Black J:'S H a Isty V Le S
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7 5 5 9 012 2 4/28/VA WESTERfJ MUiicrographics -APT £ . ^ ■ 2 7 1 2 S 36C('C O -u " ' SALT LAKE CITY( UT 54119 JL a.1 1M. MBl e s - wsL G o o d m oornmg jB la c kj:’s h aisty V^ote ai n g e rs p a nle l Today’s forecast:' B y Drewrew DeSilver Kelchum. :c o f rain showers. ‘.‘When you’re dcalinjng with Ihe largest Cloudy with a chancc c Times-N'5-Ncws writer . Highs 40 to 45 degrees.;s. ISouth w inds 15 budget there is in the L^.^gislature. and you mph. Lows near 30 dcgrc« aSE - House Education CoiCommittee operate like this - it wasw so obviously ^ 4 man Ron Black was accuscc;cd Thurs- / ' stratcgized and orchestistrated and chore- y - ^ illy just absolulcly if >f railroading his public-scho1001 fund- ographed - I was reall; ^ I jcommendation ihrough hiss icommit- . V ■ ' ^^lature - stunned.” a . “I have never been Soo mad as I am right ^ 'Ml rcc Democratic members o f t now.” added Rep. Elala in e H ofm an. D* a Casino constructicItion ends I Commiuee, who were on thctli losing .M H jylaa Pocaiello. Qf thc vote, blasted Black beforebe thc four of the 188 commiltecc members hodn^In’t ' Black’s plan passed oron an 8-6 vole. Tlio oot riverboat on a rc all. Republicans, An 84,000-squarc-foot ^ouse for not listing the budadget vote yet arrived, eight “yes” votes were i . 4 Vicksburg, Miss., ‘ |||| five Dcmocrais who * ' ■ ' " man-made moat near Vi e committee’s agenda and forfc bring- " |t was outran;ragcous as far as 1 was con-on- V oting “no” were the fis is complete. ; to a vole early in the mcctii:ting when ccrncd." saidd Rep.I Pattie Nafziger, D- ' Jo n o s P age Bl D- ■ Plea!tase see V0TE/A2 Chairma; Drug tests likely day o f n ' ' rr - ing recoi I < All ofTwin Falls Coui'ounty's elected of- - y’s childrein kSpy susiipect ficials m ay soon wouldd bbe subjcct to ] Three dom drug tests. P age SI cation C side o f t passed CIAC I on the c B lack ing 1lie detecctors UnWelcome landiidings The Associated Press -' A proposed Minido)doka County law might keep erop-dusiers:rs from using rural ^Necessity I WASHINGTON — Accu;ccused CIA turn- roads as landing strips, coat Aldrich H. Ames passedssed agency poly- P ag e B3 graph tests twice during the:he ttim e he is siis- pcclod of working for MosM oscow, and llic Senaic Inlclligencc CommiitiTiiltee plans to re view the agency's internalal ssecurity proce- d urts, ofTicials said Tliursday>d:iy. Meantime, thc CIA suspccspects that secrcts Skating woes conlm t i n u e allegedly sold by thc formerTier counicrintclli- Oksana Baiul and TanjaTor Szewczenko, gcncc officer led lo the dealhlalhs ofal least 10 the second and fiAh pl(placers going into Soviets working for U.S. intelligence,in ac- tonight’s figure skatinglg Ifinals, will com- cording to one official fami'amilinr with CIA pete despite colliding duiduring practice. and FBI briefings lo the and Senate P ag e Dl intelligence committees aboub out the case, In an effort to detect traitraitors, the CIA tries to administer polygraigraph tests every ite Figliting for state five years to ils employees,:cs. bul, there have Carey and Dietrichh !S(squared ofT for a been backlogs. fourth time this year to ;see which would Ames, alleged lo have'c w orked, for the advancc to thc slate Cla£riass A-4 basketball Soviets and then the Russi:issians from 1985 tourney and which woi#ould facc anolhcr until his arresl Monday.y. \was tested on playofT Saturday in Mouiountain Home. schedule withoul his spying/ing being discov- P age Dl crcd. according lo a goverrvemmenl official, who, like thc others, dcclinc:lined to be identi- fied by name. Those testss ococcurred in 1986 and 1991, according to anotlinother ofTicial. I Ills Invention Convention “Doesn’t thc machinc woiwork? Or is it lhat )t;C heck8 o u t o n e of th e9 *en tries In th e Twin FalU congressional offi- Twin Falls public elenien easy to beat?” asked a conj Strings of memorlo r y lOO Inventions from studeje n ts attending th e six T\ cial who had been advisedled <o f Am es’ pass- are available for inspecth Cl For G eorge Lukes,, th(the violin has been II ev e n t at th e M agic ValUHoy Mall. The displays ar ing Ihe tests. "T hat’s onene aarea the Senate his constant compan:anion through 71 gInlclligencc Commiltec will,vill be looking at.” amazing years. ' p Onc'govemmenl official:ial said succc-ssful S P ag eC I ^ polygraphing depends on1 the questions, “They ask you if you arcire a spy. It’s about d No price break?9 general h that blunt,” said thc congre:igressional official, rgeon g( al his test results: sses Sui “ W e’ll have lo look h im*inications Com- The Federal Comm* sometimes when the tesists d'do nol show de- • TV bill is going mission says your ca’ ; SCcplion, the results are Inconiconclusive." 'be not if you live in -Michael Ericeon, s down again, but maybe CIA Dircclor James WcWoolscy told the the M agic Valley. SpHtzer. M ore th an 400plan tee]^n-age simoking c Intelligence Commiltmilteethal ihe CIA P ag eC I featured (n the annual e a The Associ•dated Press and the Pentagon have beenjcen studying ways , il iurity for Ihe nast d a y - . 10 improve internal securi year. Hc said they arc reviewingrevi iheii're- Long-stalled WASHIIIN G T O N — S urgeon Gc:jc n c ra l t liance on polygraph testingling and the use o f owed sudden Joycclyn EldersE labeled smoking an1 acadolcs- V f )yees. LS thc Clinton cent addiciiction Thursday aiid accuseised thc financial audits o f employee t buum, D-Ohio. and Invitation to chacl a o s . two>republic tobacco incndusiry o f trying to convinceICC teen- Sens. Howard Metzcnbuui nc, proposed legis- U.S. presi1 thc leader of agers thatIt cigarettes will make themrmsexy t,.: ^ William Cohen. R-Maine, | Changing thc rulesles for Idaho's top ire financial disclo- cce'pt a merg- and succes;cssful. lalion Thursday lo require f school ofTicial is risky,,ky, today’s editorial I losc with access to Elders,, uunveiling ihe latest surgeon:on gen- '' $ sure statements from those says. ;d to give the FBI PageA 6 Bosnia p-uropcan ] mc- , eral’s repcport on smoking, also urgerged the i government secrcts and tc tain such informa- headway, the Federal Tnfrade Commission lo draw ihithe cur- greater authority lo obtain The ABSociatod P r ^ ~ ^' 1 the proposal tain on Rj:UR Tobacco’s Joe Camel cocartoon \ . ) tion. .strates once again vlusliins and ads, whiclich have just added a Josc|iscphine AHDYABag/n»Tlnw»>twH I “The Ames case illustra W A SH IN G TO N — ntityLoi and then Camel toI tlthe cast o f charactcrs. Elders that il is greed, noi ideology on with fribnd'Ryan out their country," -Bosnian pcacc talks, showtith the Bosni- “Smokin:ing is not just an adull habilibil. ll IS . many of those who sell out SIMS o f life Thursday as d esccnt addiction," said ElE ld ers, spends on advertisi said Cohen, noting reportsorts that Ames had Critic protests trt r e a t m e n t tured m uch o f an adoles ction through' Sun- I administnition pushed aa tw bloody 22- whose 31414-page report was devotedd centire- convince kids the an extravagant lifestyle. A critic of Interiorior Secretary Brucc p«»p nnn r;iiclunan,-D-:-D-Kanrr^3huirmun ------------- proposal for Bosnia and thj ly to thc; tltopic o f why adolescents} sismoke, club — that they ____ Babbitt who distributedIted derogatory fliers_______ ce Committee, told Croatia said hc would accc*!d-withrsinTOl= ------- thtrlramrltriraocrBnairowircmrbc-pnprcvenr:~ihcy*re sociaolMfi o f thc Intelligence ( at a Senate committccItce hearing charged ined “an extensive, erw ith the Muslims. by Croatia's cd. successful.” Woolscy his panel planned discrimination after beibeing ordered to rc- his case.” W oolscy I Taking chargc afler Eunrg er w ilh the Thc rcpcT)ort also chronicled thc marllarkcling “The tccn-agcr g exhaustive review of this i srriblc, very serious move thc documents. .diators had made little he® practices; co f the lobacco industry, frofrom the co companies get characterized it as a ‘"lerrib P ageA 3 Lashes 1 not discuss it fur- administration unveiledinto thi high gear chocolatec cig-arettes of yore lo theiie M arl- "W c m ust fight bac spy scandal" but would no for uniting Bosnian Mu: boro mann to'sppnsoring racc cars andanc ped- Thc Tobacco Ins ther in public. Onc congressional ofTici:iTicial said thc Scn- Entertainer diese s Bosnian Croats in one entit5 E. Redman dlingmerc:rchandise bearing tobacco bnbrands, people should not J said teen-agers who smokloke run Thomas Lauria sa ate Intelligence Committeeitiec also has c|ue.s- Dinah Shore, notedcd for delighting ra* proposing federation with>tiatlons, and Elders : ; lures njl cooperation on "an SeAs, who have capture isks of experimenting withI alalcohol report that would si lions about CIA and FBI dio and television aucaudicnces for half a help them. higher risk thc small country in a_______________I b . and drugs,fs, doing poorly in school, figfighiing.