ORW 1981-04.Pdf

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ORW 1981-04.Pdf RACEWALKER VOL. XV.II,, NO.2 COLUMBUS,OHIO APRIL 1981 ' U.S. ASSOCIATiONGF WOMffi"S·RACE WALKING ANNOUNCED (The following communication from Ron D:Lniel describes a new association whose efforts will be directed toward im~roving the plight of women walkers in this country. We in Ohio have been behind this phase of the sport and included a women's race walk in the old Ohio Track Club Distance Carnival from its start in 1959. ·The ORWhas always tried to cover women's races equally and is glad to give this announcement a prominent position . ) ~s U.S. Associ,ifion of UJOM81''1"SRAC8UJA[K9NQ '&sez"s=> ~'& 'This assoc iol ion ho~ boc;i formc-:!b;• o grol'fl of roe ewe Ike,!, who ore cone er nee! with the iporl of rocewo lking ond lh!a.th e plight of l'.·,e wor.icn in the !;;,nrt. Vlr: will be ir;­ vestigoling tf-ie.fcc~ibility on:J de,iro Sil i,y of h.;vin9 or,e 11nifi1:of:-0c£:'.'tolitir.9 C mr.millE:e. Also, wr: hop~ l:,y regu lar communico1ior, of thh New.;le-tt.::1· lo inform }'OU orv1h~I i: <Jtid should be hcppi;;nir,g with Women's Rocewoll:ing. If yov fc£l 1 c~ v,e do, tha t V/0~ 1•11's f;ecc:w.:il!-:ingnee:.:!~ grt'ofer c1lle>ntion, lhen wencr,d yc~1 hel?, !! will be 'Ji, lo you !c­ i'nokc this A!sociolion ond Women's Rocewolking o succ~s. The primary objeclivc of the Newd 1atlcr v:ill b.:?t o provide, be tter corn11,unicoiio ~, among women rocewolbsr s by dis~emir,cling informoticr, o:, the women 's r.:ice.,,,olki~,9 sce ne , what women rccev1ol!-:ers need lo be doing to prc;;1ole thei r ;r;rcrests, or,d fo~i~ about notional and inlernofional com;:,etilion, This Februory 28, following the N:i!ioncl Indoor Track ond Fie ld Chcm:,io11fr,ip, in Nl'W York, the rccewolkers prr.senl form1:2o:, od hoc ccn1mi1ter: tc oddre!S itself tr, ,:;·:-els Qnd dircclior.s for ¼'Omen's rocew ol~i r.£:. 1hc,sc present ct ihe mE<'?ling incl1.dt:d AitncE< Burr, Sue Brod~1ck, Ron Doniel, Vicki Jone , , Paule Kc~h, Su!'.:!1Lien, B:11//, _c:ir;,cvon, aod Gory Wesfe rfield . Mojm toi:,ics included: (1) l11.:rcos:nE)co:i;mu:,i;:o :i:•n (lr::o~,gi h"' women roce v:alker!; (2) The ~tructure of the Women's Rocewolki,19 Progr:w,, o:id (3) Qc.­ mestic or,d inlernotlonol cor:,petition. The following porc;;,rc;:,h:will address thefe th1r:e areas ond what we propcse to do obo1of them. Attochcc! le, lhe b=iclt c,f tiiE l-le1,·slt"f:E:r is o qve$lionnoire for yov to fill out ond reh,TF1lo odcJ'your voiu to ov,·~. (, ~ ,~ I' 'J) APHIL 19:ll PAGE I .:.CE 2 APRll 1981 J coa.ch there . )iew Orleans Marathon, Feb. 1--Marcel Joe-i n , canada J,27,02 10 Kr.i ( track) 1 Sa£in3w I Mich. 1 April 11-- 1 . £van Fox 47: ::-~ 2. Fabian OHIO RACDfAIXER Kniz.acky 47 :JJ J. Mol XcCinnis 49:09 4. Steve Umphrey ~ .:46 5, Steve (USPS )06 -0.50) Smith 51:07 Cary ~:organ 51:54 John Pad.rick 511,;7 Km, Dearborn , APRIL 1981 VOL. XVII, N0.2 6. 7. 5 Mich. 1 Karch 2~-- L Martin Kraft 24 .51 2. Cary Morgan 2-:59 J , John Pad.­ The Ohio Racewalker is published monthly in Collllllbus, Ohio , Subscri~ rick 25,46 4. Jir.i Skalski 25:.57 Beginner ' s J Km, sa~~ ~:~c~--1. Joe Dur­ tion rate is $4.oo per year ($6.oo for FL-st Class Mail, $10 . 00 -for am 19:48 2. Cli:ff Davenport 20:J9 2 . Norm 'lhompsor. 2C :•-~ 3 Km, De.u-1:.::>rn, Oversea s Air Mail. Eilitor and Publisher, John E, (Jack) Mortland. April 10- - 1. Ji~ Skat:;ki 17:5) 2. Alexa Kraft 18 :42 J. ~or~ Tho~;>son 19 129 Address all correspondence regarding both editorial and subscription 4. Dale Tate 20:52 5 Km, Naperville, Ill. 1 Auril 4--1. :1:iY Sharp 20:22,7 ir.atters to: Ohio Race11alker , Jl84 Summit St. , Columbus, Ohio 4)202, 2. Will Preischel 22:5)-5 10 Kn1 Kenosha , Wi::;. 1 Apri: !l - -1. Ray Sha.r;, Second Class Postage pa.id at Columbus, Ohio 42 :12.2 (American best) 2. Jay Dyers 47:.50.2 J . Will ?:.-esichel 481)4.9 4. MU<eDeilitt 50:50.5 5. Tim HOnden 54159,7 TFJ../IJSA::a .. ional 30 K111Chao2::; ' THE GREAT1980 TAC 25 KM CHAMPIONSHIPMYSTERY ionship, St. [Quis, March 22-- 1. Ray Sharp and Jim Heir.i.,.g 2;29:40 124:JB , 48:28 , l 1141JO, l:J9 :l4, 2104:47) J. Mike Rummelhart 2 :3~ :!7 4. Jerry Who 110n the 25 km championship held in conjunction 11ith last fa ll ' s ¥oung 2 :J5: 41 5. &ri Gamer-Holman 2iJ6:Jl 6. Mike Le,:tt 2:J7:4J 7, lia tional Convention. His name, his time , and the names and times of all Grim !leaper 2:"9:10 8 . Michael Fietsak )114122 5 Y.n1 c~-·.L~bia, Mo., l'.arch other walkers in the race remain unknown to ORI/readers because they remain 7-- 1. Mark You."lg25 :50 2. Ken CB.llen 27 :28 J. Willian . a::-~ J6:Jl WlMOl!n to the ORW' s far-flung staff . Does the winner even know who he is? J Mile, San Diego, April 17- -1 . Dale Sutton 24:20 2 . Kurosh r.ojabri 26 :10 •ill the re al 25 Km 11inner please stand up. ). Anne Tedoroff 27,27 4, Jolene Stiegerwa.lt 28:49 10 x.~. Sao Diego , Anrll 18--1. Dale Sutton 50 :40 2 . Kurosh Hojabri 59•00 J. A=e 7odorof f 62:18 ISaE ARE THE RESULTSWE 00 HAVEFROM OUR FAR -FIBNG STAFF--HOTRACE WAU<ING 8 Km, Tia. Juana , Mex,, !'arch 21--1.Dale Sutton J5:J2 2. Isaac Arellano )6144 ;E:SULTS J. Mario Ezcobedo 36155 4. Frederico Nova ]6:55 5, Gene Arellano J7105 15 Km, BritlJ:'eoort 1 Conn., March 29-- 1. Jae~ 2oitano 1 :17 :lJ (new age 48 6. Paramo Estrada J7 :11 7. Oscar Martinez J8:1J 8 . Manuel Olavez J8 1l8 ::-e:ord) 2. 701:1Merola (age 66) 1 :,56 Bost.College Relay!; , 10 Kmh Afil16 -- Women: 1. Jolene Steigerwalt )7:10 2. Anne Todoroff )6:12 J, Sheila :... !'.ike Morris 48:59 2. Bob Falciola 29 :25 J . Bob Keat'i..ng 50,0 . Steve AD1ith 45 :J2 9th AMual P.a.rrio Run/Ra.ce Wa.lk1 Allril J--1. Dale Sutton 54:,56 ·;a:tones 5C:JJ 5. Tom Knatt _51:16 6. Lisa Gaines 67,19 7, !atty Epstein 2. Federico lioboa 59 :07 ), Kurosh Hojabri 59:)5 4. l'.ilt Crea~e 6o :28 57 :58 K-:1 L.-ack Do ood Rela Knoxville Teno . A il 10- 1. Jim 5, Jolene Steig erwa lt 60!55 6. AMe Todoroff 60•55 10 K:?1 San Die50 1 Aoril • ~siring, un. 20 : l new meet record be~terin~ 20 :51 -9 by Todd Scully in 1979) 4--1. !ale Sutton 49117 2. Ed Ricci 69 122 15 K~ Sa.n r-ancisco , :·:arch 21- 2. Todd Scully, Shore AC 21 :17 ,1 J . Tim Lewis , E. Tenn . State 22 :04. 8 4. 1. Denis Gustafson 1:19:)J 2 . Chuck Marut 11)2: 1 Mile , same olace -- 1. Je:f 11.arrell , Hillsdale TC 27 :24. 9 5, Kb i.'elsh , Kettering Striders 28 :J9 Alan May 8:14 (also won 5 KIiiin 28 113) 2. Craig Berquist 3 :22 10 Km, Tu.vis, li'! Sta.ta HS I/omen's 1 00 Meter Cham • Indocr • Cornell Univ. March -- l. Cal. March 22--1. Bonnie Dillon 54:40 2 . Kathy Curtis 58:o6 J. Beth Sibley :',o;=esa Va.ill , Pine Plains 7 :J ,J 2 . l·:ichelle Imosi , Smit htown West 7 :J6 . 7 61:17 l Mile , San Francisco, Mal:ch 7--1. Dennis Gustafson 6:51 2. Rob J. Jeanne Co.sulicb, Syosset. 7 :L~l Nassau Cc~"1t 1 I-tile Cham ionshi eb . 26- ­ llobinson 8:19 ), Al.an Y.ay 8r21 5 Km, same olace--1. Gusu;.fson 24:39 2. ! . Jeanne Cosulich 8:44 2. Sue l'la.rkgraf, Valley Stream Central : .5 th Robinson 28:J5 J. ilay 28:45 5 Km, Marin , Cal. 1 March 11.:,._1. Dennis Gu.sta­ gr-der) Nassau County Conf . Champ,, Feb. 5--1. Sue Markgraf 8:52 ,2 2 . fnson 24:44 2. Chcuk r=t 25:16 J. Craig Berquist 29:47 ~ Km, San Fran ­ >.:::-:eneSt~rn , Valley Stream Cent~al 9 :02 20 Xile , New York City , Feb. 22- 1 cisco, ·furch 28-- 1. Deruiis Gustafson 25,20 2, Chuck Ma...-ut 2 :45 l Mile, A:.i Bouchekoui< J:17:21 2. Lon W1lson J :25:-/2 J. Dorothy Kelley J:25:55 same pl.ace -- 1. ::huck Mar.i.t 7 :46 2. Harry Siltonen 9114 ·.:omen's S~rack) -. Ova Wilson J :J ) :40 10 Km1 Nell York City 1 ~arch 1-- 1. Ali Bouchekouk Seattle, March 21-- 1. Gwen Robertson 26:Lll 2 . 1/endy Di.ilgro.a.rdo 270) . -9 :.:;o 2. Rich.s.:rd.Evans 52 1)2 J. Paula Kash _5L:19 4.
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