The Ukrainian Weekly 1947, No.49
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb ОБОДА SVOB УКРАЇНСЬКИЙ ЩОДЕННИК UKRAINIAN DAILY РІК LV. Ч. 302. Vol. LV. No. 302. Щг ОДгаіліап ШееЬір Supplement 1 ГРИ ЦЕНТИ в Злучених Державах Америки. Гел. „Свободи": BErgen 4-0237—4-0807 THREE CENTS іл lie United States oi America) ПЯТЬ ЦЕНТІВ за кордоном Злучених Держав Америки. Гел У. H. Союзу: BErgen 4-1016 FIVE CENTS ekew here WEEKLY: No. 49 JERSEY CITY and NEW YORK, MONDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1947 WEEKLY • VO L. XV On the Road to a World-Wide, Pro-Free "Voice of America" Broadcasts Report on Pan Ukraine Front American Ukrainian Conference (Continued) (IV) П7Е continue in this week's editorial our review of the highlights of the Reports reaching us from Europe, *" general progress of the Ukrainian Americans down through the years in letter and newspaper form, de-1 to coordinate their efforts in support of the Ukrainian national liberation clare that on November 19 last, peo Relief Committee movement, which is aimed at the freeing of Ukraine and the establishment ple of eastern and southeastern Eu cif a. sovereign, democratic Ukrainian state. rope heard over the radio our U.S. Sends Two to Thus far we have dwelt upon the State Department sponsored "Voice Europe ото-free Ukrainian manifestation held time a spirit of indecision. Fortun-jof America" broadcast news of the at N=w York's historic Cooper Union ately. S0IDe men of responsibility, | Pan American Ukrainian Conference, According to an announcement is- in 1915 which -ave rise to the crea- Particularly those associated with which was held in New York City > UUARC, two the sued this week bv the tion of the Federation of Ukrainians UNA., realizing the possible beginning November IS. younger generation Ukrainian Ameri- tra ic results of the of the United States, and then tothe. S continuance of The "Voice of America" radio j cans wil1 leave next month by plane such Ukrainian National Council, under, indecision, of this sudden vac broacast, which is beamed to the Eu- j for Europe as field workers of the cum in the auspices of which a national Uk-1 Ukrainian American progress, ropean countries in various languages, і United Ukrainian American Reriel a rainian Tag Day on April 21, 19i7j ; nd unity, took it upon themselves to |reported ^ occurenee of ш g^ Committee to assist Mr. Roman netted some eight five thousand dol- j reorganize the Ukrainian. Congress і ference and the fact that it, was at_ Smook, who has been there for the ast lars for Ukrainian relief purposes; j Committee of America. j tended щ delegates of nationally re- P several months as a representa tive of the tion we went on to the succeeding I The results of their efforts was j presentative organizations composed Relief Committee to as- sist the nationally representative body, the the reformation of the UCCA. A pro-'0f pe0ple of Ukrainian descent living Ukrainian DPs in every wayf popularly known "Obyednanye." i.e. tern UCCA was created at a confer- in the United States, Canada, Brazil, possible. United Ukrainian Organizations of >nce of Ukrainian American represen- Argentine, Paraguay and Uruguay The two are Wasyl Gina of New the United States, which was active -tatives held in Philadelphia in Sep- alld aiso attended by a special Elf Haven, Conn., and Miss Julia Konick up to World War II; finally we dwelt tember, 1943. ropean Ukrainian observor. of Wilkes Barre, Pa. Significantly enough, a figure who upon the first Congress of Americans The "Voice of America" broadcast Mr. Gina is an ex-GI who served of Ukrainian origin, which brought played an important role in the call- also reported that the representatives. in India and there was helpful to into being the original Ukrainian ing of the Philadelphia conference of organizations- embracing persons the Ukrainian DPs who found them Congress Committee of America. That which led to the reformation of the nf Тт, ., „. „ Дл„„„ , selves there. Miss Konick is a for organization, as our last week's read or Ukrainian descent, convened at the mer volunteer Red Cross worker and ers may recall, gradually lost author UCCA, was of our younger genera- -r>„„ \mn,;nr.„ m • • „ і active in Ukrainian American youth ity and power of action because of its „ _ . , , "an American Ukrainian Conference, affairs. poor structural set-up, one which en tion, an attorney of Detroit, now head .-.^^^„„^ ±.rx: т- и * »T t. - -^ abled any one of the "Big Rour" •__, . ' . petitioned the United Nations Gen- fraternals' representatives constitut of the United Ukrainian American Q , Ц\*ЛМЛ.ІІІ +„ u л *л ^ w l\ ing its controlling executive board -i . , . , ,„__, eral Assembly to halt the deliberate An Editorial the right to exercise the power of Relief Committee which the UCCA p£)licy of genQcide pursued veto (similar to the one existing brought into life. Significantly enough, goviet Rusgia and ^ ^^ ^ Those Ukrainian miner immigrants ence in now in the United Nations) in re too1946), th, eha shea alsd o obeef nth ea persoUCCnA offro thme Кл__ its resolution made reference, who, being pestered by Communist gards any measure proposed. younger, American born, generation, tШПЙo th. e Soviet denial to the 40,000,000 pamphlet-bearers on their first rail- the time of its reformation and j The reformation of the UCCA or- UkrainiaThe n people of their national way trip in Canada, finally got tired This right, to reiterate, proved to through its two successive congresses ' llbertie sbroadcas and of tit salsoolic reporte to d that ganizational structure took form at іthe Pan P >" destroy, of it, beat them up and hove them be a convenient means for the ob (Philadelphia, 1944; Washington, May ,them a s Americaa n Ukrainian Confer- structionist-disruptive tactics of two the Philadelphia 1943 conference in! national., cultural and off the train at North Bay, seem to representatives of one of the frater form of a resolution which provided religious entity. I have the root of the matter in them. nals, the latter which, it is worth not that the fraternal orders be absolved They bring with them a technique ing, repudiated their action in this and of all' further obligation of conduct of their centuries-old heroic struggle ^!hlch' W;hlIe perhaPs аЬгаР* andn^ other respects at its convention, held, ing any political action, and that the to establish a free, independent, a»»S* ^У be, even strictly legal, is at happily enough, soon thereafter, UCCA be reorganized in a manner democratic state of Ukraine. (In this leaSt etfeCtiVe' Their leader's terse leaving the two gentlemen high and making it no longer dependent on connection the Committee, dispatched summing up of the reason for their dry, soon to become receptive to the fraternal orders or other national a memorandum to Secretary of State summary action might well be noted Communist blandishments, with the organizations and institutions, and, Cordell Hull on the eve of his trip by the rest of us, "Was no good, we didn't like" is an excellent answer result that today they have by their furthermore, acting under its own to Moscow to attend the tri-power to Communist activities, direct or in acts, written and spoken words have charter. conference.) The reorganized and revitalized direct. definitely negated their earlier pro- (c) To help the Ukrainians in their UCCA adopted at its initiatory Phil But for a quite different reason we free Ukraine sentiments and resolu native land to receive at the close of adelphia meeting the political plat would accord these newcomers a place tions and follow the zigzaggings of this war a fair and equal treatment form of the Washington congress of in our regard. According to a repre the Moscow dictated Party Line. with other recognized nations, as a May, 1940. sentative of the mine employing them Now to continue our story, which, free and united member in the fam- As a matter of record, it is worth they sang Christmas carols through- we reemphasize, is intended to give setting forth here the specific pur ily of European nations, in accord-jout the 500-mile train trip from Tor- our younger generation people some poses then of the reorganized UCCA. ance with the pronouncements on the I onto to their destination. That would idea of the background of events As subsequently ratified at the Sec subject of enslaved nations by suefc take some doing. Most of us would which led to the recent Pan Ameri Allied war leaders as President Roose-1 difficult, even at Christmas, to ond Congress of Americans of Uk find it can Ukrainian Conference,. and which velt and Prime Minister Churchill: rainian Descent, held in January, maintain a continuous flow of song in turn will lead to the creation of a 1944, these purposes were set forth (d) To take action in providing re-, from here to Windsor, Ontario, fOE well organized and coordinated world as follows: lief in form of food, clothing, and j example, and even on a fast train. wide pro-free Ukraine and anti-total w itarian front, composed of representa (a) To coordinate and intensify other necessities of life of food,' e shall watch the further prog- tives of people of Ukrainian origin Ukrainian American participation in clothing, and other necessities of life' ress of these new arrivals with great outside the Soviet "Iron Curtain." American's war effort; for the suffering, homeless, and im- j interest. They bring to this country; (b) To promote here in America poverished war victims of Ukraine,'a gift for self-expression, whether And thus, upon the speedy demise an understanding and sympathetic re- and likewise to cooperate to the full- with fists or vocal chords, that is dy- of the original UCCA, due to the cognition of the plight of the Uk- est extent with the American Red ing out among us and needs revival.