SECTION B REAL ESTATE OBITUARIES CLASSIFIEDS Let us help you customize a memorial for your loved one. Visit our monument garden on Local Living Silver Lake Road next to the funeral home. 810-629-9321 1000 Silver Lake Road Sunday, April 29, 2018 Horses and humans create bonds for healing We’ve done this before for police officers‘‘ and children. Veterans are a new focus. Tim Scarberry Horses Heal Hearts of Michigan founder’’ nLocal equine trainer brings Today, the organization is run by its presi- dent, David Zarek. “He’s really connected hope to people facing and is excited for new opportunities to use hardships through Horses Heal the horses for healing,” Scarberry said. Last Hearts of Michigan year, they helped about 40 kids who came out to WindWalker Farms, hoping to find By Sally Rummel healing and comfort after the loss of a parent.
[email protected]; 810-629-8282 Most recently, two of Scarberry’s horses, “There’s something about the outside Top Secret, and his younger brother, Scrap- of a horse that’s good for the inside of py, were on hand for two veterans’ events a man.” — one on Tuesday, April 17 for veterans Those words, believed to be spoken living in a homeless shelter in Detroit and by former British Prime Minister Sir another on April 19, visiting the University Winston Churchill, might just have well of Michigan-Dearborn campus. been spoken by local horse owner/trainer It was the firsttime in campus history Tim Scarberry of WindWalker Farms in that horses had ever been allowed on any Tyrone Township.