ORW 1981-04.Pdf
RACEWALKER VOL. XV.II,, NO.2 COLUMBUS,OHIO APRIL 1981 ' U.S. ASSOCIATiONGF WOMffi"S·RACE WALKING ANNOUNCED (The following communication from Ron D:Lniel describes a new association whose efforts will be directed toward im~roving the plight of women walkers in this country. We in Ohio have been behind this phase of the sport and included a women's race walk in the old Ohio Track Club Distance Carnival from its start in 1959. ·The ORWhas always tried to cover women's races equally and is glad to give this announcement a prominent position . ) ~s U.S. Associ,ifion of UJOM81''1"SRAC8UJA[K9NQ '&sez"s=> ~'& 'This assoc iol ion ho~ boc;i formc-:!b;• o grol'fl of roe ewe Ike,!, who ore cone er nee! with the iporl of rocewo lking ond lh!a.th e plight of l'.·,e wor.icn in the !;;,nrt. Vlr: will be ir; vestigoling tf-ie.fcc~ibility on:J de,iro Sil i,y of h.;vin9 or,e 11nifi1:of:-0c£:'.'tolitir.9 C mr.millE:e. Also, wr: hop~ l:,y regu lar communico1ior, of thh New.;le-tt.::1· lo inform }'OU orv1h~I i: <Jtid should be hcppi;;nir,g with Women's Rocewoll:ing. If yov fc£l 1 c~ v,e do, tha t V/0~ 1•11's f;ecc:w.:il!-:ingnee:.:!~ grt'ofer c1lle>ntion, lhen wencr,d yc~1 hel?, !! will be 'Ji, lo you !c i'nokc this A!sociolion ond Women's Rocewolking o succ~s. The primary objeclivc of the Newd 1atlcr v:ill b.:?t o provide, be tter corn11,unicoiio ~, among women rocewolbsr s by dis~emir,cling informoticr, o:, the women 's r.:ice.,,,olki~,9 sce ne , what women rccev1ol!-:ers need lo be doing to prc;;1ole thei r ;r;rcrests, or,d fo~i~ about notional and inlernofional com;:,etilion, This Februory 28, following the N:i!ioncl Indoor Track ond Fie ld Chcm:,io11fr,ip, in Nl'W York, the rccewolkers prr.senl form1:2o:, od hoc ccn1mi1ter: tc oddre!S itself tr, ,:;·:-els Qnd dircclior.s for ¼'Omen's rocew ol~i r.£:.
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