Washington family's life is (261 Crook and Chase Scheduled actress happily niatrind Russian woman Marcello 14 Injure A D U A T E C3j Cs;) N e w s turned upside down after they run into Big Barbara Erlen lS^eU5qi) brother 6:00PM (22 130 1401 Mastroianni, Elena Sofanova, Silvana Man- foot during a camping trip and lake the (38 M 'A * S * H / 15 False 13 Relating to G U R U S L S O R T (9J Matt Houston gano 1987 Rated NR (Subtitled) (In 0 t)'N lumbering creature home John Liihgow, 16 Printer's [CNN] Moneyline duke R H D D E Q T T E R (11 B e n so n Melinda Dillon, Margaret Langrick. 1987, Stereo) W - 1 measures [DIS] Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet ^23 h 18 Labor group Q U T R E R H 1 N E <18) Mission: Impossible Part 1 of 2 Rated PG. (In Stereo) 2:00AM I 3 I Love B o a t 17 Mass vestment [TM C] MOVIE: 'Allan Quatermain and [ESPN] Auto Racing: USAC Copper (abbr.) T H E E Q A E S T E (20f A T eam (T) People’s Court the Lost City of Gold' Ouaiermain and his World Classic From Phoenix, Anz (R) 19 Spanish hero 20 Coat type ‘24; Doctor Who; Planet of the Daleks .11/ Hug Tight A fund raiser for St Jude's PEANUTS by Charles M. Schulz \\l// Y D U G E R bride-lo-be discover a lost civilization 20 Wail Part 4 of 6 [HBO] Murder or Mercy: Five American Hospital Host Danny Thomas (60 min ) A 21 Is the same as N while searching for the adventurer's long Families (CC) The stories of how five se­ 22 Actress Arlene a U Q L A R D u B (26; T.J. Hooker 22 1944 invasion lost brother. Richard Chamberlain. Sharon parate families dealt with the moral and !30) Government Grants LOOK.PIP VOU SEE THAT? 5 E E 7 5 H E 5 u L S T E R E U R Q p E ‘38 F a m ily T ie s (CC) Stone, James Earl Jones. 1987 Rated PG, ethical questions Hirrounding mercy kill- (38. H o m e S h o p p in g S p re e SHANE! date (In Stereo) PRIVING 25 Short for A V A U N E C 1 T D N (.57; Long Ago & Far Away: The Happy ing OUR TEACHER WAS U)AlTIN6 23 Japanese T [ESPN] SportsLook Circus (CC) Jessica in­ AWAY COME BACK, Solomon D A R E T E P E N D [USA] Murder, She Wrote [LIFE] Spenser; For Hire [TM C] MOVIE: 'Allan Quatermain and IN HER CAR, AN P HER BOVFRIENP aborigine vestigates when an actress's understudy ALONE... 26 Leave \k (61) Three's Company [U SA] Miami Vice Crockett and Castillo the Lost City of Gold’ Quatermain and his PIPN'T SHOW UP.. SHANE! 24 Part of a shoe drops dead on opening night. Guest stars track a sadistic gang of thugs running a bride-to-be discover a lost civilization ; 30 Fades away 40 South 44 Future LL.Bs.' [A & E] Profiles Featured, former first lady Eleanor Parker, Edward Mulhare, Ann Tur- \rr "We’re ready to test this truth serum. 2 7 ______daisy Eleanor Roosevelt home burglary operation (60 min.) while searching for the adventurer's long- f ^ ( 31 Capable of (2 American exam kel and Bob Hastings. (60 min.) lost brother Richard Chamberlain, Sharon Know any used car salesmen?" A 28 Roman [DIS] MOVIE: 'Amazing Grace and 1 1 :30PM LI3 [40l N ig h tlin e (CC) wds.) 46 Insects 8:30 PM @ go) D ay by D ay (CC) Eileen Stone, James Earl Jones. 1987 Rated PG. highway mountains Chuck' A Little League baseball player ini­ ^ 1989 by NFA. Inc 47 Contemptible desperately attem pts to salvage a relation­ (9j Morton Downey Jr. (In Stereo) 32 Dill seed 41 Mysterious tiates an unusual anti-nuclear protest by 29 Ripped ship between Kristin and her boss. (In Ill Honeymooners 33 Jacob's son 48 Genus of quitting his favorite sport Joshua Zuehike, [USA] Madame's Place 35 Gave inkling to 42 Island in the maples Alex English, Jamie Lee Curtis. 1987. Stereo) (20 W e ig h t L o ss M a d e Easy 34 Christmas 2:30 AM l e . The Judge (CC) 36 Old age Caribbean 50 Chemical suffix Rated PG * (57j Frugal Gourm et (R) (In Stereo) (22; (30/ T o n ig h t S h o w (In Stereo) BUGS BUNNY by Warner Bros. 35 These (Fr.) f 9 ) Money. Money, Money 37 Seal 43 On top of 52 Airline info [ESPN] Motorweek Illustrated [A& E] W ild World of the East (26) Racing From Plainsfield 38 Old stringed 30) D a tin g G a m e [LIFE] E/R. 9:00PM d ) (403 Dynasty (CC) Adam (38; St. Elsewhere instrument 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 [CNN] Sports Latenight T H E Y IS IT A -A N COULD [TM C] MOVIE: 'Shane' A former gun- sanctions Alexis' plans for Sable's tank­ (57 M a c N e il/L e h re r N e w s h o u r 39 Auto events fighter. determined to establish a peaceful ers; Zorelli returns to the police force. [DIS] Celebrity Knockout From Walt HAOAR THE HORRIBLE by DIk Browne 6fiOUNO\ £ARTH- 11 12 1 13 4 2 ----- de-sac life, must strap on his gun again in defense Monica moves in with Sable, Sammy Jo (61) Substance Abuse Test Drug- Disney Celebrities compete in events that IS T QUAKE'^ of the homesteaders, Alan Ladd, Jean Ar­ contributes to Tanner's work (60 min.) treatment experts join families affected by tost their physical coordination at Walt SHAKING.'' !' 45 Push gently 14 IS drug and alcohol use to discuss ways to Disney World in Florida Participants in­ thur, Van Heflin. 1953 CD Untouchables ' 46 Actress stop the cycle of substance abuse Host; clude Evonne Goolagong, the Fat Boys and 0 O Y / 7 ^ [USA] She-Ra: Princess of P o w e r (22) (301 Cheers (CC) Cliff wires himself to Gardner 16 17 19 Dr Frank Field Meat Loaf (60 min ) ($OOP TV, an electric shock device to improve his 6 :30 PM □ ) CBS News (CC) (In Sloroo) [A&E] French and Saunders [ESPN] SportsCenter B B h iO fA B ! 4 9 ___ down personality, (R) (In Stereo) CO (40) ABC News (CC) [CNN] Sports Tonight [USA] Code Red (inverted) @4) Planet Earth The global consequ­ 51 Conducive to ^1T Jeffersons (CC) Part 1 of 2 ences of a 'nuclear winter' and an 'ultravi­ [DIS] Return to Treasure Island (CC) 3:00A M S3 News (R| 22 24 23 [22) (30) N B C N e w s (CC). olet spring' are discussed. (60 min.) Jim is accused of murdering the governor peace and sentenced to hang. Isabella is also S3 Home Shopping Overnight Service [24 (57) Nightly Business Report (57) Mystery!: Game, Set and Match (3 hrs ) 53 Sailed 30 jailed (2 hrs ) Fart 5 o f 5 (38^ Fam ily Ties (CC) (CC) Adapted from Len Deighton's es­ Cl1. W h ite S h a d o w 54 Tiny pionage trilogy "Berlin Game." "Mexico [ESPN] SportsCenter 55 Puts up money 32 [61 Love Connection '18) Home Shopping Network (3 hrs.) ' Set" and "London Match " A chronicle of 11:50PM [MAX] MOVIE: Lethal 56 Loom bar [A&E] Twentieth Century The Na/is the private and professional betrayals sur­ Weapon' (CC) A veteran detective is [CNN] Headline News Overnight 34 lose control of Pans, France Host Walter rounding British intelligence agents Ber­ paired with a brash younger partner to in­ [ESPN] Thoroughbred Sports Digest DOWN Cronkite. nard and Fiona Samson, opening with Ber­ vestigate a prostitute's death. Mel Gibson, [CNN] Showbiz Today nard's clandestine mission to Poland (2 Danny Glover, Gary Busey 1987 Rated R 3:15AM [ H B O ] M O V IE : T h e In hrs ) Part 1 of 12 Crowd' (CC) A suburban teenager's [ESPN] SportsLook (In Stereo) T h ET FEMALE NEVER V/E CAIN'T ALLO vY 1 — ranch dream comes true when he becomes a YOU, LAD, ARE THE ONLY ONE IN THE WORLD WHO CAN 4 2 4 3 44 4 S [A&E] Bolshoi: The Golden Age The i n t m a r .q o t f u r t h e p m i n d HER DAINTV 1 ■ , h a n d l e h e r . Y O U m u s t n e v e r ULR^HfRMe-UNm L 2 S tra ig h t___ [LIFE] Easy Street Roaring Twenties Ballet, with music by 1 1 :55PM [HBO] MOVIE A Night in dancer on a local TV dance show Dono­ THE PHANTOM by Lee Falk A Sy Barry WIF LI'L ABNER, « JUGGLING T'STEP IN'm 'l TH% GREAT DAT-'T— IT MAV COST YOU YOUR LIFE, the Life of Jim m y Reardon' A suburban [MAX] MOVIE: All the Young Men' A Dmitri Shostakovich and choreography by van Leitch Jennifer Runyon, 1988. Rated IN TEN MINUTES \ P TO HER P.UT. IN MV n P iN iO j- it Is w o r t h IT.^^ ____ --A 4-.* ___ arrow 4 9 so high school graduate looks toward an un PG (In Stereo) THAN AH MAS IN 2 l E T H E R company in Korea loses their commander Yuri Grigorovich (2 hrs . 30 min.) .jT 3 Flowers certain future in 1962 Chicago River Phoe­ >OUWILL /l NEVER^ N O W -LQ A P TF.N Y-VARS."'r ------and res(?nts the sergeant who replaces [CNN] Larry King Live nix, Ann Magnuson. Meredith Salenger 3:30AM !3: Nlghtwatch Joined in NOW EACH WALK TEN DUELEP >OUR WEAPONS.' 4 Age S3 him Alan Ladd. Sidney Poitier, James Dar [DIS] MOVIE: 'The Court Jester' A me­ 1988 Rated R (In Stereo) P ro g re s s STEPS ANP STOP, 5 Actor George ren 1960 ' O H I b e f o r e . dieval jester gets mixed up with evil [A&E] French and Saunders 55 C3: N e w s FUN. [USA] C a rto o n s knights, good witches and a plot to over 12:00AM 18} U S A T o d ay Scheduled the su c ce ss of 6 Musical group 7:00PM C3^ Inside Edition throw a tyrannical king. Danny Kaye, [DIS] MOVIE; 'The Court Jester'> A me­ Glynis Johns. Basil Raihbone 1956 female comics (R) of nine (c|1989 by NEA. Inc 2.f [8 ) 22) W h e e l o f F o rtu n e (CC) dieval jester gels mixed up with evil [ESPN] Auto Racing: Off-Road Cham­ 11 Star Trek knights, good witches and a plot to over ^ I.'' \ ' 9D (40; Cosby Show (CC) (In Stereo) pionship Grand Prix (Taped) 18 Home Shopping Network (3 hrs ) throw a tyrannical king Danny Kaye, 11 (38) C h e e rs (CC) Glynis Johns, Basil Rathbone. 1956. [HBO] MOVIE: 'Dead Man Out' (CC) A 20 Wild, Wild West ‘18 Grandstand psychiatrist engages in a battle of wits [ESPN] College Wrestling: NCAA Divi­ (26 Various Programming D itt by NEA. IrK with a death row inmate who may be fak sion 1 Championships From Oklahoma 20 M * A * S * H CELEBRITY CIPHER ing insanity to forestall his fate Danny 40 Current Affair C ity (2 hrs.) (R) Celebrily Cipher cryptograms are created from quotatior^s by famous people, past and present 241 (57 MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour Glover, Ruben Blades 1989 (In Stereo) Each letter in the cipher stands for another Today 's clue B equals V (61 Synchronal [USA] MOVIE: 'The Intruder Within' (26) The Streets of San Francisco [LIFE] MOVIE: 'One Shoe Makes It Men and women on an isolated oil rig fall ARLO AND JANIS by Jimmy Johnson [A&E] Edge and Beyond (30) Current Affair Murder' A down-and-out ex-cop is hired prey to an ancient creature from the dark [CNN] Newsnight • T E C A R C P C A T A p a O T S K by a gam bling czar to find his m issing wife. recesses of time Chad Everett. Joseph (61) Family Ties (CC) Part 1 of 2 CAM I COOK TOMORROW Robert Mitchurn, Angie Dickinson, Howard [ESPN] Skiing: Collegiate Champion­ Bottoms. Jennifer Warren, 1981 [ A & E ] C h ro n ic le A visit to Florence, Italy Hesseman 1982. ship From Lake Tahoe Nev (60 mm) BLONDIE by Dean Young A Stan Drake L Z R A 1 R T A P Q M 1 Z V K . O K R MIGHT TOO? [CNN] Moneyline (Taped) [USA] MOVIE: 'The Intruder Within' 3:40AM [ M A X ] m o v i e : T h e re W a s [ESPN] SportsCenter Men and women on an isolated oil ng fall [LIFE] Lady Blue a Crooked Man' A convict's escape plan HERE'S WATERFORD o p e n e d HE O PEN ED IT . M T P U Z V R D 1 P K T A , C R R C D M HE ONCE I prey to an ancient creature from the dark is inadvertently aided by the reform- BUWlSTEAO A VERY l a r g e b a nN kK ) AT THREE A M. [LIFE] Spenser: For Hire [USA] Mike Hammer recesses of time Chad Everett, Joseph minded new warden s plan to improve pri R M K B D Y , C A H J K R 1 Z R . • — [USA] Miami Vice Caitlin fears that Bottoms, Jennifer Warren 1981. 12:10AM [TM C] MOVIE: 'Predator' son conditions Kirk Douglas, Henry Sonny may be the next victim of a knife A paramilitary rescue team is stalked by an Fonda, Burgess Meredith 1970 Rated R, wielding murderer (60 min ) (In Stereo) 9:30PM (22) (30 D ear Jo h n (CC) A intergalactic trophy hunter in the jungles of n U 1 a L K M C Y . young man claims to be John's illegitimate South America Arnold Schwarzenegger, [TM C] MOVIE: 'Murder on the Orient 7 ' 15PM [HBO] MOVIE: The In son (R) (In Stereo) Carl Weathers, Elpitfia Carrillo 1987 Express' Inspector Poirot sorts through a PREVIOUS SOLUTION: "I'm working on a show I like with people I Crowd' (CC) A suburban teenager's Rated R (In Stereo) trainload of glamorous and eccentric sus­ respect; life couldn't be better." — John Larroquelte dream comes true when he becomes a 1 0:00PM CaJ NCAA Basketball Tour pects to find the killer of an art dealer with dancer on a local TV dance show Dono­ nament: Western Regional Semifinal 1 2:30AM ‘ P a t S ajak d shady past Albert Finney. Ingrid Berg­ G a m e From Denver (2 hrs ) (Live) van Leitch, Jennifer Runyon 1988 Rated 8 S t. E lse w h e re man. Sean Connery 1974 Rated PG PG. (In Stereo) (83 4()3 HeartBeat (CC) Marilyn spends : 9 j Arsenio Hall (In Stereo) 7:30PM [3J Entertainment Tonight timv with a dying friend, Cory's in-laws 4:00 A M Cl1' update: Making it Hap­ visit, Eve co nsid ers going to w ork in a B e v ­ 22 ,30 Late Night With David Letter- Actor Gene Hackman (In Stereo) pen I THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME erly Hills medical office (60 min ) man (In Stereo) 8) 22. Je o p a rd y ! (CC) [A&E] Romeo and Juliet (In Stereo) by Henri Arnold and Bob Lee C83 (26 [CNN] N e w s 26 Sea Hunt .9 .. K a te & A llie (CC) [CNN] Larry King Overnight (11) IN N N e w s 38 Morton Downey Jr S O W H O H N V ^ ! ) f ON SECOND THOUGHT, RIGHT NOW Unscramble these lour Jumbles, GREAT! TH' OLD PIRATE LEFT M E A FEW 11 INN News 40 Hollywood Squares [LIFE] Self Improvement Guide n e e d s i t .^ M A Y B E 1 N E E D IT.' S H I N I N G T H A T one letter to each square, to form (18) W halers W rap-Up (Live) COINS, A GOLD BAUBLE ON A CHAIN, lour ordinary words. 18 NHL Hockey: Hartford Whalers at ROSE IS ROSE by Pat Brady AN' THIS . A DIRTY OLD LAMP; THING UP WILL GIVE ME SO M E­ ;20) Morton Downey Jr. 61 Gene Scott 4:30 A M ii ! Twilight Zone THING T'PO.' Q u e b e c N o rd iq u e s (2 hrs , 3 0 m in ) (Live) (22) gq) L.A. l.aw (CC) McKenzie's federal [A&E] Wild World of the East [HBO] MOVIE: Gaby A ^nlSmmnnv^yT), D (20 M - A 'S - H 4:55 A M KARA judgeship candidacy has strings attached 1:00AM 11 Twilight Zone True Story' Based on the life of GabrieUi Vou T?UTHFi;tLV ■mAT PIC7K' T win^ 30‘ 40) Win, Lose or Draw Sifuentes represents the family of a con Brimmer, a cerebral palsy victim who rose '/ouR^ecp H w a M P lR ^ pieces / (38 NHL Hockey: New Jersey Devils at struction worker whose death resulted 20 NVR Showcase lo prominence as a poet and author Liv □ B o sto n B ru in s (2 hrs . 30 mm ) (Live) from shoddy workmanship (60 min.) (In [A&E] Bolshoi; The Golden Age The Ullmann, Norma Aleandro. Robert Loggia K A L mm. o r Stereo) Roaring Iwenties Ballet, with music by 1987 Rated R A T ^ ' (61) N e w h a rt (CC) dOSTAK (24) Mystery): Game. Set and Match Dmitri Shostakovich and choreography by \ m i ^ f [A&E] World of Survival ELLIB (CC) Adapted from l en Deighton's es Yuri Grigorovich (2 hrs. 30 min ) [CNN] Crossfire pionage trilogy "Berlin Game, " "Mexico [CNN] Crossfire i t : [ESPN] 1988 NCAA Final Four Set " and "London Match. " A chronicle of [ESPN] Winterworld: Speed Mer­ the private and professional betrayals sur­ 8:00PM CX) NCAA Basketball Tourna­ c h a n ts (R) V. rounding British Intelligence agents Ber­ CALDWELL ment: Southeastern Regional Semifinal nard and Fiona Samson, opening with Ber­ [LIFE] Self Improvement Guide CAHBLE THE FORTUNE-TELLER G a m e (2 hrs.) (Live) nard’s clandestine mission to Poland (2 [USA] Search for Tomorrow SAIP SHE LK E P HER ; S ’* (40 M O V IE : 'T h e S h a g g y D o g ' (CC) hrs ) Part 1 of 12 THE BORN LOSER by Art Sansom 1 :30AM (8) Career Merfia Network OIL INC. WORK BECAUSE SHE A magic ring transforms a 17-year-old boy i38) H o n e y m o o n e rs into a talking sheepdog Colorized version. (9j Joe Franklin ALW AYS PIP THIS. [ESPN] Truck and Tractor Pull Fred MacMurray, Jean Hagen. Tommy 11 INN News WHAT IG It '5 IWDHCPEP- Kirk 1959 Part 1 of 2 (R) (In Stereo) [M A X] MOVIE: La Bamba' (CC) A fact ON TH E FASTRACK by Bill Holbrook DAYDEL (30 Later W ith B ob C o s ta s Now arrange the circled letters to 19 1 Untouchables based account of Ritchie Valens’ .77® WITH YOU, form the surprise answer, as sug­ (1941-59) rise to musical stardom before 38 Hogan's Heroes per gal. C. O. D. 11 MOVIE: 'Resurrection' A brush with his death in a plane crash. Lou Diamond c n gested by the above cartoon. [CNN] Newsnight Update ISO gal. minimum purchoae f>?w W H»E ww o g lHOPUAPPL&?i A fA 6T '/JlTH death unlocks an ordinary woman's gift for Phillips. Esai Morales, Rosana De Soto o^um T s bum UlTH healing, but the miracle threatens her bond [DIS] Herbie, The Love Bug NewepRp) PAU6HTef2) pbRlOAlATel-Y, I ("BREaTHING.'V you 1987 Rated PG-13 (In Stereo) m Print answer here: w ith her father and her lover Ellen Burstyn, Fishin' Hole recent training [TM C] MOVIE: 'Murder on the Orient [ESPN] ALL fV\V CrlVES’I (V\F Tka? M V iS m H A y & K i'T Eva Le Gallienne, Sam Shepard 1980 649-8841 p g y i L , , , ? (Answers tomorrow) Express’ Inspector Poirot sorts-.tlirouglt a [HBO] MOVIE: 'Lassiter' (CC) A roguish P rle 0i S u l^ t to Chongo TriE CONPDeNCE To HANDLE ------;20) MOVIE; 'The Assisi Underground' A trainload of glamorous and eccentric sus­ jewel thief is pressed into service as an gOlHCr TH«T? WMV'5 IT A 'JK fP R X Jumbles; MINER NAVAL STRONG ORIOLE community of monasteries and convents ANVrniN& that could happen' Yesterday's pects to find the killer of an art dealer with ]({oV/Mr' THAT A P A f^ B Answer: The right time to buy a boat— bands together to aid Italian Jews during a shady past Albert Finney, Ingrid Berg­ WHEN THERE’S A "SAIL" ON IT the Nazi onslaught Ben Cross. James Ma­ man, Sean Connery 1974 Rated PG IW G IX son. Maximillian Schell. 1985. (22) (30 Cosby Show (CC) Theo wants a 1 0:30PM (IV Odd Couple M0MTH6; Now bieli In flock. Juinblo Book No. 7 l i K fllo blo lo i I2.B0. which Includoi potlogo date with Julia but needs his best friend's (18) Can You Beat Baldness? »-zs ■nd hindllng, from Jumble, d o Ihlf nowopopor, P.O. Boi 43BB. Ofifndo, FL J2M2-43H. t : : . : Inoludf your nemo, fd d ro fi end xip ctxdo end moko your chock payoblo lo Nfwapaporbooka. help (R) (In Stereo) (261 INN News ’4^ FRANK AND ERNEST by Bob Thaves (24‘ P la n e t E arth S cientists w ork to unlock (38) Honeymooners the sun's mysteries including sunquakes. N O W OPEN ^ (61) Arsenio Hall sunspots, the solai wind and aurora bo­ C THE FPI ANP t h e C I A IN realis (60 irfm ) [HBO] HBO Coming Attractions (In in new location 26 M O V IE ; 'C o n fe s s io n s o f a Lady C o p ’ Stereo) THE QRIZZWELLS by Bill Schorr HISTORy \ THE CONA'TiTLfTioM ? A career policewoman is faced with many Astrograph personal and professional problems which \ ^ h ICL- • lead her lo the brink of a nervous break­ WEU. .VT? SPW H6 A6AINU5VE I ’M AREP-PUOOPEP RDRCUPINE/' you <»N ALWAYS TELL T 1 MUSEUM down Karen Black, Eddie Egan, Don Mur­ HALL FOR RENT movies & more 15 \H THE AIR A G A IN A H P ONCE ray 1980 NVY HORMONES ARE 60HW WEN PIE1?R3INT i^ET? For parties, showers, receptions, A6AIN I R?H'T HAVE A C ^ l m ore ingenious or resourceful than usu­ [57) This Old House (CC) HI? ^IM^UIT EPmON t h e f>EEpH0LB, meetiii|its. Complete kitchen facilities. rSIRLFRlEWP,,. INEEDAMATOCI'M cfour al with do-it-yourself projects today, es­ 161) MOVIE: 'The Train' An German offi OP H E L P AN P ?T12EAM,.. I>arge enclosed parking tot. Inquire: video superstore \A T H E r^ EpH O LB ," pecially those that are of the household cei attempts to move French art treasures "“N------(SOlHSOTAKPFM&Mt r ^Birthday variety. Work on your inspirations into Germany hours before the armistice is % ■ \ r VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Try to keep deciarod Burl Lancaster, Paul Scofield, Lithuanian Hall Jeanne Moreau 1965. 24 QOLVyAY STREET 4 WN// March 24, 1989 today's plans flexible so that you’ll be free to participate in something fun that [A&E] Edge and Beyond MANCHESTER a _ TH A V fJ 3 ■ 2 J Call bafor* 8 P.M. Be prepared for unusual conditions In might pop up unexpectedly. Unusual [CNN] PrimeNews Phone 643-0018 developments are within the realm of WINTHROP by Dick Cavalll the year ahead that will have a direct ef­ [DIS] Best of Walt Disney Presents A 1 fect upon your work or career. The possibility. trends will be flowing in your favor and LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) Be doubly AAY O .DSAVS HES NOT W H O IS H E A H E S A V S h e 's S O I n s t o the results should be both exciting and alert in your commercial involvements SO I MS TO ROOT FOR THE S O I N S T O n o b o d y ;.. T fRY BEINS A FREE /S E N T profitable. today, because there is a chance you L.A, DODSERe ANVAAORE. p o a r F O R - 2 . FORA WHILE, , ARIES (March 21-April 19) A sudden may be able to pick up something of shift in circumstances could provide value that others have either over­ I looked or ignored NORTH T you with an opportunity today to ac­ 3-23-89 r SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) O cca sio n ­ Has 4 3 complish a career objective that has ally it's necessary to give priority to per­ T J 3 2 been eluding you. What transpires i sonal interests, even if we have to ex­ ♦ A K 6 4 3 2 won’t be lasting, so you’ll have to move clude demands placed on us by others. Sprung.. ® ♦ A K 3 fast. Get a jump on life by understand­ ing the influences which are governing You won’t be selfish today if you look f WEST play, against all textbook advice, out tor No. 1. EAST you in the year ahead. Send for your A s ­ COMK mi!NTTIIHOlI<;il OUK M ♦ Q 5 ♦ 10 7 4 2 Limited when he failed to cover. So West won tro-Graph predictions today by mailing SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) Tim ­ V K 8 7 5 ▼ Q 6 4 the king of hearts. Later declarer had $1 to Astro-Graph, c/o this newspaper, ing is of extreme importance today, so if SKI.KCTION OF KASTKR OOODIKS! X ♦ 10 9 ♦ Q J 8 5 communications to lose the 10 of spades and another t (5IWILV P.O. Box 91428, Cleveland, OH 44101- you're Involved in something critical, A Q J 10 8 6 ♦ 7 5 heart trick, so the result was down 3428. Be sure lo state your zodiac sign. don’t let your Impatience gain the upper FOR BASKETS. FOR DKCOR ATIONS, Y CHUBB AND CHAUNCEY by Vance Rodewall By .lames Jacoby one. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) There Is no hand. Wait for the most propitious mo­ FOR OIFI’S, FOR FII.N!! ^ SOUTH ment to make your play. South misplayed the hand by two need lor you to be alarmed today If you 646-2(i02 I ♦ A K .1 9 8 6 CAPRICDRN (Dec. 22-Jan, 19) Even Despite the double heart-stopper, tricks. The spade queen w ill be with I c a n T B g u ie v e i 'm WHAT WILL ONE are pressed Into a position where you P A 10 9 have to make a snap decision. Your though you may not be aware o,f it, P l a z a a t three no-trump would have been rough East 50 percent of the time, but the SNEAKlNa AROUNP JU6T LITTLE etlMP6E ♦ 7 judgment is keen and you'll evaluate friends will be tuned Into your leader­ BALLOONS & BOUQUETS f ♦ 9 4 2 going because of the tricky communi­ chances that the heart honors will be TO eeTA PEEK AT T a t ME? developments accurately. ship qualities today. They'll be looking split or w ill both be in the East hand DKI.IVKHEI) on WMI.-Ull.K Burr Corner Vulnerable: Neither cation between South's hand and dum­ P R 5 C I 0 U 6 . ' GEMINI (May 21-June 20) Som eone your way if the unexpected occurs. K)H IMCK I'l’ Dealer: South m y’s high cards. Declarer would make are 75 percent. It’s then better for de­ with more clout than you presently pos- AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) Your best nine tricks by dropping the spade clarer to give up the trump finesse and 1 sess may enter the picture at this time chances for achievement today will SKHVICK M a n c h e s t e r West North East Soutli queen, but would likely fa il by taking a maintain the timing and communica­ ‘ to make some beneficial adjustments come through your progressive con­ movies 1 ♦ first-round spade finesse. So four tion to take two heart plays. So win the i where your work is concerned that you tacts. Associates too steeped in tradi­ f Pass 2 ♦ Pass 2 ♦ spades was not a bad contract. king of clubs and play a heart to the ' weren't allowed to do. tion aren't apt to be helpful. 643-6445 Pass 3 4 Pass 3 ♦ Declarer won dummy’s king of 10. West wins and continues clubs. , CAN CER (June 21-July 22) Don't be re- PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) You're still A 5 ! s r c Mon.-Thurs. 10-9, Pass 4 ♦ Pass Pass clubs and finessed to his spade jack. F'lay A-K of diamonds, discard a club, ' luctant about accepting an indirect so- In a favorable cycle for fulfillment of your hopes. Something triggered by Fri. &Sort. 10-10. Sun. 10-8 Pass When a club came back, declarer won and play a heart to the nine. That wins. ' clal invitation you may gel today. There chance today could reaffirm this and, dummy’s ace, cashed A-K of diamonds Now cash A-K of spades, dropping the could be a newcomer at the gathering FREE VIDEO rental with this ad you will find extremely interesting. once again, help elevate your Mi> ' KM'KH SI’HKK'1', MWCIIKSTKIl .f* Opening lead: ♦ Q shedding a club and led the heart jack queen, and give up a spade to the 10- ' LED (July 23-Aug, 22) You could be expectations. A > :♦!>■,» r> frr> -fr> V _____expires 4-8-89 ene per family from dummy. East now made a fine spot, making one overtrick 18 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Mar. 23. 1989 MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday, Mar. 23, 1989 — 19 SCIENCE & HEALTH CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING 643-2711 Notices I BUSINESS I HDMES I HDMES I HDMES Marijuana use linked to stunted babies HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED Idpportunities FDR SALE FDR SALE FDR SALE

As a condition precedent to NEW LISTING. Fourbed- By Daniel Q. Haney users take bigger puffs and hold in the the plocement of any odver- RECEPTIONIST. Look­ MANCHESTER Honda. OPEN vour own highly MANCHESTER: Choose BOLTON. Very private 11 solely on mother’s admissions of drug tlslno In the Manchester He­ m ing tor part time recep­ "Connecticut's largest profitable fashion room colonial located one to fit your budget. room contemporary. The Associated Press The study unders­ use. smoke longer. rald, Advertiser her*bv WANTED tionist with full time motorcycle /power shop. $19.99 maximum In beautiful country Two - capes: six rooms, Jacuzzi, floor to celling His work, conducted with re­ Twenty-seven percent of the women agrees to protect. Indemnity Bright, pertoniihle, fuhion- potential for growing eaulpment dealer" Is price, $13.99 one price, area of Manchester. 1 - bath. Fine starter tieldstone fireplace BOSTON —Pregnant womenshould cores the belief that the searchers from Boston University said in interviews or showed on urine and hold harmless the Man­ c o n ic lo u i peoi>iie for ta lM real estate Investment now accepting applica­ J eon/Sportswear, Large lot, 2 car garage, home, 1 - car garage and sunroom on 3 plus be warned that smoking marijuana School of Medicine and published in tests that they had used marijuana, chester Herald, Its officers and managamerit poaltlont In company. Hours 8:30 - tions In the sales, ser­ Jr./M issy, Large country kitchen, 2 full $132,500. Six - room, 2 - acres. Sandy bottom effects of bad habits and employees against any newly-opaning promotional 2:30 but are negotiable. vice, and parts depart­ Lady, M aternity, In- baths, oil 8, wood/coal bath, excellent quality, swimming pond bor­ may stunt the growth of their unborn the New England Journal of Medicine, while 18 percent had used cocaine. and oil liability, loss or fant/Preteen or Shoe furnaces and fully ap- screened porch, new expense, Including attor­ woman's apparal ttora. Ex- Mature, friendly per­ ments. Competitive dered by stonewalls babies, and even a single joint results during pregnancy add used urine tests to document whether When only urine test results were parlenca prafarred, but we son with light typing wages paid vacation, Store. Over 2000 first pllanced kitchen. Ma­ furnace, 1 - car garage and spring bulbs. Ad­ A neys’ tees, arising from in prolonged fetal exposure to the considered, 16 percent showed signs of will train qualified appileanta. rilyn VatteronI, Sentry $159,900. Peterman up. While one may have pregnant women were taking drugs. claims of unfair trade practi­ skills preferred. Call medical and fringe be­ quality namebrands joining In-law apart­ drug, researchers reported today. The babies of drug-using women marijuana and 9 percent of cocaine. ces, Infringement ot trade- Apply Saturday, March 25 Susan or Bettv at 246- nefits. Call for Inter­ Bugleboy, Lee, Levi, Real Estate, 643-4060.□ Real Estate 649-9404. ment or potential ren­ “This study documents that mari­ a small impact on the The researchers said those who had morks, trade names or pat­ between 10a.m. and2p.rn.at: 1126. view Tuesday through Healthtex, Jordache, NEW LISTING. Country SOUTH WINDSOR. New ta l. $550,000. Flano “experience a double jeopardy,” said Organically Grown, ents, violation ot rights of THE PRICE TAG MEDICAL Asslstant/Re- Friday, 646-2789. charm abounds In this listing. Immaculate 8 646-5200. juana during pregnancy is associated Zuckerman. “They experience biolog­ drugs in their urine may have been the privacy and Infringement of Reebok, Liz Claiborne baby, several together Opposite Caldor, Burr Comers ceptlonlst needed full full dormer cape situ­ room Garrison Colon­ NORTH COVENTRY. with poor fetal growth,” said Dr. ical vulnerability during pregnancy heaviest users. copyright and proprietary Mancheatar. CT BURGER KING IS and more. $13,900.00 to time for office In Man­ ated on private lands- ial, open fam ily room Move right In! Lovely Barry Zuckerman, who directed the rights, unfair competition $28,900.00 Includes In­ can significantly harm from these drugs,” and after birth The researchers compared the chester. Knowledge of LOOKING FOR: craped lot. Large fire- with field stone fire­ vinyl sided 3 bedroom and libel and slander, vrhich ventory, training, fix­ study. “they are more likely to experience babies of mothers with positive urine may result from the publica­ clinical, administra­ Night porter experienced placed family room place, formal dining ranch on almost 1 acre the ch ild’s growth. tures, grandopening, The research, based on 1.226 abuse and neglect because of their tests to those of women who had tion ot any advertlsment In HORTICULTURAL Com­ tive, and computer preferred. Third shift up with sliders to 34x26 room, large kitchen private lot. This home the Manchester Herald by pany has a position skills preferred, but etc. Mademoiselle Fa­ bl-level deck for your and eating area, 4 bed­ has an eat-ln kitchen, patients at a pregnancy clinic at parents’ use of drugs. They catch it negative tests and also denied drug to $7.00 per hour. shions 1-800-842-4127. advertiser. Including adver­ available In o ur Inters­ will train. Benefits. summer entertaining. rooms, 2V2 baths, hard­ fireplace In living Boston City Hospital, found that both ways.” use. Those who used cocaine produced tisements In any tree distri­ Day time. Starting at women who smoked pot produced and cocaine will produce a baby who is cape sales division. We Call 646-6210. Susan Buckno, Sentry wood floors, like new room, panelled base­ The researchers speculated that the babies who were slightly smaller than bution publications pub- also otter tho oppor­ $5.50 per hour. Various GIVE YOUR budget a Real Estate, 643-4060.D throughout. Only ment, family room 15 ounces smaller than normal. ' llshed by the Manchester break ... shop the classi­ babies who averaged three ounces active chemical in marijuana may the marijuana mothers’, and their tunity for you to use hours to (It your schedule. GARRISON. Over 2000 so $249,900. U 8. R Realty, with woodstove and a Herald. Penny Sleftert, fied columns for bargain lighter and two-tenths of an inch “It definitely supports the case that somehow slow fetal growth. Since the babies alsohadunusuallysmallheads. Publisher. your skills at various Various positions open. ft. of living space In this 643-2692.0______2-car garage. Offered RN/LPN buys! ______shorter than non-users’ newborns. marijuana has an effect on the fetus,” drug can remain in the bloodstream territories art* availa­ Please apply at: four bedroom colonial FULL Dormered Cape. at $149,900. Philips Real Zuckerman said the study unders­ said CorylJones, a research psycholo­ The women studied were largely ble to auallfled profes­ Immediate Medical located on quiet coun­ Manchester. Large Estate 203-742-14500 for a month, the study said, “a single I LOST Care Center of Man­ Burger King DEALERSHIP Log cores the belief that the effects of bad gist at the National Institute on Drug episode of marijuana use will lead to poor blacks and Hispanics. However, sionals who hove the Homes - Your com­ try lot In South M an­ four bedroom home TWO Family 5 plus 5 - 2 AND FOUND motivation to ochleve chester has a part 467 Center habits during pregnancy add up. While Abuse in Bethesda, Md. prolonged exposure of the fetus to the Zuckerman said their drug use may plete log home manu­ chester. Large fire- with 2 full baths and 2 bedroom. B-1 zoned. not have been much different from success. Base salaries time opening (32 Manchester placed first floor car garage. Slate one may have a small impact on the The study also confirmed earlier drug.” LOST - Men's metal rim facturing company has Ideal home/business and good percentage hours) for a nurse all ot America's finest family room. New car­ floored sun room leads with possible 3rd floor that of young pregnant women bifocal eye glasses. POOL Attendant, 18 years baby, several together can signifi­ reports showing that cocaine users Marijuana also raises carbon mon­ paid on sale!!. Send lines, starting at $9675. peting throughout, 2'/2 to open private patio expansion. Natural elsewhere. Please call 649-9537. with recent acute or or older, for position, cantly harm the child’s growth. also produce unusually small babies. oxide levels and cuts the amount of resume and sal.o'rv his­ Great earning poten­ baths. David Murdock, and backyard over­ woodwork In most For instance, his study suggests that Zuckerman’s study differs from A nationwide study in 1985 found that tory to M ilford l.nc., P. ambulatory care ex­ 40 hours a week min­ Sentry Real Estate, 643- l o o k in g heavily oxygen that reaches the fetus. Al­ perience. Interested tial, will not Interfere rooms. 3 car detached 31 percent of women in their late teens O. Box 2-186, Millford, imum. Please call 528- with present employ­ 4060.O wooded area. D.W. garage. $185,000. Anne a woman who gains only 10 pounds earlier research, which has not shown though cigarette smoking does the CT 06460. 1300 to set up an ap­ during pregnancy, smokes a pack of a clear association between pot and same thing, the damage from mari­ and early 20s said they had used IANNOUNCEMENTS applicants call Kim ment. Investment CONVENIENT Location. Fish Realty, 643-1591.0 ’ Miller Real Estate,647- at 721-7393 Mon-Fri pointment for an 100% secured by model Manchester. Nice NORTHFIELD GREEN. aooo.D______cigarettes a day and uses marijuana fetal growth. Those studies were based juana may be greater because pot marijuana during the previous year. Interview. PLUMBING Contractor REAL ESTATE 9-4 home. Call Mr. La­ aluminum sided Cope Manchester. Spacious LOVELY Two-famllvl! with excellent creden­ SEEKING high school ment, toll-free 1-800- Cad style home near 3 bedrom townhouse SECRETARY graduate looking for Move right Into this ATLANTIS ROLL-OUT — The space tials wishes to ex­ RECEPTIONIST/Secre- 321-5647. The Original shopping and schools. with full basement, lots newly remodeled 4 8,4, Part time 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. A career In spray paint­ old-timer log homes Three bedrooms, fire­ change labor/materlal tory needed for Imme- of closets and central 2 family! Many ap­ shuttle Atlantis rolls toward its launch Professor softens state warning on eggs tor landscaping. Call great opportunity to vtrork ing and re-glazIng. On ond Supply Inc., Rt. 6 place, garage. Priced air. Move-In condition I dlate placement. lob training with good pliances to remain, full pad at the Kennedy Space Center in evenings 649-3552. In Mancheater and atlll Typing, shorthand, -346 Logue Road, Mt. to sell! $138,900. D. W. D.W. Fish Realty, 643- basement with 100 amp Washington, D.C., agreed with Hall. REHERSAL hall wanted - have lota of family time. transcription and effi­ opportunity tor ad­ Juliet, TN 37122. Fish Reoltv, 643-1591 .□ 1591.0______Florida Wednesday. The launch is HARTFORD (AP) — A nutritional and French toast as potentially risky worst-case scenario.” vancement. Must be circuit breakers. New 80 member woman's Typing, aome word pro- cient phone manners KEEP An Eye on Your scientist says egg lovers shouldn’t for pregnant women, the elderly and Cooking to 180 degrees kills the “Sometimes I wonder if health dependable ond re­ Is advertising expensive? deck, front porch roof, scheduled for April 28. chorus, Thursdays, ceaalng, and atrong com- helpful. Call 649-2865. lieJEMPLDYMENT In-Laws. Price reduc­ worry about consuming eggs this people with weakened immune salmonella bacteria. Hall said, but departments are fully informed or if sponsible. Call the You'll be surprised now and garage roof. A they tend to overreact,” she said. 7pm-I0:30pm. 667-2972 munlcatlona akilla a must. ATTENTION - Hiring! IIOlSERVICES economical It Is to adver­ tion. Manchester. Let pleasure to show! Easter even though the state Consu­ systems. even the risk of catching the digestive evenings.______Profit aharing plan availa­ Dura-Glaze Company. your In-laws live In this Government lobs - 645-8182. ______tise In Classified. 643-2711. Fairly priced at: mer Protection Department is warn­ The department previously issued disorder from raw eggs is low. Still, spokesman from the state ble. Contact ERA Blan­ separate 3 room apart­ $169,900. Strano Real A wonderful family expe­ your area. Many Im­ FRUSTRATED Answer­ NORTH COVENTRY. IN B R IE F ing about potential salmonella food poisoning warnings for raw eggs Salmonella enteritidis is a bacteria- departments of Consumer Protection chard and Roaaetto, Inc., mediate openings with­ ment with full bath, Estate, 647-7653.0 rience. Australian, Eu­ ing Ads? Let "How to used in such homemade products as borne disease which can develop in and Health Services defended the 646-2482. Custom built 3 bed­ enclosed porch and pa­ hazards. ropean, Scandinavian out waiting list or test. BALLOON get Interviews from room cedar sided BRAND New listing!!! “If I ate one raw egg every day of Caesar salad, mayonnaise and Hol- humans within 24-48 hours, although latest warnings, which originated High School Exchange $17,840 - $69,485. Coll tio. But you can still Only 6 months young, Two doctors join Optifast DELIVERY Job Ads" book help Dutch Colonial first keep an eye on them my life and lived until 100, 1 would landaise sauce. an incubation period of up to seven with the U.S. Department of Agricul­ Students arriving In 1-602-838-8885 Ext. R- you! $19.00. Elderkin, floor family room with this sensational 8 room CLERICAL - Full time. 11034. Mature outgoing from vour beautiful 8 expect to get it once in 55 lifetimes,” “It is overreacting to public hyste­ days is possible. It produces flu-like ture last September. August. Become 0 host Telephone and direct POB 1293-D4, Dedham, cathedral celling, 2-car Contemporary Is sud­ Two more doctors have become affiliated family for American person. Musrbe2 room attached cope. denly available. 2,300 Kenneth N. Hall, professor of nutri­ ria.” Hall said about the department’s symptoms, including cramps, diar­ contact with custo­ MA 02026, 617-340-7750 garage with room for This home has many with the Optifast program at Manchester They said the public should be Intercultural Student SAVINGS BANK OF non- Into, 617-340-7979 sq. feet of luscious Memorial Hospital as staff physicians, accord­ tional science at the University of warnings. rhea, fever and possible vomiting. mers. Accounts receiv­ or over and studlo/loft expansion, outstanding features informed of the risk, however min­ Exchange. Call 1-800- able, record keeping, MANCHESTER smoker. Good driv­ M C/VIsa. 1 acre lot In prestigious floor space complete Connecticut, said of salmonella. Hall, also a food-safety scientist at It is generally not serious for the SIBLING. for you and vour fam­ with 3 bedrooms, 2'/2 ing to Edward Mascioli. M.D.. medical imal, even from thoroughly washed some typing. Insu­ ing record and ex­ area. Philips Real ily. Realty World, director of the weight-loss program. The department has not only the Cooperative Extension System, general population, but can prove eggs. rance and benefits. Full time Tellers Eastote 203-742-1450o baths, fully appllanced perienced in grea­ HDMES Benoit, Frechette As­ kitchen, vaulted ceil­ The two doctors are Daniel Paul Purcell, warned consumers about hard-boiled said the risk of the general population severe or even fatal to the very young, Call 647-9137. wanted. MANCHESTER. Bright sociates, 646-7709.0 catching salmonella enteritidis from the elderly, those suffering from other “The risk is always very small, but ter Hartford area. FDR SALE ings, central vac, M.D., of Manchester and Leilani L Nixon. eggs, but it also has urged people to be FINANCIAL Experienced or will L-shoped ranch lo­ MANCHESTER. New 6 whirlpool bath, stun­ careful about soft-boiled and sunny- eggs at home is so minimal as to defy serious health problems or with it is still a source of concern,” Dr. RECREATION VEHICLE Piease call 646- cated on tranquil cul- M.D., of Danielson. train. Good wages 2302 for interview All real estate advertised In room 1'/2 bath, colon­ ning atrium doors lead side-up eggs. calculation. immune deficiencies. Matthew L. Cartter, epidemiology W ILL your bank give you SERVICE PERSON de-sac. Impeccable up­ ial. First floor laundry, Purcell is an internist in private practice in and benefit. Apply: appointment. the Manchester Herald Is to a fabulous 26x14 In addition, the department’s latest "Some of the information released Cathy L. McCharen, vice president program coordinator for the state a charge card? OURS Full or part time. Will sublect to the Fair Housing keep, formal dining atrlam door, deck, fire­ deck. A very special Manchester and a member of the medical staff WILL! Pre-approved room, eat-ln kitchen. 3 advice lists soft custards, meringues is out of context,” Hall said. “It is a for the Egg Nutrition Center in health agency, said Tuesday. train. Apply Blonatein Savings Bank of Act ot 1968, which makes It place and more! Blan­ setting on Gerald Dr. of Manchester Memorial Hospital. He serves program, guaranteed. CONSULTING Represen­ Illegal to odvertlse any pref­ bedrooms, IV2 baths. chard 8> Rossetto Real­ Camping Center. Route Manchester O ttered at $334,900. as a medical director for the Manchester Easy terms, must show tative - Mature person erence, limitation or discrim­ Price reduced! Come tors," We're Selling Jackson 8< Jackson Manor Nursing Home and for a group home in Income. Call (617) 938- 83, Vernon. 923 Main Street to help children and ination based on race, color, view today! $199,900. Houses” 646-2482.0 Real Estate, 647-8400.O Manchester, 1175 - 24 hours for free adults with a serious religion, sex or national Plano Realty 646-5200. d Air pollutants details. VOCATIONAL Instruc­ Menchester problem. Enuresis. Ap­ origin, or on Intention to Nixon is an internist in practice with tor. - Adult day treat­ Eoe pointments set by us. moke any such preference, A Ncvtpaptr la Educatlea Program Plainfield Medical Associates in the Moosup limitation or discrimination. Spoaaor«4 by PART TIME ment tor adults who JOBS In Australia - Hard work and travel The Herald will not know­ section of Plainfield. I a r e multi- required. Make $40,000 MARCH 23, 24 & 25 I HELP WANTED $11,000 to $60,000. ingly accept any advertise­ T h e Q u iz The Manchester Herald over 2 billion handlcapped. Monday Perth, Melbourne, to $50,000 commisison. ment which Is In violation of - Friday. $11.87 - $13.24 Call 1-800-826-4826. the low. Paramedic training offered SECRETARY - Part time, per hour. Excellent Sydney, Darwin, Kal- temporary. Immediate goorlle. Opportunities MANCHESTER. 7 room, W orldscopc (10 points for each question answered correctly) fringe benefits. EOE for men and women. 2 bath home that has HARTFORD — Applications are being opening In Glaston­ 647-1624.______tons each year DOWNTOWN Excellent pay and be­ been completely remo­ accepted for the Emergency Medical bury sales office. RESTAURANT. Line THE DEADLINE FOR Technician-Paramedic Training Program to Mornings through mid nefits. Call now! 206- deled. 25x15 floor fam­ cook, pantry cook, and 736-0775 ext 109A (call PLACING OR ily room addition. be offered this fall by St. Francis Hospital and June. Coll Rob633-6711. dishwasher. Full or CANCELING AN AD IS WASHINGTON (AP) - Federal officials and refundable). Must see! $160's. Blan­ Medical Center and Greater Hartford Com­ MANCHESTER MUSEUM Tour Guides part time positions 12 NOON THE DAY chard & Rossetto Real­ environmental groups are calling for stronger laws for historic house. Part available. Appiv munity College. DAY CARE HELP BEFORE, MONDAY - tors," We're Selling Students attend classes at both the college to control toxic air pollutants in light of a time, seasonal starting within: The Gallery, FRIDAY. IN ORDER Houses" 646-2482.n mid May. Flexible 141 New London Turn­ Needed mature woman to and the hospital for two 15-week semesters and government report showing that at least 2.4 billion hours; some weekend TO MAKE THE NEXT TWO Fam ily - B2 zoned. pounds of deadly chemicals are released into the air pike, Glastonbury. care tor Toddlera. Mon.-FrI. 1- Great commercial lo­ complete a six-week spring internship. Upon EGG- afternoons. Interest In 6 pm.; 3 yeara old 7-1 pm. Call: ISSUE. FRIDAY each year. cation with rent/pur- completion of the course, they receive 30 history and people re­ MEDICAL SECRETARY The Childrens Place Inc. AFTERNOON BY 2:30 “The magnitude of this problem far exceeds our paired. Will train. $4.25 chase option or 2nd college credit hours and are eligible for the Needed for medical office 643-5535 PM FOR MONDAY’S mortgage avalloble. 6 state examination for certification as EMT- worst fears,” declared Rep. Henry Waxman. per hour. Hale Homes- ISSUE. THANK YOU tead, 247-8996.______In Mancheater. Experi­ plus 6, Sbedrooms, new Paramedics. D-Calif., after he made a report public Wednesday STRAVAGANZA ence in third party Inaur- WE'RE looking for o few FOR YOUR roof, 2 car garage. For information, contact the director of that provided the first nationwide glimpse into the PART T IM E Counter per­ ance. Knowledge In ge­ good men and women. COOPERATIONIII $224,900 Anne M iller admissions. Greater Hartford Community volume of toxic pollutants released by chemical PICK A 10%, 20% or 30% DISCOUNT EGG, son. Sir Speedy Print­ neral office and recep- If you're a high school Real Estate, 647-8000.D plants and other industrial sources. ing Center seeks tloniat duties. Computer graduate seeking edu­ College. 61 Woodland St.. Hartford 06105 GOOD TOWARD ANY ONE PURCHASE, FROM personable Individual skills preferred. Send re­ cation, travel and a The report covered 328 chemicals or chemical for counter sales, bind­ sume to: P.O. Box 8(X)3, valuable lob skill, call groups including 60 agents the government has THESE PARTICIPATING STORES!* ery, paste up. Must be Mancheater, Ct 06040- __ 1-800-MARINES. Cancer center in 15th year identified as causing cancer. Among the chemicals people oriented. Up to 8003 or call 646-1000. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED 1 In San Diego, a pipe bomb was set off under this van a few days 20 hours per week. DELIVERY van driver are phosgene, used as a nerve gas in World War I, Baby in the Works Manchester Pet Center for molor corporation. ago. The van was being driven by the wife of Navy Captain Will NEW HAVEN — The Yale Comprehensive and methyl isocyanate, which killed more than 2,000 Flexible hours. Apply FU LL T IM E office sales Cancer Center is celebrating the 15th anniver­ Bike Shop Mary Lewis in person, 520 Center Including Saturdays. Full benefits. Please Rogers, whose ship (CHOOSE ONE: deliberately, accidentally) people in Bhopal. India, in 1984. Street, Monchester. We need a dependable, coll 249-6801 between 8 WAITER/WAITRESS shot down an Iranian airliner over the Persian Cult last July. sary of its founding under a mandate by the Blish Hardware Nassiff Camera arn - 5 pm. Ask for Don. Spokesmen for the chemical industry, which MEDICAL/Accounts Re­ organized person who National Cancer Institute to centralize resour­ accounted for about a third of the total volume of enloys working with DAYS ces in cancer research, diagnosis, treatment, Carriage House Hair Design Nassiff Sports ceivable Indlvdual 2 The economy continues to ap­ Matchwords toxic pollutants cited in the report, said it is needed to Investigate people. Paid training. LAMDSCAPER/QROUNDS pear strong, as the unemploy­ education and prevention. East West Imports Optical Style Bar $5.50 per hour. Call Full time positions currently exist for (9 points for each correct match) misleading to link the raw figures to health risk unpaid Insurance MMNTAINER ment rate In February dropped The Yale center combines the talents and because they do not take into account actual Fairway Park Hill Joyce Flower Shop claims. Heavy phone 643-2171.______the right people to work between 1- deliberate a-recognition resources of the Yale University School of contact with additional ENERGETIC Individual Diversified landscaping to 5.1 percent, its lowest point in exposure or concentration. J. Carman Clothier Personal Tee firm looking (or full aboutyears. Medicine and Yale-New Haven Hospital to diversified duties. Part needed part time tor 6:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m. and 9:00 a.m. - 2- exchange b-on purpose They said the emissions are legal and take place Regal Men's Shop tim e hours which could busy medical practice. time/part time or a-S b-10 c-15 offer fundamental scientific research that can Lift The Latch expand to full time Duties Include: filing snasonal employees. 5:00 p.m. No experience is neces­ be translated into advances in clinical care. It within the restrictions of various state and federal 3 Democrats and organized labor permits. position. Flexible and retrieving medical Motivated, responsible, sary. Just a good attitude and a plea­ 3- nomtnate c-overali plan is one of the few institutions where scientists hours available. Send records, assist prepar­ quality minded appear ready to accept some involved in basic research can work with “Anyone who says that there is a national health resume to: Sports ing daily schedule. Individuals. Good pay. sant personality. For an interview kind of training wage for 4-policy d-choose clinicians from the first laboratory experi­ crisis based on these numbers is wrong. To use those Medicine 8< Orthoped­ Apply In person, be­ benefits, excellent career (CHOOSE ONE: young workers, ics ot Manchester, 155 tween 10am and call or apply in person. ments to treatment in a hospital setting numbers is misleading,” insisted Jeffrey Van, chief opportunity. Must have workers taking a first job) in 5-credit e-swap spokesman for the Chemical Manufacturers Main Street, Manches­ 6:30pm. Sports Medi­ transportation. exchange (or an increase in the ter or call 645-8387 be­ cine ot Manchester, 155 FRIENDLY RESTAURANTS Association. 666-0398 or 633-3943. minimum wage. tween 10-6:30pm. Main Street, 755 Sliver Lane People & Sports Hospital offers programs Waxman, chairman of the House subcommittee Manchester. 4 Less than a day after the defeat of (5 points for each correct answer) on health and environment, acknowledged that the East Hartford, CT John Tower’s nomination in the Sessions for fathers, for parents of attention- m J H E L P NURSES 1 One of the most eagerly awaited films deficit children and for parents of children up raw figures do not provide a clear picture of the I'M w a n t ed 569-1040 Senate, the President proposed of the year is director Tim Burton’s to age 9 are being sponsored by Manchester health impact because “we don’t really know how LPN/RN EOE Wyoming Senator to be based on the comic book character Memorial Hospital. much of which pollutants individuals are actually WANTED. LPN or RN Small group home in suburban setting. Secretary of Defense. created by Bob Kane fifty years ago. The group for parents of attention- breathing.” part time tor busy peo­ ple oriented local Der­ *House Manager $13.56-$17.lD0 per hour PART TIME POSITIONS 5 Treasury Secretary Nicholas Brady 2 "Self-consciousness: Memoirs” is the deficit/hyperactive children will have a Many of the chemicals on the list, however, have matology practice. ‘ Bailor, weekends 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. recently announced a major shift title of an autobiographical new book “Bring Your Child’s Teacher” night on been linked to cancer, birth defects, reproductive Please send resume $14.00-$18.00 per hour in U.S. policy on Third World by (CHOOSE ONE: Philip Roth, |ohn Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the hospital cafeteria. with references to: Box 6 p.m. to 6 a.m. $14.00-$18.00' per hour debt. The new policy (CHOOSE Updike), author of "Rabbit, Run” and dysfunctions, neurological disorders and genetic BB, Manchester He­ For more information, call 646-1222, Ext. 2405, NO ONE: encourages, discourages) mutations, the congressman said. rald, Manchester, CT •per diems, second and third shifts "The Witches of Easiwick.” The Fathers Parenting Group will begin the idea of debt reduction. 06040. $15.00-$20.00 per hour 3 The 64 teams in the men’s NCAA Basket­ 1 April 5 from 7:30 to 9 p.m. and will meet for six The report was compiled by the Environmental consecutive weeks in the hospital’s mental Protection Agency based on information from ‘ Retention bonuses every Silx months, EXPERIENCE ball Tournament were announced re health conference rooms. The group leader is industry. While the figures, which reflected excellent benefits. EO E cenlly. Georgetown, Illinois, Arizona, Michael Feury. a fatherand social worker. For emissions from manufacturing facilities in 1987, Certified 647-1624 NECESSARY! and ..?.. were the top four seeds. more information, call 646-1222, Ext. 2405. were called staggering by some congressmen, a-lnd!ana “How to Listen So Kids Will Talk and Talk So environmentalists and government officials sug­ Nurse Aide Do you have an outstanding Newsname b-Oklahoma Kids Will Listen” is a support group based on gested they represent only a fraction — perhaps no (1S points for correct c-North Carolina Immediate open­ PART TIME personality? answer or answers) the book of the same title for parents of more than one-third — of the toxic substances that ings on all shifts 4 Thousands oi baseball fans are flocking children aged 6 months to 9 years. It meets on actually leak into the air. DATA ENTRY CLERK I am the Senator who to spring training games. Baseball’s the first and third Tuesdays of each month for full & part-time Roadway Package System in South Wind­ The emission totals are based on reports only positions. Do you have a pleasant voice is usually given the spring leagues are the Cactus League from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Unitarian church, 153 sor is In search of the fastest fingers East of most credit (or the and the (CHOOSE ONE: Grapefruit, W. Vernon St. Child care is provided. For from large chemical manufacturers and others with Every other weekend the River to Join the RPS team as a part time and enjoy talking on the emissions of at least 75,000 pounds a year. It does not defeat of the Tower Citrus) League. information, call Vicki Miriam at 647-9355 or required. data entry clerk. nomination. Who include smaller polluters such as service stations, 5 Prize coll Easygoer is the early favorite 646-5151. Aik ibout our child This is an excellent opportunity for mothers phone? am I and what is my dry cleaners and petroleum tank farms. and others for seeking a part time evening to win the May 6..?.., one of the jewels cere re-lmburiiment state? in horse racing’s Triple Crown. position with excellent pay and benefits. All Get paid for doing what you end non-benellt rite of interested candidates should call: piy progrim B E S T B U Y Roadway Package System enjoy! We are currently hiring v e x j* SCORE. 91 to 100 points — TOP SCORE! ROBERT J. SMITH, Inc. 81 to 90 points — Excellent. 71 to 80 points — Good. 61 to 70 points — Fair, For more informa­ 710 North Nutmeg Rd people like you at $6.00 per e Knowledse Unlimited, Inc. 3-90-89 OIL CO. Robert J.SmKR, Inc. tion please call di­ South Windsor. CT 06074 n INSURAN.SMFTHS hour to start. Raises are Vernon, C T INSURANSMITHS SINCE rector of Nursing 282-9055 ANSWERS TO THE QUIZ EOE 875-0876 Crestfield earned based on your skills Xqjaa 4q}niuag-s HAPPY EASTER! Convalescent !||nj|adrJ3 -9 !q-c laqipdfl uqof-z !„ueuneg„-i tsiBOdS 1 314034 and desires. Call Michael at •-S !7-9 !p-e !»-Z !q -l :SaiiO M H 3LVW •CERTAIN ITEMS MAY BE EXCLUDED FROM THE PROMOTION Home e|8jo«9 ‘uunN ui»s :3WVNSM3N 649-5241 643-2711, ext. 15 after 11 A.M. sa8rjno>ua-s Uauaio q7|a-y COD 65 East Center Street 160 QaNon Min. 643-5151 I ROAOmYm PACKACe pm SYSTEM , I Tuesday through Friday. !qo| |S i | | V 8u|i|e| sjaqjOM-e fo-i !4||*|uapp3e-i :3403Saill0M Prloa aubfact to changa • Vokjma DiKOunta Manchester, CT 20 — MANCHESTER HERALD. Thursday. Mar. 23, 1989 18 r y I STORE AND TV/STEREO/ CARS> CARS OFFICE SPACE APPLIANCES El FOR .'{ALE El FOR SALE EAST HARTFORD. New KENMORE Washing ma­ PLYM O U TH 1981 Reliant PONTIAC Firebird 1981. 1 f k Spedali#D^t! 11office space In restored chine. Good condition. station wagon. Many Very well kept. 90K. house, spectacular $125. General Electric new par ts. $1,100. Call $2,700.. 643-9996. cathedral celling, dryer $125. Coll 646-9760 643-7724.______» I CARPENTRY/ Burnside Avenue. 3800 SiCH ALLER m MISCELLANEOUS square feet with base­ Get the Wont Ad habit... BM W 19114 5331, five ACURA QUALITY I TAPING 1 r e m o d e l in g ELECTRICAL SERVICES ment. Con be divided. read and use the little ods speed, Iburgandy. Ex­ PRE-OWNED AUTOS cellent condition. Well Terms negotiable. For In Classified regulorly. ao Toyota Corolla *1995 WEDDING Videos by Information, coll Ruth 643-2711. maintained. $15,500. S>apd, Sttfto 10% Spriaftlme Discoeiit DUMAS ELECTRIC NAWKES TREE SERVICE Call522 9211 o r521-8312. Royal Wedding Con- Quality work, fully Insured, Bucket, truck S chipper. Stump FIske, 282-0651.______$4 Bulck Skyhawk *3995 ceots. 649-3642. reasonable rates, free estl- Service changes, addi­ CAMERCii 1983. Power Auto. A/C. Radio mats. no lob too small. Re­ tional wiring and re­ removal. Free eatimatea. OFFICE space In Man­ $4 Chrytlar Ltbaron *3995 chester. 3 rooms. To­ MISCELLANEOUS steering, air condition­ Auto. A/C. Loadad pairs. Oackt, Baaamsnta. pairs on existing Special conalderation for ing, V-6, mint condi­ Any carpenin work you elderly and handicapped. taling 900 square feet FOR SALE 84 Subaru QL Sadan *3995 El 8-apd. A/C, Starao I LAWN CARE ne^...we do. Trim, framing, homes. Quality work at on Spruce Street. Park­ tion. !(3,800. Call 646- siding, garages, roofing, etc. 8645.______85 Subaru QL Hatchback *3995 affordable prices. Enti­ 647-7553 ing, one year lease a-apd. 4 wd. A/C COlTARTCAIinRTRT SSS-II3B Hablard lawn mainte­ rely owner operated. $700. month. 643-6712 - END ROLLS COM ET 1977. Runs good, 84 Toyota Camary *5500 nance, spring clean up, 27 years exp. Call Jo­ DISTRIBUTION 647-0069. 27'/i" width — 25C body Hood. Firm $370. S-apd. A/C. Starao S7 Hyundai QL8 *5495 mowing, fertilizing, CARPENTRY WORK MANCHESTER. One 13" width — 2 tor 25C Call 6^19-6295 after 8:00 All Phases seph Dumas B48-S2S3. LABELS p.m. 6>apd, Elac Sunroof parking lot cleaning, Tired of manually addressing Bucklond Square, 1075 Newsprint end rolls can be as Honda cnx *5995 Framing, Roofs. Siding, Trim. gutter cleaning. O A I HEATING/ distribution mall — we can Tolland Turnpike, up picked up at the Manchester 5>tpd. A/C. Sunroof Registered 6 Fully Insured automate this process providing to 4225 sq. ft. Available Herald ONLY before 11 a m ss vw Q Ti *6495 649-7593 PLUMBING Monday through Thursday S-lpd. A/C Vary Raasontbit Prieaa Du I quslity service for s reasonable April, 1989. Coll Mr. ci.VbE Quality Work / Free Eallmalas price. Call 644-6191. Lawrence, 643-2161. SPRING Clean Up CHEVR'OLET-BUICK, INC. 345 C E N T E R ST. Dethatching. Bush 742-1579 M&M OIL CARS RO U T E S3, V E R N O N MANCHESTER Trimming^. Edging. PLURRBINQ a HEATING VINYL SIDING & FOR SALE 647-7077 Mowing. Commercial Call S.R. BLANCHARD, 9 7 1 INDUSTRIAL El 84 Caprii^a 4 Door ’SOOS • Oil Burner Service 6 Salea equipped. Consclent- INC. for all your Buslnes- REPLACEMENT WINDOWS I PROPERTY 84 Bonniivllla 4 Door *5995 s/Homeowner needs • Automatic Oil Delivery El BUICK 1977 Skylark, two 84 Cama ro Coupe *5995 ous and dependable. Expertly installed. door, 79K, runs good, 0 0 1 CAMPERS/ from new construction S4 Century LTD 4 Door *6 99 5 Ray Hardy, 646-7973 • Wall Pumpa Salea S Service MANCHESTER-3400and body good, grandpa's 9 3 1 t r a il e r s to altering & remodel­ Please call Paul Ryder 85 Caval lar CJ 4 Door *4 4 9 5 • Water Heatera (Eim Wo a 0 m | 2400 sa. ft. Industrial car. $495. or best offer. E\ ing. Price competitive at 742-0018. space, loading deck. BS Bpacirum 4 Door *5 19 5 I BOOKKEEPING/ • Bathroom S Kitchen 742-7817.______HONEY, 1988 27 taat ma- and quality la a must. Woodland Industrial 85 Camiiro Coupe *7495 Remodeling tar hame. Ultra clean. I INCOME TAX Several references Screened loam, gravel, Park. Priniciples only. FORD 1987 Taurus/L 85 Elec trs 4 Door *1 0 9 9 5 • Senior Citizen DIacounta wagon. 26K. Many ex­ 7K. $26,900. ar best available. Call 742-1082 processed gravel, 643-2121. 85 Cen tury 4 Door *8 9 9 5 • Electric work by tras. Executive car. after. Call 870-9350. Complete accounting services for immediate response. 85 Cen tury Wagon *8 5 9 5 Praclalon Electric sand, stone, and fill for 646-2260. Including A/R. A/P, P/R, G/L, 86 Oldiii 98 4 Door *9 99 5 FREE eSTlU A TES delivery call Georgo AUTOS FOR PSL Ststement and quarterly MISCELLANEOUS DATSUN 1978 510 wagon, 86 Oldii Clara *8 9 9 5 mllegage In 80's, new tax returns Can design Griffing 742-7886. i ] 66 Spectrum 4 Door *4 9 9 5 goRENT/LEASE Phone: 649-2871 FOR RENT clutch, tires and additional applications Looking for something SB BoTiinevllla 4 Door *7 9 9 5 tailored for your business PJ’s PluiPrilno, Hntlng A brakes. Great student FR E E Mileage an law special? Why not run a GARAGE - One car with cars $600.00 Call 643- cast auta rental. Vil­ needs. Call 644-6191 "Wanted to Buy" ad In Air Conditioning extra space. Hlllstown Boilers, pumps, hot water i l LANDSCAPING 8082 Fridays and even­ 872-9111 lage Auta Rental, 643- LU. MANA6EMENT' Classified. The cost Is Road. Call 643-9776. ings. 2979 ar 646-7044. small ... the response big. tanks, new and SERVICES 643-2711. replacements. PHIL’S LAWN C/IRE Tax Return FREE ESTIMATES Preparation/Payrolls spring Cleanup. WANTED Bookkeeping 643-9649/228-9616 IRA I PAINTING/ Weekly services. TO RENT Mirk P. Mornaiult DO I PAPERING MISCELLANEOUS Call for free estimates 289-4573 |m ] PROFESSIONAL man IsOSERVICES 742-7478 seeks apartment to INCOME TAX share In Manchester- GCF PAINTING GSL Building Mainte­ DON’S LAWN SERVICE AND /Bolton area. Call An­ PREPARATION Painting, Staining, Home nance Co. Commerci­ BARDENHM drew Y., 643-2711 days. In Your Home Repair. Large Jobs. Small al/Residential building Call now for: 649-3426 evenings. Inlcudlng: Rental and Sola Jobs, Done with Care. repairs and home Im­ Yard clean-up Proprietorship. Call Jim Whsoler Call 645-6559 for a free provements. Interior Shrub & hedge trimming and exterior painting, estimate. Rototllling and mowing •* 742-1009 light carpentry. Com­ 10% Ssfllsr CHIzsn dliesuirt Leave Message plete lanltorlal ser­ vice. Experienced, rel­ 646-7011 TWO piece living room ROOFING/ iable, free estimates. ICARPENTRY/ 643-0304.______AUTO set. Good condition, E] SIDING with custom seat cov­ REMODELING WET basement prob­ SERVICES lems? It B-Dry Systems ers. Call 646-0216. waterproofed your $ 110. 00.______FARRAND REMODfUNG LEAKY ROOF? basement In 1958, your TWIN bed set. Padded Room additions, decks, roof­ Moat roofs can bo ropolrod. warranty would still be TIERINNrS head board. Good con­ ing, siding, windows and gutt­ in plooo of total rarooBng oiponaot Aulemsllvi EngiiNirlng, bw. ers. All types of remodeling and good. Over 52,000 base­ dition. $125. Call 649- Complota roroofing of all typoa. 27S Hartford Rd.. Manchettar repairs. Call Bob Farrand. Jr. ments waterproofed. 4154. FREE ESTtMATES Locally owned, nation­ Bus. 647-8509 Mancheater Roofing ally known. Call col­ 649-5823 Res. 645-6849 645-8830 lect, Hartford (203) 560- Care, Trucks. Van*. 4x4*a 0664. "W9 do tho unuouot to tho ordinory"

HOMES LOTS/LAND ROOMS APARTMENTS FOR SALE FOR SALE HOFOR RENT FOR RENT YOU Won't believe your WILLINGTON.Onlv2ap- LADIES preferred - MANCHESTER. Attrac­ eyes! 11 When you read proved building lots clean, furnished, nice tive 6 ream duplex. V / i that the price of this left on Cemetery Rood. location on busline. baths, first tlaor gracious 8 room Colon­ Homesites already $240.00 per month. Coll laundry, large yard. ial has been reset of cleared. Possible 644-3503. Security, references. $259,9001! Not only the owner financing. Phil­ $750 plus utilities. Call price change will ex­ ips Real Estate 203-742- 647-9353. cite you, but the spec­ 1450.0 APARTMENTS MANCHESTER. Secand tacular view of the RU RAL locotlon In An­ FOR RENT Hartford skyline Is floar, 2 bedraams, dover but with conve­ heat, and appliances. sure to take your nient access to main breath away!! Situated MANCHESTER. S p a ­ Na pets. $600 plus se­ roads. Bring your cious six room duplex, curity. 646-3979. In Redwood Forms, plans to build or pur­ attic and cellar storage. features Include: 4 bed­ chase this acre lot now IMMACULATE. Plea­ No pets. Security and sant, quiet, four room rooms, 2'/2 baths, 1st to build sometime In references required. $630. floor family room, 2 the future. Lots of trees apartment. Lots more. fireplaces, economical per month. 649-4424 after 6 Mature, working fe­ rolling land In a com­ p.m. ______gas heat, D E L U X E fortable neighbor­ male preferred. Non- new oak kitchen, IN- hood. Coll tor Barbara School has started ... this smoker. No pets. 649- GROUND pool to top It Weinberg to show you Is a good time to advertise 5897.______off! Approximately the Information that Is that desk you no longer Five rooms second floor - 20 YEARS OF CUSTOMER SATISFACTION IN MANCHESTER, CONN. 2,200 sq feet. June occu- available and a tour of use. Let a Classified od 95 Wells Street. $600 pancv. Jackson & the property. RE/max, find a cash buyer tor you. monthly plus heat and Jackson Real Estate, east of the river. 647- 643-2711. utilities. Security and 647-8400.D______1419P______M A N C H EST ER - Clean references. Please call BRAN D New Listing!! second floor, two bed­ 646-0350. Immaculate 6 room GOOD USED furniture is Central CT's Largest In demand. Why not ad­ room In three family. MANCHESTER. Four Cape Cod on Avondale Appliances, coin oper­ room duplex. Stove, Road. 3 bedrooms, vertise the furniture you ated laundry. Beautiful refrigerator, garage. Toyota/Pontiac Dealer modern both, full base­ no longer use In classi­ floors. $600, Call 646- $600. plus utilities. Call ment, gos heat. Beauti­ fied? Call 643-2711. 3253. 633-4189. ful pork-llke grounds MANCHESTER. Two Is having a surround this great 9 a INVESTMENT MANSFIELD/WIIIIngton house! Bowers School Hi] bedroom Townhouse line. Route 44. Two area. Move-In condi­ I PROPERTY with fireplace. Heat, bedroom apartment. hot water, carpeting, $405. per month. Two tion! $142,900. Jackson HERITAGE Builders: Ta­ air conditioning, all ap­ months security dep­ & Jackson Real Estate, pered I-Beam, bolt-up pliances. Nice loca­ osit. Adults preferred. 647-8400.D construction steel tion. Call 647-1595. Country privacy. No PRICED RIGHT!! Bol­ buildings. Engineer M ANCH ESTER. Onebed- dogs. Call 742-0569. ton. Lovely Dutch style stamped construction room apartment, heat, MANCHESTER. Beauti­ 4 bedroom raised prints, 3,400 standard hot water, carpeting, ful two bedroom apart­ ranch professionally sizes, 30x40x10 air condltlonlng,all ap- ment, eat-ln kitchen, landscraped acre lot $3,485,-40x60x12 $13,895. pllonces. Call 649-5240. self-cleaning stove, perfect for picnics! Call tor tree brochures ★ ^ ☆ I 'A: ^ yV TWO Bedroom apart­ dishwasher, disposal Features family room, today. Phone 1-800-643- and refrigerator. Din­ woodstove, laundry, 5555. ment. Stove, refrigera­ deck and garage. Call tor, heat, hot water, air ing room, living room today! Diane Comollo conditioning. Nice lo­ and one bath. Air con­ cation. Call 649-5240. ditioned, very quiet. m I d x i iXht^adi&ss RE/MAX, east of the Ideal for middle aged river, 647-1419 d ODMORTGAGES MANCHESTER. Three or senior citizens, on room apartment. Con­ busline. Heat and hot S A V E Y O U R venient location. Lease water Included. Only CONDOMINIUMS and security deposit. HOMEII $640 per month. Come Friday & FOR SALE $495 per month. 649- see why we rarely have If you are in FORECLOSURE, 4820 or 646-4412. a vacancy. One bed­ Photos takon at Lutz Musoum WOODCREEK Ondoml- BAHKRUPTCY or OlVORCEO MANCHESTER - Two room apartment avail­ Saturday Only nlums. Two bedroom or “falling behind,” ask for bedroom, I'/s bath. able at $605. Agent. Advtrtitino SuDDlomtnt to tho townhouse with I'/i $575. per month. Three 247-5030. ManchMtsr Htrold. March 33,1969 baths, central air and NO PAVNENT PROGRAM up bedroom, I'/z baths. MANCHESTER - Two NO HASSLES, NO DICKER STICKERS • Every vehicle will be drastically garage. Vernon's only to 2 yearsll $775. per month. Plus "New Condomini­ bedroom flat, lease 1 THE SWISS GROUP security, utilities and and security. No pets! marked down and the stidKer will tell you exactly what you'll be paying! ums." $126,900. D.W. references. No pets. Fish Realty, 643-1591.0 454-4404 $625. per month, plus 643-2121. utilities. 646-3618. TOWN OF MANCHISTUR NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION 323 PONTIACS 144 TOYOTAS LEGAL NOTICE AND HDME8 The Plonnlno and Zoning Commitalon will hold a public NOTICE TO CREDITORS HUFDR RENT heorlng on Monday, April 3,1919 at 7:00 P.M. In the hearing OF IN STOCK NOW! IN STOCK NOW! street, Mancheater, Con- BECKER FAMILY nacTicut to haor and consider the followlno petitions: ASSOCIATION INC. W A LK to Crystal Loke 6 room Cape, 3 bed­ HABTFoenooin'l?'!?. -MNE CHANGE - 3U/I2S Pursuant to Section 33-4S9 30 GRAND PRIX'S • 88 GRAND AMS # 35 SUNBIRDS •^•euest for a zone change from (a) of the Connecticut Ge­ rooms, 2 baths, on Rsslitence to Builnatt II tor a parcel of neral Statutes, as amended, country lot. 6 months land Idantlflad at 316 Hartford Road and a portion of a parcel notice Is hereby given that old. Call 646-6467 or of land Identified at 328 Hartford Road. Becker Family Association 871-1400, ask for Inc., a Connecticut corpora­ on CHAHOE - M OAKLAND tion with offices In Manches­ Beverly. R E B A T E S UP TO ^ 1 0 0 0 P O N T IA C S 5 ' ~ Renue** for a zone change from Residence ter, Connecticut, wos dis­ COVENTRY. Available Rebate amount varies according to model. at W Oa"kland Stree®"*^"^ " solved on October 19,19M by Immediately. 6 '/a resolution of Its directors. A CAROLINE OEER — SPECIAL EXCEPTION _191 VER­ certificate of dissolution has rooms, two bedrooms, 88 Grand Am LE 4 dr. 86 Ford Taurus LX, loaded NON S-TREET WEST (0-74) - Reqoett tor a tpeclal excep­ been filed with the Secretary one bath, walk-out tion under Article III, Section 6 of the Monchetfer Zoning of State as required by law. basem ent, laundry 87 Chevy Nova 5 dr., HB 85 Chevy C IO Pickup, 6 cyl., 4 spd. « 191 vL”rnVn%'r«e*t w7tL All creditors of said corpora­ hook-up. $750 per 87 P o n t Safari Wgn., loaded 85 Dodge Caravan, AT tion, If any, ore hereby month. Security plus USED ROTHMAN a BEAULIEU, INC. AND CATHERINE B. OLM- warned to present their first and lost month. No 87 Toy. Celica GT, LB, AT, AC 85 P o n t Flero, 5 spd., V6 8TBAO - 669 TOLLAND TURNPIKE - ( R ™ - K e lt claims to Robert J. Boland, for a zone chonge from Rural Retidence to Planned Retl- utilities. Adults pre­ 87 Toy. 1/2 Ton Pickup, 5 spd„ 85 Ford Ranger, longbed, V6 173 East Center Street, Man­ ferred. No pets. Call CAR dence Develoomenf and approval of a oanerol plan of devel­ chester, Connecticut 06040 on 86 Chevy Spectrum 4 dr., 5 s|.'xj. opment under Article II, Section 7 of the Monchetfer Zoning or before September 6, 1989, 754-7494 or 742-8161. 85 Ford Tempo, AT, AC Reoylotlont to c o n ttro c t^ moltl-famllv unlit on a parcel of or thereafter be barred os by 86 Bulck Century loaded 85 P o n t 6000LE, loaded land Identified at 669 Tolland Turnpike. statute provided. LIST At thit hearing Interetted pertont may be heard and written BECKER FAMILY 8TDRE AND 86 Ford Escort Wgn., AT 85 Toy. 4x4 SR5 Pickup communicattoni received. A copy of thit petition It In the ASSOCIATION INC. DFFICE SPACE 86 Chevy Monte Carlo SS, loaded Town Clerk't office and may be Intoected during butinett Robert J. Boland, Jr. 85 Toy. Tercel, 5 dr., 5 spd., AC hourt. Its Attorney S T O REr"T7"oftTc^. 86 Pont Flero, AT, Red 85VWJetta,AT, AC Planning and Zoning Committlon 178 Eost Center Street Manchester, CT 06040 Ground floor. Good tor 86 P o n t Firebird, V8, AT, A C 84 Toy. Camry LE, loaded Leo Kwath, Telephone: 646-1466 professionals or retail. 86 Toy. Cressida, leather, loaded 82Datsun 310,3 dr., AT 03S-03 Coll M ax Grossman, 053-03 647-9223 or 649-5334.


A complete selection Anne’s Place of UNISEX HAIR AND TANNING SALON Prom Gowns, Regular Everyday Low Prices ' i j Party Dresses ik ' I and Haircuts Perms ZOTO S ' Bridals — ^5 I f ^20 ISow featuring CUP AND SAVE 10-50% Appointments Have Priority. OFF V- 6 TANNING SESSIONS regular price* of in stock gowns h

$ 2 4 0 0 As always, providing Tues.-Fri. 10-9 PM / Sat. 'til 4:00 PM friendly, personal ^ u . attention so your dress ANNE'S PLACE looks the way you want. A complete unisex hair salon. Anne has over 10 years experience in styling and cosmetics. FREE ALTERATIOiSS on regular priced bridal For Appointment Call 643-1442 gowns. M axim um charge $15 on all others. TWICE IS NICE Just 20 minutes from Manchester! '' -4 Vintage Clothing and Accessories ' • -Ol' located in the Manchester Mall IN the Coventry Shoppe THE TRADITIONAL ELEGANCE — Dressed in a 1920s white organdy Kim St. Martin of Manchester models one of the many dress and carrying a turn-of-the century purse, Kimberly Glover MANCHESTER /{ 4 41.V Mondays bridal gowns available at the COVENTRY SHOPPE. Kim presents a fresh contrast to the modern sculpture outside the Lutz is a senior at Manchester High School who has chosen 811 MAIN ST. Museum. Vintage clothing and accessories are available at Twice Is Coventry • 744*7494 WeA. Pri, Sat5 her prom gowns here for several years. 643-1442 MALL Nice, in the Manchester Mall, 811 Main St. Downtown (Exit 3 of I-384)

a \ Now Showing " $500 OffWith this ad. Spring!

The social season is here,, / J t # . ■ - y . 4 and with it Jan Marie's . i : Make any occasion a celebration with bow pumps elegant spring collection from Joyce. of special occasion, PLATEAU Poised and pretty... y' mother-of-the-bride, and special occasion pumps prom fashions and 7 : from Joyce. accessories. t Sizes 4-20, -5=0*^

PLATEAU Available In Black Patent, Red, Cream, Navy

COLORIFICS — at the Bootery ... dyed to match for any occasion. Most styles $32 dyeing included. The Bootery — Rt. 83 — Talcottville 649-8040. THE BOOTERY 1 "Everyday Low Prices" boutique R t 83, Vernon, (Talcottville), CT • 649-8040 847 Main Street Morh-Sat 9:30-5:30, Thurs. &Frt Oil 8p.m. From the Barbara Barbara Collection Kainy Kamerer has Manchester chosen a mid-length teal green special occasion dress Good thru 4/1/89 Any pair of Joyce ahoea from JAN MARIE. Her hair design is by CARRIAGE 649-5046 HOUSE HAIR DESIGN. in conjunction with Carriage House Hair Design A

O i J I I 1 O) r s 00 LET’S > IN STYLE CO Hair products dominate this o o«i o X oC, M season‘s stylng u H M s LET’S 757 Main S .r.„ . 643.5692 W The Plaza at Burr Corners ft'.;; J X OJ Trevor Sorbie’s enormous it is thick enough for molding into ■c n cn Tolland Tpke. (Caldor) influence worldwide has remained spikes and slicks while allowing a u “»ap— w 3 Manchester, CT 06040 largely within the industry — soft, flowing style and superb > s : r t - 649-6622 Prom defining the future direction of body and fullness when combed p 6 hair and passing on his master- out. In addition, it contains a cati­ H 3 - < School Clothes C i craft through education. Two onic emollient derived from rich as n Gown Vt years ago the Sorbie hair care pro­ mink oil to provide flyaway con­ a u Working-Women Styles m u X duct line was introduced and trol, manageability, and shine. X Weekend Casuals The pH is low to keep the cuticle w quickly became one of the most t - SALE! closed and strong. The gel pro­ •-n Lingerie successful salon lines because of o U the defined purpose and matching vides a medium hold and maxi­ 3* X .A tc > Accessories 0 / Shop early mum shine for the “ new” heal­ CO u formulation of each product. z thier hair of the 90s. < ' Contests “ The products were created speci­ CO s and Save fically to fill a need — product by Lift-lt, a fast-drying product in LO ' Concert Ticket Give-Aways We have a product — with the final result an easy-to-use spray form, is for­ mulated with a fixative, anionic • $1 Hems beautiful selection being a totally complete line,” polymer, of high molecular weight in all sizes explains Trevor Sorbie. An ever > $1 Gift Wrapping which can never build up on the evolving craft requires an innova­ hair. This water soluble, moisture • Layaways tive' product line that produces resistant, clear film dries to a • Personalized Service “ tools” to achieve the “ new” medium firm hold to provide flex­ philosophies as they begin to ible, shiny, static-free hair. • Special Orders Accepted 10% dominate the coming season. (Plus & Petite) The styler also contains a cati­ He has created Sliquid to onic conditioner, keratin protein, • Credit Cards & OFF address this “ new” philosophy of and emollients to further enhance Personal Checks m healthy, shiny, soft hair by formu­ manageability and control fly­ Accepted All lating an alcohol-free, fluid gel. away hair. The combination pro­ in stock Containing a synergistic blend of vides excellent stylability while » Over 2000 Brand “Style to Suit Every You" whether it’s jeans you're M^CLINTC XjK gowns cationic polymers which permit leaving hair healthy, vibrant, and Names and Designer Labels looking for or an outfit for work, lingerie, swimwear, or a dress to wear to a wedding, you’ll find it all at LET’S GO almost limitless styling versatility. in control. OFF ANY PURCHASE WITH THIS AD UNMbSAX expires 4/1/89 IN STYLE. Some of the brand names you’ll find are 15% during MARCH Jordache, Camp Beverly Hills, Bugle Boy, Dawn Joy, Russ & many, many more. So stop in today.

'YOUR BRIDAL SPECIALISTS 887 Main Street Bridal Elegance, located at 145 Main 643-2401 Street, is the only store of its kind in the Manchester area. We strive to offer excellent service to our customers. Alterations are free on special-ordered The frigid air of winter is now bridal & bridesmaids gowns. In addition, f.- ■ «

Cardigan sweater makes its history There are certain fashions that Cashmere & Company and Oscar have made history, for instance the de la Renta Cashmere, to put the French court of Louis XV with excitement into the new cardigan Madame Pompadour. There are sweaters, with a variety of styles, also times when history has made silhouettes and colors. There are fashion, as in the cardigan sweater myriad combinations including appropriately named for its solids with contrasting borders, all creator, England’s James Thomas in varying lengths from just to the Brudenell, Seventh Earl of Car­ waist down to the mid-thigh as well digan, the man who led the charge of the Light Brigade. as cardigans that button at the neck, have a V-neckline, or also It all happened in Crimea, in sport a collar. And, patterns have October, 1854. Due to the harsh been added of small floral motifs, weather the Earl and his men found cable stitches, or such traditionai themselves nearly threadbare, most patterns as Argyles. Prices vary were wrapped in rags. It seems that depending upon the fiber, the most the Earl was Uterally down to his expensive are in cashmere and ate red two-piece knitted long johns. hand loomed such as those from Buttoned to the neck, they could be Ballantyne. ■% seen under his cloak. Later he wore just the top as outerwear and the Though poets and writers will legend grew. retell the story of the charge, unfor­ Today, cardigans offer many tunately, the Earl will be best remembered for his red underwear. more options both in style and A great testimonial to the Earl are color and are knitted in every ima­ h the milhons of copies of his crea­ ginable fiber, including the luxury r V#: tion. And, the history of fashion fibers cashmere and alpaca. goes on for it was General Fitzroy • England’s contribution to 1*1 Somerset Raglan, for whom the fashion continues. Who better than sleeve was named, that first gave Dawson International, maker of the order for the ch^ge. But, that’s Ballantyne, Barrie, Braemar, another story.

Eric Hasemann models the new red clad with black pleated front trousers with peg leg bottoms from FORMAL'S INN.


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Make going formal a Cotton reclaims the crown as great experience King of U.S. fashion .S

Let’s face it! Dressing up and adjust the length at the neck It’s been the nation’s longest going “ black-tie” is not an every­ so it is long enough to overlap running wear test. For the past 13 day occurence for the majority of the trouser waistband. years, American consumers have Americans. Recognizing there is 5. When sitting down, unbutton been touching, wearing and living the possibility of forgetting the your jacket... and when in apparel made from a variety of little things that add up, Harvey standing tall and straight, fibers, both natural and synthetic. ■ ' S Weinstein, President of Lord keep it buttoned. Dancing? — And while shifts in fashion have at West/Pierre Cardin Formalwear Do your own thing. times dictated trends in fiber, con­ suggests the following: 6. If you choose to wear a sumers have steadily moved to 1. Go all out on the grooming pocket square, shape and crown an old friend the new king routine — feel great head-to- fold it so the points are of apparel — U.S. cotton. toes. extended no more than an According to data from the 2. Before you start dressing, inch — or puff it softly and Market Research Corporation of check to make sure you have show just enough to add a America, cotton’s share of the ■ all the visible essentials: note of color. total U.S. apparel market reached jacket and trousers, cummer­ 7. If a boutonniere is your thing 51 percent through the first nine bund or vest, shirt, tie, cor­ forget the pocket square. months of 1988, making it the rect number of studs and Overkill here is not advised. single most popular fiber con­ links, hosiery and shoes. Sus­ 8. Wear over-the-calf hose with sumed at retail, outselling all penders and pocket square elastic tops. Socks creeping man-made fibers combined. are optional. down your legs can detract Cotton’s return to dominance CORPORATE CLASS — 3. If a wing collar shirt is your from your feeling of assurance. has been marked by gains in mar­ Fred Hunt, of Regal Men’s choice, let the wings fall over 9 Patent leather plain-toe shoes, ket share every year since the mid Shop, shows how clothes the tie. It’s an easy natural slip-on or laced, with a high ‘70s, when polyester sat atop the can make a statement. He look unless the bow tie IS polish are preferred. Save your clothing heap. Boosted primarily is wearing a blended suit extra wide. block mocs, oxfords or wing by the baby boom generation, by Hart, Schaffner, and 4. If you are wearing trousers tips for other less glamorous which literally grew up in all­ Marx, available at Regal with an adjustable waist, occasions. cotton jeans and tee-shirts, cotton Men’s Shop, 903-905 you’ll enjoy the comfortable, 10. Look in the mirror, check it all has benefited from this group’s Main St. waist hugging fit. Cover the out, including your zipper and desire for natural, comfortable Gerry Stebbins, of REGAL’S, wears 100% wool double buckles with a cummerbund. DESIGNER, Joan Vass, has enjoyed wide-scale recognition for subtle SMILE. You’re “gonna have apparel. breasted suit by H. Freeman. His 100% cotton shirt is by If you are wearing a vest. a great time.” garment styling and comfortable silhouettes. The designer's white off- According to Cotton Incor- the-shoulder top and black and white diamond print skirt, both in all­ Enro. The handmade silk tie also by H. Freeman. D<'’-a*'*d, the fiber company of cotton, carry forward the tradition. Joan Vass is part of a wide range of American cotton producers, the designers, new and established, participating in the cotton renaissance .sit. move to cotton was sparked by a Popularity of the natural fiber is at a 13-year high, according to Cotton Incorporated, the fiber company of U.S, cotton producers u combination of demand for com­ fort and overall consumer dissatis­ our designs because it expresses the comfort of cotton, and it’s faction with the poor performance color beautifully and gives you making my business work.” of synthetic fibers. After years of flexibilty in styling. Plus it’s diffi­ The growth of cotton in men’s giving man-made fibers a go, con­ cult to feel stylish if you’re not and women’s apparel is also sumers became disenchanted with comfortable.” boosting the fiber’s presence in apparel that pilled, snagged, Joan Vass, who has enjoyed childrenswear, says Ira B. wouldn’t wash clean, retained enormous popularity due to her Livingston, vice president of U.S. odors, caused static electricity and use of comfortable silhouettes marketing for Cotton Incorpor­ generally wouldn’t “breathe.” and subtle styling, uses natural ated. “ The predisposition of Designers, both new and estab­ fibers almost exclusively in her baby boomers for natural pro­ lished, are now offering a variety i/i collections. “ Cotton is just plain ducts has created a whole new of looks to meet demand for com­ wonderful,” says Vass, “ warm in market for cotton in the fortable, fashionable apparel. winter, cool in summer, com­ children’s market,” Says They say the move to cotton has pletely bi-coastal, no one is aller­ Livingston. “ This age group is significantly impacted on the gic to it, it works perfectly for my maturing and having children. development of their own design designs.” It’s only logical that these parents philosophy. Menswear is the strongest who are buying cotton apparel FINIS, a New York-based apparel category for cotton, for themselves are looking for womenswear firm founded by where the fiber holds a 60-percent cotton children’s clothing.” designers Ann and Mark McNairy, share of the market. Tony Livingston says that as a result, is rapidly becoming known for Lambert, widely recognized for cotton’s share of the girl’s CHIEF CLOTHIER — their use of bright colored floral his directional sweater designs, apparel market has grown from Ray Huff, of Regal Men’s prints and innovative pucker says cotton holds a special attrac­ 38 percent in 1984 to 50 percent Shop, shows how to fabrications. From the onset, tion for the menswear market. in 1988, while cotton’s share of dress like a chief as he says Mark McNairy, the design­ “ For the past few years men the boy’s apparel market has stands near Indian ers had decided to use cotton in have gained a special appreciation risen from 45 percent in 1984 to replicas at the Lutz their line to tap into consumer for ‘feel-good’ clothing,” says 55 percent in 1988. Museum. The suit is 7'^ preference. McNairy said Lambert. “ It began with denim According to Livingston, that made of worsted wool cotton’s versatility helped them and then grew to be more sophisti­ bodes well for the future of cot­ by H. Freeman and is to realize their apparel vision. cated, giving birth to the sweatsuit ton. “ Just as their parents grew available at Regal Men’s “ A lot of man-made fibers are revolution. I feel this transition up in cotton clothing and devel­ Shop, 903-905 Main St. FORMAL ATTRACTION. Dressing for an occasion makes it extra special produced to imitate different cot­ H. Freeman suits are 1 continues to even more sophistica­ oped a natural disposition towards every time. Her strapless silk floss lace over satin is by Michele Piccione ton qualities,” says McNairy, tion. Staying in tune with this has the fiber, today’s kids are grow­ made to measure. for Flirtations. He makes an impressive statement in a double “ but they’re not very comfort­ been a key to the success of my ing up in cotton. If history breasted tuxedo from the new Lord West Crown Collection. It is able. We couldn’t see using a tailored In a fine subtly striped tropical worsted. The jacket is ventless, line. At the core though, cotton is repeats itself, as it often does, The Yves St. Laurent sport coat modeled by Gerry substitute when we could use the features satin peak lapels and is worn with pleated trousers. His 100 why my business is doing so well. we’ll be seeing strong cotton Brown of REGAL’S. The trousers are also by Yves St. original. Cotton works well for percent cotton voile shirt and eye-catching bow tie are from the It’s a comfort fiber. Men want demands for years to come.” Laurent. The shirt is 100% cotton by Enro and the tie is elegant La Valiere Collection. of silk and handmade by H. Freeman.