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Scandal Trial Is Under ' 36 - EVENING HERALD. Wed., Feb. IS, 1960 Simply Delicious Desserts Thrifty Main Dishes I i ' '• Serve with whipped top­ A delicious variety of thrifty main lightly with salt. Drain, cut Ude 1 cup Uncle Ben’s* converted is a treasure to any host or Vii cup sugar M m trltpfitpr Planning a friendly get- ping, if desired. dishes are as close as your store’s down, in baking dish 15 miiuiiM; brand rice hostess. Cracklin’ Bran Pie 1 egg together takes three produce section! Many fresh winter reserve juice. Remove and chop pulp 1-Vk teaspoons salt Town Cuts 1 teaspoon grated lemon Cracklin’ Bran special ingredients. First, is like a southern-style nut vegetables, such as tomatoes, peel Pie from tomatoes; drain and rekerve 1 teaspoon basil you need people — best pie but Kellogg’s Cracklin’ peppers, cucumbers, peppers and Vk cup milk Vk cup margarine or juice. Saute tomato pulp, onion; and Vk teaspoon oregano friends, favorite relatives, Bran* cereal is the top­ eg^lants are imported during the 2Vk cups coarsely butter garlic in butter in m ^ium sauce pan Vk teaspoon pepper new neighbors. Next, a ping. The cereal, while winter from sunny Mexico, the land until onion is tender. Add enou^ beef 2 tablespoons melted butter or being a thrifty substitute, chopped, pared apples 1 cup sugar place — a family room, where tomatoes originated. As a bouillon to tomato juice to m^eSVk margarine ^ 1 is no sacrifice in flavor. Stir together first four 1 cup light com symp Could Go backyard patio or an apart­ result of nearly ideal growing con­ ingredients. Cut in the 3 3 eggs, slightly beaten cups liquid. Add tomato liquid, rice, Vk cup dry bread crumbs ment party room. The The cereal’s blend of wheat ditions this season, the quality of tablespoons margarine un­ Vk teaspoon salt salt and pepper to vegetable mixtore Trim rounded ends from third ingredient for a con­ bran, rolled oats, brown winter produce is at an all-time high. ’tf til cmmbly. Set aside for 1 teaspoon vanilla in saucepan, bring to boil, Uien eggplants; cut in half crosswise. (If * 1" i VA9 genial event is food. But sugar and coconut is a To help stretch the family food _____• - :>;v: topping. flavoring reduce heat. Cover tightly and using large eggplants, cut into 2-inch what to serve? A simple-to- delicious companion to the dollar, try featuring the following fvol. XCIX, No. 115 — Manchester, Conn.; ffiursday, Nbrnaiy 'ISflO Stir together flour, 1 unbaked 9-inch pie simmer 20 minutes. Press moisture lengths.) Scoop out centers from • Since 18B1'i’iii$4lYI0lG bopy * is * Home Delivered prepare dessert can be smooth filling and flaky tomato or eggplant dishes as baking powder, the Vk teas­ cmst from spinach in strainer. Add eggplants leaving a Vk-inch shell; Unnoticed easy on you, while crust. Each serving of the economical meat substitutes. poon salt and the cmshed 1 cup Kellogg’s* Cracklin spinach and all but two (2) chop and measure 2 cups of the pulp. providing a warm welcome pie contains about one and 40% Bran Flakes cereal. Set Bran- cereal tablespoons of the cheese to the rice Saute pulp, garlic, onion, and green to guests. A cup of freshly one-half grams of dietary By MARY KITZMANN unfunded increases will force it to aside. In medium-size mixture; stir well. Place tomato pepper in oil in heavy saucepan until brewed tea or coffee is a fiber. Stuffed charge the costs back to a depart­ In large mixing bowl, saucepan, bring halves in buttered baking dish. vegetables are tender. Chop Herald Reporler perfect final touch. Apple Crunch Cake Tomatoes ment. beat the Vk cup margarine, margarine, sugar and com Italiano Mound about Vk cup rice mixture in tomatoes. Add tomatoes, tomato MANCHESTER - Despite In staffing, three permanent Apple desserts are 1/3 cup Kellogg’s* 40% the Vk cup sugar, the egg syrup to a boil, stirring 4 large tomatoes each tomato. Sprinkle with reserved juice, 1 cup of water, rice, salt, basil, repeated warnings a tight budget positions, from Public Works, are always a favorite. Apple Bran Flakes cereal and lemon peel until light frequently. Cool to Vk cup chopped onion cheese. Bake uncovered at 350°F. un­ oregano, and pepper to eggplant next year would curtail services and eliminated, while four new positions Crunch Cake, made with 1/3 cup sugar and fluffy. Add flour lukewarm, stirring oc­ 2 cloves garlic, minced til hot and cheese is slightly borwn, mixture in saucepan. Bring to a boil; staffing, most residents should not are generally requested. Kellogg's* 40 percent Bran 'A teaspoon salt mixture alternately with casionally. 2 tabiespoons butter or margarine 12 to 15 minutes. Serves 8. reduce heat. Cover tightly and notice the absence of the few Flakes cereal, has a V4 teaspoon ground cin­ A maintenance mechanic, a milk, mixing well after Add eggs, salt and 1-Vk to 2 cups beef boullion Spanish simmer until most of the liquid is ab­ proposed cutbacks. coffeecake texture and a namon mechanic's helper will be eliminated each addition. Stir in vanilla. Mix well. Pour into Vk teaspoon salt Stuffed sorbed, about 20 minutes. Place While town department directors crunchy streusel topping. 3 tablespoons margarine - from the sidewalk maintenance func­ apples. Spread in greased 9 unbaked pie cmst. Sprinkle I cup Uncle Bens’s* converted Eggplant eggplant shells in buttered baking proposed a sharp increase in spen­ Your guests will feel right or butter tion. Also under public works, an ad­ X 9 X 2-inch baking pan. evenly with Oacklin’ Bran brand rice 3 medium eggplants dish. Mound about one cup of the rice ding for next year, about eight at home when greeted with * • • ministrative assistant's position will Sprinkle evenly with cereal cereal. Vk teaspoon pepper 2 cloves garlic, minced mixture in each shell. Combine bread specific cutbacks were made. its inviting apple-cinnamon 1 cups all-purpose flour not be filled. But a Clerk II position is topping. Bake in oven at 325° F. 1 package (10 oz.) frozen chopped Vk cup chopped onion crumbs and butter; spoon over Eliminating overtime from the aroma. Lemon peel 2 teaspoons baking requested to fill the gap. Bake in oven at 375° F. about 50 minutes or until spinach, thawed Vk cup chopped green pepper eggplants. Bake uncovered at 350°F. Park and Recreation budget and accents the flavor and powder A Clerk II position is also about 35 minutes or until set. Cool completely. Vk cup grated Parmesan cheese 2 tablespoons olive or veg. oil until crumbs are brown, about 15 sidewalk maintenance from the requested for the Collector of complements the nutty ■A teaspoon salt 2 large tomatoes cake tests done. Cool. Yield: 8 servings. Cut tomatoes in half; sprinkle minutes. Serves six. Public Work’s are probably the most Revenue office, and a position in the flavor of the cereal. Serve 1 cup Kellogg’s 40% Bran 1 cup tomato juice noticeable for residents. it barely warm, topped Duplication Department is Flakes cereal, crushed to The overtime elimination means with a spoonful of whipped requested. measure Vi cup snow removal from sidewalks and cream. "The Eire Department proposes in­ Vi cup margarine or skating rinks will have to wait until A simple-to-prepare pie butter, softened creasing its staff from 69 to 70 for regular working hours. next year. The overtime elimination also will The Senior Citizens Center budget curtail removal of the fallen trees or would shift a custodian's duties to the Novel Breakfast limbs. Presently, the limbs were bus driver. Quartz Heaters removed as soon as possible, after a In equipment, the Police Depart­ Fu^ l-Yr. G ra n te e storm. Now they will wait until the ment requests $90,990 for new police Sparks Interest town doesn’t have to pay extra for it. cars. At The park budget also eliminated The Building Department requests French cooking is often weekend. tree planting. * replacing three vehicles "out of termed gourmet but Only $1,0(X) was requested in the desperation.' Toffee French Toasi budget for vandalism repair. Accor­ basically it’s also very 6 servings Other equipment includes $12,000 economical. French chefs ding to the budget commentary about for the Engineering Department for 6 tablespoons butter with any $3,000 is needed. The sidewalk and homemakers are noted 6 tablespoons firmly major purchase a measuring device and $300 more for gathering vegetable maintenance elimination means for a programmable computer. packed brown sugar over $200.00 some sidewalks repairs will not be and meat scraps for the 6 tablespoons light com famous stockpot so they done. The program was never symp properly funded, Herman always have the makings 1 cup milk Flu Outbreak for soup and sauces. THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY MONDAY ‘ 69 purchate Passcantell, building supervisor 1 egg noted, and shifting its duties to Quiche is put together 6 slices (each 1-inch 10-9 10-9 10-5 10-9 separately Affects Area Be My Valentine Highway Department will mean from a custard base and thick) day old white bread further delays because of that MANCHESTER —The annual out­ cheese, but its variations 1 cup dairy sour cream . It’s always a pleasant siglit to see two cLiildren exchanging maladjusted children and for autistic children. A major goal department’s heavy work load. break of flu has taken its toll among often use "scraps" of Preheat oven to 450° F. Valentines, but when the children are at the preschool of the of the school is to teach the children how to relate to peers.
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