The North Wind Farms Connection Project

Design and Construction Report Technical Appendices

Application reference: EN020014 March 2015

Regulation reference: The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Regulation 5(2)(q)

Document reference 7.2 The Planning Act 2008 The Infrastructure Planning (Applications: Prescribed Forms and Procedure) Regulations 2009 Regulation 5(2)(q)

The North Wales Wind Farms Connection Project Design and Construction Report Appendices

Document Reference No. 7.2 Regulation No. Regulation 5(2)(q) Author SP Manweb Date March 2015 Version V1

Planning Inspectorate Reference EN020014 No.

SP Manweb plc, Registered Office: 3 Prenton Way Prenton CH43 3ET. Registered in England No. 02366937 Appendix 1 – Limits of Deviation

2 Figure 2.6 Limits of Deviation

Appendix 2 – Construction Working Areas

Figure 2.7. Work Area Requirement with 20m LOD


Figure 2.8. Work Area Requirement with 40m LOD


Appendix 3 - Power Line Crossings

Approximate 132kV Crossing Figure Grid Duration of OHL Description Method Reference reference Reference Works Spans (days) Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 20 302155, Underground one span of 11kV 5.2 29 - 30 line between poles 9 and 10 of 11kV 360612 line between pole 9 and pole 10 (Bryn Goleu 2) line 18 19 302200, Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV Underground one span of 11kV 5.2 30 - 31 (Bryn Goleu 1) 360656 line between poles 9 and 1 of 11kV line line between pole 9 and pole 1

18 Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 302655, 1 n/a 37 - 38 line between poles 11 and 12 of 11kV 11kV line to remain in situ n/a (Cefn Maen 361107 Uchaf) line

17 303126, Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV Underground 2 spans of 11kV 5.3 50 - 51 16 (Tan yr Allt) 361960 line between poles 7 and 8 of 11kV line line between pole 7 and pole 9

Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 16 303288, 1 n/a 67 - 68 line between poles 60 and 61 of 11kV 11kV line to remain in situ n/a 363180 (Peniel) line

15 301965, Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV Underground one span of 11kV 5.4 93 - 94 5 (Bryn Amlwg) 364392 line between poles 7 and 8 of 11kV line line between pole 7 and pole 8

Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 14 301649, 105 - 1 n/a line between poles 45 and 46 of 11kV 11kV line to remain in situ n/a 365087 106 (Goppa) line

1 No plan is show for those 11kV lines to remain in situ


Approximate 132kV Crossing Grid Duration of OHL Description Method Reference Reference Works Spans (days) 8 Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 301535, 133 - 1 line between poles 79 and 80 of 11kV 11kV line to remain in situ n/a (Eriviat Bach 367134 134 Uchaf) mainline 7 Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 300790, 145 - Underground one span of 11kV 5.5 line between poles 9 and 10 of 11kV 6 (Pen Parc 367929 146 line between pole 9 and pole 10 Llwyd) mainline Remove 11kV spur from pole 3 to pole 7 and construct a new 6 300681, 149 - Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 5.5 underground cable to the 16 368169 150 line between poles 3 and 4 of 11kV line (Hafod Farm) property from pole 12 of the mainline.

5 300684, 159 - Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV Underground one span of 11kV 5.6 4 (Ty Celyn) 368908 160 line between poles 7 and 8 of 11kV line line between pole 7 and pole 8

Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 4 300596, 169 - 1 n/a feed to one customer between Poles 6 11kV line to remain in situ n/a 369716 170 (Berain) and 7 of 11kV spur Change Pole 18 of 11kV line to Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 3 300384, 179 - a terminal pole and install 5.7 feed to one customer between poles 19 19 370341 180 underground service from new (Llyn Mawr) and 20 of 11kV spur pole 18 into property.

2 Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 299920, 1 n/a 197-198 line between poles 32 and 33 of 11kV 11kV line to remain in situ n/a (Bod-ysgawen 371743 Isaf) main line


Approximate 132kV Crossing Grid Duration of OHL Description Method Reference Reference Works Spans (days) Proposed 132kV OHL crosses 11kV 1 300206, 212 - Underground 11kV from 5.8 line between poles 3 and 4 of 11kV 14 372761 213 mainline to pole 6 of spur (Plas Hafod) spur 33kV line adjacent to 208 - Section of existing 33kV OHL that runs Underground existing 33kV line northern end of 5.9 N/A 14 218 adjacent to the proposed 132kV OHL from pole 20 to 30 proposed 132kV line


10 Figure 5.2 Lower voltage diversions at Bryn Goleu

11 Figure 5.3 Lower voltage diversions at Tan yr Allt

12 Figure 5.4 Lower voltage diversions at Bryn Amlwg

13 Figure 5.5 Lower voltage diversions at Pen Parc Llwyd and Hafod Farm

Figure 5.6 Lower voltage diversions at Llechryd 14

15 Figure 5.7 Lower voltage diversions at Croen Llwm Mawr

16 Figure 5.8 Lower voltage diversions at Plas Hafod

Figure 5.9 33kV diversion adjacent to the Proposed Development 17

Appendix 4 Management of Public Rights of Way

ARoW Plan Approxi Footpath/ Document mate and Sheet ARoW Plan Local Grid Reference at Pole Bridleway Management Method Duration Reference Reference Authority Crossing Point Nos. number of Closure 2.4.1 F - G Manage by construction 51 301756, 360171 staff 21-22 n/a sheet 1 2.4.1 H - I Temporary closure - 52 Denbighshire 301844, 360267 immediately adjacent to 23 - 24 2 days sheet 1 pole position 2.4.2 N - O Manage by construction 53 Denbighshire 302202, 360657 staff 30 - 31 n/a sheet 2 2.4.3 R - S Temporary closure - tree 23 Denbighshire 303132, 361796 cutting and conductor 48 - 49 2 weeks sheet 3 pulling position 2.4.3 V - W Temporary closure – 22 Denbighshire 303347, 362518 conductor pulling position 58 - 59 2 weeks sheet 3 2.4.4 Z - AA Manage by construction 21 Denbighshire 303324, 362974 staff 65 - 66 n/a sheet 4 2.4.4 AF - AG Manage by construction 26 Denbighshire 302876, 363662 staff 77 - 78 n/a sheet 4 2.4.5 AL - AN Temporary closure - tree Llansannan Conwy 302364, 364147 cutting and conductor 87 - 89 2 weeks FP 80 sheet 5 pulling position


ARoW Plan Approxi Footpath/ Document mate and Sheet ARoW Plan Local Grid Reference at Pole Bridleway Management Method Duration Reference Reference Authority Crossing Point Nos. number of Closure

54 2.4.5 AN - AM Temporary closure - tree Denbighshire 302364, 364147 cutting and conductor 87 - 89 2 weeks sheet 5 pulling position

Llansannan 2.4.6 AS - AT Manage by construction Conwy 301726, 364678 staff 99 - 100 n/a FP 79 sheet 6

2.4.8 BF - BG Manage by construction 121 - 65 Denbighshire 301987, 366418 staff n/a sheet 8 122

Llansannan 2.4.8 BL - BM Manage by construction 133 - Conwy 301531, 367153 staff n/a FP 30 sheet 8 134

Llansannan 2.4.9 BP - BQ Temporary closure – 153 - Conwy 300621, 368478 tree cutting 2 days FP 49 sheet 9 154

Llannefydd 2.4.11 CB2 - CE2 Manage by construction 177 - Conwy 300484, 370244 staff n/a FP 34 sheet 11 178

Llannefydd 2.4.11 CL - CM Manage by construction 194 - Conwy 299930, 371557 staff n/a FP 22 sheet 11 195 2.4.12 CP - CO Manage by construction Access Llannefydd staff Road sheet 12 Conwy 299374, 371358 n/a FP 22 CP1/CP 2 - CT


Appendix 5 Site Access Requirements

ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.1 single Create new 5m access A - B carriage SJ 01236 gateway and bell-mouth in Construction of OHL and sheet 1 Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd 01 – 06 south way 59202 existing fence and material laydown area hedgerow 2.4.1 single Create new 5m access A - B carriage SJ 01228 gateway and bell-mouth in Construction of OHL and sheet 1 Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd 07 - 17 north way 59206 existing fence and material laydown area hedgerow 2.4.1 single Extend existing gateway C1 - C2 SJ 01752 Construction of OHL and Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd carriage access to 5m. Reduce 19 - 08 sheet 1 60026 material laydown area west way hedge to 2m at gateway 2.4.1 single Extend existing gateway C2 - C3 SJ 01766 Construction of OHL and Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd carriage access to 5m. Reduce 20 – 22 sheet 1 east 60042 material laydown area way hedge to 2m at gateway 2.4.1 single C1/C2 to SJ 01752 Create temporary stoned Construction of OHL and Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd carriage 19 - 08 sheet 1 D 60026 access track material laydown area way 2.4.1 single C2/C3 to SJ 01766 Create temporary stoned Construction of OHL and Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd carriage 20 – 22 sheet 1 E 60042 access track material laydown area way 2.4.2 single Create new 5m access J - K SJ 01869 Construction of OHL and Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 23 - 22 sheet 2 west 60279 material laydown area way existing hedgerow


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.2 single Create new 5m access J - K SJ 01880 Construction of OHL and Hafoty Ty Ddu Rd carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 24 - 33 sheet 2 east 60283 material laydown area way existing hedgerow 2.4.2 single Create new 5m access SJ 02079 L1 - L2 Hafodty Ddu Rd carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 24 - 33 Construction of OHL sheet 2 60689 way existing hedgerow 2.4.2 single L1/L2 – SJ 02079 Create temporary stoned Hafodty Ddu Rd carriage 24 - 33 Construction of OHL sheet 2 M 60689 access track way 2.4.2 single Create new 5m access P - Q to Saron SJ 02367 carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 34 - 45 Construction of OHL sheet 2 Rd 60905 south way existing hedgerow 2.4.2 single Create new 5m access P - Q Nantglyn to Saron SJ 02367 carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 34 - 45 Construction of OHL sheet 2 Rd 60905 north way existing hedgerow 2.4.3 single Extend existing gateway T2 - U1 SJ 03139 Construction of OHL and Bwlch Road carriage access to 5m. Remove 2m 50 – 46 sheet 3 61929 material laydown area south way of hedge 2.4.3 single Utilize existing gateway, T2 - U1 SJ 03132 Construction of OHL and Bwlch Road carriage addition of stone subject to 51 - 69 sheet 3 61939 material laydown area north way ground conditions 2.4.3 single Construction of OHL. carriage SJ 03752 Extend existing gateway sheet 3 X1 - X2 Prion Road 51 – 69 Possible export/import way 62538 and bell-mouth to 5m foundation material


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.3 single Construction of OHL. X1/X2 - carriage SJ 03752 Create temporary stoned sheet 3 Prion Road 51 – 69 Possible export/import Y way 62538 access track foundation material 2.4.4 single Construction of OHL and AB1 - to Extend existing gateway to carriage SJ 03254 material laydown area sheet 4 AB2 5m and remove section 69 – 51 way 63261 south Road (B4501) hedge to create bell-mouth Possible export/import foundation material

2.4.4 Denbigh to single Extend existing gateway to Construction of OHL AD1 - carriage SJ 03457 sheet 4 Cerrigydrudion 5m and remove section of 70 – 83 Possible export/import AD2 way 63504 Road (B4501) hedge. foundation material

2.4.4 Denbigh to single Construction of OHL AD1/AD carriage SJ 03457 Create temporary stoned sheet 4 Cerrigydrudion 70 – 83 Possible export/import 2 - AE way 63504 access track Road (B4501) foundation material

2.4.5 single Create new 5m access Construction of OHL AH1 - Denbigh to carriage SJ 02706 sheet 5 gateway and bell-mouth in 83 – 70 Possible export/import AH2 Nantglyn Road way 64107 existing hedgerow foundation material 2.4.5 single Construction of OHL AH1/AH Denbigh to carriage SJ 02706 Create temporary stoned sheet 5 83 – 70 Possible export/import 2 - AI Nantglyn Road way 64107 access track foundation material


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.5 single Construction of OHL and carriage Create new 5m access material laydown area sheet 5 AJ - AK Denbigh to way SJ 02544 gateway and bell-mouth in 84 – 86 Possible export/import Nantglyn Road 64025 existing hedgerow and north foundation material fence

2.4.6 single Construction of OHL and Extend existing gateway to AO - AP Ffordd carriage SJ 01947 material laydown area sheet 6 5m and remove section of 94 – 87 Gwaenynog way 64423 east hedge to create bell-mouth Possible export/import foundation material 2.4.6 single Utilize existing gateway, AO - AP Ffordd SJ 01937 Construction of OHL and carriage addition of stone subject to 95 - 108 sheet 6 west Gwaenynog 64456 material laydown area way ground conditions

2.4.6 AU2 - double Extend existing gateway to AV A 543 Lon carriage SJ 01712 Construction of OHL and sheet 6 5m and remove section of 108 - 95 Llywelyn way 65326 material laydown area South fence to create bell-mouth 2.4.6 AU2 - double Create new 5m access AV A 543 Lon carriage SJ 01689 Construction of OHL and sheet 6 gateway and bell-mouth in 109 - 112 Llywelyn way 65336 material laydown area North existing hedgerow 2.4.6 double Extend existing gateway to AV - AW A 543 Lon SJ 01689 Construction of OHL and carriage 5m and remove section of 108 - 95 sheet 6 Llywelyn 65336 material laydown area south way fence to create bell-mouth 2.4.6 double Create new 5m access AV - AW A 543 Lon SJ 01689 Construction of OHL and carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 109 - 112 sheet 6 north Llywelyn 65336 material laydown area way existing hedgerow


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.6 double Utilize existing gateway, AX1 - A 543 Lon SJ 02092 carriage addition of stone subject to 109 – 112 Construction of OHL sheet 6 AX2 Llywelyn 65535 way ground conditions 2.4.6 AX1/ double A 543 Lon SJ 02092 Create temporary stoned AX2 – carriage 109 – 112 Construction of OHL sheet 6 Llywelyn 65535 access track AY way 2.4.6 double Utilize existing gateway, Construction of OHL AZ1 - A 543 Lon carriage SJ 02092 113 – 130 sheet 6 addition of stone subject to Possible export/import AZ2 Llywelyn way 65535 / 109 - 112 ground conditions foundation material 2.4.6 double Construction of OHL AZ1/AZ2 A 543 Lon carriage SJ 02092 Modify existing tarmacked 113 – 130 sheet 6 Possible export/import - BB Llywelyn way 65535 access track / 109 - 112 foundation material 2.4.6 double Construction of OHL A 543 Lon carriage SJ 02092 Create temporary stoned 113 – 130 sheet 6 BB - BE Possible export/import Llywelyn way 65535 access track / 109 - 112 foundation material 2.4.7 double AQ1 - A 543 Lon SJ 02932 Remove existing fence to Compoun Access to main storage and carriage sheet 7 AQ2 Llywelyn 65815 create 10m access. d Site office compound. way 2.4.7 double AQ1 - A 543 Lon SJ 02932 Modify existing tarmacked Compoun Access to main storage and carriage sheet 7 AQ2 Llywelyn 65815 access track d Site office compound. way 2.4.8 single Create new 5m access BH - BI2 Henllan to Groes SJ 01678 Construction of OHL and carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 130 - 113 sheet 8 Rd B5428 67059 material laydown area south way existing fence.


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.8 single Create new 5m access BH - BI2 Henllan to Groes SJ 01673 Construction of OHL and carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 131 - 132 sheet 8 north Rd B5428 67065 material laydown area way existing hedgerow. 2.4.8 single Create new 5m access BJ - BK2 SJ 01582 Eriviat Bach Road carriage gateway and bell-mouth in 131 -132 Construction of OHL sheet 8 67105 south way existing hedgerow. 2.4.8 single Create new 5m access BJ1 - carriage gateway and bell-mouth in Construction of OHL sheet 8 SJ 01568 BK2 Eriviat Bach Road way existing hedgerow. 133 – 136 67116 Possible export/import north Re-profile ground at foundation material access 2.4.9 single Construction of OHL and BN2 - Henllan to carriage Create new 5m access material laydown area sheet 9 BO SJ 00765 Llansannan Road way gateway and bell-mouth in 146 – 137 68021 Possible export/import south B5382 existing hedgerow. foundation material

2.4.9 BN2 - Henllan to single Extend existing gateway to BO carriage SJ 00766 Construction of OHL and sheet 9 Llansannan Road 5m and create bell-mouth 147 – 152 way 68035 material laydown area north B5382 in existing hedge 2.4.10 single Extend existing gateway to BR1 - Henllan to Cefn SJ 00770 Construction of OHL and carriage 5m and create bell-mouth 158 - 153 sheet 10 BR2 Berain 68755 material laydown area way in existing hedge 2.4.10 single BR1/BR Henllan to Cefn SJ 00770 Create temporary stoned Construction of OHL and carriage 158 - 153 sheet 10 2 - BS Berain 68755 access track material laydown area way


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference

2.4.10 BT2 - single Extend existing gateway to BU Henllan to Cefn carriage SJ 00770 Construction of OHL and sheet 10 5m and create bell-mouth 158 - 153 Berain way 68755 material laydown area south in existing hedge 2.4.10 single Extend existing gateway to BT2 - Henllan to Cefn SJ 00735 Construction of OHL and carriage 5m and create bell-mouth 159 - 167 sheet 10 BU north Berain 68803 material laydown area way in existing hedge 2.4.10 BV - Cefn Berain to single Extend existing gateway to BW2 carriage SJ 00639 Construction of OHL and sheet 10 Bontnewydd 5m and create bell-mouth 167 -159 way 69628 material laydown area South Road in existing hedge 2.4.10 single Construction of OHL and carriage material laydown area sheet 10 BV - Cefn Berain to Create new 5m access way SJ 00620 BW2 Bontnewydd gateway and bell-mouth in 173 -168 Possible export/import 69642 north Road existing hedgerow. foundation material

2.4.10 single Utilize existing gateway, Construction of OHL BY1 - Henllan to carriage SJ 00718 sheet 10 addition of stone subject to 173 - 168 Possible export/import BY2 Llannefydd Road way 69988 ground conditions foundation material 2.4.10 single Modify existing stoned Construction of OHL BY1/BY Henllan to carriage SJ 00718 access track sheet 10 173 - 168 Possible export/import 2 - BZ Llannefydd Road way 69988 foundation material


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.10 single Construction of OHL and carriage material laydown area sheet 10 CD1 - Create new 5m access Henllan to way SJ 00624 CD2 gateway and bell-mouth in 174 Possible export/import Llannefydd Road 70074 North existing hedgerow. foundation material

2.4.11 CB2 - single Utilize existing gateway, Henllan to SJ 00488 Construction of OHL and CE1 carriage addition of stone subject to 177 - 175 sheet 11 Llannefydd Road 70240 material laydown area east way ground conditions 2.4.11 single Extend existing gateway to CB1 - Henllan to SJ 00407 Construction of OHL and carriage 5m and create bell-mouth 178 - 185 sheet 11 CA1 Llannefydd Road 70276 material laydown area way in existing hedge 2.4.11 single Utilize existing gateway, CF - CG Bontnewydd SJ 00210 Construction of OHL and carriage addition of stone subject to 184 - 178 sheet 11 south Road 70717 material laydown area way ground conditions 2.4.11 single Utilize existing gateway, CF - CG Bontnewydd SJ 00218 Construction of OHL and carriage addition of stone subject to 185 sheet 11 north Road 70738 material laydown area way ground conditions 2.4.11 single Extend existing gateway to CH - CI2 Bontnewydd SJ 00164 Construction of OHL and carriage 5m and create bell-mouth 193 -186 sheet 11 north Road 70852 material laydown area way in existing hedge 2.4.11 single Extend existing gateway to CJ1 - Bontnewydd SJ 00141 carriage 5m and create bell-mouth 193 -186 Construction of OHL sheet 11 CJ2 Road 70591 way in existing hedge


ARoW Plan Road Access to Document Access Type Location Grid Ref Access Works Pole Overhead Line Works and Sheet No Numbers Reference 2.4.11 single CJ1/CJ2 Bontnewydd SJ 00141 Modify existing stoned carriage 193 -186 Construction of OHL sheet 11 – CM Road 70591 access track way

2.4.12 single Utilize existing gateway, Construction of OHL CN1 - Henllan to carriage SH 99303 sheet 12 addition of stone subject to 203 – 194 Possible export/import CN2 Llannefydd Road way 71203 ground conditions foundation material 2.4.12 single Construction of OHL CN1/CN Henllan to carriage SH 99303 Modify existing stoned and sheet 12 203 – 194 Possible export/import 2 - CQ Llannefydd Road way 71203 tarmacked access track foundation material 2.4.13 single Construction of OHL and Create new 5m access CR - CS Groesffordd Marli carriage SJ 00304 material laydown area sheet 13 gateway and bell-mouth in 213 – 204 south to way 72846 existing hedgerow. Possible export/import foundation material 2.4.13 single Extend existing gateway to CR - CS Groesffordd Marli SJ 00304 Construction of OHL and carriage 5m and create bell-mouth 214 - 218 sheet 13 north to Cefn Meiriadog 72846 material laydown area way in existing hedge 2.4.13 single Extend existing gateway to CT1 - Groesffordd Marli 218 – Construction of the OHL and carriage SJ 0688 73346 5m and create bell-mouth sheet 13 CT2 to Glascoed Road Onwards cable laying. way in existing hedge 2.4.13 single CT1/CT Groesffordd Marli Create temporary stoned 218 – Construction of the OHL and carriage SJ 0688 73346 sheet 13 2 - CU to Glascoed Road access track Onwards cable laying. way


Appendix 6 - Typical Construction Compound Layout

32 Figure 5.10 Construction Compound Layout

Appendix 7 – Proposed Haulage Routes to Storage Compounds

34 Figure 5.11 Suggested haulage routes to the storage compounds

Clocaenog Forest (Route A1) Road Direction A55 – North Wales Exit junction 27A westbound onto the A 525 Expressway A525 Continue onto Upper Denbigh Road A525 Continue onto Road A525 Continue onto Road and at roundabout continue on A543 A543 Through Denbigh and turn left onto B4501 B4501 At junction of the B5435 turn left towards Saron at the Nantglyn cross roads Unclassified After approximately 200m turn right toward Forest Unclassified Storage compound in Clocaenog Forest Total distance (km) from junction 27A – 21 km Clocaenog Forest (Alternative Route A2) Road Direction A483 Exit Junction at A5 to A5 Exit at Cerrigydrudion on the B4501 B4501 Turn right (east) approximately 1.5km before A543 towards Saron still following B4501 B4501 At junction of the B5435 turn right towards Saron at the Nantglyn cross roads Unclassified After approximately 200m turn right toward Clocaenog Forest Unclassified Storage compound in Clocaenog Forest Total distance (km) from A5 junction - 62.3 km


Broadleys Compound (Route B1) Road Direction A483 Exit Junction at A5 to Llangollen A5 Exit at Cerrigydrudion on the B4501 B4501 At junction of A543 turn right (east) towards Denbigh A543 Continue pass Groes for approximately 2km and turn right into Broadleys construction compound. Total distance (km) from A5 junction - 73 km Broad Leys Compound (Alternative Route B2) Road Direction A55 – North Wales Exit junction 27A westbound onto the A 525 Expressway A525 Continue onto Upper Denbigh Road A525 Continue onto St Asaph Road A525 Continue onto Rhyl Road A525 Turn right onto A543 through Denbigh A543 After approximately 1.5 miles turn left into Broadleys construction compound Total distance (km) from junction 27A - 12.5 km

St Asaph (Route C1) Road Direction A55 – North Wales Exit junction 26 Expressway Unclassified Continue south along William Morgan Road B5381 At roundabout turn east along Glascoed Road toward St Asaph Cwttir Lane After approx. 400m turn left into Cwttir Lane to St Asaph Grid Substation Total distance (km) from junction 26 - 2.2 km


Appendix 8 – Local Transport Routes

Approximate Access to Route Tree Trimming Requirements Grid Reference Pole Numbers Access from Denbigh or Clocaenog along the No work required n/a 1 to 33 B4501. Access to Hafoty Ddu Rd. Access from Denbigh or Clocaenog along the No work required n/a 34 to 45 B4501. Access to Nantglyn to Saron Rd Access from Denbigh or Clocaenog along the No work required n/a 46 to 69 B4501. Access to Bwlch Road. Access from Prion via Denbigh and Ystrad, Reduce Holly and Hazel unmaintained hedge that overhangs road. SJ 04630 61818 51 to 69 Clear overhanging Ash trees. Access to Bwlch Road and Prion Rd. Access from Denbigh or Clocaenog along the For pole deliveries from the Denbigh direction B4501 or onto the Bwlch Road and Prion Rd along the B4501. SJ 04242 64975 51 to 83 Clear overhanging branches.. Access from Denbigh along the B4501 For pole deliveries from the Denbigh direction SJ 04242 64975 Denbigh to Nantglyn Rd along the B4501. 83 to 86 SJ 03475 64583 Clear overhanging branches Access via Denbigh (A543) opposite Reduce part unmaintained coniferous hedge SJ 02453 65585 87 to 108 Gwaenynog Bach. Ffordd to Gwaenynog around garden. Access from Denbigh (A543) Lon llywelyn No work required n/a 95 to 130 Access routes from Henllan or Groes No work required n/a 113 to 132


Approximate Access to Route Tree Trimming Requirements Grid Reference Pole Numbers Access routes from Henllan or Groes

133 to 136 Access could be considered along existing Overhanging trees and private hedge of SJ 01693 67093 Eriviat Bach Lane Eriviat Bach Isa will need reducing or clearing

Access routes from Henllan No work required n/a 137 to 167 Turn North North East at SH 99555 69815 on Clear overhanging braches (Oak) SH 99684 70132 159 to 193 the Henllan to Llanefydd Road. Suggested access route for heavy plant via No work required n/a 194 to 203 Llanefydd (SH 98220 70625) South off Glascoed Rd at SJ 00564 73907, Clear overhanging branches (Oak) West at SJ 00221 73397, South at SH 99965 SH 99551 73797 204 to 218 73436

Access from Glascoed Road Clear overhanging branches. (Mainly Ash) SJ 00819 73333 218 and underground Clear overhanging branches (Oak) SJ 00995 73445 cable works


Appendix 9 Routes Deemed Unsuitable for large Construction Vehicles

Figure 5.12 Restricted Transport Routes 41