FREE Local News St-Barth in English Published by “Le Journal de Saint-Barth” 05 90 27 65 19 -
[email protected] N°142 - March 7, 2008 WWEEKLYEEKLY Freestyle “Bowl” in Saint-Jean ©Rosemond Greaux ■■■■■■■ 580,000 Euros In Tourist Taxes Armed Thief Sentenced In January BRUNO MAGRAS To 18 Months In Prison CRITICIZES SOME he armed thief who held up knives. End of the first act. the cashier at the Oasis The perpetrator reappeared at WHO RENT DIRECTLY T supermarket and was also lunchtime, a motorcycle helmet on TO CLIENTS suspected of three other thefts and his head, at the Oasis supermarket an attempted robbery was brought in Lorient. He confronted the nacted as of January 1, 2008, a before the judge in Basse-Terre on cashier, who was alone at the time, new tourist tax of 5% of all sea- Tuesday afternoon at which time he and menaced her with a knife, ask- Esonal rentals brought in the sum was condemned to a 18 months in ing for the money in the cash regis- of 580,000 for the month of January. prison, with at least two months ter. The cashier, who was in a state This figure is lower than the expecta- behind bars and a suspended sen- of shock, gave it to him: net result tions of the COM, whose president, tence of two years. He was imme- of 1,,470 euros. The perpetrator Bruno Magras, points a finger at those diately incarcerated. This 29 year- was quickly identified and picked who rent certain villas: “The hotels pro- old man—originally from metro- up on Sunday morning but the ceeded to declare and collect the tax, as politan France—was already stolen money was not recovered.