the buying of votes by promising to give Nations Environment Programme sug- Briefly foreign aid to small island nations in gests that deserts may be among those return for their support within the ecosystems most affected. Climatic commission. It seems, however, that pulses are more important than average these tactics are similar to those insti- conditions in desert ecosystems, and gated by Peter Scott, then head of WWF, because of this even moderate changes International to obtain the original moratorium on in precipitation and temperature can whaling. Evidence shows that many of have a severe impact. Contrary to the countries that voted in favour of the appearance, the 3.7 million km2 of the moratorium in 1982 had been offered world’s deserts provide a habitat for Hope for coral reefs help with providing suitable delegates many , which will be adversely Many coral species are sensitive to rises and expenses. Scott’s biographer writes affected should the report’s projected in ocean temperature, and coral bleach- that China’s decision to join the IWC scenario of an increase in desert tem- ing events have increased in frequency and vote for the moratorium was influ- perature by 7˚C and a decrease in rain- in recent years. Now researchers have enced by a WWF promise to provide fall of 20% prove correct. However, shown that some corals may be able USD 1 million towards a panda reserve. deserts could also have a role to play to acclimatize to higher temperatures. Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2556), in mitigating future environmental Experiments involving the hard coral 14. change: it has been suggested that an Acropora millepora have shown that 800*800 km area of the Sahara could adult corals are able to acquire increased … and pay off at the IWC meeting capture enough solar energy to provide thermal tolerance as a result of Japan won an unprecedented victory at the electricity needs of the entire world. changing the symbiont type in their the IWC meeting in June, with a majority Source: BBC News (2006), http://news. tissues to a more thermally resistant vote that enabled the passing of a type, Symbiodinium type D. The data resolution noting ‘concern that the IWC & Global Deserts Outlook (2006), available show that the change in symbiont type has failed to meet its obligations’. Japan at resulted from a shuffling of types is of the opinion that the global mor- index.asp already present within the coral’s tis- atorium on whaling is no longer neces- sues, meaning that the D type did not sary and that it continues ‘irrespective of Increased biodiversity leads to have to be taken up by the coral from the stock conditions’. However, a three- greater stability in grassland external environment. quarters majority is required for the ecosystems Source: Proceedings of the Royal Society moratorium to be overturned, which A long-term experiment that directly B: Biological Sciences (2006), 273(1599), looks some way off given that support controlled the number of perennial plant 2305–2312. for the resolution was 33–32 votes. species in prairie grassland plots has Source: Nature (2006), 441(7096), 921. shed light on the link between biodiver- Ultrasound and algae prove potent sity and ecosystem stability. Experi- force for dealing with Call for international biodiversity mental plots with greater numbers of contaminated sediment panel species showed higher temporal stability The use of ultrasound in conjunction A group of eminent scientists has called of ecosystem annual aboveground plant with a genetically modified algae pro- for the setting up of an international production, and stability also tended to vides a wildlife-friendly technique for panel to tackle the accelerating loss of increase as the plots matured. Ecosystem dealing with contaminated sediments. biodiversity. They argue that one of the stability was also found to be dependent Ultrasonic vibrations shake mercury problems of dealing with the biodiver- on root mass. These findings suggest loose from sediment, and an algae, sity crisis is that international agree- that the supply of some foods, biofuels modified to increase its natural ability ments concerned with biodiversity do and ecosystem services could be en- to absorb heavy metals, absorbs the not have the means to mobilize the hanced through the use of biodiversity. metal from the water. The combined expertise of a large scientific community Source: Nature (2006), 441(7093), 629–632. system of ultrasound and algae can to inform governments, with the result remove 30% of mercury from sediment that the scientific community does not Seagrass beds shrinking within the first few minutes of treat- feel involved in the political process. The Seagrass beds, which are among the ment. A major advantage of this method authors suggest that the panel should be most productive plant communities in over other clean-up techniques is that it run along the same lines as the the world, are declining throughout is selective; the modified algae absorbs Intergovernmental Panel on Climate their range and, to make matters worse, five times the normal amount of a Change to bring together the scientists the reasons behind the declines vary particular group of toxic metals, includ- involved in biodiversity research to according to where the beds occur. At ing mercury, cadmium, copper and zinc. provide, on a regular basis, validated a state park in Malaysia, for example, Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin (2006), and independent scientific information increased water-bourne sediment from 52, 477–478. to governments, policy-makers, NGOs onshore logging cut down the amount of and the wider public. light available to seagrass beds, whereas Tactics first used by Source: Nature (2006), 442(7100), 245–246. at a site in Arctic Canada, seagrass conservationists now practised by beds were declining because they were whalers... Deserts feel the heat in the plume of a fresh water pipe from One of the accusations levelled at Japan Climate change is expected to have a a Hydro-Quebec plant that had drasti- in its dealings with the International highly variable effect from region to cally reduced the salinity of the water. Whaling Commission (IWC) concerns region, but a report from the United The global monitoring programme

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SeagrassNet believes that climate change variations in the DNA strand. While it this is an indication of environmental appears to be having only a localized was easy capturing the floating larvae of damage on a widespread scale. There effect on seagrass decline, and that the mantis shrimps in open water, the newly are four theories for the migrants’ biggest issue is human pollution of the discovered shrimps are proving hard to dwindling numbers: climate change water. classify, as the DNA tests need to be causing insects to breed earlier, so that Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin (2006), backed up with traditional taxonomic the migrants miss the food glut needed 52, 476. classifications, and there is a lack of to raise their chicks, drought and agri- funding to enable this work to be carried cultural intensification in the Sahel, the Albatross Task Force members out. area that provides the first feeding appointed Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2553), opportunity for migrants crossing the Two people have started working with 20. Sahara, desertification, which is making long-line fishermen in South Africa as the Sahara larger and therefore more part of BirdLife’s Albatross Task Force. Algae causes coral death by difficult to cross, and the use of pesti- One of them, Meidad Goren, has been indirect methods cides to control locusts in Africa. On a working onboard tuna long-liners, car- Coral death is generally associated with more positive note, work done by the rying out bycatch observations and an increase in the abundance of fleshy RSPB and the Ghana Wildlife Society to trialling streamer lines that scare alba- algae in affected areas but until now it reduce trapping of the migratory roseate trosses away from the baited line. The was unclear whether algae caused the tern has seen the population stabilize other Task Force member, Maria Honig, death of the coral or merely settled on after a 90% decline in the UK between hosted a bycatch workshop for 75 hake dead coral. New research reveals that 1969 and 1992. long-line fishermen, and has also been algae enhance microbial activity through Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// training observers. the release of dissolved compounds Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// that fuel bacterial growth on coral. migrants.html Overfishing exacerbates the problem Call for moratorium on long-line atf.html. The diaries of the Albatross by removing grazers that would other- fishing to save leatherback turtles Task Force members can be read at wise control algae populations. It is feared that as human pressure on reefs The Sea Turtle Restoration Project has diary.asp increases a positive feedback loop may been backed by researchers from nearly be initiated, where increased algae 100 countries and over 280 NGOs in its Marine life to be tracked across numbers lead to more bacterial activity call to instigate a moratorium on high seas industrial long-line fishing to pro- oceans and thus greater mortality of corals, tect leatherback turtles. The leatherback A global project, the Ocean Tracking which in turn leads to more algal turtle was once the world’s most abun- Network, is to follow the movements of growth. dant sea turtle but it is now estimated numerous marine species to build up a Source: Ecology Letters (2006), 9, 835–845. that it may become extinct in the clearer picture of life beneath the ocean Pacific within 5 years. The Sea Turtle waves. The Network should provide Deep-sea fish stocks being Restoration Project’s plan of action, insights into how climate change is decimated presented to the United Nations in affecting marine ecosystems, as well as A report by WWF has revealed that fish June, includes use of permanent and aiding fisheries management, and is the stocks in international waters are being temporary closures of important areas of first project that aims to track indivi- overfished to the point of extinction, the oceans to long-line fishing and the duals on a global scale. Individuals will with illegal fishing and bottom-trawling creation of marine protected areas in the be tagged with electronic transmitters, largely to blame. The orange roughy is high seas to provide a safe area for sea which will then be picked up by under- one of the species under threat, and the turtles and other species threatened by water sensors. Salmon, for example, can bottom-trawling method used to catch destructive fishing techniques. have a tag as small as an almond fitted this species is also responsible for Source: Sea Turtle Restoration Project press in their abdomen, which sends out a destroying benthic habitats such as coral release (16 June 2006). signal received by sensors lying on the reefs by dragging heavy rollers across ocean floor. Other species being consid- the sea floor. The report also criticized ered for inclusion in the project include the regional fishing management orga- penguins, polar bears and whales. nizations that oversee fishing regula- Source: New Scientist (2006), 191(2558), tions in international waters for poor Europe 29. decision-making and being unable to control the activities of countries that DNA barcodes reveal many more ignore regulations. White-tailed eagles breed in the new species than expected Source: BBC News (2006), http://news. Netherlands An investigation in the western Pacific For the first time in living memory Ocean that used DNA barcoding to white-tailed eagles Hailaeetus albicilla determine mantis shrimp species has Pan-european migrants are have bred in the Netherlands, success- found 50–150% more unknown species disappearing fully rearing one chick. The birds, whose than expected. The barcoding examined Long-distance migratory birds that were wingspan may measure 2.5 m when a short length of mitochondrial DNA, once common in Britain, such as the adult, bred at the Oostvaardersplassen enabling known species to be identified spotted flycatcher and European turtle- where every care was taken not to and yielding an estimate of the number dove, have greatly declined over recent disturb them in the hope that they will of unknown species based on the years, and scientists are worried that return to use the same nest next year.

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What makes the success even more may reject biofuels on the grounds that British butterfly species in decline unusual is that the female of the pair is they are not a credible alternative to Habitat loss has had a serious effect on only 3 years old and therefore an fossil fuels. There is already evidence the number of British butterfly species, inexperienced breeder. Wardens noticed that the little bustard in France and the according to a report by the charity that the male was extremely attentive red kite in Germany have been put in Butterfly Conservation, with one parti- during the rearing of the chick, and danger as a result of the unmanaged cular county of England, Hertfordshire, attribute the chick’s survival to his conversion of land for biofuels, while having lost as many as 17 species of behaviour. the biofuels that Europe imports from butterfly in the last century. Overall, Source: Staatsbosbeheer News (2006), abroad increase the damage being only 56 butterfly species remain in wrought to tropical rainforests to grow Britain. Butterfly habitat has disap- nieuws/details.asp?NWS_ID5761 [in biofuels. peared as a result of urban spread, lack Dutch] Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// of woodland management, and inten- sive farming practices. The loss of Seahorses found at Stansted 06/biofuels.html species is most pronounced in counties Customs officials at Stansted airport in in the east of England, where the flat the UK found over 100 dwarf seahorses Fears over existence of bypass topography means there are fewer hills Hippocampus zosterae in a parcel sent snail that could have provided a refuge for from Florida to the UK. As this species Desmoulin’s whorl snail Vertigo mou- butterflies from the plough. The loss of is listed under CITES Appendix II, linsiana is no stranger to controversy; it butterflies is particularly worrying, as which prohibits trade without a licence, was the subject of a legal case during the their presence in an area is an indication the shipment was confiscated and the building of a major bypass road around of ecosystem health. seahorses were taken to Colchester Zoo. Newbury in southern England because Source: BBC News (2006), http://news. The conditions under which the sea- the planned route for the road went horses had been transported were poor, through its marshy habitat. Now, fol- with the result that 10 died, but the lowing a survey of the translocation site Two million ha of cork oak forests condition of the remaining individuals is where the snails were moved to in 1996, could disappear within 10 years improving. the NGO Buglife has said that the A report by WWF has found that three- Source: Colchester Zoo press release (2006). habitat has not been managed properly quarters of the western Mediterranean’s with the result that the snails have cork oak forests could disappear within Dormice living on motorway verges become extinct in the area. The govern- 10 years if the current decline in the cork For a small mammal that spends three- ment’s agency for conservation, English stoppers market continues. The process quarters of its year asleep a busy road- Nature, has warned that it is premature of producing the 15 billion cork stoppers side verge might not be the obvious spot to state that the snail has become extinct sold to the wine industry every year is to inhabit. However, researchers work- in the area, because the species is known entirely sustainable, provides a vital ing for England’s Highways Agency to go through boom and bust periods, source of income for over 100,000 people found dormice living in 15 out of 40 and may reappear in greater numbers in and results in a biodegradable and roadside sites visited in central southern the near future. reusable product. In addition, cork oak England, and have earmarked a further Source: BBC News (2006), http://news. forests provide a habitat for threatened 200 sites for investigation. Dormice, species such as the Iberian lynx and the protected under the Wildlife and cinereous vulture. However, the move Countryside Act, live in overgrown Baltic cleaning up its act towards the use of screw top and hedgerows and deciduous woodland, Eleven pollution hotspots have been synthetic stoppers is leading to the feeding on nuts, flowers, fruits and removed from the list of the Baltic demise of the industry, with the result insects. The roadside sites identified by Sea’s worst sources of pollution, follow- that large areas of cork oak forests will the Highways Agency contained the ing improvements in the processes and be at a heightened risk of desertification diversity of habitat and food required pollution abatement technologies at the and forest fires. by dormice, suggesting that the land sites. The delisted hotspots include the Source: Cork Screwed? Environmental and alongside motorways and trunk roads capital of Estonia, Tallinn, several other Economic Impacts of the Cork Stoppers may provide ideal areas for dormice to municipalities in Estonia and Lithuania, Market (2006), available at http://assets. thrive in. wastewater treatment sites in St Source: UK Highways Agency press release Petersburg and some industrial sites pdf (18 May 2006). such as fertilizer and cardboard fac- tories. One hundred and sixty three Fishes’ fortunes hang in the Sustainability safeguards needed hotspots were designated in 1992 by an balance in revision of Biofuels Directive international group of scientists, engi- A demand from Estonia, Poland and BirdLife International, the European neers, bankers and environmental some Mediterranean countries to lift a Environmental Bureau, and Transport managers, according to economic con- ban imposed in 2002 on subsidies for and Environment have called on the siderations as well as the seriousness of more powerful engines in fishing boats European Commission to ensure that their impact on the environment and has resulted in deadlock following a sustainability safeguards are in place as human health. A total of 81 hotspots and late night bargaining session in part of the revisions to the Biofuels sub-hotspots remain on the list today. Luxembourg. The subsidies would be Directive. Without such safeguards, Source: Environment News Service (2006), used to install new engines in boats greenhouse gas savings will be minimal, under 12 m long, which make up 80% of biodiversity will suffer and the public jun2006/2006-06-22-04.asp Europe’s fishing fleet, but have been

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opposed by the UK and Germany amid China to develop a transboundary park consequence of the draining of the fears from conservation organizations in the Pamir. Mesopotamian marshes. that lifting the ban would increase the Source: Environment News Service (2006), Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// catching capacity of the boats. EU fish- eries ministers will now decide in jun2006/2006-06-29-02.asp basra.html October how to spend their EUR 4 billion fishing subsidies budget. New ecosystem found in Israel Bald ibis tagged Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2553), 6. A subterranean cave 100 m beneath a Three northern bald ibis Geronticus limestone quarry in central Israel has eremita have been tagged to track their been found to contain a unique ecosys- movements as they migrate south from tem that may have been cut off from their breeding sites near Palmyra in the outside world for 5 million years. Syria. The Critically Endangered north- North Eurasia Eight previously unknown arthropods, ern bald ibis was only rediscovered in including four types of crustacean, a the Middle East 4 years ago (see Oryx, springtail and a scorpion were collected 38, 106–108), and the global population Oil spill threat in Sakhalin Island from the Ayalon cave, which is 2.5 km is currently 13 individuals in Syria A new report urges the European Bank long, pitch black and contains a lake. and 100 breeding pairs in Morocco. for Reconstruction and Development to The specimens found so far, all of which Researchers are hoping that by locating demand effective protection measures or lack eyes, are undergoing DNA analysis the over-wintering areas of the ibis they to decline funding for Shell’s Sakhalin to determine when they diverged from may discover why so few birds return project. The sea ice around Shell’s their marine and freshwater relatives. to their breeding sites. The ibis used to Sakhalin operation can last for longer Researchers suspect that the base of the be widespread across the Middle than 6 months, during which time the ecosystem’s food chain is formed by East, northern Africa and the Alps company would be unable to respond to bacteria known as chemoautotrophs that and was revered by the Egyptian any spills, while traditional methods of oxidize sulphur for energy. Pharaohs but the population declined dealing with oil spills are rendered Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2555), 6. because of habitat loss, disturbance and obsolete in this area because of the persecution. prevailing weather conditions. Unre- Turkey launches fund for Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// covered oil would pollute the surround- biodiversity conservation ing marine area, which includes the bald_ibis.html Doga Dernegi, the BirdLife partner in feeding grounds of the last known Turkey, has formed an alliance with population of grey whales. The report Camel bone increasing in the United Nations Development also points out that there are no existing popularity as ivory substitute in Programme and the Turkish Ministry models for predicting oil movement Egypt of Environment and Forestry to establish beneath sea ice and that, without this Since the CITES ban on ivory came into the Turkish Zero Extinction Fund, a information, the environmental impact force in 1990 the ivory trade in Egypt has national fund aimed at halting biodiver- assessment is incomplete. been in decline. There is also heartening sity decline. The fund will work in the Source: WWF News (2006), http://www. evidence that camel bone is increasing in 305 Key Biodiversity Areas identified by popularity as an ivory substitute. By Doga Dernegi, and projects that will europe/where/russia/sakhalin/ 2005 some souvenir shops in Cairo’s benefit from the fund include the con- Khan al Khalili market that had been servation of Vulnerable great bustards, selling ivory in 1998 had switched demoiselle cranes, orchids and the entirely to camel bone. Egypt is the Sultansazlıg˘ı wetlands. The television largest consumer of camels in the world network CNN Turk is one of the main North Africa and Middle so there is a ready supply of cheap camel East sponsors of the fund, and will promote bone. As the price for ivory items rises, the 10 highest priority projects through a and with increased awareness-raising of series of programmes on television. the source of the remaining ivory items, Afghanistan launches biodiversity Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// it is hoped that the ivory trade in Egypt conservation initiative can eventually be phased out altogether. A joint project of the Afghan and USA turkey.html Source: Swara (2006), 29, 22. governments and the Wildlife Conser- vation Society will work to set up Basra reed-warbler found in Israel Afghanistan’s first official system of The Vulnerable Basra reed-warbler protected areas. The Afghan landscape Acrocephalus griseldis, which normally is dominated by the Hindu Kush and the breeds only in the Mesopotamian Sub-Saharan Africa Pamir, which contain some of the great- marshes of Iraq and probably in south- est mountains in the world, home to west Iran, has been found in Israel. Two species such as the Marco Polo sheep males, one female and a juvenile were Logging halted in Gola rainforest and Persian and snow leopards. The trapped and ringed in Hula Valley and The Government of Sierra Leone, in biodiversity project, which is funded are the first individuals to be found conjunction with the RSPB and the by the United States Agency for breeding in Israel. The finding boosts Conservation Society of Sierra Leone International Development, is seeking hopes for a recovery of the species, (CSSL), is implementing a ground- to bring together the governments of which has suffered an 80% decrease in breaking project to protect one of Sierra Afghanistan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and its breeding population, largely as a Leone’s most biodiverse areas, Gola

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forest. The 75,000 ha forest, designated Protected area officially gazetted to the government in return for USD 500 as an Important Bird Area, contains over in the Democratic Republic of per net. The population of the catfish, 270 bird species, including 14 that are Congo which can grow up to 3 m in length and globally threatened. Under the new The DRC’s Ministry of Environment and weigh 300 kg, has fallen by 80% in the project the forest will be protected from Conservation of Nature, Waters and past 13 years, and the species is categor- logging and will be patrolled by local Forests has announced the gazettement ized as Critically Endangered. Estimates people from seven chiefdoms who will of the Faunal Reserve of Lomako- suggest that the population will not also be involved in managing the Yokokala, 15 years after a process was recover for at least 30 years, given the reserve. The CSSL and RSPB are finan- initiated to create a protected area for slow reproduction rate of the fish. cing development projects in the area the world’s most famous bonobo popu- Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2556), 6. that will bring benefits to up to 100,000 lations. The new 3,625 km2 reserve will local people, and a fund will be also be important in protecting other Ban on production and sale of established to cover the costs of pro- threatened species, such as the endemic diclofenac boosts hopes for tecting the area over the long-term and Congo peacock, the giant pangolin and vultures to support community development c. 10 species of primates. The African Three vulture species whose populations programmes. Wildlife Foundation, which was instru- have crashed by 97% in the last 15 years Source: World Birdwatch (2006), 28,4. mental in supporting the Ministry dur- should have their fortunes reversed by ing the gazetting process, will remain the Indian government’s ban on the sale involved in the future of the reserve by and production of diclofenac, which Successful prosecutions of supporting the implementation of a causes kidney failure in vultures when landowners guilty of clearing virgin participatory management plan that they eat carcasses of treated with land illegally includes the development of scientific the drug. Pharmaceutical firms are being Hopes are high that a number of tourism as a source of local income. told to promote meloxicam, a safe alter- successful prosecutions by South Source: African Wildlife Foundation (2006), native for vultures, instead of diclofenac. Africa’s Department of Water Affairs Two breeding centres set up in India and Forestry will deter future illegal have had some success this year, with land clearance. Two of the prosecutions Invasive snail found in Lake two pairs of vultures attempting to breed. related to the removal of camel thorn Victoria The recovery will be a slow process, without a licence, which is illegal under A researcher has warned of an addi- however, as vultures do not breed until the provisions of the National Forest tional ecological problem for the belea- they are 5 years old, and they only Act. One landowner who had also guered Lake Victoria, already colonized produce one egg per year. transgressed other Acts while clearing by the voracious Nile perch and the Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// land for agricultural purposes was fined cosmopolitan water hyacinth. Charles ZAR 15,000. A further case saw the Lange first found a specimen of the vulture_update.html successful prosecution of two farmers invasive South American snail Physa See also pp. 388–399. who had illegally cleared 12 ha of acuta in the lake in 2004 but was initially protected flora to plant a vineyard in unable to identify it. It has since been Overfishing in Philippines the Western Cape; each was fined ZAR confirmed as being present in some threatens whale sharks 4,000 and they were ordered to rehabi- numbers in Lake Victoria, having being A study by WWF has found that 32.5% of litate the damaged land. introduced to the African mainland as commercially important fish species in the Source: Veld & Flora (2006), 92, 66–67. long ago as the 1980s. Reports from South Africa, where the snail is present Philippines are being overfished. Not only in abundance, suggest that the species does this threaten the livelihood of the Madagascar gains three new may significantly reduce food availabil- fishermen in the region but it may also species of mouse lemur ity for endemic African freshwater affect the whale shark population that Phylogenetic analysis that investigated c. snails, as well as for nymphs of mayflies inhabits these waters. WWF is working 4,500 base pairs in mitochondrial DNA and other insects. with local fishing communities to draw up has revealed that the previously mono- Source: Swara (2006), 29, 11. a fisheries management plan to address typic mouse lemur species of eastern issuesthatmayhaveaneffectonthewhale Madagascar, Microcebus rufus, should be shark population, such as illegal fishing. split into four species; M. rufus, M. Swimming with whale sharks is becoming jollyae, M. mittermeieri and M. simmonsi. a lucrative industry in the Philippines; The three new species are all named South and South-east Asia in 2005 over 7,000 tourists travelled to after researchers who have supported Donsol to visit the fishes, bringing c.PHP conservation programmes in Madaga- 35 million to the economy. scar. Additionally, another new Giant catfish benefits from regal Source: WWF News (March 2006), http:// Microcebus species is proposed in wes- celebrations tern Madagascar. The general distribu- Recent celebrations marking King work/asia_pacific/where/philippines/ tion of Microcebus lemurs in Madagascar Bhumibol Adulyadej’s record-breaking news/index.cfm?uNewsID562160 is along an east/west divide, and is 60th year as monarch of Thailand influenced by the presence of rivers and included a declaration by fishermen Survey finds Nepalese National altitudinal differences that act as barriers from the north of the country that they Park nearly devoid of tigers and to movement of species. would stop catching the world’s largest rhinos Source: International Journal of Primatology freshwater fish, the Mekong giant catfish Two years of armed conflict have pre- (2006), 27, 347–389. Pangasius gigas, and hand their nets over vented surveys taking place in Nepal’s

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Royal Bardia National Park but a ceasefire extinct in Cambodia in 5 years because something that has only been seen rarely between Maoist insurgents and govern- its grassland habitat is being converted in but is common in some other ment troops has allowed Park staff to dry-season rice production, a move such as chameleons. and staff from IUCN and WWF to survey endorsed by the Cambodian govern- Source: WWF News (2006), http://www. the Park. They found that poaching had ment. The seasonally-flooded grasslands been rife in the Park during those years, that occur around the world’s largest index.cfm?uNewsID573220 with tigers down to three individuals floodplain lake, Ton Le Sap, harbour from an estimate of 13 in 2001, and found most of the global population of the evidence of only three rhinos, despite florican. Whereas the land around the more than 70 animals having been trans- lake used to be communally owned, located to the Park since 1986. The loss of land-grabbing is in full swing across the East Asia animals has been blamed on poachers who area, pushing the remaining birds into took advantage of the absence of anti- progressively smaller areas of grassland. poaching patrols during the insurgency. The World Conservation Society and Air pollution desiccates China’s Fortunately, the habitat escaped largely BirdLife International are working skies unscathed, so it is hoped that species will together to promote the establishment Aerosol particles from chimneys and car be able to recover provided adequate of Integrated Farming and Biodiversity exhausts are changing the behaviour of protection measures are put in place. Areas to protect the florican’s remaining the atmosphere in China and preventing Source: Environment News Service (2006), habitat. the formation of raindrops, with the Source: World Birdwatch (2006), 28,8. result that between 1961 and 2000 rain- jun2006/2006-06-01-02.asp fall decreased by up to 0.4% per year Himalayas may lose 50% of their over eastern central China. Particles Tiger data missing forests by 2100 affect the atmosphere in two ways: firstly, extra particles prevent the forma- The tiger census launched by the Indian The Himalayas, whose watersheds are tion of heavy droplets that are needed government has been criticized because said to harbour more diverse ecosystems for rain by increasing the number of tiny the results of the first phase of the than those of the Amazon, are being droplets that repel each other. Secondly, census have not been sent to the deforested so rapidly that less than one- sunlight is absorbed by sooty particles in Wildlife Institute of India. In fact, third of the dense forest in the western the atmosphere, raising the temperature the results appear not to have been Himalaya will remain by the end of the of the upper atmosphere and reducing made public at all, despite initial indica- century. Large-scale conservation pro- the amount of mixing with the lower tions suggesting that tiger numbers have jects are urgently needed to prevent a atmosphere, thus decreasing the chance decreased significantly. Researchers are decline in the area’s biodiversity. of clouds forming. questioning how subsequent phases, However, conservation efforts may be Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2556), which include camera-trapping, can be hampered by official statistics that sug- 22. carried out when the findings of the first gest that Himalayan forest cover will phase are not known. increase by more than 40% by 2100, Panda found in new area of China Source: Cat News (2006), 44,7. which has led to the approval of A group of tourists got an unrivalled schemes that will cause further distur- view of a panda when they found an Baby boom for Javan rhinos bance to the ecosystem, such as the injured female near a river in a forest Researchers have found signs that sug- building of hydroelectric dams. It is valley, 4 km outside the Houzhenzi gest that four baby Javan rhinos have thought that this erroneous calculation Panda Corridor Zone in north-central been born this year in Indonesia’s Ujung stems from poor sampling and a lack Shaanxi province. The panda, which had Kulon National Park, a significant step of resources and expertise within fallen off a mountainside, was rescued forward for the conservation of this government institutes. and taken to a wild rescue centre, Critically Endangered species, which is Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2552), where it was found that she had suffered estimated to have a population of c.60 20–21. no serious injuries. The discovery is individuals. In addition to finding foot- significant because it shows that pandas prints of mothers and offspring, a Borneo yields another new species are able to move into new areas outside research team came across a rhino and A new species of belonging to the the corridor zone, which was previously her female calf in the rainforest. In the Enhydris has been found in thought to be the limit of their range in past the Javan rhino has faced many Borneo, giving further justification to this area. threats to its existence, including poach- the island’s reputation as one of the Source: WWF News (2006), http://www. ing and volcanic eruptions, but today most biologically diverse regions on the main threats are competition for Earth. A researcher found the 50 cm index.cfm?uNewsID574700 food and habitat encroachment by an long poisonous Kapuas mud snake in invasive palm species. the wetlands around the Kapuas river Yangtze river being poisoned Source: WWF News (2006), http://www. in Kerihun National Park, an area in Chinese state media have reported that Kalimantan. It is thought that the snake, China’s biggest river is being poisoned cfm?uNewsID579280 like other members of the genus, has a by pollution. The Yangtze, which sup- very restricted range, and may even ports one in every 15 people on the Rice production threatens Bengal occur only in the area of the Kapuas river planet, was previously thought to be florican in Cambodia drainage system. The snake has one immune to pollution, because the 900 The Endangered Bengal florican very unusual characteristic, which is its billion t of water that flow through into Houbaropsis bengalensis may become ability to change colour spontaneously, the estuary every year were assumed to

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be sufficient to flush out toxins. It has Giant carp leaps closer to Great Central America and now been predicted that 70% of Yangtze Lakes Caribbean water will be unusable within 5 years, The Asian carp, which can grow to 45 kg, mainly because of the 25 billion t of is only a few kilometres from invading Pear Tree Bottom saved – for the waste water dumped in the river every the Great Lakes following its escape moment year, 80% of which is untreated. To add from fish farms less than 10 years ago. to the pollution problems, the Yangtze The carp is known for its prodigious A High Court Judge in Jamaica has also has the Three Gorges dam along its appetite, eating up to 40% of its body ruled that the National Environment course, as well as an ambitious plan to weight in plankton every day, and for its and Planning Agency (NEPA) and the divert water from the Yangtze to the arid energetic leaping out of the water. The Natural Resources Conservation Autho- north of China using a network of invasion could spark major ecological rity acted unfairly in granting an envir- canals. changes in the lakes: there would be less onmental permit to a hotel company to Source: The Guardian Newspaper (2006), phytoplankton available for small spe- build a 1,918 bedroom hotel in Jamaica’s species-rich Pear Tree Bottom area of cies such as perch, which would in turn Runaway Bay, and ordered NEPA to story/0,,1846270,00.html lead to a decrease in carnivorous game reconsider the application. The judge fish, and a decrease in microorganisms found that NEPA had failed to consider would enable light to penetrate further, all of the relevant environmental infor- thus encouraging the growth of toxic mation, including a crucial marine ecol- algae species. ogy report that was missing from the North America Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin (2006), Environmental Impact Assessment. The 52, 360–361. Respondents were granted a 21-day stay New shark species found in South on the revocation of the permit to Non-native fishes thrive in USA’s Carolina prepare an appeal if they so wished. streams Researchers have come across a new Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// A study by the United States Geological species of hammerhead shark, discov- Survey that examined over 650,000 km ered while examining DNA of scalloped runaway_bay.html of streams in 12 western states of the hammerhead sharks. While the new USA has found that one in every four shark looks just like the scalloped Sustainable lobster fishing fishes in those streams was non-native. hammerhead, a common Atlantic shark Fishermen in Nicaragua have tested and Non-native fish species were most com- that can grow up to 3 m long, its DNA approved sustainable lobster traps, mon in interior states, with streams in is sufficiently different to warrant its which should prevent over-harvesting Colorado containing more non-native classification as a new species. Unlike of spiny lobsters on the Mesoamerican than native species. In c. 11% of streams the scalloped hammerhead, the new Reef in Central America. The modified across the states all fishes were non- shark appears to have a very limited dis- traps allow smaller lobsters to escape native species, although c. 50% of tribution and may only breed in certain but they do not decrease the catch of bays off the coast of South Carolina. streams, mostly in forested areas, were legally-sized lobsters, which can fetch Source: National Geographic News (2006), occupied solely by native fish species. A high market prices and are therefore the surprising finding of this study is that most important source of income for news/2006/06/060612-sharks.html less disturbed streams generally con- many coastal communities. Trials have tained more non-native fish than native shown that the modified traps should Rockfish succumb to wasting fish, although non-native species were prevent the illegal catch of thousands of disease also common in disturbed streams. immature lobsters. Chesapeake Bay is the epicentre of an Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin (2006), Source: WWF News (2006), http://www. outbreak of a fatal wasting disease 52, 603–604. caused by the bacterium Mycobacteria index.cfm?uNewsID570840 that affects nearly three-quarters of Mussel beds too hot for comfort rockfish in the bay. Humans who handle Over the past 40 years biodiversity in the infected rockfish develop a skin infec- mussel beds along California’s coast has tion that, if left untreated, can lead to dropped by c. 60% according to research- joint problems. Despite the wasting ers from California State University. South America disease having been discovered nearly Mussel beds rank among the world’s a decade ago, it is still not known how or most diverse microhabitats, and can why it first appeared, nor whether the harbour up to 300 invertebrate species Goldminers halt rainforest disease will spread to other species. at any given location. The decrease in research project Rockfish were once nearly fished to mussel bed biodiversity has coincided The murders of two guards by gold- extinction and were only saved by the with a regional shift in climate, which has miners prompted the temporary evacua- introduction of fishing restrictions. It is lead to higher surface water tempera- tion of scientists from a research station speculated that, as numbers rose, the tures. The result of these higher tempera- in Nouragues nature reserve in French fish remained in a body of water too tures has been an increase in stratification Guyana. Staff at the station, run by the polluted to support previous population of the water and this, according to the French research agency CNRS, were levels, making the fish vulnerable to researchers, has lead to a decrease in close to completing a major project, the infection. ocean biodiversity. Canopy Operation Permanent Access Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin (2006), Source: New Scientist (2006), 190(2553), System, which consists of a helium 52, 478. 21. balloon and basket that provide access

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to the rainforest’s canopy along a system protected area to contain deep sea predator-free enclosure on Pitt Island, of cables. The project was previously habitat, including underwater moun- and this year a pair returned and delayed in 2004 by the ransacking of the tains. The protected area’s establishment successfully reared a chick. Elsewhere research station, also by goldminers. means that fishing in the area has been on the island group a record 11 Chatham Illegal goldmining is a growing problem restricted, with the result that the Islands taiko Pterodroma magentae in the reserve, and causes serious ecolo- Kiribati government will lose revenue fledged thanks to effective predator gical damage through suctioning of the normally generated through the issuing control in their breeding area on river bed in search for gold nuggets, of foreign commercial fishing licences. Chatham Island. This brings the world felling trees and polluting water bodies However, the government will be reim- population of this Critically Endangered with mud and mercury. bursed as part of a memorandum of species to between 120–150 individuals. Source: Nature (2006), 441(7093), 555. understanding signed by the Republic of Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// Kiribati, the New England Aquarium New orchid bee species discovered and Conservation International, under chatham.html A new bee species found in Brazil which the management and enforce- has been named after a Critically ment of the Phoenix Islands Protected Wetas involved in seed dispersal Endangered macaw with which it shares Area will be financed though an endow- More than a century after Charles its habitat and appearance. Both the bee ment system. Darwin hypothesized that insects might Euglossa anodorhynchi and the glaucous Source: Marine Pollution Bulletin (2006), be involved in seed dispersal, research macaw Anodorhynchus glaucus are dark 52, 475–476. in New Zealand has shown that wetas, blue with yellowish head markings and giant, flightless grasshoppers that are come from the same area in southern Rats to be eradicated from two endemic to New Zealand, occupy the Brazil. The bee may turn out to be a islands in Fiji seed-dispersing role normally per- memento mori for the macaw, however, Two rat eradication programmes are formed by small mammals. The as many fear that the bird is already underway by BirdLife Fiji and the researchers suspect that, while the extinct in the wild. University of the South Pacific on the wetas’ seed-dispersing abilities are more Source: World Birdwatch (2006), 28,3. islands of Vatuira and Viwa, respec- localized than those of birds, they are tively. Three species of rat have found probably involved in seed dispersal Road through the Amazon given the their way to these remote Pacific islands: from shrubs with diverging branches, go-ahead Pacific rats arrived with the first Fijians which birds would find harder to reach. Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da thousands of years ago, and brown rats Source: Forest & Bird (2006), 320, 13. Silva has approved a plan to pave a and black rats arrived more recently 1,569 km section of road through the with European travellers. The rats’ pre- Clap your hands if you believe in sence has led to many extinctions of the Amazon rainforest to link Cuiaba to the fairy terns Amazon river port of Santarem, much to local fauna, as well as economic and Unlike Tinkerbell, New Zealand’s the concern of environmentalists. The health problems. These rat eradication Critically Endangered fairy terns may road, currently a dirt track prone to programmes are well supported by the not escape extinction through the power washing away during seasonal rains, people of the islands, which is particu- of belief alone. News that the New will help to cut transport costs for grain larly important for the eradication pro- Zealand population of fairy terns may exports and will bring Brazil’s main gramme on Viwa Island as this is a large, be genetically distinct from fairy terns in centre-west soybean belt closer to for- populated island with the added com- New Caledonia and Australia and there- eign export markets in Europe and Asia. plication of harbouring a threatened fore the world’s most threatened tern Although the government has said it ground frog. species has been followed by the revela- will ensure that strict environmental Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// controls are in place to protect the tion that the 36 remaining individuals rainforest, environmentalists are afraid fiji.html are threatened by a proposed develop- that paving the road will open the ment of up to 2,000 houses in their sand rainforest to squatters, ranchers, loggers dune habitat at Mangawhai Heads, and soy farmers. north of Auckland. While the developers Source: Environmental News Network say measures will be taken to keep pets (2006), Australia/Antarctica/New away from the terns, the small size of the html?id510614 Zealand population means that one dog or cat could do enough harm to cause the fairy terns’ extinction. Fledging successes on Chatham Source: Environmental News Service (2006), Islands Pacific Chatham petrels Pterodroma axillaries apr2006/2006-04-28-04.asp have successfully fledged a chick on Pitt Island for the first time in over 100 Beck’s petrel returns after 77-year Marine protected area established years. This Critically Endangered spe- absence in the Pacific Islands cies was previously confined to Beck’s petrel Pseudobulweria becki, unrec- At 184,700 km2 the newly established Rangatira Island, a small island off orded since 1929, has been photo- Phoenix Islands Protected Area is the Pitt Island, but a 4-year programme to graphed in the Coral Sea, off the coast largest marine protected area in the establish a second breeding colony of Australia. Richard Baxter, a birding Pacific Islands. It contains a near pristine was set up in 2002. Two hundred tour guide, was able to compare the coral archipelago and is the first marine petrel chicks were transferred to a individual with Tahiti petrels, with

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which it can be confused, but the Beck’s the issue of non-native species should be species) and exotic plants (10,000 spe- petrel was significantly smaller than the given the highest priority. cies) that occur in the city, making it the Tahiti petrels and it had a pale chin, Source: New Scientist (2006), 191(2558), weediest city in the world. Every year an unlike the Tahiti petrels. Despite not 16. average of four exotic plant species having been seen for so many years, become naturalized in the city, by Beck’s petrel had not been classified as Campbell Island teal ducklings escaping from cultivation and reprodu- Extinct, because conservationists are spotted cing in the wild. Native plants are at risk keen to avoid the so-called ‘Romeo The flightless Campbell Island teal Anas of displacement by weeds and escaped error’ where a species is declared extinct nesiotis was reintroduced to Campbell exotics, and native animals may also be prematurely. Island in 2004, with a further release of affected through a reduction in their Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// captive-bred birds in September 2005. food supply. There was disappointment that the Source: Forest & Bird (2006), 320,6. becks_petrel.html ducks did not breed in their first year on the island, as had occurred on other islands where the ducks were released Non-native species invading but 2006 has proved more successful. The Briefly section in this issue Antarctica Members of an albatross research team was written and compiled by Rising temperatures, which make it spotted a brood of ducklings swimming Elizabeth Allen and Martin easier for invading species to survive, with their parents by the Wharf at Fisher, with additional contribu- and an increase in tourism, which may Beeman Base in January. A local teal tions from Matt Walpole and provide invaders with a route into the monitoring team, aided by a dog called Anthony Rylands. Contributions area, are making Antarctica vulnerable Percy, subsequently found a small duck- from authoritative published to invasion by non-native species. While ling with a female teal, three juveniles sources (including web sites) are over 200 non-native species have been and three nests with eggs. always welcome. Please send introduced to islands around the Source: BirdLife News (2006), http:// contributions by e-mail to oryx@ Antarctic, in some cases leading to the, or to Martin destruction of whole seabird colonies campbell.html Fisher, Fauna & Flora Inter- and local vegetation, the Antarctic itself national, Great Eastern House, has escaped so far. Delegates at the City of weeds Tenison Road, Cambridge, CB1 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting, Auckland’s 400 native plant species are 2TT, UK. held at the end of June 2006, agreed that far outnumbered by the weeds (220

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