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DANNEMEYER / NO on 102 STOP CO-SPONSORED BY r California Medical Assoc., California Nurses Assoc., Health Officers Assoc. of California, California Dental Assoc., California State Psychological Assoc., Hemophilia Council of California, California Assoc. of Hospitals and Health Systems, Health Policy & Research Foundation ot California NO QE PROP. 102 PRESS CONFERENCE SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1988 - 12 NOON PROGRAM HECTOR ELIZONDO - 2 MINUTES Welcome, Introduces special guests, and introduces his friend LIZ TORRES LIZ TORRES - 2 MINUTES Comments briefly and introduces Senator ART TORRES SENATOR ART TORRES 4 MINUTES Comments on legislative process better than Initiative process; introduces Assemblyman JOHN VASCONCELLOS ASSEMBLYMAN JOHN VASCONCELLOS 6 MINUTES Comments as Chairman of Assembly Ways and Means Committee on financial impact and introduces Dr. GERMAIN MAISONNET and Dr. ALISA LIFSCHITZ (physicians active in Latino AIDS prevention and education) Dr. GERMAIN 2 MINUTES MAISONNET Produces AIDS Researcher Letter Dr. ALISA 2 MINUTES LIFSCHITZ Produces N.O.R.A. Letter Dr. GERMAIN Announces SALK TAPED COMMENTS (Dr. Jonas MAISONNET Salk, discoverer of the Polio Vaccine) introduces cleric CLERIC 2 MINUTES Comments on fact that religious leaders are proud to join the medical/political communities in opposing Prop. 102 OUESTIONS/ANSWERS 10 MINUTES [After your comments, please form a semi-circle behind the speaker's podium] 9060 Santa Monica Boulevard Suite #106, Los Angeles, California 90069 (213) 278-9355 DANNEMEYER / NO on 102 STOP CO-SPONSORED BY California Medical Assoc., California Nurses Assoc., Heolfh Officers Assoc. of California, California Dental Assoc., California Sfafe Psychologicai Assoc., Hemophilia Councii of California, California Assoc. of Hospitals and Health Systems, Health Policy & Research Foundation of California INFORMATION EMBARGOED UNTIL 12 NOON, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1988 (The following information will be released at a press conference at 12 noon, Saturday, November 5, 1988 on the front steps of County/USC Medical Center, 1200 N.
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